牛津上海版中考英语专题复习14 音标 语调

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牛津上海版中考英语专题复习14 音标 语调

‎ 课程主题:音标+语调 ‎ 授课时间:‎ ‎ 学习目标:‎ 教学内容 ‎ ‎ 中考词汇(十四)‎ ‎131 Since your father has gone to buy some sweet snack, please put the pork in the oven to roast before I am ready for the sauce.‎ 因为你父亲出去买甜点了 ,所以请在我准备好酱汁之前把猪肉放进烤箱烤起来 。‎ ‎132 Scientists are investigating the effects of medicine on human’s body, for example, the slow response.‎ 科学家正在调查药物对人体的影响 ,比如,反应变慢 。‎ ‎133 When the host looked out from the window, he found there were several holes in a row of wood fence around the new house.‎ 当主人向窗外看时,他发现新房子四周的一排木制篱笆上有几个洞 。. ‎ ‎134 Before you are present at debate, remember to shine the pair of shoes and put on the tidy trousers and never forget to wear a tie that matches your shirt.‎ 在你出席辩论赛之前 ,记得要擦亮你的鞋子,穿好整洁的裤子。还有别忘了戴好能搭配你衬衫的领带 。‎ ‎135 The librarian pointed to the man and said she saw him stealing a key to the car from a reader’s jacket pocket.‎ 图书管理员指着那个男的 ,说她看见他从一个读者的夹克口袋里偷走了车钥匙 。. ‎ ‎136 To our surprise, this new type of robot is even able to understand the Chinese poems, and then manages to translate them into English accurately.‎ 令我们吃惊的是 ,这种新型机器人甚至能够理解中文的诗词,然后能够将其精确地翻译成英语 。. ‎ ‎137. If this hardworking student wants to go abroad to go on his study, the foreign university will test his language level before the beginning of the term.‎ 如果这个努力勤奋的学生想出国深造 ,外国的大学生将在学期开始前对他的语言水平进行测试 。‎ ‎138 Since the late of the 20 century, more and more Chinese companies have played an active role in the international market and it leads to more and more dialogues and links between China and other countries.‎ 自从 20世纪后期开始 ,越来越多的中国国公司在国际市场中扮演着积极的角色,这也导致中国和其他国家有越来越多的对话和联系。‎ ‎139 She didn't know why her son was always coughing until she found a pack of cigarette under the jeans while he was taking a bath.‎ 直到她儿子在洗澡 ,她发现了牛仔裤下面的一包香烟时 ,她才知道为什么她的儿子老咳嗽。 ‎ ‎140 If you see the steam rising, it means the water in the pot boils and then you can put the dumplings into the pot.‎ 如果你看到水蒸气冒出来了 ,就意味着水开了 ,你可以把饺子放到锅里了。‎ 一、 专题知识梳理 一 48个英语国际音标 英语国际音标,是标注英语发音的一套符号系统。英语国际音标,在中国国内的英语教学中通称“国际音标”,但与通常意义的国际音标并不等同。‎ 在中国英语教学中采用的英语国际音标元音20个,辅音28个,共48个。具体如下:‎ ‎1.元音部分:‎ ‎1)、单元音:[i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u]、[ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[æ]‎ ‎2)、双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[ɔi]、[ɛə]、[uə]、[iə]、[au]、[əu]‎ 注意,单元音也可以分为:‎ ‎1)、长元音:/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/‎ ‎2)、短元音:/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/‎ ‎2.辅音部分:‎ ‎[p]、[b]、 [t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]‎ ‎[tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]‎ 部分辅音字母(f, h, m, n, x, s, r)发音中第一个音素为元音,而元音字母u发音中的第一个音素为辅音。‎ ‎ 总结:an f/ h/ l/ m/ n/ x/ s/ r/ a/ e/ i/ o a u/ b/ c/ d/ g/ j/ k/ p/ q/ t/ u/ v/ w/ y/ z 二 元音的正确读音 : ‎ ‎1 元音字母在重读音节中的读音 a 在开音节中 [ei] 如:name plane Jane baby cake make take 在闭音节中 [æ] 如:bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 [i:] 如:he these me Chinese bee green tree 在闭音节中 [e] 如:bed let pen desk yes egg help best i 在开音节中 [ai] 如:bike fly drive time nice kite 在闭音节中 [i] 如:fish big drink sit milk swim pig six o 在开音节中 [eu] 如:those close go hoe home no 在闭音节中 [ɔ] 如:clock not box shop sock doll orange dog u 在开音节中 [ju:] 如:student excuse duty Tuesday 在闭音节中 [ʌ] 如:bus cup jump much lunch duck 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super ‎2. 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音 a ‎[ə] 如:China another woman breakfast teacher water worker ‎[i] orange comrade village cabbage e ‎[e] hundred student open weekend ‎[i] chicken pocket begin children i ‎[ə]/[i] holiday beautiful family animal ‎[ai] exercise satellite o ‎[ə] second tonight somebody welcome ‎[əu] also zero photo u ‎[ə] autumn diffcult ‎[ju:] popular congratulation January 动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:operate u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue ‎3. 元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音 a在[w]音后面发[ɔ] want what watch wash quality a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前发[a:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father i在-nd -ld和gh前发[ai] find child light high o在-st -ld前发[əu] most postcard old cold o在m n v th前发[ʌ] come monkey love mother 三 ‎ ‎1.-ed放在不同词尾发音不同。‎ Example1:‎ ‎ helped      brushed    looked  ‎ ‎ cleaned    climbed    lived   played ‎ ‎(1) 清辅音结尾的动词(/  t  / 除外)+ed时,ed发/ t / ‎ ‎(2) 浊辅音结尾的动词 (/ d / 除外)或元音结尾的动词+ed时, ed发/d/ ‎ Example2: ‎ ‎ painted    wanted   started   needed ‎ (3)以 / t / / d / 音结尾的动词+ed时,ed 发/  Id/,原单词音标中没有重音符号的,在书写音标时要增写重音符号。 ‎ ‎2.定冠词the的读音 ‎ e.g. the man [ðə] 当其后的那个单词的第一音是辅音时 ‎ c.f. the old man [ði] 当其后的那个单词的第一音是元音时 四 、常见字母组合在单词中的读音 常见字母组合在单词中的读音:是由两个字母搭配而成的一种固定组合。 1. 两个辅音字母在一起,通常只发其中一个辅音字母的音。‎ 两个不同的辅音字母在一起时,只发其中一个辅音字母的音。‎ 如:wright know sign bomb ‎ 两个相同的辅音字母在一起时,只发其中一个辅音字母的音。‎ 如:letter copper class ladder 另外:两个辅音字母在一起时,两个辅音字母也可都发音。‎ 如:itself soft accept almost ‎2. 两个元音字母在一起,通常只发其中一个元音字母的基本音。‎ 两个元音字母在一起时,发第一个元音字母的基本音。‎ 如:boat people soul sea 两个元音字母在一起时,发第二个元音字母的基本音。‎ 如:great believe height ‎ ‎3. 辅音字母+le时,辅音字母前边的元音字母经常发长音。‎ 如:able eagle people title noble 辅音字母+le时,辅音字母前边的元音字母有时也可发短音。‎ 如:couple double possible ‎4. 两个辅音前的元音字母经常发短音。‎ 两个相同的辅音字母前的元音字母发短音。‎ 如:carry little boss summer 两个不同的辅音字母前的元音字母发短音。‎ 如:act neck lift soft 有时两个辅音字母前的元音字母发长音。‎ 如:almost east feast coast ‎ 五 语音知识: 1) 字母:语言的书写形式。元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u 2) 音素:音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素。即20个元音音素和28个辅音音素. 3) 元音:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20元音。 4) 辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。英语中有28辅音。 5) 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。ap'ple,stu'dent,tea'cher,un'der'stand。 6) 开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike home due;‎ ‎ b) 辅音+元音 he,go,hi。 7) 闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音 bad,bed,sit,hot,cup; ‎ b)元音+辅音it。 ‎ ‎8) 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。 ‎ ‎ 重音   A)双音节词   a)一般在第一个音节重读。letter,sorry。   b)有 a-,be-,de-,re-,res-,in-,im-,en-,em-,es-,ex-,con-,com-,dis-,mis-,pre-,per-,pro-,trans- ‎ 等前缀的词,第二个音节是重音。a'bout,be'lieve,ad'dress,de'cide,re'port,con'demn,res'pect,com'pare,‎ in'form,dis'cuss,im'press,mis'take,en'force,pre'pare,em'ploy,per'mit,es'cape,pro'duce,ex'claim,trans'late c)有 de-,in-,re-,con-,pre- 等前缀的重音与词义和词类有关,一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,其它的 词性在第二个音节上。'record,re'cord; 'insult,in'sult; 'conduct,con'duct; 'present pre'sent; 'content,con'tent。 ‎ ‎  d)有些复合词和带有前缀 re-,ex-,un-,pre-,post-,等的词,有两个重音。‎ ‎'out'side,'re'tell,'well-'known,'un'real,'fif'teen,'Chi'nese,'pre-'war,'post-'war。‎ ‎ B)多音节词   a)一般倒数第三个音节是重音。'difficult,'communist,'family,e'conomy,oppor'tunity,de'mocracy。   b)有一些双音节词,加了前缀和后缀成了多音节,但这些词按原来词根的重音读音 ‎'carefully,in'definite,'comfortable,con'ductor,ac'cording,dis'turbance,'complicated,es'tablishment。   c)词尾有-eous,-grahpy,-ial,-ian,-ic,-ics,-ience,ient,-ify,-ion,-ious,-ity,ive 后缀的词,重音在 这些后缀的前一个音节上。cour'teous,cal'ligraphy,edi'torial,his'torian,peri'odic,mathe'matics,ex'perience,‎ suf'ficient,i'dentify,trans'lation,re'ligious,curi'osity,pro'tective。   d)词尾有 -ain,-ee,-eer,-ese,-ette 后缀的词,重音在该后缀上,而且有一个次重音。‎ enter'tain,emplo'yee,mountai'neer,Japa'nese,ciga'rette。 ‎ 二、专题精讲 ‎1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? ‎ A. I hope you can believe me. B. Luckily, nobody died in the accident. ‎ C. Who is the chief of your team? D. I bought a piece of furniture yesterday. ‎ 2. ‎ Which of the following word matches the sound /mail /? ‎ A. mile B. meal C. mail D. mall 3. Which of the following word matches the sound /'sɪŋɡl/?‎ A) single B) singer C)think D) thank ‎4. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?‎ A) You can’t imagine how hard their life is.‎ B) The car went out of control and crashed over the cliff.‎ C) Do we really have to invite all my relatives to the wedding? ‎ D) His birthplace is Washington, but he lives in San Francisco.‎ ‎5. Their idea sounds great. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) /gri:t/ B) /greti/ C) /greit/ D) /grit/‎ BAACC 三、专题过关 ‎14年一模 ‎6. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A) My son has got a bad habit of smoking.‎ B) The old man always wears his blue hat.‎ C) He was standing by the gate waiting for his mother.‎ D) When she heard the news, she laughed happily.‎ ‎7. The army attacked at night when the enemy was asleep. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎ A. /a:m/ B. /a:mi/ C./'ami/ D./eim/‎ ‎8. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? ‎ A) Don’t put your feet on the seat! B) We reached Los Angeles late at night.‎ C) Could I have fish instead of ham? D) What’s the meaning of this?‎ ‎9. The serious haze (雾霾) caused many problems. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) / s i : riəs/ B) /si : riəs/ C) /`seriəs/ D) /'siəriəs /‎ ‎10. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?‎ A) She looked confident, but in fact she was very nervous.‎ B) I was excited to hear that I had passed the driving test.‎ C) Cars had to be driven slowly because of thick fog.‎ D) Jill hid his sister's bike to play a trick on her.‎ ‎11. Look! The police are searching for clues at the crime scene. ‎ Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎ A) / krem / B) / kri:m / C) / kraim / D) / krim /‎ ‎12. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?‎ A) There is no reason for him to refuse me.‎ B) The little girl in red is so cute.‎ C) Don’t judge a person by his clothes.‎ D) You can use my computer if you want.‎ ‎13. He did very well, but he failed to break the record. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) [brek] B) [breɪk] C)[brɪk]  D)[brək] ‎ ‎14. Which of the following underlined parts is different is pronunciation with others ?‎ A) Students are allowed to choose the style of their school uniforms ‎ B) Great changes have taken place in Shanghai since 1979. ‎ C) You had a toothache because you ate too much spicy food.‎ ‎ D) The Smiths seldom go to church, but they believe.‎ 15. Which of the following words matches the sound /laif/? ‎ A. laugh B. leaf C. life D. loaf 15. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? ‎ A. The gate is too narrow for a car to get through. ‎ B. The facts allow no other explanation. ‎ C. A row of children are standing in front of the chairs. ‎ D. You can borrow money from the bank to buy your new house. ‎ ‎17. Jenny studies English hard and she can usually get good marks. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) /ə:/ B) /a:/ C) /ei/ D) /ai/‎ ‎18. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A) We are trying to build a base on the moon. B) What do you think of the case?‎ C) These old people often dance in the square. D) Shall we have a race now?‎ ‎19. It is important for us to keep a promise. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) ['prɒmes] B) ['prɔ:mɪs] C)['prɔ:mes] D)['prɒmɪs] ‎ ‎20. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with the three others?‎ A) Tom needs some information for his project.‎ B) I have many questions to ask you.‎ C) His situation is even worse than before.‎ D) Cars are a major source of pollution.‎ ‎21. You can never get a straight answer from him. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎22. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A)My father asked me to driver slowly. ‎ B)I walked for miles without seeing a house.‎ C)Study as you were to live forever. ‎ D)I used to hide myself when I was young.‎ ‎23. We always say “please” whenever we ask someone to do things. Which of the following is correct for underlined word in the sentence?‎ A. /plæz/ B. /plez/ C. /pli:z/ D. /plɪz/‎ ‎24. If you get nervous, take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the ‎ underlined word in the sentence?‎ A. /deip/ B. /dep/ C. /dip/ D./di:p/‎ 25. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A. If we don’t smoke, our health will become better and better.‎ B. We spent half a day going over all the lessons before the Chinese test.‎ C. Don’t cross the road when the red light is on.‎ D. Shall we collect some colorful stones for Mary?‎ ‎26. “Damin finally pulled the fish into his boat.” Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) / bəʊt / B) / bɔːt / C) / bʌt / D) / baɪt / ‎ ‎27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?‎ A) The soldiers opened the secret door. B) Never jump into conclusions!‎ C) Pet dogs often create a lot of mess. D) Ken told us a recent case.‎ ‎28. A crowd gathered outside the hotel. Which of the following I is corrected for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A)/'ga:ðəd/ B)/'gæðəd/ C)/'geiðəd/ D)/'geðəd/‎ ‎29. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? ‎ A) We help people through the Red Cross. B) Her job was to help wounded soldiers.‎ C) He was careful not to touch the blood. D) He add some flour to thicken the soup.‎ ‎30. Which of the following word matches the sound [seɪf]?‎ A) seem B) safe C) sense D) seat Keys: CBCDB CCBCC BBCDB ACCDC ADBCB ‎ ‎14年二模 1. When I was young, I always read books at night. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? ‎ A) /ri:d/ B) /red/ C) /reid/ D) /rid/ ‎ ‎2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ ‎ A) He acts as a killer in the film. B) When did you arrive at the airport?‎ ‎ C) Can you help me fix the chair? D) What did you think of the final exam?‎ ‎3. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎ I had some milk and bread for breakfast today.‎ ‎ A) /bred/ B) /bri:d/ C) /bræd/ D) /breəd/‎ ‎4. Which of the following underlined part if different in pronunciation with others?‎ ‎ A) Look at the yellow duck. B) Please open the window.‎ ‎ C) How do you do? D) Follow me, please ‎5. She is so helpful that she is always ready to help people in trouble. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) /’ tr au b l/ B) /’ tr əu b l/ C) /’ tr ʌ b l/ D) /’ tr ɔ b l/‎ ‎6. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?‎ A) Please focus your attention on your papers, boys and girls.‎ B) She likes to show off her new clothes in front of her friends.‎ C) I think she should improve her learning methods.‎ D) The boy picked a hole in his new sweater.‎ ‎7. Now the senior people in our country live a happy life. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A. /læv/ B. /liv / C. /li:v/ D. /laiv/‎ ‎8. Monkeys seem to be naughty and lovely when they are given bananas. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎       A) ['nauti]                   B) ['na: ti]                  C) ['nɔ: ti]                     D) ['nəuti]‎ ‎9. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ ‎      A) The host usually speaks first at a meeting.‎ ‎      B) Please pay attention to the missing part.‎ ‎      C) The old are free to take a bus when it is not the rushing hour.               ‎ D) Oh, how windy! Close the window, please.‎ 10. Sam attended a lecture this morning. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A) /'leɪzɪ / B) /'lektʃə/ C) / 'læŋgwɪdʒ/ D) /ləʊ'keɪʃn/‎ ‎11. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A) There is a big house there. B) Mother shouted at her boy.‎ C) Could I leave the room now? D) They’ve found their keys.‎ ‎12. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?‎ A) They usually have lunch at school. B) We’re making a plan for the trip.‎ C) You can keep the change, please. D) John is carrying a heavy box now.‎ ‎13. Which of the following words matches the sound /'wɔ:tə/?‎ A) want B) water C) waste D) waiter ‎14. Which of the following word matches the sound/ta:sk/?‎ A) text B) tax C) task D) test ‎15. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?‎ A) She had milk and bread for breakfast B) Tom had got a headache C) I read an interesting story yesterday D) There are so many leaves on the ground ‎16. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?‎ A) There is not enough water. B) He stood there looking all round.‎ C) Don’t talk so loud. D) I am proud of my school.‎ ‎17. Which of the following word matches the sound [feil]?‎ A) fill B) fail C)feel D) fall ‎18. The weather report says it will be cloudy tomorrow, Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎ A) /'klu:di/ B) /'kb:di/ C) /'klaudi/ D) /'kludi/‎ ‎19. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ ‎ A) Online shopping is both cheap and convenient.‎ ‎ B) Mary seemed to be very pleased with the beauty around her.‎ ‎ C) I'd like to have some bread for my breakfast tomorrow.‎ ‎ D) Look! The children are playing on the beach with the ball.‎ 20. Which of the following words matches the sound /r ai s/?‎ A. race B. rose C. raise D. rice ‎21. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A. Tom’s dream is to work in a hospital.‎ B. There must be a reason for his success.‎ C. Go ahead! Take what you want.‎ D. The sand on the beach is very hot.‎ 22. She heard very loud noise coming from the forest. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A [hɪəd] B [hɜ:d] C[hɑ:d] D [heəd]‎ 22. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A Our flight was canceled. B My father has bought a DSLR camera.‎ C Smoking can damage your health. D They are holding a debate on keeping pets.‎ ‎24. We shall not lose heart in the face of difficulties. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ ‎ A. / hə:t /  B. /ha:t / C. /hiət / D. /heət/‎ ‎25. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ ‎ A. take notes when having lessons. ‎ ‎ B. my friend will come along later. ‎ C. hope everything is all right with you. ‎ D. what he said is no more than a joke. ‎ ‎26. Which of the following word matches the sound / tʃa: ns/? ‎ A) chance B) choose C) chains D) changes Keys: BBACC CBCBB CCBCD ABCCD CBDBB A 四、学法提炼 一、英语语调基本规则 ‎1. 一般来说,陈述句用降调,表示语气完结、语气肯定。‎ 发音举例:‎ I know ↘ that.‎ He is ↘ right.‎ I can’t help ↘ you.‎ There is a book on the ↘ desk.‎ ‎2. 一般疑问句在通常情况下采用升调,句子的最后一 实词用升调,其他部分保持平调。‎ 发音举例:‎ Do you ↗ understand?‎ Are you ↗ ready?‎ Is this your ↗ book?‎ Will you help ↗me?‎ ‎3.特殊疑问句就是用what、when、where、why、which、how、whose等特殊疑问句引导的疑问句,一般在句子末尾用降调。‎ 发音举例:‎ What time is ↘ it?‎ When will you ↘ start?‎ Why did you change your ↘ mind?‎ Where can I check ↘ in?‎ ‎4.选择疑问句由提问者给出几个选项供对方选择,在说话人所说的几项选择中,前面的选择用升调,最后一个选择用降调,中间的连接词用平调。‎ 发音举例:‎ Shall we ↗ walk or by ↘ bus?‎ Do you want ↗ coffee or ↘ tea?‎ Was it ↗ Betty or Alice?‎ Is your clothes ↗ red, ↗ pink, or ↘ blue?‎ ‎5.反义疑问句的疑问部分通常用升调,表示说话者并不失分确定陈述部分所表达的信息,用反义疑问句只是为了简单的询问。‎ 发音举例:‎ Mary will marry next week, ↗ won’t she?‎ She is coming tomorrow, ↗ isn’t she?‎ They went to the department, ↗ didn’t they?‎ You’re going for a walk with me, ↗ aren’t you?‎ ‎6.一般来说,感叹句采用降调表示强烈的感叹语气。 ‎ 发音举例:‎ How time ↘ flies!‎ What a ↘ pity!‎ How ↘ beautiful!‎ What a small ↘ bag!‎ ‎7.祈使句是用来表示命令的句式,语气较强,一般用降调。‎ 发音举例:‎ Be ↘ careful.‎ Close the ↘ door.‎ Leave me ↘ alone.‎ Don’t make any ↘ mistakes.‎ 上面这些关于语调的基本知识虽然总结起来 "条条框框"的,但在实际生活中,你常常会自觉地运用好各种语调来表达你的情感,比如说你想让淘气的孩子跟着你出去,就会用"降凋"的肯定的语气说到"Come with me!";如果你还没有确定是否对方和你出去吃饭,就可以用"升调"问到"Come with me?",表示 ‎ "和我出去怎么样啊"这种"试探性"的语气;细细体会起来,"什么场合用什么语调"还真是很自然的事情。今后在看"美国原版影片"的时候,多多注意一下影片中人物的语音语调,模仿几次之后,你就可以灵活运用了!‎ 二、英语语调小窍门与练习 语调,即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。世界上没有一种语言是用单一的声调说出的,以英语为例,英语有五种基本语调:升调(↗)、降调(↙)、升降调(∧)、降升调(∨)以及平调(→)。一句话除了词汇意义还有语调意义。所谓词汇意义就是话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完全的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。‎ 请看下例:‎ ‎1.sorry可以用升调和降调,但表达的意义不同。‎ ‎1)A:Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?‎ B:Sorry?(↗)‎ Jean用升调说“Sorry”,其意思是“I didn't hear you.Could you say that again,please?”‎ 我们再看下句:‎ ‎2)A:Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?‎ B:Sorry.(↙)‎ 在对话2)中,Jean用降调说“Sorry”,显然其意思是拒绝帮助或无能为力。‎ ‎2.使用疑问词who,which,what, how,when,where,why的特殊疑问句可以用降调也可以用升调,但含义是不同的。如:‎ ‎1)A:Mr.Smith thinks we ought to get the money in hand first.‎ B:Who?(↗)‎ A:Mr.Smith.‎ B用升调说“Who”,表示听不清对方谈话中的某一部分,要求对方再重复那一部分。‎ ‎2)A:We'd like to have someone to say a word at the beginning to welcome the group.‎ B:Who?(↙)‎ A:We thought that you or Dr.Johnson might do it.‎ B用降调说“Who”,其意思是问,对方想让谁在开场时致欢迎词。‎ ‎3.附加疑问句可以读升调也可以读降调,意思是不相同的。降调表示发问者相信陈述句的内容,只等对方证实。升调表示发问者对陈述句内容的真实性没有把握,希望对方作出自己的判断。如:‎ ‎1)A:You will finish the work,won't you?(↙)‎ B:Yes,I will.‎ A用降调提问,意思是:I know you will finish the work,but I want you to confirm it.‎ ‎2)A:You will finish the work,won't you?(↗)‎ B:Yes,I will.(或No,I won't.)‎ A用升调提问,表示A心中没有把握,因此,得到的回答既可能是肯定的,也可能是否定的。因此,如果听到下面的对话并就所提问题进行选择时,哪个选项正确也就不言而喻了。‎ 二、专题精讲 ‎1. Which of the following is right?‎ ‎ A. Betty, do you know our new class teacher? ↘‎ ‎ B. Yes, of course. ↗‎ ‎ C. What does he look like? ↘‎ ‎ D. He is thin but short. ↗ B ‎ ‎2. Which of the following is NOT right?‎ A) Did they go to Thailand yesterday? ↗‎ B) Oh, no, the day before yesterday. ↘ ‎ C) How did they go there? ↗ ‎ D) By plane. ↘ C ‎ 三、专题过关 1. Which of the following is right? ‎ A. Is he `making a kite? ↗ B. Is he `making a kite? ↘ ‎ C, Thanks a lot. ↗ D. How hot it is today! ↗‎ 2. Which of the following is right? ‎ A, It’s `quite a `nice picture↘, isn’t it? ↘ ‎ B, It’s `quite a `nice picture↘, isn’t it?↗‎ C, You were `born in `19`89. So you are fifteen↘, aren’t you? ↗‎ ‎ D, You were `born in `19`89. So you are fifteen↗, aren’t you? ↗‎ 3. Which of the following is right? ‎ A. What a beautiful girl !↘ B. Which do you like, coffee ↗or tea ↗? ‎ C . Which do you like, coffee ↘or tea↘ ? D. What a beactiful girl !↗‎ ‎4. Which of the following is right?‎ A. She’s got long black hair.↗ B. I’d like chicken,↗ chips ↗and salad↗, please.↘‎ C. you are a student↘, aren’t you.↘ D. . I’d like chicken,↗ chips↗ and salad,↘ please.↘‎ ‎5. Which of the following is right?‎ A. How does your father go to work, by bike↗ or by bus?↘‎ B. How does your father go to work, by bike ↗or by bus↗?‎ C. Let’s go.↗‎ D. Take a seat, please.↘‎ ‎6. Which of the following is right?‎ A. If you don’t tell me the truth,↗ I won’t give up.↗ B. If you don’t tell me the truth,↗ I won’t give up.↘‎ C, it’s a nice coat↗, but it’s too expensive.↘ D. it’s a nice coat↘, but it’s too expensive.↗‎ ‎7. May I borrow your bike?‎ A. Yes,↗ of course.↗ B. Yes,↘ of course.↘ C. Yes,↘ of course.↗ D. Yes,↗ of course.↗‎ ‎8. A: will you go traveling with them next month?‎ ‎ B: no, I won’t.‎ ‎ A:_____________.‎ ‎ A, No?↗ But why?↗ B, No?↗ But why?↘ C, No?↘ But why?↘ D, No?↘ But why?↗‎ ‎9. Which of the following is right?‎ ‎ A: I’m sorry↘I’m late.↘ B, I’m sorry↘I’m late.↗ C. That’s all right.↗ D. I’m sorry↗I’m late.↗‎ ‎10.A: Three packets of biscuits, please.‎ ‎ B:_____________.‎ ‎ A, Sorry?↗ How many? ↗ B, Sorry?↘ How many?↘ C, Sorry? ↘How many?↗ D, Sorry?↗ How many?↘‎ ‎ KEYS:ABABA BBBBA ‎ 四、学法提炼 II. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案。) (共20分) ‎ ‎ ( )26. Jenny studies English hard and she can usually get good marks. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A /3:/ B/a:/ C) /ei/ D) /ai/‎ ‎( )27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A) We are trying to build a base on the moon. B) What do you think of the case?‎ C) These old people often dance in the square. D) Shall we have a race now?‎ ‎( )28. A comic strip is usually about _____ interesting story with an unforgettable end.‎ A) / B) an C) the D) a ‎( )29. _____May 19, 2019, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited India, which was his first official visit since he took office.‎ A) Since B) At C) On D) In ‎( )30.The most important thing for a good detective to do is ______the innocent.‎ A) to protect B) protects C) protected D) protect ‎( ) 31.The air in the room is not fresh enough. Please keep the window_____ .‎ A) open B) opening C) to open D) opens ‎ ‎( )32.0ur class teacher is hurrying to our classroom. She has ____ to tell us.‎ A) anything important B) nothing important C) important thing D) something important ‎( )33. _____ it is midnight, Wendy is still working on her study.‎ A) Since B)Although C) Unless D) Until ‎( )34. To save time is as___________as to save life.‎ A) more important B) most important C) very important D) important |‎ ‎( )35.Some people think keeping pets is good, but _____ don’t.‎ A) another B) other C) the other D) others ‎( )36.Don,t be angry_____ her. She did try, but failed.‎ A)from B) to C) with D) at ‎( )37.You’d better_____ the homework today, as tomorrow we will not have time.‎ A) finishing B) finishes C) to finish D) finish ‎( )38.Gary Locke_____ the U.S. ambassador(大使)to China for years.‎ A) was B) has been C) will be D) had been ‎( )39. Alice Munro______the Nobel Prize in literature two months ago.‎ A) gets B) has got C) will get D) got ‎( )40,The 22nd Winter Olympics will______in Sochi early this year.‎ A) be held B) held C)hold D) being held ‎( )41,______knowledge can be found in an encyclopedia.‎ A)Many B) A number of C)Quite many D) Huge amounts of ‎( )42.The river is very deep. We_____very careful when crossing it.‎ A) must be B) can be C) may be D) need be ‎( )43.______of the twins is interested in that Japanese company.‎ A) Both B) Neither C)A11 D) Some ‎( )44.-Preparing for a test is hard work, isn’t it?‎ ‎ -- _____.‎ A) Yes, I agree. B) I am sorry.‎ C) Let’s go to ask the teacher. D) You don’t know. ‎ ‎( )45. - We are going to have a picnic in the winter holidays. Would you like to join us?‎ ‎ -- _____‎ A) I know. B) I am going to have a picnic, too.‎ C) Oh, please don’t do it. D) Sure,what’s the time?‎ II. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分) ‎ A.amazing B.raise money C.boring D.pilot E.become Flying into the sky at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour, a pair of nine-year-old British girls broke a record to 46 the world’s youngest wing walkers (机翼行走者)'!‎ The two girls, Rose and Flame, are cousins. They took to the sky on two bipZanes(双翼飞 机),and the 47 of one of the planes was their grandfather. They completed a wing walk as the two planes flew just meters apart.‎ After getting down from the planes,they said, “That was 48 ! It was so cool looking down and seeing all the small houses! ”‎ Not every nine-year-old girl can take on an adventure like this. Rose and Flame are braver than other girls of their age. Besides,they come from a family of wing walkers. They are deeply affected by what they see and hear.‎ This time, the two brave girls took on the adventure, not just to break the record but also to for 49 the poor. They try to do something for the society.‎ ‎46._________ 47.____________ 48.____________49.___________ ‎ F. expensive G. comfortable H. depends I. owns J. by himself When most teenagers are learning how to work out maths problems, Kelvin Doe is teaching himself to make batteries and generators (发电机)for his neighborhood in Africa.‎ Kelvin is only 15 years old, but he has already created batteries and generators 50 He used the things he picked up around the house or from litter bins to create them.‎ ‎“In my hometown, we don’ t have much electricity and batteries are 51 ,”Kelvin said. So he decided to make batteries to light up people’s homes.‎ Kelvin also 52 a radio station. He broadcasts news and plays music for the local people. The station gets its electricity from a generator also made by him.‎ His next project will be a windmill (风车)for electricity supply. He wants to help more families in his hometown live a happy and 53 life.‎ ‎50._________ 51._________ 52.___________ 53. __________‎ III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)‎ ‎54.________like having sports in their spare time. (boy)‎ ‎55. City Beach is a beautiful place, but I have only been there__________. (one)‎ ‎56. Young parents seldom say no to their children________ because they love them too much. (main)‎ ‎57. The teacher at the comer teaches _____ English. (we)‎ ‎58. The ________ of that cross-sea bridge is about 6.28 miles. (long) ‎ ‎59. When having a chance to go outing, children usually feel_______ (excitement)‎ ‎60. People have found _______ that the world’s most popular number is 7. (recent)‎ ‎61. Guide dogs are quite _________ and helpful to the blind. (friend)‎ IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67 题,每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)(共14分)‎ ‎62. Sam worked in the university for fifteen years when he was young.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎__________Sam _______in the university for fifteen years when he was young?‎ ‎63. There is little milk in the bottle in the fridge.(改为反意疑问句)‎ There is little milk in the bottle in the fridge, __________ __________ ?‎ ‎64. The football game between Hengda and AHL will be over in three minutes.(对划线部分提 问)‎ ‎__________ _________ will the football game between Hengda and AHL be over?‎ ‎64. We still know little about what we can do to protect ourselves from cancer.(改为简单句)‎ ‎65. We still know little about what ________ __________ to protect ourselves from cancer.‎ ‎66. Shanghai Basketball Team plays well enough to attract more and more people to watch basketball games.(保持句意基本不变)‎ Shanghai Basketball Team plays_______well_________more and more people are attracted to watch basketball games.‎ ‎67. The Bund in Shanghai looks extremely beautiful with the flowers around.(改为感叹句)‎ ‎_______ ________ Bund in Shanghai looks with the flowers around!‎ ‎68. him, his father, the day before yesterday, anew bike, bought (连词成句)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________.‎ Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)‎ V. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分)‎ A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)‎ As more Americans try to have healthy lifestyles and protect the environment, the idea of growing their own food has become popular among city people. Not long ago,a city gardening meeting, Rooting DC, took place in Washington, D.C. Many organizations and people got together to support the food movement.‎ Katie, one of the main organizers of Rooting DC, says people can get free seeds(种子)if they take part in the one-day gardening meeting. According to Katie, the aim of Rooting D.C. is to teach people gardening and develop more gardens all across the city,‎ Katie says,“People realize that gardening is a way to bring healthy foods into their lives. They become interested in gardening because of that. Growing worry about the environment has also worked. We not only grow food, but protect the environment through gardening.”‎ Several organizations that encourage school children to grow fruits and vegetables in healthy ways also ran classes at Rooting DC. Scott, a college student, who came with his friends, says, “I am really interested in gardening. Certainly I know how to find local food, but I want to grow the food on my own and encourage others to do so.”‎ Ann came to get information for her daughter. “We started a garden together at her school. I need to find out more resources to support school gardens.”‎ Brian, a computer teacher, says gardening is a hobby that he can enjoy with his friends. “I am looking forward to getting some seeds since I need new seeds to exchange with my friends. We’d like to see different plants grow in our gardens.”‎ The organizers hope that city gardening can become more and more popular not only in their area but also around the country and even across the world.‎ ‎69. Not long ago, a city gardening meeting took place in________‎ A) America B) the garden C) Rooting DC D)Washington,D.C.‎ ‎70. _______is one of the main organizers of Rooting DC.‎ A) Katie B) Ann C) Brian D) Scott ‎71. Katie says the aim of Rooting D.C. is to teach people_____ all across the city.‎ A) meeting B) to get free seeds C) gardening D) to eat food ‎ ‎72. People become interested in gardening because they can get____ into their lives A) free seeds B) healthy foods C) fruits D) vegetables ‎ ‎73.Several organizations encourage school children . ‎ A) to grow their own food B)to run classes C)to organize meetings D)to encourage others to sell these seeds ‎74. Brian is looking forward to getting some seeds because he wants_____.‎ A) to plant these seeds in his garden B) to get new. fruits and vegetables C) to exchange them with his friends D) to encourage others to sell these seeds B Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)‎ Imagine the situation. You are driving along a desert or on a mountain. You 75 where you are. You passed the last house two hours ago. Then your car breaks down. It is night and it is cold. You have no mobile phone. What do you do? Well, next time take a GPS with you.‎ This invention may be able to help you. It is a device(设备)which uses satellites to find the user’s position(^L置).It can find your position to within 20 metres. A GPS cannot start your car, but 76 you will know where you are.‎ GPS, which means Global Positioning System, is a small radio receiver. It 77 a mobile phone. You can hold it in your hand, or put in your pocket. It is sometimes put into a watch or a telephone.‎ We 78 find GPS devices in cars,planes, or boats. Some of these devices have electronic maps, so you know where you are. For example, in a city they can tell you the name of the street.‎ There are 79 parts to the Global Positioning System. The first part is the receiver. You can hold it in your hand, or have it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part is a group of satellites turning around the Earth. The receiver contacts more than four of the satellites and calculates its position. The third part of the system is a network of ground stations. They are all over the world. They control the satellites and make sure they are working well.‎ Some people think that in the future the GPS will be as common as the mobile, They are becoming cheaper and more and more accurate. There are also new uses for the GPS. _80 they will become like watches. Everyone will have one and you will never be lost again. ‎ ‎( )75.A) are sure B) can tell C) don’t know D) want to know ‎( )76.A) at least B) at first C) at most D) at last ‎( )77.A) works as B) depends on C) consists of D) looks like ‎( )78.A) never B) also C)again D) still ‎( )79.A) three B) four C) many D) two ‎( )80.A) But B)However C) Perhaps D)Instead C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。) (14分)‎ Butterfly fairly There was once a little girl. She had no family, and no one loved her. One day, when she was walking through a field, she noticed a small butterfly c_____ in a thorn bush(荆棘丛). The more the butterfly tried to free to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its body. The little girl c____let go the butterfly. Instead of going away, the butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy.‎ For your kindness, the butterfly fairy said to the little girl, “ I will give you any w____ you would like to have.”‎ The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,”I want to be h____.”‎ The fairy said,” very good.” Then she got close to the girl’s ear and said something to her in a low voice.‎ As the little girl grew up,there was no one in the village s_____happy as she.  There was no one in the village s______ happy as she was.Everyone asked her the secret of the happiness.She would smile and only answer “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind fairly when I was a little girl.”‎ When she was very old, the neighbors all came to visit her.They were a_____ that her secret of happiness would die with her.“Tell us,please,”they begged,“tell us what the fairy said.”‎ ‎  The old woman smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, no matter how old or young, no matter how rich or poor, n_____ me.” she said that always helping others would make my dream come true.”‎ D. Answer the following questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题。) ( 12分)‎ For this little boy, it was the coldest winter, in that winter, his father had an accident and lost a leg, the family no longer had money to live on, From then on, his father became another person. When the boy didn’t listen to him, he would be very angry.‎ One night, the boy walked lonely on the street. He passed a lovely small shop, which was so nice that he couldn’t turn his eyes away from it. He stared at some beautiful boxes of coffee quietly. An idea came into his mind. He knew his father loved coffee and he knew stealing was no good. But all he could think of was his father’s smile. He soon put a box of coffee into his jacket and ran back home.‎ He gave the coffee to his father, who gave a smile that the boy had missed for so long. But, unfortunately, before his father could taste the coffee, the shopkeeper broke in and caught the boy. He was beaten by his father again.‎ Years later,the boy became a successful businessman. One day, his mother called and said his father wanted to see him. Busy working, he refused. Weeks later, he heard the sad news that his father had passed away. When he went through the relics(遗物),he found a box. Inside it was the coffee that he had stolen from the shop. On the cover was his father’s handwriting: “The gift from my son,”‎ There was also a letter: “Dear son. I’m a failure as a father. But I also have a dream-to own a coffee shop, where I can make cups of coffee for you. I’m sorry I didn’t make it”‎ Sadness suddenly came in his mind. He felt so sorry not meeting his father for the last time, and decided to complete his father’s dream. He stopped his own job at once and started a coffee business.‎ The coffee business is now a big success. And the little boy is Howard Schultz-the owner of Starbucks.‎ ‎88. It was the coldest winter for this little boy only because of the weather, wasn’t it?‎ ‎ ___________, _________________________________________________________.‎ ‎89. Where did he walk lonely one night?‎ On ___________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎90. How did his father feel when he gave the coffee to him?‎ He ___________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎91. Why didn’t he want to see his father when his mother called him? ‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎92. What was inside the box?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________.‎ 93. What do you think makes the coffee business a big success?‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________.‎ VII. Writing (作文): (共20分) ‎ ‎94. Complete the poster of at least 60 words on the topic “A little more fresh air, please”.‎ ‎(以“多一点新鲜空气”为题完成一篇不少于60个词的海报,标点符号不占格。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Expressions for reference (以下短语仅供参考)‎ plant trees, drive cars, walk more, pollute, haze (霾)‎ 参考答案:2019 金山一模 ‎ ‎1-6 HFCBDE 7-14 ADBBADCC 15-20 TFTTFT ‎21 in air 22 15 countries 23. get ready 24. enjoy life 25. is flying ‎26-30 BCBCA 31-35 ADBDD 36-40 CDBDA 41-45 DABAD ‎46-49 EDAB 50-53 JFIG ‎54.Boys 55.once 56.mainly 57.us 58.length 59.excited 60.recently 61.friendly ‎62.Did work 63.is there 64.How soon 65.to do 66.so that 67.How beautiful ‎ ‎68.His father bought him a new bike the day before yesterday.‎ ‎69-74 DACBAC ‎75-80 CADBAC ‎81. caught 82.carefully 83.wish 84.happy 85.so 86.afraid 87.needs ‎88.No,it wasn’t..‎ ‎89.On the street.‎ ‎90.He felt happy.‎ ‎91.Because he as busy with working.‎ ‎92. It was the coffee that he had stolen from the shop ‎93. His father’s dream/His love for his father

