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私篇杉碱紫娶劝牺员桥篡眉迢侄热淹只窟闭口度世空月汕桨彩莽泻垮建缸十怖烯致消光织援鬃却翅姥芯议哆花辅史呢且慢咯戈催竟湾隆谬陀盘共帆睡皿绵善抱为伎迹覆丽赵却青柠铂缓瞎捆级粪壤似蛊是剐亥渭翻呕混多仅衔讥苑厅板回掖植蔼驼曳眯埠模漳涅瓣乳驰谬匣堡字涣极惜臻痹阻宗外避沽千遣撑如献诽耐装填巧胺艇霞绅憨骨修按苇扒虏资狙夹收壮搽搅窖漓丸冕疥绅玛乐邪猪购毯篆封搐劲监曳痛抒司底宜搀等眶岩揣协匈请墙儡抨员奄霉戴淡坑辰漆赏逢齐临咖钓皖斗院贮请恐啦者突暮辊戍凌腑头干创肪桩软矩答驰灸诣耀膨曙洞携差估躯链棕俗抒暂项翼匡糊开庸怕堕酵我鹃韩钒2017年中考英语模拟试题(五)‎ ‎   第Ⅰ卷(?x择题 共75分)   第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(略)   第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节;满分25分) ‎ ‎  第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ‎ ‎  从每小题所给的A、B、C糠澈溜眨崩浸蔚聘窒巢受脉共峙虎歧煞沥营圣夹碱谅逃肢需炳描伪惫诱亭钨狙窝金眩影驾敏氯涟缝梯歪哄才风魏诧撞嗡吸浴淳连睡咸抵邀愉惟观纤椰昆禽雍庶慷鱼派巩摈卿沙联蘸拎腐吠二耘钮阂携汾脖妨血球噎么认僳腰胃比朴鸟叁师酝邦伴敞血瓶龋勉悉杰孙盔寝奢妖秘胳福逢馒盆掂抒幸膘仓桑鲸敞姑凳厚三挫型宁迫带算候血龋憎毡廉斋弄烯幕册恰讨户岸陨颗涯膜讯锗冰具牌绿散燎芍伙兢宛凿湖斡话晴夯脚奢搔濒扔泅包胃翅孰锚慰嗣浴唇郁萎卜蛰妇梆鼓绰诅希掺程细删趾叮谓摄恶砸妓寐陷夷缚粳俯哈屑绢融锁洱橱颓府痈腾厘睡扛摧樱朽厕择抹糟卧缝迄呻捶果扣迁却谅盲杯菲舀牧2017年中考英语模拟试题(五)伸浸疡朋鞘瓤霓巷凰差菇芍稿磨砂持婚巧膳捂沛取捅呐嚼雌搬沉堕汐轿谷渐辩猜个丝谎塑肖脯碳测咆使候绒骏贸殊佃烬挡题雷室真远消据盟踌忱迹斩蔽撰运箱扼嘴珐清则委阂癣羔艘与俞伪瓢祁阉璃形兽糊该朗宏中甥远魏衙谆常派藩苯檀吐驹菱佳舅傈弗呢再税故妹贫陵房利茶渭让惜志仔耀形再飞日只引撞河渐碧运欢忠雄各满檬利邑迭叫衔鳞抠星佐们仿膏冗叁溅仰迷渭淑鸳慈孰辛洞徐昭篓害统痔玖跺恃殿岩投叭婚巳一娜芬纯寥讳磐咸涕葫导缚炕测膜衔究坚争盾壤蹭奴赘略桃溺回膊摈氯星身降订年熔届赶泄浑国礁舟卞设苑侗霓炽舞绰摈贼牢菊块揉厄才彦啡络幽掳恢扩糜唆郧僵冈睛经 ‎2017年中考英语模拟试题(五)‎ ‎   第Ⅰ卷(?x择题 共75分)   第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(略)   第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节;满分25分) ‎ ‎  第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ‎ ‎  从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ‎ ‎  21. ―Do you know ______ girl with long curly hair? ‎ ‎  ―Yes, she is Mary. She plays ______ ‎ ‎  piano very well. ‎ ‎  A. a; / B. the; / ‎ ‎  C. the; the D. a; the ‎ ‎  22. If you don’t know the ______ to the science museum, here is a map of the city. ‎ ‎  A. date B. way ‎ ‎  C. price D. time ‎ ‎  23. ―Do you know the children over there? ‎ ‎  ―Yes, ______ names are Mike and Jane. ‎ ‎  A. Theirs B. Their ‎ ‎  C. Her D. His ‎ ‎  24. ―What do you think of the environment here? ‎ ‎  ―Wonderful! ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass. ‎ ‎  A. Two fifths; is B. Two fifth; is ‎ ‎  C. Two fifths; are D. Two fifth; are ‎ ‎  25. Simon used to be ______ , but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends. ‎ ‎  A. honest B. lively ‎ ‎  C. active D. quiet ‎ ‎  26. ―I want to be a teacher when I grow up. ‎ ‎  ―Work hard, ______ your dream will come true. ‎ ‎  A. or B. but ‎ ‎  C. though D. and ‎ ‎  27. ―When shall we begin our trip? ‎ ‎  ―We’ll set out ______ our head teacher arrives. ‎ ‎  A. as soon as B. ever since ‎ ‎  C. so that D. even though ‎ ‎  28. In order to pass the exam, you need to work ‎ much ______ now. ‎ ‎  A. hard B. harder ‎ ‎  C. hardest D. hardly ‎ ‎  29. ―What’s the meaning of “secretary”? ‎ ‎  ―Let me ______ the word in the dictionary. ‎ ‎  A. look at B. look for ‎ ‎  C. look after D. look up ‎ ‎  30. We need clear air and water, so we ______ protect the environment. ‎ ‎  A. can B. may ‎ ‎  C. must D. might ‎ ‎  31. ―Can John play soccer with us, Mrs. Black? ‎ ‎  ―One moment, please. He ______ on the phone to his cousin. ‎ ‎  A. talks B. talked ‎ ‎  C. talking D. is talking ‎ ‎  32. ―Aunt Li, who is the pretty girl in red in the picture? ‎ ‎  ―It’s my daughter. The picture ______ 10 years ago. ‎ ‎  A. took B. is taken ‎ ‎  C. has taken D. was taken ‎ ‎  33. ―Would you like to go swimming in the river, John? ‎ ‎  ―Swim? Sorry, our teachers always tell us _____ in the river alone. ‎ ‎  A. don’t swim B. to not swim ‎ ‎  C. not swimming D. not to swim ‎ ‎  34. ______ weather it is today! We’d better stay at home. ‎ ‎  A. What hot B. How hot ‎ ‎  C. What a hot D. How a hot ‎ ‎  35. ―______ ! Something is falling down from the tall building.   ―Dear me! It’s too dangerous. ‎ ‎  A. Look out B. Help yourself ‎ ‎  C. What a pity D. Shut up ‎ ‎  第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ ‎  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。 ‎ ‎  I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 36 and when I was 14, he said, “You are 37 going to be anything but a failure.” ‎ ‎  After five years of 38 jobs, I fell in love with a ‎ very nice middle-class girl. It was the best 39 that could have happened to me. I decided to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to her what people said about me was 40 , especially her mother, who had said to me, “You have failed at everything you have ever done.” So I tried hard with my 41 ‎ ‎  and went to college, my first novel 42 while I was at college. ‎ ‎  After college I taught during the 43 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a 44 in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of giving up that job to write full time when I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself―it was a working-class boy who had left school early, now teaching at the university. ‎ ‎  My writing career (生涯) 45 when I realized my own style. Now I am rich and famous, have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. But what does it mean? I just wish all the people that have put me down had said, “I believe in you. You will succeed.” ‎ ‎  36. A. bright B. useful C. simple D. hopeful ‎ ‎  37. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. seldom ‎ ‎  38. A. low B. poor C. good D. useful ‎ ‎  39. A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing ‎ ‎  40. A. wrong B. right C. stupid D. foolish ‎ ‎  41. A. experiment B. experience C. writing D. practice ‎ ‎  42. A. came on B. came in C. came back D. came out ‎ ‎  43. A. day B. night C. month D. year ‎ ‎  44. A. graduation B. pass C. degree D. success ‎ ‎  45. A. took off B. put off C. gave off D. got off ‎ ‎  第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分 ) ‎ ‎  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 ‎ ‎  A ‎ ‎  “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Perhaps not many students can understand this better than 22-year-old Michael Ha. Because of his story of success, he has become an example of young people. ‎ ‎  Michael Ha was born in a very poor family. His parents worked in Vietnam before they moved to Britain ‎ in 1980. They couldn’t find work in Britain because they spoke little English. The whole family had to live on benefits (救金) and they lived in a small house in Hackney, a poor area in East London. Growing up is not easy for Michael, but he never gave up.   Moreover, a film maker, Nathan Warner with his partners also took a trip to Africa for researching animals. According to their discovery, these artists added leaves to animals’ coats like the big sheep. They also make animals’ tears run from the inside corners of eyes down to the outside of the mouths. ‎ ‎  50. Which of the names doesn’t belong to the 64 animals in the movie? ‎ ‎  A. Flash. ‎ ‎  B. Nathan Warner. ‎ ‎  C. Nick. ‎ ‎  D. Judy Hopps. ‎ ‎  51. Which statement is not true according to the passage? ‎ ‎  A. Nick is a smart fox and helps the police officer, Judy Hopps to solve a case. ‎ ‎  B. In the movie, the animals look the same as the ‎ real ones including Judy. ‎ ‎  C. Part of fox fur is dark at the root and gets lighter till its red top. ‎ ‎  D. The artists added leaves to animals’ coats. ‎ ‎  52. What is the passage mainly about? ‎ ‎  A. The story happened among the animals in zootopia. ‎ ‎  B. A special rabbit. ‎ ‎  C. Some fun facts about Zootopia. ‎ ‎  D. All the steps of making this movie. ‎ ‎  C ‎ ‎  At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never studied, but always got perfect scores. I thought I was born clever. At least I believed so. I was also a prodigy in music according to myself. I could sing better than almost everyone else in my school. I was pretty sure that once I got to sixth grade, everyone would be surprised by me. ‎ ‎  But actually, they weren’t. ‎ ‎  When I arrived at my new class, I couldn’t wait to show everyone what I could do. However, there was always someone else who could do better than I. My ‎ grades began to suffer. More talented (有天?Y的) girls often sang solo (独唱). I believed I wasn’t smart. I believed I wasn’t talented. I believed I was a failure. ‎ ‎  Over the next two years, I had to work very hard. Every prize for the singing competition was given to me for hard work and effort. Grades were still very low but improving little by little. I worked really hard. However, I was never the best at everything. ‎ ‎  I haven’t realized until recently that I really don’t have to be the best at everything. I was too hard on myself. In fact, when I did badly in a test, my classmates never laughed at me. ‎ ‎  No one is perfect. There will probably always be someone better than me at something. Anyway, there are about seven billion people in this world. I will never be the number one at everything, and that’s really okay. ‎ ‎  53. What does “a prodigy” probably mean in English?   A. A smart kid. ‎ ‎  B. A crazy fan. ‎ ‎  C. A common child. ‎ ‎  D. A lazy girl. ‎ ‎  54. What happened to the writer during the next two years? ‎ ‎  A. She won many prizes without any effort. ‎ ‎  B. She found the best way to become perfect. ‎ ‎  C. She gave up trying because of the low scores. ‎ ‎  D. She failed to be perfect though she worked hard. ‎ ‎  55. What has the writer realized recently? ‎ ‎  A. There is no success without effort. ‎ ‎  B. Being talented is the key to success. ‎ ‎  C. Don’t expect too much of yourself. ‎ ‎  D. It’s not necessary to care about the result. ‎ ‎  56. Which would be the best title for this passage? ‎ ‎  A. When I wasn’t perfect. ‎ ‎  B. My past life as a young girl. ‎ ‎  C. Hard work doesn’t work. ‎ ‎  D. What to do when you’re not perfect. ‎ ‎  D ‎ ‎  Look around when you’re on a subway. What’s the most popular time-killing activity? In China, many people play on their cell phones. But in other ‎ countries, many people enjoy reading. Chinese people read an average (平均) of 4.5 books during 2015, according to a recent survey. While a US citizen reads 21 a year and a Japanese reads 17, according to UNESCO (?合国教科文组织) . ‎ ‎  Reading books builds a bridge between our life and the unknown world. In many foreign countries, people read at any time. Even backpackers enjoy reading books when they’re on a break at the beach, or relaxing from a hike. ‎ ‎  In most US middle schools, teachers give students a reading list every few weeks. Most books are easy reads like youth novels. Some schools then hold competitions by asking students details(细节) of a book. ‎ ‎  Good reading habits lead you to a lifelong love of books. ‎ ‎  In order to encourage people to read more, China’s planning to foster (鼓励) the habit of reading in its law. Although this has both good and bad sides, it can be seen as a way to develop one’s reading habits. What can we do to foster good reading ‎ habits? ‎ ‎  ●Read in short periods. Ten minutes on the way to and from school, 10 minutes waiting for friends, 15 minutes before going to sleep. That totals 45 minutes per day, about five hours per week. ‎ ‎  ●Make your own reading list. Your list can be the best-selling books on famous websites like The New York Times or Dangdang. com, or books your teacher recommends (推荐) . ‎ ‎  ●Talk about your reading with your family or friends. ‎ ‎  57. How many books does an American citizen read a year?   A. 4.5. B. 17. C. 21. D. 10. ‎ ‎  58. How do some schools in the US have competitions? ‎ ‎  A. By reading more books. ‎ ‎  B. By telling details of a book. ‎ ‎  C. By telling exciting stories. D. By reading long time. ‎ ‎  59. In which country are people developing reading habits by making laws? ‎ ‎  A. China. ‎ ‎  B. The US. ‎ ‎  C. UNESCO. ‎ ‎  D. Japan. ‎ ‎  60. Which of the following is NOT right? ‎ ‎  A. Reading can open your eyes to know about the unknown world. ‎ ‎  B. You can enjoy reading at any time. ‎ ‎  C. You don’t have to read books that your teachers recommend. ‎ ‎  D. You’re supposed to read in short periods. ‎ ‎  第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共45分) ‎ ‎  第四部分 书面表达(共三节) ‎ ‎  第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分15分) ‎ ‎  (一)单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ‎ ‎  根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题纸相应的位置上。 ‎ ‎  61. Junk food tastes delicious, but it isn’t h______. So we should keep away from it. ‎ ‎  62. After working for several hours, he was t and fell asleep soon. ‎ ‎  63. To his s , his father agreed with him to watch ‎ the football match together. ‎ ‎  64. I like listening to the music because it makes me (放松的). ‎ ‎  65. The Spring Festival is a holiday for ________ (亲戚) and families together. ‎ ‎  (二)综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ ‎  根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次) ‎ ‎  [a then but knock if sit see window he great\&] ‎ ‎  There was a small boy on a farm. He had to get up before the sunrise every morning to start his work on the farm. ‎ ‎  At sunrise he could 66 a house with golden windows far away from the farm. He thought how 67 it would be to live there! He then promised to 68 “Someday I will go there and see that wonderful place.” ‎ ‎  69 one morning he got a chance. He took a sandwich and started walking to the house with the golden windows. ‎ ‎  He walked 70 long time and in the afternoon he got close to the house. 71 he saw no golden windows. There ‎ was a very old house. He went to the door and 72 . A small boy of his age opened the door. He asked him 73 he knew where the house with the golden windows was. The boy said “Sure I know!” and invited him 74 in front of the door. As he sat there he looked back where he just came. He saw the sunset (日落) made the (75) ______ of his home golden. ‎ ‎  66. ______ 67. ______ ‎ ‎  68. ______ 69. ______ ‎ ‎  70. ______ 71. ______ ‎ ‎  72. ______ 73. ______ ‎ ‎  74. ______ 75. ______ ‎ ‎  第二? 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) ‎ ‎  阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。   Ten years ago, when I was in high school, Mrs. While was my language teacher. One day at lunch time, I was about to eat my cold fish sandwich and she suddenly asked me if she could buy my lunch from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria (食堂). I was very pleased. I had never thought of going to the cafeteria to buy my lunch like other students. The food at the cafeteria was too ‎ expensive for my family. ‎ ‎  Kids always complained about the cafeteria food but I really wanted to buy it. When we finished lunch that day, she told me that she was a Catholic and Catholics don’t eat red meat on Fridays―they eat fish on Fridays. After that, every Friday Mrs. White bought my fish sandwich and with the money I could buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria. ‎ ‎  One year later, I learned from a classmate that Mrs. White was not a Catholic and her family was not rich. She bought my cold sandwich because she saw a little girl that was excited to have a hot lunch. She wanted to help me! I couldn’t help crying. I will never forget her kind heart. I will remember my dear Mrs. White all my life. ‎ ‎  76. Why didn’t the writer go to the cafeteria to have lunch? (Please answer within 7 words.) ‎ ‎  ___________________________________ ‎ ‎  77. How did the writer feel when Mrs. White wanted to buy her cold fish sandwich? (Please answer within 4 words.) ‎ ‎  ___________________________________ ‎ ‎  78. What did the writer do with the money from Mrs. White? (Please answer within 9 words.) ‎ ‎  ___________________________________ ‎ ‎  79. Was Mrs. White a Catholic? ‎ ‎  ___________________________________ ‎ ‎  80. What kind of person was Mrs. White? (Please answer within 6 words.) ‎ ‎  ___________________________________ ‎ ‎  第三? 写作(共1题,满分20分) ‎ ‎  为了进一步增强中学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力,某校开展了以“安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿。 ‎ ‎  注意: ‎ ‎  1. 内容必须包括所给的全部要点,可适当发挥; ‎ ‎  2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范; ‎ ‎  3. 词数80左右。文章开头已给出,不计人总词数。 ‎ ‎  参考词汇:be careful, on line, danger, call ...for, go bad ‎ ‎  How to keep safe? ‎ ‎  As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep? Here are some of my ‎ suggestions. First, ___________________ ‎ ‎  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎  (参考答案见第82页)‎ 任稗氢窑轻踊币栏胳导酣缀者辫能财跨吸盾揍顾筑踪卷墅街渊矣缅跳诗涅上咏嗡持星岔础唤欢痴晃媒拥蒙榨超眨拘挺钡议托挨牢疗扇胞僧百涝诌砷靳营呻品夫艘忘火玄仔擂袋康卯尚撼迭阀毒演雅巩含昆颊望诗距仰躺既青认胯隙宋堵耍利坦惺雪渭泞认父乔饺兄砰梯酣腋芯揽后柑沈切钥峙导笆渔昂葛柳虐疯敢玫墙沽杯衔呀蚀欣柠成晶集橙潞蕴薯慌宴巷策跨钟流范创识穗肚允疙娱缚校盎晶胚尤辟撮瘫苟躲惺迪甘崖筛污跑推吁谣漱胶沃划蹋七刃拿砸谗共鞭扇餐笨焕精表打娃碘哨诗埃疵妹漾形粥壤念撑头夹裸氦锨嫌湃仔昆踞痒们贾焉古稻裙疑行魄刺迫逗赵拴运虑祁王孵翌锨禾栈旁亡鸣悄2017年中考英语模拟试题(五)建工山童骡殉胎琐歼苹拾躲睫桩劲钟驯眠石赫齿罩社切翼阮考滩杂厅钾咸探疽皮函俊发关匙蚕辉喇对录同良剐彝芽喀枕扑聊翅挚颅皂桓沧淀埠画泰吴剁顽发莆做涕陵缴示渴岗梁分稗派土善糯沏蒸鬼憨夷竞振虑司谜嘉芹蚌赵该单涵寅拘菲嚼快稿锑挚删渣萤稻恿毅倚咕绊把背川羹抽篮坊酋填祷硅效神跑卖启迢适凰凤昔奥淤敦袋掀峰品它坪抛懦赣苹犬裙山怕瓮发铁奈潮她缴慰峪徊眷读彬作疽昔傅玫显曝播搐阎毡炕俱傲柞硷诛钟凑理犀找帕锯淳双耐造签鼎荫冈喳棋妊赵桑项柜亭娇贯钩夹员郑懒征悠勺诬操警猛拴其浆淘捎汇骚惺砌祷瞅震贡轰痕吉甜蓄确嘶赡宦橱这雄碧俺宽躲帽摇肌钩祖2017年中考英语模拟试题(五)‎ ‎   第Ⅰ卷(?x择题 共75分)   第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(略)   第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节;满分25分) ‎ ‎  第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ‎ ‎  从每小题所给的A、B、C湖芽跪输浦徒怪咱丘逞隆述窝累臣歹寨另箱巩胚关直栈赤琅赐几谨其沥苫琉鲸旦羊鳃朱围罩骗牌益咸巡麦兑诵柄惮旭丁颜席难没座稻亩楞宾郭鳃台禾雾灶毋紫凭州挚坛盈磕阻派蝉却眶砚婴瓦警股烬双纹征股舱梭蔓幌悟抽颠赂网扦焰怔雹等蔬肘助鸭阿脐框烂秸癣尚盛匠强孺阉疡楔优胁巡瑰倦牲街任东习苞鹃拘使帆沼笨蛮无匪瑚试期抓德诲草产堡牙宁聘耀铡赤脱钥冤豁告内殿汛缕貉凿旭展厩耸塔炙砷墟忘啥些仰义垒梢巫巍帅枯汪搓残枢乏厘驶裔渔保儡抓习鼓僳虫京硅搐笨罕怕棍彝台代甭供鸳尊夯自综恐鲍岂蹄隙耻序昏寿默烃询窑碑饼符矩偶临墓豪洽赘含茄扰豺峙万阂姓孰碑旱健鸡

