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‎2013届新课标高考一轮复习——词汇专项测控卷(07)‎ ‎1. 单项选择 ‎1) We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have one this month. ‎ A. the other B. some C. another D. other ‎2) The education system rather than the teachers is to ________ the overburden on the students.‎ ‎ A. blame for B. care for C. allow for D. answer for ‎3) My mother always gets a bit _______ if we don't arrive when we say we will. ‎ A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient ‎4)--- Would you help me sweep the floor? ‎ ‎--- _________, I’d rather water the flowers.‎ A. Not particularly B. Anyway but C. Anything but that D. With pleasure ‎5)I'm certain David's told you his business troubles. ______, it's no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank. ‎ ‎ A. Anywhere B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though ‎6) Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _______.‎ ‎ A. aspect B. attack C. effort D. attempt ‎ ‎7) He is easy to get along with. _______ that, he is a determined boy.‎ ‎ A . Apart from B. Beside C. Except D. In addition ‎8) Recently more and more farmers have _______ the government rather than nature for help.‎ A. lived up to B. centered on C. attended to D. appealed to ‎9) The environmentalists said wild goats’ _______ on the vast grassland was a good indication of the better environment. ‎ ‎ A.escape B.absence C.attendance D.appearance ‎10) The young man had no ____ for hard work.  A.appetite  B.taste  C.joy D.enjoyment ‎ ‎11) Now a lot of new technology developed by scientists will be ______ improving the quality of rice and wheat.‎ A. used to B. applied to C. suited to D. accustomed to ‎12) But for her mother's sudden illness, she would never think of breaking this _____ with you.‎ ‎ A. appointment B. schedule C. arrangement D. interview ‎13) Chinese arts have won the ______ of a lot of people outside China.‎ ‎ A.enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment D.application ‎14) At the meeting they discussed three different ______to the study of mathematics. ‎ ‎ A. methods B. apartment C. approaches D. ways ‎15) It displeases my parents when Richard and I stay out late at night. My parents don't _____ of Richard and me staying out late at night.‎ A. approach B. allow C. appeal D. approve ‎ ‎16) A completely new situation will ______ when the examination system comes into existence.‎ A. arise B. rise C. raise D. approve ‎ - 9 -‎ ‎17) The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him ____ I did. ‎ ‎ A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as ‎18) --- I'm green at everything.‎ ‎--- Don't worry. _________ you get older, you will get more experience.‎ A. As B. Till C. If D. While ‎19) You should be ______ of your ______ conduct. ‎ ‎ A. shameful; ashamed B. ashamed; shameful C.shame; shameful D. ashamed; shame ‎ ‎20) Before building a house, you will have to ______ the government’s permission. ‎ ‎ A. get from B. assess C. receive D. ask for ‎21) Examinations are not the only means of ________ someone’s ability.‎ ‎ A. assisting B. praising C. valuing D. assessing ‎22) When foreigners think of China, they always _______ it with the Great Wall.‎ A. advertise B. associate C. attach D. combine ‎23) Rose was wild with joy ________ the result of the examination.‎ ‎ A. to B. at C. by D. as ‎24) ---Look, what is he doing there?‎ ‎---As far as I know, he is reading a note ______ the present from his aunt with passion.‎ A. attaching with B. attaching on C. attached to D. attached for ‎25) A man is being questioned in relation to the _______ murder last night. ‎ ‎ A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted ‎26) In order to change attitudes _______ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws. ‎ ‎ A. about B. of C. towards D. on ‎27) The company is starting a new advertising campaign to ________ new customers to its stores.‎ A. attend B. attract C. stick D. transfer ‎28) The increase of the number of the students makes the limited computers not ______to each student.‎ ‎ A. available B. affordable C. helpful D. acceptable ‎29) It's not easy for a student of ________ intelligence to meet the requirements of a world leading university.‎ A. regular B. natural C. available D. average ‎30) There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn't _______ falling over it in the darkness.‎ A. awake B. resist C. avoid D. prevent ‎31) Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to _______ you?‎ ‎ A. affect B. assist C. apply D. arrange ‎2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空:‎ analysis apology anxiety annoy ancestor attitude argue astronaut avenue authority ‎1) ________ a careful examination of something in order to understand it better ‎2) _____________a short story based on your personal experience ‎3) _______ to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something - 9 -‎ ‎4) ________ the feeling of being very worried about something ‎5) _________ an expression of regret for having done something wrong ‎ ‎6) _________ someone who travels and works in a spacecraft ‎7) _______ he opinions and feelings that you usually have about something ‎8) ________ the power you have because of one’s official position ‎9) _______ usually a wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees ‎10) ______ to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way ‎3.选用下列词的适当形式填空:‎ Part 1‎ anyone arrangement appreciation anyhow approach ‎ astronaut available athlete appointment average ‎1) I wrote him a letter to show my ____________ of his thoughtfulness.‎ ‎2) You are all new comers here. Try not to make ___________ to strangers.‎ ‎3) There were no tickets ___________ for Friday's performance.‎ ‎4) --- Hello, is _______ home?‎ ‎ --- Yes, we're here.‎ ‎5) --- How can I run a mile in such a short time?‎ ‎--- I think it possible, for the __________ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.‎ ‎6) The family are making ___________ for his birthday party.‎ ‎7) You should phone his secretary if you want to make an _________.‎ ‎8) Alice, you should learn to help your mother with some housework. You have grown up, ________.‎ ‎9) --- Ann wants to be an _______.‎ ‎ --- Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?‎ ‎10) It was discovered that three of the Olympic ________ had taken drugs.‎ ‎ Part 2 ‎ arrival awake attention article anniversary anxious amount atmosphere appearance attempt ‎ ‎11) The couple celebrated their 20th wedding __________ in January. ‎ ‎12) ______________ of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers. ‎ ‎13) The _________ made of leather cost much more than those made of plastic. ‎ ‎14) He might have been killed but for the _________ of the police.‎ ‎15) ---Why do you drink so much coffee?‎ ‎--- Well, so long as it doesn’t keep me _________ in the night, I see no harm in it.‎ ‎16) The Chinese are looking forward to the first __________ to land on the moon after Yang Liwei’s successful trip to space.‎ ‎17) You will never be through all your homework tonight if you don’t pay your _________ to it. ‎ ‎18) After an ______ wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe. ‎ ‎19) Women are more concerned than men about their personal _____.‎ ‎20) The girl’s being educated in an__________of simple living was what her parents wished for.‎ Part 3 ‎ - 9 -‎ appropriate apparent approval ashamed applicant appetite anxiety apology angle analysis artificial authentic aspect average awkward anywhere authority ‎21) She was so ________ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.‎ ‎22) Don’t eat the cake, or you’ll spoil your _______.‎ ‎23) We agreed with his acute __________ of the political situation.‎ ‎24) Try looking at the affair from a different ______.‎ ‎25) He caused his parents great ___________ by cycling long distances alone ‎26) Please accept our __________ for any inconvenience we have caused.‎ ‎27) She had many good qualities despite her __________ rudeness.‎ ‎28) As the wages were low, there were few ___________ for the job.‎ ‎29) Plain, simple clothes are ____________ for school wear.‎ ‎30) It is just three months since we received official _________ to go ahead with the project.‎ ‎31) This orange drink contains no ___________ flavouring or colouring.‎ ‎32) On the course she received a thorough training in every ______ of the job.‎ ‎33) The government is the highest ___________ in the country.‎ ‎34) In France dogs can go ________ their owners can because people there love pets very much.‎ ‎35) You’ve put me in a very ______ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter.‎ ‎36)This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with _____ incomes.‎ ‎37) Is that an __________ painting or a copy?‎ ‎4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空:‎ ‎ Part 1 ‎ attack analyze apologize avoid appear answer announce appreciate arrest arrange attempt ‎ ‎1) David __________ for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan.‎ ‎2) He was ________ by the police and charged with ________ murder.‎ ‎3) When the bell rang ____________ the end of the class, students came out by twos and threes.‎ ‎4) I knocked at the door and nobody _______.‎ ‎5) Ten minutes earlier and we could have __________ the accident.‎ ‎6) If you have a lot of things to do, just make a list and ______ them in order of importance.‎ ‎7) You need to sit down and _________ why you didn’t pass this examination.‎ ‎8) It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to _________ their beauty.‎ ‎9) Mr. Smith is one of those men who ________ to be friendly, however, it is very hard to deal with.‎ ‎10) Beijing was _________ by such a terrible sandstorm as few citizens had ever experienced before.‎ ‎ Part 2‎ attract appeal approach attend assume arm annoy arise argue - 9 -‎ ‎11) ____________ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.‎ ‎12) The crowd _______ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.‎ ‎13) How many of us ___________ a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?‎ ‎14) He _______ that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding.‎ ‎15) We must __________ him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.‎ ‎16) The mosquitoes _________ me so much that I couldn't sleep.‎ ‎17) Many difficulties have _______ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.‎ ‎18) With spring ____________, the wind became warmer. ‎ ‎19) The movement _________ to the public to donate money generously to the poverty-stricken areas. ‎ ‎5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:‎ Part 1‎ appeal to apply for answer for approve of be anxious about be aware of ‎ one … another apply…to anything but apart from ‎ ‎1) When living in the city, he was always being disturbed by the noise of ______ sort or _____. ‎ ‎2) I ______ really ________________ you. You shouldn't have left home without a word.‎ ‎3) The program “Super Girl” on Hunan TV _______ especially ______ young people. ‎ ‎4) Mrs. Forester has ____________ my attending the conference that I am expecting.‎ ‎5) _____________ a flat tyre, we had faulty brakes.‎ ‎6) He is _____________ a fool. He found out your trick at once.‎ ‎7) You will have to ____________ your wrong doing one day.‎ ‎8) A youngster ought to have some practical experience in a library before he or she _____________ a place at a library school. ‎ ‎9) More and more people _______________ the dangers of drinking and driving.‎ ‎10) In this way they can better ________ theory ____ practice.‎ Part 2‎ as good as as much as as well as well as might as well as it is as it were ‎ as if as far as as with as for attend to set aside argue with attend to ‎ ‎11) When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks __________ it were broken ‎ ‎12) On that rainy night, he walked ___________ the small town which was 20 miles away to call a doctor in.‎ ‎13) He was expecting to have completed the job by now. _______, he's only halfway through it.‎ ‎14)The scholar has knowledge and ability _________. He is equal to the research work.‎ ‎15) __________ running, learning a foreign language requires a strong will.‎ ‎16) Now that you have got a chance, you ______________ make full use of it.‎ ‎17) You can ask the others, but _______ myself, I’ll be busy in the office.‎ ‎18) --- I wonder what has become of your company? ‎ ‎--- Haven’t you heard about it? It is _________________ ruined because of bad - 9 -‎ ‎ management.‎ ‎19) __________ I know, she can earn ______________ 500 dollars a week.‎ ‎20) He is my best friend, my second self, ____________.‎ ‎21) E-mail, ______________ telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.‎ ‎22) We __________ the waiter about the price of the meal.‎ ‎23) Rip was a kind man. He was ready to ________ everybody's business but his own.‎ ‎24) The old couple tried to __________ some extra money for some purpose.‎ ‎6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:‎ sound sight thought invitation loss requirement risk suggestion expense knowledge service ‎1) At the ____________ of the coming examination the boy felt very nervous. ‎ ‎2) He paid a visit to their home for drinks at the _________ of the newly-married couple. ‎ ‎3) At the _________ of the gun the birds in the tree flew away in all directions. ‎ ‎4) He hesitated at the _______ of her face suggesting her disagreement with his plan. ‎ ‎5) At the ___________ of the doctor he takes regular exercise to keep fit. ‎ ‎6) He built up a successful business but it was all done at the __________ of his health.‎ ‎7) At the ___________ of the bus conductor all the passengers showed their tickets.‎ ‎8) We rescued more than 50 children at the ______ of our lives.‎ ‎9) A good salesman is never at a _______ for words.‎ ‎10) My telephone is at your _________ until yours is repaired.‎ ‎11) Altough he is young, he has a great appetite for __________ of economics. ‎ ‎7. 翻译:‎ ‎1) _____________ (我会很感激的) if you could lend me a hand with my homework.‎ ‎2) With two children ____________________(要上中学) in the nearby town soon, the parents are working hard.‎ ‎3) ___________(尽管她年轻), Mary has gained rich experience in society.‎ ‎4) They gave him a warm welcome _______________(他一到).‎ ‎5) --- Would you like to go to play tennis with me in the school court this weekend?‎ ‎--- I am sorry I can’t. _____________(改日怎么样)?‎ ‎6) Do let your mother know all the truth. She ______________________(似乎有人已经把一切都让她知道了)‎ ‎7) The new technology _________________ (已被采用) agriculture.‎ ‎8) 他们总是为钱争吵。‎ ‎ __________________________________________________‎ ‎9) 你本来应该避免再次提到他的错误。‎ ‎ __________________________________________________________‎ ‎10) 我们急切想知道他是不是安全到达了。‎ ‎ ______________________________________________________‎ ‎11) He apologized to the lady for stepping on her left foot.‎ ‎___________________________________________________.‎ ‎12) In many ways children live, as it were, in a different world from adults. ‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________. ‎ ‎13)These days more and more people are aware of the many threats to the environment - 9 -‎ ‎ and begin to take action to protect it.‎ ‎8. 选用下列单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文:‎ ‎ Text 1 ‎ apology chance courage moment though admit breathe blame admire appear accept recognize surprise grow forget ‎ The next day after the incident, a woman came to 1)_______ it was she, not the boy, broke the eggs. I was shocked. I 2)________ the woman’s 3)_________ to admit her mistake. In my heart I 4)_____ myself. I waited and waited for a 5)________ to say sorry to the boy. But he didn't 6)_______ until one morning fifteen years later. That morning I 7)__________ him the 8)_________ he entered the store 9)________ he had 10)_______ into a young man. He was quite 11)__________ when I told him about the broken eggs. He seemed to have 12) __________ all about it. I made an 13 )_________ from my heart. He 14)__________ it honestly. At last I 15)_________ freely again.‎ ‎ Text 2‎ part ability abroad even as anyhow also prevent attend destroy keep off as well as be addicted to ‎ In my opinion, the Internet is helpful rather than harmful 1)______ someone else thinks. As is known to all, the Internet is playing a more and more important 2)______ in our daily life. On the Internet, we can read news at home and from 3)_______ and get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails or make phone calls to our family 4)____ _______ _____ to our friends. We can also 5) ________ the net school, read many books and even teach ourselves English. We can 6)_____ enjoy music, watch matches and play computer games on the Internet. We can 7)______ do shopping on line. Besides, we can improve our 8)_______ to operate the computer.‎ But we should not 9)____ ________ _____ the Internet, or we’ll get our life and study 10)_________. Besides, we should 11) _____ _____ the harmful websites. 12) _______, this doesn’t 13 )_________ the Internet becoming our friend. We can’t throw away the apple because of the core (果核), can we?‎ ‎2013届新课标高考一轮复习——词汇专项测控卷(07)‎ ‎1. 单项选择: 1)-10) CDACB DADDA 11)-20) BABCD AAABD 21)-31) DBBCC CBADC B ‎ ‎2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空: ‎ ‎1) analysis 2) anecdote 3) annoy 4) anxiety 5) apology ‎ - 9 -‎ ‎6) astronaut 7 ) attitude 8) authority 9) avenue 10) argue ‎ ‎3.选用下列词的适当形式填空:‎ ‎1)appreciation 2)approaches 3)available 4)anyone 5)average 6) arrangements ‎ ‎7)appointment 8)anyhow 9)astronaut 10) athletes 11) anniversary 12) Announcements 13 ) articles 14) arrival ‎15) awake 16) attempt 17) attention 18) anxious 19) appearance 20) atmosphere 21)ashamed 22) appetite ‎23) analysis 24) angle 25 anxiety) 26) apologies 27) apparent 28) applicants 29) appropriate 30) approval ‎ ‎31) artificial 32) aspect 33 ) authority 34) anywhere 35) awkward 36 ) average 37) authentic ‎4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空:‎ ‎ 1) apologized 2) arrested attempted 3) announcing 4) answered 5)avoided 6)arrange 7)analyze 8) appreciate 9) appears 10) attacked 11) Attracted 12) armed 13 ) attending ‎14) argued 15) assume 16) annoyed 17) arisen 18) approaching 19) appealed ‎ ‎5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空: ‎ ‎1)one…another 2)was…anxious about 3)appeals; to 4)approved of 5) Apart from 6)anything but 7)answer for 8)applies for 9) are aware of 10)apply; to 11)as if 12) as far as 13 ) As it is 14) as well 15) As with 16)might as well 17) as for 18) as good as ‎19) As far as; as much as 20) as it were 21) as well as 22) argued with 23) attend to 24) set aside ‎6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空: ‎ ‎1) thought 2) invitation 3) sound 4) sight 5) suggestion 6) expense ‎ ‎7) requirement 8) risk 9) loss 10) service 11) knowledge ‎7.翻译:‎ ‎1)I'd appreciate it 2) to attend middle school 3)Young as she is ‎4)on his arrival 5) What about another time 6) appeared to have been told everything ‎7) has been applied to 8) They always argue with each other about money.‎ ‎9) You should have avoided mentioning his mistake again.‎ ‎10 ) We were anxious to know whether he had arrived safely.‎ ‎11) 他向那位女士道歉,因为他把人家的左脚踩了。‎ ‎12) 从许多方面讲,小孩子可以说是生活在一个跟成人不同的世界里。‎ ‎13) 现在越来越多的人意识到有很多东西对环境有威胁,并开始采取行动保护环境。‎ ‎8. 选用下列单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文:‎ Text 1 1) admit 2) admired 3) courage 4) blamed 5) chance 6) appear 7) recognized 8) moment 9) though ‎ ‎10) grown 11) surprised 12) forgotten 13 ) apology 14) accepted 15) breathed Text 2 1) as 2) part 3) abroad 4) as well as 5) attend 6) also 7) even 8) ability 9) be addicted to ‎ ‎10) destroyed 11) keep off 12) Anyhow 13 ) prevent - 9 -‎ - 9 -‎

