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‎2014高考百天仿真冲刺卷英语卷六 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题I.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回来有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How long does it take the man to drive to the university during rush hour? A. 25 minutes.                        B. 30 minutes.                              C. 50 minutes. 2. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a hotel.                          B. In a restaurant.                         C. In h bank. 3. What should the man do next? A. Prepare for the meeting.            B. Make a phone call.               C. Visit Dr. Carton. 4. What does the woman mean? A. Stacey is a tough person.           B. Nobody can replace Stacey.   C. The work is hard to do. 5. What's the man's trouble? A. He had a bad meal.                  B. He received a wrong bill.           C. He couldn't find the hotel. 第二节(共15小题:每小题15分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项种选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why does the woman dislike the first apartment? A. Because it's small.               B. Because the surroundings are bad.   C. Because it's expensive. 7. What do we know about the second apartment? A. It's near the company.        B. It has no kitchen.                         C. It looks quite dirty. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What's the weather like in Australia in July? A. It's hot.                         B. It's rainy.                                  C. It's ‎ dry. 9. Why are most things in Australia cheap? A. Because of the weather.            B. Because of the tourism.         C. Because of the exchange rate. 10. How many places did the man visit in Australia? A. Two.                              B. Three.                                    C. Four. 听第8段材料,回答第11至l3题。 11. Where did the two speakers meet last time? A. In a company.                      B. At a bookstore.                           C. On the road. 12. What can we learn about the man? A. He seldom stays in New York.   B. He works for a newspaper.  C. He will go to New York tomorrow. 13. Why did the Woman go to Japan last month? A. To learn computer.                  B. To go on a business trip.         C. To visit the man. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. What does Vivian do? A. A housewife.                B. A nurse.                                   C. A bank manager. 15. Who usually does the dishes? A. The man.                       B. Bob.                                        C. Vivian. 16. What does Vivian usually do on Saturday? A. Do the laundry and clean the house. B. Clean the house and cook dinner. C. Do the laundry and go shopping. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the woman talking about? A. Bad behaviors.                        B. Gift-giving.                                C. Different customs. 18. What can we learn about gift-giving in North America? A. The rules are complex.             B. No gifts at a family party.              C. It has a long history. 19. How do Japanese usually show their thankfulness? A. By sending gifts.               B. By drinking wine.                 C. By exchanging gifts. 20. What will the speaker probably talk about next? A. The right time of ‎ gift-giving.       B. The color of the wrapping paper. C. The meanings of different flowers. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单选填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. —I'm so sorry for breaking the cup, Mom. —It doesn't matter. ________careful next time. A. Being                          B. Do be                        C. Do                            D. To be 22. —Why are graduates likely to work in the eastern part of China? —Because the economy there is ________ stronger and there are more chances. A. commonly                    B. slighrly                C. comparatively              D. necessarily 23. —The white coat is really great on you !    —________. A. Never mind.                  B. Clad you like it!            C. Thank you.                  D. How do I look? 24. Nowadays, many people go to work in their own cars, which usually________traffic, especially during the rush hour. A. chokes off                    B. holds off                     C. takes off                     D. keeps off 25. ________by magnets, the maglev train is considered to be faster,quieter and smoother than wheeled mass transit systems. A. Being powered     B. Powered              C. Powering                   D.Having been powered 26. —Is it for two months ________they have been mamed? —No, it is only three weeks________they married. A. that; since                     B. that ;when                   C. when; that                   D. since; before 27. With the________ of new technologies, people are now freed from some boring jobs to focus on more creative things. A. application                   B. presentation         C. distinction           D. acquisition 28. —Do you know why the chemical plant wasn't built here? —Because it ________too much pollution to the ‎ air. A. had caused                   B. caused                C. would have caused        D. will have caused 29. You have to be sixteen for cheap tickets________ under sixteen. A. other than                    B. rather than                 C. or rather                  D. more than 30. Ladies and gentlemen, due to an unexpected accident, one of the singers whom all of you have come to see________ tonight. A. won't be performing  B. isn't performing            C. don't perform        D. wouldn't perform 31. We all feel it is David as well as his superiors that________ for the mining disaster that happened the other day. A. are to blame                  B. are to be blamed           C. is to blame                  D. is to be blamed 32. —What does the news say? —It says________ people were killed and more injured during the war. A. two dozens of                  B. two dozens                  C. two dozen of         D. dozens of 33. —Hey, Linda. Happy New Year! ________? —OK, I guess. My grandma kept cooking and cooking, so I just kept eating. A. How was your break                                     B. How is your grandma C. What did you do in your holiday                        D. Where did you go for your holiday 34. He is such a person ________ always helps others without claiming a reward, ________makes him popular in the community. A. that; that                      B. that; which          C. which; which               D. as; which 35. —You really know a lot about the city of Hefei. —I ________in Anhui‎ ‎University for four years, you know. A. would study                   B. studied                       C. had studied                  D. have b.een studying 第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 All my students in my class knew I was getting married in June and moving out of ‎ the state. I was sorry to see the month of June 36 ; all my students wanted to learn more, They were obviously agitated (不安的) whenever I mentioned it. I was glad they had become 37 of me, but what was wrong? Were they angry about me 38 the school? On my 39 day of class, the headmaster greeted me as I entered the building. "Will you come with me, please?" he said 40 . "There’s a problem 41 your classroom. " He looked straight ahead as he 42 me down the hall. "I'm going to leave the school tomorrow, but what now?” I wondered. It was 43 ! There were bouquets (束) of flowers in each corner, on the students' desks, and on my desk. "How could they have done this?" I  44 . Most of them were so poor that they 45 the school assistance program for some 46 and enough meals. I started to cry, and all my students 47 me. Later I learned how they had succeeded doing it. Mark, who worked in the local  48 shop on weekends, had seen 49 from several of my other classes. He mentioned them to his classmates. Too proud to ever again wear an insulting(侮辱的) label like " 50 ", Mark 51 his boss for all the "tired" flowers in the shop. Then he called funeral parlors(殡仪馆) and  52 that his class needed flowers for a teacher who was leaving. They 53 to give him bouquets saved 54 each funeral. That was not the only present they gave me, 55 . Two years later, all fourteen students graduated, and six earned college scholarships. 36. A. pass                   B. approach                 C. exist                     D. disappear 37. A. fond                   B. curious                     C. friendly                D. angry 38. A. remaining         B. changing                  C. leaving                  D. reforming 39. A. first                     B. regular                    C. final                        D. endless 40. A. seriously           B. surely                      C. angrily                   D. sadly 41. A. in                          B. with                          C. to                             D. for 42. A. followed             B. showed                   C. directed                  D. led 43. A. amusing             B. amazing                  C.‎ ‎ disappointing       D. interesting 44. A. wondered          B. understood             C. indicated              D. sought 45. A. used up              B. suffered from         C. dealt with              D. depended on 46. A. houses                B. clothes                     C. goods                      D. diets 47. A. joined                  B. watched                  C. noticed                    D. admired 48. A. book                    B. flower                      C. dress                         D. food 49. A. programs            B. bills                         C. orders                       D. presents 50. A. rich                      B. mean                       C. modern                     D. poor 51. A. charged               B. asked                       C. offered                       D. paid 52, A. explained            B. announced             C. mentioned               D. promised 53. A. agreed                 B. refused                     C. demanded               D. required 54. A. after                     B. before                        C. until                          D. since 55. A. yet                        B. still                              C. though                     D. too 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A   If I wanted to be by myself I would retreat to a river birch(桦树) by the stream that fed our pond. It forked at ground level, and I'd wedge my back up against one trunk and my feet against the other. Then I would look at the sky or read or ‎ pretend. That summer I hadn't had much time for my tree. One evening as my father and I walked past it, he said, "I remember you scrunching into that tree when you were a little kid. " "I don't, "I said sullenly(闷闷不乐地) . He looked at me sharply. "What's got into you?" he said. Amazingly, I heard myself say, “What the hell do you care?" Then Iran off to the barn. Sitting in the back room, I tried not to cry. My father opened the door and sat opposite me. Finally I met his gaze. "It's not a good idea to doctor your own family," he said." But I guess I need to do that for you right now. " He leaned forward." Let's see. You feel strange in your own body, like it doesn't work the same way it always had. You think no one else is like you. And you think I'm too hard on you around here. You even wonder how you got into a family as dull as ours. " I was astonished that he knew my most treacherous night thoughts. "The thing is, your body is changing," he continued. "And that changes your entire self. You've got a lot more male hormones in your blood. And, Son, there's not a man in this world who could handle what that does to you when you're fourteen. " I didn't know what to say. I knew I didn't like whatever was happening to me. For months I'd fed out of touch with everything. I was irritable and restless and sad for no reason. And because I couldn't talk about it, I began to feel really isolated. "One of the things that'll help you," my dad said after a while, "is work. Hard work. " 56. Why did the boy go to the stream and sit under the tree? A. He enjoyed nature very much. B. He had a lot of spare time. C. He had to pretend to be interested in nature. D. He wanted to be alone and do some thinking. 57. The boy felt that            . A. he was appreciated by his family B. life was dull and there was no change whatever C. he was regretting being a member of the family D. his father and mother often ignored him 58. According to the father, the problem with the son was that __________. A. he became too selfish B. he didn't know others cared for ‎ him C. he began to feel very lonely D. he had arrived at a special age 59. What was the father's suggestion to his son? A. Working hard. B. Avoiding isolation. C. Not being so restless. D. Changing his previous habits.   B The Republic of Ecuador has a population of about 13 million, and 95% of them are Roman Catholic. Spanish is the official and main language in Ecuador. There are several Amerindian (American Indian) languages, but Quechua is widely spoken. Over 65% of Ecuadorians are mestizoes (混血儿), 25% Amerindians, 3% blacks and 7% others. It has the highest average population density (密度) in South America and the highest percentage of native Americans. The Republic‎ of ‎Ecuador is located in northwest South American, on the Pacific coast. Ecuador consists of four geographical regions: the Pacific coastal lowlands in the west, the highlands in the center, and the eastern lowlands. The last is Galapagos Islands which are 600 miles west in the Pacific Ocean. As its name shows, Ecuador extends over both sides of the equator (赤道). There is a monument of equator not far from its capital Quito. On the monument are the words: "Here is the centre of the earth. "Ecuador is bordered in the north by Columbia and in the east and south by Peru. Most areas of this country have a dry season and a wet season. No matter what the season is, typically, the best of the weather in the Andes will be around the full moon. Being on the equator gives Ecuador its weather conditions, and also allows it to have 12-hour days year round. In the morning it gets light within 20 minutes of 6 a. m. and at night it is dark around 6 p. m. There is no long dusk. There are innumerable varieties of flowers, including many of Ecuador’s 4, 500 species of orchids (兰花) , and many plants with medicinal value. Wildlife such as butterflies, bats, monkeys, is fairly easy to view. You can even find some extraordinary animals and plants. Many special species that inspired Darwin’s The Origin of Species still thrive on the Galapagos today. The Ecuadorian Amazon offers a wide range of activities including swimming, canoe journeys, rain forest walks, bird watching, animal spotting and visits to local jungle communities. The Amazon also has some of the finest water rafting in the country. 60. The passage introduces the following subjects EXCEPT _________. A. Ecuador's history and culture B. Ecuador's geography and ‎ climate C. Ecuador's species of animals and plants D. Ecuador's language and people 61. Which of the following maps shows the right position of Ecuador? Eq-equator  Co-Columbia  Pu-Peru  Po-the Pacific Ocean  Re-the Republic of Ecuador (缺图) 62. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. About 0.4 million of Ecuador's population is black. B. Ecuador has 12-hour days year round because it is on the equator. C. Darwin completed his famous book on the Gala-pagos. D. You can't skate outside on the Ecuadorian Amazon all the year around. 63. The underlined word "thrive" in the last paragraph means _________. A. disappear completely                B. change slowly C. be researched                             D. grow well C When Janet was a child', she had many interests. She lived on a farm where her father owned 90 milk cows. One day her father bought her a horse. She named it Dulcy which means "sweet one". After school, she would run home and ride her horse, but first she always had to practice playing the piano. When Janet was in elementary school, she also liked singing. She liked it so much that she decided to become a teacher and help children learn to sing. When she was in middle school, she was asked to play in the church orchestra. Since she was very tall, she was advised to play the string bass, the, largest string instrument which must be played standing or sitting on a high stool. She was quite excited to learn to play the string bass. Janet always liked the sound of the orchestras heard on the radio, television, tapes, and CDs. In high school, she would play the piano for the high school choir and sometimes sang for it. She played string bass in the high school orchestra and became so good at it that she was chosen to play in the state orchestra and even the national orchestra. When she went to college, she continued her lessons in singing, string bass and piano. But becoming a music teacher was her goal. Upon graduation, she received a license to teach and has taught in Indiana, Washington, and Oregon. Every day she teaches children and plays the piano as she sings. She plays the string bass in the city orchestra directed by her husband, Dennis. Her life is filled with the sounds of music, and she is a very happy teacher. 64. Janet started to learn piano playing when she was in________ ‎ ‎. A. elementary school         B. middle school                     C. high school                      D. college 65. Which of the following is required as a string bass player? A. Being able to sing too.    B. Playing in a large orchestra. C. Being able to play the piano first. D. Standing or sitting on a high stool while playing. 66. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Janet rode the horse her father bought to go to school. B. Janet treats music as a way to earn her living as well as a pleasure. C. Janet was not tall, so she was asked to play the string bass. D. Even in elementary school, Janet was chosen to play in a state orchestra. 67. As a child, Janet dreamed of being a music teacher probably because           . A. her parents wanted her to do so B. she wanted to teach children to sing C. she liked children very much D. she thought she could be respected as a teacher    D Sunnyside School Bookshop Sunnyside Secondary School A Warm Welcome To All Secondary I Pupils! Congratulations on getting into Singapore's premier school.  To do well in English, you must have a good English dictionary. May we recommend that you buy any of these two, which have been specially selected by the English teachers in the school. Select the one that fits your needs! Foster's Advanced Learners' Dictionary The most authoritative and up-to-date dictionary for intermediate (中级的) learners of English. ◆ Over 50,000 references, including new words created over the past ten years. ◆ 20 full-page colour illustrations. ◆ Grammar and spelling rules simply and completely explained. ◆ Lots of examples of how to use words in the correct context. ◆ l0-page appendix (附录) on “How To Write More Effectively". Active Learners' English Dictionary A most useful dictionary which not only helps you to learn new words but also shows you different ways of using them in your writing. Particularly useful for foreign students and non-native speakers of English! ◆ Over 48,000 references with explanations focusing on a speaker’s attitude and ‎ intentions. ◆ Each definition together with tips on how to use the word or its synonyms (同义词) in the correct context. ◆ Right margin (页边空白) gives a list of synonyms. ◆ Left margin gives information on grammar and spelling. ◆ Clear pronunciation guide. 68. The purpose of the notice is to________ . A. educate the pupils                               B. welcome new pupils C. advertise the bookshop                       D. make sales 69. Foster's Advanced Learners' Dictionary is better than Active Learners' English Dictionary in that it has________ . A. more word entries                              B. grammar tips C. spelling tips                                          D. pronunciation tips 70. Both dictionaries have           . A. tips on spelling and grammar            B. tips on pronunciation C. tips on writing                                      D. colour illustrations 71. Foster's Advanced Learners' Dictionary is for          . A. very young learners                                   B. foreign students C. relatively fluent speakers of English        D. non-native speakers of English E More than a hundred adults and kids gather for the Star Party on a cold evening, chattering excitedly as they stand in the dark on a Virginia hillside. The odd thing is, no one has turned on a flashlight, and no streetlights or house lights wink(闪烁) on around them. These people have traveled to the countryside more than an hour from Washington, D. C. , to get away from the glow of city lights.  That's because they are attending a star party. Star parties are gatherings where professional and amateur astronomers set up their telescopes and invite people to come learn about the night sky. Getting away from light pollution, or artificial skylight from buildings for example,  helps stargazers (看星星的人) see objects in the sky much better. At this star party, Sean O'Brien of the National Air and Space‎ ‎Museum’s Einstein Planetarium starts off by asking the crowd to simply lookup and take in all they ‎ can see. He points out plenty of things that can be seen without special equipment. Stars, satellites, and even the Andromeda galaxy(仙女座) can be found if you know where to look. After that, several dozen astronomers offer close-up views. Each has focused their telescope on a different part of the sky. As kids take a look, the owner gives a mini-lesson. O’Brien says you can have your own star party at home and learn a lot just by paying attention to what's happening up above. "Watch the sky as the seasons pass, and you will see that it changes," he says. "Or start with the moon. Notice when and where you are seeing it—maybe even in the early morning while you wait for the school bus. " 72. What was it special about the Star Party ? A. It was organized by the local authority. B. It was carried out without any lights. C. It was so cold that people chatted to cheer up. D. It was held in the town center of Virginia 73. According to the passage, who were involved in the activity ? a. some invited guests               b. some government officials c. some experts in astronomy            d. those who were interested in astronomy e. students who were major in astronomy A. a, c, d                      B. a, d, e               C. b, d, e              D. c, d, e 74.  From the passage, we can infer that if you want to see the objects in the sky            . A. you'd better escape from pollution and sunlight B. you'd better go with Sean O'Brien's guide C. you'd better buy some advanced equipment D. you'd better make use of your imagination 75. Which of the following can be best describe what O'Brien says about discovering the stars'? A. Roman is not built in a day.                 B. No pains, no gains. C. All roads lead to Roman.                      D. Time and tide wait for no man.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节  任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)     ‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 When considering your career, it is also important to think about theeducation. Many businesses will not hire a person without a collegeeducation. Canada offers many wonderful universities to choose from forfurthering your education. If you are worried over how to pay for a collegeeducation, there are many options to choose from such as a scholarship or awork program. The work study programs offered through a university will give youemployment on campus and the part of the money you earn will be used forfinancing classes. It is a great way to gain experience and pay for youreducation. Another choice is to apply for grants. The grants are government moneyyou apply for to help with financing your education. A grant will normallypay for an entire selnester of classes as well as books. The grants are notrequired to be paid back and you can receive a grant for each semester. Student loans are also available, however, these need to be repaid sothey should be used as a last resort for financing.  If you do not complete theeducation and drop out at any time, you will be required to immediatelybegin repayment. A scholarship is an excellent way to fund your educacion. They aresometimes in small amounts so you may have to apply for several or you canapply for them as well as other means of paying for the classes. Scholarshipsare available in vast amounts for a large variety of options such as the schoolyou choose or some are available only to women or those of a specific ethnicbackground.  Many times while in high school scholarships will be offered forgood grades or specific sport programs. While in high school getting a position as a volunteer is a great way toseek out possible options for careers. A great many of the businesses thathire volunteers will also provide funding for educations if you continue to work with them following graduation. A good education is important in Canada and the country is very good about the funding they offer. The universities are excellent in Canada as well. There is funding available through various means such as writing a good essay and doing well on an entrance exam. There are many excellent choices for Canadian universities and many different scholarships are there for you. The more applications and essays you write, the greater your possibility is of getting additional funding for school. For more options go online and search college funding and begin filling out the numerous responses you will get.‎ ‎    76  on The options Detailed information ‎ finding University scholarships and other funding[‎ The work study programs It can help you find a   77    on campus and is a great way to gain work experience and    78    your education.‎ Grants You can apply for grants and pay for an entire semester of classes and books. Besides, you're not required to   79    the money.‎ Students loans The moment your education comes to an    80  , you should begin repayment.‎ Scholarships ‎☆ There is no absolute standard for the    81   of it and sometimes only women or those of a specific ethnic background can get it. ☆ Many times in high school scholarships are   82   to those with good grades or involved in sports programs.‎ Be a volunteer in high school It's a great way to find possible choices for careers. Many businesses will fund your education on   83    that you continue to work with them following graduation.‎ Other means Writing a good essay, doing a   84   job on an entrance exam and so on.‎ Conclusion The more applications and essays you write, the more    85    you are to get additional funding for school.‎ ‎  第二节书面表达(满分25分) It is Saturday afternoon. Li Ming,a senior 3 student, is at home. I look at the picture and tell why he is standing there and what he is thinking about now.( No less than 120 words.)  【答案及详细解析】‎ ‎ 第一部分:听力 1 -5 CAACB    6-10 BACCB    11 -15 BABCA    16 - 20 CBBAC 第二部分:英语知识运用 第一节单项选择 21 -25 BCCAB     26 - 30 AACCA      31 - 35 CDADB 第二节完形填空 36 -40 BACCA     41 - 45 BDBAD      46 -50 BABCD    51 -55 BAAAC 第三部分:阅读理解 56 - 59 DCDA    60 - 63 ADCD    64 - 67 ADBB    68 -71 DAAC    72 -75 BABC 第四部分:写作 第一节任务型读写 76. Tips/Advice    77. job    78.  finance/fund    79. return    80. end 81. amount    82. available    83. condition    84. good    85. likely 第二节书面表达 One possible version: Li Ming is a diligent/ hardworking student.It is Saturday.He is busy working on his lessons in the afternoon at home.At break, he relaxes by the window, expecting to enjoy the sunshine.Yet the busy pouring traffic seems to remind him of something. As a senior 3 student, facing NMET, time is more or less limited for him.He thinks he must plan every-thing carefully in order to solve the remaining problems with his lessons and prepare well for the coming examination. Meanwhile, he has to take good care of himself.For example, he should have a balanced diet and do some exercise every day.Li Ming is determined to do his best so that he will meet success.   21.B考查祈使句。此处do是助动词为了加强语气,语境:——妈妈,对不起我打碎了杯子。——没关系。下次一定要小心。 22.C本题考查副词辨析。句意:中国东部的经济相对比较发达,就业的机会较多。comparatively比较而言地,相对地,符合句意。commonly通常地;slightly稍微地;necessarily必然,必须。 23.C本题考查交际用语。根据西方国家的习俗,对别人的赞美要乐意接受并表达由衷的谢意,C项符合语境。Never mind没关系,不要紧;Glad you like it很高兴你喜欢,多指对方喜欢被送的东西;How do I look?我看上去怎么样? 24.A本题考查短语动词辨析。句意:现在,很多人开私家车上班,这很容易导致交通阻塞,尤其是在交通高峰期。choke off阻塞,符合语境。hold off推迟;take off脱下,(飞机)起飞;keep off(使)让开,(使)不接近。 25.B本题考查V-ed形式作状语。the maglev train与power之间为被动关系,且power在时间上与主句谓语没有先后,也不表示动作正在进行,故用powered作状语。B项为正确答案。 26.A考查强调句型及状语从句的连接词。第一空为强调句型,for two months是被强调的部分;第二空根据从句的时态(一般过去时)可知用since。 27.A本题考查名词辨析。句意:随着新技术的应用,人们得以从一些枯燥乏味的工作中解脱出来,从而投入一些更具创造性的事情中去。application应用,符合句意。distinction名声,差别;presentation陈述,表达;acquisition获得,习得。 28.C本题考查虚拟语气。根据题干可知,化工厂没有建在这儿,因为“如果建在这儿的话,会造成严重的空气污染”,用would have done表示与过去情况相反的虚拟。 29.C本题考查短语辨析。句意:你必须是16岁才能买便宜票一更确切地说是不满16岁。or rather “更确切地说”,故选C。 30.A本题考查时态。由tonight可知应用将来进行时,表示“因意外事故,一位歌手将不能演出”。A项正确。 31.C本题考查主谓一致和动词不定式。“名词+as well as+名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词的形式与第一个名词保持一致;blame表示“为……承担责任”时要用be to ‎ blame.故选C。 32.D本题考查dozen。dozen与数词连用时,通常不用复数形式,也不与of连用,dozen还可以构成短语dozens of,意为“几十个”。故D项正确。 33.A本题考查交际英语。How was your break意为“你的假期过得怎么样”,故选A。 34.D本题考查定语从句。由中间的逗号可知后面是非限制性定语从句,故排除A项;先行词a person前有such修饰,故选关系代词as。 35.B本题考查时态。根据语境可知说话者曾经在安徽大学上过四年学,所以对合肥比较了解,应使用一般过去时,其他时态均不符合语境。 36.B从上段“I was getting married in June”及下文的内容可知“六月临近(approach)”。 37.A从本段第二句可推知学生“喜欢”这位老师。become (be) fond of喜欢;喜爱。 38.C从第三段最后一句可得到提示。 39.C下文中有“I'm going to leave the school tomorrow”,可知这是作者的“最后”一节课。 40.A从校长当时说话的语气及所用“problem”一词,可知A项是最佳答案。教室里布满了献给老师的花,校长不会“生气地”或“悲伤地”。 41.B固定结构“There is a problem with…”。 42.D从上文“come with me”及“look straight ahead”可知D项是最佳答案。其中,follow跟着,不符合当时的情景。 43.B amazing令人吃惊的,符合作者看到教室里的花时的感受。注意:amusing有趣的。 44.A作者对于学生怎么会有钱买那么多花感到“纳闷”。从“Later I learned…”也可得到提示。 45.D此句中depend on(依靠)符合语境。use up用完;suffer from遭受;deal with处理,均不符合句意。 46.B从enough meals可知对称的最好是clothes。后面既然是meals,就可排除goods和diets。 47.A join意思是“和……一起(做某事)”,后面省略了“in crying”。 48.B从后面想方设法得到花,可知Mark是在“花”店打工。 49.C order在此是“订单”的意思。Mark从作者所带的其他班级的订单上得知他们给老师买花。 50.D从第四段最后一句可知D项最佳。 51.B ask sb. for sth.向……要求;请……给予。charge要(价);offer出价;pay支付,均不符合学生没有钱,又想给老师送花的事实。 52.A学生想得到免费的花所以不得不向别人“解释”。 53.A从上文可知学生们达到了目的,可推测殡仪馆“同意”了。 54.A这些免费的花按常理应在葬礼举行之后才能得到,故选A项。 55.C ‎ though在此句是副词,意思是“可是;然而”。从下文可知含有转折之意。 56.D细节理解题。由文章第一句(假如我想独自一人呆一会儿,我会坐在溪边的一棵桦树下……)及全文内容可知。 57.C细节理解题。由第七段父亲给儿子作出的诊断可知这个男孩近来感到烦躁不安,以至于开始讨厌自己的家庭。 58.D推理判断题。由第九段那位父亲的话可知这个男孩已到了青春期,身体发生了变化。C项为干扰选项,男孩感到孤独是自己的感受,并不是他父亲谈及的内容。 59.A事实细节题。由文章最后一句可知父亲给儿子的建议是通过专心学习来克服当前面临的问题。 60.A文中介绍了Ecuador的地理位置,气候,动植物,语言和人口等,并没有提及历史和文化。 61.D从文章第二段第一句和最后一句可知选D。 62.C从第一段的“…has a population of about 13 million”和“3% blacks”可以知道A项正确;从第三 段的第三句可以知道B项正确;第三段的第三句可以知道它的气候属于赤道气候,以及最后一段可以知道不能从事滑冰运动,故D项正确;C项内容文中未有论据证明,故选C项。 63.D从最后一段的第三句及第四句中的“still”可知D项正确。 64.A根据第一段最后一句和第二段第一句中的“also”,可推知此题答案为A项。 65.D从第三段第二句可以判断此题答案为D项。 66.B从最后两段可知:教书自然首先是为了谋生,最后一段说“她的生活中充满了音乐,她是一个快乐的教师”,而且第一段也说:她有很多兴趣,接着提到她喜欢音乐,可见从小音乐就是她的乐趣。 67.B从第二段可知。 68.D通读全文可知,这是学校书店的一则广告,在推销两本字典,所以这则notice的目的是为了出售(字典)。 69.A Active Learners' English Dictionary收录48000多词汇,而Foster's Advanced Learners' Dictionary收录50000词汇,所以它比Active Learners' English Dictionary好在收录的词汇多。 70.A对比两本字典可知,它们均有关于拼写和语法的一些指南。 71.C Foster's Advanced Learners' Dictionary的介绍中for inter-mediate learners of English可得出此题答案为C项。 72.B细节理解题。根据第一段的“stand in the dark“可知选项B符合题意。 73.A细节理解题。根据第一段的“gatherings where professional and amateur astronomers set up their telescopes and invite people to come learn about the night sky”可知答案。 74.B推理判断题。根据第三段的“He points out plenty of things that can be seen without special equipment. Stars, satellites, and even the Andromeda galaxy(仙女座)can be found if you know where to look”可判断出答案。 75.C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“learn a lot just by paying attention to what's happening up above. Watch the sky as the seasons pass... Or start with the moon. Notice when and where you are seeing it—— maybe even in the early morning while you wait for the school bus"可判断出答案。‎

