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‎2020届一轮复习外研版必修3 Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China单元作业 Ⅰ.完形填空 When I was six years old, we lived in Oklahoma City. We always kept the doors of our house __1__ at night. To get out of the back door, Daddy had a special key.‎ One night, I was __2__ suddenly by the sound of thunder and lightning and a terrible __3__. I rushed down the hall toward my parents' room, feeling __4__, but I was stopped by thick smoke and big __5__ coming from the living room. Our house had been __6__ by lightning. I had to get out, but __7__? Because of the fire, I couldn't __8__ the front door and I didn't have the key to the back door. So I was __9__.‎ Then I was __10__ when in darkness I felt Daddy's warm hand __11__ me down the hall and out the back door to our backyard. __12__ I stood in the pouring rain, his hand __13__ mine and he was gone immediately. Frightened, I __14__ to the house. There was my mother calling my name. She ran out to me, and together we stood in the backyard __15__ — waiting for Daddy to bring out my sister. Just at that moment we heard, “We're __16__!” It was Daddy's voice. He, sighing with __17__, held my threeyearold sister Amy in his arms. Although Daddy got __18__ in the fire, he tried his best to save all of us out of the house.‎ That was twelve years ago, and all these years I've never forgotten the __19__ of the hand that led me then, and leads me now, through the __20__.‎ 语篇解读:‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了自己儿时家里突遭雷电袭击,房屋起火后,父亲在黑暗中勇敢地救出家人的经历。‎ ‎1.A.opened         B.closed C.locked D.painted 解析:选C 根据下文的“To get out of the back door, Daddy had a special key.”可知,作者家晚上总是锁上(locked)门。‎ ‎2.A.awoken B.shocked C.interrupted D.accompanied 解析:选A 一天夜里,作者突然被雷电声和可怕的倾盆大雨惊醒了。awake“使醒来”,符合语境。shock“使震惊”;interrupt“打扰,打断”;accompany“陪伴”。‎ ‎3.A.fire B.explosion C.downpour D.tap 解析:选C 根据第三段中的“I stood in the pouring rain”可知,downpour“倾盆大雨”符合语境。‎ ‎4.A.puzzled B.scared C.urgent D.desperate 解析:选B 在电闪雷鸣、大雨倾盆的晚上,作者肯定是感到很害怕(scared)才跑向父母的房间的。puzzled“困惑的”;urgent“紧急的,迫切的”;desperate“绝望的,不顾一切的”。‎ ‎5.A.noise B.lightning C.stones D.flames 解析:选D 根据下文的“Because of the fire”可知,此处指但是作者被浓烟和窜高的火焰(flames)阻挡住了脚步。‎ ‎6.A.occupied B.beaten C.destroyed D.struck 解析:选D 根据下文中的“the fire”可知,作者家被闪电击中(struck)了,所以才着火了。occupy“占据,占领”;beat“击打”;destroy“摧毁,毁坏”。‎ ‎7.A.how B.why C.what D.where 解析:选A 下文提到作者无法从前门或后门出去,故此处指作者不得不出去,但是怎么(how)出去呢?‎ ‎8.A.alarm B.break C.reach D.answer 解析:选C 因为火,作者不能到达(reach)前门。alarm“给(门等)安装警报器”;break“打破”。‎ ‎9.A.in confusion B.in panic C.in danger D.in doubt 解析:选B 因为没有办法逃出房子,所以作者处于惶恐之中(in panic)。in confusion“困惑”;in danger“处于危险中”;in doubt“怀疑”。‎ ‎10.A.comforted B.prevented C.seized D.rescued 解析:选D 这时,当作者在黑暗中感觉到父亲温暖的手拖着他穿过门厅、走过后门、到达后院时,作者获救(rescued)了。comfort“安慰”;prevent“阻止”;seize“抓住”。‎ ‎11.A.instructing B.dragging C.holding D.pushing 解析:选B 紧急情况中,作者肯定是被父亲拖(dragging)着走的。instruct“指导”;hold“握住,夹着,托住”;push“推”。‎ ‎12.A.As B.If C.Though D.Since 解析:选A 当作者站在瓢泼大雨中(即从屋内逃了出来)时,父亲的手放开了作者的手。此处应用As引导时间状语从句。‎ ‎13.A.let go of B.took hold of C.got rid of D.put up with 解析:选A 参见上题解析。let go of“放开”;take hold of“抓住”;get rid of“摆脱”;put up with“忍受”。‎ ‎14.A.headed B.rushed C.turned my back D.set my mind 解析:选C 因为害怕,作者转过身背对着房子。turn one's back to“转身背对”,符合语境。head to“走向”;rush to“冲向”;set one's mind to“下决心做”。‎ ‎15.A.quietly B.breathlessly C.hopelessly D.anxiously 解析:选D 根据下文的“waiting for Daddy to bring out my sister”可知,作者和妈妈都焦急地(anxiously)站在后院里,等待父亲把作者的妹妹救出来。‎ ‎16.A.back B.safe C.tired D.lucky 解析:选B 根据下文的“he tried his best to save all of us out of the house”和常识可知,作者的父亲说的应是“我们安全(safe)了”。‎ ‎17.A.regret B.emotion C.excitement D.relief 解析:选D 父亲抱着作者三岁的妹妹,松了口气。relief“‎ 宽慰,轻松”,符合语境。regret“后悔”;emotion“情感”;excitement“兴奋”。‎ ‎18.A.burned B.caught C.stuck D.disturbed 解析:选A 父亲从着火的房子里出来,肯定是被烧伤(burned)了。‎ ‎19.A.strength B.roughness C.warmth D.firmness 解析:选C 根据第三段第一句中的“I felt Daddy's warm hand”可知,十二年了,作者从未忘记过父亲手的温暖(warmth)在那时引导着他,现在也引导着他穿过黑暗(dark)。strength“力量”;roughness“粗糙”;firmness“坚定”。‎ ‎20.A.cold B.dark C.future D.misfortune 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 Many people think the more time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole day __1__ (finish) schoolwork except the three meals. According to a survey __2__ (carry) out recently, many high school students now have no more than 7 hours to sleep. Consequently, their health is seriously damaged.‎ Modern students usually have __3__ (various) of interests and hobbies. A twoday weekend can free them __4__ too much schoolwork, and they can do whatever they like. But the fact is __5__ teachers arrange lots of homework for students to do at weekends. With piles of homework __6__ (do), the students cannot afford time to enjoy themselves. Many students are bored with their weekend homework and ‎ do it carelessly, __7__, of course, makes teachers angry.‎ Things always get worse without right ideas. Too much schoolwork makes students lose interest in learning. It's also bad for their health.‎ A horse runs faster after a rest. But for students only rest is not enough. They are __8__ (heavy) burdened with too much homework. It is high time we __9__ (take) effective measures to remove the burden upon them.‎ Please give students __10__ (little) homework and leave them more free time.‎ 语篇解读:现在,许多高中生除了三餐外都在抓紧时间学习;然而太多的作业让他们失去了学习兴趣,甚至危害到他们的健康。本文作者倡导学生应该劳逸结合,注重学习效率。‎ ‎1.finishing spend ...(in) doing sth.表示“某人花时间或精力做某事”。‎ ‎2.carried 提示词carry所表示的动作与a survey之间是被动关系,故填过去分词。过去分词短语carried out recently作后置定语,修饰a survey。‎ ‎3.varieties varieties of ...为固定搭配,意为“各种各样的……”。‎ ‎4.from free sb. from ...是固定搭配,意为“把某人从……中解放出来”。‎ ‎5.that 分析本句句子结构可知,此处需用that引导表语从句,在从句中只起连接作用,不充当任何成分。‎ ‎6.to do with sth. to do表示“有某事需要去做”。‎ ‎7.which 此处需要关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句的内容,并在从句中作主语。‎ ‎8.heavily 此处需填提示词的副词形式修饰谓语。‎ ‎9.took It is high time (that) sb. did sth.意为“该是某人做某事的时候了”,从句用一般过去时表虚拟语气。‎ ‎10.less 与本空后more free time对应,应填提示词的比较级形式。‎

