陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 6 Part B优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 6 Part B优质课件

Unit 6 How Much Is It? 陕旅版五年级上册 This shirt looks nice. I’ll take it. New words 买;要;拿 New words Let’s learn more Saleswoman : Can I help you? Mom : Yes. I would like a pair of shoes for my child. Saleswoman : How about these blue ones? Mom : They look too big for her. Saleswoman : Would you like the green ones? They are small. 我能帮您吗? 是的。我想给我的孩子买双鞋。 这双蓝色的怎么样? 对她来说它们看起来太大了。 您想要这双绿色的吗?它们小。 Saleswoman : How much are they? Mom : They are 100 yuan . Saleswoman : OK. We’ll take them. Mom : Here you are. Saleswoman : Thank you. 它们多少钱? 它们100元。 好的。我们要了。 给您。 谢谢你。 1.What are they want to buy? 2.What colour shoes are they buy? 3.How much are these green shoes? They want to buy a pair of shoes. Green. They are 100 yuan . Language points 1. I would like a pair of shoes for my child. 我想给我的孩子买双鞋。 a pair of shoes 的意思是______________ a pair of是量词短语,表示“一条;一副;一双” 类似的量词短语还有: a cup of 一杯; a glass of一玻璃杯;a box of 一盒等。 这些短语的后面都要跟名词或名词性短语 一杯绿茶 一杯牛奶 一双鞋子 a cup of green tea a glass of milk 2. We ’ ll take them. 我们要了。 本句是一般将来时,一般用于决定购买某物时。 take在此处意为“买;要;拿”, take them = buy them。 这个手提包看着不错,我买了。 This handbag looks nice. I’ll take it. Le’s play Alice : Can I help you? / What can I do for you? Colin : I would like ... Alice : How about ... ? Wu Chen : How much is / are the ...? Alice : It’s / They’re ... Kevin : OK. We'll take it / them. A : Can I help you? B : I would like a pair of trousers. A : How about the orange ones ? C : How much are they? A : They’re 99 yuan . D : OK. We’ll take them. A : Can I help you? B : I would like a pair of shoes. A : How about the red ones ? C : How much are they? A : They’re 78 yuan . D : OK. We’ll take them. A : What can I do for you ? B : I want to buy a T-shirt. A : How about the yellow one ? B : How much is it? A : They’re 41 yuan . B : OK. We’ll take it. A :What can I do for you ? B : I would like a sweater. A : How about the blue one ? C : How much is it? A : They’re 100 yuan . D : OK. We’ll take it. Read the words U u U u u se m u sic st u dent b u s c u t l u nch Try to read more U u U u c u te h u ge f u ture l u ck m u st f u n Read and act Salesman : Can I help you? Mom : Yes. I’d like a dress for my girl. Kitty : I like the red one! 我能帮您吗? 好的,我想给我的女儿买一条裙子。 我喜欢红色的那条 Salesman : Here are the hats. Which one do you like? Kitty : I like the yellow one. 这里是帽子,你喜欢哪一个呢? 我喜欢黄色的那个 Salesman : Do you mean this one? Kitty : No, the big one. How much is it? Salesman : It’s 50 yuan . 你是说这个吗? 不是的,是那个大的。多少钱? 50 元 Salesman : You look great! Mom : Fine. We’ll take them. 你看起来真漂亮 好的,我们要了

