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阅读理解训练(65)‎ Passage 1‎ Animals are more like us than we ever imagined.They feel pain, they experience stress, they show affection, excitement and love.All these findings have been made by scientists in recent years---and such results are beginning to change how we view animals.‎ Strangely enough, some of this research was sponsored by fast food companies like McDonald’s and KFC.Pressured by animal rights groups , these companies felt they had to fund scientists researching the emotional and mental states of animals.‎ McDonald’s, for instance, funded studies on pig behavior at Purdue University, Indiana.This research found that pigs seek affection and easily become depressed if left alone or prevented from playing with each other.If they become depressed, they soon become physically ill.Because of this, and other similar studies, the European Union has banned the use of isolating pig stalls from 2010.In Germany, the government is encouraging pig farmers to gibe each pig 20 seconds of human contact a day, and to provide them with toys to prevent them from fighting ‎ Other scientists have shown that animals think and behave like humans.Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, for instance, has been taught sigh language.Koko can now understand several thousand English words, more than many humans who speak English as a second language.On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.‎ Before such experiments, humans thought language skills were absent from the animal kingdom.Other myths are also being overturned, like the belief that animals lack ‎ self-awareness.Studies have also shown that animals mourn their dead, and that they play for pleasure.‎ These striking similarities between animal and human behavior have led some to ask a question: “If you believe in evolution, how can’t you believe that animals have feelings that human beings have?”‎ Until recently, scientists believed that animals behaved by instinct and that what appeared to be learned behavior was merely genetically-programmed activity.But as Koko the Gorilla shows, this is not the case.In fact, learning is passed from parent to offspring far more often than not in the animal kingdom.‎ So what implications does this knowledge have for humans? Because of this, should we ban hunting and animal testing? Should we close zoos? Such questions are being raised by many academics and politicians.Harvard and 25 other American law schools have introduced courses on animal rights.Germany meanwhile, recently guaranteed animal rights in its constitution---the first country to do so.‎ ‎1.McDonald’s and KFC give money to support scientist to do research on animals,because_____‎ A.they are international big companies.‎ B.they love animals.‎ C.they are pressured by animal right groups.‎ D.they earn a large amount of money and want to do some good deeds.‎ ‎2.The research on pigs at Purdue University shows that______‎ A.pigs love being alone.‎ B.pigs easily become physically ill.‎ C.pigs need affection.‎ D.pigs don’t like to play with each other.‎ ‎3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?‎ ‎ A.Animals behave by instinct.‎ ‎ B.Animals have self-awareness.‎ ‎ C.Animals have feelings and love.‎ ‎ D.Animals do not have language skills.‎ ‎4.Should we ban hunting and animal testing?‎ ‎ A.Yes.‎ ‎ B.No ‎ ‎ C.Not certain ‎ D.Not mentioned 答案 CCDD Passage 2‎ China Coal mines claim more lives. A COAl mine blast(爆炸)in Jixi, Heilongjiang, left more than 100 miners dead on Thursday. Ten mines in Jixi were ordered to stop production. The government has tried to shut down thousands of small, illegal mines in the country that do not meet safety standards.‎ MIDDLE EAST Bombers continue to kill. PALESTINISANS killed 32 Israeli in three major attacks between Tuesday and Thursday. There were two suicide bombings and a militant (武装的)attack on a Jewish settlement. They yielded one of the highest Israeli death tolls(死亡人数)in such a short period over the last two years.‎ CHINA Young people stand tall. THE average height of Chinese young people has risen by 6 centimeters compared to that of 20 years ago. This far exceeds(超过)the word’s average growth speed. A ‎ survey on health conducted by a panel(调查组)of Chinese students found the results. According to the world average level, youths get taller by ‎1 cm every 10 years.‎ CANADA Talking about world issues. The Group if Eight(G8)—the US, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Canada and Russia – will hold a summit on June 26 and ‎27 in Kananaskis, Canada. The G8 are the richest and most powerful countries in the world. G8 leaders and some African presidents will discuss strengthening global economic growth and helping Africa. United Nations Secretary – General, will also attend.‎ ‎5.Thousands of mines have been shut because .‎ ‎ A.they have blast ‎ ‎ B.they produced less coal ‎ C.they are very small ‎ ‎ D.they don’t meet the safety standards ‎6.How many Israelis died in the three major attacks by Palestinians?‎ ‎ A.23 B.‎32 ‎C.100 D.We don’t know ‎7.In the last 20 years, the average growth speed of Chinese youths exceeds the world’s average level by .‎ ‎ A.‎1 cm B.‎4cm C.‎5 cm D.‎‎6 cm ‎8.What’s the purpose of the Summit?‎ ‎ A.To strengthen the global economic growth and help some poor African countries.‎ ‎ B.To make these eight countries much more powerful ‎ C.To help some African presidents to strengthen their economic growth.‎ ‎ D.United Nations Secretary – General will have an important speech on the world issues 答案 DBBA Passage 3‎ The interview had been going on for about 20 minutes and everything seems to be going well. Then, suddenly, the interviewer asks an unexpected question, “Which is more important, law or love?”‎ Job applicants in the west increasingly find themselves asked strange questions like this. And the signs are that this is beginning to happen in China.‎ Employers want people skilled, enthusiastic and devoted. So these are the qualities that any reasonably intelligent job applicants will try to show no matter what his or her actual feelings are. In response, employers are increasingly using questions which try and show the applicant’s true personality.‎ The question in the first paragraph comes from a test called Kiersey Personality Sorter. It is ‎ an attempt to discover how people solve problems, rather than what they know. This is often called aptitude(能力)testing.‎ According to Mark Baldwin of Alliance many job applicants in China are finding this type of questions difficult. When a Chinese person fills out an aptitude test he or she will think there is a right answer and they may fail because they try to guess what the examiner wants to see.‎ This is sometimes called the prisoner’s dilemma(窘境). Applicants are trying to act cleverly in their own interest. But they fail because they don’t understand what the interviewer is looking for. Remember that in an aptitude test, the correct answer is always the honest answer.‎ ‎9.The writer wrote the passage to .‎ ‎ A.give you a piece of advice on a job interview.‎ ‎ B.tell you how to meet a job interviewer ‎ C.describe the aptitude test.‎ ‎ D.advice you how to find a job ‎10.According to the writer, in an aptitude testing, Chinese job applicants should .‎ ‎ A.not tell the truth ‎ B.learn to tell what they really think ‎ C.be more enthusiastic ‎ D.try to find out what the examiner really want to know ‎11.From the passage we know that .‎ ‎ A.job applicants are always asked such questions ‎ B.more Chinese applicants fail to find a job ‎ C.applicants should not act as reasonably as a prisoner ‎ D.aptitude testing is becoming popular in the worldwide 答案 ABD Passage 4‎ The fact that blind people can see things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us understand our feeling about color. If they sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are affected by color without knowing it.‎ ‎ Salesmen have discovered by experience over a long period of time that sugar sells badly in green wrappings(包装), that blue foods are considered not agreeable to the taste, and that cosmetics(化妆品) should never be packed in brown. Their discoveries have grown into a whole subject of color psychology(心理学). Some of our preferences(偏爱) for colors are clearly psychological. Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore connected with calm, while yellow is a day color connected with energy and encouragement. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because they are connected with psychology, also have a direct effect on people’s ‎ mind. People in bright red surroundings show an increase in breathing speed, heartbeat and blood pressure; red is exciting. Pure blue has exactly the opposite effect; it is a calming color. Being exciting, red was chosen as the signal for danger, but a close study shows that a bright yellow can produce a more basic state of alarm, so fire engines in some advanced areas are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop buses, trucks and cars.‎ ‎12. The passage tells us that salesmen have __________.‎ ‎ A. discovered the relationship between color and psychology ‎ B. tried out colors on blind people ‎ C. found out that color affect sales ‎ D. developed a special subject of color psychology ‎13. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.‎ ‎ A. what color we prefer depends on our state of mind ‎ B. foods sell well in green or blue wrappings ‎ C. blind people cannot sense color difference ‎ D. a bright yellow has exactly the opposite effect to red ‎14. If people are exposed to(置身于) pure blue, _________.‎ ‎ A. their blood pressure rises ‎ B. they want to taste blue foods ‎ C. they will feel like buying things ‎ D. they won’t easily feel nervous ‎15. The most effective color in the passage for warning people is _______.‎ ‎ A. red B. dark blue C. bright yellow D. green ‎16. Which of the following do you think is the best title of the passage?‎ ‎ A. Colors and sales ‎ B. Colors and feelings ‎ C. The blind and colors ‎ D. Preferences for colors 答案 CADCB Passage 5‎ The Bedouin people think most highly of people who show loyalty. To them loyalty does not mean that one is devoted to a country, a place, or a leader. Loyalty means being faithful to one’s family and tribe(部落).‎ The Bedouin people take pride in their ancestors(祖先). They do not admire a hero from an ordinary or poor family as much as one who comes from an honored family. They particularly respect those who have received a good name from their ancestors and then have passed it on to ‎ their children.‎ A man’s position among the black-tent people depends upon his ancestors, relatives, and fellow tribesmen. If they are honored, he is also honored. If they are disgraced, he too is disgraced. Therefore one carefully guards the honor of his family, his lineage(血统),and his tribe. ‎ A man can protect his family’s honor by being brave and generous and by giving protection to those who ask for it. He also guards it by carefully watching the women of his family.‎ A Bedouin woman cannot bring honor to her family, but she can bring disgrace. Even if a woman only looks as if she has done wrong, she may be killed. The honor of her family depends upon her virtue(美德).‎ ‎17.It can be inferred from the passage that a Bedouin man will feel disgraced if he____.‎ A. does not succeed in business B. needs to ask for help from his brothers C. does nothing when a member of his family is badly treated D. does not help a stranger who asks for assistance ‎18.The Bedouin people respect those who____.‎ A. leave their families to seek success on their own B. value their families more than anything else C. become heroes with an ordinary family background D. are devoted to their country ‎19.We can learn from this passage that Bedouin women are____.‎ A. treated as the equals of men B. listened carefully when they tell their side of a story C. respected for the many things they do ‎ D. not respected as much as men ‎20.The word“disgrace”means“____”in this text.‎ A. honor ‎ B. danger ‎ C. pride ‎ D. shame 答案 64.C 65.B 66.D 67.D Passage 6‎ The Food and Drug Administration is, again, threatening to impose milk and meat from cloned animals on a public that opposes the technology and its products.‎ Respected polls report that more than 60% of Americans think animal cloning is immoral, and that most people said they wouldn’t knowingly eat the products even if the FDA approved them. But because the FDA would allow cloned meat and milk to be sold without identifying labels, consumers wouldn’t be able to avoid them. The FDA has consistently tilted toward those who want cloned milk and meat in our food. Agency officials have repeatedly asserted that science shows cloned milk and meat are safe for humans. But the FDA has never published the complete scientific studies it says support that claim.‎ The argument that cloning is safe for animals is unconvincing. Cloned meat and milk offer no public economic benefits. Having cloned cows produce more milk wouldn’t reduce milk prices. US farmers produce more milk than we drink, and the government is required to buy the surplus. Since 2000, dairy support programs have cost taxpayers more than $ 5 billion.‎ Most important, this first decision to advance animal biotechnology raises ethical issues beyond the FDA’s expertise. Techniques used to clone animals will advance the ability to clone humans-and create animals with human genes. Neither the agency nor animal scientists are qualified to tell us whether and when it is ethically acceptable for humans to alter the essential nature of animals. We need a national discussion, including ethicists and religious leaders, to consider the wisdom of cloned and transgenic animals. Given the risk of unintended consequences, we should proceed cautiously. The president should halt further FDA action on cloning and set in motion a process for beginning this broader discussion.‎ ‎21.The author’s attitude towards cloning is __________.‎ ‎ A.neutral B.opposed C.approving D.supportive ‎22.In US many people buy cloned foods __________.‎ ‎ A.to support the new technique ‎ B.because FDA approved them ‎ C.because they cannot tell which is cloned food ‎ D.because thy cannot read the labels.‎ ‎23.Which of the following statements is TRUE?‎ ‎ A.Because more milk is produced by cloned cows, the milk price is reduced.‎ ‎ B.American farmers produce more milk than the people can consume.‎ ‎ C.FDA approved that cloned food is safe for human beings.‎ ‎ D.More and more people accept cloned milk and meat.‎ ‎24.From the text we know that cloning technique ___________.‎ ‎ A.developed well enough to clone human beings ‎ B.may cause unintended bad results to human beings ‎ C.will bring more unexpected economic benefits ‎ D.is supported by ethicists and religious leaders ‎25.What’s the best title of this passage?‎ ‎ A.Publice Is Against Cloned Food ‎ ‎ B.Benefits of Cloned Food ‎ C.Cloned Food Is Illegal ‎ ‎ D.Technique in Cloned Food 答案 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.C Passage 7‎ As humanity has got richer, animal’s roles have changed. People need their services less than before. Fewer wolves and thieves meant less demand for dogs for protection; the internal combustion engine(内燃机)made horses unneeded; modern sanitation(卫生设备)kept rats in check and made cats less useful. No longer necessities, domestic animals became luxuries. Pet-keeping seems to kick in when household incomes rise above roughly $5,000. It is booming.‎ The trend is not a new one. Archaeologists(考古学家)have found 10,000-year-old graves in which dogs and people are buried together. Some cultures -- such as in Scandinavia, where dogs have long been both working dogs and companions -- have kept pets for thousands of years. But these days the pet-keeping urge has spread even to parts of the world which have no tradition of sinking into a comfortable chair with a furry creature.‎ The pet business is growing even faster than pet numbers, because people are spending more and more money on them. No longer are they food - waste - recyclers, fed with the remains that fall from their masters’ tables. Pet - food shelves are full of delicacies crafted to satisfy a range of appetites, including ice cream for dogs and foods for pets that are old, diabetic or suffer from sensitive digestion; a number of internet services offer food, tailored to the pet’s individual tastes.‎ In the business this is called “pet humanisation” -- the tendency of pet owners to treat their pets as part of the family. This is evident in the names given to dogs, which have evolved from Fido, Rex and Spot to -- in America -- Bella, Lucy and Max. It is evident in the growing market for pet clothing, pet grooming and pet hotels.‎ People still assume that pets must be working for humanity in some way, perhaps making people healthier or less anxious. But the evidence for that is weak. Rather, new research suggests that dogs have evolved those irresistible “puppy - dog eyes” precisely to affect human emotions. It has worked. The species that once enslaved others now works very hard to pay for the care of its pets. Sentimental(多愁善感的)Americans often refer to themselves not as cat-owners but as the cat’s “mommy” or “daddy”. South Koreans go one further, describing themselves as cat “butlers”. Watch an unlucky dog-walker trailing “his” hound(猎犬), plastic bag in hand to pick up its mess, and you have to wonder: who’s in charge now?‎ 26. Which of the following trends is NOT TRUE according to the passage?‎ A. People’s needs for animal services are decreasing.‎ B. Both the pet number and the pet business are growing.‎ C. Pets are increasingly making their owners less anxious.‎ D. Pet foods are more various and customized than before.‎ 27. Which of the following is referred to as evidence of “pet humanization?”‎ A. The names given to pets in American families nowadays.‎ B. Pet’s inbuilt ability to affect emotions of their owners.‎ C. Human beings ever rising urge for pet-keeping.‎ D. Pet’s roles as both working staff and companions.‎ 28. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?‎ A. Pets should be treated as equals of their human masters.‎ B. Human beings are getting much benefit from their pets.‎ C. Pet-keeping is still restricted within certain parts of the world.‎ D. Some pet owners spend too much money on their pets.‎ 29. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?‎ A. The Changing Roles of Animals B. The Urge for Pet-keeping C. Who Owns Whom D. Love Me, Love My Dog ‎【答案】26-29 CADC Passage 8‎ Depression hurts, Prozac can help Depression isn’t just feeling down. It’s a real illness with real causes. Depression can be triggered by stressful life events, like divorce or a death in the family. Or it can appear suddenly, for no apparent reason.‎ Some people think you can just will yourself out of a depression. That’s not true. Many doctors believe that one thing that may cause depression is an imbalance of serotonin -- a chemical in your body. If this happens, you may have trouble sleeping. Feel unusually sad or irritable easily. Find it hard to concentrate. Lose your appetite. Lack energy. Or have trouble feeling pleasure. These are some of the symptoms that can point to depression -- especially if they last for more than a couple of weeks and if normal, everyday life feels like to much to ‎ handle.‎ To help fight depression, the medicine doctors now prescribe(开处方)most often is Prozac. Prozac isn’t a ‎“happy pill”. It’s not a tranquilizer(镇静剂). It won’t turn you into a different person.‎ Some people do experience mild side effects, like upset stomach, headaches, difficulty sleeping, sleepiness, anxiety and nervousness. These tend to go away within a few weeks of starting treatment, and usually aren’t serious enough to make most people stop taking it. However, if you are concerned about a side effect, or if you develop a rash(皮疹), tell your doctor right away. And don’t forget to tell your doctor any other medicines you are taking.‎ Some people should not take Prozac, especially people an MAO inhibitors(单胺抑制剂. As you start feeling better, your doctor can suggest therapy or other means to help you work through your depression. Prozac has been carefully studied for nearly 10 years. But remember, Prozac is a prescription medicine, and it isn’t right for everyone. Only your doctor can decide if Prozac is right for you -- or for someone you love. Prozac has been prescribed for more than 17 million Americans. Chances are someone you know is feeling sunny again because of it.‎ 26. All the following are true EXCEPT .‎ A. It is easy to get rid of depression through tremendous determination.‎ B. Sleep disorder is characteristic of depression symptoms.‎ C. Depression can be caused by combination of factors.‎ D. Depression is a psychological state taking the form of low mood.‎ 27. What can we learn about Prozac from this piece of information?‎ A. Prozac is a newly developed drug to treat depression.‎ B. patients who take Prozac can experience severe side a effects.‎ C. A medical prescription is necessary for Prozac.‎ D. Over 17 million Americans have been cured by Prozac.‎ 28. This piece of information is most probably .‎ A. an introduction to a scientific project B. a part of prescription drug instructions C. a part of a research report in a medical journal D. an advertisement of a medicine for depression ‎【答案】ACD ‎ Passage 9‎ Learning a second language is tricky at any age (and it only gets tougher the longer you wait to open that dusty French book). Now, in a new study, scientists have pinpointed the exact ‎ age at which your chances of reading fluency in a second language seems to plummet: 10.‎ The study, published in the journal Cognition, found that it’s “nearly impossible” for language learners to reach native - level fluency if they start learning a second tongue after 10. But that doesn’t seem to be because language skills go downhill. “It turns out you’re still learning fast. It’s just that you run out of time, because your ability to learn starts dropping at around 17 or 18 years old,” says study co-author Joshua Hartshorne, an assistant professor of psychology at Boston College.‎ Kids may be better than adults at learning new languages for many reasons. Children’s brains are more plastic than those of adults, meaning they’re better able to adapt and respond to new information. “All learning involves the brain changing,” Hartshorne says, “and children’s brains seem to be a lot more skilled at changing.”‎ Kids may also be more willing to try new things (and to potentially look foolish in the process) than adults are. Their comparatively new grasp on their native tongue may also be advantageous. Unlike adults, who tend to default(默认)to the rules and patterns of their first language, kids may be able to approach a new one with a blank slate(石板).‎ These findings may seems discouraging, but it was heartening for scientists to learn that the critical period for fluent language acquisition might be longer than they previously thought. Some scientists believed that the brief window closes shortly after birth, while others stretched it only to early adolescence. Compared to those estimates, 17 or 18 -- when language learning ability starts to drop off -- seems relatively old.‎ ‎“People fared better when thy learned by immersion(沉浸), rather than simply in a classroom. And moving to a place where our desired language is spoken is the best way to learn as an adult. If that’s not an option, you can mimic an immersive environment by finding ways to have conversations with native speakers in their own communities,” Hartshorne says. By doing so, it’s possible to become conversationally proficient -- even without the advantage of a child’s brain.‎ 26. The word “plummet” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “ ”.‎ A. plunge B. rise C. end D. vary 27. What can be inferred from Joshua Hartshorne’s words?‎ A. Age 10 -18 is the best time to learn a second language.‎ B. Children are too young to grasp a second language.‎ C. Communicating with native speakers enables you to master all the language skills.‎ A. Adults go beyond the critical period for learning a second language.‎ 27. What might be the reason why adults can’t reach native - level fluency in a second language.‎ A. Adults are less influenced by their mother tongues B. Adults are only too willing to experience something awkward in the process.‎ C. Adults spend more time responding to new information.‎ D. Adults prefer an immersive environment to a classroom in learning a second language.‎ 28. The passage is mainly about .‎ A. the approaches to learning a second language B. the best age to learn a second language.‎ C. why kids learn a second language more easily than adults D. whether adults can learn a second language like their younger selves ‎【答案】33-36 ADCC

