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重点识记词汇 ‎1.a great deal大量  2.sculpture n.雕塑 ‎3.reputation n.名声;名誉 4.ridiculous adj.荒谬的;可笑的 ‎5.fragile adj.精细的;易碎的;脆弱的 6.fragrant adj.香的;令人愉快的 ‎7.contemporary adj.当代的;同时代的 8.critic n.评论家;批评者→critical adj.批评的 ‎9.abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的 n.摘要 10.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的 ‎11.adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养 12.evident adj.明显的;明白的 ‎13.on the other hand(可是)另一方面 14.specific adj.确切的;特定的 ‎15.allergic adj.过敏性的;对……过敏的 16.display vt.展示;陈列;显露 ‎17.appeal to(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 18.aggressive adj.敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的 ‎19.attempt n.努力;尝试;企图 vt.尝试;企图 20.aim n.目标;目的 vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力 ‎21.consequently adv.所以;因而 22.signature n.署名;签字→sign v.签名 ‎23.flesh n.肉;肌肉;肉体→in the flesh活着的;本人 24.preference n.喜爱;偏爱→prefer v.喜爱 ‎25.scholar n.学者→scholarship n.奖学金;学术;学识 ‎26.appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt.将……上诉 n.呼吁;恳求 ‎27.faith n.信任;信心;信念→faithful adj.忠实的→faithfully adv.忠实地 ‎28.coincidence n.巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合→by coincidence巧合地 ‎29.conventional adj.常规的;传统的;因循守旧的→conventionally adv.传统地 ‎30.controversial adj.争论的;争议的→controversially adv.有争议地 ‎31.realistic adj.现实主义的;逼真的;现实的→real adj.真的;真实的→reality n.真 实;现实 ‎32.technique n.技术;方法;技能→technological adj.科技的 ‎33.predict vt.预言;预告;预测→prediction n.预言→predictor n.预言者 ‎34.possess vt.拥有;具有;支配→possession n.(尤作复数)所有;财产 ‎35.effectively adv.有效地→effective adj.有效的;实际的 ‎36.exhibition n.展览;陈列;展览会→exhibit v.展出;陈列 ‎37.permanent adj.永久的;持久的→permanently adv.永久地 ‎38.delicate adj.脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的→delicately adv.优美地;微妙地 ‎39.civilization n.文明;文化;文明社会→civilize v.使文明;使开化 ‎40.visual adj.视觉的;看得见的→vision n.视力;视觉;远见;洞察力→invisible adj.看不见的 ‎41.Egypt n.埃及(东北非国家)→Egyptian adj.埃及的;埃及人的 必背经典句式 ‎1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.‎ 在这些脱离传统绘画风格的画家中就有生活和工作在巴黎的印象派艺术家们。‎ ‎2.It is amazing that so many great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same museum.‎ 令人感到惊奇的是同一家博物馆中收藏了从19世纪晚期至21世纪的那么多伟大的艺术作品。‎ 必背经典句式 ‎3.The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors.‎ 印象派画家是第一批室外写景的画家。‎ ‎4.Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York.‎ 许多艺术爱好者宁愿参观这个小艺术馆而不参观纽约其他的艺术馆。‎ ‎5.Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.‎ 没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。‎ 构词记忆 immigration /ˌImI′ɡreIʃn/ n.[U]移居;外来移民人数 instruction /In′strʌkʃn/ n.1.[常用复数]指示;命令 2.[U]指导 3.[常用复数]用法说明;操作指南 intention /In′tenʃn/ n.[U]意图 introduction /ˌIntrə′dʌkʃn/ n.[C]&[U]介绍;引进 Ⅰ.词汇与派生 A.语境填词 ‎1.A good salesperson has to be aggressive(敢作敢为的) in today’s competitive market.‎ ‎2.I mention the peoples of Asia,because their civilization(文明)is the oldest and strongest in the world.‎ ‎3.The art school held an exhibition(展览)of modern art yesterday.‎ ‎4.It would be ridiculous(可笑的)to walk backward all the time.‎ ‎5.These comments result in more natural and realistic(现实主义的)speech.‎ ‎6.Her sense of humour appealed(吸引)to him enormously.‎ ‎7.With the development of the society,there are no permanent(永久的)jobs any more.‎ ‎8.It was typical(典型的) of him to take hard job.‎ ‎9.The greatest scholar(学者) can’t solve this difficult problem.‎ ‎10.I attempted(尝试) to get in touch with her but without success.‎ ‎11.Having the reputation(名声)of being honest,responsible and reliable will make other people trust you.‎ ‎12.Some people say that beauty itself is abstract(抽象的).‎ B.用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎13.Mr.White is the adopted son of Mrs.Green,who adopted him when his parents died 20 years ago.Thanks to her adoption,Mr.White could receive a good education and became an engineer.(adopt)‎ ‎14.With his business going on well,he at first possessed big houses,cars;and later he took possession of stocks of different companies.Then,he found that everything he dreamed of was in his possession.(possess)‎ ‎15.As a predictor,he often made wrong predictions though he tried his best to predict everything.(predict)‎ ‎16.I have faith in the employee because he has worked for us faithfully for a long time,and I think he is a faithful and honest friend.(faith)‎ ‎17.I was walking aimlessly on the street when I came across John,who led a sort of aimless life without any aims.(aim)‎ Ⅱ.短语运用 A.用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空 ‎18.Finally an insurrection(起义)broke out,aiming at independence.‎ ‎19.The magazine is intended to appeal to working women in their 20s and 30s.‎ ‎20.We convinced the students of the necessity of engaging in social activities.‎ ‎21.I must admit I have a preference for younger men.‎ ‎22.I like cats but unfortunately I am allergic to them.‎ B.用方框内所给短语填空 ‎23.He knew a great deal more than I did.‎ ‎24.I would like a job which pays more,but on the other hand I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.‎ ‎25.The governor was found guilty,and lost his position in consequence.‎ ‎26.Technical progress would put our firm in possession of the home market.‎ ‎27.His fans are worried that they will not see him in the flesh.‎ ‎28.By coincidence,they arrived here at the same time.‎ Ⅲ.经典句式 ‎29.Rather than work in such bad condition,he would give up.‎ 他宁愿放弃,也不愿在这样差的条件下工作。‎ ‎30.It is reported that the production has been put into use.‎ 据报道,这种产品已投入使用。‎ ‎31.Without her timely help,we would not have finished the project for which we were responsible.‎ 没有她的及时帮助,我们就不会完成我们负责的项目。‎ ‎32.South of the river lies a small factory.‎ 一个小型工厂坐落在这条河的南岸。‎ ‎33.She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.‎ 她是在奥运会上第一个获得金牌的女选手。‎ ‎1 typical adj.典型的;有代表性的(representative);一贯的;平常的(normal) be typical of ……典型的;……有代表性的 It’s typical of sb.to do sth.某人一向如此做某事。‎ It is about a Chinese romantic story,typical of Chinese culture.‎ 那是一个具有典型中国文化特色的浪漫故事。(天津·书面表达)‎ This painting is fairly typical of his early works.‎ 这幅画是他早期作品中相当典型的代表作。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)Typically,he always plays jokes on others.‎ It is typical of him to play jokes on others.(用it作形式主语改写句子)‎ ‎(2)Jack is late again.It is typical of him to(他一向如此做……) keep others waiting.‎ ‎2 adopt vt.收养;领养;采用;采纳 ‎[应试指导] 非谓语动词作定语或状语的考查 adopt an approach/a strategy/a policy采用某方法/战略/政策 an adopted son养子 an adoptive father养父 adapt vt.使适应;改造/编 adapt (...) to (使……)适应……‎ Our school has adopted a new teaching method.‎ 我们学校已采用了新的教学方法。‎ He couldn’t adapt his way of life to the company.‎ 他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 用adopt,adapt的适当形式填空 ‎(1)The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orphan.After a few months,the child came to adapt to his new life.‎ ‎(2)Having adopted(adopt) a new method,they worked more efficiently.‎ ‎(3)They treated their adopted(adopt) son as their own son.‎ ‎3 possess vt.拥有(own);具有(have);支配(control) ‎[应试指导] in possession of 作为高级词汇替换own,belong to ‎ be possessed of具有;拥有 be in possession of拥有……(主语为人) be in the possession of=be in one’s possession(某物)被(某人)拥有 come into one’s possession为某人所拥有 take possession of占有;拥有 Mr.Smith was possessed of great selfconfidence.‎ 史密斯先生具有很强的自信心。‎ When her father died,she came into possession of a large fortune.‎ 她父亲去世时,她继承了一大笔财产。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ He is in possession of the company.‎ ‎(1)The company is in the possession of him.(用the company作主语改写句子)‎ ‎(2)He is possessed of the company.(用possess短语改写句子)‎ ‎(3)He possesses the company. (用possess v.改写句子)‎ ‎4 attempt n.企图,试图;尝试;努力(try;effort);v.努力;尝试;试图(try;make an effort to) ‎[应试指导] 作为高级词汇替换try attempt to do/at doing...尝试(试图)做……‎ make an attempt to do/at doing...尝试做……‎ at one’s/the first attempt第一次尝试 in an attempt to do sth.试图做某事;希望做某事 make an attempt on sb.’s life企图杀某人 The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia.‎ 只有在费城那次我们曾试着做那样的事。‎ It was one of his rare attempts at humor.‎ 那是他极不常见的想要表现幽默的一次。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)语法填空 ‎①I passed my driving test at the first attempt.‎ ‎②Someone has made an attempt on the president’s life.‎ ‎③He attempted to escape(escape) from the prison,but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.‎ ‎(2)他们试图攀登那座小山。(一句多译)‎ ‎①They made an attempt to climb that hill. (attempt n.)‎ ‎②They attempted to climb that hill. (attempt v.)‎ ‎5 appeal n.呼吁;恳求(request);吸引力(attraction);上诉;v.呼吁;恳求(request);上诉;有吸引力(attract) ‎[应试指导] (1)appeal to作为高级词汇替换attract ‎(2)环境保护类写作高频词汇 appeal to sb.for/to do...向某人呼吁……/恳求某人做……‎ appeal to sb.吸引某人;投合某人所好 appeal to force诉诸武力 make an appeal to sb.向某人提出呼吁 have no appeal for sb.引不起某人的兴趣 The Prime Minister appealed to young people to use their vote.‎ 首相呼吁年轻人行使他们的投票权。‎ Music has little appeal for me.‎ 音乐引不起我的兴趣。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)On the other hand,the idea attracted him.‎ On the other hand,the idea appealed to him.(用appeal改写句子)‎ ‎(2)他呼吁其他领导人为这项事业捐款。(一句多译)‎ ‎①He appealed to other leaders to donate to the cause. (appeal v.)‎ ‎②He made an appeal to other leaders to donate to the cause. (appeal n.)‎ ‎6 on the other hand另一方面 ‎[应试指导] 写作过渡词汇 on (the) one hand...on the other (hand)...一方面……,另一方面……‎ for one thing...,for another (thing)...一则……,二则……‎ On (the) one hand,I want to sell the house,but on the other (hand),I can’t bear the thought of moving.‎ 一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不能忍受搬家。‎ ‎[特别提醒]‎ on (the) one hand...on the other (hand)...常表达相矛盾的两方面;for one thing...,for another (thing)...陈述的两方面情况常一致。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)语法填空 ‎①Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.On the other hand,it could just put you in debt.‎ ‎②For one thing,you must make a promise;for another,you should act at once.‎ ‎(2)翻译句子 ‎①一方面我们应该呼吁公众提高认识,另一方面我们应该立即行动。‎ On (the) one hand,we are supposed to appeal to the public to deepen the understanding,but on the other (hand),we ourselves should do it immediately.‎ ‎②我不去。一则我已经看过这部电影,二则今晚我有一个重要会议要参加。‎ I won’t go.For one thing,I have seen the film;for another,I have an important meeting to attend tonight.‎ ‎7 up to取决于;到达(某数量、程度等) ‎ [应试指导] 熟词新义的考查 be up to (doing) sth.胜任(做)某事;正在忙于(做)某事 be up to sb.由某人决定 be up to sb.to do sth.由某人决定做某事 up to now到目前为止(常与现在完成时连用) Do you want to stay or go?It’s up to you.‎ 你要留下还是要走呢?由你决定。‎ You can play up to 30 games at one time.‎ 你可以一次进行多达30个游戏。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)What are you doing now?‎ What are you up to now?(用up to改写句子)‎ ‎(2)我的车最多能坐4个人。(翻译句子)‎ I can take up to four people in my car.‎ ‎(3)—What would you like to do? Doing shopping or going to the cinema? ‎ ‎—It’s up to you(由你决定).Whatever you want to do is fine with me.‎ ‎1 Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。‎ 介词短语without the new paints and the new technique代替虚拟条件句,用来表达虚拟的事实。有时表假设的情况隐含在一些词或短语中(如without,but for,otherwise,or等)。‎ Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat,the earth at night would be freezing cold,too cold for us to live on.‎ 如果没有大气保持太阳的热量,夜晚的地球将会非常寒冷,冷得让我们无法生存。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ I couldn’t have finished the work so soon without your help.‎ ‎(1) I couldn’t have finished the work so soon if you hadn’t helped me.(用if从句改写句子)‎ ‎(2)I couldn’t have finished the work so soon if it hadn’t been for your help.(用be for改写句子)‎ ‎(3)I couldn’t have finished the work so soon but for your help.(用but for改写句子)‎ ‎2I wish I could go with you but I’m too busy these days.我希望我能和你一起去,但是这些天我太忙了。‎ wish+宾语从句,意为“但愿……;希望……;……就好了”,往往与事实相反或表示不太可能实现的愿望。‎ wish后跟宾语从句中的谓语形式如下:‎ (1)did/were (表示与现在事实相反的愿望) (2)had done/been (表示与过去事实相反的愿望) (3)would/could/might+动词原形(表示与将来事实相反的愿望) I wish you wouldn’t smoke any longer.‎ 我真希望你再也不要吸烟了。‎ He wished he had phoned for a taxi.‎ 他真希望自己已经打电话叫出租车了。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 语法填空 ‎(1)I wish he would/could/might go(go) with us to the theatre next Thursday.‎ ‎(2)She wished she had been(be) at home then.‎ ‎(3)I wish I lived(live) on the seashore.‎ ‎3单元语法——语法填空 ‎(1)But for your help,I couldn’t have made (not,make) such great progress in English.‎ ‎(2)If he had followed the doctor’s advice,he would be (be) well now.‎ ‎(3)I wish I had been(be) able to tell him all about it last night.‎ ‎(4)The teacher suggested that our sports meeting (should) be put (put) off till next week.‎ ‎(5)George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but I’d rather he focused(focus) more on its culture.‎ 高考题组 Ⅰ.短文改错(2009·辽宁)‎ When I was in high school,most of my friend had bicycles.I hoped I could also have it.One day I saw a secondhand bicycle,that was only one hundred yuan.I asked my father the money.But he said he could only give me half of the money.He should find the other half myself.So I went to sell newspapers after the school.My father was pleased if I showed him the money a month after.He gives me the other fifty.You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle.‎ 答案 ‎ When I was in high school,most of my had bicycles.I hoped I could also have .One day I saw a secondhand bicycle, was only one hundred yuan.I asked my father the money.But he said he could only give me half of the money. should find the other half ‎ myself.So I went to sell newspapers after the school.My father was pleased I showed him the money a month .He me the other fifty.You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle.‎ Ⅱ.写作常用句翻译 ‎1.另一方面,既然我们都尽力了,我们就没有遗憾。(on the other hand)(2013·湖南·书面表达)‎ On the other hand,since we all tried our best,we had no regret.‎ ‎2.因此,我决定用它来换取目前真正需要的东西。(consequence)(2012·重庆·书面表达)‎ As a consequence,I decide to exchange it for something that I really need at present.‎ ‎3.林肯被认为是世界上最鼓舞人心的人物之一。(figure)(2012·浙江·书面表达)‎ Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world.‎ ‎4.我想知道学校是否能放置更多的垃圾箱并制定具体的规则反对这样的行为。(specific)(2011·浙江·书面表达)‎ I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behaviour.‎ 模拟题组 Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.He had been ill for a long time and consequently(consequent) he missed many classes.‎ ‎2.His suggestion has been adopted(adopt) by people in many parts of the world by now.‎ ‎3.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first attempt.‎ ‎4.The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to figure out its reality.‎ ‎5.Jim enjoys traveling very much,but on the other hand,he doesn’t earn much to afford his travel.‎ ‎6.—I’m going to London next Monday.‎ ‎—What a coincidence!So am I.‎ ‎7.Should the weather be good tomorrow,we would go(go) climbing.‎ ‎8.They must have enjoyed themselves there,otherwise they wouldn’t have stayed(not,stay) so long.‎ ‎9.We would have put(put) John’s name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.‎ ‎10.—How did you like Nick’s performance last night?‎ ‎—To be honest,his singing didn’t appeal to me much.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Some fortune tellers say that they can predict about future events.去掉about ‎2.You can’t legally take the possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.去掉take后面的the ‎3.It was typical for her to forget.for→of ‎4.The magazine is intended to appeal working women in their 20s and 30s.appeal后加上to ‎5.What coincidence!I didn’t expect to see you here.What后加上a ‎6.I’ve never seen the famous scholar in flesh.in后加上the ‎7.The pickpocket broke away the policeman who was holding him.away后加上from ‎8.The popular book deals about a permanently new subject:love.about→with ‎9.John said he’d been working in the office for an hour,it was true.it→which或it前加上and ‎10.The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday,but he didn’t help.he→it Ⅲ.写作句式升级训练 I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to try my hand at riding it.(素材来源于2014·福建·书面表达)‎ So excited was I that I couldn’t wait to try my hand at riding it.(用倒装句改写句子)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Great Places in North America Huttopia Created in Europe,but tailored to perfection in Québec,Huttopia tents provide convenient,comfortable accommodation in 16 of Québec’s 23 national parks.Built atop a 4 by 7 meters wooden platform,the walls and roof enclose a roomy space that can sleep up to 5 people.Beds,lighting,heating,a small fridge,dishes,and an outdoor twoburner stove provide comforts.Open summer through fall,Huttopia tents can be booked for as little as 99 per night.‎ Tree Sphere This creative option takes wilderness camping to a whole new level.Setting up camp in a Free Spirit Sphere you can sleep among the trees and stretch your wings in Qualicum Bay,Vancouver Island.Part tree house,part space capsule,founder Tom Chudleigh’s handcrafted wooden spheres gently dangle in the breeze thanks to a series of ropes tied to the forest’s cover.Suspended at 3.1,4.3 and 4.6 meters off the ground,each of the three spheres offers comfortable and unique lodging for adults aged 16 and over.‎ FourSeason Tents Gatineau Park’s Philippe Lake has the perfect winter accommodation for you.Standing above the freezing ground on wooden platforms,two fourseason tents are attractive with amenities(便利设施) that will keep you comfortable.With sleeping space for up to four people,the park’s fourseason tents feature doublesized beds,a fridge and a stove for cooking meals.‎ Houseboats Why limit your camping adventures to dry land?Lakeway Houseboat Vacations in New Brunswick offers grand accommodation in their “cottages on the water”.Choose from three luxurious floating vacation homes with full kitchens,full bathrooms,multiple bedrooms(one boat sleeps 14!),TVs,hot tubs,fireplaces and even waterslides.Sail along the St.John River,sunbathe on the upper deck,or stop at picturesque Mactaquac Provincial Park for a round of golf.Do as little or as much as you desire.‎ ‎1.Which of the following is the most popular in the Province of Québec?‎ A.Huttopia. B.Tree Sphere.‎ C.FourSeason Tents. D.Houseboats.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,这种被称为“Huttopia”的帐篷产生于欧洲,完善于加拿大的魁北克省,在该省23处国家级公园中,有16个公园设有此种帐篷。故这种帐篷是最普遍的。‎ ‎2.Which statement is correct about the houseboat?‎ A.It has only one type.‎ B.It is large enough for four to live in.‎ C.It is supplied with some baked food.‎ D.By houseboat,you can find a place to play golf.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据文章的最后一段可知,乘坐houseboat,在风景如画的Mactaquac Provincial Park下船,可抵达高尔夫球场。‎ ‎3.The underlined word “dangle” in the passage probably means “ ”.‎ A.move B.swing C.tremble D.quake 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。根据文章中对Tree Sphere的介绍可知,这种“树上的球”一半像树屋,一半像太空舱。悬于树木之间,有绳索拴着,距离地面有3.1米、4.3米和4.6米三种,可以在微风中轻轻地摇摆。swing摇摆,摇荡;move向前移动;tremble颤抖;quake震动,摇动,发抖。故选B。‎ ‎4.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the FourSeason Tents?‎ A.The large wooden platforms.‎ B.Convenient facilities.‎ C.The sense of floating.‎ D.The large sleeping space.‎ 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据文章中对FourSeason Tents的介绍可知,这种四季宜人的帐篷有很多优点:宽阔的木质平台、便利的设施、宽敞的内部空间。C项不是这种帐篷的优点。‎ B Any person who lives,works,attends school or pays property taxes in New York is able to receive a New York Public Library card free of charge.‎ Adult and teen users may either apply online or in person at any New York Public Library location.Applications for children aged 11 and under must be completed in person,and require the signature of a parent.When you apply for a card online,you will receive a 7digit temporary barcode(条形码).This allows you to set a secret code.After you receive your permanent barcode,you must renew your card.‎ All adult,teen and child library cards for cardholders must be renewed every three years.New library card applicants who apply online must renew their cards before full cardholder privileges can be extended.Cardholders can visit any New York Public Library location to present the required forms of identification in order to renew their card.Cardholders may also email copies of the required forms of identification to patronaccounts@nypl.org.Alternatively,they may be faxed to 2126210278.‎ If you forget your secret code,you can provide the library with a valid email address and click on the “Forgot Your Secret Code”.A link with instructions on changing your secret code will be sent to your email,giving you a brief period of time to update your information.You must select a 4digit numerical secret code,with no obvious or repeating characters (e.g.1234 or 2222).If you have not provided the library with a valid email address,you may visit a library location to reset your secret code.‎ If your card is lost or stolen,inform the library immediately:call 9172756975,email Ask NYPL,or visit your nearest library to report the lost card.‎ ‎5.Children aged 11 and under .‎ A.are required to apply for a free library card online B.must apply for a library card in person C.should change their library cards every two years D.will get a temporary barcode after applying for a library card 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Applications for children aged 11 and under must be completed in person,and require the signature of a parent.”可知选B项。‎ ‎6.We can learn from the text that .‎ A.applicants can enjoy extended privileges before renewing the card B.cardholders can renew their cards only by phone or email C.you must reset another secret code online if you forget your previous one D.you have three ways of informing the library of your lost or stolen card 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,如果你的图书卡丢了或被偷了,你可以打电话、发电子邮件或去离你最近的图书馆挂失。‎ ‎7.Which of the following can be a valid secret code?‎ A.1368. B.NY88.‎ C.5678. D.8888.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第四段的“You must select a 4digit numerical secret code,with no obvious or repeating characters (e.g.1234 or 2222).”可推知选A项。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 Some years ago,there was a poor man named Lazarus.He begged at the gate of a wealthy person.Lazarus was ill and 8 to eat the leftovers that might fall from the rich man’s dinner table,while the homeowner was rich enough to 9 the fine things in life.The 10 between the two was obvious.‎ In time,the poor man gave in to his 11 and died.Yet,in contrast to his earthly existence,his heavenly life was the opposite as he found himself sitting at the table of Abraham in heaven,enjoying 12 and fine food.‎ Later,the wealthy person died. 13 ,instead of being carried by angels to heaven,he 14 himself in the depths of hell.When he looked 15 a great chasm(深渊)that separated heaven from where he was,he called out to Abraham to have Lazarus bring him water he might use to stop his thirst from his suffering.‎ But Abraham replied to the rich man that,in life,he had 16 all the good things money could buy while Lazarus led a poor life,and that now Lazarus was receiving his 17 for his faithfulness while the rich man was being 18 due to his faithlessness.Besides,the chasm between them was too great and 19 anyone crossing from heaven to hell.The rich man would have to 20 his suffering.‎ The story was intended to convey two 21 .The one is that it is 22 to focus on earthly ‎ wealth instead of on heavenly wealth,something that wouldn’t 23 .The other one is that it’s our duty to take care of those less 24 .In spite of his material blessings,the rich man didn’t use his 25 wisely to provide comfort for Lazarus and others like him.‎ Therefore,do you have a 26 life?Have you ever come into contact with those who are unlucky?If so,do something you can to 27 their terrible conditions!‎ ‎8.A.deserved B.hesitated C.regretted D.expected 答案 D 解析 Lazarus是个乞丐,希望能吃到富人家桌上的残羹剩饭。‎ ‎9.A.waste B.enjoy C.hold D.donate 答案 B 解析 根据the homeowner was rich enough可知富人能享受生活中美好的东西,选B项。‎ ‎10.A.contradiction B.balance C.contrast D.relationship 答案 C 解析 这两个人之间的贫富形成了鲜明的对照。‎ ‎11.A.journey B.enemy C.future D.disease 答案 D 解析 根据第一段Lazarus was ill可推断Lazarus最后还是病死了,故选D项。‎ ‎12.A.peace B.success C.death D.pain 答案 A 解析 Lazarus死后进入了天堂,可以享受宁静和美食。‎ ‎13.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Otherwise 答案 C 解析 富人死了,但没有上了天堂而是下了地狱。根据前后的转折关系判断选C项。‎ ‎14.A.put B.found C.shut D.left 答案 B 解析 没有被天使带向天堂,富人发现自己处在地狱深渊。‎ ‎15.A.across B.for C.into D.after 答案 A 解析 根据后面的“a great chasm(深渊) that separated heaven from where he was”可推断富人是从地狱这一边看过去,故选A项。‎ ‎16.A.prepared B.spread C.received D.shared 答案 C 解析 富人生前已经得到所有金钱能买来的好东西。‎ ‎17.A.support B.reward C.admission D.gratitude 答案 B 解析 Lazarus因为他的虔诚死后得到了回报。‎ ‎18.A.adjusted B.treated C.refused D.punished 答案 D 解析 富人因为活着的时候不仁而下了地狱,当然是受到惩罚,故选D项。‎ ‎19.A.prevented B.kept C.caught D.noticed 答案 A 解析 巨大的深渊阻止任何人从地狱进入天堂。‎ ‎20.A.remove B.avoid C.endure D.forget 答案 C 解析 富人进不了天堂,只能忍受痛苦,选C项。‎ ‎21.A.theories B.lessons C.themes D.schedules 答案 B 解析 故事旨在说明两点人生道理,故选B项。‎ ‎22.A.necessary B.ordinary C.formal D.foolish 答案 D 解析 根据富人的遭遇可判断,过于看重人间财富是愚蠢的。‎ ‎23.A.leave out B.fade away C.run away D.break out 答案 B 解析 根据Lazarus的经历可知这种heavenly wealth是不会消退的。‎ ‎24.A.fortunate B.common C.intelligent D.hardworking 答案 A 解析 Lazarus这样的穷人属于不幸的人,故选A项。‎ ‎25.A.brain B.heart C.strategy D.wealth 答案 D 解析 富人没有明智地利用自己的财富去救济人。‎ ‎26.A.comfortable B.miserable C.secure D.challenging 答案 A 解析 此处应与下文的who are unlucky相对应,故选A项。‎ ‎27.A.protect B.escape C.relieve D.overcome 答案 C 解析 如果你过得舒服,遇到不幸的人就应该做些能减轻他们困苦的事。‎ Ⅲ.写作素材(关于艺术)‎ ‎1.上星期天,我去了画廊。‎ ‎2.在那里,我欣赏了很多雕塑和绘画。‎ ‎3.尽管我不是传统艺术的专家,我甚至不知道他们都使用了什么技巧。‎ ‎4.但是这个展览很吸引我。‎ ‎5.我学到了很多。‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用where引导的定语从句,though引导的让步状语从句。‎ 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)‎ Last Sunday,I went to the gallery,where I appreciated many sculptures and paintings.Though I’m not a specialist in conventional art and I even don’t know the techniques that they used,the exhibition appealed to me.I have learned a great deal.‎

