Unit2 七上英语课件人教版

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Unit2 七上英语课件人教版

Section A (1a -2d ) Unit 2 This is my sister. Read and learn Words and expressions Presentation family father(dad) + mother (mom) = parent s grandfather (grandpa) + grandmother (grandma) = grandparent s brother sister friend s 1a Match the words with the people in the picture. mother ___ father ____ parents ____ brothers ____ grandmother ____ grandfather ____ friend ____ grandparents ____ sister ____ a c b h f e i d g This is my friend . These are my friend s. Who’s he? He’s my friend. Who’re they? They’re my friends. That is my brother. Those are my brothers. = That’s my brother. Who’s he? He’s my brother. Who’re they? They’re my brothers. Listen and circle the words you hear. mother ___ father ____ parents ____ brothers ____ grandmother ____ grandfather ____ friend ____ grandparents ____ sister ____ a c b h f e i d g 1b Consolidation 1c Role-play the conversations. A: That’s my family. Those are my parents. B:Who’s she? A:She’s my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers. B:Who are they? A:They are my grandparents. 1c 2a Listen and circle the words you hear. parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents Consolidation 2b Listen and match the names with the people in the picture. Jenny ___ Jack ___ Tom ___ Bob ___ Linda ___ Mary ___ d c a b e f Who’s she? She’s Cindy. Who’s he? He’s her father. 2c Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b. Practice Pairwork: A:Good morning, I am … What's your name? B:My name is … Nice to meet you! A:Nice to meet you, too ! Who is she? B:She is … A:Who is he? B:He is … 2d Role-play the conversation. Sally: Good morning, Jane. Jane: Good morning, Sally. Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate. Kate, this is my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane. Jane: Nice to meet you, too. Are those your parents? Kate: Yes, they are. Jane: And who’s he? Sally: He’s my brother, Paul. Jane: Oh, I see. Well, have a good day! Sally/Kate: Thanks! You, too. Bye! Answer the questions: Who’s Kate? She’s Sally’s sister. 2. Who’s that boy? He’s Sally’s brother. 3. What’s his name? He’s Paul. 4. Are those Jane’s parents? No. They are Sally and Kate’s parents. … , this is my sister Kate. 这是我的妹妹凯特。 Kate 是同位语 Oh, I see. 噢,我明白了。 3. Well, have a good day! 那好,愿你们(一天)玩得高兴! 4. Thanks! You, too. 多谢了!也祝你玩得高兴。 Points Explain Language points Explanation David, this is my mother. 大卫 , 这是我妈妈。 1. mother, father 用于比较正式的场合 , 或向别人介绍自己的父母时使用。如 : 2. parents 指双亲 , 指父亲或母亲一个人时 , 要用单数形式 parent 。 在英语中表示两个或两个以上的人或物时 , 名词要用复数形式。如: one apple 一个苹果 two apples 两个苹果 3. brothers 是名词 brother 的复数形式 , 在英语中 , brother 指同辈的男性、 兄长或弟弟。 4. sister 既可指姐姐 , 也可指妹妹。 5. This is my sister. 介绍别人用句型: This is… That’s… 辨认某人用句型: Is this…? Is that…? 6. These are my brothers. These are 是用来介绍陌生人彼此相识的 , these are 介绍两个或两个以上的人。 注意: these 是 this 的复数, 指“这些”, those 是 that 的复数, 指“那些”。 these,those 做 主语时, 后面的谓语动词用复数形式 are 。 7. Those are my parents. those 为 that 的复数形式 , 意思为 “那些” , 可用来代替人或物。 Oral: 1. 朗读并熟记第 7 页的单词和句子。 2. 熟读 2d 对话。 3. 准备一张全家福,用所学的单词和句型进行介绍。(提醒学生记住在本单元后面的几堂课上都要使用。) Written: 抄写第 7 页的单词和句子。 Homework Section A (Grammar Focus - 3c) Unit 2 This is my sister. Pairwork: A:Good morning, I am … What's your name? B:My name is … Nice to meet you! A:Nice to meet you, too ! Who is she? B:She is … A:Who is he? B:He is … Lead in How to know others' information? 如何获得别人的信息? Who is he/ she/ it? He/ She/ It is … Who are they? They are… Let’s say: This is … That is … These are … Those are … Who’s he? He’s … Who’s she? She’s… Who are they? They’re … Who’re they? Do you know? This is my family . Presentation my brother my father my mother my parents my sister me That’s my father. —Who’s he? — He ’ s my father. This is my mother. —Who’s she? —She’s my mother. —Who’s she? — She ’ s my sister. —Who’s he? —He’s my brother. I’m Liu Xing. that is = that ’ s who is = who’s she is = she’s he is = he’s this is 不能缩写 I’m Liu Xing. These are my parents. Who’re they? They’re my parents. These are my grandparents. Who’re they? They’re my grandparents. who are = who’re they are = they’re grandmother grandfather This is my grandmother . These are my grandparent s . This is my grandfather. 单数 复数 this these that those it/he/she they is are 注意到了吗? 近距离 远距离 名词有单数变为复数,一般情况是直接在单词后加 -s Eg : parent----parents friend---- friends sister----sisters brother---- brothers book---- books Grammar Focus 语法焦点 This is my friend Jane. That’s my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents. Who’s she? She’s my sister. Who’s he? He’s my brother. Who’re they? They’re my grandparents. that’s = that is who’re = who are who’s = who is they’re = they are Explanation David, this is my mother. 大卫 , 这是我妈妈。 1. mother, father 用于比较正式的场合 , 或向别人介绍自己的父母时使用。如 : 2. parents 指双亲 , 在英语中表示两个或两个以上的人或物时 , 名词要用复数形式。指父亲或母亲一个人时 , 要用 parent 。 3. brothers 是名词 brother 的复数形式 , 在英语中 , brother 指同辈的男性 , 意为“兄长或弟弟” 。 4. sister 指同辈中的女性,既可指姐姐,也可指妹妹。 5. 介绍别人用句型: This/That is … . These/Those are … . 辨认某人用句型: Is this/that … ? 询问别人用句型: Who’s/Who’re … ? 3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: That _________ my family. That’s my mother. B: ________ he? A: ________ my father. B: Who’s _________? A: She’s _________ sister. B: And _________ they? A: _________ my grandparents. is Who’s He’s she my who’re They’re Practice 3b Look at the picture. Make sentences with the words in the three boxes. this that these those my your father mother grandfather grandmother parents grandparents brother sister is/are Oral: 1 )熟读 3a 对话。 2 )背诵语法焦点上的句子。 3 )利用所学基本句型谈论自己的家庭照片,在下一堂课带到课堂,与同伴轮流谈论图片上的人物。(完成 3c ) Written: 1 )抄写语法焦点上的句子。 2 )介绍 3b 图片中的人物,写出句子,不少于五句。 Homework Section B (1a - 1d) Unit 2 This is my sister. son cousin daughter grandpa grandma mom dad aunt uncle 儿子 堂 ( 表 ) 兄弟 女儿 ( 外 ) 祖父 ( 外 ) 祖母 妈妈 爸爸 伯母;婶母;舅母 叔父 ; 舅父 ; 姨夫 ; 姑父 Words and expressions Show your photos! This is my dad. This is my brother. This is my mom . This is my sister. I’m Ben. I’m Tom. These are my parents. I am their _______. son I’m Mary. These are my parents. I am their _________. daughter 猜猜他 / 她是谁? Guess Who ? She is not my mother . He is not my father. She is my mother’s sister. He is my father’s brother. She is my aunt . He is my uncle . I’m Ben. sister son cousin grandpa mom aunt grandma dad uncle daughter daughter (brother) grandpa ( ) ( ) 1a Add the words in the box to the family tree. mom son sister aunt cousin 1b Listen and check (∨ ) the words you hear. grandpa ___ grandma____ cousin ___ dad ____ mom _____ uncle ___ aunt ____ brother _____ sister ____ friends _____ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ 1c Listen again. Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about? Picture 1 Picture 2 This is my - - - grandmother grandfather mother father sister brother This is me. These are my ... grandparents parents brothers sister This is my sister. These are my parents and this is my grandma. This is my friend, Lin Fang . 1d Draw a picture of your family and friends. Tell your partner about your picture. Exercises Fill in the blanks.( 填空 ) 1. Lucy is my sister. She is her father’s __________. 2. Jim is his father’s ____. 3. My father’s sister is my ______ . 4. Kate’s father’s brother is her _________. 5. Tim’s father is my uncle, so Tim is my ________. 6. His parents are his ______ and _______. 7. My grandparents are my _____________ and_______________. daughter son aunt uncle cousin father mother grandfather grandmother 8. My father has no brothers, so I don’t have an ________. 9. My father has two sisters, and I have two ________. 10. I am the only child of my _______. I have no ________ or _______. uncle aunts family brothers sisters 1. How many family words do you know? 2. Can you make a family tree of your family? 3. What problems do you still have? Answer the questions. Homework Oral: 1 )朗读并背诵本堂课所学的生词 2 )口头介绍自己的全家福及朋友的全家福。 Written: 1 )抄写本堂所学的生词各三遍。 2 )在作业本上写出句子介绍自己的全家福。 Section B (2a - SC) Unit 2 This is my sister. Show your picture and ask your classmates to guess who the people are. Is he/she …? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. Are these/those/they …? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Who is he/she …? He/She is … Who are they? They are … Guessing Game Lead in Playing a game 看谁反应快? father’s father grandfather/grandpa father’s brother uncle father’s sister aunt father’s mother grandmother/grandma uncle’s son cousin’s mother cousin aunt uncle’s daughter cousin mother’s daughter sister mother’s son brother Learn Words and expressions of photo here next picture girl dog 属于 ( 某人或某物 ) ;关于 ( 某人或某物 ) 照片 ; 相片 这里 ; 在这里 下一个的;接下来的 照片;图画 女孩 狗 Words and expressions Male Female Bob Jack Tom Eric John Paul Jenny Linda Kate Jane Helen Cindy 2a Find the male and female first names in the unit and write them. Pre-reading Who are they? 2b Read about Jenny's family and circle the names. Hi, I’m Jenny. Here are two nice photos of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen. Coco is in my family, too. While-reading 2c Read the passage again and complete the sentences. My name is _________. Alan and Mary are my __________. Bob and Eric are my ___________. Cindy is my __________. Helen is my ___________. ___________ is the name of my dog. Jenny parents brothers sister cousin Coco Post-reading 我的狗的名字 the name of my dog 在我家 in my family 在下一张照片中 in the next picture 在第一张照片中 in the first photo 两张我家人的漂亮照片 Key phrases 重点词汇 two nice photos of my family Explain Language points 1. here 开头的倒装句: Here are + 复数名词:这儿有一些 …... Here is + 单数名词:这里有 …... 多指眼前或自己手里的物品。 2. and 的用法: 连接两个名词做主语, be 动词用复数形式 are 。 3. 名词所有格(无生命的名词所有格): 名词 + of + 名词 e.g. a map of China 一幅 中国地图 the photo of one’s family 某人的全家福 3a Complete the passage with the words in the box. Then draw a picture of Paul’s family. brothers parents Cindy family Hi! My name is Paul. This is a photo of my __________. These are my ____________ and these are my _____________, John and Bob. This is my sister __________. family parents brothers Cindy Hi. I am Sally . Here is my family photo. These are my grandparents. This is my father. This is my mother. They are my uncle, Tom, and aunt, Lucy. I have two brothers, Tony and Jim. Who is this boy? It’s me! I have a happy family. I love them all. 3b Show your family photo and write about it. Self Check 1. Group the words for family members you have learned. male both female father parents dad brother grandfather uncle grandparents mother mom aunt sister grandmother grandpa son grandma daughter cousin 2. Complete the conversation. Bill: Here’s a photo of my family. Dale: _______ he? Bill: ______ my uncle. Dale: _______ this girl? Bill: ________ my cousin. Dale: Are ______ your parents? Bill: Yes, _____ are. And these ____ my grandparents. Who’s He’s Who’s She’s those they are Summarize ( 小结 ) 一、词汇 : mother/mom father/dad grandfather/grandpa grandmother/grandma parents grandparents uncle aunt son daughter cousin brother sister friend this that these those she he picture photo 二、重点内容回顾: 单数 / 复数 This is my friend. These are my friend s . That is my brother. Those are my brother s . 2. 询问身份 Is she your aunt? Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. Is he your uncle? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. Is this/that your sister? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. Are these/those your parents? Who’s he? He’s my brother. Who’re they? They are my grandparents. mother father grandfather grandmother grandparent s me sister parent s brother son s Liu Xing’s family tree( 家谱 ) daughter 三、 Family tree    1 . My father’s mother is my ________.    2 . My father’s father is my ________.    3 . My father’s sisters are my ________.    4 . My father’s brothers are my ________.    5 . My uncle’s children are my ________.    6 . My parents’ ________ is my sister.    7 . I am a boy. I’m my parents’ ________.    8 . This is my ________ photo. These are my parents and this is me.       grandmother grandfather aunts uncles cousins daughter son family 一、根据句意写出单词。 这是你的妈妈吗?是的,她是。 Is this your mother? Yes, she is. 2. 这些是你的朋友们吗?不,不是。 Are these your friends? No, they aren’t. 3. 这位是我的爸爸。 This is my father. 4. 那是我的爷爷奶奶。 Those are my grandparents. 二、 把句子译成英语。 Homework Oral: 1. 朗读并背诵本单元所学词汇和句子。 2. 背诵 11 页 2b 的短文。 Written: 在作业本上画出你的全家福并用英文进行介绍。

