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Group 1‎ ‎1. amazing, it, what, movie, is, an ‎ !‎ ‎2. does, the, how, in, like, dress, she, red, look ‎ ?‎ ‎3. some, outside, there, beautiful, are, flowers ‎ .‎ ‎4. talented, the, think, is, I, beautiful, singer, and ‎ .‎ ‎5. students, for, listen, important, teachers, to, is, it, to ‎ .‎ Group 1‎ ‎1. What an amazing movie it is ‎2. How does she look like in the red dress ‎3. There are some beautiful flowers outside ‎4. I think the singer is beautiful and talented ‎5. It is important for students to listen to teachers Group 2‎ ‎1. wonderful, the, is, how, show ‎ !‎ ‎2. train, when, on, Peter, get, did, the ‎ ?‎ ‎3. funny, I, telling, she, is, a, story, think ‎ .‎ ‎4. little, school, is, go, too, the, young, to, girl, to ‎ .‎ ‎5. until, out, finished, go, should, we, the, homework, not, was ‎ .‎ Group 2‎ ‎1. How wonderful the show is ‎2. When did Peter get on the train ‎3. I think she is telling a funny story ‎4. The little girl is too young to go to school ‎5. We should not go out until the homework was finished Group 3‎ ‎1. did, air, condition, well, very, not, work, the ‎3. Peter, people, did, think, a, very, great, most, job ‎ .‎ ‎4. man, why, the, like, does, music, not, the, background ‎ ?‎ ‎5. many, during, there, visitors, Beijing, the, are, National, Day, in ‎ .‎ Group 3‎ ‎1. The air condition did not work very well ‎2. Betty thinks dog is the best friend of human ‎3. Most people think Peter did a very great job ‎4. Why the man does not like the background music ‎5. There are many visitors in Beijing during the National Day Group 4‎ ‎1. pick, please, immediately, up, the, phone ‎4. is, what, delicious, the, key, make, a, to, seafood, soup ‎ ?‎ ‎5. computer, the, students, man, can, thinks, study, help, well ‎ .‎ Group 4‎ ‎1. Please pick up the phone immediately ‎2. There is a large swimming pool in our hotel ‎3. I wonder why she turned down our invitation ‎4. What is the key to make a delicious seafood soup ‎5. The man thinks computer can help students study well Group 5‎ ‎1. moved, lot, the, play, people, a ‎ .‎ ‎2. nobody, he, hurt, is, so, dares, to, him, that, strong ‎5. their, my, invited, together, parents, friends, to, around, travel ‎ .‎ Group 5‎ ‎1. The play moved people a lot ‎2. He is so strong that nobody dares to hurt him ‎3. Go straight and then turn left at the second corner ‎4. Will you promise me not to tell anybody else the secret ‎5. My parents invited their friends to travel around together Group 6‎ ‎1. learn, one, is, old, to, never, too ‎ .‎ ‎2. stick, is, important, to, it, everyone, to, dreams, for ‎ .‎ ‎3. taking, I, think, our, vitamin E, good, health, for, is Group 6‎ ‎1. One is never too old to learn ‎2. It is important for everyone to stick to dreams ‎3. I think taking vitamin E is good for our health ‎4. When will your boss come back to the company ‎5. We should pay attention to our belongings at train station Group 7‎ ‎1. door, close, to, the, noise, keep ‎ .‎ ‎2. in, nothing, there, box, the, black, is ‎ .‎ ‎3. movie, he, the, amazing, surprised, was, by ‎ .‎ ‎4. I, know, school, the, why, she, was, for, reason, late Group 7‎ ‎1. Close the door to keep noise ‎2. There is nothing in the black box ‎3. He was surprised by the amazing movie ‎4. I know the reason why she was late for school ‎5. How did he win the second prize in math competition Group 8‎ ‎1. things, eat, he, sick, to, is, too ‎ .‎ ‎2. new, wish, happy, year, you, a ‎ .‎ ‎3. there, the, watch, much, is, over, how ‎ ?‎ ‎4. the, lot, can, a, of, clothes, suitcase, bear ‎ .‎ ‎5. repaired, afternoon, I, to, get, bike, this, need, my ‎ .‎ Group 8‎ ‎1. He is too sick to eat things ‎2. Wish you a happy new year ‎3. How much is the watch over there ‎4. The suitcase can bear a lot of clothes ‎5. I need to get my bike repaired this afternoon Group 9‎ ‎1. bus, you, to, there, by, or, taxi, go, want ‎ .‎ ‎2. never, it, is, late, to, admit, mistake, too, one’s ‎ .‎ ‎3. your, can, hope, in, competition, you, succeed ‎ .‎ ‎4. solve, did, you, to, the, how, problem, long, take ‎ ?‎ ‎5. I, teachers, knowledgeable, are, patient, and, our, think ‎ .‎ Group 9‎ ‎1. You want to go there by bus or taxi ‎2. It is never too late to admit one’s mistake ‎3. Hope you can succeed in your competition ‎4. How long did you take to solve the problem ‎5. I think our teachers are patient and knowledgeable Group 10‎ ‎1. about, has, idea, the, actor, no, he ‎ .‎ ‎2. help, it, is, of, to, me, out, kind, him ‎ .‎ ‎3. last, I, why, he, up, night, wonder, stayed ‎ .‎ ‎4. you, have, America, been, to, before, ever ‎ ?‎ ‎5. English, yesterday, I, for, my, class, late, was ‎ .‎ Group 10‎ ‎1. He has no idea about the actor ‎2. It is kind of him to help me out ‎3. I wonder why he stayed up last night ‎4. Have you ever been to America before ‎5. I was late for my English class yesterday Group 11‎ ‎1. your, is, the, in, sister, girl, red ‎ ?‎ ‎2. it, outside, is, heavily, raining ‎ .‎ ‎3. your, I, is, backpack, beautiful, think ‎ .‎ ‎4. room, keep, in, studying, quite, please ‎ .‎ ‎5. classroom, must, the, clean, students, keep ‎ .‎ Group 11‎ ‎1. Is the girl in red your sister ‎2. It is raining heavily outside ‎3. I think your backpack is beautiful ‎4. Please keep quite in studying room ‎5. Students must keep the classroom clean Group 12‎ ‎1. at, he, football, good, playing, is ‎2. last, did, to, library, night, she, go ‎ ?‎ ‎3. public, the, voice, in, keep, down ‎ .‎ ‎4. repair, I, glasses, to, my, tomorrow, need ‎ .‎ ‎5. kids, having, are, playground, many, fun, on, the, there ‎ .‎ Group 12‎ ‎1. He is good at playing football ‎2. Did she go to library last night ‎3. Keep the voice down in public ‎4. I need to repair my glasses tomorrow ‎5. There are many kids having fun on the playground Group 13‎ ‎1. is, the, magician, amazing, how ‎ !‎ ‎2. kind, music, you, what, like, of, do ‎3. runs, he, notebook, out, the, English ‎ .‎ ‎4. of, were, because, dirty, my, the, rain, shoes ‎ .‎ ‎5. did, I, home, why, night, he, not, come, wonder, last ‎ .‎ Group 13‎ ‎1. How amazing the magician is ‎2. What kind of music do you like ‎3. He runs out the English notebook ‎4. My shoes were dirty because of the rain ‎5. I wonder why he did not come home last night Group 14‎ ‎1. dressed, I, way, you, the, love ‎ .‎ ‎2. yet, I, clothes, have, washed, my, not ‎4. weekend, we, shall, to, the, this, go, zoo ‎ ?‎ ‎5. story, not, I, do, the, interesting, think, is ‎ .‎ Group 14‎ ‎1. I love the way you dressed ‎2. I have not washed my clothes yet ‎3. Please put these books on the shelf ‎4. Shall we go to the zoo this weekend ‎5. I do not think the story is interesting Group 15‎ ‎1. I, black, do, like, the, not, dress ‎ .‎ ‎2. is, what, your, subject, favorite ‎ ?‎ ‎3. difficult, English, very, thinks, he, is ‎5. arrival, to, belongings, remember, your, after, take ‎ .‎ Group 15‎ ‎1. I do not like the black dress ‎2. What is your favorite subject ‎3. He thinks English is very difficult ‎4. My father’s back is hurt during rainy days ‎5. Remember to take your belongings after arrival Group 16‎ ‎1. singer, is, a, he, famous ‎ ?‎ ‎2. laugh, movie, me, the, made ‎ .‎ ‎3. best, I, be, friend, want, to, your ‎ .‎ ‎4. to, tomorrow, go, the, park, let’s ‎1. Is he a famous singer ‎2. The movie made me laugh ‎3. I want to be your best friend ‎4. Let’s go to the park tomorrow ‎Group 16‎ ‎5. I think the picture on the wall is amazing Group 17‎ ‎1. do, smoke, the, hospital, not, in ‎ .‎ ‎2. TV, last, did, watch, night, you ‎ ?‎ ‎3. buy, want, dictionary, to, an, English, I ‎ .‎ ‎4. some, there, chair, are, clothes, on, the, clean ‎ .‎ ‎5. elementary, this, students, is, for, school, question, difficult ‎ .‎ Group 17‎ ‎2. Did you watch TV last night ‎3. I want to buy an English dictionary ‎4. There are some clean clothes on the chair ‎5. This question is difficult for elementary school students Group 18‎ ‎1. do, have, many, pens, you, how ‎ ?‎ ‎2. without, fishes, not, live, can, water ‎ .‎ ‎3. well, singer, piano, play, as, this, can ‎ .‎ ‎4. prize, the, thinks, he, can, win, the, man, first ‎ .‎ ‎5. because, came, jams, late, of, the, traffic, I, home ‎ .‎ Group 18‎ ‎1. How many pens do you have ‎2. Fishes can not live without water ‎3. This singer can play piano as well ‎4. The man thinks he can win the first prize ‎5. I came home late because of the traffic jams Group 19‎ ‎1. must, we, the, environment, protect ‎ .‎ ‎2. want, your, to, story, borrow, book, I ‎ .‎ ‎3. is, interesting, I, Chinese, think, culture, very ‎ .‎ ‎4. go, will, holiday, you, to, during, summer, Australia ‎ ?‎ ‎5. for, is, independently, important, middle, students, to, think, it, school ‎ .‎ Group 19‎ ‎1. We must protect the environment ‎2. I want to borrow your story book ‎3. I think Chinese culture is very interesting ‎4. Will you go to Australia during summer holiday ‎5. It is important for middle school students to think independently Group 20‎ ‎1. the, wall, not, on, paint, do ‎ .‎ ‎2. did, for, lunch, eat, what, you ‎ ?‎ ‎3. health, is, our, smoking, for, bad ‎ .‎ ‎4. seafood, he, much, likes, very, noodles ‎ .‎ ‎5. walk, I, should, take, a, dinner, after, think, people ‎ .‎ ‎1. Do not paint on the wall ‎2. What did you eat for lunch ‎3. Smoking is bad for our health ‎Group 20‎ ‎4. He likes seafood noodles very much ‎5. I think people should take a walk after dinner

