pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第4课时课件

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pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第4课时课件

PEP·六年级下册 Part B Let’s learn & Look and say Play a game Rules: I say one activity I did in my trip. Then a student repeats the activity and add one more activity he/ she did during the trip. The winner will get a gift box with the word cards of this lesson. Let’s go. A: I went swimming. B: A went swimming. I rode a horse. C: A went swimming. B rode a horse. I went camping. ... For example Let's learn Wu Yifan’s holiday How was Wu Yifan’s summer holiday? Let’s watch. How was your summer holiday, Yifan? It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. Amy: Wu Yifan: Let's learn ate fresh food eat ate What did Wu Yifan do? He ate fresh food. eɪt What fresh food did Wu Yifan eat? He ate ________. Can you think of more fresh food? Let's learn What did Wu Yifan do? He went swimming. went swimming go went What’s she doing? She’s taking pictures. took pictures Let's learn What did Wu Yifan do? He took pictures. take took gift 礼物 Let's learn What did Wu Yifan do? He bought gifts. buy bought bought gifts One takes out one word card from the gift box and reads it, the others do the right action. took pictures ate fresh food bought gifts went swimming Guess: What did he do? Challenge time What did he do? He went swimming. No, he didn’t. He bought gifts. No, he didn’t. ... Last summer holiday, Andy ate ________ He took pictures of __________ He went _________ He bought ________ Look and say Look and say Last summer holiday, Andy ate _______________ He took pictures of ________ He went _________________ He bought __________________ lots of fresh food. the food. swimming in the sea. gifts for his friends. Ask and answer How much is this? Sorry, you can't buy him. He's my friend! Oops! He wanted to buy Robin. But Robin is not for sale. Make a dialogue to describe Andy’s holiday. A: What did Andy do last summer holiday? B: He ate fresh food. A: What did he eat? B: He ate ... A: What did he ... ... Danny and the dinosaur go to camp Danny went to camp for the summer. He took along his friend the dinosaur. “Camp is fun. You will enjoy it,” said Danny. “Thanks. I needed a vacation,” said the dinosaur. “Welcome,” said the camp owner. “You’re the first dinosaur we ever had here.” Lana the leader said, “Let’s start with a race. On your mark, get set, go!” The dinosaur took a step. “You win!” shouted Danny. The children played football. The dinosaur ran with the ball, and nobody could stop him. “Touchdown!” shouted Danny. Lana took everybody to the lake. “Here is where we row our boats,” she said. The children rowed little boats. Danny rowed the dinosaur. It was time for lunch. “Please pass the ketchup,” said Danny. “Of course, just as soon as I finish this bottle,” said the dinosaur. After lunch, everybody wrote letters home. “Please send me my own ketchup,” Danny wrote. “Send me a pizza,” wrote the dinosaur. “Now let’s go on a hike,” said Lana, and everybody followed her. Then Danny got tired and climbed on the dinosaur. “Wait for us! We’re tired too!” shouted the children. “Hold tight,” said the dinosaur. The dinosaur even carried Lana! It got dark. Everybody sat around the campfire. Lana gave out toasted marshmallows. “Here, have all you want,” she said. “Thanks, but I don’t have room for more,” said Danny. “I have room,” said the dinosaur. It was time for bed. “I can’t wait to get under the covers,” said Danny. “Me too,” said the dinosaur. But the dinosaur’s bunk was too small for him. He took a pillow and went outside. “Wake me up for breakfast,” said the dinosaur, and he fell asleep on the ground. “Good night,” Danny said. Blackboard design Unit 3 Where did you go? Wu Yifan’s summer holiday went swimming took pictures bought gifts ate fresh food How was your summer / ... holiday? It was good/ ...

