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湘少版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一、单选题 1.选择不同类的单词( ) A. evening B. afternoon C. teacher 2. is in my class. name is Sally. A. She, her B. Her, she C. She, Her 3.选出不同类的单词( ) A. lines B. door C. dots 4.找出不同类的单词( ) A. mouth B. nose C. boat D. face 5.It's ________. Time for lunch. A. six o'clock B. twelve o'clock C. seven clock 6.—What colour is it? —________ A. Oh. It's very nice. B. It's brown. 7. your recorders? A. Is it B. Are these C. Is this 8.He ______ a black shape behind him. A. see B. sees C. look 9.I play the violin every day. A. 我每天都弹钢琴。 B. 我每天都拉小提琴。 10.Do you play football in the morning ? . A. No, I do B. Yes, I does C. No ,I don't 11. music A. 跳舞 B. 唱歌 C. 音乐 12.g l A. oa B. oe C. ie D. io 13.—Is there a swimming pool in your school? —No, ___________. A. there is B. there isn't C. there are 14.选出不同类的一项( ) A. are B. is C. afternoon 15.g ______ l A. ca B. oa C. ou 16.选出与其它两个不属于同类的单词( ) A. English B. music C. second 17.选出不同类的单词( ) A. eraser B. book C. hello 18.当 Pig 向别人作自我介绍,它可以说: A. Hi, Pig! B. Hello, my name's Pig. 19.当你要向别人说明我有 15 只绵羊,应说: A. I have fifteen sheeps. B. I have fifteen sheep. 20.—What's your name? — My name is Milk. A. B. 21.fish A. B. 二、单词拼写(词汇运用) 22. I don't like________ . 23.Put the ________ on the desk. 24.Don't play ping-pang ________ (在……上) the street. 25.Our Spring Festival is usually in J________or F________. 26.The sun ________ in the morning. 三、翻译 27.英汉短语互译 (1)在周末________ (2)寻找________ (3)take a walk________ (4)be interested in________ (5)plant trees________ 28.Is it a boy? ________ 29.We go to see our friends. 30.She is buying things for your birthday. 四、匹配题 31.根据图片,选择正确的单词或词组 A. shoes B. English book C. picture D. glasses E. computer ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 五、连词成句 32.the, of, name, first, friend, I, a, write (.)(连词成句) 33.to, what, is, he, do, going, (?) 34.else, did, do, you, anything(连词成句) 35.you, are, How, there, going, (?) 36.where ,you ,work ,do ( ? ) (连词成句) 六、阅读理解 37.阅读判断。 A dog has a piece(片) of meat in his mouth. He sees himself(他自己) in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has a piece of meat in his mouth,too. He wants to get(得到) his meat. Then he can have two pieces. He opens his mouth to bark(吠叫) and his meat goes down into(在……里面) the water. (1)The dog is very clever. (2)The dog has two pieces of meat. (3)The dog sees himself in the water. (4)The dog's meat goes down into the water.

