四川广汉市 2017 高考英语阅读理解一轮选练

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四川广汉市 2017 高考英语阅读理解一轮选练

只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 四川广汉市 2017 高考英语阅读理解一轮选练 【健康环保类—阅读理解】(2015 模拟题) Archaeologists Discover 110 New Warrior Statues in China After being barried for centuries,110 new warrior statues has been discovered in Xi’an, China.The statues are part of a collection of lifesize figures of warriors and horses called the Terracotta Army(兵马俑).The group of more than 7,000 lifesize clay sculptures was built in 210 B.C.to guard the tomb of China’s first emperor,Qin Shi Huang. Shen Maosheng,from the Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum,said archaeologists had located another 11 warriors but had not yet begun to dig the sculptures up.“The most significant discovery is that the relics that were found were wellpreserved and colorfully painted,” Maosheng told AFP. The Warriors’ History The sculptures were discovered by a group of farmers in 1974.While digging a well,the workers found three pits filled with the lifelike figures,which were made of a type of terracotta clay.Experts say that long ago,Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered the creation of the clay army,along with a 20squaremile tomb in which to house it.For 36 years,700,000 laborers built this underground city.It contains models of palaces and towers,and was protected from intruders(闯入者) by.The city lay buried for more than 2,000 years. A Worldwide Attraction Today,people from around the world visit China to see the terracotta warriors.What makes the soldiers so special?Each figure was individually carved,so they have different hairstyles, expressions and facial features.The details make the soldiers appear true to life.Inside the pit, the statues are arranged by military rank.The higher the rank,the taller the statue.The shortest statue is 5 feet 8 inches.The tallest is 6 feet 6 inches.The lower half of each soldier is made of solid clay,while the upper half is hollow.This makes it easier for the figures to remain upright. Great Wall The discovery of Xi’an’s 110 new warriors comes after a new finding about the Great Wall of China.An archaeological survey revealed the Great Wall of China is more than twice as long as previously thought.The wall originally measured 5,500 miles but now measures 13,170 miles.Beijing officials plan to open two new sections of the Great Wall and to expand other areas to make room for more tourists. 1.The Terracotta Army was buried underground to . A.guard Qin Shi Huang’s tomb B.guard Qin Shi Huang and his family C.show how powerful the Qin Dynasty was 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 D.honour a war that broke out in 210 B.C. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,兵马俑被埋在地下是为了保卫秦始皇的陵墓。答案选 A。 2.The newly discovered warrior statues are special in that . A.they were in the same uniform B.they were different sizes C.they were colorfully painted D.they were made of solid clay 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,在西安发现的兵马佣不仅保存完好,而且是彩绘的。答案选 C。 3.The terracotta warriors can stand upright because . A.they were arranged by military B.they were supported by soil from all sides C.each figure looked different from the others D.the lower half is heavier than the upper half 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段最后两句可知,兵马俑的下身是实心的,上身是空心的,由此可推知兵马佣 的下身比上身重,所以能够直立。答案选 D。 4.Why will two new sections of the Great Wall be open? A.To allow more tourists to visit. B.To make the visit more interesting. C.To show how long the Great Wall is. D.To have a true picture of Chinese history. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Beijing officials plan to open two new sections of the Great Wall and to expand other areas to make room for more tourists.”可知 A 正确。 阅读下列四篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B/C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 We live in central Phoenix, near the canal. Every day I used to see a homeless old man and his scruffy little dog hanging out down there. I would tell my husband we should give him food for the little dog. It wouldn't have been a problem; we have our own "mini farm" of animals! But he would say "OK!" and then blow the idea 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 off because of our business. Being in Phoenix, Arizona, you can just imagine how hot it gets here, but his winter was really chilly! I had just come from KFC with take-out food for dinner. As I was turning by the canal, the man and his dog were sitting right there all bundled up. Even the doggy had a coat on! Not even thinking about it, I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with al the fixings for the man and his little buddy. I gave it to him with a soda and a bottle of water for the little dog. He said, "Thank you, sweetie. You are an angel." And there were tears welling up in his eyes! I told him he ws so welcome, and then went home. When my husband dug into the KFC gag he asked, "Were you hungry, or what?" I told him what I did and he said, "Only you!" Then he told me I had done a good thing. A few weeks later, we were walking along the canal and found the man walking to me, with his little dog. He asked whether I would mind adopting the dog. With tears in eyes, he said it had gotten too hard for him to care for the dog. He added that he was planning on heading to Washington State but his dog wouldn't have been up to it, so he hoped to give it to me. "Only you! In this city, you are the only person I can believe in!" Now, every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace, I will recall the old man's words and wish him good luck. 26. The author and her husband didn't kelp the old man at the beginning because _______ A.they had a farm of animals to feed B.they didn't have food even for themselves. C.they worked busily and often forget it. D.they were unwilling to help a man with a dog. 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。由“But he would say "OK!" and then blow the idea off because of our business.” 可知我们一开始没有帮助老人是因为生意太忙,而忘记了。故选 C。 27. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3? A. She gave the old man some food on a cold day. B. She met the old man after finishing her dinner. C. She offered the old man nothing but chicken. D. She burst into tears after helping the old man. 【答案】A 【解析】细节理解题。由“I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with al the fixings for the man and his little buddy. I gave it to him with a soda and 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 a bottle of water for the little dog.”可知在那个寒冷的日子,作者给了老人一些食物。 28. What did the author's husband feel when she told him what she had done? A. Grateful. B. Delighted C. Indifferent D. Disappointed 【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。由“Then he told me I had done a good thing.”可知作者的丈夫为她所做的事 情感到高兴。故选 B。 29. Why did the old man hope to give the dog to the author? A. Because he knew thee author was also a dog lover. B. Because the author was the person he could trust. C. Because the author was the only person he knew. D. Because he believed that his dog liked the author. 【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。由"Only you! In this city, you are the only person I can believe in!"可知 老人把狗给她,是因为她是老人信任的人。故选 B。 30. What can we infer from the ending of the passage? A. The author refused the old man's request. B. The author misses the old man and his dog. C. The author feels the old man was very lucky. D. The author adopted the old man's dog. 【答案】D 【解析】推理判断题。由最后一段“……every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace,……”可知作者收养了老人的狗。故选 D. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 【山东省济宁市 2014 高考英语二模试题】A Iee Lok Sze was the first woman in Hong Kong to reach both the North and South Poles.In 1992 and1993,she went to Mount Everest and the Taldamkhan Desert in Xin- jiang.“I wanted to be an adventurer when l was small.I have loved reading adventure books since I was a child.” Since 1970,Miss Lee has always been on trips,travelling to different parts of the world with a backpack and a sleeping bag. She said that these journeys changed her values.“After visiting these places,I started to treasure my life much more than before.During this time,I came to realize how small I am 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 in the universe,but nothing in this world is unsolvable. Miss Lee said she had a lot of unforgettable experiences on her journeys.There was one terrible storm at sea when she was returning from the South Pole.The whole team was happy to be returning home after a one-year stay at the South Pole.During the storm, waves reached heights of up to 30 meters.as high as a 10-story building.She stayed calm at the time and took steps to protect their research findings.She hoped the rescuers would find them even if they lost their lives.Part of the ship was destroyed and a lot of water came in.Luckily they all survived, but she came away from the experience with a realiza- tion about the power of nature. Miss Lee is also the founder of the China Polar Museum Foundation.Building a polar museum has always been her dream.According to Miss Lee,the museum will use advanced technology to help develop scientists work in polar areas.Also,it will provide Places for scientists to do research. 41.From the first paragraph we know Lee Lok Sze enjoys________. A.exploring remote unknown places B.visiting popular places of interest C.reading all kinds of books on science D.travelling with expensive equipment 42.What is the second paragraph mainly about? A.Lee Lok Sze's great journeys. B.Lee Lok Sze's values on life C.The journeys'influence on Lee.D.Lee's ideas of the universe. 43.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 3? A.Lee Lok Sze travelled to the South Pole alone. B.Lee Lok Sze stayed at the South Pole for a month. C.The ship was completely destroyed in the storm. D.Lee Lok Sze valued the research findings greatly. 44.Why did Lee found a polar museum? A.To attract more people to the Poles. B.To promote studies of the Poles. C.To educate the public about the Poles.D.To help protect the Poles. 45.Which would be the best title for the text? A.Fighting Against Nature B.Attractions of the Poles C.Surviving a Terrible Storm D.A Brave and Noble Woman 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 【参考答案】ACDBD 【山东省济宁市 2014 高考英语二模试题】B Mobile Phone Manners Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate;they have also brought about problems in phone manners.Gaik Lira, a Singapore-based advice has some advice on phone manners. When dealing with missed calls,the person being.called should return the call.“Calls should be returned as soon as possible, and no later than the following day. Anything later than that,and an apology or a reason for the delay should go with the call.” Text messages should be kept short and to the point.If they go beyond four or five lines, call or e-mail instead.“The use of short forms should be among family members and friends, never in a business situation.” Speak in a low voice as if you were talking to someone next to you.If the connection is bad, don’t raise your voice in order to be heard,simply move to another place where the connection may be better.And if that doesn’t work,tell the caller to call you back or offer to call at a later time. When a conversation is cut off due to a bad connection,the person who started the conversation should call back.“It may be inconvenient for the other person to return the call, especially if it’s an unlisted number,or an overseas call.” When running late for a date or meeting,it is acceptable to text to inform that you'll be delayed.Messages should be apologetic.“A message like‘Sorry.Will be about 30 mi- nutes late due to flight delay’is considered polite and thoughtful.” Taking calls during meetings is only acceptable if you have informed the chairperson that you are expecting an urgent call.If you get an unexpected but urgent call,apologize to those present and offer a quick explanation as to why you have to take that call.Then leave the room to contioue your phone conversation. 46.What should one do if he or she has missed a call? A.Text an apology to the caller. B.Give a reason for the delay. C.Wait till the caller calls again. D.Return the call as soon as possible. 47.Which of the following is a proper text message in a business situation? 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 A.Will send it to you tomorrow. B.Will send it 2 U 2 moro. C.Pls send it 2 me B4 2nite. D.I will try my best to send it to you tomorrow and please wait patiently and don't worry about it. 48.What should you do if the connection is bad when you aye talking on your mobile phone? A.Raise your voice in order to be heard. B.Hold on till the connection becomes better. C.Ask someone next to you to lend you his or her phone. D.Move away from where you are or stop and talk later. 49.Why should the caller call back when a conversation is cut off? A.To be considerate to the receiver. B.To save both time and money. C.To make the conversation pleasant. D.To make the connection better. 50.What should you do if you get an ordinary call during a meeting? A.Apologize to the people present and then answer the call. B.Cut the call off at once and call back after the meeting. C.Answer the call and apologize to the chairperson later. D.Leave the room immediately to answer the call. 【参考答案】DADAB 阅读理解---------B Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Caronlina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute to increasing credit card debt among their children during their students years. Their work is published online in Springer's Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Credit card debt among college students has been a growing concern for researchers and policymakers over the last decade. In addition, there is growing concern among educators that 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 more students are dropping out of school, not because of academic failure, but because of financial reasons, and credit card especially. Hancock and colleagues' study is the first to examine how parental interactions, and financial knowledge and attitudes may have a cumulative effect(累 积效应)on the number of credit cards students own and their level of credit card debt. The researchers analyzed data for 420 undergraduate students from seven different American universities, who took part in the College Student Financial Literacy Survey. According to the online survey, nearly two-thirds of students had a credit card, and nearly a third had more than one. Those students who reported that their parents argued about finances were more likely to have more than two cards than the students whose parents who did not argue about finances. In terms of debt, those students who had two or more credit cards were nearly three times more likely to report having credit card debt over $500. The researchers conclude, "It is clear that the influence of parents cannot be neglected. Researchers, educators and policymakers should work in finding effective ways to increase the positive financial behaviors fo college students. We need to help students learn financial skills and establish healthy financial attitudes at earlier ages to prevent poor financial habits from taking root." 31. In Adam Hancock's research, student's credit card debt is related to their _________. A.knowledge B.concerns C.school D.parents 【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。由“Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute to increasing credit card debt among their children during their students years.”可知学生的 信用卡债务和他们的父母有关。故选 D。 32. When college students have credit card debt, they may ________. A.quit school B.fail in their exams C.study financial knowledge D.have more credit cards 【答案】A 【解析】细节理解题。由“there is growing concern among educators that more students are dropping out of school, not because of academic failure, but because of financial reasons, and credit card especially.”可知大学生有信用卡债务时,他们就可能退学。故选 A。 33. What can we infer from Paragraph 3? A. More than 400 students i a university took the survey. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 B. The survey was conducted with the paper questionnaire. C. Nearly all the students in this survey have credit cards. D. Students have fewer cards if their parents argue more. 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。由“According to the online survey, nearly two-thirds of students had a credit card, and nearly a third had more than one.”可知在调查中,几乎所有学生都有信用卡。故选 C。 34. If you have two or more credit cards, you are more likely to ________. A.get wealthy B.have argument C.buy more things D.become in debt 【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。由“In terms of debt, those students who had two or more credit cards were nearly three times more likely to report having credit card debt over $500.”说明如果你有两 个或两个以上的信用卡,你更有可能负债。故选 D。 35. As a student, what can yo learn from the passage? A. We need to turn to our parents when we have credit card debt. B. We should build correct financial attitudes when we are young. C. We shouldn't have credit cards so that we can avoid argument. D. We can have more credit cards to make life more comfortable. 【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。由“We need to help students learn financial skills and establish healthy financial attitudes at earlier ages to prevent poor financial habits from taking root.”可知 我们在小的时候就应该树立正确的财政态度。故选 B。

