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‎2020届一轮复习外研版必修二 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits单元作业 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A TECFIDERA What is TECFIDERA?‎ ‎•TECFIDERA is a prescription (处方) medicine used to treat people with multiple sclerosis, a serious illness that gradually destroys your nerves, making you weak and unable to walk.‎ ‎•It is not known if TECFIDERA is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.‎ ‎•Before taking and while you take TECFIDERA, tell your doctor if you have or have had low white blood cell counts or any other medical conditions.‎ Tell your doctor if you are:‎ ‎•pregnant or planning to become pregnant.It is not known if TECFIDERA will harm your unborn baby.If you become pregnant while taking TECFIDERA, talk to your doctor about joining in the TECFIDERA Pregnancy Registry.You can join in this registry by calling 1-866-810-1462.The purpose of this registry is to monitor the health of you and your baby.‎ ‎•breastfeeding (母乳喂养) or planning to breastfeed.It is not known if TECFIDERA passes into your breast milk.You and your doctor should decide if you will take TECFIDERA or breastfeed.‎ How should I take TECFIDERA?‎ ‎•Take TECFIDERA exactly as your doctor tells you to take it.‎ ‎•The recommended starting dose (剂量) is one 120mg capsule taken ‎ by mouth 2 times a day for 7 days.‎ ‎•The recommended dose after 7 days is one 240mg capsule taken by mouth 2 times a day.‎ ‎•TECFIDERA can be taken with or without food.‎ ‎•Swallow TECFIDERA whole.Do not press, chew, or put capsule contents in food.‎ ‎•Protect TECFIDERA from light.You can do this by storing the capsules in their original container.Throw away opened TECFIDERA after 90 days.‎ What are the possible side effects of TECFIDERA?‎ TECFIDERA may cause serious side effects including decreases in your white blood cell count, sickness, redness, stomach pain and so on.‎ Redness and stomach problems are the most common reactions, especially at the start of the treatment, but they should decrease over time.Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms and they bother you or do not go away.These are not all the possible side effects of TECFIDERA.Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.You may report side effects to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at 1-800-FDA-1088.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要向人们介绍了处方药TECFIDERA的适宜人群和注意事项。‎ ‎1.Before taking TECFIDERA, you do NOT have to tell your doctor if you are ________.‎ A.under 18 years old    B.above 90 years old C.expecting a baby D.breastfeeding 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据语境可知,文中没有具体提到90岁以上的人需要在服用TECFIDERA之前告诉医生,所以选B项。‎ ‎2.Which of the following is the correct way of taking TECFIDERA?‎ A.Never dividing the capsule by any means while taking it.‎ B.Increasing the dose by 2 times every 7 days.‎ C.Taking it exactly as the instructions show.‎ D.Never taking it on an empty stomach.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据“How should I take TECFIDERA?”部分中的“Swallow TECFIDERA whole.Do not press, chew, or put capsule contents in food.”可知,药要整个吞服下去。不要挤压、咀嚼或者和食物混吃。因此选项A“在服药时无论如何不能把胶囊打开来服用”是正确的。所以选A。‎ ‎3.If you suffer from TECFIDERA, you may ________.‎ A.have some eye problems B.report your doctor for prescribing the wrong medicine C.have a high white blood cell count D.contact FDA 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据“What are the possible side effects of TECFIDERA?”部分末段的“Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms ...You may report side effects to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at 1-800-FDA-1088”可知,当你服用TECFIDERA出现副作用时,你应该给医生打电话,你还可以联系FDA,故D项正确。‎ B When she was a little girl, Margarita Engle spent her summers in Cuba, where she says she fell in love with nature.‎ Engle, 66, was born to a Cuban mother and an American father.Her annual visits to the Caribbean island from her home in California shaped her life and inspired her to become a poet and writer.The Poetry ‎ Foundation recently named her its Young People's Poet Laureate, a role Engle plans to use to encourage children and teenagers to write down their feelings.‎ Magic happens when you put your emotions in writing, she said.‎ Engle says she has always liked poetry.At age 6, she wrote her first poem about nature.After looking around while taking a walk one day in California, she wrote a rhymed poem about the shapes of hills.As a teen, she wrote sonnets (十四行诗) about nature and stories about people in Cuba.‎ Some of her books explore the island, its people, markets and landmarks.Her new picture book, All the Way to Havana, features American cars from the 1940s and 1950s.Forest World, a new novel, introduces Edver to readers, an 11yearold who lives in Miami, Florida, with his mother and is shipped off to Cuba to see his birthplace and meet his Cuban family.When he arrives in Havana, the capital, he learns he has an older sister, Luza, who stayed on the island with her father and grandfather.The two go on an adventure into a Cuban forest.‎ The emotions of the characters are similar to what many children feel when they are separated from loved ones, Engle said.She hopes that people facing similar challenges can find support and comfort in poetry.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Engle童年时每年往返于古巴和美国,这让她得以亲近自然,并激发了她的创作热情,使她最终成为一位知名的诗人兼作家。‎ ‎4.What made Engle a poet?‎ A.Her visits to Cuba.‎ B.Days spent in California.‎ C.Magic skills in practicing writing.‎ D.Encouragement from the Poetry Foundation.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Her annual visits to the Caribbean island from her home in California shaped her life and inspired her to become a poet and writer.”可知A项正确。‎ ‎5.We can learn from the text that young Engle probably ______.‎ A.enjoyed indoor games B.found inspiration in nature C.liked exploring cities in Florida D.made friends with Cuban people 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第一段和第四段中的“At age 6, she wrote her first poem about nature ...she wrote sonnets (十四行诗) about nature”可知,儿时的Engle爱上了大自然,还写了关于大自然的诗,因此可推断她从大自然中获得了创作灵感,故选B。‎ ‎6.What is TRUE about Forest World?‎ A.It is a new picture book.‎ B.It is based on a reallife event.‎ C.It talks about an adventure story.‎ D.It describes family ties between countries.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第五段提到的小说Forest World的内容可知,该书描写的是Edver离开美国佛罗里达州前往古巴哈瓦那探亲的故事,揭示的是分隔在两个国家的家庭亲情,故选D。‎ ‎7.What does Engle stress in the last paragraph?‎ A.The frequent changes of emotions.‎ B.The challenges in writing poems.‎ C.The separations from family members.‎ D.The links between life and literature.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Engle认为无论是在作品中还是在现实中,孩子离别亲人时心底迸发的情感是相似的,她希望面临这种处境的人能从诗歌中寻觅到支持和慰藉。故Engle在此强调生活与文学作品的联系。‎ C Think of a seed buried in a pot.It's dark down there in the potting soil.There's no light, no sunshine.So how does it know which way is up and which way is down? It does know.Seeds routinely send shoots up toward the sky, and roots the other way.Darkness doesn't confuse them.Somehow, they get it right.‎ More amazingly, if you turn a seedling (秧苗) or a whole bunch of seedlings upside down, as Thomas Andrew Knight of the Royal Society did around 200 years ago, the tips and roots of the plant will sense, “Hey, I'm upside down,” and will wiggle (扭动) their way to the right direction, doing a Uturn.‎ How do they know? According to botanist Daniel Chamovitz, Thomas Knight about 200 years ago assumed that plants must sense gravity.Knight proved it with a crazy experiment involving a spinning plate.‎ He attached a bunch of plant seedlings onto a disc.The plate was then turned by a water wheel powered by a local stream at a speed of 150 revolutions per minute for several days.‎ If you've ever been at an amusement park in a spinning teacup, you know that because of centrifugal (离心的) force you get pushed away from the center of the spinning object toward the outside.‎ Knight wondered, would the plants respond to the centrifugal pull of gravity and point their roots to the outside of the spinning plate? When he looked, that's what they'd done.Every plant on the disc had responded to ‎ the pull of gravity, and pointed its roots to the outside.The roots pointed out, and the shoots pointed in.So Thomas Knight proved that plants can and do sense the pull.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。植物能辨别方向,但植物是怎么做到的呢?事实是,植物通过感知引力来辨别方向。作者借助Knight的圆盘试验说明植物能够并确实感知到引力。‎ ‎8.How does the author write about the young seedling in Paragraph 2?‎ A.By lively description.‎ B.By accurate statement.‎ C.By objective presentation.‎ D.By gentle persuasion.‎ 解析:选A 写作手法题。从第二段中的“‘Hey, I'm upside down,’ and will wiggle (扭动) their way to the right direction, doing a Uturn.”得知,作者用拟人化的手法使对这株幼苗的描写十分生动形象。‎ ‎9.What determines the direction the plants choose?‎ A.Soil. B.Sunshine.‎ C.Darkness. D.The pull of the earth.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段得知,土壤、阳光和黑暗均不影响植物对方向的判定;根据第三段的内容和最后一段Knight的圆盘试验结果可知,地球引力影响植物对方向的判定。‎ ‎10.What did Knight's experiment prove?‎ A.Plants can tell up from down.‎ B.Plants can feel gravity.‎ C.Speed influences plants' growing.‎ D.Plants have their own desires.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Thomas Knight about 200 years ago assumed that plants must sense gravity.Knight proved it with a crazy experiment involving a spinning plate.”得知,Knight 的圆盘试验证明植物能够感知到引力。‎ ‎11.What's the best title for the text?‎ A.What Does a Plant Know?‎ B.Which Direction Do Plants Grow in?‎ C.How Do Plants Decide: Up or Down?‎ D.Why Do Plants Grow towards the Sun?‎ 解析:选C 标题归纳题。本文重点讲述的是植物是怎么辨别生长方向的,故选C。‎ D In our research, we surveyed nearly 1,400 consumers about what they had eaten over the last 24 hours and how often they bought foods at supermarkets.We also took note of individual characteristics.When it came to making unhealthy food choices, a consumer's individual characteristics mattered more than where they shopped.‎ Young consumers were less likely to eat fruits and vegetables.People without college degrees consumed significantly more sugar and butter.With age and education came better eating habits.Older people and college graduates ate more fruits and vegetables.‎ The clear role ‎ played by these connections argues for approaches to helping people improve the diet choices they make.Particularly when it comes to eating less junk food, targeted interventions (干预) are needed in addition to ‎ building supermarkets and stocking them with “good for you” foods.Policymakers should consider putting in place proven strategies (策略) that push consumers to change their shopping behaviors, such as taxing foods high in added sugars.‎ In 2014, Berkeley became the first city in the U.S.to put a tax on sugarsweetened drinks, and consumption of such drinks dropped by more than 20 percent.In Mexico, an 8 percent tax on highcalorie foods put in place the same year reduced junk food purchases by about 5 percent.‎ Evidence that people with lower levels of education may be more likely to reduce their consumption of sugarsweetened drinks in the face of such a tax also comes from Mexico.With more U.S.cities following suit, muchneeded additional research should follow on whether these taxes effectively reduce consumption.‎ Some strategies that are not obvious and are aimed at changing individual behaviors also could make a difference in eating and shopping habits.Instore marketing — where and how foods are put — has shown promise of increasing the sales of healthy foods in supermarkets of lowincome neighborhoods.‎ Technology may also play a role.Research has shown that just being exposed to electronically delivered dietary feedback (反馈), including advice on how to eat more fruits and vegetables, led to increased consumption of such foods among lowerincome individuals with lower levels of education.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。研究发现,个人特点,如年龄和受教育程度,与个人饮食习惯存在关联。对此,作者提到从税收政策、市场营销和科技三个方面来改善个人饮食习惯。‎ ‎12.Which of the following would the author agree from the first ‎ paragraph?‎ A.Personal tastes vary greatly.‎ B.You are what you eat.‎ C.You eat what you are.‎ D.More supermarkets should be built.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句可知,在选择食品时,消费者的个人特点要比购物地点更有决定性,因为年龄和受教育程度决定购买食品的种类,进而形成饮食习惯,即你的个人特点决定你的饮食习惯。第二段对此阐释得更加清楚,故C项最佳。‎ ‎13.What does the underlined word “connections” in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.Education backgrounds decide economic income.‎ B.Age and education affect the choices of foods.‎ C.Older consumers tend to buy cheap foods.‎ D.Individual characteristics influence where to shop.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“With age and education came better eating habits”得知,饮食习惯受年龄和受教育程度的影响,故可知此处connections指上文提及的年龄和受教育程度与个人饮食习惯之间的关联,故选B。‎ ‎14.How does the author feel about the taxes?‎ A.Doubtful. B.Opposed.‎ C.Indifferent. D.Cautious.‎ 解析:选D 观点态度题。从第四段的数字得知,作者认为征税政策在特定城市的确有效,再结合第五段最后一句可知,作者认为征税政策的效果还需进一步论证,故作者对征税的做法持谨慎态度,故选D。‎ ‎15.What does the author mainly talk about in the text?‎ A.Advice on improving eating habits.‎ B.The importance of healthy foods.‎ C.People's different food preferences.‎ D.A latest research discovery.‎ 解析:选A 主旨大意题。作者开篇提到一项研究发现,由此引出改善个人饮食习惯的几种方法。故作者主要在文中谈了改善个人饮食习惯的方法,故选A。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎6 Tips for Healthy, White Teeth ‎·Go on a whiteteeth diet.If you're quaffing (畅饮) red wine and black tea, or smoking cigarettes, expect the results to show up as notsopearly whites.‎ ‎·Throw away your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head every two to three months.__1__According to dentist Harold Katz, the best way to brush is by placing your toothbrush at a 45degree angle against your gums (牙龈) and gently moving it in a circular motion.Grip the toothbrush like a pencil so you won't scrub (刷洗) too hard.‎ ‎·Use a tongue scraper (刮刀) every morning to remove tongue plaque (舌斑) and freshen breath.One cause of bad breath is the buildup of bacteria on the tongue, which a daily tongue scraping will help banish (消除).__2__‎ ‎·Eat “detergent (清洁剂)” foods that are firm or crisp to help clean teeth as you munch (咀嚼).__3__ For best results, make “detergent” foods the final food you eat in your meal if you know you won't be able to brush your teeth after eating.‎ ‎·Stay fresh.Check by licking (舔) your palm and smelling it while it's wet.If you smell something, it's time for a sugarfree breath mint (薄荷).Shopping for mouthwash? __4__ Mouthwashes with too much alcohol can dry out mouth tissue, making it more prone (易于) to bacteria.‎ ‎·Brushing your teeth first and last are the two most crucial times of the day, as saliva (唾液) which keeps plaque off teeth, dries up at night, so it's best to have all plaque cleaned off the teeth before sleep.__5__‎ A.Make sure it's alcohol free.‎ B.Apples are good, as are raw carrots, celery and popcorn.‎ C.Otherwise, you're just transferring bacteria to your mouth.‎ D.However, the bacteria won't be staying on the top of your tongue.‎ E.It's more effective than brushing your tongue with a toothbrush too.‎ F.When you sleep without bacteria in your mouth, you will feel much better.‎ G.It's also important to brush first in the morning to remove plaque and bacteria built up as you slept.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了六条保持牙齿洁白、健康的建议。‎ ‎1.选C 根据此空前“Throw away your toothbrush ...every two to three months.”可知,每隔两到三个月要换一次牙刷,本空应说明这样做的原因。C项(否则你就是在把细菌转移到嘴巴里。)符合语境。‎ ‎2.选E 根据空前的“One cause of bad breath ...which a daily tongue scraping will help banish ‎ (清除).”可知,刮舌板有助于有效清除舌头上堆积的细菌,故此处描述的是刮舌板的益处。E项意为“这比用牙刷刷你的舌面更加有效”,符合上下文逻辑。其中it 指代“Use a tongue scraper every morning ...”这件事。‎ ‎3.选B 根据空前建议吃有清洁作用的硬的或脆的食物,可以边咀嚼边清洗牙齿可知,此段应涉及所吃的食物。只有B项中出现了食物。故选B项。‎ ‎4.选A 根据本空后“Mouthwashes with too much alcohol can dry out mouth tissue ...”可知,此处应是建议使用不含酒精的漱口水。故选A项。‎ ‎5.选G 根据最后一段,建议起床后第一件事和睡觉前最后一件事是刷牙,以及本空前描述要在睡觉前刷牙可知,此处应该是早晨起来也要刷牙。G项意为“同样重要的是早晨起来先刷牙,以此来清除夜间睡觉堆积起来的牙菌斑和细菌”,符合逻辑。故选G项。‎

