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Module III Unit 4 Astronomy vocabulary Learning aims 1.To learn the vocabulary in unit 4. 2.To learn some words’ usages. 3.To be able to use them in pratice. Spell the words 1.___________ n. 天文学 2.___________ n. 天文学家 3.___________ adj. 太阳的;日光的 4.___________n. 宗教;宗教信仰 5.___________ n. 系统 6.___________n. 学说;理论 7.____________ n. 十亿 8.__________ adj. 全球性的 9.___________ adj. 猛烈的;激烈的 10.__________ n. 碳 carbon astronomy solar religion system theory billion global violent astronomer 11._____________ n. 大气层;气氛 12._____________ adj. 基本的;基础的 13._____________ n. 出席;到场 14._____________ v. 溶解;解散 15._____________ adj. 有害的 16._____________ n. 链子;连锁 17._____________ n. 反应;回应 18._____________ vi&vt. 乘;增加 19._____________ n. 氧 20._____________ n. 两栖动物 atmosphere fundamental presence dissolve harmful chain reaction multiply oxygen amphibian I. Complete the following sentences with proper words. 1. It’s said that her latest novel is quite u______ her earlier work. 2. The idea e_______ only in the minds of poets. 3. _______ ( 氧气 ) is one of the basic elements of substance. 4. There are many _________ ( 学说 ) about the origin of life. nlike xists Oxygen theories 5. The _________ ( 猛烈的 ) winds buried the village in sand in half an hour. 6. The ____________ ( 气氛 ) changed as soon as Lily walked in. 7. Smoking is h________ to our health. 8. If you ________ ( 乘 ) seven by 15 you get 105. 9. I bought this loaf of bread in the c______ store opposite the street. 10. We need to make f___________ changes to the way in which we treat our environment. violent atmosphere armful multiply hain undamental Spell the phrases 1. 既然 _________________ 2. 冷却 _________________ 3. 依靠 _________________ 4. 欢呼 _________________ 5. 灭绝 _________________ 6. 爆发 _________________ 7. 轮流 _________________ 8. 及时 _________________ in time now that cool down depend on cheer up die out break out in one’s turn 9. as a result of_________________ 10. get the hang of_________________ 11. prevent …from…________________ 12. block out _________________ 13. in all directions_______________ 14. give birth to_________________ 15. sooner or later_________________ 16. fall over_________________ 摔倒 结果 掌握;熟悉 阻止;制止 挡住 各方向 产生;分娩 迟早 1. In the period right _________________ ( 在它们下蛋前 ), female penguins eat a lot of things. 2. My only idea was to ________________ _____________ ( 阻止那个女人讲话 ). 3. The doctor came _______ ( 及时 ) to save the man’s life. 4. __________ ( 轮到我 ), I told them a joke. 5. The scientist’s experiments ___________ _____________ ( 产生一种新药 ). to a new drug before they lay eggs prevent the woman from speaking in time In my turn gave birth II. Translate the following sentences. 1. in time in time (for sth. / to do sth.) = not late The car came to a stop just in time to prevent an accident.  汽车及时停下,避免了一场车祸。 I don’t think you will be in time for the meeting.  我认为你不能及时参加那个会议。 及时 =early or soon enough We will manage to accomplish the task _______ even though it is difficult. at time    B. for time    C. in time   D. by time practice Choose the best answer. in time Mike was a strange man,but in time Igot to like him .  麦克是个奇怪的人,但最终我还是渐渐喜欢上了他。 Don’t worry. I’m sure things will get better in time ?  不要担心,我相信事情最终会变好的。 终于 sooner or later, eventually ※ 联想:填入适当的词,完成下列短语。 (1)______ times 有时 (2)______ the time 一直 (3)at ______ time 一次 (4)at ______ time 曾经 (5)at the _______ time 同时 (6)_______ time _______time 不时,偶尔 (7)______ the first time 第一次 (8)in ______ time 立刻 (9)_________ the times 过时的 (10)________ the time being 暂时的 at all a one same from to for no behind for 2. atmosphere The shuttle Columbia will re-enter Earth's atmosphere tomorrow morning. 哥伦比亚号航天飞机将在明天上午重进地 球大气层。 They left the lights down to create a comfortable atmosphere . 他们让灯光保持暗淡以创造一种舒适的气 氛。 n. 大气层;气氛 The talk is going on in a friendly ______ and hopefully an agreement will be reached. environment B. situation C. chance D. atmosphere practice Choose the best answer. 3. harmful adj. 有害的 These harmful chemicals will do us no good. 这些有害的化学制品对我们没有好处。 It is certain that the dirty water is harmful . 毫无疑问,这些脏水是有害的。 be harmful to 对 …… 有害 =do harm to Such films will be harmful to teenagers. 这些电影会对青少年有害。 practice 用 harm 的适当形式填空,完成下 列各句。 As we all know, smoking is ________ to our health. 2. Often playing computer games will do you great ______. 3. The water in this cave is so clear that it is _________ to our health, I think. harmful harm harmless 4. lay eggs The hens are not laying well at the moment. 现在那些母鸡不爱下蛋。 lay, lie 区别 lay vt (laid, laid, laying) 放置 ; 搁 ; 铺 ; 下蛋 lie vi (lay, lain, lying) 躺 ; 平放 lie vi (lied, lied, lying) 撒谎 ; 说谎 下蛋 The old woman was counting the eggs ______ by the hens during the month. laid B. lied C. lay D. lain practice Choose the best answer. What prevented you from joining us last night? 昨晚什么事使你不能加入我们 ? 阻止某人做某事 : prevent sb. (from) doing sth. stop sb. (from) doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth. 5. prevent ... from We must prevent the disease (from) spreading.  我们一定要防止疾病蔓延。 阻止 ; 制止 practice Translate the following sentences. At the gate, a guard _________________ ______________________________ ( 不让 他进入学校 ). 2. In the waiting room, _________________ ___________________________ ( 他被阻 止吸烟 ). he was stopped / prevented / kept from smoking prevented / stopped / kept him from entering the school ____________________ ( 它会变成什么 ) was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago. 2. It was not immediately obvious that ______________________________ _________________ ( 水会对生命的发展 起关键作用 ). 3. ___________________________________ ( 为什么恐龙会突然灭绝 ) still remains a mystery. What it was to become water was to be fundamental to the development of life Why the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared 9. ________________________________ ( 更为重要的是 ) they do not make their teachers' duties light enough. 10. Like the flu virus, a computer virus can _______________________ ( 传给 全世界 ). 11. The new plan is quite _____________ ( 不同于 ) the old. 12. This will mostly _________________ ( 取决于是否 ) this is a pleasure or business trip, and whether you and your companions enjoy adventure. What is even more important is that spread all over the world different from depend on whether Summary 1.In time 的用法 2.Harmful 的相关用法 3.Prevent from 的用法 Homework Finish exercises section 1 on keshi’xunlian. Thank you!

