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连词 连接词与词、短语与短语、或引导从句的词 并列连词 从属连词 and(和), but(但是), or(或者,否则), ‎ when(当…时),while(正当…时),after(在…之后),before(在…之前) since(自从)‎ however(然而,无论如何), nor(也不), so(所以), for(因为)‎ until(直到),although/though(虽然), if(假如),as(如…;由于) as if(仿佛)‎ both..and(...和...), ‎ not only...but also(不但…而且)‎ as …as(和…一样),as far as(就…而言),as long as(只要),as soon as(一…就)‎ as well as(也), still(可是),‎ even if(即使),because(因为),unless (除非),than(比…),whether (是否…)‎ either… or…(或…或…), ‎ neither… nor…(既不…也不…)‎ in order that…(为了),so…that(如此…以致),so that(以便),now that(现在既然)‎ by the time(到…时),every time(每当), no matter when/whenever无论何时 时态公式 when主将从现,主过进从过 while doing while doing after 一般过去时的标志 before, since现在完成时的标志 not...until...主将从现,主过从也过 as soon as...主将从现 unless 主将从现  if“如果”主将从现 if “是否”主现从不限, 主过从也过 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 常用连词辨析 ‎(1) because(因为)用于回答why的问句, because 不与so 连用。‎ as(因为)语气比because弱,since(既然)无需说明的原因for(因为)补充说明或提供解释 ‎(2) “是否”,if和whether同义,引导宾从, 与or not,to do,介词连用,只用whether 而if还可以表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句,(主将从现)。 ‎ ‎(3)while+进行时;when+一般时;as译为“一边……一边……”‎ ‎(4)till/until与not…till/until: “直到……” “直到……才……”‎ ‎(5) but “但是” 表转折,道歉时也用 I’m sorry, but..... I’d like to, but.....‎ though,although,even though, even if:“虽然”,不可与but连用,但与still/yet连用 ‎(6)prefer to do rather than do“宁愿……也不……”=would rather do than do prefer doing to doing “更喜欢……比……”=like......better than......‎ ‎(7)and 连接两个主语,被视为复数;在文中不需要意思时(顺承关系)用and ‎ 不可数 and 不可数 are Come on, and you’ll catch up with others.‎ ‎(8)or “或者,否则” ,常与and弄错。 Hurry up, or we’ll miss the bus. ‎ ‎ Study hard, and you’ll get progress. Study hard, or you’ll fall behind others.‎ ‎(9) both..and...作主语被视为复数 not only ...but also,either… or,neither… nor就近原则 连词中考点 意思 示数 公式 近七年河北中考连词原题再现 ‎2006年30.He missed the train this morning_________ he got up late. ‎ A.or   B.if    C.but    D.because ‎2007年30. I didn’t know he came back __________I met him in the street.‎ A.since   B.when   C.until   D. after ‎2008年30. Susan will not arrive at the airport on time   ______she hurries up.‎ A.once B.if  C.when D.unless ‎2009年43. _________ they may not succeed, they will try their best.‎ A. Though B.When C.Because D.Unless ‎2010年42. Peter likes reading____he is having breakfast.A. untilB. whileC. becauseD. though ‎30. Jenny, put on your coat_____ you will catch a cold.A. but B. and C. or D. so ‎2011年33.Tony is a quiet student, ______ he is active in class. A.so B.and C.but D.or ‎41.They will lose the game_____they try their best. A.unless B.once C.since D.after ‎2012年36. Studying in groups is necessary ________ you want to do well in school.‎ ‎ A. if B. until C. unless D. though

