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‎1.accept ‎ ‎2.achieve ‎ ‎3.admire ‎4.advance ‎5.advise ‎6.affect ‎ ‎7.agree ‎ ‎8.allow ‎ ‎9.amaze ‎ ‎10.analyze ‎ ‎11.announce ‎ ‎12.apologize ‎ ‎13.appear ‎ ‎14.apply ‎ ‎15.appoint ‎ ‎16.appreciate ‎ ‎17.approve ‎ ‎18.argue ‎ ‎19.arise arose arisen ‎ ‎20.arrange ‎21.arrive ‎22.astonish ‎23.attempt ‎24.attend ‎25.attract ‎26.beat beat beaten ‎ ‎27.become became ‎ ‎28.beg ‎29.begin began begun ‎ ‎30.behave ‎31.believe ‎32.belong ‎33.benefit ‎34.blame ‎35.bless ‎36.blow blew blown ‎ ‎37.board ‎38.boil ‎39.bomb ‎40.book ‎41.borrow ‎42.bother ‎43.break broke broken ‎ ‎44.breathe 接受 获得,取得 钦佩,羡慕 推进,前进 建议 影响 同意 允许,准许 使……吃惊 分析 宣布,通告 道歉 似乎, 出现 申请;适用 任命,指定 感激,欣赏 赞同;赞许 争吵,争论 起来,出现,发生 安排,布置 到达,到来 使惊讶 试图,尝试 出席;看护,照料 吸引 打败;(心脏)跳动 变成,成为 请求;乞讨 开始 守规矩,行为 相信 属于 有益于;得益 指责,把……归咎于 保佑,祝福 吹;刮风 上(船,火车,飞机)‎ 沸腾,烧开,煮……‎ 轰炸 预订 借,借用 烦扰,打扰,操心 打破,弄坏 呼吸 ‎101.disagree ‎ ‎102.disappear ‎ ‎103.disppoint ‎ ‎104.discover ‎ ‎105.discuss ‎ ‎106.dislike ‎ ‎107.divide ‎ ‎108.doubt ‎ ‎109.dream ‎110.dress ‎ ‎111.drink drank drunk ‎112.drive drove driven ‎113.drop ‎ ‎114.dry ‎ ‎115.eat ate eaten ‎116.educate ‎ ‎117.elect ‎ ‎118.encourage ‎ ‎119.end ‎ ‎120.enjoy ‎ ‎121.enter ‎ ‎122.eaqual ‎ ‎123.escape ‎ ‎124.examine ‎ ‎125.excite ‎ ‎126.exercise ‎ ‎127.exist ‎ ‎128.expect ‎ ‎129.experience ‎ ‎130.explain ‎ ‎131.express ‎ ‎132.face ‎ ‎133.fail ‎ ‎134.fall fell fallen ‎135.fear ‎ ‎136.feed fed fed ‎ ‎137.feel felt felt ‎ ‎138.fight fought fought ‎139.fill ‎ ‎140.find found found ‎141.finish ‎ ‎142.fire ‎ ‎143.fit ‎ 不同意 消失 失望 发现 讨论 不喜欢 分开,划分 怀疑 梦想 给……穿衣 喝,饮 驾驶;驱赶 掉下,落下 变干,弄干 吃 教育,培养 选择 鼓励 结束 欣赏,享受 进入 等于 逃跑,逃脱 检查 使兴奋 锻炼 存在 预料,期待 经历 解释,说明 表示,表达,快运 面对 失败;衰竭 落下 害怕,畏惧 喂养,饲养 感觉,触摸 打架 填满,装满 找到,发现 完成 射击;开除 使适合;安装 淹没 ‎45.bring brought ‎ ‎46.broadcast ‎47.build built built ‎ ‎48.burden ‎49.burn ‎50.buy bought bought ‎ ‎51.call ‎52.calm ‎53.care ‎54.carry ‎55.catch caught ‎ ‎56.cause ‎57.celebrate ‎ ‎58.change ‎ ‎59.charge ‎ ‎60.chat ‎ ‎61.cheat ‎ ‎62.check ‎ ‎63.cheer ‎ ‎64.choose chose chosen ‎65.clean ‎ ‎66.clear ‎ ‎67.climb ‎ ‎68.close ‎ ‎69.collect ‎ ‎70.communicate ‎ ‎71.compare ‎ ‎72.compete ‎ ‎73.complain ‎ ‎74.complete ‎ ‎75.concentrate ‎ ‎76.concern ‎ ‎77.conclude ‎ ‎78.confuse ‎ ‎79.connect ‎ ‎80.consider ‎ ‎81.consist ‎ ‎82.continue ‎ ‎83.control ‎ ‎84.correct ‎ ‎85.cost cost cost ‎ ‎86.cover ‎ ‎87.create ‎ ‎88.cry ‎ 拿来,带来 广播 建造 加重压于 燃烧;晒伤 买 呼叫,称呼 使镇定/平静 关心 拿,携带 抓住,赶上 引起 庆祝 改变,变化 充电;收费;指控 聊天 欺骗,作弊 检查 欢呼,喝彩 选择,抉择 ‎ 打扫,弄干净 清除 ‎ 爬,攀登 关,使接近 收集;积聚 交流,通讯 比较 比赛,竞赛 抱怨 完成 专心 集中注意力于 与…有关;为…担心 得出结论 使困惑/混淆/混乱 连接,接通电话 考虑;认为 组成,构成 继续 控制 改正 花费;使付出 采访;遮盖;行过(路程)‎ 创造;创作 呼叫,叫喊,哭 ‎144.flood ‎ ‎145.fly flew flown ‎146.focus (on)‎ ‎147.follow ‎148.fool ‎ ‎149.force ‎ ‎150.forget forgot forgotten ‎151.forgive forgave forgiven ‎ ‎152.form ‎ ‎153.found founded ‎ ‎154.frighten ‎ ‎155.function ‎ ‎156.gain ‎ ‎157.gather ‎ ‎158.get got got ‎ ‎159.give gave given ‎160.glare ‎ ‎161.glance ‎ ‎162.go went gone ‎ ‎163.graduate ‎ ‎164.greet ‎ ‎165.grow grew grown ‎166.guess ‎ ‎167.guide ‎ ‎168.hand ‎ ‎169.happen ‎ ‎170.harm ‎ ‎171.harvest ‎ ‎172.head ‎ ‎173.hear heard heard ‎174.heat ‎ ‎175.hide hid hidden ‎ ‎176.hold held held ‎177.honour ‎ ‎178.hope ‎ ‎179.host ‎ ‎180.hunger (for)‎ ‎181.hurry ‎ ‎182.hurt hurt hurt ‎ ‎183.ignore ‎ ‎184.imagine ‎ ‎185.impress ‎ ‎186.improve ‎ ‎187.include ‎ 乘/飞 集中 接着/遵照/听懂 愚弄,欺骗 强迫 忘记 原谅 养成,形成 创立,建立 使惊恐,吓唬 运行,起作用 获得 聚集,采集 得到;到达;变得 给 怒视 匆匆一看,一瞥 变得 毕业 问候,和……打招呼 生长;变得;种植 猜 导游,指导 交给,递给 碰巧;发生 伤害,损害 收割,收获 前往 听说,听见 加热 躲藏;躲避;隐藏 拿着;抱着;举行;装着 给与荣誉 希望 做主人,招待 渴望得到 赶紧,急忙 伤害 忽视 想象,设想 给……以深刻的印象 改善,改进,提高 包括……在内 增加,增长 ‎89.damage ‎ ‎90.dance ‎ ‎91.dare ‎ ‎92.date ‎ ‎93.decide ‎ ‎94.decrease ‎ ‎95.demand ‎ ‎96.depend ‎ ‎97.destroy ‎ ‎98.develop ‎ ‎99.die ‎ ‎100.direct ‎ 毁坏,损坏 跳舞 敢于 约会 决定 降低,减少 要求/询问 依靠 破坏,毁坏 发展,发育,冲洗(胶卷)‎ 死,死亡 指导;导演;指示方向 ‎188.increase ‎ ‎189.infer ‎ ‎190.influence ‎ ‎191.inform ‎ ‎192.insist ‎ ‎193.interest ‎ ‎194.interview ‎ ‎195.introduce ‎ ‎196.invent ‎ ‎197.invite ‎ ‎198.join ‎ ‎199.judge ‎ ‎200.jump ‎ 推断 影响 告诉,通知 坚持认为;坚持要求 使……感兴趣 采访;面试 介绍;引进 发明 邀请 参加;连接;‎ 裁决,评定 跳跃 ‎1.keep ‎2.kid ‎3.kill ‎4.kiss ‎5.know ‎6.land ‎7.last ‎8.laugh ‎9.lay ‎10.lead ‎11.learn ‎12.leave ‎13.lend ‎14.lie lied lied ‎15.lie lay lain ‎16.lift ‎17.light lit lit ‎18.limit ‎19.list ‎20.lose lost lost ‎21.mail ‎22.major ‎23.manage ‎24.marry ‎25.master ‎26.matter ‎27.mean ‎28.meet ‎29.mention ‎30.milk ‎31.mind ‎32.mine ‎33.mistake ‎34.misunderstand ‎35.move ‎36.must ‎37.name ‎38.note ‎39.notice ‎40.nurse ‎41.obey ‎42.occur ‎43.offer ‎44.oil 保持。保留,饲养 还玩笑,闹着玩 杀死,弄死 吻,亲吻 知道,了解 登陆,着落 持续 笑,大笑,嘲笑 放,搁,下(蛋)‎ 领导;带路,通向 学会;得知 离开;剩下;把…留下 借出 撒谎 躺;平放;位于 举起,提起,抬起 点燃,照亮 限制 列出 丢失;失去;输掉 邮寄 主修 管理;设法对付 娶,嫁 精通,掌握 要紧,重要 意思是;意欲 遇到,碰到 提及,说起 挤奶 介意,在意 采矿,布雷 弄错 误会;不理解 感动;搬家;移动 肯定,一定;必须 命名 注意 注意到 护理 服从,听从,顺从 想起;发生 提供 加油 ‎101.regret ‎102.relax ‎103.rely ‎104.remain ‎105.remember ‎106.remind ‎107.repair ‎108.repeat ‎109.replace ‎110.reply ‎111.report ‎112.require ‎113.research ‎114.respect ‎115.respond ‎116.rest ‎117.retell ‎118.retire ‎119.return ‎120.rise rose risen ‎121.risk ‎122.run ran run ‎123.rush ‎124.satisfy ‎125.save ‎126.score ‎127.search ‎128.seat ‎129.see saw seen ‎130.seem ‎ ‎131.select ‎132.sell sold sold ‎133.send sent sent ‎ ‎134.sense ‎135.sentence ‎136.seperate ‎137.set set set ‎138.shape ‎139.share ‎140.shift ‎141.ship ‎142.shop ‎143.shout ‎144.show showed shown 懊悔;遗憾 放松,使轻松 依赖,依靠 仍是;保持;余下 记得,想起 提醒;使想起 修理,修补 重说,重做 取代 回答 报告 要求,需要 研究 尊敬,尊重 作出反应;回答 休息 复述 退休 返回;归还 上升,上涨 冒……的风险 经营;奔跑 冲,奔跑 使满足;使满意 挽救;节省 得分 搜寻,搜查 就坐 看见 似乎,好像 选择,挑选 卖,销售 派遣;发送;邮寄 感觉 宣判,判决 使分开,使分离 放;安装 使成型,塑造 分享,分担 改变 用船装运 买东西 呼喊,呼叫 显示;给…看;表明 ‎45.operate ‎46.oppose ‎47.order ‎48.ought to do sth.‎ ‎49.overcome ‎ ‎50.own ‎ ‎51.pack ‎52.paint ‎53.pardon ‎54.park ‎55.part ‎ ‎56.pass ‎57.pay ‎58.phone ‎59.pick ‎60.pity ‎61.place ‎62.plan ‎63.plant ‎64.please ‎65.point ‎66.pollute ‎67.practise ‎68.praise ‎69.prefer ‎70.prepare ‎71.present ‎72.pretend ‎73.prevent ‎74.process ‎75.produce ‎76.progress ‎77.promise ‎78.protect ‎79.prove ‎80.provide ‎81.pull ‎82.punish ‎83.push ‎84.put ‎85.quarrel ‎86.question ‎87.race ‎88.raise 动手术;操作 反对 命令;订购;点菜 应该做某事 克服(困难等)‎ 拥有 打包 油漆;绘画;粉刷 原谅,宽恕 停放(车辆)‎ 分离,分手 传递;通过;经过 付款 打电话 拾起,采集,挑选 同情 放置 计划 种植 使人高兴 指,指向 污染 练习,实践 赞扬,表扬 宁愿;更喜欢 准备 呈现 假装 防止 列队前进 生产,制造 进步 答应;有希望 保护 证明;结果是 提供 拖,拉 惩罚 推;逼迫 放 争吵 询问 比赛,比速度 举起;饲养;募捐 ‎145.sing sang sung ‎146.sit sat sat ‎147.skate ‎148.smell ‎149.smile ‎150.smoke ‎151.snake ‎152.snow ‎153.solve ‎154.spare ‎155.speak spoke spoken 156.speed sped sped ‎ ‎157.spend spent spent ‎158.stand stood stood ‎159.start ‎160.state ‎161.station ‎162.stay ‎163.step ‎164.stress ‎165.succeed ‎166.suggest ‎167.suit ‎168.supply ‎169.support ‎170.suppose ‎171.surprise ‎172. swim swam swum ‎173.take took taken ‎174.taste ‎175.teach taught ‎ ‎176.tear tore torn ‎177.tell told told ‎ ‎178.test ‎179.think thought ‎ ‎180.touch ‎181.tour ‎182.trade ‎183.train ‎184.translate ‎185.travel ‎186.treat ‎187.trouble ‎188.trust 唱 坐 滑冰 闻到,嗅 微笑 冒烟;吸烟 蛇般爬行 下雪 解决,解答 拨出,让给 说话 ‎ 加速 度过;花费 忍受;起立 开始;出发;发动 陈述 安置;派驻 逗留;保持 行走 强调 成功 暗示;建议 适合 供给 支持;赡养 以为;假定;应该 使惊奇 游泳 ‎ 拿,花费 品尝 教 扯破,撕开 辨别;告诉 测试 想,认为 触摸,接触 旅行 交易,买卖 训练 翻译 旅行 治疗;对待;款待 使苦恼 相信,信任 ‎89.reach ‎90.react ‎91.realize ‎92.reason ‎93.receive ‎94.record ‎95.reduce ‎96.refer ‎97.reflect ‎98.reform ‎99.refuse ‎100.regard 到达; 伸出(手);够到 回应,反应 意识到;实现 推论,推理 收到;接待 记录,录下 减少;缩小 谈到;查看 反射;深思;反省 改革;改过自新 拒绝 把……看作 ‎189.try ‎190.turn ‎191.type ‎192.understand ‎193.urge ‎194.use ‎195.value ‎196.view ‎197.visit ‎198.wait ‎199.walk ‎200.warn 努力;试 转弯;转向 打字 理解 敦促 使用 珍视 观察,看 参观 等候 步行 警告 选词填空(1) ‎ accept, achieve, admire, advance, advise, affect, agree, allow, amaze, analyze ‎ announce, apologize, appear, apply, appoint, appreciate, approve, argue, arise, arrange, ‎ ‎1. I’d ________________ it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.‎ ‎2. It is important to remember that success is a sum of small efforts made each day and often ‎ takes years to _________. ‎ ‎3.Amie Salmon, disable, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _______________‎ to guard her.‎ ‎4. All those who knew him will _______________ him for his work.‎ ‎5. Her parents did not _________________  of her decision. ‎ ‎6. It is _________ that I (should) write her a letter.‎ ‎7. Never allow personal problems to __________________ your performance.‎ ‎8. We finally _________________ on a price for the house.‎ ‎9. You are not __________________ to smoke here.‎ ‎10. The teacher tried to __________________ the cause of our failure.‎ ‎11. We should not only know the theory but also know how to _____________ it to practice.‎ ‎12. Mr. Smith received a gift, but, to our surprise, he refused to _______________ it.‎ 选词填空(2) ‎ arrive, astonish, attempt, attend, attract, beat, become, beg, begin, behave,‎ believe, belong, benefit, blame, bless, blow, board, boil, bomb, book ‎1. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have ____________________ it.‎ ‎2. It is lucky we ______________ a room, or we would have nowhere to stay now. ‎ ‎3. The trees ______________ in the storm have been moved off the road. ‎ ‎4. It was not until he __________________ that we began our conference.‎ ‎5. China Today ___________ a worldwide readership, which shows that more and more people ‎ all over the world want to learn about China.‎ ‎6. Either you or one of your students is to _______________ the meeting that is due tomorrow.‎ ‎7. An average of just ‎18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making it the driest year since California ______________ a state in 1850.‎ ‎8. Instead of _______________ the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a tolerant smile and let him go.‎ ‎9. I would be the last _________________ to answer the question.‎ ‎10. She _____________________ them not to punish her son severely.‎ ‎11. Passengers must _______________ the ship by 6 p.m.‎ ‎12. It is believed that a large number of students will __________ from the new teaching method.‎ ‎ ‎ 选词填空(3) ‎ borrow, bother, break, breathe, bring, broadcast, build, burden, burn, buy,‎ call, calm, care, carry, catch, cause, celebrate, change, charge, chat ‎1. Listen! Do you hear someone for help?‎ ‎2. See, your computer has ______________ down again!‎ ‎3. It is reported that a space station ___________________ on the moon in years to come.‎ ‎4. You must be Carol. You haven’t __________________ a bit after all these years.‎ ‎5. —Is Peter coming?‎ ‎—No, he____________ his mind after a phone call at the last minute.‎ ‎6. Would you please keep silent? The weather report _________________ and I want to listen.‎ ‎7. He gave himself a new name to hide his identity when he went to _____ out the secret task.‎ ‎8. Around two o’clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat_______us.‎ ‎9. The accident ___________ some damage to my car, but fortunately it’s nothing serious.‎ ‎10. — Why not ___________________ a second-hand car first if you don't have enough money ‎ for a new one?‎ ‎— That's a good suggestion!‎ ‎11. It was so cold that the travelers had the fire ________________ all night to keep warm.‎ ‎12. They _____________ that the police had beaten three students to death. ‎ 选词填空(4) ‎ cheat, check, cheer, choose, clean, clear, climb, close, collect, come, communicate, compare, ‎ compete, complain, complete, concentrate, concern, confuse, connect, consider ‎1. To my delight, I _________________________ from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.‎ ‎2. _________________ the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.‎ ‎3. ---No one can be __________________ with Yao Ming in playing basketball.‎ ‎ ---Oh, you are really his big fan.‎ ‎4. It is the most instructive lecture that I have attended since I _____________ to this school.‎ ‎5. Mrs. Smith finds it hard to ____________ up the mess, as her children are always in the way whenever she tries to. ‎ ‎6. Is this your necklace, Mary? I came across it when I _____________________ the bathroom this morning.‎ ‎7. —What time is it?‎ ‎— I have no idea. But just a minute. I _________________ it for you.‎ ‎8. Unless extra money is found, the theatre __________________.‎ ‎9. ______________________ stamps is one of my hobbies. ‎ ‎10. He is _________________________ to have invented a great many things.‎ ‎11. The student who was caught ______________________ in the exams has been removed ‎ from school.‎ ‎12. Don't rush him or he'll become ___________________.‎ 选词填空(5) ‎ consist, continue, control, correct, cost, cover, create, cry, cut, damage, dance, ‎ dare, date, decide, decrease, demand, depend, destroy, develop, die, direct ‎1. Listening is thus an active, not a passive, behavior ______________ of hearing,‎ understanding and remembering.‎ ‎2. Little Tom sat amazed watching the monkey _______________ in front of him.‎ ‎3.The film Red River_______________ by Howard Hawks. ‎ ‎4. It is so cold that you can’t go outside unless fully ______________ in thick clothes.‎ ‎5. All the scientific evidence shows that increasing use of chemicals in farming _____________ ‎ our health.‎ ‎6. As the world’s population _____________ to grow, the supply of food becomes more and ‎ more of a concern.‎ ‎7. Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he deliberately __________ the fence of the ‎ garden even without apology.‎ ‎8. At the last moment, Tom _______________ to put in a new character to make the story seem ‎ more likely. ‎ ‎9. Hearing how others react to the book you have just read ____________ an added pleasure.‎ ‎10. —How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?‎ ‎—Well, the media_____________________ it in a variety of forms.‎ ‎11. —Tony, why are your eyes red ?‎ ‎—I ______ up peppers for the last five minutes.‎ ‎12. The manager was satisfied to see many new products _______________ after great effort.‎ 选词填空(6)‎ disagree, disappear, disappoint, discover, discuss, dislike, divide, do, doubt, ‎ dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, dry, eat, educate, elect, encourage, end, enjoy ‎1. I _________it when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me behind. ‎ ‎2. The number of smokers, as is reported, _______________ by 17 percent in just one year.‎ ‎3. The park was full of people _______________________ themselves in the sunshine.‎ ‎4. Please ______ me a favor ---invite my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.‎ ‎5. So far nobody has claimed the money in the library.‎ ‎6. Mary worked here as a temporary secretary and ________________ up getting a full-time ‎ job with the company.‎ ‎7. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony _____________________ ‎ themselves before they set off on their life journey.‎ ‎8. __________________ at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.‎ ‎9. Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He ____________________ too much at the party last night.‎ ‎10. ----Do you think George has passed the driving test?‎ ‎----No. If so, he ____________________ his car to our college yesterday.‎ ‎11. I _____________________ whether he will be elected President.‎ ‎12. I was extremely _________________ to find all the books sold out.‎ 选词填空(7) ‎ enter, equal, escape, examine, excite, exercise, exist, expect, experience, ‎ explain, express, face, fail, fall, fear, feed, feel, fight, fill, find ‎1. The girl used to be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work and is more willing to ______________ herself.‎ ‎2. If you come to visit China, you will ____________ a culture of amazing depth and variety.‎ ‎3. The reason why prices were, and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily _______________ this problem.‎ ‎4. Do you wake up every morning _________________ energetic and ready to start a new day?‎ ‎5. Children, when accompanied by their parents, are allowed _____________ the stadium.‎ ‎6. the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.‎ ‎7. Hurry up! Mark and Carl us.‎ ‎8. —Hi, let’s go skating.  ‎ ‎—Sorry, I’m busy right now. I __________________ in an application form for a new job.‎ ‎9. ________________ regularly is of great benefit to you!‎ ‎10. He was 58, and his health was ______________________ rapidly.‎ ‎11. The girl got a nice present and she was so________________ as to be unable to sleep.‎ ‎12. I realized that whatever had happened, we should _____________ the challenge.‎ 选词填空(8) ‎ finish, fire, fit, flood, fly, focus, follow, fool, force, forget, forgive,‎ form, found, frighten, function, gain, gather, get, give, glare ‎1. Just as I ______________ to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the cafe.‎ ‎2. —Did you have difficulty finding Ann’s house? ‎ ‎ —Not really. She ______________ us clear directions and we were able to find it easily.‎ ‎3. If he my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.‎ ‎4. You will never ______________ success unless you are fully devoted to your work.‎ ‎5. in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.‎ ‎6. The twins, who____________________ their homework, were allowed to play badminton on the playground.‎ ‎7. Don’t _____________ to turn off the light when you leave the room.‎ ‎8. If he hadn't been so good at the rest of his job, I probably ______________________ him. ‎ ‎9. They stood there, ___________________ at each other without saying a single word.‎ ‎10. How I wish I could ________________ like a bird!‎ ‎11. We should ____________ the habit of referring to a dictionary when meeting new words.‎ ‎12. When he was still a young man, Karl Marx ______________ to leave his homeland for political reasons.‎ 选词填空(9) ‎ glance, go, graduate, greet, grow, guess, guide, hand, happen, harm,‎ harvest, head, hear, heat, help, hide, hold, honour, hope, host, hunger ‎1. The meeting __________________ in September, but nobody knows the date for sure.‎ ‎2. Have you ever __________ of the trees that are homes to animals both on land and sea?‎ ‎3. Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people __________ that he was going to be ‎ a famous scientist.‎ ‎4. He must have sensed that I was looking at him. He suddenly ____________ at me and said ‎ quietly, "Why are you staring at me like that?"‎ ‎5. If you swim in a river or lake, be sure to investigate what is _______below the water surface. ‎ Often there are rocks or branches _______________ in the water.‎ ‎6. The airport to be completed next year will _____________ promote tourism in this area.‎ ‎7. The engine just won't start. Something seems wrong with it.‎ ‎8. The village where I was born ________________ into a town.‎ ‎9. The other day, he _________________ to be out when I went to visit him.‎ ‎10. Ice, if _________________, will turn into water.‎ ‎11. They set sail at dawn and _________________ for the United States.‎ ‎12. It's terrible to ______________ for news when the family's letters don't arrive!‎ 选词填空(10) ‎ hurry, hurt, ignore, imagine, impress, improve, include, increase, infer, influence, inform, insist, interest, interview, introduce, invent, invite, join, judge, jump ‎1. —Why didn’t you ____________ John to your birthday party?‎ ‎    —Well, you know he’s a wet blanket(令人扫兴的人).‎ ‎2. It was considerate of Michael to ___________ us of his delay in case we got worried.‎ ‎3. Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to ____________ a little if he ‎ wants to be punctual.‎ ‎4. _________________ the difference between the two research findings will be one of the ‎ worst mistakes you make.‎ ‎5. ---The food here is nice enough.‎ ‎ ---My friend _____________________ me a right place.‎ ‎6. Volunteering gives you a chance lives, including your own.‎ ‎7. The “Chinese Dream” is a dream ________________ people’s well-being and a dream of harmony, peace and development.‎ ‎8. During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs ______________________ sharply.‎ ‎9. It is obvious that friends can greatly ________________ your choices.‎ ‎10. What ___________________ me most was that they never lost heart no matter how many ‎ failures they went through.‎ 选词填空(11) ‎ keep, kid, kill, kiss, know, land, last, laugh, lay, lead, learn, ‎ leave, lend, lie, lift, light, like, limit, list, live, lose, listen ‎1. Video games can be a poor influence if _______________ in the wrong hands.‎ ‎2. You can ask anyone for help. One here is willing to ____________ you a hand.‎ ‎3. When he was running after his brother, the boy ___________ his balance and had a bad fall.‎ ‎4. How would you ________ it if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?‎ ‎5. As you go through this book, you will find that each of the millions of people who ‎ ‎__________ through World War II had a different experience.‎ ‎6. Always_______ in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.‎ ‎7. ______________ to music at home is one thing, going to hear it being performed live is ‎ quite another.‎ ‎8. _______________ more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.‎ ‎9. Though scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still don't ____.‎ ‎10. In 1492, Columbus ___________ on one of the Bahama Islands, but the mistook it for an ‎ island off India.‎ ‎11. Bears build up (积聚,逐渐增加;增强) fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have ‎ energy enough to ___________ them through their winter sleep.‎ ‎12. I should not have __________________ if I had thought you were serious.‎ ‎13. There is no greater pleasure than __________ on my back in the middle of the grassland,‎ staring at the night sky.  ‎ 选词填空(12) ‎ mail, major, make, manage, marry, master, matter, mean, meet, mention, milk mind, mine, miss, mistake, misunderstand, move, must, name, note, notice, nurse ‎1. She’d lived in London and Manchester, but she liked neither and __________ to Cambridge.‎ ‎2. In the last few years, China ___________ great achievements in environmental protection.‎ ‎3. Absorbed in painting, John didn’t ________________ evening approaching.‎ ‎4. Having worked for two days, Steve ________________ to finish his report on schedule.‎ ‎5. If you __________ this chance, it may be years before you get another one.‎ ‎6. This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year.‎ ‎7. I've become good friends with several of the students in my school who I ___________ in the ‎ English speech contest last year.‎ ‎8. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn’t ______________ whether you have lived ‎ there for a short or a long time.‎ ‎9. It is impossible ____________________ a foreign language without much memory work.‎ ‎10. Would you mind _________________ these letters for me on your way to school?‎ 选词填空(13) ‎ obey, occur, offer, oil, operate, oppose, order, ought, overcome, own pack, paint, pardon, park, part, pass, pay, phone, pick, pity ‎1. To catch the early flight, we ________________ a taxi in advance and got up very early.‎ ‎2. While I always felt I would ____________ the exam, I never thought I would get an A.‎ ‎3. You cannot accept an opinion _____________ to you unless it is based on facts. ‎ ‎4. Not once did it ______ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.‎ ‎5. The watch was very good, and he 20 percent down for it.‎ ‎6. She ____________________ someone, so I nodded to her and went away.‎ ‎7. When I was 17, I _________________ my bags and left home.‎ ‎8. This game is very easy _____________________ but maybe very difficult to solve; it's really a great challenge to your brain !‎ ‎9.“I would ______________ any weakness, any despair, any fear,”the girl kept telling herself.‎ ‎10. My brother ____________________ the new house all day and I don’t know when he can finish the work.‎ 选词填空(14) ‎ place, plan, plant, please, point, pollute, practice, praise, prefer, prepare, present, ‎ pretend, prevent, process, produce, progress, promote, protect, prove, provide ‎1. All we need is a small piece of land where we can ____________ various kinds of fruit trees ‎ throughout the growing seasons of the year.‎ ‎2. The research group __________ two reports based on the survey, but neither contained any.‎ ‎3. You won’t find paper cutting difficult as long as you keep __________________ it.‎ ‎4. Bicycling is good exercise; besides, it does not ________________ the air.‎ ‎5. — I’ve ______________ all kinds of food for the picnic.‎ ‎—Do you mean we needn’t bring anything with us?‎ ‎6. Carbon dioxide, which makes a barrier between us and the sun, ___________ heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.‎ ‎7. Whenever I made mistakes, my teacher ____________ them out with patience.‎ ‎8. Recycling is one way ________________ the environment; reusing is another.‎ ‎9. The Smiths ___________________ for the way they bring up their children.‎ ‎10. I don’t believe what you said, but if you can _______________________ it, you may be ‎ able to convince me.‎ ‎11. While waiting for the opportunity to get_________, Henry did his best to perform his duty.‎ 选词填空(15) ‎ pull, punish, push, put, quarrel, question, race, raise, reach, react, read, ‎ realize, reason, receive, recognize, reduce, refer, reflect, reform, refuse, regard ‎1. It was when I returned home that I ________________ what a good feeling it was to have ‎ helped someone in trouble.‎ ‎2. One of the most effective ways ______________ stress is to talk about feeling with ‎ someone you trust.‎ ‎3. Human life is __________ as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is ‎ to live in harmony with nature.‎ ‎4. ______________ in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a ‎ football star.‎ ‎5. After ______________ the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on ‎ to thank all the people who had helped in her career.‎ ‎6. Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully ‎ ‎________________.‎ ‎7. Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours did they ___________ a decision.‎ ‎8. I am looking forward to the day when my daughter can ___________ this book and know my feelings for her.‎ ‎9. The witnesses by the police just now gave very different descriptions of ‎ the fight.‎ ‎10. He won’t respect us if we don’t ____________________ him.‎ 选词填空(16) ‎ regret, relax, rely, remain, remember, remind, repair, repeat, replace, reply report, require, research, respect, respond, rest, retell, recite, return, rise ‎1. This project _______________ close teamwork. Nothing will be achieved unless we work ‎ well together. ‎ ‎2. Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you ______________ quickly to emergencies.‎ ‎3. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers ‎ one of the main pipes.‎ ‎4. If we don't act now to protect the environment, we’ll live to _______________ it.‎ ‎5. When asked why he hadn’t reported it earlier, he _____________ with a smile.‎ ‎6. Please _______________ me in case I should forget.‎ ‎7. The fact ___________________ to be proved.‎ ‎8. After a long walk he sat under a tree and ________________ for a while.‎ ‎9. Seeing the sun ____________ above the surface of the sea, we let out a cry of excitement.‎ ‎10. Friends should ___________________ each other and trust each other.‎ 选词填空(17) ‎ risk, run, rush, satisfy, save, say, score, search, seat, see, seem select, sell, send, sense, sentence, separate, set, shape, share, shift ‎1. He must have ___________ that I was looking at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said ‎ quietly, “Why are you staring at me like that?”‎ ‎2. It is ____________ that he is studying in Xinxing‎ Foreign Language ‎School now.‎ ‎3. It might have ____________ me much trouble had I known the schedule.‎ ‎4. Nowadays people sometimes _____________ their waste to make it easier for it to be reused.‎ ‎5 I walked slowly through the market, where people all kinds of fruits and ‎ vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and buy bought what I needed.‎ ‎6. The players _____________________ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor ‎ in this summer game.‎ ‎7. It’s not what we do once in a while that ____________ our lives, but what we do consistently.‎ ‎8. This is by far the most inspiring movie that I _________ ever __________.‎ ‎9. We always ______________ our customers with good service.‎ ‎10. What surprised me most was to see some of the village people ___________ on the bench at the end of the room.‎ ‎11. It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. In the meanwhile, I’ll ____________ the table.‎ ‎12. Hearing the doorbell, he sprang up and ____________ to the door.‎ 选词填空(18) ‎ ship, shop, shout, show, sing, sit, skate, smell, smile, smoke snake, snow, solve, spare, speak, speed, spend, stand, start, state ‎1. Many studies have __________ that colds are "caught" by hands.‎ ‎2. Office workers, who ______________ much time sitting at a desk, are generally troubled by health problems.‎ ‎3. We need to get to the root of the problem before we can ______________ it.‎ ‎4. I'm tired out. I all afternoon from one shop to another and I don't seem to ‎ have finished anything.‎ ‎5. Julia was good at German, French and Russian, all of which she ____________ fluently.‎ ‎6. The road ______________ through forested mountains.  ‎ ‎7. The room is empty except for a bookshelf _________________ in one corner.‎ ‎8. The elderly man sat there, _____________________.‎ ‎9. --Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? ‎ ‎--Sorry, I'm too busy and haven't even a minute to ______.‎ ‎10. This man was not qualified to drive and he was fined for ___________last year.‎ ‎11. The elderly man told us that the goods ________________ to the island by boat.‎ 选词填空(19) ‎ station, stay, step, stress, succeed, suggest, suit, supply, support, suppose surprise, swim, take, taste, teach, tear, tell, test, think, touch ‎1.Jane can’t attend the meeting at 3 o’clock this afternoon because she__________ a class ‎ at that time.‎ ‎2. Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was very happy to see his mother ‎ ‎_________ good care of at home.‎ ‎3.Anyone, once ________ positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government. ‎ ‎4. When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, me stories till I fell asleep.‎ ‎5. I ____________ that we eat out for a change this weekend.‎ ‎6. It's our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and _______ more jobs.‎ ‎7. Having spent nearly all our money, we couldn’t afford to _____________ at a hotel.‎ ‎8. What I want to _______________ is that you must make full use of time.‎ ‎9. What ____________ me most was that she dared to swim in such cold weather.‎ ‎10. The movie that we watched last night was extremely ___________________.‎ 选词填空(20) ‎ tour, trade, train, translate, travel, treat, trouble, trust, try, turn,type, understand, ‎ urge, use, value, view, visit, wait, walk, warn, watch, wish, write, wonder ‎1. He ___________ many children’s books, nearly half of which were published in the 1990s.‎ ‎2. This meeting room is a smoke-free area. I would like to __________ you in advance that if ‎ you smoked here you would be fined.‎ ‎3. —Did you enjoy the party?‎ ‎ —Yes. We ______________________well by our hosts.‎ ‎4. Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way_____________ the sun and the stars.‎ ‎5. When the clerk saw a kind of face wrinkled in an apologetic smile, she stood rooted to the ‎ ground, ____________________ whether to stay or leave.‎ ‎6. I ______________ I had been at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business ‎ trip in New York then.‎ ‎7. Only when Lily ___________________ into the office did she realize that she had left the ‎ contract at home.‎ ‎8. “The moment is coming soon,” he thought to himself, _____________ nervously.‎ ‎9. I think _______________ TV every evening is a waste of time----there are more meaningful ‎ things to do.‎ ‎10. David is allergic to animal fur, so he won’t _____________ anyone who has cats or dogs in ‎ the house.‎ ‎11. To her joy, Della earned first the __________ of her students and then that of her colleagues.‎ ‎12. Let those in need that we will go all out to help them.‎ 高考基本词汇---动词练习答案 ‎ 选词填空(1)‎ ‎1.appreciate 2.achieve 3.appointed 4.admire 5.approve 6.advised ‎ ‎7.affect 8.agreed 9.allowed 10.analyze 11.apply 12.accept 选词填空(2)‎ ‎1.believed 2.booked 3.blown 4.arrived 5.attracts 6.to attend ‎7.became 8.blaming 9.to attempt 10.begged 11.board 12.benefit 选词填空(3)‎ ‎1.calling 2.broken 3.will be built 4.changed 5.changed 6.is being broadcast ‎7.carried 8.bothers 9.caused 10.buy 11.burning 12.charged 选词填空(4)‎ ‎1.was chosen 2.To complete 3.compared 4.came 5.clear 6.was cleaning ‎7.will check 8.will close 9.Collecting 10.considered 11.cheating 12.confused 选词填空(5)‎ ‎1. consisting 2.dancing 3. was directed 4.covered 5.is damaging 6.continues ‎7.destroyed 8.decided 9.creates 10.have covered 11.have been cutting 12.developed 选词填空(6)‎ ‎1. dislike 2.has dropped 3.enjoying 4.do 5.discovered 6.ended ‎7.to encourage 8.Having eaten 9.must have drunk 10.would have driven 11.doubt ‎ ‎12.disappointed 选词填空(7)‎ ‎1.express 2.experience 3.explain 4.feeling 5.to enter 6.Finding 7.are expecting ‎8.am filling 9.Exercising 10.failing 11.excited 12.face 选词填空(8)‎ ‎1.got 2.gave 3.had followed 4.gain 5.Founded 6.had finished ‎7.forget 8.would have fired 9.glaring 10.fly 11.form 12. was forced ‎ 选词填空(9)‎ ‎1.will be held 2.heard 3.guessed 4.glanced 5.hidden 6.help 7.to have gone ‎8.has grown 9.happened 10.heated 11.headed 12.hunger 选词填空(10)‎ ‎1.invite 2.inform 3.hurry 4.Ignoring 5.introduced 6.to change ‎7.to improve 8.has increased 9.influence 10.impressed 选词填空(11)‎ ‎1.left 2.lend 3.lost 4.like 5.lived 6.keep 7.Listening ‎8.To learn 9.know 10.landed 11.last 12.laughed 13.lying 选词填空(12)‎ ‎1.moved 2.has made 3.notice 4.managed 5.miss ‎ ‎6.was named 7.met 8.matter 9.to master 10.mailing 选词填空(13)‎ ‎1.ordered 2.pass 3.offered 4.occur 5.paid 6.was phoning ‎ ‎7.packed 8.to operate 9.overcome 10.has been painting 选词填空(14)‎ ‎1.plant 2.produced 3.practising 4.pollute 5.prepared 6.prevents ‎7.pointed 8.to protect 9.are praised 10.prove 11.promoted 选词填空(15)‎ ‎1.realized 2.to reduce 3.regarded 4.Raised 5.receiving ‎ ‎6.recognized 7.reach 8.read 9.questioned 10.punish 选词填空(16)‎ ‎1.requires 2.respond 3.have been repairing 4.regret ‎ ‎5.replied 6.remind 7.remained 8.relaxed 9.rising 10.respect 选词填空(17)‎ ‎1.sensed 2.said 3.saved 4.separate 5.were selling 6.selected ‎7.shapes 8.have…seen 9.satisfy 10.seated 11.set 12.rushed 选词填空(18)‎ ‎1.shown 2.spend 3.solve 4.have been shopping 5.spoke 6. snaked ‎7.standing 8.smoking 9.spare 10.speeding 11.would be shipped 选词填空(19)‎ ‎1.will be teaching 2.taken 3.tested 4.telling 5.suggested ‎ ‎6.supply 7.stay 8.stress 9.surprised 10.touching 选词填空(20)‎ ‎1.wrote 2.warn 3.were treated 4.using 5.wondering 6.wish ‎7.walked 8.waiting 9.watching 10.visit 11.trust 12.understand

