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‎2016年中考英语复习专题练习《完形填空2》‎ 完形填空题是大部分学生觉得较难而又头疼的一种题型,是中考的必考题,一般占10分,许多学生失分总在该题上。题目按照中考考试大纲要求,通常在一篇200个词左右的难度适中的文章中留出10个空白,要求学生从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使补足的短文意思通顺、结构完整。该题型既有对语法规则、习惯用法和词语搭配的考查,又有对文章内容的通篇理解,学生只有具备了扎实的语言基本功、较好的阅读能力及归纳判断能力,做起来才能得心应手,准确率才能较高。‎ 一般来说它主要考查以下三个方面的内容:‎ ‎1.词汇:此类题目考查的内容有近义词的区别,词语的固定搭配和习惯用法。词汇类别涉及到名词、代词、动词、介词、连词、形容词、副词和动词短语。‎ ‎2.语法:此类题目考查的内容有各种语法在文章中的运用。包括名词的单复数,形容词、副词的比较等级,动词的时态和语态,介词、数词、代词和连词的用法,主谓一致,各种从句的用法等。‎ ‎3.结构:此类题目考查的是文章中间句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间,上文与下文之间的逻辑关系。‎ 我们来看下面的一道完形填空题:‎ Do you have the habit of drinking a cup of tea every day? Tea is one of the 1 drinks around the world, second only to water. ‎ For over 4,000 years, people, especially 2 have enjoyed tea like green tea, black tea, flower tea and oolong tea. Why do so many people like tea?‎ As a national drink in China, tea drinking is a longtime tradition. 3 people invite guests to their homes, they offer them 4 , young people show respect to elders by serving them tea. ‎ Tea has many health benefits. Tea can help to keep blood pressure low, prevent us from 5 fat, and protect the heart. It can also keep our teeth 6 .Tea is rich in fluoride(氟化物). Fluoride makes the teeth brighter and stronger.‎ Tea can 7 give us energy and help us to focus on our studies and other work. When we are tired 8 hours of studying or hard work, drinking tea can lift our spirits and help us to relax. ‎ It 9 that tea can help us keep a good memory. So next time you study for a test, remember to drink tea. It might help you to 10 the answers you’ll need.‎ ‎( )1. A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.very popular ‎( )2. A.Chinese B.Japanese C.Englishmen D.Americans ‎( )3. A.Unless B.When C.Because D.Until ‎( )4. A.a tea B.teas C.a cup tea D. a cup of tea ‎( )5. A.get B.to get C.getting D.got.‎ ‎( )6. A.healthy B.health C.bad D.white ‎( )7. A.too B.also C.either D.as well.‎ ‎( )8. A.for B.before C.at D.after ‎( )9. A.is reporting B.reports C.is reported D.has reported ‎( )10. A.forget B.remember C.read D.think 文章以大家非常熟悉的饮料“茶”为主题,介绍了茶在中国的悠久历史,中国人饮茶的传统习惯,阐述了茶对人体的良好作用,尤其对学生的学习及人们工作方面的帮助。‎ ‎1.C 语法分析法。“one of the+形容词的最高级”‎ 表示茶是最受欢迎的饮料之一。故选C。‎ ‎2.A 上下文暗示法。该句中提到的绿茶、红茶、花茶和乌龙茶是中国茶的主要品种,第二段又讲到“As a national drink in China”。故选A。‎ ‎3.B词义辨析法。unless“除非……”,when“当……时候”,because“因为”,until“直到……才”。按照句意“人们给客人泡茶”应该是“当邀请客人来家里时”,when符合文意。故选B。‎ ‎4.D 语法分析法。tea是不可数名词,“一杯茶”应用“a cup of tea”。‎ 故选D ‎5.C 语法分析法。prevent……from后跟动名词,表示“阻止…… 做某事”。故选C。‎ ‎6.A 语法分析法。“keep+宾语+形容词”表示“使某物/某人保持……状态”根据句意 “茶能使牙齿保持健康。”故选A。21世纪教育网版权所有 ‎7.B 词义辨析法。几个副词是近义词,都表示“也”,too用于肯定句的句末,also用于肯定句的句中,either用于否定句的句末,as well用于肯定句的句末。故选B。21cnjy.com ‎8.D 逻辑推理法。前文讲到“茶有益于我们的学习和工作”,那么“当我们感到累”一定是“在几小时的学习和工作后”。故选D。2·1·c·n·j·y ‎9.C语法分析法。It is reported that……是一个主语从句的句型,主句用到被动语态来表示“据报道……”。故选C。‎ ‎10.B语义辨析法/上下文暗示法。forget“忘记”,remember“记住”,read“朗读”,think“想”,联系上文“tea can help us keep a good memeory”,下文讲到“复习准备考试时,记得喝茶,能对记住答案有帮助”。故选B。‎ 从这道完形填空题来看,难度不大,文章通俗易懂,大部分题目属于语法知识分析题,占5分。较难的是词义辨析题和按照上下文提示进行逻辑推理的题目,如第3、8、10小题,这种题目由于学生对文章的大意理解不清,极易囫囵吞枣,仓促下笔。因此,做完形填空的题目要求学生要注意解题技巧.首先,要通读全文,了解大意,不要轻易地一下子逐句填空,文章或段落的第一句通常是没有空白的完整句子,往往是文章的主题句,可以根据第一句来把握文章或段落的中心思想,做到胸有成竹,为下文的答题奠定基础。其次,要按照每个空格的需要来判断完成,有些固定搭配和语法知识题是一下子就能判断出来的,对需要辨别的词汇、联系上下文的题目应仔细进行比较、推理,反复推敲。最后,在全部答案选定后,对完整的文章从头至尾读一遍,细心检查,进行调整。‎ 总之,学生们只要按照《课程标准》和《考试大纲》的要求,掌握1600个左右的常用词汇,学会名词、代词、数词、介词、连词、形容词、副词、冠词、动词等相关的语法知识,时态、语态、复合句和非谓语动词等语法,基本的日常用语和常用的短语动词。另外,解题时要克服恐惧心理,耐心地、认真地理解文章,一定能够很好地、准确地完成这样的题目,收到满意的效果。‎ ‎(一)‎ Once upon a time, a rich man and a poor man talked about what happiness was.‎ The poor man said, “Happiness is 1 we have now.” Seeing the poor man’s old clothes and house, the rich man laughed at him and said 2 , “How can this be called happiness? My happiness is my huge and beautiful house with one 3 rooms and a thousand servants(佣人).”‎ ‎ ‎4 a windy night, a big fire happened in the rich man’s house and his hundred-room house was burnt down into 5 . All his servants went away and left him alone. The rich man lost 6 and he became a beggar(乞丐) overnight.‎ One day, the beggar was very hungry. He came to 7 some food to eat when he passed by the poor man’s house. The poor man 8 him a bowl of rice, asking, “What do you think of happiness now?”‎ The beggar said anxiously, “Happiness is 9 bowl of rice in your hand.”‎ Happiness is all that at the moment. One 10 enjoy happiness in all his lifetime only by cherishing(珍惜) what he has now.‎ ‎1. A. which B. that C. what D. how ‎2. A. clearly B. angrily C. luckily D. proudly ‎ ‎3. A. hundred B. hundreds of C. thousand D. thousands of ‎4. A. In B. On C. At D. From ‎5. A. pieces B. danger C. fire D. trouble ‎6. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ‎7. A. give B. ask C. ask for D. wait for ‎8. A. brought B. bought C. lent D. sent ‎9. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 ‎10. A. must B. need C. can D. should ‎(二)‎ Chris's parents were proud of him when he graduated from college. But after six months, he still didn't find a job. In fact, he had no idea 1 he wanted to do. He was living at home with his parents and things were becoming not good. His father thought of 2 as a lazy man who was afraid 3 the real world.‎ Chris thought his dad was unreasonable(不讲道理的). After all, he was young and he needed some space. During a recent argument, Chris said, "I'm not you, Dad. I have my own way 4 doing things. I want a job I enjoy." His dad said, "That's a nice idea, 5 anyway we call. it 'job' because it's about making a living, not 6 fun. "‎ There are many young people like Chris. They are having trouble getting started with a serious job and becoming 7. They just don’t want to grow up. They think when the time is right, everything will be all right.‎ ‎ 8 , it doesn’t work that way. Things happen and opportunities appear most often when we are moving, not standing still(静止).The 9. step is the hardest, but the key to 10. in anything is getting started.‎ ‎1. A. how B. what C. where D. why ‎2. A. he B. his C. it D. him ‎3. A. to enter B. entering C. entered D. enter ‎4. A. to B. with C. at D. of ‎5. A. however B. and C. but D. so ‎6. A. have B. to have C. having D. had ‎7. A. funny B. independent C. strange D. famous ‎8. A. Unluckily B. Luck C. Lucky D. Luckily ‎9. A. last B. first C. one D. only ‎10. A. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully ‎(三)‎ Many kids want to help keep the environment clean but don’t know where to start. 1 , even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here is how:[‎ u Don’t litter. Litter can 2 our water and that could do harm to us and to wildlife. ‎ u Recycle bottles, paper and plastic. This is a good 3 to develop and can really make a difference.‎ u ‎ 4 turn off lights and electronic devices(设备)when they are not being used. ‎ u Use your 5 or walk to nearby locations rather than riding in a car. Encourage your friends and family to 6 the same.‎ u Don’t throw your old clothes or toys away. Give 7 to a local charity(慈善组织)or a friend that may need them.‎ u ‎ 8 wasting plastic bags by bringing your own reusable cloth bags to stores.‎ u If you see litter, 9 .‎ u By following these tips and using them in your everyday life, you will make the world a 10 place. It’s never too late to start, and what better time is there than right now?‎ ‎1. A. At first B. In the end C. In fact D. As a result ‎2. A. pollute B. use C. clean D. waste ‎3. A. interest B. plan C. skill D. habit ‎4. A. Still B. Even C. Always D. Never ‎5. A. train B. plane C. car D. bike ‎6. A. do B. look C. say D. wear ‎7. A. it B. them C. this D. that ‎8. A. Keep B. Try C. Enjoy D. Avoid ‎9.A. look it up B. pick it up C. put it up D. fix it up ‎10. A. bigger B. greener C. more peaceful D. more modern ‎(四)‎ Once upon a time, the colors of the world argued.‎ Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of 1 and hope. I am the color of grass, trees and leaves. 2 me, all animals would die.” 3 said loudly. “What is ‎ the color of the sky and the sea? Isn’t water the most important thing for life?” Yellow laughed, “I bring laughter, happiness and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a 4 , they start to smile. Without me there would be no fun.” Orange said at the top of his voice, “I am the color of health and strength. Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges. When I fill the sky at 5 or sunset, everyone is 6 at my beauty.” Red could 7 it no longer, so he shouted, “I an the color of danger and bravery. I give people courage.”The colors went on 8 . Their voices became louder and louder. The thunder(雷)got angry and the 9 started to pour. When the colors began to cool, the rain said, “You foolish colors! Don’t you know that each of you is special? 10 hands and follow me.” They did what they were told and together made the most beautiful rainbow(彩虹)。‎ ‎1. A. hope B. happiness C. health D. life ‎2. A.Unlike B. Without C. Except D. Including ‎3. A. Green B. Yellow C. Blue D. ‎Orange ‎4. A. sunflower B. cloud C. star D. river ‎5. A.noon B. rainstorm C. evening D. sunrise ‎6. A. shocked B. terrified C. ashamed D. encouraged ‎7. A. hear B. enjoy C. stand D. receive ‎8. A. saying B.talking C. shouting D. arguing ‎9. A. snow B. wind C. rain D. storm ‎10. A. Take B. Join C. Connect D. Catch ‎(五)‎ ‎ I have spent years of my life travelling all over the world. When I arrive in a new country or city, usually I am 1 and go to bed. For this reason my first day or night in any 2 place is always quiet and very little happens.‎ ‎ But my first night in Algeciras was very different. This night was very 3 and unusual.‎ ‎ At that time Algeciras in Southern Spain was a dirty and badly looked-after city. I arrived late in the evening by boat. As soon as I got off the boat, I went to look for a 4 .I find a small one not far from the boat.‎ ‎ This hotel looked dirty and untidy from the outside. But l was very tired and did not know my 5 around the city of Algecras. And so I decided to stay in this small hotel on the quay(码头).I also decided to stay in this hotel for another 6 .The moon was full and it was a clear, bright night. From the hotel I could look down the sea. I could see the huge rock of Gibraltar in the bright moonlight.‎ ‎ The hotel had a narrow doorway and no name. When l went through this doorway, I had to climb up narrow and dark stairs to the first floor. I ‎7 a small cupboard with a desk in front of it. This was the hotel office.‎ ‎ An untidy and tired woman was sitting beside the desk. When I said I wanted a room for the night, she took me 8 some more stairs to a room on the second floor. Inside this room the landlord was sitting playing cards with some friends. He was 9 his game of cards and l was simply a nuisance(讨厌的人). He looked at me when the woman told him that l wanted a room. Then he said, Room Five, and 10 to his game of cards.‎ ‎( )1.A. frightened B. excited C. tired D. satisfied ‎( )2. A. old B. new C. famous D. unknown ‎( )3.A. interesting B. common C forgetful D. strange ‎( )4.A. guide B driver C hotel D. dinner ‎( )5. A. friend B. address C. home D. way ‎( )6. A. memory B. person C. reason D. sight-seeing ‎( )7.A. ran out of B picked up C painted D. came to ‎( )8.A over B. down C. up D. under ‎( )9. A. tired of B. enjoying C buying D. throwing ‎( )10.A. turned back B. began C took back D. finished ‎(六)‎ ‎ An old woman has two large pots(壶), one on each end of a pole(扁担).She carried the pole with the pots 1 her neck.‎ ‎ One of the pots had a crack(裂缝)in it while the other pot was perfect and always filled a full pot of water. At the end of the long 2 from the well(井) to the house, the cracked pot _ 3_ only half-full left.‎ ‎ For two years this happened daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was 4 .But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection.‎ ‎ One day, the cracked pot spoke to the woman by the well, "I am ashamed of myself because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your 5 ."‎ ‎ The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on 6 pot's side? That's because I have 7 known about your crack, so I planted flower seeds(籽)on your side of the path And every day when we walk back, you 8 them” She added, “For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the 9 you are, I would not have this beauty."‎ ‎ Each of us has our own cracks. But it's these 10 that make our lives together so interesting and meaningful.‎ ‎( )1.A cross B across C past D. through ‎( )2.A. travel B ride C walk D. trip ‎( )3.A. arrived B. got to C. reached D. meant ‎( )4.A proud B sad C happy D. worried ‎( )5.A. field B. side C. well D. house ‎( )6.A other B. the other C. another D. others ‎( )7.A. never B. ever C always D. often ‎( )8.A water B. see C. visit D. understand ‎( )9.A. road B side C. path D. way ‎( )10. A. decorations B. seeds C flowers D. cracks ‎(七)‎ ‎ Do you like reading stories? Maybe you will answer, “No, I am not a child any more!” Yes, children all over the world always love stories.‎ ‎ Chinese children are ___1___ in Monkey King’s story. It ___2___ a popular bedtime story in China for many years. In fact, adults also love the story a lot. For then, Monkey King has become a very ___3___ part in the memory of their childhood. The clever and humorous money ___4___ the hearts of many Chinese people. British boys and girls all know Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland well. As the name ___5___, it’s a story full of dangerous but exciting trips. Children ‎ laugh, cry and even get frightened with Alice together while reading the story. Most American kids have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by the famous writer, ___6___. Everyone likes the brave boy who also has lots of ___7___. Some scenes of the story may make your heart go faster, for Tom and his friends meet some very bad men and are usually ___8___. Of course in the end, they beat the bad ones.‎ ‎ You may also ask me ___9___ I like stories. Yes, I have liked them since I was very young. At that time, I often ___10___ all my pocket money on story books. For me, stories are much more delicious than chocolate! They help me learn a lot. So either young or old, let’s enjoy stories.‎ ‎1. A. bored B. interested C. worried D. surprised ‎2. A. can be B. was C. has been D. will be ‎3. A. unhappy B. comfortable C. forgettable D. unforgettable ‎4. A. beats B. wins C. hurts D. breaks ‎5. A. spells B. smells C. shows D. solves ‎6. A. Mark Twain B. Confucius C. William Shakespeare D. Charles Schulz ‎7. A. rules B. inventions C. ropes D. risks ‎8. A. in danger B. in peace C. in silence D. in excellent condition ‎9. A. that B. what C. why D. if ‎10. A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost ‎(八)‎ It was in autumn. A young woman was ill. She ‎1 in the hospital. There was a tree 2 her room. She saw the leaves fall down. Day after day, there were less and less leaves on the tree. The woman was very 3 . She didn’t want to eat or drink, and she didn’t want to talk. The doctor asked her to 4 and take a walk. She wouldn’t do that. She became worse day by day. One day she said, “When the last leaf falls down, I will die, 5 .”‎ An old artist knew that. He decided to help this woman. One night, all yellow 6 fell down. The artist painted a green and yellow leaf, then put it in the tree. The next morning, 7 the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf, she was filled with 8 . She wanted to be alive. She didn’t want to fall down like other leaves. From then on, she became 9 and lived a long time.‎ Don’t 10 your hope at anytime. ‎ ‎1. A. played B. stayed C. studied D. worked ‎2. A. outside B. inside C. from D. under ‎3. A. glad B. relaxed C. sad D. interested ‎4. A. fall asleep B. get ready C. hurry up D. get up ‎5. A. too B. also C. either D. neither ‎6. A. flowers B. plants C. leaves D. trees ‎ ‎7. A. if B. before C. until D. when ‎8. A. hope B. dream C. interest D. happiness ‎9. A. worse and worse B. better and better C. harder and harder D. thinner and thinner ‎10. A. give out B. give in C. give up D. give away ‎(九)‎ Mr. Smith gave his wife 10 pounds for her birthday—ten pretty new pound notes. The day after her birthday, Mrs. Smith went 1 . She waited for a bus, got on it and sat down next to ‎ an old 2 . After a while, she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was open. Inside it, she ‎3 a roll of pound notes exactly like the ones her husband had given her. She 4 looked into her own bag—the notes were gone! Mrs. Smith was 5 that the old lady had stolen them. She thought she should call the police. But she disliked getting other people into 6 , so she decided to take back the money from the old lady’s handbag and say 7 more about it. She 8 the bus to make sure nobody was watching. Then she carefully put her hand into the old lady’s 9 , took the notes, and put them in her own bag.‎ When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.‎ ‎“ 10 did you pay for it?” he asked.‎ ‎“With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course.” she replied.‎ ‎“Oh? What’s that, then?” he asked, as he pointed to a roll of ten pound notes on the table.‎ ‎1. A. swimming B. shopping C. fishing D. hiking ‎2. A. man B. farmer C. lady D. friend ‎3. A. saw B. took C. stole D. put ‎4. A. successfully B. safely C. hardly D. quickly ‎5. A. sure B. happy C. proud D. patient ‎6. A. danger B. safety C. trouble D. anger ‎7. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ‎8. A. looked upon B. looked at C. looked for D. looked around ‎9. A. hand B. bag C. pocket D. clothes ‎10. A. How B. Where C. What D. When ‎(十)‎ A teacher had been made very angry by some of his boys making a high sound during school hours. At last he was forced to 1 any one who should repeat the wrong act. The next morning, a loud sound was heard in the quiet room. The students were very much surprised, and the teacher at once looked around to 2 the person who had made a high nound.‎ When a boy who was often in bad act, was told he was wrong, he 3 said he hadn’t done it, yet his words were not believed, and he was brought up for punishment. Seeing what was about to take place, Charles, a little boy, got up suddenly from his 4 . “Don’t punish John, air. I made the high sound. I’m very sorry, I didn't mean to whistle.” He held out his hand to be punished. Taking the little boy’s 5 , the teacher said “ Charles, you have done right. I can't punish you after you 6 so nobly.” Even the youngest child in the school felt 7 of Charles, for every child could see how bravely he had acted.‎ Charles was truly a brave boy. He had done 8 he knew to be right. True courage may also be shown by 9 to do that which we know to be wrong, 10 bad people may laugh at us,‎ ‎1. A. punish B. praise C. fix D. hurt ‎2. A. hide B. discover C. pay D. wake ‎3. A. actively B. aloud C. strongly D. softly ‎4. A. bag B. board C. desk D. seat ‎5. A. hair B. arm C. finger D. hand ‎6. A. have given B. have run C. have acted D. have fallen ‎7. A. afraid B. proud C. sure D. careful ‎8. A. what B. which C. who D. when ‎9. A. refusing B. continuing C. dreaming D. wanting ‎10. A. but B. though C. after D. until ‎ ‎(十一)‎ ‎ Have you ever met this situation ?You have a ticket for an 1 film which you want to see very much,but unluckily,you will have to 2 for an examination tomorrow .what will you do ?To see the film or study for the exam tonight ?If you 3 seeing the film and work hard at your lesson,we will say, you have self-control.‎ ‎ Self-control is not 4 you have from birth.It needs cultivating(培养)in your life ‎ Sometimes you are attracted by One of the stories that are not very meaningful or useful to you .You must 5 your time well.You shouldn’t spend your time reading such kind ‎0f book Or you will feel 6 afterwards Do not go to bed late ‎7 a nice TV film,or you will go late to school the next morning . you 8 stay in bed too late at weekends either ,for it is a waste of valuable time. Every one of us has some 9 .A few of them might Keep us from ‎10 in life. Then we must use our self-control to become free of(消灭)them.‎ ‎ Remember ,as a student,it is surely necessary to cultivate strong self-control!‎ ‎ 1.A.amazed B.boring C.interesting D.wonderful ‎ 2.A.ask B.prepare C.go D.look ‎ 3.A.feel like B.worry about C.give up D.go on ‎ 4.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything ‎ 5.A.waste B.manage C.take D.change ‎ 6.A.sorry B.sick C.nervous D.happy ‎ 7.A.because B.instead of C.if D.because of ‎ 8.A.ought to B.had better not C.would rather D.may not ‎ 9.A.thoughts B.games C.suggestions D.habits ‎ 10.A.making progress B.making mistakes C.being happy D.showing on ‎(十二)‎ ‎ “A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”Sometimes in life,you find a special friend:‎ ‎ Someone who changes your 1 just by being part of it;‎ ‎ Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t 2 ;‎ ‎ Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world;‎ ‎ someone who convinces(使相信) you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to pen it.This is forever friendship.‎ ‎ When you′re 3 .and the world seems dark and empty,your forever friend lift you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and 4 .‎ ‎ Your forever friend gets you 5 the hard times and the sad times.If you turn and Walk ‎ away,your forever friend 6 .If you lose your way,your forever friend guides you, encourages You ,holds your 7 and tells you that everything is going to be OK.‎ And if you find such a friend,you feel happy,because you 8 not worry.You have a forever friend for life,and forever has no 9 .‎ ‎ A true friend is someone who gives you a hand and touches your heart.‎ ‎ Remember: 10 happens,happens for a reason(理由).‎ ‎ How many people have eight true friends in fact ?Hardly anyone I know.But some of US have all right friends and good friends.‎ ‎1.A.food B.time C.1ife D.work ‎2.A.think B.stop C.harm D.offer ‎3.A.high B.above C.across D.down ‎4.A.natural B.full C.funny D.proud ‎5.A.around B.below C.through D.beside ‎6.A.1eaves B.travels C.moves D.follows ‎7.A.head B.hand C.heart D.back ‎8.A.need B.must C.may D.have ‎9.A.job B.end C.top D.goal ‎10.A.however B.whoever C.whatever D.wherever ‎(十三)‎ ‎ "Two reporters will visit our new school. And some of you will be in the photo." Ms. Myers told Room 5. The kids were 1 and started doing their hair except Brad. He knew he wouldn't be in the photo.‎ Brad was small. Kids were always making jokes about how 2 he was. "They won't put Brad in or you'd need a magnifying glass(放大镜)to see him," Charlotte said. The other kids laughed. Brad 3 to smile, even though what Charlotte said was 4 . He believed they didn't mean to 5 him.‎ Two reporters named Rick and Tegan arrived half an hour later. "Time to take photos," Tegan said. "Who do you want, Rick?"‎ ‎ "I'll have these three girls and those three boys." Then he pointed to Jocob, Eddie, and Brad.‎ ‎ Brad could 6 believe it.‎ ‎ Rick set up the six kids in front of the new library's big painting. "It's big." he said. "We'll get you guys to kneel (跪) in front of it, 7 it looks even bigger."‎ ‎ "Is that why you picked Brad?" said one of the Room 5 kids. "So it looks really big?" Some people laughed. Brad also gave a 8 as he usually did.‎ ‎ But Rick shook his head. "No," he said. "I chose him because he's got a huge smile two miles wide."‎ ‎ He looked at Brad and said, "Plus, this guy is big inside, where it 9 . Right?" Hearing this, Brad spoke before he could think. "In my heart, I'm three miles wide." Room 5 laughed again. But Brad knew that they were laughing 10 him this time.‎ ‎1. A. nervous B. proud C. excited D. lucky ‎2. A. ugly B. short C. thin D. fat ‎3. A. had B. preferred C. tried D. turned ‎4.A. sad B. true C. funny D. mad ‎5. A. stop B. encourage C. punish D. hurt ‎6. A. exactly B. hardly C. certainly D. probably ‎7. A. if B. although C. so that D. because ‎8.A. smile B. reply C. look D. reason ‎9. A. happens B. hides C. appears D. matters ‎10.A. at B. with C. about D. to ‎(十四)‎ ‎ My family moved into our home nine years ago and we called the area in front of our house "rock garden" as it was full of rocks.‎ ‎ Last summer, I found a tiny little ‎1 in the yard but I didn't know its name. I knew I didn't plant it. We decided to let it continue growing until we could 2 what it was.‎ ‎ Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mysterious plant, it 3 to be a sunflower. I decided to treat it with care and remove the weeds(杂草) 4 it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something 5 .The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk(茎)began. It had begun under a big rock.‎ ‎ That's when I 6 that if a tiny little sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its 7 of developing, we also have the ability of doing the same thing. We need to believe in 8 knowing we have the abilities in 9 our aims. Like the sunflower, it was sure of the success.‎ ‎ Stand tall like the sunflower and be 10 of who and what you are and the environment will begin to support you. You will find a way to reach your desires.‎ ‎1.A. seed B. animal C. plant D. rock ‎2.A. watch out B. work out C. give out D. find out ‎3.A. seemed B. looked C. recorded D. reported ‎4.A. at B. of C. around D. out ‎5.A. unsure B. unusual C. unknown D. uncomfortable ‎6.A. require B. realize C. represent D. receive ‎7.A. place B. course C. way D. space ‎8.A. us B. ours C. our D. ourselves ‎9.A. finding B. achieving C. thinking D. controlling ‎10.A. aware B. fond C. careful D. proud ‎(十五)‎ ‎ For foreigners in China,food is n’t simply a meal.It's sometimes a 1 .I often fail to order the right food and use chopsticks 2 when I sit down in a restaurant.‎ ‎ Because not every dish has a picture on the menu,ordering food becomes a game.My father and I often 3 what kinds of vegetables or meat we’re eating.In one of our favourite ‎Sichuan restaurants,three waiters spent 15 minutes taking our order for 4 .I simply wanted water,but my father wanted to try one of the fresh juices listed on the menu.There were two 5 ,‎ however.There were neither pictures nor English on the menu.Finally,he just ordered a Coca Cola.‎ ‎ One of our most embarrassing experiences was at a famous restaurant.It was always 6 ,so we thought it might be a good one to visit.We had the most difficult time ordering our meal,since there were so many 7 .Luckily,the waiter in the restaurant was rather patient and finally 8 us.During the dinner,noodles slipped through my chopsticks onto the table lots of times.I tried to pick up a dumpling for my father,but I dropped it on his shorts.I looked 9 me and people were laughing about my chopstick skills.‎ ‎ No matter how difficult it is for us to understand the menu,the waiters are always very understanding of our 10 .They always give us good service,even when they realize they have to clean up the noodles that have slipped through my chopsticks.‎ ‎1.A.surprise B.challenge C.prize D.miss ‎2.A.quickly B.correctly C.8afely D.carelessly ‎3.A.explain B.report C.guess D.fear ‎4.A.drinks B.fruit C.vegetables D.salad ‎5.A.programmes B.directions C.instructions D.problems ‎6.A.noisy B.peaceful C.crowded D.empty ‎7.A.choices B.changes C.channels D.chances ‎8.A.reminded B.accepted C.mistook D.understood ‎9.A.through B.around C.after D.over ‎10.A.culture B.habit C.situation D.shame ‎(十六)‎ ‎ Everybody dreams.Some people think dreams can tell us about the future.Other people think dreams tell us about ourselves.It's like our 1 is talking to us.Why are dreams 2 strange and hard to understand? Some people think our brain uses 3 to talk to us.When we fly,swim,or fall down in our dreams,it has a 4 meaning.Lots of people help others 5 their dreams.They find that dreams tell us about our 6 and fears.www.szzx100.com ‎ These days,many scientists 7 that dreams are very important.During the day,we have many 8 ,and our brain receives a lot of information.When we dream,our brain 9 information that is not important,and puts the most important information into our 10 .As we learn more about the brain,we may find answers to our questions about dreams.www.szzx100.com ‎1.A.body B.spirit C.brain D.heart ‎2.A.never B.seldom C.ever D.often ‎3.A.symbols B.examples C.numbers D.sounds ‎4.A.special B.serious C.similar D.dangerous ‎5.A.finish B.forget C.understand D.continue ‎6.A.hopes B.rights C.positions D.abilities ‎7.A.reply B.believe C.doubt D.worry ‎ ‎8.A.experiences B.dreams C.mistakes D.inventions ‎9.A.passes on B.1ooks into C.throws away D.asks for ‎10.A.feelings B.stories C.1ives D.memories ‎(十七)‎ ‎ Good communication skills are key to success in life and work.Without effective(有效的) communication,a message can turn 1 misunderstanding or even disaster.‎ ‎ Communication is the process by which we exchange information between people.To communicate well is to understand and to be understood.Communication Can be 2 only when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information.‎ ‎ In today’s highly informational and technological environment,it has become more important to have good communication skills.Here are some important 3 to communicate effectively:‎ ‎ Know what you 4 to say and why.Understand 5 the purpose of your message.Know to whom you are communicating and why.www.szzx100.com ‎ How will you say it? We all know that it’s not always what you say, but how you say it, that 6 .Begin by making eye contact.You show confidence when you look at others in the eyes when you speak.Second,notice your body language, 7 it can say so much more than your words.By 8 with your arms easily at your side,you tell others that you are 9 to hearing what they have to say.www.szzx100.com ‎ Communication is a two-way street.After you have said 10 you have to say, stop and listen.It’s also necessary for you to learn some listening skills.‎ ‎1.A.against B.out C.into D.off ‎2.A.peaceful B.successful C.careful D.harmful ‎3.A.steps B.reasons C.causes D.gains ‎4.A.promise B.want C.offer D.refuse ‎5.A.simply B.highly C.quickly D.clearly ‎6.A.mentions B.matters C.means D.mistakes ‎7.A.while B.if C.since D.so ‎8.A.checking B.explaining C.recording D.standing ‎9.A.angry B.afraid C.nervous D.open ‎10.A.what B.why C.how D.who ‎(十八)‎ ‎ Right from childhood,my brothers began to play ice hockey(冰球)with me.They all ‎ 1 me to become an ice hockey player some day.My mom didn’t agree,and she 2__‎ me into the skating although I always had a strong hope for ice hockey.‎ ‎ Finally we reached an agreement that I became the referee(裁判)of ice hockey.Little did I know that I was beginning an activity that would 3 my character.At first I only worked with my brothers.Everyone was 4 and we got along quite well with each other.I soon realized that I needed to work with other people,and that’s when my experience changed.As I began dealing with more coaches who acted in unpleasant ways,all I wanted to do was to get through ‎ each game and then be able to 5 .without getting into trouble.Although as a referee I tried my best in every match,they sometimes shouted at me.That made me feel 6 ,but I decided not to let them drive me away.‎ I made the 7 to stand up for myself.I never answered rudely to the coaches,but I did not let them destroy my confidence any more.There were still a few situations that made me afraid.0nce I called a penalty(判罚)and the team ended up losing.I knew I had made the right call,even though I was 8 when I saw that team’s fans waiting for me at my room. I stood my ground and overcame my fears(克服恐惧).‎ ‎ I’ve been a referee for six years,but I 9 can’t say it’s easy.Every game 10 me something new and I never know what to expect.Now I have enough preparation to deal with the unexpected.These are the little lessons that I'm thankful to have learned as a woman referee ‎1.A.invited B.expected C.ordered D.allowed ‎2.A.pushed B.knocked C.divided D.joined ‎3.A.match B.bring C.discover D.influence ‎4.A.lively B.clever C.friendly D.funny ‎5.A.train B.refuse C.work D.leave ‎6.A.tired B.strong C.sad D.surprised ‎7.A.decision B.chance C.progress D·report ‎8.A.angry B.afraid C.sorry D·serious ‎9.A.yet B.even C.already D.still ‎10.A.hands B.protects C.corrects D.follows ‎(十九)‎ ‎ When I was at university, I studied very hard. But a lot of my friends did___1___ work. Some of them did just enough to ___2___. Others didn’t do quite enough. Fred Baines was one of them. He spent more time drinking in the Students’ Cafe than working ___3___.‎ ‎ Once at the end of the term, we had to take an important exam in chemistry, which had ___4___ questions. Beside each question we had to write “Wrong” or “Right”. While I was studying in my room the night before the exam, Fred was watching TV. He usually ___5___ the night before an exam, but on the night he looked very relaxed. Then he told me of his plan. www.szzx100.com ‎ “It’s very simple. There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the exam. I’ll take ___6___ into the classroom. I haven’t studied a ___7___ book for months, so I’ll just toss the coin. I’m sure I’ll get half the questions right in this way.”‎ ‎ The next day, Fred came happily into the classroom. He sat tossing a coin for half an hour when he wrote down his answers. ___8___ he left, half an hour before us. www.szzx100.co ‎ Two days later, he saw the chemistry teacher in his office. He asked, “Have you got the ___9___ of the exam? What score did I get?” www.szzx100.com ‎ The teacher looked at him and smiled, “Ah, it’s you, Fred. Just a minute.” He reached into his pocket and took out a coin, threw it into the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it.‎ ‎ “I’m terribly sorry, Fred,” he said, “You ___10___.”‎ ‎ 1. A. very little B. very much C. the same D. quite different ‎ 2. A. make money B. stop drinking C. pass exams D. win prizes ‎ 3. A. in the factory B. in the library C. on the farm D. on the playground ‎ 4. A. a hundred B. fifty C. easy D. difficult ‎ 5. A. watched TV B. studied very hard C. had a plan D. worried a lot ‎ 6. A. a coin B. an exam C. a book D. a friend ‎ 7. A. guide B. chemistry C. teachers’ D. students’‎ ‎ 8. A. So B. But C. When D. Then ‎ 9. A. results B. reports C. answers D. questions ‎ 10. A. were successful B. were clever C. got lost D. failed ‎(二十)‎ We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be kind to other people. It is also right to look after the environment. Some things are 1 wrong, too. For instance, we should not hurt or bully others, nor should we litter. Rules often tell us what is right or wrong.‎ Rules can help the public make the right 2 , and remain safe. Car drivers have to obey traffic regulations that tell them the right things to do on the road to avoid crashes. Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent 3 .‎ If people follow rules without taking other matters into consideration, it will be 4 for them to form what is sometimes called a “black and white” view. For example, they may believe that people should always tell the truth, and that lying is 5 acceptable. Such people always stick to their views, even if it means that they may get into trouble.‎ Sometimes it may not be so easy to know 6 what is right or wrong. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is cruel to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and 7 be kind to animals; some insist that stealing is always wrong, but others think that one does not need to feel 8 when stealing some food to eat, if lives in a really poor area and he is starving. Rules help us live together in harmony, because they show us the right way to _ 9 others. However, some people argue that rules may be confusing, having observed that rules change all the time, and that some schools have some regulations and other have different ones --- so who is to _10__ what is right?‎ ‎1. A. equally B. slightly C. clearly D. increasingly ‎2. A. suggestion B. conclusions C. turns D. choices ‎3. A. accidents B. mistakes C. falls D. deaths ‎4. A. interesting B. vital C. easy D. valuable ‎5. A. seldom B. rarely C. merely D. never ‎6. A. roughly B. exactly C. deliberately D. eventually ‎7. A. still B. even C. later D. somehow ‎8. A. nervous B. anxious C. afraid D. guilty ‎9. A. follow B. instruct C. treat D. protect ‎10. A. predict B. decide C. discover D. consider ‎(二十一)‎ ‎ A boy was sent by his parents to a boarding (寄宿) schoo1.Before being sent away,this boy was the 1 student in his class.He was at the top in every competition.But the boy 2_ after he attended the boarding schoo1.His grades (成绩) started dropping.He hated being in a group.He was 3 all the time.And sometimes he even felt like killing himself.All of this was because he felt no one 4__ him.‎ ‎ His parents started worrying about the boy.So his 5 decided to travel to the school and talk with him.His dad said,“Do you know 6 I am here today,son?”‎ ‎ The boy answered back,“To check my grades.”‎ ‎ “No,no,”his dad replied,I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for me.I want to see you happy.I care about _7 .I care about your happiness.You are my life.‎ ‎ These words caused the boy’s eyes to fill 8_ tears.He hugged (拥抱) his dad.They didn’t say 9 to each other for a long time.‎ ‎ Now the boy knew there was someone on this Earth who cared for him 10 .And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him sad !‎ ‎1.A.healthiest B.nicest C.1oneliest D.cleverest ‎2.A.regretted B.died C.arrived D.changed ‎3.A.worried B.1onely C.careless D.busy ‎4.A.1oved B.hated C.believed D.told ‎5.A.mother B.father C.teacher D.brother ‎6.A.why B.what C.how D.where ‎7.A.it B.you C.myself D.us ‎8.A.of B.about C.in D.with ‎9.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything ‎10.A.deeply B.friendly C.heavily D.widely ‎(二十二)‎ ‎ In Britain,people have different attitudes to the police.Most people generally appreciate (欣赏) them and the job they do—although there are some people who do not believe that the police 1 have the power that they do.www.szzx100.com ‎ What does a policeman do in fact? It is not 2 job to describe.After all,a policeman has a number of jobs in one.A policeman often has to control traffic,either on foot in the centre of a town,or in a police car on the roads.Indeed,in Britain,he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all,or a lot of, his time driving up and down main roads and motorways.A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving,stop 3 motorists and help when there is an accident.‎ ‎ A policeman has to help keep the peace,too.If there is a fight or some other disturbance (动乱),we 4 the police to come and keep order.And they often have to 5 the situation at great risk to their own 6 .‎ ‎ We expect the police to solve crimes,of course,so an ordinary (普通) policeman,even if he is not a detective,will often have to help 7 and arrest criminals.And 8 do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a 9__,a road accident,or a robbery? We call the police。So a policeman has to be 10 to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the modem world.www.szzx100.com ‎ The police do a necessary job,and they do it very well and I support them,but I do not envy policemen.I do not think that I could ever do the job of a policeman.‎ ‎ 1.A.should B.would C.could D.must ‎ 2.A.a funny B.a pleasant C.an interesting D.an easy ‎ 3.A.resting B.tired C.speeding D.drinking ‎ 4.A.wait for B.believe C.think of D.expect ‎ 5.A.turn to B.stop C.deal with D.treat ‎ 6.A.safety B.families C.future D.friends ‎ 7.A.remove B.question C.1ook for D.sentence ‎ 8.A.how B.where C.what D.who ‎ 9.A.power failure B.fire C.thunder storm D.thief ‎ 10.A.provided B.promised C.prepared D.presented ‎(二十三)‎ ‎ I ran into a stranger as he passed by. "Oh, excuse me please" was my reply. He said," Please excuse me too.1 wasn't even watching for you."‎ ‎ We were very 1 ,this stranger and I. We went on our way and said goodbye.‎ ‎ But at home 2 story is told-how we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later that day, cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked her down. "Move out of the way," I shouted at her. My daughter walked away, her little heart broken. I didn't realize how rudely I had spoken.‎ ‎ While l was ‎3 in bed. God's small voice came to me and said, "When dealing with a 4 ,common manners you use, but the children you love, you seem to be rude. Look on the kitchen floor, and you will find some 5 there by the door. Those are the flowers your daughter brought for you. She picked them herself, pink, yellow and blue. Your daughter stood 6 not to spoil(毁坏)the surprise, and you never saw the tears in her eyes."‎ ‎ By this time, I felt very small, and now my 7 began to fall. I quietly went and knelt(跪下) by her bed; "Wake up, my little baby, wake up," I said.‎ ‎ "Are these the flowers you 8 for me?" My daughter smiled, "I found them out by the tree. I picked them 9 they are pretty like you. I knew you would like them, especially the blue."‎ ‎ I said, "Daughter, I am sorry for the way I acted today: I should not have shouted at you that way." My daughter said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway."‎ ‎ I said, "Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the 10 ."‎ ‎1. A. happy B. angry C. polite D. selfish ‎2. A. same B. different C. funny D. exciting ‎3. A. awake B. asleep C. alive D. afraid ‎4. A. friend B. classmate C. enemy D. stranger ‎5. A. newspapers B. books C. flowers D. sweets ‎6. A. excitedly B. quietly C. sadly D. angrily ‎7. A. surprises B. flowers C. tears D. knees ‎8. A. picked B. took C. bought D. gave ‎9. A. until B. if C. unless D. because ‎10. A. pink B. blue C. red D. yellow ‎(二十四)‎ Sometimes we have a fight with a friend. Many times, you find that you even forgot what the l was about. You just seemed to be angry, and then 2 talking to each other. Time goes by and you realized that you had 3 the friendship, and wished you could talk to your friend again.‎ ‎ Leaving the argument alone, and avoiding 4 . If you talk right after the fight, many things are said out of anger. However, do not wait too 5 . Too long time may make the ‎ relationship more difficult to make up. So 6 the fight calms down, make sure you talk to the person before it's too late. After you do that, sit down and say you're 7 if you are the one who caused the fight.‎ ‎ Maybe your friend could be at fault(过错)! If you're not sure, review the events that led up to the fight. If your 8 is wrong, don't apologize(道歉). You probably didn't do anything wrong! So give your friend the 9 shoulder. Wait until they say they are sorry! And if they don't apologize, they're not worth your 10 ! You can spend the time with other friends.‎ ‎1. A. meeting B. story C. fight D. advice ‎2. A. stop B. begin C. prefer D. like ‎3. A. had B. hated C. lost D. built ‎4. A. talking B. playing C. listening D. studying ‎5. A. short B. long C. early D. far ‎6. A. before B. until C. while D. after ‎7. A. right B. happy C. sorry D. excited ‎8. A. friend B. teacher C. sister D. brother ‎9. A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold ‎10. A. money B. time C. anger D. stress ‎(二十五)‎ When we talk about the instant messaging tool, which will be the first one to jump into your mind?16 your answer is QQ or MSN, I must say you’re a bit old fashioned. Today, WeChat is becoming the 17 popular text and voice messaging tool all over the world. It has 18 700 million registered(注册的) users all over the world so far. It has a Chinese name Wexin. It is necessary for the young people in China to have the communication 19. Actually, it’s also a new product from Tencent (腾讯), so we can 20 it QQ’s little brother. You can log in (登陆)to WeChat with your phone number, and chat with your family or friends in a new way by 21 your phone no matter when and where you are. But you don’t need to worry about other things, such as basic fees. It won’t 22 extra money to make conversations. You can only need three steps to finish calling others through 23 . Someone thinks the sound in the phone is not clear because there is some ‎24 in it. Yes, a little. And it is not very safe for the users. So you should pay attention to your 25 information and not share it with others.‎ ‎16. A. Although B. Unless C. If D. Because ‎17. A. very B. rather C. more D. most ‎18. A. seen B. had C. lost D. found ‎19. A. toy B. instrument C. tool D. term ‎20. A. call B. say C. tell D. talk ‎ ‎21. A. selling B. buying C. getting D. using ‎22. A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay ‎23. A. TV B. WeChat C. computer D. radio ‎24. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. smell ‎25. A. correct B. favourite C. public D. personal ‎ 参考答案 ‎(一)CDABA DCABC ‎(二)BDADC CBABA ‎(三)CADCD ABDBB ‎(四)DBCAD ACDCB ‎(五)CBDCD CDCBA ‎(六)BCAAD BC ADD ‎(七)BCDBC ADADC ‎(八)BACDA CDABC ‎(九)BCADC CCDBA ‎(十)BCDD CBAAB ‎(十一)CBCAB ADBDA ‎(十二)CBDBC DBABC ‎(十三)CBCAD BCADB ‎(十四)CDACB BCDBD ‎(十五)BBCAD CADBC ‎(十六)CDAAC ABACD ‎(十七)CBABD BCDDA ‎(十八)BADCD CABDA ‎(十九)ACBAD ABDAD ‎(二十)CDACD BADCB ‎(二十一)DDBAB ABDAA ‎(二十二)ADCDC ACDBC ‎(二十三)CBADC BCADB ‎(二十四)CACAB DCADB ‎(二十五)CDBCA DABCD

