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MODULE 5 Decisions Unit 2 It’ s too big for you. 快速抢答反义词 big tall long fat new nice light easy small short short thin old broken heavy hard Let's chant Light light This green bag is light . H eavy heavy This black bag is heavy . Pockets pockets It’s got two pockets Broken broken My shoes are broken . It's got two pockets. It’s small and light. It’ll be easy for her. It’s big and light. It’s got four wheels. It's too big for her. It’s too small for me . It has got a ___ ____ on it. Look and say cat It has got a ___ ____ on it. Look and say monkey It has got a ___ ____ on it. Look and say tiger ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. 1.What does Lingling want to buy? 2.What can you see on it? It’s got a _______ on it. panda She wants to buy a ________. T-shirt 3 . What does the shop assistant say? Try this white one . 当你的朋友在试衣服中发现衣服大或小时,你如何用英语建议他们换其他的衣服呢?一起来看看聪明的喜洋洋怎么说的? It’s too big for you. 对你来说它太大了。 It’s too small for you. 对你来说它太小了。 It's too big for him. It's too small for her. It's too heavy for him. It's too light for her. Look and say It's too … for … It’s … ( hard / easy ) for him. It’s … ( big / small ) for the monkey/panda. It’s … ( easy / hard ) for him. It’s … ( heavy / light )for her / him . 1 It' s got a panda on it. has got 有,拥有 2 It's too … for … 它对 …… 来说是 …… 的。 3 in white in +颜色的单词 表示 “ 穿着 …… 颜色的衣服 ” 课文重难点讲解 在……上 (表面) The________ is on the________ . c oa t b oa t It’s a _______________. g oo d b oo k The _______ likes _______. b oy t oy s Let’s go to ________in the __________. sch oo l aftern oo n Listen and repeat oa / əu / oy / ɔi / oo / u : / oo / u / b oa t b oo k t oy aftern oo n c oa t b oy sch oo l g oo d 家庭作业: 1. 给父母介绍两种物品,用上句型 It’s … for … 。 2. 看图写句子(P .20 part 2 ) 3. Collect more adjective. (收集更多的形容词。)

