【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013 高考英语总复习 课时作业 20

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【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013 高考英语总复习 课时作业 20

只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013 高考英语总复习 课时作业 20 Unit5 必修 4 一、单项填空 1.—I heard that eight Chinese peacekeepers died in Haiti Earthquake. —Yes,______ news came as ______shock to us. A.the;the B.a;the C.the;a D./;a 解析:考查冠词用法。句意:“我听说有八位中国的维和部队队员在海地地震中丧 生。”“是的,那个消息传来时我们都惊呆了。” 第一个空特指“那条消息”用定冠词 the; 第二个空 shock 此处是可数名词,a shoc k 表示“大吃一惊”。 答案:C 2.An actor cannot well play the role without life experience ______ more than a dancer can make a difference without much practice. A.any B.no C.not D.much 解析:any 和前面的 not 构成“not any more than=no more than”短语,意思是 “和……一 样不”。句意:一个没有生活经验的演员和没有大量实践的舞蹈演员一样,不 会扮演好自己的角色。 答案:A 3.—What time do you think is convenient for our next meeting? —You make ______.______ day is all the same to me. A.one;One B.it;Any C.that;Some D.this;Another 解析:考查代词。You make it.“你确定吧。”;any day“随便哪一天。”答语句意: 你来确定吧,随便哪一天对我来说都一样。 答案:B 4.A new city will be set up ______ was a wasteland after the earthquake. A.in what B.where C.in which D.there 解析:句意:一座新的城市在地震后的荒地上建了起来。set up in“在某地建起”, what 引导的从句作介词 in 的宾语从句,what 在从句中作主语。此题考生易错选 C 项,因为 前面没有先行词,故不是定语从句。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 答案:A 5.—You can’t finish typing it in less than an hour? —______. A.Yes,I’m sure I can B.No,hardly C.Sorry,I can’t D.I don’t think I can 6.The girl shouted “Go out ______ I call the police!” A.or B.and C.until D.before 解析:考查连词。句意:那个女孩大声喊道:“在我还没有叫警察之前请你出去。”即: “再不快滚我叫警察了。”考查 before 引导的时间状语从句,call 用了一般现在时态表示 将来。选项 A 是陷阱,call 改为 will call 才选 A 项。 答案:D 7.There was a financial crisis case last year where the stock price reduced to 45%,causing people to be ______. A.in vain B.in sympathy C.at risk D.at a loss 解析:考查介词短语辨析。根据语境“股票价格下降到了 45%,致使很多人都蒙受了损 失”可知 at a loss“亏损”符合语境。 答案:D 8.—Do you know Mr.Johnson has been ill for days? —Yes,I wonder if he is ______ better now. A.some B.much C.any D.no 解析:考查形容词比较级的修饰语。答语句意:他是病了,我不知道他好点了没有。any better 意为“好了一点”,符合语境。much better,no better 虽符合语法,但都不符合 该题语境。 答案:C 9.—Excuse me.Is Johnson living here? —I’m sorry,but he ______ lives here. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 A.no more B.no longer C.not more D.not longer 解析:考查短语在语境中的运用。根据语境“他已经不住在这里了”可知,用 no longer“不再”表示动作不再延续。 答案:B 10.—Do you still remember______the professor came? —Sure.It was just by train rather than by plane,I think. A.when it was that B.how it was that C.why was it that D.how was it that 解析:考查强调句。此处特殊疑问句的强调句作动词 remember 的宾语从句,根据答语 中的 by train rather than by plane 可知问的是来的方式,宾语从句用陈述语序。 答案:B 11.Keep your ears and hearts open ______ you can experience the great joy that friendship can bring. A.even though B.so that C.as if D.as long as 解析:考查连词的选择。句意:只要你敞开心扉,你就能体验友谊带来的无穷乐趣。后 半句是前半句的结果,因此用连词 so that。 答案:B 12.In order to keep healthy,______. A.much sport is needed B.one needs to do much sport C.much sport is needed by one D.one is needed much sport 解析:in order to ke ep healthy 表示目的,必须用人作主语,并且 one 和 need 之 间是主动关系,因此 B 项正确。 答案:B 13.—You’d better give up smoking.Smoking is the biggest preventable ______ of lung cancer. —I just can’t give it up,however hard I try. A.reason B.excuse C.cause D.result 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 14.You may have remembered this word,but it doesn’t ______ mean that you have mastered the use of it. A.essentially B.simply C.necessarily D.purposefully 解析:考查副词辨析。not necessarily 表示“不一定,未必”。句意:你可能已经记 住了这个单词,但你未必就已经掌握了它的用法。 答案:C 15.My mother suggested not only ______ to Mary’s birthday party but also I buy a present for her. A.did I go B.should I go C.I should go D.our going 解析:考查倒装。not only 放在了宾语从句的句首,因此用倒装结构;suggest 后的宾 语从句中用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形。 答案:B 二、阅读理解 A A tutor is someone who teaches or advises a younger person with less experience.Some tutoring programs connect adults with children who need guidance and researchers say tutoring can reduce drug and alcohol use and violence among young people. In Southern California,a nonprofit group called School on Wheels has volunteers who tutor children from homeless families.Experts say that about one in every fifty children in the country is homeless at some time during the year.They might live in shelters or weekly hotels or abandoned buildings or even on the streets.Anywhere except a permanent home. Sinead Chilton is a marketing consultant(顾问)for School on Wheels.She says she was surprised to learn the seriousness of the problem when she moved to the United States from London.“When I first moved here ten years ago,I didn’t even consider the fact that there were homeless children in America.And then when I realized that there were 1.6 million homeless children in America,it just surprised me.I really 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 didn’t know how to help them.” Ms.Chilton has worked with School on Wheels for more than six y ears.She says she still remembers the first student she tutored.She met with her every week at a local church.The church provided shelter for people on winter nights.The girl slept on the floor. A retired teacher named Agnes Steve ns started School on Wheels eight years ago.She wanted to help homeless children stay in school.The group now has more than one thousand volunteers.Each year they tutor as many as two thousand students.The group also provides services to other children,including backpacks and school supplies. School on Wheels also helps parents to put their children in school and advises parents about the education system. 南加州一个名为“车轮上的学校”的非盈利组织的志愿者为无家可归的孩子们提供辅 导,为居无定所的流浪孩童们带来了巨大的福音! 1.We know from the passage that ______. A.Ms.Chilton was once a homeless child B.School on Wheels was started to make money C.tutoring can help children to get rid of bad habits D.the tutors of School on Wheels are paid by the government 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“...researchers say tutoring can reduce drug and alcohol use and violence among young people.”可知,单独辅导可以帮助年轻人摒除恶 习。 答案:C 2.What made Sinead Chilton surprised when she first got to America? A.The status of School on Wheels. B.The large number of homeless children in America. C.The fact that there were homeless American children. D.The difference between real America and her imaginary America. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“And then when I realized that there were 1.6 million homeless children in America,it just surprised me.”可知,当 Sinead Chilton 得知当时在美国有 160 万无家可归儿童时,她感到惊讶。由此可知,美国无家可归儿童的庞 大数量使 Sinead Chilton 感到意外。 答案:B 3.Sinead Chilton joined School on Wheels ______. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 A.soon after she arrived in America B.six years after she went to America C.after she had lived in America for more than three years D.when she found a job as a marketing consultant by chance 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“When I first moved here ten years ago...”可知, Sinead Chilton 十年前移居到美国;根据第四段“Ms.Chilton has worked with School on Wheels for more than six years.”可知,她已经在车轮上的学校工作了六年多。由此可 推知,Sinead Chilton 在搬到美国三年多后加入了该组织。 答案:C 4.Which of the following is not a service provided by the group? A.Giving out school supplies to children. B.Offering education to homeless children. C.Providing weekly hotels for homeless children. D.Giving advice on the education system to parents. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“In Southern California,a nonprofit group called School on Wheels has volunteers who tutor children from homeless families.”可知 B 项正确;根据倒数第二段“The group also provides services to other children, including backpacks and school supplies.”可知 A 项正确;根据最后一段可知 D 项正确。 车轮上的学校没有为无家可归儿童提供住宿的服务。 答案:C B Human bodies tend to store fat as a source of energy for the future.Whenever the quantity of fat contained in the body goes beyond the amount it needs,the body starts storing this redundant fat in fat cells.Fat cells are present only in certain areas of the body.The larger number of fat cells,the greater fat exists in that area.Every individual has some genetic predisposition(遗传倾向性)which determines where he will store fat.You may have observed that pot bellies or double chins (将 军肚和双下颌)run in the family.Besides,men and women tend to store fat at different places.For instance , women store fat in legs and hips( 臀 部 )rather than on stomachs.Men are more likely to carry pounds of fat on their stomachs. The reason why belly fat is so hard to lose is that your normal movements do not put any stress on the belly region.This is a very intelligent strategy by the body to prevent unnecessary consumption of fat.What would happen if your body stored fat in your hands or fingers?In this case,you would always burn some amount of 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 fat whenever you performed your daily functions.As the body does not want to consume its fat storage unnecessarily,it chooses a safe spot for fat storage.Storing fat on the stomach makes sure that it stays there happily when you only perform basic functions.Besides,the stomach is located in the middle of the body,therefore making it a perfect spot for distributing fat to the entire body.So,whenever the body is required to burn fat for meeting energy requirement,it does not waste any energy distributing energy to faraway organs(器官).Thus,the body does everything it can to preserve the fat staying on stomachs. Many people adopt a completely wrong approach in getting rid of their belly fat.Only the type of exercises like running,cycling and dancing is effective in losing belly fat.Beer,junk food,high fat meats,etc.,result in fat stored on stomachs. 我们经常会看到有将军肚和双下颌的人,这与遗传因素有关。而尝试过减肥的人都知道, 腹部的肉很难减,你知道这是为什么吗? 5.What does the underlined word“redundant”in the first paragraph mean? A.Harmful. B.Healthy. C.Not necessary. D.Limited in quantity. 解析:词义猜测题。根据前文“Whenever the quantity of fat contained in the body goes beyond the amount it needs...”和“this”可知,每当脂肪含量超出身体所需时, 身体就会将这些多余的脂肪储存在脂肪细胞中。故“redundant”意为“多余的,不需要 的”。 答案:C 6.The body stores fat on the stomach in order to ______. A.keep a person healthy B.avoid using it unnecessarily C.store as much fat as possible D.make a person look beautiful 7.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about? A.Belly fat and health. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 B.How to lose belly fat. C.The disadvantages of belly fat. D.Why belly fat is hard to lose. 解析:段落大意题。第二段第一句即为中心句,即为什么腹部的肉不好减。 答案:D 8.It can be learned from the passage that ______. A.fat stored in our fingers is hard to consume B.belly fat only offers energy to organs near bellies C.eating junk food is a good way of losing belly fat D.not all kinds of exercises are beneficial to losing belly fat 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Only the type of exercises like running,cycling and dancing is effective in losing belly fat.”可推知,不是所有的运动项目都有助 于减少腹部的脂肪。 答案:D

