三年级下册英语 复习重点

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三年级下册英语 复习重点

冀教版三年级英语下册复习重点 ‎ ‎ Unit 1 Animals on the Farm ‎1. What’s this? It’s a sheep.‎ 单词:farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep ‎ 2. Is it/this/that a duck? ‎ ‎ Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s a chicken.‎ 单词:cat, dog, chicken, duck ‎3. What animals can swim/fly?‎ ‎ Fish can swim / birds can fly.‎ 4. Can you dance / sing? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.‎ 5. Can a horse run / fly? Yes, it can. / No, it can’t.‎ ‎ 单词:fish, bird, horse, rabbit swim, fly, run, jump, dance, sing 6. Where is it? / Where is the rabbit?‎ ‎ It’s on / in / under the box / desk.‎ ‎7. What’s in the box? An animal. (a, e, i, o, u)‎ Story time:‎ • Help!‎ • What happen? ‎ • I’m stuck.‎ • Can I help (you)?‎ • Yes, please.‎ • Pull! Pull!‎ • Ouch! My ears!‎ • I’m out! Thank you!‎ • You’re welcome. We’re friends.‎ Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo • • The elephant is big • The bird is small • The panda is fat • The Monkey is thin.‎ 单词:elephant, panda, monkey, tiger, wolf, bear, snake big, small, fat, thin, long, short banana, meat • How many monkeys are there?‎ • There are ten monkeys. / there is one …‎ • One, two, three, four, five • Six, seven, eight, nine, ten • Where does a fish live?‎ • In a forest/river/ tree • Monkeys eat bananas.‎ • Tigers eat meat.‎ • Cats eat fish.‎ • Cows eat grass.‎ 名词复数:(1) + s (2) s, x, ch, sh: +es (3) 同形:meat, fish, grass, sheep Story time:‎ • Please help me!‎ • Pull me out!‎ • You will eat me. ‎ • I will not eat you.‎ • I’m out. Now I’ll eat you.‎ • What happened?‎ • I helped the wolf. ‎ • But now he wants to eat me..‎ • Do it again!‎ • No! He is a bad wolf. ‎ • Oh, I see.‎ Unit 3 Food and Meals • I’m hungry! I want to eat.‎ • I’m thirsty! I want to drink.‎ • Let’s eat! This juice is good!‎ • Are you hungry? Yes, I am.‎ • Would you like some soup?‎ • Yes, please. / No, thanks 单词:table, food, eat, drink, noodles, dumplings, soup, rice chicken(鸡肉), fish, fruit, vegetables milk, egg, bread • I like chicken, I don’t like fish.‎ • I like fruit, I don’t like vegetables.‎ • What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is noodles.‎ • Good morning / afternoon / evening / night!‎ • In the morning / afternoon / evening • I go to school • I have breakfast / lunch / dinner • I read a book • I like noodles for breakfast.‎ • Milk and bread • put your hands on your head / legs / eyes Story time:‎ • There is no food for dinner.‎ • I have a... /we have …‎ • It makes soup.‎ • Let’s have a look.‎ • The soup is ready. Let’s eat!‎ • I like it.‎ • There is no magic stone.‎ • You are the magic.‎ Unit 4 Food and Restaurants • I like watermelon. What do you like? I like oranges.‎ • What would you like? I’d like a hamburger and some juice, please.‎ ‎ ( I’d like=I would like ) That’s what I’d like.‎ 单词: apple, pear, orange, watermelon, hamburger,‎ hot dog, donut, ice cream, tea, water • Donut! My favourite!‎ • May I have one / a… / some…‎ • Sure.‎ • sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty • How much for one donut?‎ • How much is a hot dog? 5 yuan.‎ • I’ll take twelve, please • I’ll take six, please • Do you have any apples? Yes.‎ • How much are they? Two yuan.‎ • How much are the oranges? One yuan.‎ Story time:‎ • I’m hungry. Me too.‎ • ‎….I’ll get some fruit for you.‎ • Hooray!‎ • The apples look good! ‎ • I’ll get some.‎ • I’ll get a big one.‎ • Time for dinner.‎ ‎ ‎ How much is this (pencil) ? One yuan.‎ 故事串讲 Story1:‎ Liming: What’s this? Is it a chicken?‎ Jenny: No, it isn’t, it’s a duck.‎ Liming: Can a duck fly?‎ Jenny: No, it can’t, a bird can fly. But ducks can swim.‎ Liming: What animals can run?‎ Jenny: Horse can run.‎ Liming: I can’t run fast, but I can dance and sing.‎ Story2:‎ Liming: Hi, Jenny, what happened?‎ Jenny: I can’t find my dog? Where is it?‎ Liming: Is it on the box?‎ Jenny: No, it isn’t.‎ Liming: Is it under the desk?‎ Jenny: No, it’s not under the desk.‎ Liming: Is it in the box?‎ Jenny: Yes, it is. Thank you, Liming.‎ Liming: You’re welcome. We’re friends.‎ Story3:‎ Jenny: Hi, Liming, how many animals are there?‎ Liming: There are ten animals. ‎ ‎ There are four elephants, they are big.‎ ‎ There are three birds, they are small.‎ ‎ There are two monkeys, they’re thin.‎ ‎ There is one panda, it’s fat.‎ Jenny: Where does a tiger live?‎ Liming: In a forest. Tigers eat meat.‎ Jenny: Yes, and monkeys eat bananas.‎ Liming: I’m hungry now, I want to eat bananas.‎ Jenny: I’ll get you some. Are you thirsty?‎ Liming: Yes, I am.‎ Jenny: Would you like some juice?‎ Liming: No, just water, thanks.‎ Jenny: What’s your favourite food?‎ Liming: My favourite food is noodles.‎ Jenny: I don’t like noodles, I like dumplings. Dumplings are good for ‎ me Story4:‎ Liming: Hi, Jenny, there is no food for dinner.‎ Jenny: Let’s buy some food in the afternoon.‎ Assistant: What would you like?‎ Jenny: I’d like a hamburger and some juice, please.‎ Liming: How much for one donut? (How much is it?)‎ Assistant: Five yuan.‎ Liming: I’ll take twelve, please.‎ Liming: I like watermelon, what do you like?‎ Jenny: I like oranges.‎ Liming: Let’s buy some.‎ Jenny: No problem, we also need some milk and bread.‎ Liming: I’ll get them for you.‎ 说明:‎ 四个简短对话,几乎包括了课文中所有的句型。‎ 孩子们需要做的是,背过四个对话,在背过单词的基础上灵活套用。‎

