牛津上海版(深圳)四上《My parents》同步练习

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牛津上海版(深圳)四上《My parents》同步练习

Unit 6 My parent 知识梳理 一、Words: 1.nurse 护士 2.fireman 消防员(复数 firemen) 3.teacher 老师 4.doctor 医生 5.bus driver 公共汽车司机 6.kid 小孩 7.people 人;人们 二、Phrases: 1.be afraid of 害怕…… 2.play with 玩…… 3.help people 帮助人们 4.your mother 你的妈妈 三、Sentences: 1.—What does your mother do? —She's a nurse. 你妈妈是做什么的? 她是一名护士。 2. Is your mother a teacher? 3. I am a fireman 你妈妈是一名教师吗? 我是一名消防员。 4. My father is a bus driver. 我爸爸是个公交车司机。 重点点拨 1.学会用 What does...do?询问别人的职业。当被询问的人是第三人称单数时, 用助动词 does,当被询问的人是第二人称或第三人称复数时,用助动词 do。 —What does Mr Black do? —He's a bus driver. —What do you do? —I am a nurse. 2.能用 Is he/she a...?询问别人的职业,并能用 Yes,he/she is.或 No, he/she isn't.回答。在询问及回答职业时,表示职业的名词前面要用冠词 a 或 an。如 —Is your mother a teacher too? —No, she isn't. She's a doctor. 3.询问别人的职业除了 What does...do? 之外,还有:What is...’s job?和 What is...?如:What is your mother's job? What is your mother? 单词播音园 大声朗读下列短文,体会粗写的单词中字母 i 的发音/ɪ/。 Jim has a pig. His pig is big. His pig is pink. The big pig is playing with a stick. 训练大本营 核心模块 一.读一读,连一连。 二.读一读,连词成句。 1. have, do, you, shirts, any (?) 2. is, Mr Zhang, doctor, a (.) 3. your, is, a, teacher, mother (?) 4. do, your, what, do, parents (?) 三.根据对话内容,选择适当的选项补全对话,使对话完整。 A. She is a doctor. B. Yes. I have one aunt. C. Good afternoon. D. Is this your aunt A: B: Good afternoon. A: B: No, this is my mother. A: What does she do? B: A: Do you have any aunts? B: She is a nurse. 四.读一读,单项选择。 ( ) 1. What your aunt do? A. does B. is C. are ( ) 2. The little girl a yellow dress. A. is B. have C. has ( ) 3. - your father a bus driver? -No, he . A. is, is B. Is, isn't C. Does, doesn't ( ) 4. What your parents ? A. do, do B. is, do C. are, do ( ) 5. Tim short. He a big mouth A.are, have B. is, has C. is, can 五.读一读,选出类别与众不同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. tall B. short C. thin D. apple ( ) 2. A. teacher B. doctor C. people D. nurse ( ) 3. A. red B. father C. uncle D. mother ( ) 4. A. bird B. rabbit C. fish D. car ( ) 5. A. draw B. jump C. fly D. happy 六.根据情景描述,选择正确答案。 ( )1.你想说:我妈妈是一名医生。可以说: A. My mother is a nurse. B. My mother is a doctor. ( )2.你想问:你姑姑是一个医生吗?可以说: A. My aunt is a doctor. B. Is your aunt a doctor? ( )3.你想问:她是谁?可以说: A. Who is she? B. What does he do? ( )4.你想说:下午好!可以说: A. Goodbye. B. Good afternoon. 综合模块 一.选一选,选择正确的词填空。 1. - What (does, do) Mrs White do? -She's a nurse. 2. I have two (cousin, cousins). 3. The little boy is 9 (year, years) old. 4. Don't play (with, to) fire. 5. Are you afraid (of, to) fire, Mr Li? 二.Beeno 在向 Tom 介绍他家人的职业,读一读,把句子代码填入相 应的方框里。 A. Look, Tom. This is my father. He is a policeman(警察).This is his car. B. This is my mother. She has a cake shop. She is a shopkeeper(店主). C. Look at the boy. He is my brother. He has a small bag. He is a pupil. D. She is my aunt. Her name's Kitty. She likes kids. She is a teacher. 三.读一读,找出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的选项。 ( ) 1. pig A. big B. like ( ) 2.bike A. kite B. pink ( ) 3.cake A. apple B. table ( ) 4.hand A. make B. dad 四.看图,读一读,选择正确的答案。 This is Mrs White. She is my mother. She is a teacher. She works in a school. She loves children very much. So she likes her job, too. Look! She has a blue dress. It is very nice. And she can sing very well. Her students love her. Who is he? He is my father. His name is Eric. He is not afraid of fire. He is a fireman. He can help people. He likes his job very much. He is not tall but he is very strong. He is also (也) very brave (勇敢). I love him very much.2·1·c·n·j·y ( ) 1. Who is my mother? - . A. Mr White. B. Mrs White. C. Miss White. ( ) 2. What does my mother do? - She is a . A. doctor B. nurse C. teacher ( ) 3. What can Mrs White do? - . A. She can sing. B. She can dance. C. She can draw. ( ) 4. What does my father do? - He is a . A. fireman B. teacher C. bus driver ( ) 5. What is my father's name? - . A. Dan. B. Eric. C. I don't know. 五.写一写,写一篇短文介绍自己的家庭成员及其工作。 This is my family. There are people in it. My is a . HeShe can . My is a . HeShe can . My is a . HeShe can . I love my family. 参考答案 核心模块 I. 1-fireman 2-doctor 3-teacher 4-nurse 5-bus driver II. 1. Do you have any shirts? 2. Mr Zhang is a doctor. 3. Is your mother a teacher? 4. What do your parents do? III. CDAB IV. ACBAB V. DCADD VI. BBAB 综合模块 I. 1.does 2. cousins 3. years 4. with 5. of II. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C III. AABB IV. BCAAB V. This is my family. There are 4 people in it. My father is a fireman. He can run. My mother is a doctor. She can sing. My sister is a pupil. She can dance. I love my family.

