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‎1‎ be absorbed in ‎ 专心致力于 He pretends to be absorbed in listening. ‎ Mary was absorbed in thought.‎ ‎2‎ be abundant in ‎ ‎…富于,…丰富 The country is abundant in natural resources ‎3‎ by accident ‎ 偶然 Columbus‎ discovered America by accident ‎4‎ access (to) (不可数)‎ 进入…的道路,通路;‎ 能接近,进入,了解或使用 There is no access to the house from the main road.‎ Students have access to the library during the vacation.‎ ‎5‎ in accordance with 与…一致;按照,根据 We’ve punished the criminal in accordance with the law.‎ ‎6‎ account for ‎ 说明(原因等);解释 How do you account for that?‎ ‎7‎ on account of ‎ 因为,由于 The match was postponed on account of the weather。‎ ‎8‎ on no account 决不 On no account should we give up the plan。‎ ‎9‎ take into account ‎ 考虑;重视 We should take into account the proposals of our parents and vice versa(反之亦然).‎ ‎10‎ aaccuse sb. of sth. ‎ 控告(某人某事)‎ He is accused of stealing. They falsely accused him of being a thief. 他们赖他偷东西。‎ ‎11‎ be accustomed to ‎ 习惯于 He is accustomed to loneliness.‎ I have got accustomed to queuing ‎12‎ be acquainted with 开始认识;开始了解 When did you become acquainted with him? ‎ He is acquainted with French.‎ ‎13‎ act for ‎ 代理 Please act for me during my absence.‎ ‎14‎ act on ‎ 按照…而行动 You must act on his advice.‎ ‎15‎ act out ‎ 演出 The children started to act out the new play.‎ ‎16‎ take action ‎ 采取行动;提出诉讼 He suggested that we seize the chance to take action. He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.‎ ‎17‎ adapt to ‎ 适应 Someone is unable to adapt to their circumstances.‎ ‎18‎ add up ‎ 加算,合计 The numbers wouldn't add up. 这些数目加起来与总数不符 Add up these figures, please.‎ ‎19‎ add up to ‎ 合计达,总计是 The bills add up to exactly $100.‎ ‎20‎ be addicted to ‎ 上瘾;‎ 入迷 He became addicted to drugs at the age of thirteen.‎ Her son is addicted to computer games.‎ ‎21‎ in addition ‎ 另外 In addition, there are five problems.‎ ‎22‎ in addition to ‎ 除…之外(还有)‎ In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.‎ ‎23‎ be adequate for ‎ 足以 适合 The plan was adequate for the purpose. 这计划足以达到这一目的。This is a solution adequate for the problem. 这是解决这个问题的适当办法。‎ ‎24‎ adhere to ‎ 粘附在…上;‎ 坚持 Mud adhered to our shoes.‎ She adhered to her plan to leave early.‎ 她坚持自己的计划要早点动身。‎ ‎25‎ admit of ‎ 容许有,有…余地 These regulations admit of no exception.‎ ‎26‎ in advance ‎ 在前面;预先 They commanded us to pay in advance.‎ ‎27‎ in advance of ‎ 在…的前面;超过 They walked in advance of the president.‎ ‎28‎ take advantage of ‎ 趁…之机,利用 They often took advantage of his lack of experience.‎ ‎29‎ afford to ‎ ‎(买)得起(某物)‎ There are still some people who cannot afford to go to school. No country can afford to neglect education. ‎ 任何国家都不能忽视教育。‎ ‎30‎ for ages ‎ 长期 He said he had been waiting for ages.‎ ‎31‎ go ahead ‎ 前进;干吧 The man went ahead against the hurricane.‎ ‎32‎ go against ‎ 不利于;‎ 反抗,与…相背;‎ 违反 What they have done goes against us.‎ He would not go against his parents’ wishes.‎ His thinking goes against all logic.‎ ‎33‎ aim for ‎ 力争…,针对 We should aim for the best results ‎34‎ be alike to ‎ 与…相同,与…相似 All music is alike to him, ie He cannot tell one kind from another. 各种音乐在他听来全都一样(他辨别不出音乐的种类)。‎ ‎35‎ all but/nearly/almost 几乎,差一点 He was all but killed.他几乎被打死。‎ ‎36‎ all in all ‎ 总的说来;头等重要的 All in all, you are right. 总之,你是对的。‎ Painting became his all in all. 绘画成了他的一切。‎ ‎37‎ all out ‎ 竭尽全力 We must go all out. 我们必须鼓足干劲。‎ ‎38‎ allow for ‎ 考虑到,估计到;体谅 We should allow for unexpected difficulty.‎ ‎39‎ allow of ‎ 容许(有…),容得 The river is too deep to allow of swimming.‎ ‎40‎ leave alone ‎ 听其自然,不要去管 Leave her alone. 别管(惹)她。‎ She didn’t want to be left alone. 她不愿一个人待着。‎ ‎41‎ along with ‎ 同…一道(一起)‎ Come along (with me), boys! 孩子们,跟我来。‎ ‎42‎ amount to ‎ 总共达到;‎ 实际上是 My savings amount to $2000. ‎ His words amounted to a threat.‎ ‎43‎ and all that ‎ 诸如此类 He sells fruits, candies, toys, cigars, and all that.‎ ‎44‎ answer for ‎ 对…负责;‎ You must answer for your actions.‎ You will have to answer for your behavior one day. ‎ 总有一天你要为你的行为承担责任。‎ ‎45‎ at any rate ‎ 不管怎样,反正 At any rate the task must be fulfilled.‎ ‎46‎ if any ‎ 若有的话 Few, if any, will survive there. 只有很少的人会在那里幸存,如果可能的话。What,if any,is your religion? 你有任何宗教信仰吗?是什么?‎ ‎47‎ anything but ‎ 除…以外任何事(物)‎ He is anything but handsome. 他并不英俊。‎ He is anything but a liar. 他决不是个撒谎的人。‎ ‎48‎ apart/aside from ‎ 除…之外(还)‎ I have finished apart from the last questions. 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。Apart from the house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。‎ ‎49‎ appeal to ‎ 上诉 Her argument appealed to me.她的论据引起了我的兴趣。He appealed to a higher court.他向上级法院上诉。‎ ‎50‎ make an appeal to sb ‎ 向某人提出呼吁;上诉 The girl’s family have made a public appeal for help to try to catch her killer.‎ 那名遇害女孩的家人呼吁公众帮助捉拿凶手。‎ ‎51‎ apply for ‎ 提出申请(或要求等)‎ Have you applied for your passport?He has applied to the bank for a loan. 他已向银行申请贷款。‎ ‎52‎ apply sth to sth 把…应用于 What I am saying applies only to some of you. ‎ 我所说的只涉及你们中的一些人。‎ The word “unexciting” could never be applied to her novels. “乏味”这个词绝对和她的小说沾不上边。‎ ‎53‎ apply oneself to ‎ 致力于 You would pass your exams if you applied yourself to ‎ reviewing your lessons.‎ ‎54‎ approve of ‎ 赞成,满意 I approve of using the method of voting.‎ ‎55‎ around the clock round the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地 People with very important jobs sometimes have to work around the clock.‎ ‎56‎ as for ‎ 至于,就…方面说 As for food for the party, that is all being taken care of. 至于聚会要用的食物,都在置办中。‎ ‎57‎ as to ‎ 至于,关于 As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary. ‎ 至于你的税款,将从你的收入中扣除。‎ ‎58‎ may/mihgt as well ‎ 还是…的好 You may as well wait upstairs. I may as well die as marry him. 我与其嫁给他,倒不如去死算了。‎ ‎59‎ aside from ‎ ‎(美)除…以外 We turned aside from the main road. 我们离开了大道。Good work, aside from a few slight faults. ‎ 干得不错,只有一些小失误。‎ ‎60‎ ask after ‎ 询问,问候 Tom asked after you/your health.‎ ‎61‎ ask for 请求,要求,寻求 What you are doing is asking for trouble. ‎ Children tend to take it for granted to ask their parents for some pocket money regularly. ‎ ‎62‎ assist in ‎ 帮助(做某事)‎ We all assisted in mending the roof. ‎ She assisted him in his experiments. ‎ ‎63‎ assure sb. of sth.‎ 使(某人)确信(某事)‎ I can assure you of the reliability of the information. I am fully assured of your success. 我们完全相信你能获得成功。‎ ‎64‎ be attached to ‎ 附属于;喜爱;爱慕 The flag is attached to a pole. 这面旗系在旗杆上。 The senior high school is attached to Peking‎ ‎University. 这所高中附属于北京大学。We have grown attached to this house and would hate to move. 我们十分喜爱这座房子,真舍不得搬家。‎ ‎65‎ attach importance / significance / value/ weight to ‎ 认为重要/有意义/价值/分量;重视 We attach great importance/ significance / value/ weight to this research.‎ ‎66‎ attain to ‎ 达到(理想的状态)‎ He tried in vain to attain to fame. 他想出名没成功。‎ He will soon attain to manhood.他很快就要达到成年期了。‎ ‎67‎ attend on ‎ 照顾,侍候 At least a dozen people attend on the bride of the wealthy prince. 至少有12个人侍候这个富有的王子的新娘。‎ ‎68‎ attend to ‎ 专心;照顾,护理 He attended to his work. 他专心工作。A lot of things have to be attended to. 有很多事要处理。Are you being attended to, lady? 女士,有人接待您吗?‎ ‎69‎ pay attention to ‎ 注意;重视 Education should be paid great attention to. Great attention should be paid to education. 必须充分重视教育。‎ ‎70‎ be attentive to ‎ 对…关怀 Please be more attentive to your studies. 请更加专心学习。‎ ‎71‎ be available for ‎ 有效 Special rooms are available for the disabled. ‎ 有专门房间供残疾人士使用。‎ ‎72‎ on an average ‎ 平均起来,一般说来 On an average, $100 worth of goods are stolen every day. 平均有价值100美元的货物被盗。‎ ‎73‎ be aware of ‎ 知道,意识到,认识到 He was aware of his rudeness.‎ ‎74‎ back and forth ‎ ‎(前后)来回地,往返 He walked lazily back and forth in the hall. ‎ ‎75‎ back away ‎ 后退;逐渐后退;不愿放弃;‎ He never backed away from difficulties. 他从来没有在困难面前退却过。 He attacked the animal bravely and made it back away. The minister would back away from his principles. 部长不愿背弃他的原则。‎ ‎76‎ go back to ‎ 追溯到…‎ Memories went back to my childhood. 记忆把我带回童年。‎ ‎77‎ back up ‎ 支持,援助;倒退 All the people present backed up our plan. ‎ 在场的人都支持我们的计划。‎ You will have to back up north.你们不得不往北撤退。‎ ‎78‎ keep one's balance ‎ 保持(身体)平衡 You must learn to keep your balance in skating.‎ ‎79‎ on balance ‎ 总的说来 On balance, dress designing appeals to me more than gardening.‎ ‎80‎ based on ‎ 以…为基础 The exciting film is based on a true story. ‎ ‎81‎ on the basis of ‎ 在…的基础上 Surprisingly he looked down upon us on the basis of sex.‎ ‎82‎ to begin with ‎ 首先,第一 To begin with, it is urgent to create nature reserves. ‎ 首先,迫在眉睫的是建立自然保护区。‎ ‎83‎ on behalf of ‎ 代表…,为了…‎ On behalf of my colleagues, I thank you. My remark is on behalf of the workers. 我代表工人发言。‎ ‎84‎ belong to ‎ 属于;附属 These lands belonged to my father. ‎ They belong to a younger generation.‎ ‎85‎ for the best ‎ ‎(完全)出于好意 Everything will turn out for the best. 到头来一切都会好的。I don’t want you to leave, but perhaps it’s for the best. ‎ 我不想让你走,但也许还是走的好。‎ ‎86‎ make the best of ‎ 充分利用(时间等)‎ We should make the best of this valuable opportunity. If you can’t have the best, make the best of what you have. (谚语)如果没有更好的,就充分利用现有的。‎ ‎87‎ black and blue ‎ ‎(被打得)遍体鳞伤 The slave was beaten black and blue.‎ ‎88‎ black out ‎ 昏厥;用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻)‎ The driver had probably blacked out at the wheel.司机在可能在开车昏厥了。 The printer had better black out that word. 印刷人员最好用黑色把那个字盖上。The imperialists hoped to black out their radio transmission. 帝国主义者想不让他们的电台顺利广播。‎ ‎89‎ be better off ‎ 更富有,情况更好 We are better off this year than we were last year.‎ ‎90‎ be beneficial to ‎ 有利于,有益于 Reading‎ is of course beneficial to your development.‎ ‎91‎ be to blame ‎ 该受责备;应该负责 You are mainly to blame (for the failure). ‎ ‎(失败)主要应当责备你。‎ ‎92‎ be blind to ‎ 不了解,对…是盲目的 He is blind to his own faults.‎ ‎93‎ turn a blind eye to ‎ 对…装作不见 You shouldn’t drink here, but I’m willing to turn a blind eye (to it).‎ ‎94‎ blow up ‎ 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸 The worker is busy blowing up a tire. 那工人正给轮胎打气。The police station was blown up by terrorists. ‎ He was killed when his car blew up.‎ ‎95‎ on board ‎ 在船(车、飞机)上 They got on board the train.他们上了火车。‎ ‎96‎ boast of ‎ 吹牛,自夸,夸耀 Nobody should boast of his own learning.‎ 谁也不应该夸耀自己的学识。‎ ‎97‎ born of ‎ 源于;出生于 He was born of humble parentage. 他出身寒微。‎ ‎98‎ be bound to ‎ 一定会…,必然…‎ Your plan is bound to succeed. ‎ Money is bound to tell. 钱一定不会白花。‎ ‎99‎ break away (from)‎ 突然离开;逃跑,脱身;打破;脱离 The prisoner broke away from his guards. 犯人挣脱了看守。The people of the province wished to break away and form a new country. 该省人民希望分离成立一个新国家。break away from practices / customs 打破惯例 ‎100‎ break down ‎ 打破;‎ 发生故障;‎ 被搞垮;‎ 消除;‎ 使分解、变化 Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. The telephone system has broken down. His health broke down under the pressure of work. Measures must be taken to break down the fear of the local people. ‎ Sugar is broken down in the stomach. ‎ ‎101‎ break in ‎ 训练;‎ 强行进入;‎ 打断 The new soldiers have not been broken in yet. ‎ Burglars had broken in while we were away. ‎ She longed to break in on the conversation.‎ ‎102‎ break into ‎ 闯进;‎ 突然…起来 We had our car broken into last week. (被撬)‎ As the President’s car drew up, the crowd broke into loud applause.(爆发热烈的掌声)‎ ‎103‎ break off ‎ ‎(使)折断;‎ 中断;‎ 断绝 Some branches of the tree broke off in the strong wind. She broke off a piece of chocolate. (搿下一块巧克力)‎ He broke off in the middle of a sentence. ‎ They have broken off their engagement(婚约). ‎ ‎104‎ break out ‎ ‎(战争等)爆发;‎ 逃出 The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937.‎ Several prisoners broke out of the jail after killing a guard. ‎ ‎105‎ break through ‎ 突破,取得重大发现;‎ 冲破,突破 Scientists think that they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.‎ The crowd broke through the barriers in the street.‎ ‎106‎ break up ‎ break up with ‎ 打碎;‎ ‎(关系)破裂 与… 绝交 The ship broke up on the rocks. The ship was broken up for scrap metal. (船已拆解为废铁)‎ Their marriage has broken up. ‎ They have decided to break up the partnership.‎ She has just broken up with her boyfriend.‎ ‎107‎ catch / hold one's breath ‎ 喘息;屏息 Seeing the terrible sight, he caught his breath. After the relay race, the team caught their breath on the bench.‎ ‎108‎ lose one's breath ‎ 喘不过气来,呼吸困难 If you run very fast, you may lose your breath.‎ ‎109‎ out of breath ‎ 喘不过气来 He rushed into the room out of breath with his face red with cold.‎ ‎110‎ in brief ‎ 简言之;以简洁的形式 In brief, the meeting was a disaster.‎ ‎111‎ bring about→cause 带来;引起 What brought about his change in his attitude?‎ ‎112‎ bring back ‎ 带回来,归还 使恢复 使想起 Please bring back the library books before Sunday.‎ Most students are against bringing back the rule.‎ The photos brought back many pleasant memories.‎ ‎113‎ bring down ‎ 降低(温度等);‎ 使倒下,打垮 The government aimed to bring down food prices.‎ The bad news may bring down their confidence.‎ ‎114‎ bring forward ‎ 提前 提出(建议等);‎ The meeting has been brought forward by 3 days.‎ He’ll bring forward his plan at the next meeting. ‎ ‎115‎ bring in ‎ 引入;‎ 赚得(钱)‎ 带入警察局讯问 We need to bring in a lot more business. ‎ His part-time job brings him in 10,000 yuan a year.‎ Two men were brought in for questioning.‎ ‎116‎ bring on ‎ 引起,使发生;‎ 使成长更快,使提高;‎ Dirt often brings on disease.‎ This warm weather should bring on the crops.‎ ‎117‎ bring out ‎ 使…显示出来;‎ 阐明,衬托;‎ A crisis brings out the best in her.危机使她表现出色。 ‎ The dress really brings out the color of your skin.‎ ‎118‎ bring up ‎ 教育,扶养;(常用被动)‎ 提出(供讨论)→raise He was brought up by his grandmother.‎ He decided to bring it up at the meeting.‎ ‎119‎ build up ‎ 逐步建立;‎ 增强体质,‎ 增加 She has built up a very successful business.‎ You need more exercise to build you up.‎ All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks. 各方面压力增大,他有几个星期没上班了。‎ ‎120‎ burn out ‎ 烧坏(指因过热而失灵);‎ 烧尽,烧成废墟 筋疲力尽,累垮 The heater(加热器,热水器) has burnt out.‎ The hotel was completely burnt out.‎ If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he will burn himself out.‎ ‎121‎ burn up ‎ ‎(炉火等)烧旺起来 Put more wood on a fire to make it burn up. ‎ ‎122‎ burst into laughter ‎ 突然笑起来 Upon hearing the funny story, everybody burst into laughter.‎ ‎123‎ burst upon ‎ 突然明白/知道 The news burst upon him like an earthquake.‎ ‎124‎ but for ‎ 倘没有,要不是(表虚拟)‎ But for her, I would have drowned in the river.‎ ‎125‎ by far …‎ 得多;最最 This book is by far better than that one.‎ That is by far the best choice that they can make.‎ ‎126‎ call (out) to sb.‎ 大声呼叫,大声说 She called out to her father for help.‎ ‎127‎ call back ‎ 叫回来,‎ 收回(错话等)‎ I'll call back after dinner.‎ No one can call back yesterday. 昨日不会重现。‎ ‎128‎ call for ‎ 去接,‎ 需要,‎ 提倡,(公开)要求 I will call for you at 7 o’clock.‎ Teaching pupils calls for special patience.‎ We should call for economy. 我们应该提倡节约。‎ ‎129‎ call forth ‎ 唤起,引起 April showers call forth May flowers 四月的阵雨带来五月的鲜花。You have to call forth all your energy in doing this. 你必须全力以赴做好这件事。‎ ‎130‎ call in ‎ 召集 叫来(服务)‎ 收回(某物)‎ How many friends did you call in? 你邀请了多少朋友?The hospital calls in many specialists on Sundays.‎ Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers. 有严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商召回。‎ ‎131‎ call off ‎ 叫走,叫开;‎ 取消 He called off his fierce dog which scared the beggar.‎ The game was called off because of bad weather.‎ ‎132‎ call on ‎ 访问;(upon)‎ 号召;‎ He called on an old friend in the countryside. ‎ They called on farmers to plant more trees.‎ 恭请 I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.‎ 现在请主席向大会致辞。‎ ‎133‎ call up ‎ 打电话;‎ 征召(服役),动员 Don’t hesitate to call me up if you need any help.‎ The army only called up the class of 1945.‎ 军队只征召1945年出生的人服役。‎ ‎134‎ cannot but ‎ 不得不,不会不 Hearing the whole story, I can’t but admire his courage. ‎ ‎135‎ cannot help ‎ 不得不;忍不住 After close investigation, I can’t help doubting his honesty. 经过缜密调查,我不由得怀疑他的诚实。‎ ‎136‎ cannot help but ‎ 不得不(接动词原形)‎ Due to the present price level, we cannot help but adjust our offer 由于目前的价格情况,我方不得不调整报价。‎ ‎137‎ cannot...too... ‎ 越…越好 You cannot be too careful in examinations. ‎ 考试时越仔细越好。‎ ‎138‎ be capable of ‎ 有能力做 He is perfectly capable of doing it himself.‎ ‎139‎ care for ‎ 关怀,照管;‎ 深爱 She moved back home to care for her elderly parents.‎ He cared for her more than she realized.‎ 她不知道他是多么在乎她。‎ ‎140‎ carry back to sth 使回想起 The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood.‎ ‎141‎ carry off ‎ 赢得;‎ 拿走,夺去…的生命 Our team carried off most of the prizes.‎ The disease carried off thousands. ‎ ‎142‎ carry on with sth 继续开展,坚持下去 After he left, I tried to carry on with the job as normal.‎ ‎143‎ carry out ‎ 执行;‎ 完成 The plan should be carried out immediately.‎ Further tests have been carried on the patient.‎ ‎144‎ carry through ‎ 进行(到底)实现;‎ 使渡过(困难,危险)‎ It is a difficult job, but she is the person to carry it through. His courage carried him through his illness.‎ ‎145‎ a case in point ‎ 一个有说服力的例子 A case in point is Tom, who won many prizes.‎ ‎146‎ in case ‎ 以防;‎ 假如(美国英语)‎ 以防有什么情况 Take your coat in case it rains. Take your coat just in case it should rain. ‎ In case I forget, please remind me about it.‎ I will keep some of these unused just in case.‎ ‎147‎ in case of ‎ 以防,假如,万一…‎ In case of fire, press the red button over there.‎ ‎148‎ in any case ‎ 无论如何,总之 In any case I shall return in a day or two.‎ ‎149‎ in no case ‎ 决不,无论如何不 In no case are you to leave your post.‎ ‎150‎ in the case of ‎ 就…来说;至于 Poverty depresses most people; in the case of my father it was otherwise.‎ ‎151‎ in this/that case ‎ 既然是这/那样 In that case he would have telephone the police.‎ ‎152‎ as the case may be 根据具体/实际情况 We shall let you know whether the meeting will be held, as the case may be.‎ ‎153‎ catch on ‎ 理解,明白,变得流行 The song caught on and was sung and played ‎ ‎154‎ catch up with sb catch sb up 追上;‎ 赶上 Go on ahead. I will catch up with you.‎ After missing a term through illness he had to work hard to catch up with others.‎ ‎155‎ be caught up in ‎ 卷入;‎ 对…特别感兴趣 He regretted having been caught up in the affair. 他后悔当初卷入了这件事。 Many citizens do not get caught up in local events. 许多市民对本地事件不感兴趣。‎ ‎156‎ for certain ‎ 肯定地;确凿地 We never knew for certain how it happened. ‎ 究竟是怎么发生的,我们始终未搞清楚。‎ ‎157‎ take a chance ‎ 冒险,投机 He took a dreadful chance, flying under the bridge that way. 他那样从桥下飞过,冒着可怕的风险。‎ ‎158‎ take one's chance ‎ by any chance 碰运气,准备冒险 ‎(询问是否真实、可能)‎ He took his chance and jumped into the water.‎ Are you in love with him,by any chance? 你难不成爱上了他?‎ ‎159‎ in charge of 主管;在…掌管之下 I’ll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director’s away. ‎ The man in charge hadn’t been about just at the moment.‎ ‎160‎ in the charge of(sb’s charge) ‎ 由…管 The little girl was in the charge of a nurse.‎ The class is now in Mr. Zhang’s charge.‎ ‎161‎ chew over ‎ 慢慢考虑 You have had long to chew the matter over.‎ ‎162‎ check in ‎ 办理登记手续,报到 At midnight they checked in at the hotel.‎ ‎163‎ check out ‎ 结账后离开;‎ 检验合格 Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.‎ 客人必须在中午之前办理房手续。All the trainees checked out all right. 所有受训人员都符合要求。‎ ‎164‎ check up on sth 核对,检验 I need to check up on a few things before I can decide.‎ ‎165‎ cheer on ‎ 给…加油,打气 The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race.‎ ‎166‎ cheer up ‎ 使高兴,‎ 使振奋起来 She needs cheering up. 她需要安慰。‎ Bright curtains can cheer up a dull room. ‎ 色彩鲜艳的窗帘可以让单调的房间变得亮丽起来。‎ ‎167‎ clear away ‎ 把…清除掉;‎ ‎(云)消失 Have you cleared away your books from the table.‎ The clouds have cleared away. 云已散去。‎ ‎168‎ clear off ‎ 消除,摆脱(负担等)‎ ‎(口语)逃离 Finally they cleared off the debts.‎ He cleared off when he heard the police siren. (警笛)‎ ‎169‎ clear out ‎ 把…清出(或出空)‎ The thieves cleared out the store. (洗劫一空)‎ ‎170‎ clear up ‎ 晴朗、开朗起来 澄清,解决 整理 做完工作,处理掉 The weather has cleared up; we can go out.‎ Maybe we can clear up your problem.‎ You have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.‎ I have lots of work to clear up by the weekend.‎ ‎171‎ close about ‎ 围住,包围 Darkness closed about us.我们周围漆黑一团。‎ ‎172‎ close down ‎ ‎(工厂等)关闭,‎ 倒闭 The factory closed down for Christmas.‎ They decided to close down the firm; the business is so bad.‎ ‎173‎ close in ‎ 包围;(on)‎ 迫近;‎ ‎(白天)渐短 The troops(部队)were closing in on the enemy.‎ Darkness closed in on us. 黑暗迫近我们。‎ The days are beginning to close in now that it’s fall.‎ ‎174‎ close up ‎ 关闭;‎ 靠近,靠拢 Is the shop closed up by the owner or by his wife?‎ The general ordered his soldiers to close up(集中起来).‎ ‎175‎ combine with ‎ 使结合;使联合起来 Some films combine education with recreation.‎ ‎176‎ come to a close ‎ 结束,终止 The amateur art festival came to a close on May 5th.‎ ‎177‎ draw to a close ‎ 渐近结束 The month drew to its close. 快到月底了。‎ ‎178‎ come about ‎ 发生;‎ ‎(接that引起的从句)‎ How did the accident come about?‎ How did it come about that you didn’t report the theft (盗窃)until two days after it occurred?‎ ‎179‎ come across ‎ ‎(无意中)碰到,想到 讲得清楚明白 I have just come across a beautiful poem in the book.‎ He came suddenly across a good idea.‎ Your speech came across very well; everyone understands your opinions now.‎ ‎180‎ come at ‎ 袭击,向…扑过来;‎ 了解,弄清楚;‎ 得到,拿到 I saw the lion just as it was going to come at me.‎ It was a long time before we came at the truth.‎ Put the food where the cat can’t come at it.‎ ‎181‎ come of ‎ 出身于;‎ 由…引起,是…结果 He came of a poor peasant family in the old society.‎ Poverty often comes of idleness.‎ ‎182‎ come off ‎ 脱落;‎ 举行 成功 His hair began to come off.‎ When is the wedding coming off?‎ The attempt is likely to come off.‎ ‎183‎ come on ‎ ‎(劝说等)来吧,赶快;‎ 开始 进展(=come along)‎ 生长,成长 夜幕降临,(灯)着 上演,放映 Come on, boy, come on. Get the letter copied.‎ Towards evening a violent storm of rain came on.‎ How is John coming on with his study of Chinese?‎ The young trees are coming on nicely.‎ Night is coming on. The darkness came very early. Then the electric lights came on.‎ ‎‘Hamlet’ is coming on next night.‎ ‎184‎ come out ‎ 出版;‎ 开花,发芽;‎ 结果(如何)‎ 考试结果,考第几名 This paper comes out every Friday.‎ I think the roses will come out next week.‎ The game came out as we had hoped.‎ He came out in the top three.‎ ‎185‎ come through ‎ 经历(危险)活下来;‎ ‎(电话)接通,(电报)收到 He considered himself fortunate to have come through two world wars.‎ I was just leaving the office when he came through on the phone from Beijing.‎ ‎186‎ come to ‎ 苏醒;‎ 共计;‎ 谈到,涉及 来到某地,来参加活动 She is unconscious now, but may come to at any moment. His earnings come to $‎6000 a year.‎ When it comes to math, I’m completely at sea.‎ Do you want to come to the football match?‎ ‎187‎ come to life 活跃起来 Only when I have a high temperature do my mental images come to independent life. ‎ 只有发高烧的时候我的想像力才活跃起来。‎ ‎188‎ come to oneself 头脑清醒,苏醒过来 When he came to himself, he found himself in hospital.‎ ‎189‎ come to terms ‎ 达成协议;妥协,让步 They came to terms with the enemy.‎ ‎190‎ come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快境地)‎ He managed to come to terms with his illness.‎ ‎191‎ come true ‎ 实现,达到 After years’ hard word, his dream came true.‎ ‎192‎ come up ‎ 走近;‎ ‎(从土中)长出,‎ A bus came up and everybody got on it.‎ Weeds(野草)are coming up everywhere.‎ 被提出 The question of wage increase came up at the board meeting.‎ ‎193‎ come up to ‎ 达到(愿望,标准),比得上 Your work doesn’t come up to what I expect of you.‎ His work didn’t come up to that of his brother.‎ ‎194‎ keep company with ‎ 与…交往,和…要好,‎ 伴随 Never keep company with dishonest people.‎ Who is Bill keeping company with now?‎ ‎195‎ compared to/with ‎ 与…相比较 Compared to/with many women, she was indeed very fortunate. Sugar production rose 150 percent compared to the first eight months.‎ ‎196‎ by comparison ‎ 比较起来 It costs more but is really cheaper by comparison.‎ ‎197‎ beyond comparison 无可比拟地 In Helen maternal love(母爱) is stronger beyond comparison than any other.‎ ‎198‎ in comparison with ‎ 与…比较 I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year.‎ ‎199‎ complain of/about ‎ 抱怨;诉苦;抗议 He complained (to me) about the food. Never had one of them complained of all the trouble we give.‎ ‎200‎ be concerned with / about 关心,挂念 A good doctor should always concern himself with your health. We’re concerned with his motives(动机).‎ ‎201‎ on condition that ‎ 如果…;条件是 You may borrow the book, on condition that you don’t lend it to anyone else.‎ ‎202‎ on no condition 绝不要 On no condition must you tell him what happened.‎ ‎203‎ connect with ‎ 和…有联系,和…有关 He was also connected with the government.‎ ‎204‎ in consequence ‎ as a consequence ‎ 结果是,因此 As a consequence, the bitterest(最苦的→最强烈的)race hatreds(仇恨) broke out in that country.‎ ‎205‎ Considering;‎ considering that ‎ 鉴于…,就…而论 He leads a very active life, considering his age.‎ Considering (that) he’s only been learning English for a year, he speaks it very well.‎ ‎206‎ be considerate (of) ‎ 体谅…,替…着想 It was very considerate of you to send me a get-well card.‎ ‎207‎ as a/ in consequence of ;as a result of 由于…的缘故 He was fired as a consequence of his laziness.‎ ‎208‎ consist in ‎ 主要在于;存在于 Happiness consists in appreciating what you have.‎ Education doesn’t consist simply in learning of facts.‎ ‎209‎ consist of ‎ 由…构成,包含有 Our dinner consisted of three courses only.‎ ‎210‎ consult with ‎ 与…商量(协商)‎ You could consult with him before you decide.‎ ‎211‎ on the contrary ‎ ‎(与此)相反 You weren’t boring me. On the contrary, you are interesting me frightfully(非常地). I, on the contrary, envy you because you can work and choose your work.‎ ‎212‎ to the contrary ‎ 意思相反的(地)‎ There is no evidence to the contrary. We will expect you for dinner unless we get word to the contrary.‎ ‎213‎ contribute to ‎ 有助于…,促成 Plenty fresh air contributes to good health.‎ The driver’s carelessness contributed to the accident.‎ ‎214‎ beyond control ‎ 无法控制 The children were beyond control when they are out.‎ ‎215‎ out of control ‎ 失去控制 The car went out of control and crashed over the cliff. ‎ in control of ‎ 控制着 They were in control of the southern side of the hill. ‎ ‎216‎ under control ‎ 处于控制之下,被控制 It took the teacher months to bring his class under control.‎ ‎217‎ cope with ‎ 对付…,妥善处理 This is more than I am able to cope with.‎ ‎218‎ at all costs ‎ 不惜任何代价 I must finish the work by tomorrow at all costs.‎ ‎219‎ at any cost ‎ 不惜任何代价 The point (目的)is to win at any cost.‎ ‎220‎ at the cost of ‎ 以…为代价 The fox escaped from the trap at the cost of a leg.‎ ‎221‎ count on ‎ 依靠;期待,指望 You can always count on Fred in any emergency.‎ I am counting you to help me through.‎ You can’t count on the weather being fine.‎ ‎222‎ count out ‎ 点…的数,数出 不算在内 Mary counted out the number of pennies she had.‎ Count me out if you are going swimming.‎ ‎223‎ count in ‎ 把…计算在内 We have counted you all in.‎ ‎224‎ count up ‎ 把…加起来,共计 I must count up how much money I’ve spent today.‎ ‎225‎ in/during the course of ‎ 在…期间,在…过程中 In the course of a year her hair turned entirely gray.‎ ‎226‎ cover up ‎ 完全盖住,‎ 掩盖,掩饰 The snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak(披风). She tried to cover up her nervousness as she waited to make her speech.‎ ‎227‎ on credit ‎ 赊(购)‎ We bought the sofa on credit as the regulars of the shop.‎ ‎228‎ correspond to correspond to/with ‎ 相当于,等于,相关;‎ 和…相符合 The American Congree corresponds to the British parliment. His expenses do not correspond to his income.‎ ‎229‎ cross off ‎ 从…划掉,删去 He crossed his own name off the list.‎ ‎230‎ cross out ‎ 删去,取消 He crossed a word out and wrote in another.‎ ‎231‎ cry for ‎ 哭着要;恳求 因…而哭 The victims cried for help. He cried for mercy.‎ She was crying for joy.‎ ‎232‎ cry out ‎ 大声呼喊,嚷叫 He cried out when the thief attacked him.‎ ‎233‎ cure sb. of ‎ 治愈某人的疾病 This medicine should cure you of your cold.‎ Habit cures habit. 习惯改变习惯。‎ ‎234‎ cut across ‎ 抄近路穿过;‎ 和…相反,违反 We can gain some time if we cut across the field.‎ The minister’s speech cut across what he said before.‎ ‎235‎ cut down ‎ 砍倒;‎ 消减,压缩;‎ If you cut down all the trees you will ruin the land.‎ Robots were for cutting down the cost of production.‎ ‎236‎ cut in ‎ 插嘴;‎ ‎(汽车)超车,夹进来 She always cuts in when other people are talking.‎ He cut in at the head of the line.‎ ‎237‎ cut off ‎ 切掉;剪掉 切断;‎ 阻隔 She cut off a small piece of bread and gave it to me.‎ Our water supply has been cut off.‎ He was cut off from all his friends when was abroad. ‎ ‎238‎ cut out ‎ 删掉;‎ 停止 He cut out the unimportant details.‎ Let’s cut out the talking and get back to work.‎ ‎239‎ cut through ‎ ‎(抄近路)穿过;‎ 穿透 The road cut through his farm.‎ The bitter wind cut through his jacket.‎ ‎240‎ cut up ‎ 切碎;‎ 使难过,使痛苦 The vegetables should be cut up into small pieces.‎ His son’s death cut him up badly.‎ ‎241‎ in the dark ‎ 在黑暗中;使蒙在鼓里 They kept the public in the dark about his plan.‎ ‎242‎ after/before dark 天黑以后/以前 She doesn’t want her daughter taken out after dark.‎ ‎243‎ out of date ‎ 过时的,陈旧的 His clothes are rather out of date.‎ ‎244‎ to date ‎ 到此为止(so far)‎ The police have not found the runaway to date. ‎ ‎245‎ up to date ‎ 现代的;直到最近的 We want our methods to be up to date. (更新)‎ ‎246‎ date from/back to ‎ 追溯到;从…开始有 Insurance dates from the 17th century.‎ ‎247‎ every other day ‎ 每隔一天 He visited his colleague in hospital every other day.‎ ‎248‎ one day ‎ some day ‎(过去或将来的)某一天 将来某一天 We have lost 100 times, but one day we shall win.‎ We must get together some day.‎ ‎249‎ the other day ‎ 在不久前某天,前两天 I saw your friend the other day.‎ ‎250‎ to a/the day ‎ 整整(多少年)‎ We left our hometown a year ago to a day.‎ ‎251‎ deal in 做…买卖,出售,经营 This merchant deals in silk goods.‎ ‎252‎ deal with ‎ 和…做买卖;‎ 处理;‎ 论述,谈(某问题)‎ 和打交道,对付,收拾 I will no deal with this shopkeeper at all.‎ I’m used to dealing with matters of this sort.‎ This book deals with questions of Political Economy.‎ He deals fairly with all people.‎ Hold your tongue, my lad! I’ll deal with you later.‎ ‎253‎ make a deal with ‎ 与…做买卖;和…妥协 It is said that he is trying to make a deal with us.‎ ‎254‎ Get/run into debt ‎ 借债,负债 It’s easier to get into debt than to get out of it again.‎ ‎255‎ in debt to sb. ‎ 欠某人的债 I always try to avoid being in debt to anyone.‎ ‎256‎ out of debt ‎ 不欠债 I wish I could get out of debt.‎ ‎257‎ decide in favour of 作对…有利的决定/判决 They decided in favor of him and against me.‎ ‎258‎ decide on/upon 选定,决定 What date have you decided on? ‎ We’ve decided on June 30th.‎ ‎259‎ take (a)delight in ‎ 以…为乐 The naughty boy took delight in pulling the dog’s tail.‎ ‎260‎ depart from ‎ 离开,起程;‎ 背离,不按…行事 The train will depart from Platform 2.‎ He departed from the text to tell an anecdote.‎ ‎261‎ derive from ‎ 取得;‎ 由…派生而来 She derives great satisfaction from her coin collection. Many English words derive from French.‎ ‎262‎ in detail ‎ 详细地 He described the day’s event in detail.‎ ‎263‎ devote oneself to ‎ be devoted to 献身于;致力于;专心致志于,‎ 忠于 He devoted himself to helping the poor.‎ He was still devoted to the study of chemistry.‎ He is very devoted to his wife.‎ ‎264‎ die away ‎ 消逝,变弱;逐渐平息;‎ At last the music died away; neither of them moved for a while. ‎ ‎265‎ die down 平息,静下来,熄灭 The wind died away again. The wind died down a bit. The fire was left to die down by itself.‎ ‎266‎ die for/die to do sth 渴望,切望 I’m dying for a cup of coffee. He’s dying to see you.‎ ‎267‎ die from ‎ 由于…而死,因…致死;‎ He died from a wound. ‎ ‎268‎ die of 因患…而死 Her father died of starvation in Ireland. ‎ His sister died of cancer. I’m dying of boredom.‎ ‎269‎ die off ‎ 一个个死掉,‎ 枯死 Her friends are all dying off.‎ The leaves of the tree are dying off.‎ ‎270‎ die out ‎ 熄灭,‎ The fire died out. c.f. The fire was put out.‎ 灭绝; ‎ This kind of bird is dying out.‎ ‎271‎ be on a diet ‎ 节食 He put me on a vegetable diet.‎ ‎272‎ make a / some / no difference ‎ ‎(没)有(些)影响,(没)有(些)关系 It won’t make any difference to you.‎ Your support will make a big difference in our cause.‎ It doesn’t make much difference to me whether he’ll come to my birthday party or not.‎ ‎273‎ dip into ‎ 浸一浸;‎ 掏;‎ 翻阅一下 He dipped his finger into the water.‎ She kept dipping into the bag of sweets.‎ He dipped into the classics when young.‎ ‎274‎ in all directions ‎ 向四面八方 Shots were fired about in all directions. 子弹射向四面八方。‎ ‎275‎ on display / show 展出 Stores have these pictures on display in the windows.‎ ‎276‎ at sb's disposal ‎ 任某人处理 He had a car at his disposal for the whole month.‎ ‎277‎ in the distance ‎ 在远处,远方的 A ship could be seen in the distance.‎ ‎278‎ at a distance of 在…远的地方 The sound of the waterfall may be heard at a distance of two miles.‎ ‎279‎ in the direction of ‎ 向…方向,在…方向 He walked hurriedly in the direction of the supermarket.‎ ‎280‎ do away with ‎ 废除;‎ 干掉 处理掉 The law did away with slavery. ‎ They agreed that privileges(特权)must be done away with.‎ The robbers did away with their victims.‎ ‎281‎ do by sb. ‎ 对待(某人)‎ The firm did well by all its employees. ‎ Some of them felt they had been badly done by.‎ ‎282‎ do sb good 对…有好处 To take regular exercise will do you a lot of good.‎ ‎283‎ do harm 有害处 Talking too much may do harm.‎ He has done enough harm to us already.‎ ‎284‎ do with ‎ ‎(与what连用)处理;‎ ‎(与can连用)想要;‎ ‎(与can’t连用)忍受;‎ ‎(与can连用)凑合用;‎ ‎(与hav to连用)有关系 What did you do with the camera you found?‎ We could do with some fresh air in this heat.‎ I can’t do with him and his temper.‎ Can you do with five-pound note?‎ His job has to do with telephone. ‎ ‎285‎ do without ‎ 没有…也行;将就 ‎(与can连用)不需要 I can do without a car if you need it.‎ I can do without your advice.‎ ‎286‎ have sth. to do with ‎ 和…有关;和…打交道 I’m interested in anything to do with stamps.‎ ‎287‎ do wrong/right 做错;‎ 做对;‎ You did wrong in agreeing to the plan.‎ You did quite right to refuse his offer.‎ ‎288‎ double back ‎ 把…对折;‎ 往回跑,迅速折回 He doubled the answer sheet and tore it in half.‎ The escaped prisoner doubled back on his tracks.‎ ‎289‎ no doubt ‎ 无疑地,必定;想必 No doubt I learned a lot from the lecture.‎ There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing.‎ ‎290‎ throw / cast doubt upon ‎ 使人对…产生怀疑 New evidence has cast doubt on the guilt of the man.‎ ‎291‎ without(a) doubt ‎ 无疑地,很可能 Without doubt these theories were all wrong.‎ ‎292‎ get down to work /study ‎ 认真开始工作 She decided to get down to her French.‎ ‎293‎ drag in ‎ 把…拉进去,扯进话题 No matter what we talk about, Jim drags in politics.‎ drag on ‎ 沉闷无味地进行,拖得很长;(时间)缓慢进去 The concert dragged on for three hours.‎ The days dragged on and I was in despair(绝望).‎ ‎294‎ draw a conclusion ‎ 得出结论 They drew different conclusions from the facts.‎ ‎295‎ draw back ‎ 往后退;‎ 不履行(诺言)‎ He drew back from the dog when it barked at him. ‎ He won’t draw back from what he has promise.‎ ‎296‎ draw in ‎ 吸进来,吸引来 ‎(火车汽车)进站,到达 This play draws in large crowds every night.‎ The train drew in at 7:30—six minutes late.‎ ‎297‎ draw lots ‎ 抽签,抽签决定 Some must go. Let’s draw lots.‎ They drew straws to see who has to wash the car.‎ ‎298‎ draw out ‎ 拉长;‎ 掏出(手帕等)‎ ‎(火车汽车)缓缓开出 He drew out his remarks to a great length.(讲话拉得很长)‎ The hunter drew out his gun and shot the snake.‎ The train drew out of the station.‎ ‎299‎ draw to a close / an end; draw near ‎ 结束;终结 临近,接近 I shall be glad when the concert draws to an end.‎ The Spring Festival is drawing near.‎ ‎300‎ draw up ‎ ‎(车辆)开近,走近 起草,制订 The car drew up at the traffic lights.‎ We drew up a list of things we required.‎ ‎301‎ dream of ‎ 梦到(否定表示做梦也没想到)‎ 向往,渴望 I never dreamt of such a thing as you had talked about. ‎ I never dreamt of its hurting you.‎ All the people of the country dream of peace.‎ ‎302‎ dream up ‎ ‎(凭想象)虚构 She can always dream up some new reason for not doing anything unpleasant.‎ ‎303‎ dress up ‎ 穿上盛装 Children enjoy dressing up in their parents’ clothes.‎ The children dressed themselves up as pirates(海盗).‎ ‎304‎ drink to ‎ 为…干杯,为…祝福 Let’s drink to the friendship between our two peoples. We drank to each other’s health all the time.‎ ‎305‎ drive out (of)‎ 赶出去 He tried to drive the evil thoughts out of his own mind.‎ ‎306‎ drop into/(in at)‎ drop out ‎ 随便走进(某地)‎ 退出,退学;掉落 I dropped in at the club on my way home.‎ Ten runners started, but three soon dropped out.‎ A number of students drop out of university every year.‎ ‎307‎ due to ‎ 由于;应归于(表语或定语)‎ His absence was due to the storm. ‎ The discovery was due to Newton. ‎ The salary due to him will be paid tomorrow.‎ ‎308‎ be all ears ‎ 全神贯注地倾听着 When my name was mentioned, I was naturally all ears.‎ ‎309‎ give(an)ear to ‎ 听,倾听 Children should give an ear to their parents’ advice.‎ ‎310‎ have an ear for 对音乐等有鉴赏力 He has a true ear for music.‎ ‎311‎ earn one's / a living earn one’s livehood ‎ 谋生,挣钱生活 He earned his living partly as an interpreter.‎ ‎312‎ be eager for sth. ‎ 渴求某事物 I am eager for a holiday. I’m eager for you to meet my new friends. The boss is eager that all the workers should come in time.‎ ‎313‎ on earth ‎ 在世界上;‎ 究竟,到底(加强语气)‎ They are the best folks on earth.‎ What on earth do you mean by saying that?‎ ‎314‎ at(one’s) ease ‎ 安详,自在,随便,不拘束 You must accustom yourself to be more at your ease when you are with people.‎ ‎315‎ eat up ‎ 吃完,吃光;‎ He ate up his dinner within ten minutes.‎ 耗尽,烧掉 Idleness eats up time. 懒散耗费时间。‎ ‎316‎ have an effect on 对…有影响 Her passionate speech had an effect on our emotions.‎ ‎317‎ bring / put /carry into effect ‎ 实行,实现,实施 The new rule was put into effect at once.‎ The plans will soon be carried into effect.‎ ‎318‎ come/go into effect ‎ 开始生效,开始实行 The law came into effect yesterday.‎ ‎319‎ in effect ‎ 实际上;‎ 生效,有效 In effect you mean he is wrong. ‎ Since 1975 the forty hour work week has been in effect.‎ ‎320‎ take effect ‎ 生效 ‎(药等)见效,起作用 The new tax law will not take effect until January.‎ It was an hour before the sleeping pill took effect.‎ ‎321‎ or else ‎ 否则,‎ 要不(就是)‎ Dress warmly, or else you will catch a cold.‎ He must be joking, or else he’s mad.‎ ‎322‎ employ oneself in ‎ be employed in ‎ 使忙于,使从事于 忙于,从事于(某事)‎ He employs himself by reading after work.‎ She was employed in watering the garden.‎ ‎323‎ come to an end ‎ come to…end 告终,结束;完结 有…结局/下场 Your duties here have come to an end.‎ We all know what a miserable end they came to in the Second World War.‎ ‎324‎ end in ‎ 以…为结果 The argument between the two men ended in a fight.‎ ‎325‎ end up ‎ 最后(有某结局)‎ 最后(到达某处)‎ 结束 If you drive like that, you’ll end up in hospital.‎ The car ended up in the ditch beside the road.‎ The politician finally ended up his speech.‎ ‎326‎ end up with ‎ 以…结束 We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee.‎ ‎327‎ on end ‎ stand on end 连续地;‎ ‎(使)竖起来 We stood there for three hours on end.‎ The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.‎ ‎328‎ engage oneself in 使忙于,使参与 The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for the poor. ‎ ‎329‎ be engaged in 使从事于,使忙于 He was busily engaged in writing letters.‎ ‎330‎ be engaged with ‎ 与…有事商谈 You can’t see him now, as he is engaged with a visitor.‎ ‎331‎ ensure sb. against ‎ 保护某人免受…,防止 We ensure (ourselves) against possible disappointment.‎ ‎ 我们确保不出现可能的失望。‎ ‎332‎ enter for ‎ 报名参加 替…报名参加 开始(谈话、讨论等)‎ John entered (himself) for the examination.‎ I shall enter Tom for the high jump.‎ They entered into an explanation.‎ ‎333‎ enter into 谈(细节)‎ 参与(活动)‎ There is no need to enter into a lot of unnecessary details.‎ He entered into politics as a hobby.‎ ‎334‎ equip with ‎ 装备,配备 They equipped the ship with guns, powder and food.‎ The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.‎ ‎335‎ in error/by mistake ‎ 错误地 The letters was sent to you in error.‎ ‎336‎ ‎ trial and error ‎ 反复试验,不断改进 He found the short circuit(短路) by trial and error.‎ ‎337‎ at all events ‎ 无论如何 She had a terrible accident, but at all events she wasn’t killed.‎ ‎338‎ in any event ‎ 不管怎样,无论如何 I may not go to Europe, but at any event, I will visit you during the summer.‎ ‎339‎ in the event of ‎ 如果…发生,万一 In the event of fire, ring the alarm-bell.‎ ‎340‎ in exchange for ‎ 和…交换 I will give you my book in exchange for yours.‎ He gave me a book and I gave him a pen in exchange.‎ ‎341‎ be essential to ‎ 对…不可缺少 Water is essential to the growth of crops.‎ ‎342‎ expect of ‎ 对…期望(要求)‎ You are expecting too much of her.‎ ‎343‎ at the expense of ‎ 归…付费 He had his book published at his own expense.‎ He took a trip at the expense of the company.‎ ‎344‎ to some extent / to a certain extent 在某种程度上 To some extent it was my own fault. ‎ To what extent are you willing to help?‎ ‎345‎ excuse sb. for sth. ‎ 原谅某人做了某事 Excuse me for coming late again, Mr. Smith.‎ ‎346‎ catch sb.'s eye ‎ 引起(某人)注目 A red pencil-mark on the 5th page caught his eye.‎ ‎347‎ keep an eye on ‎ 照看;留意 Please keep an eye on my bike while I am shopping.‎ You’d better keep an eye on that fellow; I don’t trust him.‎ ‎348‎ keep one's eyes open ‎ 留心看着;保持警惕 The hunter kept his eyes open for rabbits.‎ Keep your eyes open for a boy in a red cap.‎ ‎349‎ keep to ‎ 遵守,遵循,按…行事;‎ 坚持(做某事);‎ 留在(某处),待在(里面)‎ Having made a plan, you should keep to it.‎ We should keep firmly to our own stand(立场).‎ Mike is obliged to keep to his bed because of a fever.‎ ‎350‎ face up to ‎ 勇敢地对付;承担 He won’t face up to the fact that he is too old for the job. We must face up to our responsibilities and not try to get out of them.‎ ‎351‎ in (the) face of ‎ face to face 面对;纵然,即使 面对面地,碰到 He showed great bravery in the face of danger.‎ She stood face to face with him.‎ ‎352‎ as a matter of fact; ‎ 事实上,其实in fact; in reality; acturlly As a matter of fact, I was the one who did it.‎ ‎353‎ in point of ‎ 实际上,就事实而论 In point of cost, the first plan is better than the others.‎ ‎354‎ fair play ‎ 公平的竞赛;公平对待 We hope to see a player admired for his sense of fair play. 我们希望看到一个因公平比赛而受人尊敬的队员。‎ ‎355‎ fail in ‎ 在…不足,疏忽 He is a clever man, but fails in perseverance.‎ ‎356‎ fail to ‎ 不能,没有能够 He failed (to pass) the test. ‎ He failed to understand its real significance.‎ ‎357‎ fall back on/upon ‎ ‎(在必要时)依靠 It’s good to have a good friend to fall back upon.‎ In an emergency we can always fall back on our savings.‎ ‎358‎ fall behind ‎ 落在…后面,跟不上 He didn’t want to fall behind in his studies.‎ ‎359‎ fall into ‎ 落入;陷于;‎ 开始…起来 I hope you’ll never fall into that error.‎ They fell into a lively discussion of the question.‎ ‎360‎ ‎ fall in love with sb/sth 爱上 I have fallen in love with your house.‎ ‎361‎ far from ‎ 远离,决不,完全不 Your work is far from (being) satisfactory.‎ That painting is far from finished.‎ He is far from a fool.‎ ‎362‎ So/thus far ‎ 迄今为止 He has not been successful so far.‎ ‎363‎ as far as 就…而言,从…来看 尽…所能(表程度)‎ 一直(走)到(某地)‎ Your conduct, as far as I can see, is absolutely good.‎ I will help you as far as I can.‎ We walked as far as the church.‎ ‎364‎ do sb. a favour ‎ do a favour for sb.‎ ask a favor of sb.‎ 给某人以恩惠,帮某人一个忙 求人帮个忙 Would you do me a little favour? I’ll never forget the favours you have done me.‎ May I ask a favour of you?‎ ‎365‎ in favour of ‎ in one’s favour 赞成,主张 对某人有利 She was in favour of his going to Beijing at once.‎ The evidence is in his favour.‎ ‎366‎ fear for ‎ 为…担心 The miners’ families fear for the lives of the men trapped underground.‎ ‎367‎ for fear of ‎ for fear (that)‎ 由于害怕;生怕,以防 唯恐,以防 They were afraid to speak for fear of making errors.‎ He ran away for fear of being hurt.‎ She worried for fear that the children would be hurt.‎ ‎368‎ feed on ‎ 以…为食物(能源)‎ Pigs will feed on just about anything.‎ ‎369‎ feed up ‎ 供给…营养,胖起来 That thin little boy needs feeding up.(加强营养)‎ ‎370‎ feed back 反馈,反应 The teachers complain that nothing is feeding back to them from the classroom.‎ ‎371‎ be fed up with ‎ 吃得过饱;对…极厌倦 对…不高兴 I’m fed up with waiting for him.‎ Mother will be a bit fed up that you didn’t telephone.‎ ‎372‎ feel like ‎ 感到想要做 摸起来像,像是…‎ I feel like a cup of tea. Does anyone feel like eating?‎ I’m holding something that feels like a potato.‎ ‎373‎ feel out ‎ 试探,摸清(某人的想法)‎ John felt out his father about letting him have the car that evening.‎ ‎374‎ feel up to ‎ 觉得能担当,有条件做 I don’t feel up to a long hike today.‎ ‎375‎ feel one's way ‎ 摸索着走(干),试探 They felt their way down the dark passage.‎ She had to feel her way for a while in her new job.‎ ‎376‎ a few ‎ 少许,一些 He soon made a few friends there.‎ ‎377‎ a good few 相当多,不少 You’ll wait (for)a good few weeks.‎ ‎378‎ no fewer than ‎ 不少于,有…之多 No fewer than 50 people came to his birthday party.‎ ‎379‎ quite a few ‎ 相当多,有相当数目 There were quite a few students absent from class today.‎ ‎380‎ figure on ‎ 把…估计在内;‎ 打算,指望 We didn’t figure on so many people at the picnic.‎ They figured on going if the weather was nice.‎ You can figure on him to be on time.‎ ‎381‎ figure out ‎ 计算出;估计;‎ 理解 Please help me to figure out my income tax.‎ I tried to figure out what he meant.‎ ‎382‎ figure up ‎ 计算…,把…总加起来 He is figuring up a total with a calculator.‎ ‎383‎ fill in ‎ 填充,填写,‎ 临时代替 Fill in your name and address in the form.‎ The teacher was sick and Miss Li filled in for her.‎ ‎384‎ fill out ‎ 填好,填写;‎ 使长胖 The policeman filled out a report of the accident.‎ His face is beginning to fill out.‎ ‎385‎ fill up ‎ 填补;‎ 装满,占掉(时间)‎ I want to fill up the form according to the instruction.‎ Endless homework filled up my time.‎ ‎386‎ find oneself ‎ 发觉自己(处于某状态),不自觉地 He found himself more and more interested in art.‎ Suddenly I found myself face to face with the boy.‎ ‎387‎ find out ‎ 查明;‎ 发现(尤指坏事)‎ Can you find out Mr. Johnson’s address for me?‎ Mary was angry when Jane found out her secrets.‎ ‎388‎ on fire ‎ 起火 The house was on fire. Paper catches fire easily.‎ ‎389‎ set fire to /set on fire 使燃烧,点燃 He set the house on fire. Who set fire to the house?‎ ‎390‎ fix up ‎ 修补,修理好;‎ 解决 He fixed up the broken chair with a hammer.‎ We have fixed up a date for the dance.‎ ‎391‎ focus...on ‎ 集中 Focus your attention on your lessons.‎ All eyes were focused on him when he told us the news.‎ ‎392‎ as follows ‎ 如下 The arguments are as follows.‎ The advice he provided was as follows.‎ ‎393‎ be fond of ‎ 喜欢,爱 He was very fond of white/speaking English.‎ They asked if I couldn’t get fond of Peter.‎ ‎394‎ put...in(to) force ‎ 实施…;使…生效 Those regulations will be put into force next week.‎ ‎395‎ by force 靠武力,强行 The thief took the money from the old man by force.‎ ‎396‎ forgive sb. for sth. ‎ 原谅某人(做了)某事 I’ll never forgive you for what you said to me yesterday.‎ ‎397‎ and so forth/on ‎ 等等 The clothes were red, pink, blue, yellow and so forth.‎ ‎398‎ free from ‎ adj.没有,不受害 v.解放出来,摆脱 He wished to live a life entirely free from troubles.‎ They at last freed themselves from the man’s control.‎ ‎399‎ free of ‎ adj没有…的,摆脱 v.使摆脱 Her nature is free of jealousy. She can’t free herself of the idea that someone’s watching her all the time.‎ ‎400‎ freeze up ‎ ‎(使)冻结 The engine has frozen up because of the bitter cold.‎ ‎401‎ be full of ‎ 充满 The downstairs rooms were already full of people.‎ Life is always full of ups and downs. 人生总是起起伏伏。‎ ‎402‎ to the fullest ‎ 完全地;彻底地 We have enjoyed the evening to the fullest.‎ ‎403‎ make fun of ‎ 取笑,嘲笑 The youngsters made fun of their teacher.‎ ‎404‎ in general / as a general rule 通常,一般地说,总的来说 In general, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.‎ Children in general are fond of candy.‎ ‎405‎ be generous with ‎ 用…很大方 They are generous with their advice / money / time.‎ ‎406‎ get across ‎ 讲清楚,让…听懂 被…理解 He taught me how to get my idea across.‎ Did your speech get across to the crowd?‎ ‎407‎ get along with ‎ 与…友好相处 进展 It is impossible to get along well with everyone.‎ How are you getting along with your present work?‎ ‎408‎ get down to ‎ 开始认真做或对待 You must get down to your studies this year.‎ ‎409‎ get in ‎ 收获;‎ 请来 进来,进站 She went out to get the washing in. (get the harvest in)‎ They have got the doctor in to look at the child. ‎ What time does the train from Beijing get in?‎ ‎410‎ get over ‎ 克服(困难等)‎ 摆脱某种情绪 过(河、街),越过 We should try our best to get over the difficulties in our studies. We must get over our disappointments.‎ It was hard for us to get over the muddy road.‎ ‎411‎ get through ‎ 到达;‎ 完成;‎ 接通电话 通过(考试)‎ 度过时间 If more food doesn’t get through, hundreds of people will die. I got through the book in one evening.‎ The operator finally got me through.‎ John has got through all the examinations.‎ Her Sundays were difficult to get through.‎ ‎412‎ get to ‎ 到(某一时刻,年岁);‎ 开始做(做某事)‎ When it gets to ten o’clock I begin to feel tired.‎ Lying in bed, unable to sleep, I got to thinking how nice it would be to go away and start a new life somewhere else.‎ ‎413‎ get together ‎ 聚集 It’s a long time since I got together with my family.‎ ‎414‎ give away ‎ 送给人,分发give/hand out ‎ 泄露(秘密);暴露情况 He gave all his possessions away and became a monk. He rather gave himself away by that remark.‎ ‎415‎ give back ‎ 归还;‎ 恢复 I must call at the library to give back this book. ‎ The holiday will give him back his good spirits.‎ ‎416‎ give in ‎ give in to ‎ 投降;认输 交进来 屈从,屈服于 You can’t win the game, so you may as well give in.‎ They gave in the documents as requested. He gave in to the wish of the majority. 他屈服于大多数人的意愿。‎ ‎417‎ give off ‎ 发出或放出(蒸汽等)‎ The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance(香味).‎ ‎418‎ give out ‎ 分发,散发;‎ 发出(声音、气味等)‎ 用完,耗尽 The teacher gave out the test papers.‎ The radio gave out a strange signal.‎ Her patience finally gave out. (她最终忍无可忍了)‎ ‎419‎ give rise to ‎ 产生;引起 Thisgave rise to a series of problems regarding our plan.‎ ‎420‎ give up ‎ 放弃;‎ 不再做某事 把…献给,把…用来做 交出,让给 改掉(习惯)‎ She has given up all hopes of seeing him again.‎ He gave up playing football because of his leg injury.‎ All of our weekends are given up to studying.‎ Give up your arms and live! 缴枪不杀!‎ Bad habits are not so easily given up.‎ ‎421‎ give way to ‎ 让位于;给…让路 As winter gave way to spring the days began to lengthen. Sorrow gave way to smiles. 悲哀散去,笑容绽放。‎ ‎422‎ go about ‎ 从事,着手做;‎ 闲逛(无一定方向走动)‎ 传开 He knows how to go about things like mending a car.‎ Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.‎ There is a rumour going about that he will resign.‎ ‎423‎ go after ‎ 追逐,追求;设法得到 The dogs went after the wounded deer.‎ Jim has been going after another job all the summer.‎ ‎424‎ go ahead ‎ 前进,领先;‎ 取得进展 开始(做)开始(讲话)‎ The police examined the cars and allowed them to go ahead. While I was away, he went ahead with the work and got a lot done.‎ I didn’t have enough confidence to go ahead with it.‎ ‎425‎ go all out ‎ 全力以赶;作最大努力 They went all out to break the record.‎ ‎426‎ go along with ‎ 和…一道去,和…一样干 在进行过程中 赞同;附合,支持 Mary went along with us to Jane’s house.‎ We’ll pick up some grammar as we go along.‎ Do you go along with the idea of becoming rich overnight?‎ ‎427‎ go around/round 到处走,到处跑 ‎(疾病)流传;(谣言)传开 够大家用,足够分配 Mr. Smith is going around looking for work.‎ News of the plane crash went around like wildfire.‎ There aren’t enough desks to go around in the classroom.‎ ‎428‎ go back on ‎ 违背,毁(约)‎ He isn’t the sort of man who would go back on his word.‎ ‎429‎ go by ‎ 走过,放过;‎ 依照,按…行事 Two years went by. Don’t let this chance go by.‎ He went by the directions contained in the guide-book.‎ ‎430‎ go down ‎ ‎(太阳等)下去;(船)下沉 ‎(价格)下跌,(温度)下降 载入(历史),传下去 The ship struck a hidden reef and went down soon.‎ Her temperature has gone down.‎ This story will not go down.‎ ‎431‎ go for ‎ 为…去,出去(进行某活动);‎ 努力获取 He asked me to go for a walk with him.‎ When her baby still had a fever, the young mother ‎ decided to go for a doctor.‎ ‎432‎ go in for ‎ 从事(某职业),钻研(某学科);‎ 喜爱,有某种习惯或做法 参加某种活动 I suppose you will go in seriously for polictics some day.‎ She goes in for wearing very unusual clothes.(奇装异服)‎ She went in for a singing competition last week.‎ ‎433‎ go into ‎ 进入(状态);‎ 调查 讨论,(细)谈 Immediately all the workers went into action.‎ She had no time to go deeply into the matter just then.‎ We can’t go into all the causes of the war at this time.‎ ‎434‎ go it ‎(用于祈使句)加油,干吧 The coach yelled/shouted to the runner to go it.‎ ‎435‎ go off ‎ 离去,(疼)消失,(水电)断掉 爆炸,(闹钟)响 坏了,(质量)变差 He went off in a great hurry. The lights went off.‎ Every once in a while a bomb would go off.‎ Don’t eat that pork; it’s going off.‎ ‎436‎ go off with ‎ ‎(未经许可)拿去;‎ 与…私奔 She’s gone off with my book. 他偷拿了我的书。‎ She went off with the guard of the community(小区).‎ ‎437‎ go on ‎ 发生,活动进行 进展,(某些工作)进行情况 继续(做某事)‎ ‎(时间)过去,流逝;‎ The teacher knows what goes on when she leaves.‎ I suppose everything is going on all right without me.‎ Mohter went on cooking, and I went on with my homework.‎ As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder.‎ ‎438‎ go out ‎ 出去,出国;‎ 熄灭,过时 罢工,(政党)下台 Many married women go out to work.‎ The candle has gone out. That expression has gone out.‎ This party may go out at the next election.‎ ‎439‎ go over ‎ go over to ‎ 研究,检查,审阅;‎ 从头至尾温习,重复,排演 过(街河等),经过一段路到 We went over the plan again and found two mistakes.‎ He went over his notes before the exam. ‎ Let’s go over the last scene.‎ We went over to the other side of the street.‎ ‎440‎ go through ‎ 检查,讨论 翻看,搜寻 用完,用掉 经历(困难),经过(阶段)‎ 通过,成功 He thought it his duties to go through the papers.‎ Mother went through the drawer looking for the ring.‎ He soon went through all the money his father gave him.‎ Frank went through many dangers during the war.‎ The plan didn’t go through.‎ ‎441‎ go through with ‎ 进行到底 He is determined to go through with the undertaking.‎ ‎442‎ go up ‎ ‎(物价等)上涨;‎ 上升 Everything has gone up except salaries.‎ National income will go up next year by 8.6 per cent.‎ ‎443‎ go with ‎ 相配(match),一道用(很合适)‎ 和…交朋友,和…在一起 That tie goes well with your shirt. If you go with fools you must expect to be treated as a fool.‎ ‎444‎ go without ‎ 不吃,没有(常指被迫如此)‎ A poor man has to go without many things which a rich man regards almost necessities in life.‎ ‎445‎ as good as ‎ 几乎,差不多已经 When the car was repaired, it looked as good as new.‎ ‎446‎ be good for 对…有好处,有利;‎ 在…有作用,能出…钱 Milk is good for children.‎ It’s not a good film, but it’s good for a laugh.(博人一笑)‎ He is good for a few pounds.‎ ‎447‎ be good at 善于;擅长 Women are usually good at languages.‎ ‎448‎ be good to sb 对…好;对…很慈善 He was very good to me when I was ill.‎ ‎449‎ guarantee against ‎ 保证…不…‎ The policy would guarantee them against fire and theft.‎ ‎450‎ do one's hair ‎ ‎(女子)做头发 She is doing her hair. hairdresser (为女子理发的)理发师 ‎451‎ hair stand on end 毛骨悚然 The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.‎ ‎452‎ at hand ‎ 在手边;在附近 就要到来,不远了 When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.‎ The examinations are at hand.‎ ‎453‎ by hand ‎ 手工的,‎ 送来的(非邮寄)‎ Some people like things made by hand.‎ Did the letter come by hand or through the post?‎ ‎454‎ in hand ‎ 现有在手头;‎ 控制住 As the matter in hand was urgent, we dealt with it at once. The situation is well in hand.‎ ‎455‎ ‎(at)first second hand 直接地,亲自/ 间接 I heard the report (at) first / second hand.‎ ‎456‎ hand down ‎ 把…传下来;传给 These diamonds have been handed down in his family for generations.(在他们家传承数代)‎ ‎457‎ hand in ‎ 交上;递上,交进 Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.‎ ‎458‎ hand in hand ‎ 手拉手;密切合作 Selfishness and unhappiness often go hand in hand.‎ ‎459‎ hand on ‎ 传下来,依次传递 When you’ve read this, kindly hand it on to your friends.‎ ‎460‎ hand out ‎ 发给大家,分发 He handed out the books at the beginnginn of the lesson.‎ ‎461‎ hand over ‎ 交出,移交;让与 When John got old, he handed his business to his son.‎ ‎462‎ shake hands with ‎ 与…握手 After arriving at the party, they first shook hands with each other.‎ ‎463‎ hang about ‎ 跟在身边,待在附近 闲待着,等着 The children hung about their mother.‎ He is too fond of hanging about at street corners.‎ ‎464‎ hang on ‎ 抓紧不放;‎ 坚持下去 Jack almost fell off the cliff, but he managed to hang on until help came. It’s hard work, but if you hang on you’ll succeed in the end.‎ ‎465‎ hang on to ‎ 紧紧握住,坚持保有 The child hung on to his mohter’s hand as they crossed the street. We should hang on to the house till next year.‎ ‎466‎ hang up ‎ 把…挂起来;‎ 挂上话筒 耽搁,搁置 After coming in, he hung up his hat and coat.‎ Lucy said no angrily and she hung up.‎ We were hung up for hours during the fog.‎ ‎467‎ be hard on sb. ‎ 严厉对待,对…心肠硬 I’m not being hard on anybody! I’m being sensible(体贴).‎ ‎468‎ hardly / scarcely …when 刚…就…‎ We’d hardly got into the city when it began to rain.‎ Hardly had we got into the city when it began to rain.‎ ‎469‎ head/be headed for ‎ 朝…方向走去 如果这样下去)将碰到(遭遇)‎ They were headed for Turkey. Let’s head for the village.‎ If you go on with him, you are heading for a disaster.‎ ‎470‎ head-on ‎ 迎面地,正面地 The two buses crashed head-on.‎ ‎471‎ inquire for ‎ 要求见到,设法买到,找…接电话 A man has been inquiring for you at the office.‎ He inquired for the book in a bookstore.‎ ‎472‎ on one's word of honour ‎ 以名誉担保 On my word of honour, this will do no harm to anyone.‎ ‎473‎ in honor of ‎ 为了(纪念或表示敬意举行活动)‎ It is only a dance in honour of my birthday. ‎ The city set up a monument in honor of the general(将军).‎ ‎474‎ hunt for ‎ 搜寻;寻找;追猎 My dear, I’ve been hunting for you everywhere.‎ ‎475‎ for instance/example 例如,比如,举例说 There are jobs more dangerous than driving a truck, for instance, training tigers.‎ ‎476‎ the instant ‎ ‎(连词)一…就 I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it.‎ ‎477‎ in the interest(s) of ‎ 为了…的利益,为了(状语)‎ 符合…的利益(表语)‎ A good leader should act in the interests of all his people.‎ It is in the interest of the common people.‎ ‎478‎ interfere in ‎ 干涉,干预 No country has any right to interfere in the internal affair of China. 任何国家无权干涉中国内政。‎ ‎479‎ interfere with ‎ 干扰(某人),‎ 妨碍(某事)‎ I’m not going to interfere with you.‎ Nohting will interfere with our friendship.‎ ‎480‎ at intervals ‎ 不时;相隔一定的距离 She brought us coffee at intervals.‎ ‎481‎ as it is ‎ 根据现在的情况看,既然如此 They agreed to buy the house as it is. 看样子他们要买这房子。‎ ‎482‎ as it were ‎ 似乎,可以说是,姑且这么说 He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. (活辞典)‎ ‎483‎ be keen about 喜爱,对…着迷(意思稍含糊)‎ We were keen about going to the picnic.‎ ‎484‎ be keen on 喜爱;渴望 Jack says that he is very keen on photography.‎ ‎485‎ keep away from 站开,不沾,不接近;‎ 使下去,使离开 I firmly keep away from liquor and tabacco.‎ The officer ordered everyone to keep away from the accident.‎ ‎486‎ be jealous /envious of 嫉妒;‎ 珍惜,珍重,唯恐失掉 He was very jealous of his friend’s reputation.‎ The people here are jealous of their freedom.‎ ‎487‎ jump the queue ‎ 不按次序排队;加塞 It’s bad manners to jump the queue when waiting in a line.‎ ‎488‎ keep back ‎ 留在后面;‎ 忍住(眼泪);‎ 隐瞒(没讲)‎ They all ran forward, but I kept back.‎ He found it hard to keep back tears.‎ He kept back some of the facts for fear of losing his job.‎ ‎489‎ keep sb company ‎ 陪伴某人 He had to stay at home to keep his sick son company.‎ ‎490‎ keep company with ‎ 和…交往 Remember not to keep company with bad characeters.‎ ‎491‎ keep from ‎ 阻止;‎ 避开,不沾;‎ 隐瞒 What kept you from joining us in the activity?‎ He keeps from tobacco and alcohol.‎ The newspaper refused to keep the facts from the public.‎ ‎492‎ keep in mind ‎ 记住 We must keep in mind that studying hard is our duty.‎ ‎493‎ keep off ‎ ‎(雨雪)暂时不下 ‎(使)避开,不要踩(吃,谈)‎ Everyone hopes the rain keeps off.‎ How can I keep the flies off the food? Keep off the grass.‎ ‎494‎ keep out of ‎ 躲开,(使)置身…之外 I warned Bill to keep out of it, but he would interfere.‎ ‎495‎ keep sth to oneself ‎ keep oneself to oneself ‎ 保守秘密,不告诉别人 不和别人来往 He kept the news to himself. She doesn’t go out much; she likes to keep herself to herself.‎ ‎496‎ keep up with ‎ 跟上,不落后 了解(最新的发展等)‎ A runner can’t keep up with a cyclist. It is impossible to keep up with the news unless you read the newspapers.‎ ‎497‎ kill off ‎ 完全除掉,消灭,杀光 The frost killed off most of the insect pest(有害物).‎ ‎498‎ kind of ‎ ‎(状语)有点儿,有几分 I’m feeling kind of tired. She kind of hoped to be invited.‎ ‎499‎ fall / be /go down on one's knees ‎ 跪下 哀求 He went down on one knee before her. ‎ The boys were on their knees for hours before their parents agreed to their camping plans.‎ ‎500‎ be lacking in 缺乏(某种品质、特点等)‎ You are not lacking in intelligence at all.‎ ‎501‎ at large ‎ 完全地;详尽地 在逃,逍遥法外 总的来说 随便地,不受拘束地 He talked at large about his plans.‎ The suspect is still at large.‎ Boys of your age at large like games.‎ They wandered at large over the countryside.‎ ‎502‎ at (long)last ‎ ‎(经过周折、耽搁)最终,终于 At long last he has paid us the money he owed.‎ ‎503‎ at (the) latest ‎ 最迟,至迟 You must finish your work by/on Friday at the latest.‎ ‎504‎ later on 将来以后,过些时候 We’ll have to go into all that later on.‎ ‎505‎ laugh at ‎ 因…而发笑;‎ 嘲笑 对一笑了之(觉得没什么了不起)‎ He laughed at the way the clown kept falling over.‎ It’s bad manners to laugh at others when they are in trouble. They laughed at their own failure.‎ ‎506‎ laugh one’s head off 放声大笑 As he picked himself up from the floor, he saw a couple of boys laughing their heads off.‎ ‎507‎ lay aside ‎ 把…放在一边;搁置 储存 Why don’t you lay aside the problem for a while?‎ He lays a little money aside every week for his old age.‎ ‎508‎ lay down ‎ 规定,确定,说明 The committee laid down rules about the size of the ball.‎ ‎509‎ lay off ‎ 停止(干某事);‎ ‎(临时)解雇 I was told that I should lay off these visits. The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales.‎ ‎510‎ lay out ‎ 花费;‎ 布置;设计,制定 How much did you lay out for your new car?‎ The garden was beautifully laid out.‎ ‎511‎ lay over ‎ ‎(美)推迟 ‎(美)中途停留 The election will have to be laid over until next week.‎ We had to lay over in Beijing for 2 hours waiting for a plane for Shanghai.‎ ‎512‎ lay up ‎ 贮存,‎ 放置不用 They have laid up large supplies of food. As the petrol price was rising sharply, many people laid up their cars.‎ ‎513‎ lead to ‎ 通向;‎ 导致,引起 There is only a narrow path leading to the top.‎ Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.‎ ‎514‎ lead up to ‎ 导致,‎ 打算(干什么)‎ It seemed every event in his life led up to that moment.‎ That is just what I was leading up to.‎ ‎515‎ at least ‎ 至少,‎ ‎(表示埋怨)至少(应该或可以)‎ ‎(与否定连用)但至少 There were at least a hundred people present.‎ You should at least tell us about it.‎ The food wasn’t good, but at least it was cheap.‎ ‎516‎ ‎(not)in the least ‎ 一点(也不),丝毫(不)‎ He was not in the least angry with me.‎ ‎517‎ leave alone ‎ 不管,不理会;‎ 让…一个人待着,不打扰 Leave me alone. I’m hopeless. Leave the box alone.‎ She always tried to avoid being left alone with Mr. Li.‎ ‎518‎ leave behind ‎ 遗留,留下;‎ 忘记携带 The event left behind quite a few problems. ‎ I have left cellphone behind in the bus.‎ ‎519‎ leave off ‎ ‎(使)停止;‎ 停下来 We leave off work at five o’clock. (leave off doing)‎ We will start at the point where we left off.‎ ‎520‎ leave out ‎ leave over 漏掉(没写),遗漏;‎ 删掉,没用 使剩余 In copying this paper, be careful not to leave out any words. When in doubt, leave out.‎ I gave them two apples each and I had three left over.‎ ‎521‎ at length ‎ 最后,终于 冗长地,很长(时间)‎ 详细地,周密地,‎ At length he came to understood it.‎ He spoke of the matter at great length.‎ He told us about the trip at some length.‎ ‎522‎ let alone ‎ 更不用说,还不算 不干涉;不碰 The baby can’t even walk, let alone run.‎ When Bill gets mad, just let him alone.‎ ‎523‎ let down ‎ 辜负,使…失望 放下 Our friends let us down badly during the last crisis.‎ She let her long hair down. She let down her long hair.‎ ‎524‎ let go ‎ 放开,放手;‎ Hold it tight and don’t let go. (adv.)‎ 算了(和it连用)‎ They made fun of me but I smiled and let it go.‎ ‎525‎ let in ‎ 让…进入,渗透;欺骗 The boat let in water. I was badly let in over the business.‎ ‎526‎ let off ‎ 放(炮);开(枪);使爆炸 放过(不受惩罚)‎ The terrorists let off a bomb near the building.‎ I will let you off if you promise never to do it again.‎ ‎527‎ let out ‎ 泄露(机密),透露 发出(叫声)‎ 出租 ‎(把衣服)放大,放长 I’ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.‎ He let out a yell of pain and run out of the room.‎ They let out bikes by the day.‎ He has to let out the coat before he can wear it.‎ ‎528‎ let up ‎ ‎(雨等)渐渐停止 停止(干),放松努力 It snowed for three days before it let up and we could go outdoors. My mind never let up for a moment these days.‎ ‎529‎ on a level with ‎ 和…同一水准 He has played a mean(卑鄙) trick on you, but I am not surprised; it is on a level with the rest of his conduct.‎ ‎530‎ lie down ‎ 躺下(休息或养病等)‎ He lay down on the couch and was fast asleep.‎ ‎531‎ lie in ‎ 在于;‎ 睡懒觉 The problem lies in deciding when to intervene(介入).‎ I often lie in on Sunday to catch up on my sleep.‎ ‎532‎ lie in ruins 已是一片废墟 The town lay in ruins after the earthquake.‎ ‎533‎ lie over ‎ 等待以后处理 Because of the weather our outing will have to leave over until next week.‎ ‎534‎ lie up ‎ 卧床;‎ The doctor advised me to lie up for a week.‎ ‎535‎ all one's life ‎ 一生,一辈子 He has worked as a teacher all his life.‎ ‎536‎ bring to life ‎ 使苏醒 A great actor can bring a fictional character to life.‎ ‎537‎ come to life ‎ 苏醒过来 When he came to life, he found himself in a hospital.‎ ‎538‎ for life ‎ 终身 The murderer was imprisoned for life.‎ ‎539‎ to the life ‎ 逼真地,惟妙惟肖 That child can micmic(模仿) people to the life.‎ ‎540‎ in light of ‎ 按照,根据;鉴于 In the light of what you told me I shall act in a different way.‎ ‎541‎ throw/cast light on sth. ‎ 提供线索,解释,阐明 The new facts throw some light on the matter.‎ ‎542‎ light up ‎ 照亮,高兴起来;‎ 点(烟)‎ The child was so happy that its face lit up with pleasure.‎ He stuck a match and lit up a cigarette.‎ ‎543‎ make light of ‎ 轻视,藐视,不把…当回事 He always makes light of his troubles.‎ ‎544‎ come to light ‎ 被人知道,为人了解 On investigation some curious facts came to light.‎ ‎545‎ and the like ‎ 等等,以及诸如此类 Yesterday we bought chairs, tables, and the like.‎ ‎546‎ like any thing ‎ 象什么似地;拼命地,极其 She works like anything when she is interested.‎ ‎547‎ feel like 感到(想做某事)‎ I feel like going to bed; I am tired.‎ ‎548‎ set a limit to ‎ 限制 We must set a limit to the expense of the trip.‎ ‎549‎ to the limit ‎ 到最大限度 He works to the limit of his ability.‎ ‎550‎ within(one’s)limits ‎ 在一定限度内,在某种程度上 You can trust him within limits.‎ ‎551‎ ‎(be) in line ‎ 排成一行;‎ 使有序,整齐;‎ The children stood in line until the teacher said they could move. The coach kept the excited team in line.‎ ‎552‎ in line with ‎ 跟…一致;符合 His actions were not in line with his beliefs.‎ ‎553‎ listen for ‎ 等着听…(的声音)‎ The boys are listening for the bell at the end of a lesson.‎ ‎554‎ listen in to/on ‎ 收听;监听;‎ 偷听 When Mary talked to her boyfriend on the phone, her little sister listened in on her.‎ ‎555‎ little by little 逐渐地,一点一点地 His English is improving little by little.‎ ‎556‎ live off ‎ 靠…生活 He doesn’t work; he just lives off his parents.‎ ‎557‎ live on ‎ 以…为食 People there live on milk and meat.‎ ‎558‎ live out ‎ 不住校(走读),不在工作地住 Students can live out (of college) if they wish.‎ ‎559‎ live through ‎ 经历(而活过来)‎ He had lived through the worst years of the depression.‎ ‎560‎ live up to ‎ 按…行事,达到标准;符合 He didn’t live up to his reputation. 他名不副实。‎ ‎561‎ live with ‎ 接受某种局面;忍受;‎ You must live with the fact that you’re no longer as active as you were.‎ ‎562‎ be located ‎ 位于…,坐落在…‎ Where is it located? The house is located next to the river. Our school is located in the countryside.‎ ‎563‎ be a long time (in) doing sth.‎ 很长时间才做完某事 He was a long time reaching the place we had appointed.‎ He was a long time in coming.‎ ‎564‎ in the long run/term 从长远来看,最后 It’s difficult to save money now, but it is worth it in the long run.‎ ‎565‎ long for ‎ 渴望,迫切希望得到 How I longed for friendship at that time!‎ ‎566‎ so/as long as ‎ 只要,如果 I don’t mind your attitude so long as you keep silent.‎ ‎567‎ look down on/upon ‎ 蔑视,看不起 I wish you wouldn’t look down on this kind of work.‎ ‎568‎ look forward to ‎ 盼望,期待;预期 The children were eagerly looking forward to the party.‎ You are the very person that we have long looked forward to seeing.‎ ‎569‎ look into ‎ 观察;调查;窥视 The police are looking into the complaint(投诉).‎ ‎570‎ look in on 拜访,顺便来看望 On his way downtown, Jim looked in on his aunt.‎ ‎571‎ look on ‎ 旁观;‎ 面向;‎ The children played in the park and their mother looked on. The window looks upon to the street.‎ ‎572‎ look on/upon as 看待,把…看作 Frankly, I look upon him as a very promising student.‎ ‎573‎ look through ‎ ‎(从头至尾)浏览;温习 He looked through the book and decided that he didn’t like it.‎ ‎574‎ look up ‎ 查出,了解 看望,拜访 You don’t necessarily look up every new word you meet.‎ I want to look them up sometime next month.‎ ‎575‎ look out for 当心,提防 When you are eating fish, look out for bones.‎ ‎576‎ look up to sb. ‎ 尊敬,敬仰 Schoolboys usually look up to great athelets.‎ ‎577‎ lose heart ‎ 灰心,泄气 The team had won no games and it lost heart.‎ ‎578‎ lose face 丢面子,丢脸 John’s careless work made him lose face with his boss.‎ ‎579‎ lose no time (in)‎ 立即 We shall lose no time in beginning work.‎ ‎580‎ at a loss /at sea 困惑;不知所措 Her statement left me completely at a loss.‎ ‎581‎ be loyal to ‎ 忠于 We should be loyal to our country.‎ ‎582‎ in the main ‎ 基本上,大体上 In the main, small boys and dogs are good friends.‎ ‎583‎ major in ‎ 专攻,专修 Jack majored in economics at university.‎ ‎584‎ made up of ‎ 由…组成,由…构成 The solar system is made up of the sun and its 8 planets.‎ ‎585‎ be comprosed of ‎ 由…组成 The USA is comprised of 50 states.‎ ‎586‎ make sure/certain 跟从句表示弄肯定,一定做到 跟of短语表示弄确切,弄清 跟不定式表示一定要 Make sure the students understand the sentence.‎ Have you made certain of the time of the train?‎ Make sure to turn of the lights before you leave.‎ ‎587‎ make room ‎ 让地方 We’ll make room for you in the back of the car.‎ ‎588‎ make sense make sense of ‎ 有清楚的意思 好懂 有道理 理解 Does the sentence make sense or nonsense?‎ The explanation made no sense, for the words were hard.‎ His arguments have never made much sense.‎ I can never make sense of a word he says.‎ ‎589‎ make way 让路 When older men retire they make way for younger men to take their places. ‎ ‎590‎ make use of 利用 Effective use has been made of aid sent from overseas.‎ ‎591‎ make for ‎ 走向,向…前进;‎ 造成,对…有好处 The escaped prisoner was making for the coast.‎ Thoughtfulness makes for closer relationships.‎ ‎592‎ make fun of ‎ 嘲笑;和…开玩笑 They made fun of my mistakes when I tried to speak English.‎ ‎593‎ make off with ‎ 携…而逃 He made off with the old man’s savings.‎ ‎594‎ make one's way ‎ 前进;成功,发迹 The next day I made my way to the public library.‎ ‎595‎ make out ‎ 看清楚,辨识 理解,明白 开(账单、收据)‎ 进展,相处(的情况)‎ 假装 I made out three figures moving in the distance.‎ To the present day I can’t make out why I did it.‎ Please make out a bill for these goods.‎ How did you make out at the interview?‎ He makes himself out to be very important.‎ ‎596‎ make out of ‎ 用…制造出;‎ She made a dress out of the material.‎ ‎597‎ make…into 把…做成 She made the material into a dress.‎ ‎598‎ make over ‎ 把(财产)转让;改造 Before his death he made over his property to his wife.‎ ‎599‎ make up ‎ 创造,编造 和解,言归于好 弥补,补考 补足,凑足 化装,(擦胭脂抹粉)打扮 包好(包),铺好(床)‎ Uncle Li made up an interesting story for the children.‎ They quarreled fiercely but made up after a while.‎ John must make up the work he missed.‎ We still need 5 pounds to make up the sum we asked for.‎ The actors were making up when we arrived.‎ Your mother has made up a parcel of toys for you.‎ ‎600‎ make up for ‎ 弥补 Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.‎ ‎601‎ many a ‎ a good/great many 许多的,好些(文学或强调)‎ 很多,好些 Many a ship has been wrecked on those rocks.‎ A good many of the beggars were blind.‎ ‎602‎ in the mass ‎ 总体上,一般来说 They are good citizens in the mass.‎ ‎603‎ a mass of /masses of 许多,大量 There are masses of people in the hall.‎ ‎604‎ as a matter of fact ‎ 事实上;其实,不瞒你说 He appears to be strong and healthy, but, as a matter of fact he suffers from a very weak heart.‎ ‎605‎ may(just) as well ‎ 最好,不妨(提建议)‎ If that’s the case, I may as well have a try.‎ ‎606‎ may well 很可能 Her appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.‎ ‎607‎ by all means ‎ 尽一切办法;一定要 ‎(用一来表同意)当然可以 We must get there by all means before it is too late.‎ ‎—Shall I take one? —Yes, by all means.‎ ‎608‎ by means of ‎ 用,凭借,依靠 The water may be carried by means of a pipe.‎ ‎609‎ by any means ‎ 无论如何,想什么办法都行 Could you by any means lend me some money?‎ ‎610‎ by no means ‎ 决不,完全不是 This is by no means the first time you have been late.‎ ‎611‎ measure up ‎ 量好长度 He measured up the wood before he started.‎ 合格,胜任 He didn’t measure up to the job.‎ ‎612‎ measure up to ‎ 胜任,赶上 The exhibition didn’t measure up to last year’s.‎ ‎613‎ take one's measure /the measure of ‎ 量尺寸;‎ 打量,估计 The tailor took my measure for a new suit.‎ John took the measue of the cliff before he climbed it.‎ ‎614‎ in memory of ‎ 纪念…‎ Many special ceremonies are in memory of famous men.‎ ‎615‎ not to mention ‎ 更不必说,此处还有 I have all these apples to carry, not to mention some pounds of potatoes.‎ ‎616‎ at the mercy of ‎ 任由…摆布,在…前毫无办法 The ship was at the mercy of waves.‎ ‎617‎ have mercy on ‎ 对…表示怜悯 They had no mercy on the prisoners.‎ ‎618‎ make a mess of ‎ mess about/around 把…弄得乱七八糟 胡混,随便对待 This illness makes a mess of my holiday plans.‎ I told the children not to mess about with my books.‎ ‎619‎ make up one’s mind 打定主意,决定 He has made up his mind. He has made up his mind not to speak a word. He has made up his mind that Tom must have a new car. I don’t think you ought to make up your mind to such a dangerous step.‎ ‎620‎ alter one’s mind change one’s mind 改变主意 Nothing could change his mind, so the meeting broke up.‎ ‎621‎ by mistake ‎ 错误地, (无心)做错了某事 She put salt in her cup of tea by mistake.‎ ‎622‎ mistake for ‎ 把…错认为 I mistook Jack for his twin brother.‎ ‎623‎ mix up ‎ mix up with ‎ 混合,混淆 把…混在一起 和…搞在一起/来往 I’m afraid I have mixed your names up.‎ People often mix him up with his brother.‎ I don’t want to get mixed up with any illegal organization. ‎ ‎624‎ at the moment ‎ 此刻,目前;一时 I am very busy at the moment.‎ ‎625‎ for the moment ‎ 暂时 We can leave it open for the moment.‎ ‎626‎ at any moment ‎ 随时(可能有某种情况)‎ You’d better stop playing, for your boss may come here at any moment. ‎ ‎627‎ never for a moment ‎ 决不,从来没有 Never for a moment would I suggest you do it.‎ ‎628‎ the moment (that)‎ 一…就…‎ The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope.‎ ‎629‎ more often than not ‎ 多半,在更多情况下 During foggy weather the trains are late more often than not.‎ ‎630‎ make the most of ‎ 充分利用 He wished to make the most of his opportunity.‎ ‎631‎ move on ‎ 被提升,晋级 往前走,不要停留 I’ve in this job for 5 years now; It’s time I was moving on. They kept moving on from one place to another. ‎ ‎632‎ make much of ‎ 渲染,吹嘘,‎ 强调 He makes (too) much of connections with rich people.‎ They made much of the fact that he left early.‎ ‎633‎ as much as 几乎(等于)‎ 尽管 The clerk as much as told me that I was a fool.‎ As much as I hate to do it, I must stay at home and study.‎ ‎634‎ as much 同样多 Give me as much again.‎ ‎635‎ not think much of ‎ 对…估价不高 Those who know him don’t think much of him.‎ ‎636‎ by name ‎ 名叫;用名字 Can you list the kings of England by nme?‎ I know him only by name.‎ ‎637‎ by the name of ‎ 名叫…的 Once upon a time, there lived a boy by the name of Jim.‎ ‎638‎ know sb. by name ‎ 只知道某人的名字 I know him only by name, not by sight. ‎ 我只听说到过他的名字,见到了并不认识。‎ ‎639‎ in the name of ‎ 以…的名义;‎ 代表 I arrest you in the name of the law. Let me thank you in the name of us all.‎ ‎640‎ name after ‎ 用…的名字作名字,‎ The girl was named Julia after her mother.‎ ‎641‎ by nature ‎ 生性,本性上,天生地 I am a careful man by nature. Tigers are cruel by nature.‎ ‎642‎ in nature ‎ 本质上;‎ 究竟 The two affairs are different in nature.‎ What in nature does she mean by saying that?‎ ‎643‎ in the nature of ‎ 按…的本性 In the nature of things, you could hardly expect a person to feel very friendly towards one who had cheated him.‎ ‎644‎ near to ‎ 接(靠)近;‎ 几乎要 In space the moon is very near to the earth.‎ She was near to tears.‎ ‎645‎ not nearly ‎ 远非,远远不够 There are not nearly enough people here to do the job.‎ ‎646‎ none but ‎ 只有 They chose none but the best. ‎ None but John may have done such a foolish thing.‎ ‎647‎ none the less ‎ 尽管如此…仍旧,依然 They had apologized to him, but he was none the less angry.‎ ‎648‎ not at all ‎ 不点也不;‎ 不用谢 It’s not at all likely that John will go.‎ ‎“Thanks for your trouble.” “Not at all.”‎ ‎649‎ not… but ‎ 不是…而是 Shakespeare was not a musician but a writer.‎ ‎650‎ not in the least ‎ 毫不 Are you tired? 你累了吧? Not in the least. 一点不累。She did not mind working late in the least.‎ ‎651‎ the last but not the least 最后,但也很重要 The last but not the least, he informed all of us about it.‎ ‎652‎ make a note of ‎ 把…记下来 Please make a note of that, will you? Also:make notes of ‎653‎ compare notes 交换意见 They like to compare notes about gardening.‎ ‎654‎ take note of ‎ 注意(到)‎ A dectective is trained to take note of people and things.‎ ‎655‎ take notes ‎ 记笔记 It’s helpful to take notes in class.‎ ‎656‎ nothing but ‎ 只有;只不过 There is nothing but a table in the room.‎ Don’t have him for a friend; he’s nothing but a criminal.‎ ‎657‎ think nothing of ‎ 觉得…不怎么样,不在乎 He thinks nothing of studying through the night.‎ ‎658‎ to say nothing of ‎ 更不必说,还不说,除了 It is a well-paid job, to say nothing of the short hours.‎ ‎659‎ now (that) ‎ 既然,由于 Now (that) we are alone, we can speak freely.‎ ‎660‎ on occasion ‎ 间或,有时 On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a party.‎ ‎661‎ occur to ‎ 某想法出现在脑海中,被想到 It didn’t occur to me that you would object to our plan.‎ ‎662‎ all at once ‎ 突然;‎ 同时;一起 I remembered it all at once when I saw him. ‎ He tried to do everything all at once.‎ ‎663‎ at once ‎ 立刻,马上;‎ 同时 You must come home to your sick son at once.‎ Don’t all speak at once.‎ ‎664‎ once and for all ‎ this once/ for once ‎ 一劳永逸地 ‎(至少)这一次(平时不这样)‎ We shall settle it now, once and for all.‎ He is behaving himself this once/ for once.‎ ‎665‎ once in a while/way ‎ 偶尔,间或 I don’t drinkd wine as a rule, but I don’t mind a glass once in a while.‎ ‎666‎ only too ‎ 非常 I shall be only too pleased to see you here.‎ ‎667‎ in the open in the open air 公开地 在户外;在露天 This kind of matters is never said in the open.‎ It’s good to have exercise in the open air.‎ ‎668‎ keep one's eyes open ‎ 留心看着;保持警惕 Keep your eyes open and see if you can spot him in the crowd. ‎ ‎669‎ keep an eye on 瞧着点,照看 Keep an eye on the baby while I’m cooking.‎ ‎670‎ be open to ‎ ‎(比赛、建筑物)对…开放 容易受到(诱惑、批评)‎ 愿意考虑,可以(查看、参加)‎ The competition is open to young people under the age of 18. His conduct is open to criticism.他的行为易遭非议。‎ The accounts are open to inspection.这些帐目可以查看。‎ ‎671‎ come into operation ‎ 生效 When does the law come into operation?‎ The law has been put / brought into operation.‎ ‎672‎ be in operation ‎ 在开工,开办,活动,执行 The private school has been in operation for ten years.‎ ‎673‎ in order ‎ 按顺序 处于良好状态,井井有条 I will answer your three questions in order.‎ The books are arranged in proper order.‎ ‎674‎ out of order ‎ 坏了 不合规定 The lift was out of order again yesterday.‎ All these papers are out of order.‎ ‎675‎ every other 每隔一个…的 The doctor visits her every other day.‎ ‎676‎ none other than ‎ 不是别人而正是 The man coming in is none other than Tom.‎ ‎677‎ other than ‎ 除了,除…之外的其它 只(能)是 You can’t get there other than by swimming.‎ I could not feel other than surprised.‎ ‎678‎ owing to ‎ 由于(多引起短语作状语)‎ She is now, owing to ill health, not so active in the movement.‎ ‎679‎ object to ‎ 反对;抗议 I really object to being charged for parking. ‎ The local people strongly objected to the buiding of another chemical works.‎ ‎680‎ be occupied in ‎ 忙于…,正从事…‎ He is fully occupied (in) looking after three small children.,‎ ‎681‎ of one's own ‎ 属于某人自己的 How she wants to have a house of her own!‎ ‎682‎ on one's own / by oneself ‎ 独自地(状语)‎ 靠自己(生活),独自一人(表)‎ He got the job on his own. ‎ Being on your own may be a frightening experience.‎ ‎683‎ keep pace with ‎ 跟上,与…齐步前进 I could scarcely keep pace with the new advancement in technology.‎ ‎684‎ in part ‎ take part in ‎ 在某种程度上;‎ 部分地 参与,参加 起…作用 The responsibility was in large part of mine.‎ The crop failure was due in part to the drought.‎ I once took part with him in a debate.‎ The worker took a leading part in the strike.‎ ‎685‎ in  particular ‎ 特别,尤其;详细地 You should avoid eating fat meat, pork in particular.‎ ‎686‎ pass away ‎ 消磨掉,过去;‎ 去世;‎ He passed the evening away looking at a detective novel.‎ He passed away at eighty.‎ ‎687‎ pass on ‎ 把…传给别人 If you can’t do the job yourself, pass it on to someone who can.‎ ‎688‎ pass through ‎ 穿过;‎ 经历,上完(大学)‎ Our way had to pass through Zhongshan Street. ‎ He passed through a difficult period after his marriage. broke down, but a year later his spirits picked up.‎ ‎689‎ pay back ‎ 偿还(借款等)‎ 报复 It’s high time he paid me back the £100 he owes to me.‎ He paid me back by not coming. 他用不来报复我。‎ ‎690‎ pay for ‎ 付…的钱;‎ How much did you pay for the book?‎ 为付代价,吃亏 You’ll have to pay for your crime.‎ ‎691‎ pay off ‎ 还清(债款)‎ I’ve just pay off my loan from this bank. What a relief!‎ ‎692‎ pay out ‎ 付出(款项等) ‎ 报复,惩罚,使得到报应 They paid out hundreds of pounds in prizes.‎ Wrong-doers ae usually paid out in the end.‎ ‎693‎ pay up ‎ 全部付清(钱);付该付的钱 If you don’t pay up, I’ll take legal action.‎ ‎694‎ at peace ‎ 处于和平局面,宁静 She felt at peace and restored to affection(慈爱).‎ ‎695‎ make peace with ‎ ‎(与…)讲和,和解 I should make peace with them if I were you.‎ ‎696‎ in person ‎ 亲自,当面,本人 ‎ He decided to attend the conference in person.‎ The movie star looked old when I saw him in person.‎ ‎697‎ pick off ‎ ‎(用手指)摘掉 He picked off the long hair that had stuck to his coat.‎ ‎698‎ pick out ‎ 选出,挑出 认出,看清楚 Have you picked out the movie you want to see?‎ He picked out a friend’s face in the crowd.‎ ‎699‎ pick up ‎ 拾起,拿起;‎ 偶然买到,顺便去买;‎ 得到,染上;‎ ‎(非正规)学到,学会;‎ 取某物,接(某人)上车;‎ 整理,收拾;‎ 收听到,听到(谣传);‎ ‎(身体)恢复,(情绪等)好转 加快速度 He picked up his hat dropped on the floor and went out.‎ Where did you pick up that lovely old vase?‎ He has picked up some bad habits at that club.‎ He picked up French while he was staying in Paris.‎ The bus driver stopped to pick up some passengers.‎ The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.‎ We picked up signals for help from the burning plane.‎ He picked up gradually after a long illness.‎ The car picked up speed quickly.‎ ‎700‎ break to pieces ‎ ‎(使)成为碎片 The teapot fell and was broken to pieces.‎ ‎701‎ pile up ‎ 堆积;积聚 His debts are piling up. They have piled up a lot of earth in one coner of the garden.‎ ‎702‎ in place ‎ 放在本来(应放)的地方;‎ 适当的 I hope you left all the books in the library in place.‎ What he said at the meeting was obviously not in place.‎ ‎703‎ in place of ‎ 代替,用…而不用 The Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.‎ ‎704‎ in the first(second) place ‎ 首先/其次等 In the first place, I must explain that I can’t speak English very well.‎ ‎705‎ out of place ‎ 地方放得不对,离开原来地方 不合适,不恰当 不协调,不相称,格格不入 Some books are out of place. Put them in the right order.‎ It was out of place for you to laugh at the old lady.‎ I felt out of place among foreigners.‎ ‎706‎ take place ‎ 发生;‎ 举行 The accident took place only a block from his home.‎ The dance will take place after the graduation ceremony.‎ ‎707‎ take the place of ‎ 代替(职务或工作等)‎ My brother is ill, and I’ve come to take his place.‎ ‎708‎ play a joke/trick on 耍弄,捉弄,和…开玩笑 They planned to play a trick on their teacher on 1 April.‎ ‎709‎ point out ‎ 指出,指明(接名词代词);‎ 指出(说)(接从句)‎ It’s time to point out his errors to him.‎ He pointed out that the road was not safe in winter.‎ ‎710‎ point to ‎ 让人注意 说明很可能会/有 In defence of himself(为自己开脱/辩护), he pointed to others’ laziness. All the evidence pointed to his guilt.‎ ‎711‎ to the point ‎ 中肯;扼要 His argument was short and to the point.‎ ‎712‎ in practice ‎ 实际上,实行起来(作状语)‎ 业务精练,没有荒疏(作表语)‎ ‎(医生)开业 The idea sounds good but will it work in practice?‎ An ice-skater keeps in practice by skating every day.‎ My elder brother is in practice as a doctor.‎ ‎713‎ out of practice ‎ 久不练习,荒疏 I used to play well, but I am out of practice now.‎ ‎714‎ put into practice ‎ 实行,实施 The new methods didn’t go into practice until last year.‎ ‎715‎ at present ‎ 现在,此刻,这会儿 I can’t receive him at present. 我这会儿不能见他。‎ ‎716‎ for the present ‎ 就现在来说,暂时 We shall not need any more for the present.‎ ‎717‎ present oneself 到(某处),到场 You must present yourself at the lawyer’s office at noon.‎ ‎718‎ prevent...from... ‎ 阻止,妨碍 Who prevents their plans from being carried out?‎ ‎719‎ take (a) pride in ‎ 以…自豪 We all take (a) great pride in our motherland.‎ ‎720‎ in principle ‎ 原则上;‎ 按道理,按规定 We agree in principle but we dislike your methods.‎ In principle work in the office stops at 5 o’clock, but I often have to stay later.‎ ‎721‎ on the principle of ‎ 根据…的原则 We trade on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.‎ ‎722‎ be responsible to sb be responsible for sth 向…负责 对…负有责任(做了错事)‎ Cabinet (内阁)members are directly responsible to the President.‎ Who is responsible for this mess? 谁把这儿搞得一团糟。‎ ‎723‎ prior to ‎ 在…前 I have not met this man prior to today. ‎ Prior to her coming here she was in Paris.‎ ‎724‎ put a stop/an end to ‎ 制止,使停止 Boys, we have to put a stop to these things.‎ ‎725‎ put aside 放下,放在一边 存贮,留下 搁在一边,不予考虑(理会)‎ She put her needlework aside, and we had a talk.‎ John has put ten dollars aside every week.‎ At such a time of crisis, we must try to put aside all differences of party or class.‎ ‎726‎ put away 收起来 存蓄 打消,不再去想 吃掉,喝掉 She put away the towels away.‎ I’ll have to put something away for my retirement.‎ Put away all these foolish ideas.‎ He put away a big supper and three cups of coffee.‎ ‎727‎ put back 放还原处 耽误,使进展缓慢 推迟 Put the dictionary back on the shelf.‎ The fire in the factory has put back production.‎ The meeting has been put back until next week.‎ ‎728‎ put down 放下 写下来,写出来 镇压 取缔,消灭 责难 让…下车 Put down that knife before you hurt somebody.‎ Everything he said was at once put down.‎ The king’s troops put down several revolts(叛乱).‎ We tried putting down mice with poison.‎ You never give me credit for anything—you are always putting me down. The bus stopped to put down passengers. ‎ ‎729‎ put forwards 提出 推荐,提出(某人名字)‎ Are you serious in putting forward such a view?‎ May I put forward your name as a possible chairman?‎ ‎730‎ put in ‎ 插嘴说,打断别人的话说 放进去,加进去(话语)‎ 花费(时间)‎ 投入(精力)‎ 安装 While we were discussing, Ben put in that none was hurt.‎ Put in the proper words in the blanks.‎ He put in an hour a day reading.‎ I have put in an hour’s piano practice every day.‎ My house isn’t in use because they are putting heating in.‎ ‎731‎ put in(to) force ‎ 使生效 A new upper limit on price increases has been put into forece.‎ ‎732‎ put off 推迟,延迟 让下车 关掉(无线电等)‎ They put off the picnic because of the rain.‎ Could you put me off at the railway station?‎ We forgot to put off the wireless before we went out.‎ ‎733‎ put on 穿上,戴上,擦(粉)‎ 带着某种神(表)情 上演,展出 装出,装假 开(灯)‎ I order you to put on a gray jacket.‎ He put on an air of innocence, but it didn’t deceive us.‎ The actor put on a fine performance.‎ His honesty is all put on. He put on a smile.‎ I’ll put the light on.‎ ‎734‎ put out 使熄灭,扑灭 生产,出版,供应 发表,广播 A downpour put out the children’s bonfire.‎ The factory put out 13 machines every month.‎ The government will put out a new statement next week.‎ ‎735‎ put up 举起(手)‎ 修建,搭起 挂上,张贴 住宿,过夜 留…住宿 提高,增加 Put up your hand if you think you know the answer.‎ These buildings were put up last year.‎ It’s time to put up the Christmas decorations in the house.‎ We put up for the night at a farmhouse.‎ The visitors were put up in the home of Mr. Wilson.‎ The grocer’s put up the price of coffee up again.‎ ‎736‎ put up with 忍受,容忍 I suppose I must put up with my loss.‎ it’s not very good, but we will just have to put up with it.‎ ‎737‎ be junior to 比…年轻,资浅,地位低 He is junior to me by several years. He is junior to many people who work here.‎ ‎738‎ be senior to 比…年长,资深,地位高 He is several years senior to me. ‎ Many of them looked like senior government officials.‎ ‎739‎ be superior to ‎ 比…高明, 好,优越 They are superior in numbers to us. ‎ ‎740‎ for the sake of ‎ 为了某人,看在某人的份上;‎ 由于…的缘故,为了 For the sake of your family, don’t take so many risks.‎ He argues for the sake of arguing. 为争论而争论。‎ ‎741‎ for sale ‎ 待售,出售的 All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale.‎ ‎742‎ on sale ‎ ‎(英)上市,出售;‎ ‎(美)减价;贱卖 Will the new product be on sale as early as next month?‎ Tomato soup that is usally sold at 12 cents a can is now on sale for ten cents.‎ ‎743‎ all the same ‎ be all the same to the same …as 尽管如此,仍然 对…都一样 和…一样 Nobody wishes you harm, but they do you all the same. It’s all the same to me whether you stay or go.‎ He was about the same age as Philip.‎ ‎744‎ save …for ‎ 留供…用 从…中救出 I’m saving this dress for special occasions.‎ The policeman saved the children from the fire.‎ ‎745‎ save… from 使没有,使不受 The climber put a rope round his own waist to save himself from falling.‎ ‎746‎ save on ‎ 节省,节约 I think we should try to save on petrol.‎ ‎747‎ save up ‎ 储蓄;贮存;‎ You should save up and get a house.‎ ‎748‎ that is to say ‎ 那就是说,换句话说 He is 15, that is to say, he is very young.‎ ‎749‎ There is no saying…‎ 说不准…,没法说 There is no saying what will happen next.‎ ‎750‎ on a large scale ‎ 大规模地(尤与其它事物比较)‎ They entertain on a large scale. =They hold expensive patries with a lot of guests. 他们大宴宾客。‎ ‎751‎ out of scale ‎ to scale 不合规定比例 按规定比例 Carefully draw to scale except one part which was out of scale.‎ ‎752‎ ahead of schedule ‎ 提前 We arrived two minutes ahead of schedule.‎ ‎753‎ behind schedule ‎ 落后于预定计划/时间 Owing to difficulty in obtaining materials, we are almost three weeks behind schedule.‎ ‎754‎ on schedule ‎ 按照预定时间,准时 Summer rains came almost on schedule as the crops needed them.‎ ‎755‎ in season ‎ ‎(水果等)应时的 到适当时候 在旺季,在繁忙季节 Strawberries(草莓) will be in season soon.‎ His father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season.‎ Hotels cost more in season.‎ ‎756‎ be seated ‎ 坐下,坐着 Please be seated. He was seated at the the piano.‎ ‎757‎ in secret ‎ 秘密地,私下地 I was told about the news in secret.‎ ‎758‎ keep sth. a secret ‎ 把某事保守秘密 His reason for coming was kept a secret.‎ ‎759‎ see about ‎ 负责处理(某事)‎ I think I had better see about the matter.‎ I must see about getting there before dark.‎ ‎760‎ see sb. off ‎ 为某人送行 This morning I went to the airport to see him off.‎ ‎761‎ see to ‎ 负责做,处理,‎ 修理 治疗 Who is seeing to the dinner? ‎ Will you please see to the customer, please?‎ My cellphone is out of order; I’ll have it seen to.‎ You ought to have your eyes seen to by a doctor.‎ ‎762‎ see after ‎ 照料,负责处理 Who is going to see after the visitors when they arrive?‎ ‎763‎ see through ‎ 看穿,识破;‎ 把进行到底;‎ 帮助渡过困难,够维持;‎ 帮助(读完大学,打完官司等)‎ 把(剧等)看完 We all could see through her lies.‎ You must see the task through, once you start.‎ I think I can borrow a bit to see us through.‎ He promised to see his client(客户) through the lawsuit.‎ I am going to see the soap play through.‎ ‎764‎ seeing that ‎ 鉴于…,由于…的缘故 Seeing that it is ten o’clock, we will not wait for him.‎ ‎765‎ send for ‎ 派人去请(取)‎ Have you sent for the doctor? I’ll send for a taxi.‎ ‎766‎ send in ‎ ‎(向上级)呈报;送…参加比赛 He sent in three drawings for the competition.‎ ‎767‎ send off ‎ 寄出;‎ 为…送行 I’d like to send the parcel off by early post.‎ There was a large crowd to send him him.‎ ‎768‎ send out 发出(光亮);‎ 长出(嫩芽)‎ The sun sends out light and heat.‎ The trees send out new leaves in spring.‎ ‎769‎ send up 使上涨(升)‎ 发射,发出 Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices. China has sent up several spaceships these years.‎ ‎770‎ seek after ‎ 寻找;设法得到(多用被动)‎ His paintings were eagerly sought after.‎ ‎771‎ in a/some sense ‎ 从某种意义上说 I think he may be right in a sense.‎ ‎772‎ common sense 识见,一般人应有的头脑 It is common sense to practise thrift(节俭).‎ ‎773‎ serve as ‎ 担任(某职务),充任 作…用,权当,起…的作用 Tom served for twelve years as a soldier.The letter served him as a bookmarker. The sofa was served as a bed.‎ ‎774‎ in session ‎ 在开会;在开庭 Congress is now in session.‎ ‎775‎ set about ‎ 开始做某事 攻击,揍,袭击 She set about writing his report. When I told the fact of the matter, he set about me to make my story ridiculous.‎ ‎776‎ set apart (from)‎ 使不同于 Her intelligence set her apart from the others.‎ ‎777‎ set aside ‎ 存储,拨出,留下 Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his 不讲究,不接受,不理会 放在一边,搁置 取消,宣布无效 选定 ‎ salary.‎ Let’s set aside our personal feelings while discussing it. ‎ He set aside the book in a box which he wanted to keep.‎ He set aside the contract because conditions had changed.‎ The government set aside a day for thanksgiving.‎ ‎778‎ set back ‎(把钟等)往回拨;‎ 推迟,延缓,阻挠 As a joke, Bill set back the clock a whole hour late ‎ The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.‎ ‎779‎ set down ‎ 放下,‎ 让下车,‎ 写下,记下 确定,规定 He set his load down the minute he came in.‎ The bus driver set her down at the corner.‎ I will set down the story as it was told to me.‎ The price limits are set down by the government.‎ ‎780‎ set forth ‎ 举出,提出,列出 She willingly set forth her opinions.‎ ‎781‎ set off ‎ 动身,出发;‎ 使爆炸 Having said farewell to their friends, they set off for home. They are setting fireworks off in the garden.‎ ‎782‎ set on fire 使着火 A spark set the woods on fire. ‎ ‎783‎ set out ‎ 动身,出发;‎ 开始做,打算;‎ 列举,详述 We now set out to climb the hill.‎ He set out to write a history of civilization.‎ He set out his idea in simple English.‎ ‎784‎ set up ‎ 树起来,支起来 建立,成立 创(纪录)‎ 发出(叫声等)‎ 自认为,假冒 增进健康,使精神好起来 They set up some stones as landmarks.‎ The school has set up a special class to help poor readers.‎ He set up a new time record in the 200 metres.‎ Someone in the crowd set up a cry of help.‎ He set himself up as an expert on politics.‎ Alice‎ says that the sea air will set me up.‎ ‎785‎ settle down ‎ 安稳地坐下来 定居焉 安静下来,使平静下来 She settled down to read her book.‎ They have settled down happily in their new home.‎ The teacher told the students to settle down and study their lesson.‎ ‎786‎ in the shape of ‎ 呈…的形状 There was a red mark on his back in the shape of the letter S.‎ ‎787‎ in shape 处于良好状态,使身体健康(作表语),在形状上(作状语)‎ That hat of yours doesn’t seem to be in shape. They often go rock-climbing so as to stay in shape. In shape, it was like a bell.‎ ‎788‎ out of shape 状况不佳,身体不适 变形 Father was out of shape when he took a long hike with the boys, and he was stiff and sore the next day.‎ Someone sat on my new hat and it is now out of shape.‎ ‎789‎ share in ‎ 分享,分担 She shares in my troubles as well as my joys.‎ ‎790‎ be short of 缺乏(作表语)‎ 离…有(某个距离),(状语)‎ He said that the firm was short of men.‎ We stopped a mile short of the top.‎ ‎791‎ short for 是…的缩写 The usual word “pub” is short for “public house”.‎ ‎792‎ for short ‎ 简称,缩写 You can call me Jim for short.‎ ‎793‎ run short ‎ 变得不够 The supply of oil is running short (of what we need).‎ ‎794‎ in short ‎ 总之,总而言之 In short, I am going to live there myself.‎ ‎795‎ show off ‎ ‎(自豪地)给人看,‎ ‎(把商品等)摆给别人看 Jim loves showing off his stamp collection to others.‎ The shopkeeper didn’t have enough space to show off his ‎ 炫耀,卖弄 goods. She always shows off with her knowledge.‎ ‎796‎ show up ‎ 出现,来到某处;‎ 揭露(常指不愉快的事)‎ Did Mr. Smith show up at the conference last night?‎ The investigation showed up the inefficiency of his work.‎ ‎797‎ shrug off ‎ 耸肩表示对…不屑理睬 She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.‎ ‎798‎ shut up ‎ 关上,关闭;‎ 把…关/锁里面;‎ 闭嘴,停止讲话 We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm hit. They shut the boy up in the cellar. ‎ She told the noisy boy to shut up.‎ ‎799‎ at sight 一看见(立即…)‎ The money order(汇票) was payable at sight.‎ ‎800‎ at first sight ‎ 乍一看(之下),一见钟情 I recognized him at first sight.‎ ‎801‎ catch/have sight of ‎ 发现,看到,突然看见 I caught sight of him hurrying away but I didn’t try to speak to her.‎ ‎802‎ In/within sight ‎ 被见到,看得见;在望 There was no one anywhere in sight.‎ ‎803‎ out of sight ‎ 看不见,在视野之外 They looked for the cyclist but he was already out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。‎ ‎804‎ sign up ‎ 报名,签字参加;‎ 招到,使签约受雇 I’ve signed up to take a course at the local college.‎ The school has signed up a number of promising students.‎ ‎805‎ sign on ‎ 签约受雇用 He signed on as a sailor. ‎ ‎806‎ keep silence ‎ 保持沉默,不讲话 She insisted on Lily keeping silence.‎ ‎807‎ ever since ‎ 从那时起(一直到现在)‎ He went to Turkey in 1996 and has lived there ever since.‎ ‎808‎ long since ‎ 很久以前(多和完成时连)‎ He has married long since. He died long since.‎ ‎809‎ sketch out ‎ 草拟,画草图;概略地叙述 He quickly sketched out a little drawing of a bridge.‎ ‎810‎ be skilled in ‎ 擅长 She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.‎ ‎811‎ get/go to sleep 睡着,入睡 I can’t get to sleep because of the noise outside.‎ ‎812‎ Slow up/down ‎ 放慢,慢下来 The train slowed down as it approached the station.‎ The road is slippery, so he slowed down his car.‎ ‎813‎ or so ‎ 大约 He was a man of twenty-five or so.‎ ‎814‎ so much as that ‎ 到这样程度以致…‎ The clerk as/so much as told me that I was a fool.‎ ‎815‎ so as to ‎ 以便(表目的);‎ We picked apples so as to make a pie.‎ ‎816‎ so…as to 达到这种程度以致…‎ He wouldn’t be so careless as to forget her birthday.‎ ‎817‎ something like ‎ 有点象;‎ 大约 The building looked something like a church.‎ It cost something like ten pounds.‎ ‎818‎ something of ‎ 有点…,可以说是一个,在某种意义(或程度)上 He is something of a liar(不太老实). ‎ The soldier found himself something of a hero when he returned to his village.(颇像一位英雄)‎ ‎819‎ sooner or later ‎ 迟早,早晚,或迟或早 They are bound to create trouble sooner or later.‎ ‎820‎ no sooner...than ‎ 一…就…‎ We had no sooner set out than a thunderstorm broke.‎ No sooner had he arrived than he began to complain.‎ ‎821‎ heart and soul ‎ 全心全意(地)‎ He loved her with his heart and soul.‎ ‎822‎ to speak of ‎ 值得一提的 Our loss was nothing to speak of. The country has no mineral resources to speak of.‎ ‎823‎ at a speed of ‎ 以…的速度 We were travellng at a speed of thirty miles an hour.‎ ‎824‎ at full/top speed ‎ 以全速 The motorcar turned the corner at full/top speed.‎ ‎825‎ speed up (过去式过去分词为speeded)‎ 使加速,增加速度 I see I shall be late unless I speed up.‎ I had to speed up the car.‎ ‎826‎ in spite of ‎ 尽管;不顾;虽然 In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop.‎ ‎827‎ on the spot ‎ 当场,立即;‎ 在现场 处于困境 Tom ruined a machine and his boss fired him on the spot.‎ The police were on the spot within ten minutes.‎ I was on the spot then, for I couldn’t pay back the money.‎ ‎828‎ spread out ‎ 伸开,‎ 展开;‎ 散开 He spread his hands and said nothing.‎ The field was spread out below us.‎ The captain told his me to spread out.‎ ‎829‎ spring up ‎ 跳起(身来);‎ ‎(突然)起了,出现;‎ 长起来,长出来 He sprang up and rushed to the door.‎ A suspicion/doubt sprang up in his mind.‎ The wheat is beginning to spring up.‎ ‎830‎ at stake ‎ 关系到,在危险中;危如累卵 His life itself was at stake. Her reputation is at stake.‎ ‎831‎ stand a chance ‎ 很可能,有希望 You don’t stand a chance of getting the job.‎ ‎832‎ stand by ‎ 站在旁边;袖手旁观 When the house was on fire they just stood by.‎ ‎833‎ stand for ‎ 代表;‎ 主张,提倡;‎ 容许,容忍(多用于否定结构)‎ What does UNESCO stand for? I stand for freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color, race or creed(教义). The teacher wouldn’t stand for free behavior.‎ ‎834‎ stand in one's way ‎ 阻碍,妨碍,使无法得到 If you want to go overseas to teach, I certainly shan’t stand in your way.‎ ‎835‎ stand out ‎ 引人注目;杰出,出色 A very tall man stands out in the crowd.‎ ‎836‎ stand out against ‎(在…衬托下)轮廓鲜明 坚决抵抗/反对 The church tower stood out clearly against the sky.‎ The farmers stood out against the government about the prices of their cattle.‎ ‎837‎ stand up ‎ 站起身;‎ ‎(论点)站得住脚,成立 A gentleman stands up when a lady enters a room.‎ The charge(指控) you have made would never stand up in court.‎ ‎838‎ stand up for ‎ 为…辩护;维护;坚持 I believe you’re innocent and I’ll stand for you anywhere.‎ ‎839‎ stand up to ‎ 抗住,经得起 勇敢地面对;坚决抵抗 My old bike has stood up to the bad roads.‎ A soldier must stand up to danger.‎ ‎840‎ stay up ‎ 待着不睡,熬夜;‎ 没有倒塌/下沉,留着不拆 We stayed up until midnight talking about our work.‎ As a rule, Christmas decorations stay up until 6thJanuary.‎ ‎841‎ in step ‎ 协调;同步;合拍 They were walking in step and keeping pace with each other.‎ ‎842‎ step by step ‎ 逐步地,一步步地 Step by step she taught the little dog to obey her.‎ ‎843‎ step up ‎ 走上前来;‎ 加上,加速 I called for volunteers and John stepped up to volunteer.‎ When he found that he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace. ‎ ‎844‎ take a step take steps ‎ 走…一步 采取步骤;采取措施 You must take every step to keep down expenses.‎ It was difficult to see what steps could be taken.‎ ‎845‎ stick out ‎ 伸出;‎ 显得突出;‎ 坚持到底 His handerchief stuck out from his pocket.‎ His house is the only brick one and you can’t miss it.‎ The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demand.‎ ‎846‎ stick to ‎ 坚持(真理);‎ 坚持干(某事);‎ 遵循 忠于 If you stick to the truth, you have nothing to fear.‎ Looking ahead, he decided to stick to his present job.‎ Flying is simple if you stick to the rules.‎ I will stick to my brother whatever is said of him.‎ ‎847‎ in stock ‎ 在贮存中;现有,备有 The store had no more red shoes in stock.‎ ‎848‎ store up ‎ 贮藏,储备 During the summer months squirrels store up nuts to eat during the winter.‎ ‎849‎ stretch out ‎ 拉长;‎ 使维持更长时间 You can stretch this rubber out to twice its length.‎ We shall stretch out the food until the end of the week.‎ ‎850‎ struggle against ‎ 与…作斗争,和…搏斗 The poor have to struggle for a living.‎ ‎851‎ struggle for ‎ 为…而斗争/打斗 I struggled with him for a knife.‎ ‎852‎ be subject to ‎ 易受…的;惯患…的 All men are subject to death. 人固有一死。‎ Japan‎ is subject to earthquake. 日本常受地震侵袭。‎ ‎853‎ succeed in ‎ 在…成功 I didn’t succeed in my first lecture. At any rate I didn’t succeed in making myself understood by you.‎ ‎854‎ succeed to ‎ ‎(the throne, etc.)‎ 继承王位等 The prince usually succeeds to the throne after the king’s death.‎ ‎855‎ all of a sudden ‎ on a sudden 突然,冷不防 All of a sudden the lights went out.‎ Life seemed on a sudden all empty and meaningless.‎ 突然之间,生活似乎变得一片空虚,毫无意义。‎ ‎856‎ be suited for/to 适合,适宜于 You are not suited for the work you are doing now.‎ She is not suited to such a hard life.‎ ‎857‎ be suited to do 适合 That man is suited to be an engineer.‎ ‎858‎ sum up ‎ 总结,归纳;‎ 对…下结论,看出…情况 The judge summed up the evidence.‎ He has experienced eyes and summed me up in one glance. 他很有经验,一眼就看透了我。‎ ‎859‎ in support of ‎ ‎(作状语)支持…,证明 I’d like to say a word or two in support of the proposal.‎ ‎860‎ be supposed to ‎ 应该,理应 He is supposed to arrive on the five o’clock train.‎ You are supposed to have finished by now.‎ ‎861‎ for sure ‎ 肯定地,有把握地 He said he wounld give us his decision by Friday.‎ ‎862‎ in surprise 惊奇地 I gazed at her in confused surprise. ‎ 我盯着他,既惊诧,又困惑。‎ ‎863‎ to one’s surprise 出乎意料地,使人吃惊的是 To my surprise, the door was unlocked.‎ ‎864‎ switch off /on ‎(用开关)关掉/开启 Shall I switch off/on the light of the room?‎ ‎865‎ be in sympathy with ‎ 赞同,同情,一致 They are in sympathy with your view. ‎ With this person, I was really not in sympathy.‎ ‎866‎ at table ‎ 在餐桌边,在吃饭时 When I arrived my friends were already at table.‎ ‎867‎ put/lay one’s card on the table ‎ 把意见拿到桌面上谈 I’ll lay my cards on the table if you’ll be frank with me. ‎ ‎868‎ wait on/at table 侍候人吃饭 The girl earned spending money by waiting at table in the school dining hall.‎ ‎869‎ take after ‎ 长得像,性格像 The boy takes after his father. ‎ Mary takes after her father in being strong-willed.‎ ‎870‎ take apart ‎ 拆开(机器等);‎ It’s easy to take a watch apart but difficult to put it ‎ 严厉斥责 together again. ‎ If you hand in work like that, the teacher will take you apart.‎ ‎871‎ take...as ‎ 看作,认为 Will you take me as your partner?‎ ‎872‎ take away ‎ 拿走;‎ 使停学,使离开;‎ 使消失;‎ 送去,减去;‎ 使受损失 Take away your ugly vase and tidy the writing-table.‎ Some business took me away from the city.‎ The doctor gave his some tablets to take away the pain.‎ Take away 2 from 4 and you get two.‎ His refusal to accept the prize doesn’t take away from his success in winning it.‎ ‎873‎ take care of 照料,料理;‎ 当心,注意;‎ 处理,对付 She stayed home to take care of the baby. The baby will be taken good care of. It’ll be well taken care of.‎ She ought to take care of her health more than she does.‎ I at last learned to take care of spamming(垃圾邮件).‎ ‎874‎ take for ‎ 拿下来,取下来;‎ 记下来;‎ 拆卸,拆除;‎ 杀杀威风,压压…气焰;‎ He went up to the third bookshelf and took down a book.‎ They took down the notes the teacher had written on the blackboard. They have taken down the tent. ‎ A person who is always trying to take others down gets himself disliked.‎ ‎875‎ take for(to be)‎ ‎(错)当作,以为是 Do you take me for a fool? He speaks English so well that he is often taken for a native.‎ ‎876‎ take for granted 想当然认为(会是某种情况);‎ 认为是理所当然的(是自然的)‎ 认为没问题 A teacher can’t take it for granted that students always do their homework. ‎ Jim took for granted all that his parents did for him. ‎ I keep telling myself never to take anything for granted.‎ ‎877‎ take in ‎ 接受(房客等)让…食宿;‎ 接(活)在家做;‎ 理解,领悟,明白;‎ 包括,涉及;‎ 欺骗,使上当;‎ 瞧,看(见);‎ ‎(把衣服)收小,改瘦 订阅 The firm may take you in just to please your uncle.‎ She sometimes takes in work to do at home.‎ We could hardly take in what was being said.‎ The article takes in almost all aspects of the problem.‎ We were completely taken in by his story.‎ Her eyes were taking in nothing but the beautiful dress.‎ He’s getting much thinner; he’ll have to take in his clothes.‎ I take in a daily paper and a monthly magazine.‎ ‎878‎ take into account / consideration ‎ 把…考虑进去 You must take his illness into consideration/ account before dismissing him.‎ ‎879‎ take it ‎ 忍受(而无怨言),受得了;‎ 认为(是某种情况),猜想 He could criticize others, but he couldn’t take it himself.‎ I take it from your silence that you don’t want to go.‎ ‎880‎ take it easy 慢慢地(不赶急)‎ 不要过于紧张(劳累)‎ Take it easy; the roads are icy. I am one of those people who dislike a planned holiday; I belive in taking it easy.‎ ‎881‎ take notice of 注意;‎ 理会;‎ She passed me in the street, but took no notice of me.‎ He takes no notice of what is told him.‎ ‎882‎ take notes 记笔记 I shall want you to take notes at the meeting.‎ ‎883‎ take off ‎ 脱下(衣裳等,解(拿)掉;‎ ‎(飞机)起飞;‎ 匆匆离开;‎ He took off his wet shoes. He took off his mask.‎ A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down. He took off down the street at a run.‎ 取下来,免掉;‎ 休假,请假,歇工;‎ 减轻体重;‎ 打折扣;‎ 模仿(讲话等)‎ The government didn’t take the taxes off cigarette.‎ Bill was tired out so he took the day off.‎ He took off three pounds after great effort.‎ The baker took a halfpenny off the loaf.‎ He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh.‎ ‎884‎ take on ‎ 接受,从事(某工作);‎ 雇用;‎ 让上车,接受乘客,上货;‎ 开始具有,呈现,获得;‎ 同意和…比赛;‎ 变得风行,被大家接受;‎ 不高兴,悲伤 Is he willing to take on the responsibility?‎ The supermarket is taking on more assistants.‎ The pilot refused to take any more passagers on. ‎ His face took on an angry look.‎ The big man took on two opponents at once.‎ I didn’t expect pointed shoes to take on, but they have.‎ At the news of her son’s death she took on like a madwoman.‎ ‎885‎ take out ‎ ‎(动手术)取出,割掉;‎ 带…出去;‎ 洗去(污迹),使褪色;‎ 领取 The dentist took out five of his teeth.‎ If you take him out you must accompany him all the way.‎ How can I take out the ink-stains from my blouse?‎ Mary and John took out a marriage licence.‎ ‎886‎ take over ‎ 接管;接任(职位)‎ He is taking over my job while I am on holiday.‎ Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Great Britain?‎ ‎887‎ take up 开始学习(某课程),选修;‎ 从事某项活动,发展某爱好;‎ ‎(开始)讨论,向提出;‎ 开始做(某项工作);‎ 占用,占掉(时间);‎ 占掉(空间);‎ 继续讲述;‎ 接受;‎ He dropped medicine and took up literature when young.‎ Why are you going to take up swimming?‎ There is another matter which he ought to take up.‎ When does the new man take up his post?‎ The meeting took up the whole morning.‎ The large desk takes up most of the room.‎ She took up the story at the point where she stopped.‎ Do you intend to take up his offer of a job?‎ ‎888‎ talk back ‎ 回嘴,顶嘴 When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he talked back to her and said she couldn’t make him.‎ ‎889‎ talk/persuade into ‎ 说服;劝说某人做某事 We finally talked father into buying a new car.‎ ‎890‎ talk over ‎ 讨论,商量;‎ 聊天,闲聊 We must leave them to talk over the arrangement.‎ You are old school fellows and must have much to talk over.‎ ‎891‎ talk up ‎ 说清楚点,说大声点;‎ 坦率地说 The tacher asked students to talk up.‎ He isn’t aftaid to talk up when he disagrees with the teacher.‎ ‎892‎ taste of ‎ 有…味道(或气息)‎ ‎(不用于被动)‎ It was a special tea which tasted of orange. It has been cooked for too long and doesn’t taste of anything.‎ ‎893‎ tear down ‎ 撕下来,扯下来;‎ 拆毁(掉);‎ He tore down the enemy’s flag.‎ They tore down the old house and built a new one.‎ ‎894‎ teach a lesson ‎ 给…一个教训 I decided to teach my young brother a lesson after I caught him hurting my cat.‎ ‎895‎ burst into tears 突然哭了起来 As soon as she saw me she burst into tears.‎ ‎896‎ in tears ‎ 在流泪,流着眼泪 She was in tears when she was told what had happened.‎ ‎897‎ keep/fight back tears ‎ ‎(努力)忍住眼泪 She fought back the tears as she spoke.‎ ‎898‎ move/affect to tears reduce sb to tears 感动得流泪 The old man’s story reduced Mary to tears.‎ People present were all moved to tears.‎ ‎899‎ tell...from ‎ 把…与…区分开来,分清…,区别…‎ I can’t tell one from the other. One should know how to tell good ones for the bad ones.‎ ‎900‎ tell...apart ‎ 把…区分开 We all can’t tell the twins apart.‎ ‎901‎ tell from /by 从…可以看出 I could tell him by his voice.‎ ‎902‎ in terms of 就…来说,从…的角度,用…表示 In terms of natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.‎ ‎903‎ lose one's temper ‎ 发怒,发脾气 I shall lose my temper with you if you don’t try more.‎ ‎904‎ take one’s temperature 量体温 The nurse took his temperature and it was normal.‎ ‎905‎ on good/bad terms ‎ 和…关系好/不好 We are not on good terms with the people next door.‎ We are on entirely equal terms. 我们的关系完全平等。‎ ‎906‎ come to terms with ‎ 甘心忍受(某种不愉快处境)‎ He managed to come to terms with his illness.‎ ‎907‎ make terms with ‎ 达成协议,讲条件 Obviously they made terms with the enemy.‎ ‎908‎ thanks to ‎ 由于 Thanks to the doctor I am well again. Thanks to the bad weathrer, our journey was very uncomfortable.‎ ‎909‎ and all that ‎ 诸如此类 I used to take drugs and all that when I was young.‎ ‎910‎ in that ‎ 原因,因为;‎ 在…方面 I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country.‎ Men differ from animals in that they can think and speak.‎ ‎911‎ that is ‎ 就是说;即(略为i.e)‎ John is a New Yorker; that is, he lives in New York.‎ ‎912‎ That’s it / about it. ‎ 说对了;‎ ‎(任务)完成了;‎ That’s it. You’ve described exactly what I felt about it.‎ She surveyed the supper she had prepared and decided that was it and went off to get dressed before the guests came.‎ ‎913‎ think about 想(某人或某事);‎ 考虑,思考 What are you thinking about? We’re thinking about buying a new car before the prices go up.‎ ‎914‎ think of ‎ 想到(某人或某事);‎ 想一想,考虑 为…着想 He thinks of himself too much (= He is too self-centered).‎ I scarcely dare think of what will happen.‎ Be a good boy and think of your Mama.‎ ‎915‎ think of...as ‎ 把…看作是,以为…是 You mustn’t think of me as being unhappy.‎ ‎916‎ think out ‎ 想出;‎ 想清楚,周密考虑 We’ve got to think out a way to explain it.‎ The scheme had been carefully thought out.‎ ‎917‎ think over ‎ 仔细考虑(一遍)‎ I need a couple of days to think the matter over.‎ ‎918‎ think through ‎ 想明白 Don’t make a decision until you think it through.‎ ‎919‎ think twice ‎ 重新考虑,三思(而行)‎ If I were you, I’d think twice before investing my money in that business.‎ ‎920‎ think up ‎ 想出,编造 Jack’s good at thinking up excuses for not working.‎ ‎921‎ on second thought ‎ 经重新考虑后 On second thought, he decided to stay in England.‎ ‎922‎ at the thought of ‎ 一想到…,想到时…‎ I was delighted at the thought of seeing you again.‎ ‎923‎ throw about/around 到处扔 He threw his clothes about in his room.‎ ‎924‎ throw away ‎ 扔掉,放弃,错过 浪费掉,挥霍掉 He threw his chances of success. You’re throwing away your money, buying such useless things.‎ ‎925‎ throw back 扔回;‎ 猛然掀掉(拉开);‎ 击退 He caught the ball and threw it back.‎ She sat up in bed and threw back the bedclothes.‎ The attackers were thrown back after a series of fights.‎ ‎926‎ throw off ‎ 摆脱;‎ 去掉,改掉;‎ 匆忙脱下;‎ 迷惑,使得出错误印象 The patient slowly threw off the effect of the illness.‎ If only he would throw off that bad habit.‎ He threw off his coat and started work.‎ His air of innocence threw all of us off.‎ ‎927‎ throw over ‎ 背弃,抛弃 She threw him over for a tall, dark and handsome Arab.‎ ‎928‎ throw up ‎ 放弃;‎ 呕吐;‎ 匆匆盖起(房屋),临时搭建 He threw up a promising career and became a teacher.‎ The smell made me sick and I thought I would throw up.‎ They threw up a temporary building.‎ ‎929‎ tie up ‎ 系好,捆上;‎ 使停止(滞),使不能活动;‎ 安排好,完成 Shall I tie up your things in a parcel?‎ The accident tied up the traffic for hours.‎ They want to tie the matter up as soon as possible.‎ ‎930‎ ahead of time / in advance ‎ 提前,在原定时间以前 He didn’t want to go to work ahead of time.‎ ‎931‎ all the time ‎ 一直,始终 Remind yourself of working hard all the time.‎ ‎932‎ at a time ‎ 每一次;‎ 在某个时刻 Please give me one book at a time.‎ At a time like this I really don’t have anything to do.‎ ‎933‎ at all times ‎ 在任何时候,经常 We should at all times be aware of our shortcomings.‎ ‎934‎ at any time ‎ 在任何时候 I will be your loyal friend at any time.‎ ‎935‎ at no time ‎ 决不,在任何时候都不 At no time should you give up your dream.‎ ‎936‎ at one time ‎ 同时;‎ 曾经,一度 They all tried to talk at one time.‎ At one time I used to play a lot of sport, but now I don’t.‎ ‎937‎ at the same time ‎ 同时;‎ 但(与此同时),尽管如此 The two runners reached the finish line at the same time.‎ He can be very rude but at the same time, I can’t help liking him.‎ ‎938‎ at times ‎ 有时,不时 She was difficult to understand at times.‎ ‎939‎ for the time being ‎ 暂时 What you have given us is enough for the time being.‎ ‎940‎ for the first time 第一次 He visited Hong Kong for the first time at the age of 7.‎ ‎941‎ from time to time ‎ 不时地 She sent pocket money to him from time to time.‎ ‎942‎ in no time ‎ 立即,立刻;马上 With five hungry boys seated at the table, the food disappeared in no time.‎ ‎943‎ in time ‎ 及时地,在规定时间;‎ 经过适当时候,最后;‎ 节奏/节拍正确 The doctor came in time to save his life.‎ You’ll get used to the life here in time.‎ John didn’t play his piano piece in time.‎ ‎944‎ kill time 消遣 He killed time by reading newspaper while waiting.‎ ‎945‎ on time ‎ 准时,正点;‎ ‎(美)分期付款 He rarely gets to work on time. ‎ You can buy things at he department store on time.‎ ‎946‎ once upon a time ‎ ‎(故事的开头)从前 Once upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly son.‎ ‎947‎ take one’s time ‎ 慢慢来,不着急 It’s better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.‎ ‎948‎ all too ‎ 实在太…‎ The holidays were all too short.‎ ‎949‎ cannot be …too… ‎ 怎么…也不会过分 You can’t be too careful when crossing a busy street.‎ ‎950‎ none/not too ‎ 并不太,一点也不 This coat is none too big for me.‎ ‎951‎ on(the) top of ‎ 在…之上;‎ 除…之外 I put your bag on (the) top of mine.‎ He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.‎ ‎952‎ keep in touch with ‎ 保持联系,了解情况 The salesman kept in touch with the office by phone.‎ ‎953‎ be in touch with ‎ 和…有联系 Are you still in touch with your old friends?‎ ‎954‎ get/be out of touch with ‎ 脱离,不了解,失去联系 I have been out of touch with the old place for a great many years.‎ ‎955‎ ‎(be) in trouble 有烦事,有困难,出事 I am in great trouble. My little boy has fallen off a ladder.‎ ‎956‎ have trouble in doing ‎…有困难,费事 I had some trouble in reading the letter.‎ ‎957‎ Have trouble with ‎ ‎(打交道/应对)有困难 This was the first time that I had serious trouble with an employer.‎ ‎958‎ come true ‎ ‎(希望等)实现,成为现实 He said I should be a lawyer and it has come true.‎ ‎959‎ try for ‎ 谋求,争取 I don’t think I have a particularly good chance of getting the job, but it’s certainly worth trying for.‎ ‎960‎ try on ‎ 试穿,试衣帽;‎ 耍(滑头),使用(手法);‎ 在…身上试…‎ Several pairs of shoes were tried on, but none of them were satisfied. I told her it was no good trying on that sort of thing with me. ‎ He tried his new teaching method on me.‎ ‎961‎ try out ‎ 试用,试验,试试;‎ 试试(某人的能力);‎ We’ll try it out and see whether it works. ‎ ‎“I wonder if you can solve this problem.” “I shan’t know until you try me out.‎ ‎962‎ by turns ‎ 轮流,交替地 一阵…一阵…,一时…一时…‎ There were eight of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.‎ They laughed and cried by turns.‎ ‎963‎ in turn ‎ 依次,轮流,一个挨一个地;‎ ‎(两人)轮番,交替;‎ They answered the teacher’s questions in turn.‎ He stayed with Bill till midnight, comforting him and being comforted in turn.‎ ‎964‎ on the turn ‎ 快涨潮了,将好转;‎ 快坏了;‎ The condition of the patient seems to be on the turn.‎ This cream is on the turn.‎ ‎965‎ take turns ‎ 轮流做(某事)‎ We took turns in guarding the treasure.‎ ‎966‎ turn against ‎ 转而反对,变得对…不满;‎ 使…反对,对…不满 After the war, the people turned against their president.‎ She turied the children against their father.‎ ‎967‎ turn away 转身不看,不想承担,不理睬;‎ 撵走,拒不接纳;‎ She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.‎ Because the lecture hall was full, many people were turned away.‎ ‎968‎ turn down ‎ 拒不接受;‎ 把声音放低,关小;‎ The company turned down the suggestion of shorter working hours. The theater lights were turned down.‎ ‎969‎ turn in ‎ 上床睡觉;‎ 交(上去);‎ 送还,交回;‎ 交给(警察),向…告发 The campers usually turned in as soon as it got dark.‎ Bill is hard-working and he turns in two essays a week.‎ Students are reqested to turn their books at the end of term. He was afraid that the farmer would turn him in for stealing chickens.‎ ‎970‎ turn into ‎ 变为;‎ 使变为;‎ Fortunately, it turned into a nice day.‎ All the buildings have been turned into hospitals.‎ 翻译,译为另一种文体;‎ Can you turn the text into good English?‎ ‎971‎ turn off ‎ 关(水源等);‎ 离开(公路);‎ 使对…失去兴趣,使讨厌 Please turn off the wireless; it’s too noisy.‎ We turned off the motorway at exit 31.‎ People with loud voices turn me off.‎ ‎972‎ turn on ‎ 开(收音机等);‎ 使感兴趣,吸引;‎ 向…进攻,责怪;‎ 以…为转移,取决于;‎ 环绕进行(发展)‎ He turned on his bath water.‎ Rock music really turns me on. There’s no need to turn on me just because the rain spoiled the picnic.‎ The success of a party turns on the guests invited.‎ Our conversation turned mainly on what was to be done when the battle was over.‎ ‎973‎ turn out ‎ 关掉(电灯或煤气);‎ 结果是,最后情况是;‎ A. 跟形容词或副词;‎ B. 跟不定式tobe ;‎ C. 跟从句;‎ D. 跟其它结构 生产,制造;‎ ‎(人群)出来(参加活动);‎ He turned out the light and went upstairs.‎ The examination turned out easy.‎ She will put the blame on us and if it turns out badly.‎ The meeting turned out to be very interesting.‎ It turns out that this method doesn’t work well.‎ The accident turned out a disaster. It didn’t turn out like that. The factory turns out bicycles.‎ The whole town turned out for the parade.‎ ‎974‎ turn one's back on / upon ‎ 不理睬,不肯帮忙,脱离 I appealed to my father for help, but he turned his back on me. He has turned his back on his past way of life.‎ ‎975‎ turn over ‎ 移交,交给;‎ 翻(页),随便看看;‎ ‎(买卖商品)营业额达到;‎ ‎(使)翻身,翻转;‎ 撞翻,翻倒 Bob turns over all the money he earns to his wife.‎ He turned ove a page or two, but was not interested.‎ This shop turns over no less than 100 dollars a day.‎ When his alarm went off, he just turned over on the sofa.‎ The car struck the tall tree and turned over.‎ ‎976‎ turn to ‎ 找(某人寻求帮助等);‎ 查阅(某书)求助于;‎ 变成;‎ 把…转向;‎ 努力于,加劲干;‎ They always turn to me when they are in trouble.‎ I turned to many well-known reference books for help.‎ The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust.‎ He turned his energies to completing the job.‎ The children turned to and cleared the dishes away.‎ ‎977‎ turn up ‎ 来赴约(开会),出席(活动);‎ 出现;‎ 发生(某情况);‎ 查(字典),找到;‎ 把(收音机等)开大些;‎ 翻起,卷起;‎ 发现,发掘出来;‎ 使作呕,使难受;‎ ‎(经济情况等)好转 I was expecting Peter at ten, but he didn’t turn up.‎ The lost papers have turned up at a small town.‎ We don’t know what will turn up in the future.‎ Turn up the dictionary if you can’t spell the word.‎ Turn up the gas; vegetables should be cooked quickly.‎ He turned up the coat collar because of the wind.‎ The police searched the house hoping to turn up more clues. The sight of blood quite turned me up.‎ Investment is turning up sharply in the textile(纺织品) market.‎ ‎978‎ be up against ‎ 面临(困难等)‎ When you are up against torturers and tyrants(折磨者;暴君) in your life, you have to adapt yourself. ‎ ‎979‎ up to ‎ 至某个数量;‎ 到(某个地方或水平),直到;‎ ‎(=up till)‎ The lift can hold up to ten people.‎ The water came up to his chin.‎ Up to now, the work has been easy.‎ ‎980‎ up and down ‎ 来回地,上下(颠簸);‎ 时好时坏 People were walking up and down in front of the school.‎ I’ve been up and down recently; I really need a holiday.‎ ‎981‎ come into use ‎ 开始使用 When did this word come into use?‎ ‎982‎ go out of use 停止使用 Pesticides are gradually out of use on the farm.‎ ‎983‎ ‎(be)in use ‎ 在使用着 That textbook is no longer in use.‎ ‎984‎ make use of ‎ 利用,使用 She was making full use of her opportunity.‎ ‎985‎ use up ‎ 用完,耗尽;花完 They used up their money at the end of their holiday.‎ ‎986‎ be used to ‎ 习惯于(接名词或代词)‎ I am used to loneliness. He has become used to the life here. I’m not used to being treated like that.‎ ‎987‎ used to 过去常常(现在已不如此)‎ We used to grow beautiful roses. Did you use to play football? You usedn’t to make such a mistake. She didn’t use(d) to do it, did she? There used to be some trees in the field, use(d)n’t / didn’t there?‎ ‎988‎ ‎(be) of use 有用处,起作用 I don’t want it. But it may be of use to someone.‎ ‎989‎ do/try one's utmost ‎ 竭力,尽全力 He is doing his utmost to please her. ‎ ‎990‎ in vain ‎ 徒劳,白辛苦;‎ He tried in vain to open the locked door.‎ All our efforts were in vain.‎ ‎991‎ a point of view ‎ 观点,着眼点(viewpoint.n.)‎ In spite of his opposition, he respected his son’s point of view. ‎ ‎992‎ in view of ‎ 鉴于,考虑到;由于 In view of what you tell me about it, I shall not go there.‎ In view of his youth, the police decided not to continue with the case against.‎ ‎993‎ on view ‎ ‎(在)展出 The handwork of the pupils in on view to the parents.‎ ‎994‎ warn against 让…提防 My parents warned us against strangers.‎ ‎995‎ without warning 事前不通知就…,突然(无预兆)‎ He walked out without a word of warning. The ice cracked without warning and he fell into the water.‎ ‎996‎ watch out for ‎ 提防,当心;‎ 注意找寻/等候 You must always watch out for the traffic here.‎ Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.‎ ‎997‎ all the way the whole way 全程,一直地 Jack climbed all the way to the top of the tree.‎ Consequently I had to walk the whole way.‎ ‎998‎ by the way ‎ 顺便提一下,另外 By the way, don’t mention me to Mary.‎ ‎999‎ by way of ‎ 通过…方法,作为 经由 He did it by way of apology.‎ He drove to Beijing by way of Tianjin.‎ ‎1000‎ in a / one way ‎ 在某种程度上 In a way I agree with you about the matter.‎ ‎1001‎ in a big way 大规模地,盛大地 They have started to grow vegetables in a big way. ‎ ‎1002‎ in a small way 小规模地,简朴地 They lived in a small way near the coast.‎ ‎1003‎ in every way ‎ 在各方面,以各种方式 She was delighted with the boat in every way.‎ ‎1004‎ in many ways 在很多方面 In many ways he reminded me of his elder brother.‎ ‎1005‎ in no way ‎ 决不,一点也不 In no way can we allow this to continue.‎ ‎1006‎ ‎(in) one’s own way 按自己的方式,以其特有方式 Do it (in) your own way if you don’t like my way.‎ ‎1007‎ in the way / in the way of /in one’s way 挡道的,妨碍人的 That chair is in the way; please move it.‎ You will anger him if you are in his way.‎ ‎1008‎ in the way of ‎ 在…方面, …这类东西;‎ We can afford very little in the way of luxuries nowadays 是…中常有的事 We have to take the rough with the smooth; it’s all in the way of business.‎ ‎1009‎ out of the way 偏僻的,很少人去的;‎ 不寻常,特殊 We have bought a little cottage, quite out of the way.‎ They live in an out-of-the-way house in the country.‎ There is nothing out of the way about walking ten miles.‎ ‎1010‎ lead the way ‎ 引路,带路;示范 I know the path well; let me lead the way.‎ ‎1011‎ lose one’s way 迷路 The child lost his way in the woods.‎ ‎1012‎ make one’s way ‎ 到某地,(向某地)走去;‎ 成功,有出息 She hurriedly left the living-room and made her way to bed. He has made his own way without any help.‎ ‎1013‎ on the way (to)‎ ‎(状语)在去…的路上/时候;‎ ‎(表语)正在走向 I dropped in on Mr. Smith on my way back/to the city.‎ He is well on his way to becoming a famous singer.‎ ‎1014‎ under way ‎ 在进行中,前进着 All the preparations are well under way.‎ We have several plans under way.‎ ‎1015‎ wear off ‎ 磨掉,擦掉;‎ 被磨掉;‎ 慢慢消失掉 Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone. The paint on your nails will wear off soon.‎ My headache is wearing off.‎ ‎1016‎ wear out ‎ 穿破,穿旧,用旧;‎ 被穿破(旧);‎ 使疲惫不堪,使累坏;‎ 使逐渐耗尽,消磨掉;‎ Children wear out their shoes very quickly.‎ Clothing seems to wear out in no time nowadays.‎ The game wore him out. He was worn out with all the hard work. How can we wear out this dull afternoon?‎ ‎1017‎ weep away ‎ 一直哭着;‎ 在哭泣中度过 Is she still weeping? She has been crying all day.‎ I’m so sad that I could weep the whole afternoon away.‎ ‎1018‎ weep out ‎ 边哭边说出 The child has wept out its sorrow and is asleep.‎ ‎1019‎ weep over 为…而哭泣 It’s no use weeping over what can’t be helped.‎ ‎1020‎ What if...? ‎ 倘使…将会怎么样/如何?‎ What if he comes back? ‎ What if she finds out that you have lost her book?‎ ‎1021‎ once in a while ‎ 偶尔,有时;每隔一些时候 They go out together once in a while but not very often.‎ ‎1022‎ as a whole ‎ 总的来说,作为整体 We must examine these problems as a whole.‎ ‎1023‎ on the whole ‎ 总的来说,大体上 On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.‎ ‎1024‎ in the mass ‎ 总体上,一般地 The design in the mass is good.‎ ‎1025‎ wind up ‎ 缠好,绕好,把车窗转上去;‎ 上好(钟表、玩具等的发条);‎ 结束,处理完;‎ 结束(活动、话语等);‎ 结果是,最后(陷入某种状态)‎ 1. 跟名词;‎ 2. 跟形容词;‎ 3. 跟介词短语;‎ 4. 跟现在分词 Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly.‎ I forgot to wind my watch up, so of course it stopped.‎ I must wind up this letter and get on work on the other.‎ I hope the boring speaker will soon wind up.‎ In spite of people’s opinions, she wound up the winner.‎ He is sure to wind up bankruptcy.‎ Be careful! You would wind up by getting hurt.‎ I’ve never dreamt that I would wind up owning a house.‎ ‎1026‎ wipe out ‎ 擦掉;‎ 把…擦干净;‎ 消灭;‎ 摧毁 He wiped out with an eraser the words on the blackboard. ‎ Make sure the inside of the bottle was wiped out.‎ We must make every effort to wipe out injustice in the system. After the attack, the entire city was wiped out.‎ ‎1027‎ wish for ‎ 希望得到/有,盼望 I couldn’t wish for a better son than I’ve got.‎ There is no point in wishing for a miracle.‎ ‎1028‎ It’s a wonder (that)‎ 真奇怪,真是令人惊奇 It’s a wonder (that) you didn’t lose your way in the dark.‎ What a wonder (it is) (that) he didn’t miss the train.‎ ‎1029‎ No wonder... ‎ 难怪…,怪不得…‎ It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much.‎ ‎(It’s) No wonder (that) he didn’t want to go.‎ ‎1030‎ in other words ‎ 换句话说,也就是说 I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else—in other words, I was wasting my time.‎ ‎1031‎ keep one's word ‎ 遵守诺言 You must keep your word if you promised to take the children to the cimema.‎ ‎1032‎ Words fail…‎ 说不出话来,无法形容(多么吃惊、震惊、不高兴等)‎ When he told me what he’d done, words failed me.‎ Ed told me he paid 200 dollars. Words failed me.‎ ‎1033‎ work at ‎ 学习,研究,写作,致力于;‎ 在…上下功夫(设法解决问题)‎ He worked at his biology/at a new invention. ‎ There is no easy way round the difficulty; you’ll just work at it.‎ ‎1034‎ work on 从事(某工作)(可译成:造,创作,画,做,草拟,设计,研究,致力于等);‎ 对…做工作,对…施加影响;‎ 对…起作用 We are still working on some wood-cuts. When we began to work on the new design several difficulties arose. ‎ I work on perfecting my style before trying new things. ‎ Can you work on the director?‎ Some pills work on the nerves and make people more relaxed.‎ ‎1035‎ work out ‎ ‎(使)慢慢出来;‎ 制定,拟定,定出;‎ 想出;‎ 算出,估计出,解题;‎ 理解,弄懂,看出,说出;‎ 得到圆满解决/结果,情况好;‎ 进行锻炼 The small piece of dust in your eye should work out by itself.‎ We must work out a better method of saving paper.‎ We must work out how we are going to do it. ‎ Have you worked out how much it costs to feed a child?‎ I can’t work out the meaning of this poem.‎ Things will work out if you will just be patient.‎ John works out in the gym two hours every day.‎ ‎1036‎ be worth it 值得这样做 We had to work hard, but it has been worth it.‎ ‎1037‎ be worth doing ‎ 值得(做)‎ His suggestions are worth considering.‎ ‎1038‎ and/but yet ‎ 而,然而 I offered him still more, and yet he wasn’t satisfied.‎ She’s a funny girl, but yet you can’t help liking her.‎ ‎1039‎ as yet ‎ ‎(到目前/那时为止)还(多用于否定)‎ We have not succeeded as yet. He has not as yet made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her.‎ ‎1040‎ by yourself ‎ 你独自地,你独立地 Did you walk across the country all by yourself?‎ ‎1041‎ be yourself 身体正常(没有不舒服)‎ Are you very tired? You don’t seem yourself today.‎

