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‎2018届人教版选修6一轮复习:Unit2Poems单元学案设计 重点单词回顾 ‎1__________ vt. 传达;运送 ‎2.___________adj. 具体的→___________adv. 具体地;详细地 ‎3.__________adj. 灵活的→ __________adv. 灵活地→__________n. 灵活性 ‎4._________ adv. 最后;终于→(同义词) _________ adv. 最后 ‎5._________ vt.& vi. 转化;转换;改造;变幻→______________ n. 转化;转换;改革 ‎6.____________ adj. 适当的→ ____________ adv. 适当地→______________n. 适当;适合→(反义词) ______________adj. 不适当的 ‎7.__________ n.& v. 交换;交流;调换 ‎8.__________ n. 赞助人 vt. 赞助;发起 ‎9._____________adj. 矛盾的→ _____________ vt. 与……矛盾/抵触 → _____________ n. 矛盾 ‎10._________ n. 最低限度;最少量;最小数→(反义词) _________ n. 最大限度;最大量 ‎11.__________ n. 悲伤;悲痛→__________ adj. 悲伤的;伤心的 ‎12._________ n. 毕业文凭 ‎13.__________ n. 黑暗;漆黑→ __________ adj. 黑暗的 ‎14.__________ n. 温暖;暖和→ __________ adj. 暖和的;温暖的 ‎15.__________ n. 钢琴家→__________ n. 钢琴 ‎16._________ n. 情感;情绪→ _________ adj. 情绪的;情感的;易情绪化的 ‎17._________ vt. & vi. 取消;戏弄 ‎18._________ adj. 咸的→_________ n. 盐 ‎19._________adj. 无穷的;没完没了的→ _________adv. 不断地;没完没了地 ‎20.____________ n. 翻译→____________ vt. 翻译→____________ n. 翻译家 重点单词句中学 ‎1. aspect ‎(C)(事态,计划等的)局面,看法,形势,样子 你只考虑到这个问题的一面.‎ You’ve only considered_________________________.‎ ‎2) (C,U)(事物的)外观;(人的)外貌,容貌 ‎ 他是一个容貌令人印象深刻的男子. He is a man _____________________.‎ Keys:one aspect of the problem;with an impressive aspect;‎ ‎2. There are various reasons why people write poetry. ‎ ‎1) various: different, its root is vary.‎ ‎2) poetry is a collective noun, used as an uncountable noun.‎ 一首诗 a poem 3. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. ‎ 有些诗讲述一个故事,或者描述某件事情,这样给读者留下强烈的印象。‎ ‎[点拨] 该句中的in a way意为“用一种方式”,由于way后接一个that引导的定语从句且在从句中作主语,故在此理解为“用一种能给读者留下强烈的印象的方式”。‎ 如:‎ We should help the poor student in a way that won’t hurt his self-respect. ‎ 我们应该以一种不伤害到这个贫困生的自尊的方式来帮助他。‎ ‎4. Others try to convey certain emotion. ‎ Some … others…/One… the other (s) …常常以固定的搭配形式出现 convey ‎1) to make (feeling, idea, thoughts,etc.)known 传达,表达(感情,意见,思想)‎ 言语无法表达我的感情. _____________________________.‎ 我说不出有多愤怒.___________________________.‎ Keys:Words cannot convey my feelings;I can’t convey how angry I feel.‎ Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. ‎ Body language conveys much more information than language spoken.‎ ‎2) to show 传达,说明 convey+ that……‎ 他的信说明他有副热心肠.‎ ‎__________________________________‎ ‎3) to take or carry from one place to another 输送,搬运,运输 这艘船从中东运输石油到欧洲. ‎ ‎____________________________________________.‎ Keys:His letter conveys that he has a warm heart.‎ This ship conveys oil from the Middle East to Europe ‎ emotion 情绪 emotional 易动感情的 kinds of feelings:‎ 忧伤 sorrow sadness 乡愁 homesickness 悲伤 grief 憎恨 hatred 幸福 happiness 爱 love 喜欢 fondness 热情 enthusiasm 激情 passion ‎5. …are still a common type of children’s poetry. ‎ Common:existing in large numbers or in many places 常见的, 普遍的 Usual:happen most of the time or in most cases 惯常的 ‎ Normal:of what you would expect 正常的 common diseases usual time normal temperature normal state (状态)‎ usual work common spelling mistakes ‎ ‎6….they delight small children because…‎ delight: give sb. a lot of pleasure and enjoyment 使欣喜 ‎1) be delighted to do ‎ ‎ Children will be delighted to receive presents from Santa Claus. ‎ ‎2) be delighted at/by sth.‎ ‎3) delight in doing sth. 以…取乐 他讲的笑话使大家很开心.‎ ‎________________________. ‎ 他时常以魔术逗他的小孩高兴. ‎ ‎__________________________________.‎ 那个老人喜欢听爵士乐. ‎ ‎_________________________________.‎ 他喜欢挑别人的毛病.‎ ‎_________________________________.‎ Keys:His joke delighted everyone.‎ He often delighted his children with his magic.‎ The old man delighted in (listening to)jazz.‎ He delights in finding fault with others.‎ n. 欢喜,高兴,愉快;爱好的事物,嗜好 ‎ 习惯搭配:with delight 高兴地,欣然; ‎ I read your letter with great delight. ‎ 拜读大函,至感欣慰.‎ to one’s delight 令人高兴的是……‎ 儿子通过考试令我大感欣慰. ‎ ‎ _To my great delight ___, my son passed the examination.‎ adj. delightful令人喜悦的,令人愉快的 delighted 高兴的,欣喜的 a delightful party ( 愉快的宴会 ) ‎ That girl is delightful. ____那个女孩讨人喜欢._______________. ‎ 我对这个结果感到非常满意.__I was very delighted with the results. ___.‎ ‎7. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal. ‎ ‎ score v. 得分 ‎ 1) to win points or goals in a game or a competition ‎ Yao Ming scored 23 points in the first quarter.‎ ‎ 2) gain marks in an exam She scored 98 out of 100.‎ score n. 二十 ‎ score与数词many, several 等连用时, 不加 “s”, 所修饰的名词前常省去 “of”two score of people 中应加of , 但three score and ten people 中不加 of,scores of people 指”许多人” 。‎ dozen, hundred, thousand, million等词的用法一样 The bus can hold __two score and ten___ people. 这辆汽车可以容纳50人。 _Scores of___ people took part in the game. 许多人参加了这次比赛。‎ ‎8. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy. ‎ ‎1) relax and avoid working too hard 松散,松懈 ‎2) used to tell a person not to worry.放心别着急 ‎1. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy.‎ ‎ 如果我们没有放松警惕,我们本来会夺冠.‎ ‎2. 今天你做的工作足够了,现在休息一小时.‎ You have done quite enough work for today; _now take it easy for an hour_. ‎ ‎3. 坐下,放松.‎ Sit down and take it easy. ‎ ‎9. if we hadn’t run out of energy. ‎ ‎ I have run out of money.‎ ‎ My money has run out.‎ ‎ run out of patience if引导的虚拟条件句与过去事实相反,从句的谓语用“had +过去分词”,主句的谓语用“would / should / could / might + have +过去分词”。‎ ‎1. ___ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race. (2007全国卷II) ‎ A. If B. Since C. Though D. When ‎[点拨] 根据主、从句的谓语动词的形式可以看出,这是一个与过去事实相反的if虚拟语气,故选A。 ‎ ‎2. They _____ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go. (山东2007)‎ A. had got B. got ‎ C. have got D. get ‎ ‎[点拨] otherwise they’d never have been able ...这一句用了与过去事实相反的虚拟语气;但是“他们弄到了两张去加拿大的免费票”却是事实,所以用一般过去时。‎ run out of 是及物短语,后接宾语,表示“用完……”,而run out是不及物短语,表示“被用完”。‎ The petrol is running out. ‎ 汽油快用光了。‎ We are running out of our time.= ___Our time is running out____.‎ 史密斯还没到达终点就精疲力竭了. ___Smith ran himself out_____ before he reached the goal.‎ The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _____ quickly. (上海2005春)‎ A. shuts up B. ends up C. runs out D. turns out ‎ 根据主句的句意“摄影师需要每天给数码相机充电”,可知电池很快用完了,故选C。shut up关闭,关紧;end up结束;turn out关掉。‎ 联想记忆 use up ‎ ‎1)设法利用,用尽(材料等)‎ 我把胶水用光了。I have used up all the glue 她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。‎ She used up the chicken bones to make soup 耗尽(精力),用尽他全身的力气use up all his strength ‎ ‎10. a poem made up of five lines ‎ 由五行组成的诗 ‎ make sth up 形成、构成或组成某物 These arguments make up the case for the defence.‎ 这些争论是有利于被告的实情。‎ What are the qualities that make up his character?‎ 形成他的性格的特质是什么?‎ make up 有其它意思: ‎ ‎1. They quarreled (with each other) but soon made up. ‎ ‎2. She took over 30 minutes to make up (her face). ‎ ‎3. Is she telling the truth or making it all up.‎ ‎4. We need one more player to make up a team.‎ ‎5. I must make up the loss somehow.‎ 知识拓展 make up for 补偿 How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?‎ 我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害? ‎ make up for lost time 补回失去的时间 They hurried on to make up for lost time.‎ 他们加速进行以补回失去的时间。‎ ‎11. A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. ‎ branch在此意为“树枝”,它还可意为“分部;分行”。‎ The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ___ all over the country. (辽宁2005)‎ A. companies B. branches ‎ C. organizations D. businesses 句意:这家银行的总部在北京, 但是它在全国有分行”,故选B。‎ ‎12. Snow having melted, the whole village is brimful of happy children. ‎ ‎ =As snow has melted, the whole village is …‎ ‎ melt, melted, melted/molten ‎ ‎ be brimful of = be full of ‎ ‎13. Should the journeyer return, this stone would utter speech. ‎ 当if引导的虚拟条件句中有had, were, should时,可将if省去,将had, were, should提前,构成倒装语序。如:‎ ‎ _____ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. (湖北2006) ‎ A. Would you be B. Should you be ‎ C. Could you be D. Might you be ‎ ‎[点拨] 根据句意“如果你被炒了,你的医疗保险和其他利益并不会立即被取消。”可知这是一个与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,只有当if从句中含有had, were, should这三个词时才构成倒装语序,故选B。 ‎ ‎14. Does the poem have a rhythmic pattern?‎ ‎ pattern:‎ ‎ n. (1) 图案 ‎ This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. ‎ ‎ 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。‎ ‎(2) 模板, 式样 ‎ This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。‎ v. form a pattern ‎ ‎ He patterned himself upon a man he admired. 他模仿一个他钦佩的人。‎ ‎15. Till you’re older you’ll not know what brave young smiles can mean. ‎ ‎[翻译] 等你长大成人以后,才知道年轻勇敢的微笑的奥秘。‎ ‎[点拨] till用在肯定句中,意为“直到……为止”,通常表示动作的终点,因此,动词必须是延续性的。如:‎ We must stick to our task till it is finished. 我们必须继续工作, 直到做完为止。‎ Just wait till you see it. It’s great. 你就等着直到看见它吧。好看极了。‎ 用在否定句中,意为“直到……才”,通常表示动作的起点,动词可以是延续性的也可以是非延续性的。如: ‎ She didn’t sleep till her son came back. 直到她儿子回来她才睡着。‎ ‎(sleep为延续性动词)‎ I didn’t begin work till he had gone. 直到他走了我才开始工作。‎ ‎(begin为非延续性动词)‎ ‎16. inspire ‎ ‎ to encourage ‎ ‎ His noble example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts. 他那高尚的榜样激发我们大家更加努力。‎ ‎(2) to be the force which produces ‎ 启示, 使…产生灵感 ‎ His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. ‎ 他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。‎ inspire sb. to do sth.‎ inspire +n. +in sb. = inspire sb. with + n.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎17. I’ll also try out his way some time.‎ ‎ try out: trying something to find out about it 试用, 试验 ‎ Please try out red wine. 请试试我们的红葡萄酒。‎ 知识联系:‎ try one’s best ‎ try on try doing sth. ‎ try to do sth.‎ ‎18. let out ‎(1) express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words) ‎ ‎ He let out a volley of oaths. 他像发连珠炮似地破口大骂。‎ ‎(2) bring out of a specific state He accidentally let out that he hadn’t been home for three weeks.‎ ‎19.load ‎ n. 担子,负担,工作量 They work under the load of responsibility.‎ He climbed the hill with a heavy load on his shoulder. ‎ My work load is more than forty hours a week. ‎ ‎2) v. 装货,将货物装上……‎ ‎ They loaded the ship quickly. ‎ 他们迅速把货物装上船。‎ ‎ The truck was loaded with bananas.那卡车装载着香蕉。 ‎ 单元词汇串记 A Special Hobby of a Pianist(钢琴家的特殊爱好) ‎ ‎ Once there was one pianist who was good at not only playing piano, but also writing poems, those made up of flexible line length with beautiful rhymes in particular. His various emotions, such as his sorrow, his concrete or contradictory thoughts etc, were conveyed by his music as well as his poems. However, some people said the pianist’s poems didn’t make sense. ‎ It seemed that he was running out of his imagination. What they could see in his poems was just repetition in different patterns. Perhaps, he should exchange his thoughts more with some real poets. Although he was teased sometimes, he took it easy. He made every effort to improve his writing skills. It was his perseverance that transformed him into a musical poet. Gradually, his poems became quite popular with musicians, who thought it was appropriate to use his special poems to express their feelings. He even won the championship of a poem writing competition. Eventually, the sponsor of that competition helped him publish a poetry book and later it was translated into many different languages. ‎ 译文: 曾经有一个钢琴家,不仅擅长弹钢琴,而且还擅长写诗,尤其是那些由灵活的长度和优美的韵律组成的诗。他不仅可以用音乐还可以用诗歌来传达他的各种情感,如悲伤、具体或矛盾的想法等。然而,有人说,钢琴家的诗没有意义,似乎他已经耗尽了想象力。在他的诗中所能看到的只是不同的形式的重复。也许,他应该更多地与一些真正的诗人交换想法。虽然他有时被人取笑,但他却很从容,他努力提高自己的写作技巧。正是他的毅力将他变成了一个音乐诗人。渐渐地,他的诗受到了音乐家们的欢迎,他们认为他的诗正好可以表达他们的情感。他甚至赢得了一个诗歌写作比赛的冠军。最后,那次比赛的赞助人还帮他出版了一本诗集,这本诗集后来被翻译成了许多不同的语言。 ‎ 重点语块 ‎1.____________轻松;不紧张;从容 ‎ ‎2.__________________用完 ‎3._______________由……构成 ‎ ‎4._______________特别;尤其 ‎5.____________测试;试验 ‎ ‎6.____________发生;放走 ‎7.________________把……翻译成…… ‎ ‎8.____________融掉;逐渐消失 ‎9.____________令我伤心的是 ‎ ‎10.______________作为……的交换 ‎11. exchange… for… ______________ ‎ ‎12. a load of ______________‎ ‎13. nursery rhymes _______________ ‎ ‎14. make sense ________________‎ ‎15. on fire ________________ ‎ ‎16. on the top of ________________‎ ‎17. at the bottom of _______________ ‎ ‎18. go for a hike _______________‎ ‎19. part ways with _______________ ‎ ‎20. comb through _______________‎ 重点句型 ‎ ‎1.There are various reasons_____________________. 人们写诗是有各种原因的。(P10)‎ ‎2._______________, they were all true. 虽然奇怪,但它们都是真的 ‎3.____________ tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. _______ try to convey certain emotions. 有些诗歌以一种令读者印象深刻的方式讲述故事或描述时间,其他的就试图传达某些情感。(P10)‎ ‎4. We lay in bed, __________________. 我们躺在床上,窗开着。‎ ‎5. I think you can test _______________ _______ that: if you could educate a six-year-old child. 你们可以通过问这个问题来验证:你能否教育六岁的孩子。‎ 答案:‎ 1. why people 2.Though strange 3.Some,Others 4. with the windows open5.by asking the question 句型操练 根据括号中的提示将下列中文句子翻译成英文。‎ ‎1. 中学生喜欢到外国留学是有各种原因的。(There are various reasons why)‎ There are various reasons why middle school students like to study abroad.‎ ‎2. 虽然非常生气,但我能克制,未把我的真实想法告诉他。(Though… )‎ Though very angry, I held back from telling him exactly what I thought.‎ ‎3. 生活推着我们所有的人,有些人放弃了,有些人在抗争。(Some… Others… )‎ Life pushes all of us around. Some give up. Others fight.‎ ‎4. 有这么多的作业要完成,他们决定呆在家里而不是出去。(because… )‎ With so much homework to complete, they decide to stay at home instead of going out.‎ ‎5. 他通过听音乐和写诗消磨掉了整个上午的时光。(by doing… )‎ He killed off the whole morning by listening to the music and writing poems.‎ 单元话题写作 短语翻译 ‎1. 中国诗歌 ‎ Chinese poems ‎2. 古典诗歌 ancient poems ‎3. 现代诗歌 modern poems ‎4. 优美的节奏和韵律 the beautiful rhythm and rhyme ‎5. 深远的意义 the further meanings ‎6.珍贵的文化遗产 the precious cultural heritage ‎7.珍贵的中华文化 the precious Chinese cultures ‎8.某人的祖先 one’s ancestors ‎9.更容易理解 be easier to understand ‎10.容易地表达我们不同的感受和想法 express one’s different feelings and ideas easily ‎11.自由地表达自己的想法 be free to express oneself ‎12.把某物代代相传下去 pass sth. on from generation to generation ‎13.遵循特殊的节奏和韵律 follow special patterns of rhythm and rhyme ‎14.从……学到许多 learn much from …‎ ‎15.乐于互相帮助 be ready to help each other ‎16.与某人相处得好 get along well with sb.‎ ‎17.进行关于……的激烈讨论 have a heated discussion about…‎ ‎18.不仅……而且 not only … but also ‎19.众所周知 as we all know ‎20.另一方面 on the other hand 句子翻译 ‎1. 很高兴你能加入我们班,我们是个很棒的班级。‎ I’m glad you can join our class, which is a wonderful group. ‎ ‎2. 众所周知,中国诗歌有古典诗歌和现代诗歌。‎ As we all know, Chinese poems include ancient poems and modern poems. ‎ ‎3. 古典诗歌有优美的节奏和韵律,它还有深层的含义。‎ Ancient poems have beautiful rhythm and rhyme, which have further meanings. ‎ ‎4.另一方面,现代诗歌容易表达我们不同的感受和想法。‎ On the other hand, modern poems can express our different feelings and ideas easily. ‎ ‎5. 在我看来,两者都是珍贵的中华文化,我相信你能从这两者中学到许多东西。‎ In my opinion, both are precious Chinese cultures and I’m sure you can learn much from them.‎ ‎6. 上周我们班讨论了古代诗歌和现代诗歌,哪种诗歌更受欢迎。‎ Last week our class had a heated discussion about which poems are more popular between ancient poems and modern poems.‎ ‎7. 大约42%的学生认为古典诗歌有深层的含义,这教会我们很多东西。‎ About 42% of the students think ancient poems have further meanings, which teach us a lot more. ‎ ‎8. 除此之外, 古典诗歌是我们祖先留下的宝贵的文化遗产,所以我们应该代代相传。‎ Besides, ancient poems are precious cultural heritage left by our ancestors so we should pass them on from generation to generation.‎ ‎9. 然而,其他58%的学生认为,现代诗歌更容易理解。‎ However, the other 58% of the students hold the view that modern poems are easier to understand. ‎ ‎10. 更重要的是,现代诗歌不必遵循特殊的节奏和韵律,所以我们可以自由地表达自己。‎ What’s more, modern poems don’t have to follow special patterns of rhythm and rhyme so we are free to express ourselves.‎ 课堂练习 假设你是李华,得知美国学生Chris作为交换生,下学期将到你校研修中国文学,将加入你班学习。请你根据下面提示,给他写封邮件:‎ ‎1. 表示欢迎;‎ ‎2. 介绍中国文学之瑰宝——诗歌;‎ ‎3. 你对诗歌的看法。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1. 词数100左右;‎ ‎2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; ‎ ‎3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。‎ Dear Chris,‎ ‎ I am Li Hua. ‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ Best wishes. ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎[导练]‎ 第一步,认真审题,明确要求。‎ 体裁:邮件 人称:第一、三人称 时态:以一般现在时为主 要点:先对Chris表示欢迎;再介绍中国诗歌;最后表达自己对诗歌的看法。‎ 第二步,列出要点,以免遗漏。‎ ‎1. 表示欢迎 (Welcome to our class in China; I’m glad you can join our class; not only…but also; enjoys studying; help each other; get along well with) ‎ ‎2. 介绍中国文学之瑰宝——诗歌 (as we all know; Chinese poems; ancient poems; modern poems; have beautiful rhythm and rhyme; have further meanings; the precious cultural heritage; on the other hand; can express different feelings and ideas easily; be free to express oneself)‎ ‎3. 你对诗歌的看法 (in my opinion; as for me; the precious Chinese cultures; learn much from …)‎ 第三步,围绕中心,添加细节。‎ 1. 欢迎到中国来学习。很高兴你能加入我们班,我们是个很棒的班级。同学们不仅喜欢学习,还乐于互相帮助。相信你加入到我们当中来,会和我们相处得很好。‎ 2. 我知道,你将到中国来学习诗歌。众所周知,中国诗歌有古典诗歌和现代诗歌。古典诗歌有优美的节奏和韵律,古典诗歌还有深层的含义。他们是我们祖先留下的宝贵的文化遗产。另一方面,现代诗歌更容易理解,并且更容易表达我们不同的感受和想法。‎ 1. ‎3. 在我看来,古典诗歌和现代诗歌都是中华文化,我相信你能从这两者中学到许多东西。‎ 2. 第四步,翻译表达,连贯得体。‎ 3. 第五步,仔细检查,工整书写。‎ Dear Chris,‎ ‎ I am Li Hua. Welcome to our class in China. I’m glad you can join our class, which is a wonderful group. Students not only enjoy studying, but are ready to help each other. So if you join us, I’m sure you can get along well with us. ‎ I know that you will come to China to study poems. As we all know, Chinese poems include ancient poems and modern poems.Ancient poems have beautiful rhythm and rhyme, which have further meanings. They are precious cultural heritage left by our ancestors. On the other hand, modern poems are easier to understand and can express our different feelings and ideas easily. In my opinion, both are precious Chinese cultures and I’m sure you can learn much from them.‎ ‎ Best wishes. ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua 高考真题回放 材料是李华以电子邮件的形式告知外国朋友汉语课上课情况,内容涉及时间、地点、学唐诗、了解唐朝的历史等。需要注意的是试题没有给出信的开头和结尾,因此书信的格式也是考查的一个内容,答题卷提供的是16行。‎ 在书信内容的设计上,试题难度和要求与往年的英语作文基本一致,整体设计严密,科学规范,情景真实可信,贴近考生实际。‎ 这样的英语作文对考生来说,展开写作并不难,难的是拿到比较高的分数,这就需要考生在文中使用一些可以使作文增光添彩的高级词汇、短语或句式。然而,考生在写作时仅仅是为了追求所谓的高级词汇、短语或句式而出现错误,是得不偿失的,因此考生在写作时,要量力而行,避免不必要的失分。‎ 一、写作建议 ‎(一)书写规范卷面美 英语作文毕竟是一项主观性试题,考生的作文分数除了受写作水平影响以外,还受阅卷老师的主观评价影响。干净整洁的卷面,漂亮工整的字体,会使人赏心悦目,会使阅卷老师眼前一亮,从而给阅卷老师留下非常好的印象,无疑会使作文增色不少。这样的英语作文相对来说,分数会明显高于写作水平相当,但是卷面比较差的考生。因此,在写作时,书写与卷面是考生应该留意的一个重要方面,需要做到英语字母书写规范,工整清晰,大小适中,卷面整洁,忌潦草凌乱,乱涂乱改,卷面一塌糊涂。‎ ‎(二)精心布局谋好篇 看到英语作文试题后,不要急于往答题卷上书写,应先对试题仔细审读,理清写作思路,明确写作任务。之后,考生还需要进一步对所要写的作文进行总体精心设计,包括需要涵盖几方面的内容要点,需要分成几个段落来写,需要使用哪些句型等。这样就为下一步写好作文奠定了坚实的基础。‎ ‎(三)要点完整控篇幅 在答题纸上书写时,考生应注意要点的完整性,上下文的连贯性,词汇及句式的多样性,语言的准确性。而且需要注意内容充实,积极健康,逻辑清晰,语言规范,交际得体,建议词数保持在80至120之间。应尽可能运用比较熟悉的词汇、短语和句型,尽量变换句式,在有把握的情况下,才可使用一些使短文能够增色的较高级的词汇、短语或者句式。‎ ‎(四)过渡词语文紧凑 在写作时,考生可在文中穿插一些过渡性词汇、短语或句型,这样会使短文过渡自然,衔接紧密,行文紧凑。‎ ‎①表困果关系:therefore,so,hence,thus,accordingly,consequently,as a result……‎ ‎②表举例示范:for example,in other words,for instance,that is,that is to say……‎ ‎③表总结概括:in summary,to sum up,in brief,in short,on the whole,in a word,all in all,in conclusion,as has been noted,on the whole……‎ ‎④表转折让步:unfortunately,anyway,but,however, otherwise,still,yet,after all,in spite of,on the contrary,on the other hand,in any case,whatever……‎ ‎⑤表递进过渡:again,also,worse still,obviously,then,besides,further,furthermore,moreover,next,similarly,after a while,at the same time,in addition,meanwhile, suddenly, later, soon, in the same way, what’s more……‎ ‎(五)认真复查把好关 在写完英语作文后,考生还需要对自己的作文进行从头至尾耐心地复查,把好最后一道关。这是写作中不可缺少的一个重要环节。在复查的过程中,考生需要查看是否由于粗心而出现了一些低级错误,如单复数、拼写、搭配、时态、标点符号等。对于查找出来的错误,切忌乱涂乱改,可以按照短文改错的纠错方法在原文上进行单词的添加、删除或者修改。‎ 二、失分原因 ‎1. 出现了拼写、时态、搭配、结构等错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。‎ ‎2. 出现中国式英语、汉语拼音,或者只是大量简单的单词堆砌。‎ ‎3. 使用的词汇、短语等低级有限,句式结构单调(根据评分标准,要想拿到高分,则需要使用高级词汇和高级句式。我的建议是尽可能多使用简单句,慎用比较长的句子,在有把握的前提下方可使用高级词汇、高级句式或长句,否则因为使用不当而丢分,得不偿失)。‎ ‎4. 文中缺少语句间的连接成分,上下文不够连贯,不紧凑。‎ ‎5. 所用词汇,漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。‎ ‎6. 没有按要求写够规定的词数,篇幅过短(词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分)。‎ ‎7. 通篇词汇、短语等,重复现象严重或平平淡淡,缺乏精彩的语言亮点。‎ ‎8. 单词书写凌乱,卷面模糊不清,影响了老师的阅卷。‎ ‎9. 作文内容不是健康向上,缺乏正能量。‎ 三、评分标准 ‎2017高考全国新课标卷英语书面表达(作文)评分标准 ‎——教育部考试中心 ‎(一)评分原则 ‎1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。‎ ‎2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。‎ ‎3. 词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。‎ ‎4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。‎ ‎5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。‎ ‎6. 如果书写较差以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。‎ ‎(二)各档次的给分范围和要求 ‎ 第五档 ‎(21—25分)‎ 完全完成了试题规定的任务。‎ ‎—覆盖所有内容要点。‎ ‎—应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。‎ ‎—语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂的结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言应用能力。‎ ‎—有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。‎ 完全达到了预期的写作目的。‎ 第四档 ‎(16—20分)‎ 完全完成了试题规定的任务。‎ ‎—虽漏掉一、两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。‎ ‎—应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。‎ ‎—语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。‎ ‎—应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。‎ 达到了预期的写作目的。‎ 第三档 ‎(11—15分)‎ 基本完成了试题规定的任务。‎ ‎—虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。‎ ‎—应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。‎ ‎—有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。‎ ‎—应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。‎ 整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。‎ 第二档 ‎(6—10分)‎ 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。     ‎ ‎—漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。‎ ‎—语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。‎ ‎—有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。‎ ‎—较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。‎ 信息未能清楚地传达给读者。‎ 第一档 ‎(1—5分)‎ 未完成试题规定的任务。‎ ‎—明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。‎ ‎—语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。‎ ‎—较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。‎ ‎—缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。‎ 信息未能传达给读者。‎ ‎0分 未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求的内容无关或所写内容无法看清。‎ 备 注 来源:《2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲的说明》‎ Dear Leslie,‎ I’m glad I can teach you Chinese and also I’m happy you have been making great progress in studying Chinese these days.  I’m writing to tell you something about my plan for my next Chinese class. ‎ It becoming hotter and hotter, and to order to save time, I’m planning to have our class next time from 8:00am to 11:30am on QQ video in our homes. Please enter QQ on time then. We’ll study something about Chinese Tang poetry. Therefore, please spend some time taking a brief look at the history of the Tang Dynasty outside of class in preparation for next class.‎ Yours sincerely Li Hua ‎(107 words)‎ 情态动词与虚拟语气 ‎9. [2017·北京卷] Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ________ easily reach the books on the top shelf.‎ A.must B.should ‎ C.can D.need C [解析] 考查情态动词。can表示能力,意为“能够” 。故答案为C。句意:塞缪尔——我们班个子最高的男孩——能够轻松地够到架子顶层上的书。‎ ‎10.[2017·北京卷] If the new safety system ________ to use, the accident would never have happened. ‎ A.had been put B.were put ‎ C.should be put D.would be put A [解析] 考查虚拟语气。根据句意可知是对过去情况的虚拟,从句用had done形式, 故答案选 A。句意:如果新的安全系统已投入使用的话, 这次事故就不会发生了。‎ ‎11. [2017·江苏卷] ________not for the support of the teachers,the student could not overcome her difficulty.‎ A.It were B.Were it ‎ C.It was D.Was it ‎12. [2017·天津卷] My room is a mess, but I ________clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.‎ A.daren't B.shouldn't ‎ C.needn't D.mustn't C [解析] 考查情态动词。根据“I can do it in the morning.”可知现在没必要打扫房间。故选C项。needn't不必;daren't不敢;shouldn't不应该;mustn't不准,禁止。句意:我的房间很乱,不过今晚在我出去之前,我没必要打扫它。我可以在(明天)早晨打扫。‎ ‎13. [2017·天津卷] —Do you have Betty's phone number?‎ ‎—Yes. Otherwise, I ________ able to reach her yesterday.‎ A.hadn't been B.wouldn't have been ‎ C.weren't D.wouldn't be B [解析] 考查虚拟语气。由空前的otherwise可知应用虚拟语气,再结合句意可知此处表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用would have done,故选B项。句意:“你有贝蒂的电话号码吗?”“有。不然的话,我昨天就不会联系上她了。”‎ ‎14. .[ 江苏省联盟大联考2017届高三2月联考]‎ ‎— I wonder what makes you a good salesperson.‎ ‎— I ________ as a waiter for three years, which contributes a lot to my today’s work.‎ A. serve B. served C. have served D. had served ‎【答案】B ‎15. [ 江苏省联盟大联考2017届高三2月联考]‎ ‎— Why did you miss the interview yesterday?‎ ‎— Terribly sorry. My pet dog got seriously injured and I ________ it all the day.‎ A. attend B. was attending C. had attended D.have attended ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查时态。根据后面的时间状语all the day可知,这件事情是在过去持续进行的,应用过去进行时。故选B。‎ ‎16. [ 江苏省联盟大联考2017届高三2月联考]‎ ‎— Helen, are you going Io the airport to pick up Jack the day after tomorrow?‎ ‎— ________ tomorrow night. I would go.‎ A. Were he to come back B. If he was about to come back C. Had he come back D. If he would come back]‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气的倒装形式。此句是虚拟语气if sb. were ··, sb. would do sth.的变形,当if引导的虚拟状语从句中如有were/had/should,if省略后,从句要部分倒装。故选A。‎ ‎17. [ 天津市和平区2017届高三第三次质量调查(三模)]‎ Now the world’s attention ________ the stocking markets, as they have great influence on the world’s economy.‎ A. is fixing on B. is being fixed on C. has fixed on D. had been fixed on ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查时态语态。句意:现在世界关注的焦点都在股票市场上,因为它们对世界经济已经产生了很大的影响。 attention与focus之间为被动关系,Now提示用现在进行时。‎ ‎18. [ 天津市和平区2017届高三第三次质量调查(三模)]‎ ‎— What happened to the young trees we planted last week?‎ ‎— The trees __________ well, but I didn’t water them.‎ A. might grow B. would have grown C. needn’t have grown D. would grow ‎【答案】B ‎【名师点睛】‎ 虚拟语气 在表示假想的、虚假的、与事实相反的或难以实现的情况时用虚拟语气,‎ 此题是与过去事实相反的虚拟,主句应该用would have done。would have done 是对过去事情的虚拟,本可以做却没做,第二空根据后面使用了转折but 来看,表示事实上没有浇水,是过去的事实,用一般过去式。‎ ‎19. 【江苏省苏州市2017届高三上学期期中调研】----Why are you standing the street in such hot weather?‎ ‎ ----I just can’t help it. I am appointed to interview people______ to learn about the customers’ feedback on our products.‎ A. at random B. at hand C. at best D. at intervals ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】‎ 试题分析:考查介词短语 句意上:--为什么这么热的天你还站在街上?--我也是不得已。我被安排采访路人以了解对我们产品的反馈。A项表示“随意地”;B项是“在手头,即将到来”;C项表示“充其量”;D项是“不时地”,依照语境A项适合。‎ 考点:考查介词短语 ‎20. 【江苏省苏州市2017届高三上学期期中调研】Mr. Green is always devoted to his work and has a sense of responsibility. That’s why he was asked to _______the ‎ company when manager’s health was declining.‎ A. take over B. hand over C. turn over D. trip over ‎【答案】A 考点:考查动词短语 ‎21. 【江苏省苏州市2017届高三上学期期中调研】To be an artist is not easy, but sometimes dreams can be a rich source of______-for an artist.‎ A. occasion B. identification C. inspiration D. occupation ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】‎ 试题分析:考查名词 句意上:成为一名艺术家不容易,但是有时候对一名艺术家来说梦想是灵感的丰富源泉。A项表示“场合”;B项是“识别”;C项表示“灵感”而D项表示“占据,职业”之意。依据语境C项适合。‎ 考点:考查名词 ‎22. 【江苏省苏州市2017届高三上学期期中调研】_____the danger of traveling on the lonely island, they would not be trapped now.‎ A. Have they been informed of B. Were they informed of C. Should they be informed of D. Had they been informed of ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】‎ 试题分析:考查虚拟语气 句意上:如果他们被告知了在孤岛上旅行的危险的话他们现在就不会被困了。此题考查的是混合虚拟语气且考查了虚拟语气与倒装省略的结合。If条件句中表示的是与过去事实相反应该是“If they had been informed of the danger of traveling on the lonely island”,主句是与现在事实相反可以通过时间状语“now”判断出。依照if遇到的虚拟语气与倒装省略的结合用法可以用成“Had they been informed of the danger of traveling on the lonely island”故D项正确。‎ 考点:考查虚拟语气 ‎23. 【江苏省苏州市2017届高三上学期期中调研】----It was such a difficult examination that a lot of students were unable to finish it on time.‎ ‎ ----That’s the case. It’s hard to accept the fact that over90%of my classmates_______.‎ A. should fail B. should have failed C. will fail D. may fail ‎【答案】B 考点:考查情态动词 ‎24. 【江苏省苏州市2017届高三上学期期中调研】Housing prices_______ since the end of the last year. Therefore, it’s time the central government______ some effective measures to bring them under control.‎ A. have increased; would take B. have increased; will take C. have been increasing; take D. have been increasing; took ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】‎ 试题分析:考查时态和虚拟语气 句意上:房价自从去年的以来一直在上涨,所以中央政府该采取措施加以控制了。第一空依据since一词应该使用现在完成时,且进行时态更能体现出目前的状况,故使用现在完成进行时最好;第二空是虚拟语气中“it’s time that +did/ should do”的句式使用,且在使用过程中should一词不能省略,故D项最佳。‎ 考点:考查时态和虚拟语气 ‎ ‎25. Were Fidel Castro, the Cuban Communist leader, still alive now, he _______ seven American presidents.‎ A. would see B. would have seen C. will see D. will have seen ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气 句意:要是古巴领导人卡斯特罗还活着的话,他就能见证美国七位总统了。此题考查的混合虚拟语气的使用,前一句可以还原为:If Fidel Castro, the Cuban Communist leader, were still alive now, 表示的是与现在事实相反;后面的主句表示的是“他见证七位美国总统”,应该是过去发生的事情,故要使用“would have seen”,所以B项正确。‎ ‎【考点】考查虚拟语气 ‎ 单元综合知识运用 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A BKLYN House Hotel This hotel features works by Brooklyn artists. The 116 rooms are good value and Manhattan is only 20 minutes away by taxi or subway. The immediate surroundings feel urban — the hotel is by a high-rise public housing project while the nearest commercial street is under elevated(高的) subway tracks — but Bushwick’s best bars and cafes / restaurants are nearby. ‎ ‎ Doubles from $99, room only. Tel: 718 388 4433‎ Archer Hotel Visitors eager to stay in the heart of Manhattan should try one of the bargain-priced rooms at this hotel. Rates vary from great value to expensive; some start from as low as $179 a night (if prepaying in full). Rooms are small but tasteful, with nice touches such as exposed brick. Some have close-up views of the Empire State Building. ‎ Doubles from $199, room only. Tel: 212 719 4100‎ Pod 39 Hotel In an elegant brick building in Manhattan’s Murray Hill, this excellent budget option opened following the success of its sister hotel, The Pod. The rooms are called pods given for their small size and may not suit everyone. But with prices among the most competitive in Manhattan, budgeters will be happy. ‎ Doubles from $95, room only. Tel: 212 865 5700‎ CitizenM New York Times Square This is the first US location for a Netherlands-based concept hotel chain — CitizenM. The hotel features self check-in at its 230 little but comfortable rooms via touch screen “MoodPads”. There’s a rooftop bar, a 24-hour grab-and-go cafeteria and an area with public iMac workspaces. Although New Yorkers avoid nearby Times Square, all the lights, cameras and action can make it a fun tourist experience.‎ Doubles from $170, room only. Tel: 212 319 7000‎ ‎21. What can we know about BKLYN House Hotel?‎ A. It has the most rooms. B. It is located in Manhattan. ‎ C. It is Bushwick’s best hotel. D. It is decorated with some art works.‎ ‎22. What is the advantage of living in CitizenM New York Times Square?‎ A. Regulars can enjoy a certain discount. B. Visitors will get a “MoodPads” as a gift. ‎ C. Visitors can enjoy themselves in a rooftop bar. ‎ D. Visitors can have a good view of the Empire State Building.‎ ‎23. Which hotel might attract those who have a tight budget?‎ A. Archer Hotel. B. Pod 39 Hotel.‎ C. BKLYN House Hotel. D. CitizenM New York Times Square.‎ ‎24. Which number should you call if you want to live in the heart of Manhattan? ‎ A. 212 319 7000. B. 718 388 4433. C. 212 865 5700. D. 212 719 4100.‎ B The popular smartphone application Instagram(照片分享) has changed the way we look at photography, even our world. The photo-worthy moments we share serve as an important function in cultivating the photographic artistic eye. ‎ Instagram has got people to start noticing the art in their everyday life. It has also allowed us to share the artful moments in our lives with others. Clearly, making people focus on beautiful moments in their lives and how to share them is a positive takeaway from Instagram. ‎ Not only has Instagram changed the way we look at things around us, but it has also changed the way people view professional photography. Instagram has turned everyone with a smartphone into an artist. Opening up art to the general community is a groundbreaking(创新的) aspect of this application. Making artistic attempts accessible for everyone to discover their artistic talents and explore creatively is something that has made people find the beauty in the everyday life. However, this accessibility has also created questioning around art and respect deserved by professional photography. ‎ The art in a professional photograph versus(与…对抗) an Instagram can sometimes be hard to notice at a quick glance. But photographs taken by true professional photographers hold something that Instagram’s cannot match in terms of photographic quality, or advanced compositional knowledge.‎ This is not to say Instagram is a lesser art. Aesthetic qualities of art are a personal matter and how good an artwork is depends on personal preferences. Good is a very arbitrary term in the art world. For example, I may find one photo more pleasing than another, but not everyone has to agree with me. ‎ The point I am trying to make is that professional photography should not be lost, but instead approached with a new, enhanced level of respect and admiration — despite how accessible, common and fun Instagram now makes the taking and sharing of photos.‎ ‎25. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?‎ A. The increasing popularity of Instagram. ‎ B. The advantages and disadvantages of Instagram.‎ C. The changes that Instagram brings us. ‎ D. The differences between Instagram and professional photography.‎ ‎26. What can the smartphone application Instagram do?‎ A. Help people to discover true self. B. Inspire people to find the beauty in life. ‎ C. Encourage people to be more competitive. D. Let people gain others’ respect and admiration.‎ ‎27. Why do people begin to doubt the art of professional photography?‎ A. Because common people can take perfect photos easily.‎ B. Because they show no respect for professional photographers.‎ C. Because the artistic level of professional photography is reducing.‎ D. Because Instagram has changed the way people look at the world. ‎ ‎28. What does the writer think of professional photography?‎ A. Useful. B. Valueless. C. Helpless. ‎ ‎ D. Absurd. ‎ C Teaching can be one of the most satisfying jobs in the United States. Yet many American teachers say they feel overworked, undervalued, and underpaid. This has led to what education experts call “teacher burnout,” a feeling of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion.‎ In all, nearly 50 percent of American teachers leave the profession before their fifth year. That information comes from a 2010 study by the advisory service McKinsey & Company.‎ And, a 2016 study from Penn State University found that 46 percent of teachers report high daily stress. Teachers say the stress affects their sleep, health, teaching performance, and quality of life. The study identified mindfulness training as one promising solution for improving teacher well-being.‎ The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California — Berkeley studies the science and practice of well-being. It defines mindfulness as keeping “a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.”‎ A person can reach this emotional state by spending time in quiet thought, without judging these thoughts and feelings. A number of people also meditate — they take slow, deep breaths to become calm.‎ Many organizations around the country have designed mindfulness training programs for schools. Some of them are designed for teachers. The programs seek to reduce teacher stress while helping them be more effective in the classroom.‎ Maureen Naughton is a seventh grade science teacher at a public middle school in the Bronx section of New York City. As a highly active teacher, Naughton would sometimes forget to take time to herself. But after the programs she shared the methods such as mindful walking and mindful eating — ways of enjoying those activities fully instead of being distracted by worries or responsibilities.‎ Naughton also said the deep breathing methods help her to maintain calm when faced with the stress of trying to “meet everyone’s needs.”‎ ‎29. What does “teacher burnout” in Paragraph 1 mean?‎ A. A condition of happiness and sorrow. B. A situation of physical exercise.‎ C. A feeling of mental, physical, and emotional tiredness.‎ D. A feeling of mental, physical, and emotional relaxation.‎ ‎30. What do mindfulness training programs designed for teachers try to do?‎ A. They try to make teachers take slow, deep breaths to become calm.‎ B. They try to reduce teacher stress to help teachers be more effective when teaching.‎ C. They try to make teachers enjoy those activities fully.‎ D. They try to make teachers spend time in quiet thought, without judging these thoughts and feelings.‎ ‎31. What can we infer from Naughton’s words?‎ A. The deep breathing methods are a good way to let her keep calm when faced with stress.‎ B. She dislikes the deep breathing methods.‎ C. Don’t be distracted by worries or possibilities.‎ D. Enjoy all kinds of activities carefully. ‎ D New mercury(汞) threat to oceans from climate change Rising temperatures could boost mercury levels in fish by up to seven times the current rates, said Swedish researchers in an article published in Science Journal. They’ve discovered warming increases levels of the toxin (毒素) in sea creatures. In experiments, they found that extra rainfall drives up the amount of organic material flowing into the seas. This alters the food chain, adding another layer of complex organisms which boosts the concentrations of mercury up the line.‎ Mercury is one of the world’s most toxic metals, and according to the World Health Organization, is one of the top ten threats to public health. The substance at high levels has been linked to damage to the nervous system, paralysis and mental ‎ impairment in children.‎ The most common form of exposure to mercury is by eating fish containing methylmercury(甲基水银), an organic form of the chemical which forms when bacteria react with mercury in water, soil or plants. Levels of mercury in the world’s ecosystems have increased by between 200% and 500%, since the industrial revolution, say experts, driven up by the use of fossil fuels such as coal.‎ In recent years there have been concentrated efforts to limit the amount of mercury entering the environment, with an international treaty, called the Minamata Convention, signed by 136 countries in place since 2013.‎ Researchers hope that the Minamata treaty will be successful and countries reduce the amount of mercury that is being produced. Otherwise this discovery of a previously unknown source could have impacts for human health.‎ Other researchers in the field say that the new study highlights important issues that have previously been little known.‎ ‎“This work experimentally proves that climate change will have a significant effect of methylmercury budgets in coastal waters and its accumulation in fish,” said Milena Horvat from the Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia.‎ ‎“This work will also help us understand the formation of mercury in fish and help reduce mercury from emission sources (primarily industrial).”‎ ‎32. Where did Swedish researchers find warming increases levels of the toxin?‎ A. In the Pacific Ocean. B. On the Continent. ‎ C. In Red Sea. D. In sea creatures.‎ ‎33. What can cause damage to the nervous system?‎ A. Exposure to mercury. B. Mercury at high levels.‎ C. Methylmercury. D. The use of fossil fuels.‎ ‎34. How does methylmercury form?‎ A. By limiting the amount of mercury entering the environment.‎ B. By reducing the amount of mercury.‎ C. When bacteria react with mercury in water, soil or plants.‎ D. When climate change returns to normal.‎ ‎35. What can we know from Milena Horvat’s words?‎ A. Climate change will increase the levels of mercury in food.‎ B. Levels of mercury in the world’s ecosystems have increased by between 200% and 500%.‎ C. The Minamata Convention has been signed by 136 countries in place since 2013.‎ D. Mercury reduction from emission sources can be beneficial to fish.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Do you have what it takes to survive in the desert in the event of an accident or emergency? If you're thinking of traveling in the desert, you may consider studying up to learn some desert survival skills before you go. But you don't have to be a survival expert to stay alive in the desert, as long as you can keep some important tips in mind. ‎ Keep your head covered. It's been said that the biggest dangers in desert survival are exposure and dehydration (脱水). 36 One of the best defenses against the sun is always having a big hat or other coverings for your head with you. If the top of your head is exposed to the direct sun, or even indirect sun for long periods, your body needs to work hard to keep itself cool. 37 ‎ Cover the rest of your body as well. 38 Finding shade or constructing a shade shelter is one of the first ways for desert survival, as keeping out of the direct sun and not exposing yourself to the heat of the day will help to save water. The general idea is to stay out of the dehydrating rays of the sun during the day, and to travel during the cooler hours of the morning or evening. ‎ ‎ 39 Actually, do drink the water, if you have it. Just don't run out of it all at the first sign of thirst. A better way is to ration (定量供应) it for yourself, taking smaller sips throughout the day. If you do come across water in the desert, use extreme caution before you start drinking it down - it may not be safe for drinking. ‎ ‎ 40 The more you eat, the thirstier you'll get, so if you have food with you, take care to only nibble(小口吃) enough to keep the hunger pains away and your energy up. Your body can survive much longer without food than it can without water. ‎ A. Stay hungry. ‎ B. Don't drink the water. ‎ C. Drink as much water as possible. ‎ D. Neither of these is to be taken lightly. ‎ E. This goes hand in hand with the first tip. ‎ F. So the first rule in desert travel is covering the head up. ‎ G. And the last thing you want to do is increase your thirst.‎ 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) ‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker who 41_______ a young Nigerian(尼日利亚的) boy back in February, 42_______ Pope Francis and Barack Obama to top the list of 100 inspiring likes 43_______ by German-language Ooom Magazine. ‎ An image of Ms Lovén giving two-year-old Hope some water was 44_______ around the world, and served to 45_______ the work she was doing to help 46_______ children in Nigeria. 47_______ he was rescued by Ms Lovén and her husband David, Hope had been 48_______ by his own family 49_______ the basis of rural superstition(迷信), forced to live on the street 50_______ he contracted(感染) a number of illnesses 51_______ worms. ‎ Speaking today about the experience, she said: "He was the size of a little baby, and my whole body 52_______." ‎ ‎"I became a mother myself 20 months ago and I was 53_______ my own son as I saw the boy. I thought to myself 54_______ that I would fight with all my 55_______ for him to survive." ‎ ‎"Anja Ringgren Lovén is a beacon (灯塔) of 56_______ and the most inspiring person of the year 2016," said Georg Kindel, OooM's editor-in-chief, who led the jury(评审) that chose the list. "When she saw the 57_______ child, she acted like a human being and became a(n) 58_______for millions. Her 59_______ effort to help the deserted children of Nigeria gives us hope and 60_______ us to follow suit.‎ 41. A. adapted B. admitted C. adopted D. admired ‎42. A. won B. beat C. conquered D. overcame ‎ ‎43. A. collected B. counted C. checked D. cured ‎44. A. noticed B. shared C. observed D. seen ‎45. A. highlight B. describe C. state D. explain ‎46. A. hungry B. desperate C. orphan D. lonely ‎47. A. When B. Until C. After D. Before ‎48. A. sent B. blamed C. criticized D. abandoned ‎49. A. in B. at C. on D. under ‎ ‎50. A. where B. that C. which D. who ‎51. A. containing B. including C. involving D. experiencing ‎52. A. leaned B. bent C. froze D. hurt ‎53. A. thinking back B. thinking of C. thinking over D. thinking up ‎54 .A. hesitantly B. doubtfully C. firmly D. cautiously ‎55. A. heart B. strength C. spirit D. power ‎56. A. hope B. light C. friendship D. kindness ‎57. A. appealing B. promising C. starving D. puzzling ‎58. A. like B. hope C. courage D. success ‎59. A. frequent B. eventual C. complete D. persistent ‎60. A. discourages B. inspires C. suggests D. persuades 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) ‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Take a tour of Monkey Park Situated between Jerusalem and the coastal city of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Monkey Park is home 61__________ more than two hundred and fifty different species of monkeys. ‎ Considered one of the country’s most popular animal 62____________(attraction), it offers a unique experience as it 63____________(run) by the Israeli Primate Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose aim is to provide a rehabilitation(康复) center for monkeys while 64____________(educate) the public about these lovely creatures.‎ Over the last two years the park 65____________(receive) 650 monkeys from a breeding farm that shut down. Most monkeys in 66____________ park live in enclosures(圈地). Visitors are able to view them up close and, thanks to one 67____________(special) designed section, are even able to interact with them. Right outside the visiting area is the rehabilitation center. That’s 68___________ monkeys who need care are being nursed back to health.‎ Among the family-friendly activities 69____________(offer) at Monkey Park for human visitors are workshops, rides and wall climbing. There are also comprehensive guided walking tours, 70____________ last up to three hours.‎ One feature of the Monkey Park is the children’s playground. But it’s still the monkeys that attract people most.‎ 第三部分 写作(共两节;满分35分) ‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 ‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 ‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。 ‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 ‎ ‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; ‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I will share one experience with you. With the College Entrance Examination draw near, I was filled with great anxiety. However, I couldn’t be absorbed in study, resulting from my failing in the examination. I got very discouraging. Just then, my teacher, Miss Zhang, approach me and said, “In life we all have moment when we can’t achieve what we want it. It is natural. Don’t allow those moments to weaken you, and turn them into motivation to inspire you.” Her words were a reminder which provided myself with constant encouragement to smile at life. Consequently, I gained what I deserved.‎ So it is an optimistic attitude which matters most of all. It gives you the confidence to deal with difficulties and to achieve what you want in your life.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,近些年来,共享单车给市民的生活带来了极大的便利,可在媒体上你也经常看到许多关于使用共享单车(shared bikes)的许多不文明行为,如乱停乱放、私自占用、故意破坏单车等等。请你就此现象,写一份倡议书发表在校英文报上,倡议同学们文明使用共享单车。‎ 注意:1. 词数100 左右,(开头结尾已给出,不计入词数); 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ My dear fellow students, ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Li Hua 参考答案 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎21-24 DCBD 25-28 CBAA 29-31 CBA 32-35 DBCD 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎36-40 DFEBA 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) ‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎41-45 CBABA 46-50 CDDCA 51-55 BCBCB 56-60 ACADB 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) ‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎61. to 62. attractions 63. is run 64. educating 65. has received ‎66. the 67. specially 68. where 69. offered 70. which ‎ 第三部分 写作(共两节;满分35分) ‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ I will share one experience with you. With the College Entrance Examination draw near, I was filled ‎ ‎ drawing with great anxiety. However, I couldn’t be absorbed in study, resulting from my failing in the examination. ‎ ‎ Therefore in I got very discouraging. Just then, my teacher, Miss Zhang, approach me and said, “In life we all have ‎ ‎ discouraged approached moment when we can’t achieve what we want it. It is natural. Don’t allow those moments to weaken you, ‎ moments it去掉 and turn them into motivation to inspire you.” Her words were a reminder which provided myself with ‎ but me constant encouragement to smile at life. Consequently, I gained what I deserved.‎ So it is an optimistic attitude which matters most of all. It gives you the confidence to deal with ‎ ‎ that difficulties and to achieve what you want in your life.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ In the past few years, we have witnessed the great development of shared bike in many cities. However, we can usually come across some phenomena in which people parked the shared bikes casually or destroy them on purpose. In fact, shared bikes bring people great convenience as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem. More importantly, they are consistent with the idea that we should lead a low carbon life and make joint efforts to protect the environment. Therefore, shared bikes should be left in public for next users at the proper place rather than be possessed privately or destroyed deliberately. So here I would advocate raising our awareness of using shared bikes reasonably so that everyone can benefit from this public service.‎

