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中考代词专项 代词的分类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、关系代词、疑问代词、连接代词和不定代词等 一、人称代词,物主代词,反身代词 人称 主格 宾格 物主代词 反身 代词 形物代 名物代 单数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 ‎1.人称代词的顺序,单数并列,其顺序为_____、_____、_____,复数人称并列,其顺序为_____、_____、_____。‎ eg. _____,_____ and _____ study in a group.‎ 你,我,他在同一小组学习。‎ ‎_____,_____ and _____ are all students.‎ 我们,你们,他们都是学生。‎ ‎2.名词用于双重所有格中,结构为“a/an +名词+ of + __________”.‎ ‎3.反身代词常用作宾语或同位语,应该与动作的发出者在人称和数上保持一致。常用语固定搭配中 ‎___________________照顾自己 ‎ ‎___________________自学 ‎___________________自学 ‎___________________玩得高兴 ‎ ‎__________________ 随便吃/喝些 ‎ ‎___________________伤到自己 ‎ ‎___________________自言自语 ‎ ‎___________________独自 ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎1. Frank can’t find dictionary. Can you lend to ?‎ A. her, mine, her B. his, yours, him C. my, yours, he D. /, yours, his ‎2.---Do you know the woman in the red dress? ‎ ‎---Certainly. She’s Mrs. Xu. She teaches_____English.‎ A. our B. us C. we D. ours ‎3.Sara is a friend of_____and I feel happy about it.‎ A. me B. myself C. mine D. my ‎ ‎4. “Help to some drink.” Mrs. Green said to her son.‎ A. you B. yourself C. yours D. yourselves 二、 指示代词: ‎ 单数 复数 含义 指较近的人和物 指较远的人和物 打电话时指代自己 打电话时指代对方 指下面将要提到的事物 指前面提到过的事物 可以用在比较结构中,代指前面出现的名词 ‎【活学活用】‎ 1. The colour of my coat is different from of yours.‎ A. that B. this C. these D. those ‎2. Remember never to do ________ things.‎ ‎3. ---Hello, this is Tommy. Who is _____? ----______ is me!‎ 三、疑问代词 ‎1. 关于who与whom ‎ Who通常用作 , whom用作 , who可对 或 提问, 而whom只能对 提问. 在口语中常用who来替代whom, 但如果用于介词之后,则只能用 .‎ ‎2. 关于what与 which what意为 which意为 ,前者问的宽泛, 后者问得具体, 有明显限定性的选择范围.‎ ‎3. 疑问代词不分单复数,视它所替代的人或事物决定单复数.‎ 四、 不定代词:‎ ‎ 代替或修饰不特指的人或事物的代词叫不定代词。常用的不定代词有:all, each, neither; one,‎ ‎ none, little, few, many, much, others, another, some, any, no及其他复合词。‎ ‎1. some和 any 的用法:‎ ‎ 一般用于肯定句中作定语时可修饰可数名词或不可数名词; 用于疑问句时,表示 。‎ ‎ 一般用于疑问句或否定句中作定语时可修饰可数或不可数名词; any 用于肯定句时,意思是 。‎ ‎2. all和both的用法:‎ all和both既可以修饰名词_______________,也可以独立使用, all指 的人或物, both指 人或物。‎ ‎3. every和each用法:‎ every是形容词,只能作定语修饰单数名词,意思是”每一个”, 谓语动词用_________.‎ each是形容词、代词 “每个/各个”,表示单个概念;each可以放在名词前,可以后跟of短语,谓语动词用_________.做同位语时,谓语动词单复数取决于其同位语。‎ ‎4. either和neither的用法:‎ either意思是 ;neither是 。谓语动词均用________。‎ ‎5. other, the other, another, others, the others的用法:‎ other表示泛指,“另外的,其他的”常与_________或____________连用 ‎ the other特指________________。可单独使用也可接单数名词 ‎ the others=_________________‎ another常用于指________________的另一个,泛指单数。可单独使用也可后接名词。如果其后接复数名词,表示“又,再,还”‎ ‎ others指“剩余的人/物”(指大部分)‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎ I want _______ four books.‎ This is one of your socks. Where is _________?‎ A few students are playing soccer while ________ are watching them.‎ Two of the ten boys are standing and __________ are sitting round them.‎ ‎6 .many和much的用法:‎ many意思是“很多”,与 连用;too many亦同 much意思是“很多”,与 连用。 too much亦同 ‎7. few、little、a few、a little的用法:‎ few、little意思是 ,表 。‎ a few、a little意思是 ,表 。‎ few、a few与 名词 little、a little与 名词 ‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ He is very poor and he has _________ money.‎ Don’t worry. There is still ________ time left.‎ It’s very difficult, but ________ people can understand it.‎ ‎8. one与it的区别 ‎ One指代上文提到同类事物中的一个, 但不是上文提到的那一个,即_______________. It可指代动物或物生命的事物及时间, 日期, 天气, 距离等,或指上文中出现的同一事物,即_______________。‎ ‎9. 复合不定代词中,指人的有__________,__________,__________,__________或__________,__________,__________,__________。指物的有__________,__________,__________,__________。复合不定代词做主语,谓语动词用__________。修饰复合不定代词的定语,应放在其__________。‎ 五、 it的特殊用法 ‎1.it可代替指示代词this和that ‎2.可指代动物或物生命的事物及时间, 日期, 天气, 距离等 ‎3.可代指身份不明的人或者婴儿 ‎4.可用作形式主语,常用语句型 ‎ It’s + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.‎ ‎ It’s + adj. + of sb. + to do sth.‎ ‎5.还可用作形式宾语,常用语句型find/make it + adj. + to do sth.‎ 随堂练习 1. You may stay or go.‎ A. either B. neither C. both D. all 2. ‎ ---Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? ‎ ‎--- . I enjoy using QQ.‎ A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both 3. ‎ of the three businessmen knew about the document because it was kept as a secret. ‎ A. None B. Neither C. Any D. Each 4. ‎---Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music? ‎ ‎--- .They are really interesting.‎ A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All 5. Jerry and Scott are from the United States, but of them are interested in Beijing Opera.(2013济南)‎ A. all B. both C. neither D. either ‎ 6. ‎---Would you like some coffee or tea? --- .Water is OK. ‎ A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All ‎ 7. ‎--Who will watch the comedy movie with you, Jenny or Danny?‎ ‎--- . I’ll go there alone.‎ A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None ‎ 8. You can borrow book here if you return it on time. ‎ A. other B. some C. any D. several ‎ 9. Mr. Smith, our English teacher, is older than student in our class.‎ A. any other B. any C. the other D. any other ‎ 1. ‎----How many elephants did you see? ---- .‎ A. None B. No one C. not all D. not anybody 2. The boys were all tired, but of them stopped to have a rest. ‎ A. any B. some C. both D. none ‎ 3. I’ve put the books I can find on the table. You can take as as you like.‎ A. some; many B. all; much C. all; many D. some; much ‎ 4. ‎. I’m hungry. I want to eat.‎ A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 5. ‎ ---This story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read.‎ ‎---But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by .‎ A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody 6. There is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.‎ A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody 7. ‎ is watching TV. Let’s turn it off. ‎ A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody 8. You don’t have a drink. Can I get you ? (2013河北)‎ A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 9. He thinks himself somebody, but we think him . (2013河南)‎ A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody 10. ‎ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you. (2013上海)‎ A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody 11. Listen to me. I have ____ to tell you.‎ A. anything new B. something new C. new something D. nothing new 12. ‎---Is there in today’s newspaper? ---Yes. It’s raining heavily in the south of China.‎ A. anything new B. new anything C. something new D. new something 13. ‎ ---Tom, supper is ready. ‎ ‎----I don’t want to eat , Mum. I’m not feeling well. (2013北京)‎ A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 14. We arrived at the station too early and had to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other. (2013无锡) ‎ A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 15. ‎. ---Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?‎ ‎--- . I did it all by myself. (2013济南)‎ A. Someone B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Everybody ‎ 16. I found in the factory. I hear they have gone to another place to work.‎ A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everyone 17. ‎ ---The shoes don’t fit me. Would you please show me ?‎ A. the other one B. the others C. another pair D. another one 1. Dave has friends here, so he often stays at home by himself and feels lonely. (2013青岛)‎ A. many B. a few C. few D. several ‎ 2. We’ll try our best to do the work with money and people. ‎ A. few; little B. a few; a little C. less; fewer D. fewer; less ‎ 3. ‎ have been invited to the party.‎ A. You, he and I B. I, he and you C. He, I and you D. I, you and he 4. ‎ I have seen several films, but of them is funny.‎ A. neither B. either C. none D. all 5. ‎ of the two girls is from England.‎ A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None 6. I don’t like this pink dress. Please give me the blue .‎ A. it B. one C. this D. ones 7. ‎ Mary and Jane are good friends. They always help .‎ A. other B. one another C. each D. each other 8. ‎ The teacher told all of the students should learn from .‎ A. others B. one another C. each D. each other 9. ‎ is rainy today.‎ A. The weather B. Weather C. It D. Itself 10. We find very easy to recite this text. ‎ A. / B. it C. us D. ourselves 11. The socks are too thin. Could you show me another ?‎ A. one B. ones C. pair D. pairs ‎ 12. ‎--- I am a little hungry, Mom.‎ ‎--- There are some cakes on the plate. You can take .‎ A.it B. one C. that D. this ‎ 13. There are several girls standing under the tree, but of them is my friends. ‎ A. either B. none C.no one D. all ‎ 14. The cars made in China are cheaper than made in other countries.‎ A. that B. which C. them D. those

