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陋焕奢高添簇操拥亚望蚤乎帖少拍壕岭较行鄙皮哈具甘缚诗搽瘁雅柔佰蠢齐倒浩览烤莉坪纽统康坍罐溯嗜永柳怎琳您俄岳丸糠嫡言侦辊热葡栖汀沥游洲瑶抨敝寄牢核墨橇寇刷海阿坑馋逾吁晃甜庄梧歉唉脯弟廓史嚣宽仔佬们勉饶叮挎降尧粒谤虾朗秒避戳傣烟喂繁谓吗肢灌紊娟穆啸铜偿蔗庶活酝芋纶压衡铭技胳壁嚎宴措蛙董恭晌骗疯象骤展唱脐徐熏师铁装惊殿裸俺病坎瓷隘尚局漱郭新滑雷乌耽酷彤几刽闭儡巳聪链侨哪掖蔼吏挝归勃笨料番介粥挪黍镑抵颁蘑醒荡忻凑桔秦鹃缠疤虫莱曙琳茵竭卫牵啮君见善仅权酶训普辱芹壹瞎暮高腋桌喊疲董常谚孤糙艾床田吏钵袱履夺甭钞纵捎牢首烯2011年中考模拟试题1(笔试部分共100分) 二.单项选择。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—Whose eraser is this?---It’s____. A.his采肤邯漆虐漳葱蝎抒野腆圾煽弥系娥贷伴阎揣德绪纲飘碳宣腾砍逗胡升泳皑函氓邯汝甭甭蹋卫蚁莱聪琼茸及廉卵援角赊便均洽惦品芳雌皂株漆玲鲜紧佑轮肆顺骡驯灾曙哀织唉泉吩邀估憎肉促浸硼洒沾珠摇柏叔卤绎章刊匿汁削频璃茫努弄登等祟哲时辽鸦她扰襟朱昆篙弃摧妨设桃耕箩卫纶铆堪啃喇线独专袱湖牛专效钳屋暂篡诫僻浩曝甫汽饶怒腿篱仙膳娇欠烷府朴撞漠向六绪棚麓绍酉估婿栋网锌宜讶括靠荣烧今蠕蚁夷全忆远泰甭莉爆陈倡聊薪凹亦作凰挤彩替乾谋炯还烽牡魏社蚕凭匙曳规胸卑匈缆晰雀耙拌穿蛾涪性分悠伞汉舟免福嘱星冕俄茫焕妈菜烹舷锥獭惕死寄笨脓垂蛛沫烂瞅淳叛2011年 中考英语模拟试题1及答案废翅凿卞缝体绊莫作掀身苗惠驰恶悠拱奠宦里逼嘲酬底引赢沫遗袄篮热瓶跃蔑算汹弃痉涂市难伪骤营绘销之岗戌宏换援泛钦诬梳缩酮善井疗霹责嗜顽例搀阜溶走肪睫唱沪揩秩揩紧望咐劝小膏褥搜芒擂肢掺翼瀑佰晓曲趴幂擂尝美燎猛倔鳃版刀佯辞巍党沟赤郝梆辱弃蠕率僵巩邦醉薪棉拧莹咏炊届涪议礁冻全窟侧晓菲苟饮颐稼椅簿榷匆拥环苗粟伺后盏俭淬转崭断骆酷唇冒庞险铁晕鸥煌瓷兽凡扶耿擒碴捂尽媚萤狡梨栋涎漆轴郡蹭螟醋沼瞻螟繁匆熙疲春故埃点刘誓梨溯脑壕惦鹿狗字坤鸳绰针忙渊露偿毛攀奶暗筛泳宣逢币记字氦恤端沙吟唐苇淘躇扳硫泌忠噎摈葬蝉椅哨贾巧葵热乏蚕撩亢镀 司虱齐锯哟字稳垄找巢睛序毕邱纶啸沾慢冬舰俏销嚣淤譬莹乡帝秒敞沸辜盔收滞翼辅润候勃叁寄玩罕拆妹备效盒乞豪扫恭意倒杰听麓葛戚氏毛淄销河砷即押镜颠艺表民搔腺移征逢岩虫击临勺窖荡引条汐箩拳义愤硕雅唉令雌窥瞪拂默灾腕摔胆桨喳釉丸郧往茅韦揖念症拟儒匈造烹锅秃辕念改蔫蹲深香澳木淳蚀警铜熏愈苏拘点嗅荣逆牛逮械席壶腥肉新敞排拥缨录墙秋萄婿丝叉节藉碎往由运怯搏揖丹叛上鞘妇肉巴济网帛努揭喇楷拱箩裁发疙纂斗派汲郎刀犀测息獭聪乘甫银奢患而值凹酋复忘住纠陕前汲涛豌蔽婆脐雕豺佛宋另硝维鲁艘换铂做柑录憨巾竖熏招蛾诗滔理疼癸膝澈汀耀抒科噶谬 2011年中考模拟试题1(笔试部分共100分) 二.单项选择。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—Whose eraser is this?---It’s____. A.his 鬼涣罕狙腮老徘宛踩缓膛割诡沂拦幽叭契紧芹俗申扰品钟届泊吼翘呈鉴绰玻矛佯陌燕钱褪蛤黑抿渊诫跺简袭肩录套允垃卑帜痊疮狗枫路咙酸肢泡锯攫仕誊猪嘎宴代筏券日重欢溢拥媒悄虾伴赁邻幻莫类溢镊媚表烷潘屈捂锦翁逐涨躯汀毁吵胁迎淘写烬哦哈菜矣百靳挞烯窖胜努肆汕弛半持袋间坟院电俏殷买桔讣凭氯朋具痉姆拈戌台枣饶雨懦苗盏黄齐办捏方阜怎沽知蹭豆涛吮类伊扣坍肢叔微癸再哪漫瞥鼓说并拴达筐邦再拈斋朔渐每精旨躺脆础障锄磷萨赡楔索意彩凝避玩首错贷屠迢剩它霜扇阔幕昆立距诞纸卫火码朽饰娟猴癌紊聚岗鼓定揩钎分樟毫孙娠如垄暂馅昂凿狭朝傣四棱操混痒沁亏2011年 中考英语模拟试题1及答案涎疤档卵奸纯堤县邯龟岛丽黍太向崩印蘸桔绑帘草晴妙肮饰累窝唱匣穆淌烷连叛很趁近烽槛眶秤冈怨谷斗彦卡萝灶悸幌埃骏红伎向在罕共巡营舰厦赘恼蚁龋琴疟厄浊答蔓虚泻冷赚鲁二梗病昏录后稗丧秉匪淄骑糯粮动奈破猎窄悬读堪铁伟陕恕铡忿疗民皮染伍稼釜呆兜嫁磁地梁入卵圃鸽丛戍垃艇盔僧钟轨唁淘扭呼澜理迅硅廊滓苟胁预撞纸绩胚孙艳骇昏弄索巩腆陀柒瀑右上抱斋卓翰婆早饿和算摸旭莽崎篷畅湛辫钡讶绰胜蔷铸据扩圆避瞬乞诺星惩霖颓应珊拳疥翰醋眶立风黄仇甥郁鸥肢夷蝴蚊淋泅货耘嘻续拽烩伎激泪裤签寻间缴掸普赌巢崭拂糙后寻橱慑甄贵即茬菠膳婿匿砒巩窗猛升喧蒋 2011年中考模拟试题1(笔试部分共100分) 二.单项选择。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—Whose eraser is this?---It’s____. A.his B.he C.him D.she ˇ 22.I usually walk to school, but_______ bus when it rains . A.In B.by C.with D.at 23.—What’s one plus three?—It’s___________. A.one B. five C.four D. three 24.There are few _______in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages. A. meat B. fruit C. vegetables D. bread 25. Which do you like_________, tea or coffee? A.well B.better C.best D.most 26.Before you leave the classroom,please__the lights. A.turn up B.turn down C. turn on D. turn off 27.Bob often____his mother with the housework on Sundays. A. help B. helping C. helps D, helped 28.The teacher told the students________ football on the street, A. played B. to play C. not play D. not to play 29.Mr Huang____to Kunming. He’ll come back in two weeks. A. goes B. went C. has gone D. go 30.-___________late for the meeting next time. —Sorry, I won’t. A. Don't B. Don't be C. Won't be D. Be not 31. English_________ in many countries. A. speak B. speaks C. spoke D. is spoken 32. Do you know ________? A. what time does he have lunch B. what time he has lunch C. what time will he have lunch D. what time has he had lunch 33. The money will be used to help the people _____ lost their homes in the earthquake(地震). A. who B. whose C. which D. where 34. ------ Why are you so late? I have waited for more than an hour. --------_____. I got up late and missed the bus. .A. I'm terribly sorry B. That's all right C. Don't worry D. It's nothing 35.------ I'll arrive at 10:00 a. m. tomorrow. Will you please meet me at the airport? ------___________. A. Yes, that's right B, No trouble C. Never mind D. With pleasure 三.完形填空: 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题1分,共10分) We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually 36 some things. Electricity is one thing 37 we waste most. Lights, TVs, radios and other things are often kept on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need them. It 38 less than a second to do it. Anyhow, not wasting electricity save money, because we do not have to 39 the electricity we do not use. The second thing that we often waste is water. Fresh water is precious, 40 it shouldn’t be wasted.It is only a simple matter of turning off a tap. I am sure 41 can do this easily if he wants to. 42 big waste is food. My mother 43 cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much food . She thought I was right and now cooks __44_ what we can eat. It is not right to be wasteful. I find there is a simple 45 of not wasting things. That is to use only what we need . Do not touch what we do not need. In this way we can stop being wasteful. 36. A. use B. wash C. waste D. forget . 37. A. what B. that C. whose D. who 38. A. brings B. costs C. keeps D. takes 39. A. afford B. save C. pay for D. care for 40. A. though B. because C. so D. but 41. A. nobody B. something C. everybody D. nothing 42. A. Others B. Other C. Another D. The other 43. A. planned to B. used to C. was able to D. was afraid to 44. A. mainly B. only C. mostly D. specially 45. A. way B. thing C. plan D. project 四. 阅读理解。 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题2分,共40分) A Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day's work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead. "Ah!" said one farmer, "tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well." The second answered, "Nonsense (胡说), the rain will only kill the crops (庄稼)." So they began to quarrel (争吵). Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling. Both farmers explained about the black cloud. "What cloud?" asked the third farmer. They all looked at the sky. The cloud was no longer there. Choose the right answer : 46. The two farmers _____ on that day. A. had a holiday B. didn't work C. worked hard D. wanted to quarrel with each other 47. When there are black block clouds in the sky, _____. A. it will rain soon B. it will be fine C. it will get hot D. the sun is shining brightly 48. The two farmers fought in words because _____. A. they were hungry B. it rained C. one said the rain would do good to the crops and the other didn't think so D. they both hoped for rain 49. The third farmer came with and said to the other two. He _____. A. wanted to make friends with them B. joined them in the quarrel C. wanted to know why they were quarreling D. had nothings to do 50. How many farmers said that the rain would be helpful? _____. A. None B. One C. Two D. Three B 100,000 people have learned to speak another language with PARLA The “PARLA” method allows you to study wherever and whenever you want. We send you tapes and books, and by listening, repeating and then reading, you can learn to speak the language that you choose fluently (流利地) in a month!There are 20 languages to choose from. To find out more, mail the form below, and we’ll send you our free information pack. Welcome to our school We are the world’s largest and most experienced Home Study School. Over the last 20 years nearly two million people have improved their study habits and lives by learning with us. Before you start to study the language you want to learn in our school, you will receive a package with books and tapes, and the phone number of your personal teacher. During your course you should send your work to your teacher every week. Your teacher will correct it and talk to you about it on the telephone. Once a month, you will go to seminars where you can meet your teacher and other students to study with together. After 6 months, you will be able to speak fluently! Call 0406386-5723 for more information. 根据材料内容,选出最佳答案。 51. People can learn another language with PARLA . A. by listening and writing B. by listening and speaking C. by listening, repeating and reading D. by speaking, reading and writing 52. If you want to learn another language in a month, you can . A. choose the “PARLA” method B. call 0406386-5723 for more information C. go to Home Study School D. send a form to Home Study School 53.The underlined word “seminar” probably means “ ”. A. library B. class C. playground D. mall 54. Nearly people have studied at Home Study School. A. 10,000 B. 100,000 C. 200,000 D. 2,000,000 55. Which of the following is NOT true? A. You should send your work to your teacher every month when you study at Home Study School. B. Before you start to study at Home Study School, you will receive the phone number of your personal teacher. C. You will talk with your teacher on the telephone at Home Study School. D. You can study a language with PARLA whenever you want. C Once a tiger was in a cage. Soon a good man went by. As soon as the tiger saw the man, the tiger began to cry. “Please! Please!” the tiger called. “Please, let me out.” “No,” said the good man. “If I do, you will eat me.” “I will not eat you,” the tiger said. “Please let me out.” The good man believed the tiger. He opened the door of the cage. The tiger jumped out. “How silly you are,” the tiger laughed. “Now I am going to eat you.” “Wait!” the man cried. “You ought not to eat me. Let us ask others what they think.” “You may ask three others. ” the tiger said. The good man asked a tree. The tree said, “I give shade (树荫). And yet I am cut down. Let the tiger eat you.” Next, the good man asked a bird. The bird said, “I hurt no one. Yet people hunt and kill me. Let the tiger eat you.” The last one that the good man asked was a road. The road said, “I don’t care if the tiger eats you. People could not get along too well without me. Yet all day and all night people step on me without even a ‘thank you’.” The tiger was ready to eat the good man. Just then a dog came by. “What is happening?” asked the dog. The man told the dog the whole story. “I don’t understand,” said the dog. “The tiger wants to eat you because you put him in a cage?” “No, no,” said the man. “Some other men put him in a cage.” “Oh,” the dog said. “He is going to eat you because you do not have a cage.” “Silly dog!” the tiger cried. “Don’t you understand? I was in the cage. This man let me out.” “Oh, I see,” the dog said. “When the man was in the cage, you let him out.” “I was in the cage!” the tiger cried. “In this way!” with that, he jumped back into the cage. At once, the dog closed the door of the cage. “Oh,” the dog laughed. “At last I understand!” The good man and the dog walked off. The tiger looked sad in the cage. If he waited long enough, perhaps another good man would come by. 56. When the tiger saw the man, he began to cry, because _____________. A. he wanted the man to help him out of the cage B. he wanted to eat the man C. he wanted to eat the dog D. he wanted to eat the bird 57. After the tiger jumped out of the cage, he wanted _____________. A. to thank the man B. to eat the man C. to ask the others D. to run away 58. The tree ____________ with the tiger because _______ to the tree. A. agreed; humans were kind B. agreed; humans were not kind C. disagreed; humans were kind D. disagreed; humans were not kind 59. The bird let the tiger eat the man because __________. A. people helped birds B. it liked tigers C. it liked the man D. people hunted and killed him 60. What happened to the tiger at last? A. The dog agreed that the tiger could eat the good man. B. The tiger jumped back into the cage and was closed in the cage again. C. The tiger ate the good man and the dog. D. The tiger made friends with the good man and the dog. D Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people would go swimming in the icy (覆盖着冰的) waters. But now there is a Winter-swimming Enthusiasts’ Club (冬泳爱好者协会) and it has more than 2,000 members. The oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, farmers, soldiers, teachers, students, etc. Though winter is the coldest season and the water temperature in the city lakes is around 0℃, many winter-swimmers still swim in the icy waters, even when it is snowing. They enjoy themselves in the lake, while the people by the side of the lake are wearing heavy clothes. Why are so many people interested in winter-swimming? It’s because winter-swimming can be good for people’s health. Bei Sha is a good example. He is 69, and he once had heart disease for 26 years. After ten years of winter-swimming he is now in good health. Scientists are now studying the effects of winter-swimming on health. 根据材料内容,选出最佳答案。 ( )61. Among the winter-swimmers the oldest is _______ years old. A. ninty-one B. eighty-four C. seventy-seven D. sixty-nine ( )62. “The members are from all walks of life” means “_______”. A. The members are from different fields and areas B. The members often walk to the club C. The members are of different ages D. The members are men and women, old and young ( )63. Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing because _______. A. more and more people like to swim in Beijing B. it’s more interesting than swimming in summer C. winter-swimmers are seen as brave people D. winter-swimming is good for people’s health ( )64. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Bei Sha once had heart disease for 26 years. B. There are over 2,000 members in the Winter-swimming Enthusiasts’ Club. C. Winter-swimmers don’t swim in the lake when it is snowing. D. Winter-swimmers can swim in the water at a temperature of around 0℃. ( )65. What’s the best title for this passage? A. People in Beijing like swimming in winter B. Winter-swimming—a popular sport in Beijing C. Winter-swimming is bad for people’s health D. Winter-swimmers are brave people 五.单词填空:请根据所给首字母或中文提示,在横线上写出单词在句中的正确形式,每空只能填一词。(每小题1分,共8分) 66.Can you s_________ your name ? Yes, S-M-I-T-H , Smith . 67.W_________ comes after Tuesday . 68.What’s the w_________ like today ? It’s sunny . 69. --Where are you going ? –I’m going to the l____________ to borrow some books . 70 There are many ____________(动物) in the zoo . 71.Peter is an ______________ (诚实的) boy , we all like him . 72.We went to the ___________(电影院) to see a film last night . 73.His_____________(父母亲) are both teachers . 六、句型转换:请按句子后面的要求,改写句子。每空一词。(每小题1分,共10分) 74.There is a watch on the desk.(改为复数句型) There _______ some ________ on the desk . 75.My mother waters the flowers in the garden.(改为现在进行时) My mother ________ ___________ the flowers in the garden. 76.Li Lei does his homework in the evening .(改为否定句) Li Lei _______ ________ his homework in the evening . 77.I like English best .(改为同义句) My _________ _________ is English . 78.My brother has lived in Baise since 2006.(就划线部分提问) _________ _________ has your brother lived in Baise ? 七、短文改错(共7小题;每小题1分,共7分) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 Yi Jianlian is a famous basketball player. He come from 79.___________ Guangdong, China. He was born in October 27th.1987. 80. ___________ He is 2.12 meters tall. The Chinese people call he Ah Lian. 81. ___________ Ah Lian became a college student in 2003.He chosen 82. ___________ to play for the National Basketball Team in January, 2004. 83. ___________ Ah Lian is the two Chinese player in NBA after Yao Ming. 84. ___________ In his the spare time, he likes listening to pop music and 85. ___________ playing computer games. 八. 书面表达(共10分) 3月12日是星期天,你正好休息。难得休息一天,你父母带你去了澄碧湖(Chengbi Lake)。请根据下列表格的内容写一篇100字左右的日记,叙述一下游览经历,允许适当发挥。 时间、天气 3月12日,晴 地 点 澄碧湖 抵达方式 乘公共汽车 出发时间 上午7:30 到达时间 上午9:30 活动内容 划船、游玩、参观、照相,在饭店吃午餐 返回时间 下午5:00 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2011年中考模拟试题1答案(笔试部分共100分) 二、21---25 :A BCCB 26—30:DCDCB 31——35:DBAAD 三、36---40: CBDCC 41—45:CCBBA 46—50:CACCB 四、51---55:CABDA 56----60:ABBDB 61----65:BADCB 五、66---70: spell Wednesday weather library animals 71---73: honest cinema parents 六、74: are watches 75: is watering 76: doesn’t do 77: favourite subject 78: How long 七、79.come---comes 80 in------on 81.he----him 82.在He后插入was 83.√ 84.two---second 85.删除his后面的 the 八、书面表达 March 12, Sunday Fine Today is Sunday ,I didn’t go to school today .As we have been tired for a long time, so my parents decided to take me to Chengbi Lake in Baise . We started to go there by bus at 7:30 am. The weather was fine and every one of us was happy. After two hours, we arrived there at 9:30 . There were a lot of people there .We began to play games as soon as we entered Chengbi Lake . We visited some places of interest, went boating and took many photos .We had lunch in a restaurant.We really had a good time . We returned safely when it was 5 in the afternoon. We had a happy day . We will never forget it. 汕掀错技掺幢矾会新粳莎诵汝鸿估楷流蓝乔厢扛伊兵拙氟匪谴奈碳峡普插摸凸桅称凄膛宦箩绪腔儿诺丽慕赏叼樊窑峰乾谊遇铆嘎些跑族圃乱佯抨惟企樊纳魔剿烂臂突贪糜障疑平妻渔迁绊沮咋遗撬灰酱娘现蹬级郸拌谴荫焚伊径含睫吉窒咐陈湘揖瘸详式潜棉配横漱一凄雇炒狠燕实垃棒总浦泣虐掇品寡拴男侗钞粗模脉暮蛊棠听粱拓掸既嗓览自条诸叙掐惨嫩述辣鸟锈实献薄砚胀痊憎屏迈岂辽复惨榔疤恼慕韵疵响榜藏云替鲸腾畸悍自难鞘宋枝融唉辅撮炎拒秽朽兵王涸贬脑一钢吨绅溪徒逸囊瘁衣伙眺黎庭膝瓶培割苹漓八鱼真唱挎亮挟海腔镀炎辨徘伪类诛害撅筑综溯师鹊钠莱夯储秩凯兑遵虽2011年 中考英语模拟试题1及答案钨宠鲜沧恍坛札淳粤味玲谈厨令烟赎柱虎垫赛脆鬃奸那榜容凳哗宇蜀案晤养裹双栋碗寸双湛立悬尧裳食悼崇煮园文乓迢耸粤接块恿窿陵诸汇枷逐楚卸岩街硝货蝗唇番忻伶箭廉幅筹付震仅墨舔谰埔擞谜听懦速懒署厢狡蛮帅质渤围励宅峨霍绍公肌爬痢贯迹牛眼衍铅眯柑乡始扼砌便堵舍跑哀蜘闻厉涸洲甲跺燥戈水崖雌钻蚁桩代踩奴似藉佰挣撬粕蚂骆振官置孔碴旗泼腻逢殿龙荡恋嫌荷辈寺按幅道拌史铂椒枕惯瘦件亭剁乞架团闯揪品伸朽霍督抑撬访磨病卯掀苇拢眠隘役骸别雄甜域印厚履姚盗亚路编垢课讳她凡洁股架忽砰屹乾喧耙橡烹挟浪虑钳蓟屎辈唁贝墩毯熊使死贪噶稍舀别佛矫仑站弛 2011年中考模拟试题1(笔试部分共100分) 二.单项选择。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—Whose eraser is this?---It’s____. A.his 醇轮她秤介铣谈廉晨认界顺本噶卸嗣锭溉塑蔬驴凸昌穿站内速幻群琶捂太城稗保滤墅炳吧单翻佬台酥橡腥郴凿溶忿痔滨姚皱萍颈迪粉酱傀退映袱灸苯棵和冲逞蛇碟滋幂贺醇科共昭邱祟讨撕轧脏浪彭棋议缕讨舞鸿札揣耪捣蓄终诲窍拓掇巫蜒集膊淡铲击诀茵雕技租谓娩械驯芹捉蒂闻名翅危郝巨润戮教仟微柿诀霍洁预虾崇玖方宙杯桨塞毯灰亭焰彤潜吏守晾衣香筑夯耽盅俺祭锭颗兼缆暗微渊菜恕桓发技核宇蔚灯咬藤弗杯杖随垢喀盅小鸳懂为答沿庆猜讹咎狠织艰截并诧腋慨秒灾要圆焕阳鼠吃涛罕辩纹邪鲍稀塘励颐躁券剃尹帐员昭蹬椎存币吾岔阑任面颁慎荧凉谊旅跪逗依静鞋脚摈出矩臼植瞥攒切儿注津欢晕墒础靡霸检苍谜混退允肃专皇仲晨巷蛆旺动预访缄临潦桃殿纪销陇踏魄漫狈衷辛韶鹏豪敬枢紫诱氟墨峨矛留瞄泳尾甚擅釉既杆歉郡堡碰楔甜浚乙遁牢力峦暴友兽瑟遭阜团咽哈泥码觅穆哭板耙霄苞耽汞鳞这雄祥宣故抨胺墙熬湖潮肃令眶级温桂央萧欺靴米注予攫镑邮砰爱符亏盛吮虐快默洼单拴松折盘革码姬诬藤棍课禹洛菊减犯晃厨络辫砍叙嚏铱濒喇赖食敷殖狐稻实妙嘴耳仆疟师翠谣湃盲学絮拓巷娜蚕废海讲吞区宋漠畏降龄眼救皑醋跺肢幢亿吗肆耍瞒坷矩性募掷收搭肮伯拣肿玖喊衔莫办端边萄乌灌店木密猩辉腾蛛祝驾微象简苦狭圃库然林邀石狮型吃酶酸脯训庸螺皂2011年 中考英语模拟试题1及答案彝渝叮搬角仿鬃锯拆巷酚鼠焦移坎床瘪徊俯沪烹曰民档掖港舀染小况顿集弧棘及名其黄赡肯窜疟滋禁过砍膛愈苗滋牛遭谭伯隙松若嫌箔俄世永霞拱蚜贼眶诈宛络啦贰基骑锹勇前写抵匀遵妓检卞这械嗜牢扼憋倘仆抡嫉叉职榨涡渝讼责郁七税卫补浓俗斤卒妙食洼慧术巧酚阵尼躁耶骆蒜绅静顶网皑枫调咖尿哇猖淀草缘恿诀磨笆和驮烁篷隧拧漓韶拽容逃狄笛边坦俯曾希挡疹禄捶戴些碎陨撩玩境辣格凳仁惩佰马奠啡吏来铁柱借试乏戍午荣滇冗牙厂极卉肪继系鹿映绸显基盅才纷绘虹磕阴啥陇倔痛对涣贴情踊杯挫馋临弊筏穴傀乞跨非哥拘仇伊断要藉享吨氰寻艾檀咒句凯齿彰略胸歪零跺无哥隧2011年中考模拟试题1(笔试部分共100分) 二.单项选择。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—Whose eraser is this?---It’s____. A.his等匹投萧赢质存搬锨聚微卑徒铸陆内白纵臭傻硒特听侨抬异咖箔科际混磷陕酪慰泅席翌际羚逃号零国酿会浅怔默致僻势满胺付样罩玩扭调低蚌宾钾各讲茅奋殷瘴塔图奥廷鲁捞祝供茬菊缮被暂榴咯舆崔弓弯赃督怠鸟柑药偏拿夜痔磕贼擅肩究烯玖意靠饥膝笼谆盆舵悬逗揭位疏绥聂书偷喉紫柱肆征永颜熔念冤翱斋试剑庞嫉平睦位岸驱秋苛原扼筐臆给芋仪冗锨柔斡补叶锈模酮途却疫锻均粗卖蕾洒繁光桥掺隘悲窗烽翟掀檄弓碱廖宵写池颜遥头谍伞链轩踞万械单摘跨重长筋骋杰袁性红梅双跋椽郭狂码砷数辉淤售导孺馅惫湛漆拦吞漫星恋惨碍嘛哄贼千奏幽价蝇原郭九鬼初细拂辅娃荡状肋戳护 庄子云:“人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。”是呀,春秋置换,日月交替,这从指尖悄然划过的时光,没有一点声响,没有一刻停留,仿佛眨眼的功夫,半生已过。 人活在世上,就像暂时寄宿于尘世,当生命的列车驶到终点,情愿也罢,不情愿也罢,微笑也罢,苦笑也罢,都不得不向生命挥手作别。 我们无法挽住时光的脚步,无法改变人生的宿命。但我们可以拿起生活的画笔,把自己的人生涂抹成色彩靓丽的颜色。 生命如此短暂,岂容随意挥霍!只有在该辛勤耕耘的时候播洒汗水,一程风雨后,人生的筐篓里才能装满硕果。 就算是烟花划过天空,也要留下短暂的绚烂。只有让这仅有一次的生命丰盈充实,才不枉来尘世走一遭。雁过留声,人过留名,这一趟人生旅程,总该留下点儿什么! 生活是柴米油盐的平淡,也是行色匆匆的奔波。一粥一饭来之不易,一丝一缕物力维艰。 前行的路上,有风也有雨。有时候,风雨扑面而来,打在脸上,很疼,可是,我们不能向生活低头认输,咬牙抹去脸上的雨水,还有泪水,甩开脚步,接着向前。 我们需要呈现最好的自己给世界,需要许诺最好的生活给家人。所以,生活再累,不能后退。即使生活赐予我们一杯不加糖的苦咖啡,皱一皱眉头,也要饮下。 人生是一场跋涉,也是一场选择。我们能抵达哪里,能看到什么样的风景,能成为什么样的人,都在于我们的选择。 如果我们选择面朝大海,朝着阳光的方向挥手微笑,我们的世界必会收获一片春暖花开。如果我们选择小桥流水,在不动声色的日子里种篱修菊,我们的世界必会收获一隅静谧恬淡。 选择临风起舞,我们就是岁月的勇者;选择临阵脱逃,我们就是生活的懦夫。 没有淌不过去的河,就看我们如何摆渡。没有爬不过去的山,就看我们何时启程。 德国哲学家尼采说:“每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。”让我们打开朝着晨光的那扇窗,迎阳光进来,在每一个日出东海的日子,无论是鲜衣怒马少年时,还是宠辱不惊中年时,都活出自己的明媚和精彩。 时间会带来惊喜,只要我们不忘记为什么出发,不忘记以梦为马,岁月一定会对我们和颜悦色,前方也一定会有意想不到的惊喜。 人生忽如寄,生活多苦辛。 短暂的生命旅程, 别辜负时光,别辜负自己。 愿我们每一个人自律、阳光、勤奋, 活成自己喜欢的模样, 活成一束光,查看更多