江西省初中英语七年级上册Unit4Wheresmyschoolbag第二课时课件 人教新目标版

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江西省初中英语七年级上册Unit4Wheresmyschoolbag第二课时课件 人教新目标版

第二课时 Section A (2a~2d) Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag? 1. 35 d and 42 chairs are in the classroom. 2. Lisa puts on a red hat on her h and goes out. Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。 esks ead 3. They are my brothers and these are t_____ books. 4. We must c_____ to school at 7:00 in the morning. 5. This is my grandparents' r_____ . A bed and a bookcase are in it. ome heir oom ( )1. — Where ______ Ann and Gina? — ______ in the room. A. is; She's B. is; They're C. are; They're D. are; She's Ⅱ. 单项填空。 Ann and Gina是两个人,表复数,故前一空 be动词用are,回答时主语用they替代。故选C。 C ( )2. — Are these your oranges? — ______. They're his oranges. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, they are C. No, they aren't D. No, it isn't C 由these可知回答用第三人称复数,且由答语后句 “They are his oranges.”可知为否定回答。故选C。 ( )3. — ______, Kate! — OK, Mom. A. Come on B. Good C. Fine D. Excuse me A come on“快点”,符合语境。 ( ) 4. — Where is my hat, Mom? — I ______ it's in your room. A. think B. say C. call D. ask A ( ) 5. — Are ______ Mike and Alan? — Yes. And this is ______ friend, Jack. A. they; they B. they; their C. their; they D. their; their B ( ) 6. — I'm sorry there isn't any ______ in the car. — It doesn't matter. I'll take a taxi. A. place B. room C. number D. chair B 熟词生义 A:Dad!1. ____ Help me find it. B:Is it in your pencil box? A:2. ____ B:I think it's on your desk. A:Yes. 3. ____ Er…where's my schoolbag? B:It's on the chair. C Ⅲ. 补全对话。(有两项多余) 看 选 项 A G A:No, it's not mine. 4. ____ My schoolbag is black. B:Oh, yours is on your bed. A:Yes, Dad. 5. ____ Thank you. E 看 选 项 B A. No, it isn't. B. It's here, on my bed. C. Where is my pencil? D. Yes, it is. E. It's my sister Alice's. F. Is it yours? G. It's on my desk. 4~5 1~3

