2020-2021学年高一英语上 Unit 4

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2020-2021学年高一英语上 Unit 4

2020-2021 学年高一英语上学期课堂同步练习 Unit 4 Period 3 Discovering useful structures 一、单项选择(共 15 小题) 1. Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with every human weakness stood at the point in history magic ended and science began. A.who; where B.which; where C.who; when D.which; that 2. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students ________ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A.which B.where C.what D.Who 3. You'll find taxis waiting at the bus station ________ you can hire to reach your host family. A.which B.where C.when D.As 4. Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons can’t be the only preparation for all of the situations ________ appear in the working world. A.where B.when C.that D.What 5. This is the last factory ________ he used to work at, many workers of _______ still have a good relationship with him. A./; it B.which; whom C./; which D.which; that 6. I don’t like you speak to her. A.the way B.the way in that C.the way which D.the way of which 7. Is this university ______you visit last time? A.that one B.which C.the one D.the one what 8. Have you bought the same book________ I referred to yesterday? A.when B.which C.where D.As 9. Even Amundsen was moved by Scott's death saying "Captain Scott left a record, for honesty, sincerity, for bravery, for everything _______makes a man". A.that B.which C.who D.不填 10. Was it in the beautiful park ___was located at the foot of the mountain ___we first met our foreign teacher? A.which; where B.which; that C.which; which D.that; where 11. In China, “mythical creatures” is used to describe troublesome schoolchildren ________ behaviors drive their parents crazy. A.whose B.when C.who D.of whom 12. He pointed out such a crucial detail about the experiment ______ we could never neglect. A.as B.that C.where D.When 13. All of us were so excited at the news ____we’ll go abroad for holidays ___we jumped with joy. A.that; that B.what; and then C.what; that D.which; so 14. The students in Shanghai are using the same textbooks _______ we are now using. A.as B.that C.which D.Whose 15. I’ll never forget the persons and places _______ I visited yesterday. A.that B.which C.where D.as 【答案与解析】 1. 考查定语从句。句意:牛顿被证明是一位天才科学家,有着人类的种种弱点,他站在了历 史上魔术结束、科学开始的时刻。分析句子可知,两个设空处都引导定语从句;第一空处关 系词代替先行词 Newton 在从句中充当主语,应用关系代词 who,第二空处关系词代替先行 词 point 在从句中充当地点状语,应用关系副词 where,故选 A 项。 2. 考查定语从句。句意:她具有给学生创造一种允许他们自由交流的氛围的天赋。分析句子 结构可知,定语从句“________allows them to communicate freely with each other”修饰先行词 atmosphere,将先行词代入句后为:The atmosphere allows them to communicate freely with each other.由此可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,而且指代物,所以须用关系代词 which,故选 A 项。 3. 考查定语从句。句意:你可以租等在车站的出租车到达你的旅馆。这是间隔式的定语从句, 先行词是 taxies,在定语从句中作宾语,所以用 which 引导。其他的 where 和 when 不能在从 句中作宾语,as 引导的定语从句作宾语时前面的先行词必须有 same 或 such 等,故选 A。 4. 考查定语从句。句意:有工作的年轻人可能意识到大学课程不可能准备好应对在以后工作 中出现的所有情况。分析句子可知,定语从句________ appear in the working world 中缺主语, 关系代词为 that。 故选 C。 5. 考查定语从句。句意:这是他过去工作过的工厂,那里的许多工人和他仍保持着良好的关 系。这里 factory 是先行词,the last 修饰先行词,故第一空只能用 that 引导定语从句,因为 在定语从句中作介词 at 的宾语,所以也可以省略;第二空先行词是 factory,which 在从句中 作介词的宾语,引导非限制性定语从句,故选 C。 6. 考查定语从句。句意:我不喜欢你和她说话的方式。先行词是 the way 时,定语从句用 in which/that 或是不用关系代词。故选 A。 7. 考查定语从句。句意:这是你上次参观过的大学吗?首先我们将这句话变为陈述句 This university is ______ you visit last time.我们可知这句话没有表语,我们用 the one 作 is 的表语, 后面是省略了 that 的定语从句,修饰先行词 the one,因为 visit 后面缺宾语,所以关系词可 以省略,则 C 项 the one 正确。故选 C。 8. 考查定语从句关系词。句意:你买了我昨天提到的那本书了吗?分析句子可知,此句是定 语从句,先行词是 the same book,在从句中作 to 的宾语,the same…as…(和……一样), 句中应由 as 引导定语从句。故选 D 项。 9. 考查定语从句。句意:就连阿蒙森也被斯科特的死感动了,他说:“斯科特上尉留下了一份 记录,记录了他的诚实、真诚、勇敢,造就了一个人的一切。分析句子,定语从句部分缺主 语,引导词用关系代词且不可省略。故可排除 D 项。再根据先行词指物可排除 C 项。本题 定语从句的先行词为复合不定代词 everything 故引导词只能为 that 不用 which。综合分析, 故选 A 项。 10. 考查定语从句及强调句型。句意:是在位于山脚的那个美丽的公园里,我们第一次遇到 我们的外语老师吗?分析句子结构,第一空:“___was located at the foot of the mountain”是限 定性定语从句,先行词是 the beautiful park,关系词在从句中作主语,因此用 that/ which 引 导;第二空是强调句型 It is/was… that/who…,强调地点状语 in the beautiful park,应使用 that。 故选 B 项。 11. 考查定语从句。句意:在中国,“神话生物”被用来形容麻烦的学童,其行为使父母发疯。 分析句子结构可知,空格处引导定语从句。behaviors 和先行词 schoolchildren 存在所属关系, behaviors 是先行词 schoolchildren 所具有的,因此使用 whose 修饰 behaviors 作定语来引导定 语从句。在定语从句中“whose+名词”可转换为“of which /whom +the+名词” 或“the+名词+ of which /whom”。若选择 D 项的话,题干中缺定冠词 the。故选 A 。 12. 考查定语从句。句意:他指出有关实验的这样一个我们绝不能忽视的关键细节。根据句意 判断先行词为 a crucial detail 在定语从句中作 neglect 的宾语,且先行词被 such 修饰,故用 关系代词 as。故选 A 项。 13. 考查名词性从句和定语从句的用法。句意:当听到我们将去国外度假的消息时,我们大 家都如此的兴奋,以至于都欢呼雀跃起来。第一空,这个消息就是即将去国外度假这件事情, 它们之间是同位语关系,故用 that 引导同位语从句。而我们欢呼雀跃的目的是去度假这件事 情。第二空考查 so … that …“如此……以至于……”。所以用 that 引导定语从句。故选 A。 14. 考查定语从句关系代词。句意:上海的学生使用的教科书和我们现在使用的一样。分析 句子结构可知,“we are now using”在句中作定语,修饰名词 textbooks,先行词 textbooks 在 定语从句中作宾语,textbooks 前由 the same 修饰,需用关系代词 as。故选 A。 15. 考查定语从句。句意:我将永远不会忘记我昨天去拜访的人和参观的地方。分析句子可 知,此处是定语从句关系词,先行词 the persons and places 在从句中充当宾语,应用关系代 词,又先行词有人又有物,应用关系代词 that,故选 A 项。 二、语篇语法填空(共 10 小题) The National Weather Service (NWS) reported that the Tittabawassee River was at least ten 1. (foot) above flood level, and still rising. Under the growing pressure of the water, the Edenville dam and the Sanford dam broke on 19, May, 2020. The flooding has covered many roads and bridges in Midland County. For 2. ( safe) , so far the Michigan National Guard 3. ( help) in moving around 11,000 people in the nearby towns of Edenville, Sanford, and Midland from their homes. Midland is home to the Dow Chemical Company, 4. raises other worries. The company has large chemical tanks in Midland which, if 5. (flood),could release(释 放)dangerous chemicals into the river. For decades, Dow released dangerous chemical pollution into the Tittabawassee River.6. a result, there is an area farther downstream that is7. (heavy) polluted. The chemicals there have settled into the mud on the river bottom and in the areas along the river. The area was supposed 8. (clean) up next year. Now there are concerns that the strong flood waters could make the 9. (harm) chemicals come out and release them back into the river. This could cause serious problems, and would make any cleanup far 10. difficult. 【答案与解析】 1. 考查名词的数。此处 foot 意为“英尺”为可数名词,由 ten 判断用复数形式,故填 feet。 2. 考查名词。此处应用名词作为介词 for 的宾语,故填 safety。 3. 考查时态。分析句子可知,此处是句子谓语动词,根据 so far 判断为现在完成时,主语 the Michigan National Guard 是第三人称单数,故填 has helped。 4. 考查定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是非限制性定语从句的关系词,先行词是前面的整个 句子,它在从句中充当主语,应用关系代词 which,故填 which。 5. 考查状语从句的省略。分析句子可知,此处是 if 引导的条件状语从句,完整的句子是 The company has large chemical tanks in Midland which, if the company was flooded, could release dangerous chemicals into the river. 因主从句的主语一致,且从句有 was,故省略了从句的 the company was,故填 flooded。 6. 考查介词。此处考查固定短语 as a result“因此”,故填 As。 7. 考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词 polluted,故填 heavily。 8. 考查非谓语动词。此处是固定短语 be supposed to do sth.“应该做某事”,又逻辑主语 area 和 clean 之间是被动关系,故应用不定式的被动形式 to be done,故填 to be cleaned。 9. 考查形容词。此处应用形容词修饰名词 chemicals,故填 harmful。 10. 考查形容词比较级。句意:这会导致严重的问题,同时也会让任何清理变得更困难。根 据句意和 far 判断此处应用形容词比较级,又 difficult 的比较级是 more difficult,故填 more。 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

