人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Unit 4

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人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Unit 4

Unit Four Then and now Part A Let’s try Let’s talk Let’s learn Part B Let’s try Let’s talk Let’s learn Read and write Let’s wrap it up Let’s try Today, there is a guest visiting the school. Listen and tick or cross. 返回首页 The school changed a little. Grandpa could use computers when he was at school. A:Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. B:Tell us about your school, please. A:There was only one small building on a hill. C:Could you see stars at night? A:Yes, I like the stars. B:Me too. One day I’m going to visit the moon. C:The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. B:How do you know that? C:Easy. I looked it up on the Internet. A:Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time. Let’s talk 返回首页 What was Grandpa’s school like? 返回首页 返回首页 What was your school like five years ago? What is it like now? Draw and talk. 5 yeas ago There was… There were… Now There is… There are… There be句型的过去时 我们已经学过了there be句型的一般现在时,当 there be遇到过去的时间,我们只需要将be动词 换成相应的过去式形式就可以了。 例如:There is a cat in the room. →There was a cat in the room. There are some birds in the tree. →There were some birds in the tree. 返回首页 跟 我 学 There was…There were… One year ago 看图说一说! 看看冬冬的房间一年前后的变化! 返回首页 There is…There are… Now 返回首页 返回首页 dining hall gym grass Let’s learn 饭厅 …years ago …months ago last year last month gr ss 返回首页 i o a g 补全单词! d ning hall ym ag 返回首页 There was no gym in my school ten years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school. 1.What art they talking about? A. Mike’s hobby. B. Mike’s old photos. 2.What grade was Mike in? A. Grade 1. B. Grade 5. Mike’s friends are visiting his home. Listen and circle. 返回首页 Let’s try Let’s talkA:John, come and look at Mike’s old photos! B:That’s funny. Mike! You’re wearing a pink T- shirt. C:Yes, but I don’t like pink now. A:We are all different now! C:Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class. How about you? B:Well. I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. I like it very much. A:That’s good exercise. 返回首页 Talk about your friends or family members. How did they change? 返回首页 wasn’t tall/ had long/…hair didn’t wear glasses/ didn’t like maths/ didn’t like cats/ didn’t like eggs/ 跟 我 学 返回首页 Before…Now…来对比 同学们若想对比他人或自己以前和现在的 变化, 不妨用“before…now…”。例如迈克在文 中提到“Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class.” 返回首页 看一看,说一说。 大显身手 Before,… Now,… go cycling ice-skate play badminton 返回首页 Let’s learn Wu Yifan:I didn’t like winter before. I thought it was too cold, and I couldn’t go cycling. Mike:How about now? Wu Yifan:Now I love to ice skate and play in the snow. 返回首页 Tell your partner: 1.What animal can run very fast? 2.What makes you feel worried? 返回首页 Read and write What a dream! Wu Yifan had a race with his father and Max. there were many people there. His father ran very fast, but Wu Yifan could not. There was nothing he could do. He was so worried. “I could run fast at school,” he thought. “Why am I so slow now?” Then Robin said, “Drink this!” and gave Wu Yifan some water. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again. There was a second race. There were many animals in that race. Wu Yifan ran like a cheetah. He could win the race! But suddenly he tripped and fell. Then he woke up. He was in bed. It was all a dream! 返回首页 一、你能找出文中单词 的过去式吗? 二、下列单词过去式的原形 形式你知道吗? felt thought woke tripped 返回首页 Wu Yifan:Mum, I ______ an interesting dream last night. Mum:What did you dream about? Wu Yifan:I had a race with Dad and Max. But I ______ ______ ______. Mum:What happened then? Wu Yifan:Robin ______ me some water. I ______ it and then could run very fast. Suddenly I tripped and fell. Then I woke up. Mum:What a dream! Wu Yifan is telling his mother about the dream. Listen and fill in the blank. 返回首页 couldn’t had run fast gave drank I had a dream last night. In my dream, I… _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ What a dream! Did you have an interesting dream? Tell your dream to your partner. Then write several sentences about it. 返回首页 Let’s wrap it up Changes are all around us. Talk about the changes below. 返回首页 It was raining. Now... In summer, the tree was green. Now... There was a building before. Now... 爱护草坪 人人有责 返回首页 It was an egg. Now... Chen Jie was short. Now she is 1.5 metres tall. The cat was on the chair. Now... 1.5米 一、看图说短语。 课 后 练 习 返回首页 go cyclingice-skate play badminton 二、看图说一说。 返回首页 Three years ago Now

