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Welcome Unit 4 Food What we eat and how we live 水果 fruit Task1: Review Which is your favourite? 饮料 drink Which is your favourite? 食 物 food Which is your favourite? Fruit Fast food Snacks Meat What food do you like to have? Why? Main food Vegetables healthy unhealthy candy sweet Coke juice fruit milk hamburger Which is healthy /unhealthy? change 改变 important 重要的 tired 累的 fit 健康的 seldom 很少不常 diet lifestyle 日常饮食 New words 生活方式 Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right 1.dancer 2.healthy 3.diet 4.energy 5.seldom 6.top 7.lifestyle 8.exercise not very often best the way you live having good health a person who dances power to do things sports activities the food you usually eat e d h f a b c g Task2: her diets? What does the article mainly talk about? How many students are mentioned( 提及 ) in the article? Listen and answer Reading: What we eat and how we live Task3: 1.Scanning: what are the names of the two students? Kitty and Daniel Name: _______ Age: _______ Hobby:_______ Name: _______ Age: _______ Hobbies:____________ _____________ _____________ Kitty 12 chatting with friends Daniel 12 studying playing computer games dancing 2.Skimmimg for more information Tell the following sentences if they are true or false. 1 Kitty wants to be a teacher. 2 Kitty is careful with her diet because she wants to be healthy. 3 Sweet snacks are healthy because they give people energy. 4 Daniel is a good student. 5 Daniel has hamburgers for lunch. 6 Kitty and Daniel have healthy diets and lifestyles. ( F ) ( T ) ( F ) ( T ) (T) ( F ) Task4: fast reading dancer give people energy ,but they are unhealthy has 1. How long does Kitty dance every day? 2. What is important for a dancer? 3. What does she need to dance? 4. Does she eat a lot of sweet snacks between meals? 5. What does she usually have? Part One She dances for two hours every day. A healthy diet is very important for a dancer. She needs lots of energy. No, She doesn’t. She usually has fruit and vegetables. Careful reading: Task5: Is Daniel a top student? 2. Does he have a healthy diet and lifestyle ? 3. What does he love eating and drinking? 4. Can he play basketball very well? Why? 5. What does he plan to do? Part Two Yes, he is. No, he doesn’t. No, he can’t. Because he can not run fast. Careful reading: Coke and hamburgers. He plans to have healthy meals and go swimming twice a week. Kitty w to be a dancer. She spends two hours dancing every day. She thinks it’s i_______ for her to have a healthy d . That’s because it is easy for her to feel t when she dances. Though sweet snacks can give her e , they are not healthy. So she s______eats them. She a eats an apple, some bread and drinks some milk for b . She has l every day., she usually eats meat and v For dinner. She s has an orange or a banana After dinner. ants nergy iet ired eldom reakfast unch egetables ometimes lways complete the passages: mportant Task 6: Daniel likes studying and he is a t_____ student at school . He likes p______ computer games and c_______ with his friends as well . But he doesn’t have a h_______ diet or l________ because he loves Coke and hamburgers and he n_____ does exercise. Well, he thinks it’s time for him to c_______ now . He p_____ to have juice and bread for breakfast , f_____ and vegetables for lunch and dinner . He also plans to go swimming t_______ a week . op laying hatting ealthy ifestyle ever hange lans ish wice Your diet and lifestyle diet lifestyle breakfast lunch supper hobby activities Do you have a healthy diet and lifestyle? Do you want to change your diet or lifestyle? Discussion: Task7 Keep fit If you are not healthy, please change your diet or your lifestyle and do more exercise. Design( 设计) a proper diet and lifestyle for yourself. For breakfast, I can eat ____________________ ____ For lunch ______________________________________ For supper_____________________________________ I can/should… I cannot … Homework: 1. Recite the new words . 2.Read the text after class. 3.Try to underline the useful expressions in the article. Hello , I am Jim, I like watching TV very much , so I often watch TV for 4-5 hours at home . I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet all day. Every day I go to school by bus .I don’t like playing basketball and football because I don’t like doing exercise ,and I never go out for a walk after supper. I like eating, too, so I’m very fat. For breakfast, I often eat two candies, many cakes and a can of Coke. I like meat very much, so I often eat some pork ,some chicken, some bread ,one hamburgers for lunch. For supper, I eat some bread ,some beef and pork and noodles. I hate vegetables. I often eat sweet snacks like chocolates and sweets between meals .I think they are very delicious . I seldom eat fruit . My diet and lifestyle Help me ! Task6:

