牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 1《Past and Present》随堂练习

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牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 1《Past and Present》随堂练习

《Unit 1 Past and Present》 (Part I)Exercises for “Comic Strips” & “Welcome to the Unit” 一、根据句子意思和所给提示,完成下列单词 1. People have different fashion at different ________ (time). 2. This book helps us learn about Nanjing’s past and ________ (现在). 3. Jenny has ________ (刚刚) moved to the new town, so she has few friends there. 4. I ________ (乘) a bus to work in the past, but now I often go to work ________ (乘) car. 5. When my grandfather talked about his ________ (往事), his tears (眼泪) came out at once. 二、用英语写出下列交通工具的名称 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 三、根据句意,选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空 share; chat; use; see; buy; be 1. --- Where are the twins? --- They ____________ on the Internet. 2. Eddie seldom ____________ food with others. 3. There ____________ a knock on the door just now. 4. I won’t see the movie tonight because I ____________ it. 5. The question is where ____________ this kind of computer. 6. My father ____________ to smoke a lot, but now he has given up smoking. 四、单项选择 1. The workers left ten minutes ______. A. ago B. before C. after D. back 2. ---Excuse me, does Mr. Black’s daughter live here? ---She ______ be here, but she has moved. A. has to B. used to C. tried to D. wanted to 3. Look! The girl is waiting ______ the bus station now. A. for B. at C. in D. to 4. Simon goes to school ______ every day. It’s only 5minutes’ walk from his home to school. A. in a bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by coach 5. ---There are ______ cars and buses in the street at this time of day. ---Yeah, there’s ______ traffic. A. too much; too many B. too many; too many C. too much; too much D. too many; too much 五、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空填一词 1. 过去,Eddie 对人很友好。 Eddie ________ ________ _______ ________ ________ others. 2. ---你吃过早饭了吗?---是的,我刚刚吃过。 ---________ you ________ your breakfast? ---Yes, I ________ just ________ it. 3. 他们刚刚打扫过教室。现在它很干净。 They ________ ________ _______ the classroom. It is clean now. 4. ---你看见我的英语书了吗? ---看见了,它 5 分钟前在桌子上的。 --- ________ you ________ my English book? ---Yes, I have. It ________ on the table five minutes ________. (Part II)Exercises for “Reading”(1) 一、根据句子意思和汉语提示,用合适的单词填空 1. It’s three ________ (街区) to the store from here. 2. The ________ (局势) in that country is under control. 3. This is the fastest way to ________ (提高) your English. 4. This idea probably won’t work, but let’s try it ________ (即使这样). 5. Four ________ (工厂) have been closed because of putting waste water into the river. 二、根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. It is ________ (possible) to build Rome in one day. 2. Tianjin is a city in the ________ (north) part of our country. 3. Noise ________ (pollute) has become a big problem in that city. 4. My parents lived in the countryside when they got ________ (marry). 5. Tommy and Timmy are brothers and their _________ (wife) are sisters. That’s interesting. 三、根据句子意思和首字母提示补全单词,使句子意思完整、正确 1. ---Have you e_______ visited the Great Wall? ---No, never. 2. How fast your town changes! It has t________ into a modern one. 3. We have been in this school s________ 2013. Now we are in Grade 8. 4. More and more people have r_________ the importance of the wetlands. 5. The old man feels l________ from time to time because he lost his wife last year. 四、单项选择 1. My sister can play ______ piano very well, but she can’t play ______ chess. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; / D. /; the 2. This small town has changed a lot ______ the past 30 years. A. on B. over C. to D. about 3. Water pollution is a great ______ to be solved in our city now. A. question B. trouble C. problem D. matter 4. ---______ do you know the city of Xuzhou? ---I’m new here, so I don’t know much about it. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How well 5. ---Mum, I am ______ thirsty. Can I have some milk? ---OK. But there is only ______ milk left in the fridge. A. a bit; a bit B. a bit of; a bit of C. a bit; a bit of D. a bit of; a bit 6. In fact, she has already been ______ him for two years. A. married with B. marry with C. married to D. marry 7. The old man lives in the small house_______, but he never feels_______. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely 五、根据句子意思,选用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 move away; all one’s life; from time to time; be born; play cards; as often as before; in some ways 1. The old woman lived in the small village ____________. 2. My grandfather cannot see his friends _____________. 3. I’m very glad ____________ with old friends in the new park. 4. People began to ____________ because of the air pollution. 5. He has known this place very well because he ____________ here. 6. Tom was ____________ a younger clone of his handsome father. 7. His relatives and friends visited him ____________ when he was ill. (Part III)Exercises for “Reading (2)” 一、根据句子意思和汉语提示,用合适的单词填空 1. The ________ (采访) took place on a Friday afternoon. 2. It is raining hard. ________ (然而), I still want to go there. 3. They lived together as ________ (丈夫) and wife for years. 4. I have never read such an interesting novel ________ (以前). 5. The government should stop the factories from putting the ________ (废料) into the lake. 二、同义句转换,每空一词 1. Peter married Kate in 2014. Peter and Kate ________ ________ in 2014. 2. Mr. Green was a doctor in the past, but he isn’t now. Mr. Green ________ ________ _________ a doctor. 3. He found it very hard to pass the exam. ________ ________ very hard for him _________ pass the exam. 4. Sometimes we go to work by bike. We go to work by bike ________ ________ ________ ________. 5. She moved here with her family when she was five years old. She moved here with her family ________ ________ ________ ________ five. 6. The government should do something to protect the animals in danger. The government should ________ ________ to protect the animals in danger. 三、单项选择 1. ---Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? ---Because I _____ it. A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen 2. Amazing changes ______ in our city. A. has happened B. has taken place C. have taken place D. have been happened 3. I have learned three English songs ______ I came to this school. A. since B. before C. when D. until 4. ______ easy for us to help the students in trouble. A. It’s B. That’s C. This is D. It 5. ---Has your hometown changed ______? ---Yes, there are ______ tall buildings now. A. a lot; a lot B. a lot; a lot of C. a lot of; a lot D. a lot of; a lot of 6. The company has changed hands many times ______. A. over the years B. ten years ago C. in ten years D. since ten years 四、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空填一词 1. 徐州已变成一个美丽的城市。 Xuzhou ________ already ________ ________ a beautiful city. 2. 在大城市的噪音污染比乡村多。 There is ________ _________ ________ in big cities ________ in villages. 3. 因为我父母搬到上海去, 所以我感到有点孤独。 I ________ _________ ________ lonely because my parents ________ _________ Shanghai. 4. 在某些方面,我同意你的看法。 ________ ________ ________, I agree with you. 5. 政府意识到问题很严重,采取了措施改变了这种状况。 The government ________ it was a very ________ ________ and ________ _________ to ________ the ________. (Part IV)Exercises for “Grammar” 一、在表格中写出下列动词的适当形式 动词原形 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 动词原形 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 run leave know swim move carry teach give plan begin 二、根据要求变换句型,每空一词 1. He’s finished his homework. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) ________ ________ finished his homework? ________, ________ ________. 2. They have already arrived in Shanghai. (改为否定句) They ________ ________ in Shanghai ________. 3. I bought a new iphone6 Plus just now. (用 just 改写) I ________ ________ ________ a new iphone6 Plus. 4. He hasn’t come to school because he’s ill. (就划线部分提问) ________ _________ he come to school? 5. We began to learn English three years ago. (改为同义句) We ________ ________ English ________ three years. 三、单项选择 1. ---How clean the bedroom is! ---Yes, I am sure that someone ______ it. A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. is cleaning 2. ---When ______ Jessie _____ to New York? ---Yesterday. A. does, get B. did, get C. has, got D. is, getting 3. I haven’t heard of my best friend _____. I don’t know what has happened to her. A. already B. ever C. recently D. never 4. ---It’s time for dinner. Where is your father, Emma? ---He ______ his bike in the yard. A. repair B. repaired C. is repairing D. will fix 5. ---Hi. I ______ you for a long time. ---I ______ in Beijing. I’ve just come back. A. didn’t see, am B. haven’t seen, shall be C. didn’t see, will be D. haven’t seen, was 6. ---Is it the most wonderful football game you have ______ watched? ---Yes, I have ______ watched such a wonderful game before. A. ever; never B. yet; ever C. already; yet D. ever; yet 7. This kind of flu (流感) is terrible, but the government ______ action to prevent it already. A. has taken B. took C. will take D. was taking 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. ---________ you ________ (find) your Math book yet? ---Yes. I ________ (find) it behind the building an hour ago. 2. They ________ (not visit) her for a long time. 3. ---How many times ________ you ________ (see) the film? ---Not even once. But I ________ (see) it sometime next week. 4. The young man ________ (plant) 400 trees in the past three years. 5. ________ Millie ________ (speak) to a foreigner before? 6. Mr. Brown ________ already ________ (come) back from England. (Part V)Exercises for “Integrated Skills”&“Study skills” 一、根据句子意思和所给提示,完成下列单词 1. We learn a language in order to ________ (交流). 2. Have you ever travelled ________ (国外), Millie? 3. His mother is a teacher. She works in a ________ (小学) school. 4. The ________ (环境) has become worse over the years. It’s our duty to protect it. 5. Mr. Green’s car is in bad ________ (状况), and he needs much money to repair it. 6. What ________ (交通工具) would you like to choose while travelling around this city? 7. ---You mean Mr. Clark wants to sell the house and move to London. ---________ (exact). 二、判断下列句子是事实(在括号内填 Fact)还是观点(填 Opinion) ( ) 1. Our school is in the center of our city. ( ) 2. It’s a beautiful and clean school. ( ) 3. There are many trees and flowers in our school. ( ) 4. It is the best school in our city. ( ) 5. Our school has two computer rooms and a library. ( ) 6. Most students go to school by bus. ( ) 7. Miss Black is one of the most popular teachers in our school. ( ) 8. Everyone loves our school. 三、单项选择 1. Students should learn to do their homework ______. A. of their own B. in their own C. with their own D. on their own 2. ---When did you ______ see your old friends? ---About three years ago. A. finally B. before C. last D. end 3. My aunt will ______ home from the USA tomorrow. A. return back B. return to C. return back to D. return 4. ---Have you got an e-mail from Millie? ---______. No news is good news. A. Yes, I have B. Never mind C. No problem D. No, I haven’t 5. He used to ______ in a small village, but now he has been used to ______ in a big city. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live 6. ---Could I ______ your bike, Simon? ---Oh, sorry. I have ______ it to Daniel. A. borrow; lent B. lend; borrowed C. borrow; borrowed D. lend; lent 7. More and more people mainly communicate ______. A. on email B. by email C. in the Internet D. through email 8. My uncle got married ______ 2010 and he has had a happy family ______ 2010. A. in; in B. since; since C. in; since D. since; in 四、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子 1. 因特网使交流容易得多。 The Internet _________________________________________. 2. 从那时起,我们就没见过彼此了。 We ________________________________________________. 3. 你离开后,要确保与我联系。 Be sure _____________________________________ while you are away. 4. 实际上,很多年前南希和父母出国了。 _____________, Nancy___________________________________________ years ago. 5. 当地人过去住在旧房子里,但是现在,他们中大部分已经搬进了新大楼。 Local people _____________________, but now, most of them ________________________. (Part VI)Exercises for “Task” & “Self-assessment” 一、根据句子意思,选用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 narrow; rubbish; open space; get used to; used to; go around; live a simple life 1. Tom ____________ walking to school every day. 2. Ricky ____________ walk to work. But now he drives a car. 3. Let’s ____________ to his office and talk to him. 4. It’s uncomfortable to live in a low and ____________ house. 5. There are so many large parks and ____________ in Central London. 6. He used to spend all his money on food and drink, but now he ____________. 7. We cannot throw ____________ everywhere. It will make our school so dirty and polluted. 二、单项选择 1. ______ happy life we are living! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a 2. There are a lot of green trees on ______ sides of the road. A. another B. every C. each D. both 3. Bicycling is a good exercise. ______, it is easy to learn. A. Moreover B. However C. Anyway D. Otherwise 4. The environment is not as ______ as before because of the pollution. A. good B. well C. bad D. better 5. ______ in Hong Kong over the past 100 years. A. There have been many changes B. There will be great changes C. There were lots of changes D. There are many changes 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Tom ________ (drink) some milk for breakfast already. 2. Great changes ________ (take) place in our city over the past ten years. 3. In the past, there ________ (be) only narrow and dirty roads in the small town. 4. I ________ (watch) TV while Mary ________ (read) newspapers between 8:00 to 10:00 yesterday evening. 5. Mr. Black ________ (teach) us English since he came to this school. 6. I won’t believe you until I _______ (see) the thing with my own eyes. 7. Ann _______ (change) a lot since she ________ (go) to Beijing. 8. The Green family ________ (live) here for ten years. They ________ (come) here in 2001. 四、根据对话内容及首字母提示,完成单词 A: When I was in primary school, I w___1___ to school every day. How did you go to school when you were younger? B: I walked to school, t___2___. It took me 15 minutes to get to school. Since I started middle school, I take the bus every day. It t___3___ 25 minutes. A: Is your life easier now t___4____ in the past? B: In some w____5____ it is, but I have some more homework now. A: M___6____ too. I’ve never worked so hard. B: Do you think your life was better in the past? A: N___7___. I think middle school is more interesting and more exciting. I have lots of new friends here and I’ve j____8____ the Drama Club. I really enjoy it. How about you? B: I feel the s____9 ____ way. I’ve been a member of the school Swimming Team s____10___ last year. It’s so great. Keys: (Part I) 一、1. times 2. present 3. just 4. took; by 5. past 二、1. taxi 2. bus 3. train 4. underground 5. coach 6. plane 三、1. are chatting 2. shares 3. was 4. have seen 5. to buy 6. used 四、1-5 ABBCD 五、1. used to be kind to 2. Have; eaten/had; have; eaten/had 3. have just cleaned 4. Have; seen; was; ago (Part II) 一、1. blocks 2. situation 3. improve 4. anyway 5. factories 二、1. impossible 2. northern 3. pollution 4. married 5. wives 三、1. ever 2. turned 3. since 4. realized 5. lonely 四、1-5 BBCDC 6-7 CA 五、1. all her life 2. as often as before 3. to play cards 4. move away 5. was born 6. in some ways 7. from time to time (Part III) 一、1. interview 2. However 3. husband 4. before 5. waste 二、1. got married 2. used to be 3. It was; to 4. from time to time 5. at the age of 6. take action 三、1-5 DCAAB 6A 四、1. has; turned into 2. more noise pollution; than 3. feel a bit/little lonely; moved to 4. In some ways 5. realized; serious problem; took action; improve; situation (Part IV) 一、略 二、1. Has he; No he hasn’t 2. haven’t arrived; yet 3. have just bought 4. Why hasn’t 5. have learned/learnt; for 三、1-5 CBCCD 6-7 AA 四、1. Have; found; found 2. haven’t visited 3. have; seen; will see 4. has planted 5. Has; spoken 6. has; come (Part V) 一、1. communicate 2. abroad 3. primary 4. environment 5. condition 6. transport 7. Exactly 二、1. Fact 2. Opinion 3. Fact 4. Opinion 5. Fact 6. Fact 7. Opinion 8. Opinion 三、1-5 DCDDA 6-8 ABC 四、1. makes communication much easier 2. haven’t seen each other since then 3. to keep in touch with me 4. In fact, went abroad with her parents 5. used to live in old houses; have moved into new flats. (Part VI) 一 、 1. gets used to 2. used to 3. go around 4. narrow 5. open spaces 6. lives a simple life 7. rubbish 二、1-5 DDAAA 三、1. has drunk 2. have taken 3. were 4. was watching, was reading 5. has taught 6. see 7. has changed; went 8. have lived; came 四、1. walked 2. too 3. takes 4. than 5. ways 6. Me 7. No 8. joined 9. same 10. since

