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‎ ‎8A基础知识 一、用所给动词的正确形式填空:‎ ‎1.Nancy often spends a lot of time (practice) (sing).‎ ‎2.After class, we always have a good time (talk) to each other.‎ ‎3.We all hope (have) less homework during our holiday.‎ ‎4.If he (come) here tomorrow, he (see) his father.‎ ‎5.The woman (step) on my foot, but she didn’t say sorry.‎ ‎6.We should take actions (prevent) the (hunt) ‎ from (hunt) the wild animals freely.‎ ‎7.If you continue (work) on the problem, you (solve) it soon.‎ ‎8. (provide) enough food and warm clothes for them is strongly needed.‎ ‎9.Look! Sandy (mop) up the floor.‎ ‎10.The ball (hit) Ted right on the head just now.‎ ‎11.Can you often hear a girl (sing) English songs in the next room?‎ ‎12.All the students were in a great hurry (play) football on the playground.‎ ‎13.Mu Hu (建议) us (go) home early just now.‎ ‎14.You’d better (not open) the door. It’s so cold outside.‎ 二、根据句意、释义及汉语提示,在下列各句空格处写出各单词的正确形式:‎ ‎1.You advice is not good, and his is even (bad) .‎ ‎2.Summer is the (hot) of the four seasons while winter is the (cold).‎ ‎3.She looks very (happy) because she can’t join the Music Club.‎ ‎4.Your story isn’t so (long) as mine but it is much (interesting) than mine.‎ ‎5.When he grows up, he wants to be a (singing is his job).‎ ‎6.Can you (find the answer to something) this thing?‎ ‎7. “Harry Potter” was very (many people love it) with the students a few years ago.‎ ‎8.I borrow three (a kind of book which comes out once a month) from the library every month.‎ ‎9.This coat is too big. Do you have a (small) one?‎ ‎10.My sister is an (诚实的) girl.‎ ‎11.Every Friday afternoon, we have a lot of after-school (活动).‎ ‎12. How high the building is! Do you know the (高度) of it?‎ ‎13.Tina is a very kind girl and her (smile) eyes always make others fee warm.‎ ‎14.The famous football player Beckham(贝克汉姆) is very (a man who is beautiful to look at ) and many girls like him.‎ ‎15.I know, I study for (自己), so I must try my best.‎ ‎16.These things are (useful). Throw them away!‎ ‎17.Now I know how to cook healthy and (taste) meals.‎ ‎18.My pen is like yours. That means our pens are (like).‎ ‎19.Who do you (钦佩)most in your class?‎ ‎20.People in different countries speak different (语言).‎ ‎21.Yao Ming and Liu Guoliang are my (hero).‎ ‎22.It’s important to do some exercise every day, but some people think it ‎ is (important).‎ ‎23.Can you tell me the (long) of this pair trousers?‎ ‎24.Do you often have assembly at the (begin) of a term?‎ ‎25.We were amazed by the (beautiful) of the scenery at Guilin.‎ ‎26.Simon fell off the bike, (luck) he wasn’t hurt badly.‎ ‎27.Linda is good at and she is a good (climb).‎ ‎28.He likes playing computer games very much and he can make a home page all ‎ by (he).‎ ‎29.Please send my best (greet) to your parents.‎ ‎30.We can see red maple (叶子) around Fragrant Hills when fall comes.‎ ‎31.Help (you) to some cakes, boys and girls.‎ ‎32.Thank you for (同意)to play softball with us.‎ ‎33.I’ll visit some places of (interesting) in Beijing this winter holiday.‎ ‎34.Millie is the (slim) girl in our class.‎ ‎35.Tom ran past Jim and became the (win).‎ ‎36.The girls enjoyed (they) at the party last night.‎ ‎37.Zhao Ming caught up with other boys and the race.(one 的同音词)‎ ‎38.We can teach (us) how (make) a home page.‎ ‎39. (遗憾的是), we don’t seem to have much chance of winning the match.‎ ‎40.There are almost no trees there. Wild birds find (somewhere) to hide.‎ ‎41.A good teacher always (鼓励) his students (work) hard.‎ ‎42.When the young man met two (狼), he didn’t feel afraid at all.‎ ‎43.Lu Xun is a great Chinese (作家). He wrote a lot of (著名的) articles.‎ ‎44.If giant pandas are in (dangerous), they will attack people.‎ ‎45.Do you know what’s the (weigh) of the tortoise?‎ ‎46.You can see (mouse) everywhere in India.‎ ‎47.His death was a great (lose) to his friends.‎ ‎48.Look at the sign. You can go in from the (enter) of the supermarket.‎ ‎49.He likes watching birds with (宽大的) wings.‎ ‎50.Zhalong is a (under the protection) area.‎ ‎51.Many birds go to Zhalong for a short (停留).‎ ‎52. “The Great Green Wall goes across the (north) part of China”, our Geography teacher said.‎ ‎53.He is very to everybody and he told us how to do it just now.(polite)‎ ‎54.The boy is (honest). He often tells lies.‎ ‎55.I think it’s (polite) to laugh at others.‎ ‎56.If we don’t protect the wetlands, it will be (possible) to see ‎ these (danger) birds, such as pandas and swans.‎ ‎57.Please cut out(划掉) the (necessary) words.‎ ‎58.There are many (自然)disasters every year.‎ ‎59.The students ran (wild) on the playground.‎ ‎60.People were excited at Mr Hu’s (arrive).‎ ‎61.Mount Lushan is (fog) than Mount‎ ‎Wuyi.‎ ‎62.Hearing the sound of the gun(枪), the birds in the trees flew in all (方向).‎ 三、词组英汉互译:‎ ‎1.休息三周 2.与…不同 ‎ ‎3.向窗外看 4.在16岁时 ‎ ‎5.有幽默感 6.say a bad word about sb ‎ ‎7.分享某人的快乐 8.vote for sb. ‎ ‎9.保守秘密 10.with one’s support ‎ ‎11.由金属制成 12.发生、举行 ‎ ‎13.失去生命 14.people in need ‎ ‎15.例如 16.show good manners to others. ‎ ‎17.全年 18.make excuses ‎ ‎19.喊救命 20.in fear ‎ 四、完成下列句子:‎ ‎1.冰箱里没其它东西。There is in the fridge.‎ ‎2.我长大了想做个社会工人。I when I .‎ ‎3.他对人很慷慨,很乐意与人分享东西。He is others and them.‎ ‎4.我们有一个很大的图书馆,里面有许多有用的书。We have a big .‎ ‎5.“hero ”是什么意思?它的意思是你非常崇拜的人。‎ ‎ What ? It very much.‎ ‎6.米莉的铅笔盒与艾米的不同。Millie’s pencil-box Kitty’s.‎ ‎7.从Kitty的学校到世界公园的旅行坐大巴要花大约两个小时的时间。‎ ‎ The trip Kitty’s school the World‎ ‎Park .‎ ‎8.假如我们不采取措施的话,不久世界上将不会有大熊猫了。‎ ‎ If we , soon there in the world.‎ ‎9.在暴风雪中我们除了慢慢行走外什么也做不了。‎ ‎ We could in the storm.‎ ‎10.今年,我们观鸟俱乐部的成员一直在研究扎龙的各种鸟以及它们在数量上的变化。‎ This year, in Zhalong and .‎ ‎ ‎8A 自主检测 一、选择填空: ‎ ‎( )1.Jin Yong is one of the greatest writers. He is still .‎ ‎ A.living, living B.living, alive C.alive, living D.alive, alive ‎( )2.Every year natural disasters kill people.‎ ‎ A.three thousands B.thousands of ‎ C.thousand of D.three thousands of ‎( )3. it was really snowy, it me longer to get to school.‎ ‎ A.As, took B.Because, takes C.As, spent D.Since, cost ‎( )4.What Xi Wang at 10 days?‎ ‎ A.did, like B.did, look like C. was , look like D.is, like ‎( )5.If it tomorrow, we to the Great Wall.‎ ‎ A.won’t snow, will drive B.won’t snow, drive ‎ C.doesn’t snow, will drive D.doesn’t snow, drive ‎( )6.The baby kept and the mother felt .‎ ‎ A.on cried, angry B.crying, worried C.on crying, worrying D.to cry, surprised ‎( )7.Tom’s eyesight is poor too homework at night.‎ ‎ A.because of, many B.because of, much C.because, many D.because, much ‎( )8.Simon often us funny stories and always makes us .‎ ‎ A.tells, laugh B.tell, laughs C.says, laughs D.say, laughs ‎( )9.He decided and have fun climbing.‎ ‎ A.going, to go B.to go, go C.going, going D.to go, going ‎( )10.The company wants to the children.‎ ‎ A.provide some stationery with B.provide some stationery for ‎ C.provide some stationery as D.provide some stationeries for ‎( )11.Kitty’s pencil case is Amy’s. It’s also very small.‎ ‎ A.the same colour as B.different from C.alike D.the same size as ‎( )12.We can do the work better with money and people.‎ ‎ A.little, fewer B.fewer, less C.less, fewer D.few, little ‎( )13.Many things happened these days. I don’t know .‎ ‎ A. what to do B.what to do it C.how to do D.how to be done ‎( )14.Why you to enjoy Beijing Opera yesterday?‎ ‎ A.did, not to go B.didn’t, go C.not, go D.won’t ,go ‎( )15.There is a pretty tall girl blue eyes in our class.‎ ‎ A. has B.to have C.in D.with 二、完形填空: ‎ There is good news for the children in the countryside. We may still remember the girl 1 big eyes. Her big eyes are 2 us her dream: I wish to 3 ! In China, there are still 4 girls and boys like her. They want to go to school, but their 5 are too poor. If the family has two or three children, it is harder ‎ to 6 the money for all the children. So the parents often ask 7 to stay at home, and boys to go to school.‎ Now they needn’t 8 the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free in some poor places. They don’t have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money form the government to make their life 9 . Soon, all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news. It is 10 great.‎ ‎( )1. A. with B.on C. to D.in ‎( )2. A. saying B.telling C.speaking D.talking ‎( )3. A.go to work B.go to bed C.go to school D.go home ‎( )4. A.a lot B.lot of C.a lot of D.much ‎( )5. A.schools B.cities C.houses D.families ‎( )6. A.pay B.take C.buy D.borrow ‎( )7. A.teachers B.girls C.boys D.all the children ‎( )8. A. look up B.turn on C.worry about D.make sure ‎( )9. A. better B.shorter C.longer D.worse ‎( )10. A.not B.never C.hardly D.really 三、阅读理解: ‎ ‎ A ‎ 阅读下面的文章, 看看你对世界上的昆虫了解多少。‎ ‎ Do you know why different animals or pests(昆虫) have their special colours ?Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.‎ ‎ Some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colours of crops庄稼(). When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest(收获) time comes, locusts change to the same brown colour as crops have. Some other pests with different colours from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.‎ ‎ If you study the animal life, you’ll find the main use of colouring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters. This is because they have the colours much like the trees.‎ ‎ Have you ever found an even more strange act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid液体() when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over(散开), its enemies(敌人) cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now ‎ though it is not strong at all.‎ ‎ ( )1.From the passage we learn that locusts .‎ ‎ A.are small animals B.are easily found by birds ‎ C.are dangerous to their enemies D.change their colours to protect themselves ‎ ( )2.How can pests with different colours from plants keep out of danger?‎ ‎ A.They run away quickly.‎ ‎ B.They have the colours much like their enemies.‎ ‎ C.They hide themselves by day and appear at night.‎ ‎ D.They have to move quietly.‎ ‎ ( )3.Bears and lions can keep safe because .‎ ‎ A.they have the colours much like the trees B.they move quietly ‎ C.they like brown and grey colours D.they live in forests ‎ ( )4.Why can the kind of fish live up to now?‎ ‎ A.Because it is very big and strong.‎ ‎ B.Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemies.‎ ‎ C.Because the liquid it sends out kill its enemies.‎ ‎ D.Because it swims faster than any other fish.‎ ‎ ( )5.Which is the best title for this passage?‎ ‎ A.The Change of Colours for Animals and Pests..‎ ‎ B.Colours of Different Animals and Pests.‎ ‎ C.The Main Use of Colours for Animals and Pests.‎ ‎ D.Some Animals and Pests.‎ ‎ B In the southeast part of China, people living near the sea believe that a typhoon comes because the sea is angry with them. They also believe in a kind goodness called Mazu, who they think can protect them on the sea, especially when a typhoon comes.‎ Typhoons have been given different names for several hundred years. They are now also named after girl’s names, boy’s names and names of flowers etc. You may think it is funny to connect a beautiful flower with such a terrible thing, since there is nothing pretty about the typhoon itself.‎ Typhoon Rananim attacked China’s southeast coastal(沿海的) regions since 12 August, 2004 and killed more than one hundred people. Sarcastically(具有讽刺性地), the name Rananim means “hello” in the Chuukese language spoken in Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚). In fact, typhoons are quite destructive(破坏性的). It is quite usual that when a typhoon comes, hundreds of people may die and even more may get injured(受伤). During that time, the storm’s strong wind and heavy rain may destroy cropland (农田)and killed livestock(牲畜). What is worse, the area attacked by the typhoon may lose its power supply, and millions of people may live without water or telephone service for some time.‎ ‎( )1.In the of China, people believe in Mazu.‎ ‎ A.northeast B.southeast C.west D.east ‎( )2.The passage says that .‎ ‎ A.in China, people give typhoons bad names ‎ B.people give typhoons pretty names because they like them ‎ C.many people may die when a typhoon comes ‎ D.people can protect themselves from being hurt when a typhoon comes ‎( )3.The typhoon attacked southeast part of China in August, 2004 is named ‎ .‎ ‎ A.Rose B.Bob C.Lily D.Rananim ‎( )4.Typhoons can .‎ ‎ A.kill hundreds of people B.hurt thousands of people ‎ C.cut off power supply D.all of the above ‎ C ‎ Do you want to save(节省) money when you travel by train? Here are some ways.‎ ‎ Day Returns(往返票) ‎ ‎ This kind of ticket can save you 45% on the fare. You have to travel before 8:‎00 a.m and after 6:00 p.m from Monday to Friday, but you can travel at any time on Saturday or Sunday.‎ ‎ Big City Savers(优惠票)‎ ‎ You can save much money with these tickets. You have to buy them by 4:00 p.m. the day before you travel.‎ ‎ Monthly Returns ‎ You can use these tickets for most journeys over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a month. Monthly Returns can save you 25% on the fare.‎ ‎ Family Returns ‎ You can get a card of Family Returns for $20. After you buy it.you need to pay only $3 for each of the other family members. You can travel as often as you like within two months.‎ ‎( )1.How many kinds of tickets are mentioned(提及) in the passage?‎ ‎ A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.‎ ‎( )2.If you want to go to a city 75 miles away for four days, which kind of ticket will you choose?‎ ‎ A.Big‎ ‎City Savers. B.Monthly Returns. ‎ C.Day Returns. D.Family Returns.‎ ‎( )3.Mr Wu has a card of Family Returns, he buys himself a ticket of $15 and three tickets for his family, how much will he pay?‎ ‎ A.$47. B.$27. C.$24. D.$15.‎ ‎( )4.Which of the following is TRUE?‎ ‎ A. A card of Family Returns can only be used for two months.‎ ‎ B.If you want to travel to Paris by air, you can use Big City Savers.‎ ‎ C.If you travel to Tokyo for three months, you can use Monthly Returns.‎ ‎ D.You can only use Day Returns from 8:oo a.m to 6:00 p.m at weekends.‎ ‎( )5.The passage is probably taken from a .‎ ‎ A.dictionary B.notebook C.newspaper D.storybook 四、完成下列对话:‎ ‎ A Linda 在打电话告诉妈妈她在北京的情况,但有些词妈妈没听清楚。你来帮助她说清楚吧。‎ Linda: Hello! Mum.‎ Mum: Hello. Did you have a good time in Beijing?‎ Linda: Yes. I e 1 myself yesterday. Mr Wu, Kitty’s teacher i 2 me to j ‎3 in their school trip to the World‎ ‎Park.‎ Mum: Really? How do you like the trip?‎ Linda: At the b 4 , I didn’t enjoy it. There was a lot of t 5 on the road. I thought it was b 6 . But when I a 7 at the park, I didn’t feel s 8 any more. I had a good time in the park.‎ Mum: W ‎9 in the park?‎ Linda: The w 10 was in the park. There are over a hundred places of ‎ i 11 from all over the world.‎ Mum: That must be w 12 . Enjoy your trip. See you.‎ ‎ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ‎ ‎ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ‎ ‎ B ‎ 你能用所给选项将下列残缺的对话补全吗?‎ Simon: Excuse me, Mr Wu. Do you have some time now? I want to have a talk with you.‎ Mr Wu: 1 ‎ Simon: I want to live at school this term.‎ Mr Wu: 2 ‎ Simon: Yes, it was. But we moved to a new flat last week.‎ Mr Wu: I’m glad to hear that. Where is it? How far is your new home from school?‎ Simon: 3 ‎ Mr Wu: Oh, I see. It’s too far. Why don’t you take our school bus?‎ Simon: It takes too much time. I have to change two buses before I can take the school bus.‎ Mr Wu: 4 ‎ Simon: I think I can. At least, I can learn to do it.‎ Mr Wu: 5 ‎ Simon: Thank you, Mr Wu.‎ A. Why? I remember your home isn’t very far from school?‎ B.Don’t forget to come to me when you are in need.‎ C.It’s a little bit far. About 10 kilometers.‎ D.Sure. Sit down, please. What can I do for you?‎ E.OK. I think you’d better live at school. But can you look after yourself well?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 ‎ 五、根据短文内容及首字母提示在下面各空处填入适当的词,使短文内容完整。‎ Mr King lives in a city. He has some shops and gets a lot of m 1 . His son , Mike studies in a middle school. The boy likes everything but not s 2 . He doesn’t listen to his teachers in class and he n 3 finishes his homework on time. He always plays football when he is f 4 . And he can never ‎ p 5 the exams. His father has l 6 time to stay at home and doesn’t know anything about it.‎ One day Miss Read, Mike’s teacher, c 7 Mr King. On the telephone she told him all about the boy’s studies. She wanted him to help the boy at home. The man heard this and was u 8 . When his son came back from school, he gave him a good beating. But soon he felt sorry for it when he saw Mike c ‎9 in the bedroom. The next morning, before Mike went to school, the father said, “ Study hard, my son! I’ll buy you a car when you pass the exam next year.”‎ ‎ Another term was over. Mike didn’t pass the exam once more. Mr King had a look at the school report and asked, “What do you do this term, Mike?” “I learn to ‎ d ‎10 a car, Dad.” Answered the boy.‎ ‎ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ ‎ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ‎ 六、词汇运用: 根据句意、释义及汉语提示,在下列各句空格处写出各单词的正确形式:‎ ‎1.Water is becoming less and less and we should know the i of it.‎ ‎2.There’s no (借口) for being late.‎ ‎3.Hamburgers are very (流行的) in China now. Many students like to have them for lunch.‎ ‎4.The mooncake with nuts tastes d .‎ ‎5.She likes reading (杂志).‎ ‎6.L , he passed the English exam.‎ ‎7.We must learn something from (英雄).‎ ‎8.English, Chinese and French are important working l of the UN.‎ ‎9.It’s not right to think PE is an u subject.‎ ‎10.We should try our best to (keep something safe from danger) wild animals.‎ ‎11.Do you think dogs are (clever) than people?‎ ‎12.Ms Shi advised the boys (not laugh) at the girls.‎ ‎13.We felt a slight (shake) before the earthquake happened.‎ ‎14.During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a great ‎ time (talk) to each other.‎ ‎15.Do you know the (long) of the Great Wall?‎ 七、书面表达 May Day is coming. You are going to invite your friend to join in a trip to Nanjing . Please write a letter to your friend Kitty according to the plan below: (60 words)‎ Time Place Activity ‎7.00a‎.m The school gate Meet everyone and take a bus to the Ming Tomb ‎8.00a‎.m.—‎10.00a.m.‎ The Ming Tomb See the old wall , take the bus to Confucians Temple ‎10.30a‎.m.—12.30.p.m Confucians Temple Visit Confucians Temple, have lunch and take the bus to Xuanwu Lake Park ‎1.20p.m.—2.30p.m.‎ Xuanwu Lake Park Go boating and walk to Red Hill Forest Zoo ‎3.15p.m.—4.30p.m Red Hill Forest Zoo See many animals and take the bus to Xinjiekou ‎5.00p.m.—6.00p.m.‎ Xinjiekou Go shopping and back to the school gate ‎24th April Dear Kitty:‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Best wishes ‎ Daniel

