人教新目标版英语九年级Unit 7同步练习题3

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人教新目标版英语九年级Unit 7同步练习题3

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 基础导练 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He is strict with ________ (teenager). 2. I need to spend more time ________ (play) on the playground. 3. We have a chance ________ (talk) about this important book. 4. It is hard ________ (keep) reading English every day. 5. She practiced ________ (play) the piano when she was young. 二、单项填空。 ( )1.________ my way ________ school, I came across one of my old friends. A.On; to B.On; in C.In; to D.In; at ( )2.If you continue to steal, you’ll ________ in prison. A.take up B.make up C.end up D.walk up ( )3.________ is bad for your eyes ________ TV too much. A.It; to watch B.It; watching C.This; to watch D.This; watching ( )4.You ________ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain. A.can’t B.should C.mustn’t D.have ( )5.Our teachers are very strict ________ us. A.with B.to C.on D.in 三、完成句子,每空一词。 1.在某种意义上来讲,我同意你对这种情形的看法。 ________ ________ ________, I agree with your opinion of the situation. 2.我们不能阻止他的旅行。 We can’t get ________ ________ ________ ________ his traveling. 3.如果你那样做,必将以耻辱告终。 If you do that, you’ll ________ ________ ________ egg on your face. 4.不要挥金如土,否则你最终会成为乞丐的。 Stop spending so fast, or you’ll ________ ________ ________ a beggar. 能力提升 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. He is a ________ (专业的) engineer. 2. He ________ (进入) the room quietly. 3. He________ (支持) our work in 2013. 4. We should ________ (实践) our hobbies properly. 5. As a teenager, we should make the ________ (选择) on our own. 二、单项填空。 ( )1.Every year I ________ the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worse garden in the town! A.entering B.entered C.entered for D.enter for ( )2.My parents allow me ________ the movies once a week. A.to go B.going C.went D.to go to ( )3.He is serious ________ computer games. A.about playing B.to play C.about play D.in playing ( )4.Young trees should ________ every year. A.be planted B.plant C.planted D.planting ( )5.I enjoy playing computer games, but I can’t spend too much time ________ that. A.in B.on C.for D.to 三、阅读理解。 In a surprising result, the No.69 Middle School girls’ football team yesterday beat their school’s boys’ team.The boys’ team often helped the girls with their training(训练).They had never lost to the girls before, but this time the girls beat them 4-3. After the game, Wu Nai, head of the boys’ team, was very unhappy.“We all thought this would be an easy game,” he said.“We never thought a team of girls could beat us.This is the saddest day of my life.” But Mr Hu, the boys’ P.E. teacher, said he thought the girls should win.“The boys were too confident(自信),” he said. “I told them before the match that they needed to play well.They all thought that girls’ football was a joke.Now they know better.They didn’t play carefully, and they lost.” The match had started well for the boys.After 30 minutes, they were winning 2-0.Their best player, Lu Ming, scored in the thirtieth minute.Earlier, the midfield player, Ma Zhengquan, had scored the first goal in only the second minute of the match. After the first half hour, the boys seemed to become too confident.At first, the girls had felt a bit nervous, but then they became more and more confident.Just before half time, Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1. In the second half, the boys were the first to score.It was from Lu Ming.After that the boys became lazy, but the girls kept on working hard. Hao Meiling scored in the 68th minute, to make the score 3-2.Then Li Xiaolin scored twice in the last six minutes to make the last score 4-3.It was a surprising finish. The girls’ PE teacher, Miss Wang, was very pleased with their work.“They were great!” She said.“I told them they could win.I told them that the most important thing was teamwork.The boys’ team had some good players, but my girls were a better team!” ( )1.Who scored the first goal in the match? A.Lu Ming. B.Ma Zhengquan. C.Li Xiaolin. D.Hao Meiling. ( )2.How many goals did Li Xiaolin score? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. ( )3.Why could the girls’ team beat the boys’ in the football match? A.Because the boys’ team helped the girls with their training. B.Because the boys had never lost to the girls before. C.Because the boys’ team won the first half. D.Because the girls played together better and worked harder. ( )4. Which of the following is right? A.The girls made only one goal in the first half. B.The girls even made 3 more goals than the boys in the second half. C.Many people thought the girls could beat the boys before the match. D.The girls’ team had some better players than the boys’. ( )5.Choose the right order according to the passage. a.The girls’ P.E. teacher told them that they could win. b.Wu Nai, head of the boys’ team was very unhappy. c.The match started well for the boys. d.The girls kicked the second goal in the match. A.abcd B.bcda C.dcab D.acdb 基础导练 一、1.teenagers 2.playing 3.to talk 4.to keep 5.playing 二、1.A on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上。 2.C end up in...以……结束。 3.A it is+形容词(+for sb.)+to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事怎么样。 4.B 根据句意“爬山的时候你应当穿运动鞋。”可知选 B。 5.A be strict with sb.意为“对某人严格要求”。 三、1.In a/one way 2.in the way of 3.end up with 4.end up as 能力提升 一、1.professional 2.entered 3.supported 4.practice 5.choice 二、1.D 根据时间状语 every year 可知本句的时态应用一般现在时,排除 B、C 两项。enter 进入,开始从事;enter for 报名参加。由 competition (比赛)可知应选 D。 2.D allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事;go to the movies 去看电影。 3.A be serious about 对……认真,about 是介词,后接动名词。 4.A trees 与 plant 构成动宾关系,当 trees 做主语时要用被动语态;含情态动词的被动 语态结构为:情态动词+be+动词过去分词。故选 A。 5.B spend time/money on sth.花费时间/金钱在某事(物)上。 三、1—5 BBDAD

