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Welcome back to school ! How was your summer vacation? 1 2 3 Where did you go? What did you do? Did you think it is a nice time? 1 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 复习:时态: 1.一般现在时: 2.现在进行时: 3.一般过去时: 用法、构成、句子类型举例。 a c e d f g Where did he/she/they go on vacation ? He / She /They … PAIRWORK : Did everyone watch the military parade on Step. 3rd? Didn't anyone like the parade? Do you think it was a wonderful parade? What did you think most when you watched the parade? New words: 问题探究 1. anyone 的用法 1) 有谁去过山区吗?Did anyone go to the mountains? 2) 我不想告诉任何人这件事。 I don't want to tell anyone about the thing. 3) 任何人可以做这件事。 Anyone can do the thing. 4) 你见过有趣的人吗? Did you meet anyone interesting? anyone 表示“某人”时,常用于否定句和疑问句中,意为 “什么人,谁”;表示 “任何人”,可用于肯定句。 注:同somewhere/anywhere 2021/1/13 1.不定代词做主语,谓语用单数。 2. 不定代词和形容词、副词搭配,不定代词在前,形容词、副词在后 复合不定代词 : something somebody someone anything anybody anyone nothing nobody no one everything everybody everyone 问题探究 2. few 的用法 1) 他在这里几乎没朋友。He has few friends here. 2) 篮子里有几个鸡蛋。There are a few eggs in the basket. few 用来修饰可数名词的复数,表示否(肯或否)定意思,“没有,几乎没有 ”; 常用词组为 a few, 表示肯定意思, 意为 “有几个”。 与 few 和 a few 相对应的是 little 和 a little, 用来修饰不可数名词, little 表示否定意思,意为 “没有,几乎没有”。 a little 表示肯定意思,意为 “ 有一点”。 1b Listening 1. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3.Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom 1 2 3 4 5 1b Tapescript Conversation 1 Xiang Hua: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation? Tina: I went to the mountains with my family. Xiang Hua: Did everyone have a good time?. Tina: Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Where did you go, Xiang Hua? Xiang Hua: I went to New York City . Conversation 2 Girl: What did you do on vacation, Sally? Sally: Nothing. I just stayed at home . Girl: And did you do anything interesting, Bob? Bob: Yes, I visited my uncle . we went fishing, but we didn’t get any fish Conversation 3 Boy: Did you go anywhere on vacation, Tom? Tom: I went to summer camp . Boy: Did you go with anyone? Tom: Yes, I went with my friends. Everyone had a great time. 问题探究 1.Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪儿度假? go on vacation 意为“去度假”。 2. I went to summer camp. 我去了夏令营。 go to summer camp 意为“去夏令营”。 类似的短语还有: go to the mountains 去爬山 go to the beach 去海滩 go to the movies 去看电影 go to the party 去参加聚会 go to work 去上班 Name Tina Xiang Hua Sally Brad Tom Activities went to the mountains went to New York City stayed at home visited his uncle went to summer camp Report: On vacation, Tina went to the mountains. She thinks it was … Xiang Hua … He thinks it was… Report like this: 1c 1 Practice: 1.呆在学校: 2.乘巴士到沙滩: 3.去钓鱼: 4.拜访一个朋友: 5.为测验而学习: 6.在湖边扎营: 7.参观动物园: 8.看电视: 9.看电影: 10.和Tina一起打网球: 2021/1/13 Are yor lives bored or fun? Why? Did you help your mom feed hens/pigs? What do you often do for yourself When you are not happy? Do you keep a diary? 2021/1/13 New words: 2a Listen. Where did Nancy, Kevin, and Julie go on vacation? Match the person with the place . New York City the beach home 2b Listen again. For each question check (√ ) “Yes , I did .” or “No , I didn’t.” as you hear them talk . √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2021/1/13 2a,2b Tapescript Conversation 1 Boy: Where did you go on vacation, Grace ? Grace : I went to New York City . Boy: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone ? Grace : Yes, I did . I went with my mother . 2021/1/13 2a,2b Tapescript Boy: Did you go to Central Park? Grace : Yes, I did. It really nice. Boy: Did you buy anything special ? Grace: Yes, I bought something for my father. Boy: Oh, really? What? Grace: I bought him a hat. 2021/1/13 2a,2b Tapescript Conversation 2 Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Kevin? Kevin: I went to the beach . Girl: Oh, that’s nice. Did you play volleyball? Kevin: No, I didn’t. Girl: Well, did you swim? Kevin: Yes, I did. The water was really warm. 2021/1/13 2a,2b Tapescript Boy: How was the food? Kevin: Everything tasted really good . Boy: Did you meet anyone interesting ? Kevin: Yes, I met some very interesting people. 2021/1/13 2a,2b Tapescript Conversation 3 Boy: Where did you go on your vacation, Julie? Julie: I stayed at home. Boy: Oh. So, did you do anything interesting ? Julie: Yes , I did. Boy: Did you go out with anyone ? Julie: No . No one was here . Everyone was on vacation. 2021/1/13 辨析:no one 与none *no one 只能指人,且不能与of 搭配, no one 做主语时, 只能是单数 。 none 为不定代词,意为“什么也没有”,既可指人,也可指物, 可与of 连用,做主语时谓语用单复数都可 。 考例:They were all very tired, but ______ of them took a rest.A. none B.all C. bothD.either 2c Role-play conversations between Grace, Kevin and Julie. 2d Read and Answer. 1). When was Helen on vacation? 2). Wheren did Helen go? 3). Is Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou? 4). Did Rick do anything special last minth? What did he do? Role-play conversations Role-play conversations 2d Thank you!

