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初三英语复习课公开课教案 ‎ 邛崃市回龙镇初级中学校 曹彬琴 单元 复习 教学内容 选词完成短文填空练习 课时 ‎1‎ 教 学 目 标 ‎1.Teach Ss to learn the methods to do the reading practice in the test.‎ ‎2.Explain the methods while doing reading exercises.‎ ‎3.Improve the students’ reading skills to get good grade in the test.‎ 教学 重点 难点 1. Teach Ss to learn how to do the reading practice in the test.‎ 2. Understand and use the methods to finish the reading exercises correctly.‎ 教具学具资料准备 ‎1.Reading practice paper,‎ ‎2. PPt. Media Player.‎ 课 堂 教 学 设 计 教师活动(教师导航)‎ 学生活动或师生互动(学程设计)‎ 课 堂 教 学 设 计 Step 1. Greetings Step 2. leading-in T:In the test,we often have reading practice,so it is very important for us to improve our reading skills if you want to get a good grade,Today we’ll have a lesson about how to do the reading practice.‎ Step 3. Reading practice 1‎ ‎1. Hand out the paper and then ask ‎ ‎ Ss to do the first reading practice and show the answers on the screen. After that ,ask them to read the passage aloud. ‎ Step 4. Explanation about the reading methods ‎ ‎ Greetings.‎ Listen carefully.‎ ‎1. Do the first reading practice with the help of the teacher and then check the answers on the screen. ‎ ‎2. Read the passage aloud.‎ ‎1. Make a conclusion about the ‎1. First ask the Ss to make a conclusion about the reading methods. Then ask Ss to read and understand the methods on the paper. Explain the methods in chinese if necessary.‎ Step 5. Reading practice 2‎ Ask Ss to do the second reading practice . Check the answers.‎ Step 6.Summary ‎ ‎ Today we have learnt more about the reading methods.After class you’d better review them and finish off the third practice. I hope it can help you a little. Thanks .Goodbye.‎ ‎ reading methods . Then read the methods on the paper.‎ ‎2. Listen and understand the methods that the teacher is telling.‎ ‎3. Do the second reading practice . Check the answers on the screen.‎ Listen carefully.‎ Say goodbye to the teachers.‎ 作业布置 1. Review the methods ‎ 2. Finish off the third practice.‎ 板 书 设 计 Reading‎ practice 选词填空的方法: ‎ 1. ‎1.分析单词 2.细读短文, 选定单词。‎ ‎ 如:hundreds of 3.填入单词,注意词形变化。‎ on the earth 4、复查核对,切勿错位。‎ learn learner 作业:仔细阅读并体会方法指导,然后完 ‎ collect collection collector 成选词填空练习3‎ 教 学 反 思

