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Sightseeing in London (Using language) Look at some pictures and guess which city they belong to. Talk about London with the Ss the famous sites: the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, British Museum, Greenwich and Karl Marx’s statue, Windsor Castle etc. Famous river: the Thames Famous park: Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens London’s weather: it’s often foggy and called “fog city” Big Ben What is London famous for? London Tower Bridge British Museum London Eye Hyde Park Task 1 Read the passage and answer these questions How did Zhang Pingyu plan her tour? 2. How many days did Zhang Pingyu stay in London? She had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. Zhang Pingyu stayed in London for 3 days. Task 2 Listen to the radio and fill in the blanks, then make a list of Zhang Pingyu’s tour of London and a comment on each place she visited. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. Her first _______was going to the Tower. It was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066. Fancy! This solid stone, square tower had _________ standing for one thousand years. Although the buildings had expanded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison _________. To her great surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen's jewels guarded by special royal soldiers who, on special_________, still wore the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I. Para. 1 Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. Her first _______was going to the Tower. It was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066. Fancy! This solid stone, square tower had _________ standing for one thousand years. Although the buildings had expanded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison _________. To her great surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen's jewels guarded by special royal soldiers who, on special_________, still wore the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I. delight remained combined occasions There followed St Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. It looked ________ when first built! Westminster Abbey, too, was very interesting. It contained statues ______________dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare. Then just as she came out of the abbey, Pingyu heard the famous sound of the clock, Big Ben, ringing out the hour. She finished the day by looking at the outside of Buckingham Palace, the Queen's house in London. Oh, she had so much to tell her friends! Para. 2 There followed St Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. It looked ________ when first built! Westminster Abbey, too, was very interesting. It contained statues ______________dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare. Then just as she came out of the abbey, Pingyu heard the famous sound of the clock, Big Ben, ringing out the hour. She finished the day by looking at the outside of Buckingham Palace, the Queen's house in London. Oh, she had so much to tell her friends! splendid in memory of sites of London comments Day 1 1 2 3 4 St Paul’s Cathedral splendid Big Ben famous and very loud delight Tower Westminster Abbey interesting full of statues of poets and writers The Tower of London It was built by the Norman invaders of AD 1066.This solid stone, square tower had remained standing for one thousand years. Although the buildings had expanded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison combined. The Queen’s jewels are on shown inside the tower, guarded by special royal soldiers, who , on special occasions, still wore the 400-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I. It was built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. It looked splendid. St Paul's Cathedral Westminster Abbey It contained statues in memory of dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare. It is the place where the Queen or the King is crowned. Big Ben Buckingham Palace It is the place where the Queen or King lives, and receive important guests. The second day the girl visited Greenwich and saw its old ships and famous clock that sets the world time. What interested her most was the longitude line. It is an __________ line dividing the eastern and western halves of the world and is very useful for navigation. It passes through Greenwich, so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on _________ side of the line. Para. 3 The second day the girl visited Greenwich and saw its old ships and famous clock that sets the world time. What interested her most was the longitude line. It is an __________ line dividing the eastern and western halves of the world and is very useful for navigation. It passes through Greenwich, so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on _________ side of the line. Para. 3 imaginary either Greenwich Observatory It contains the longitude line which divides the eastern and western halves of the world and is very useful for navigation. The longitude line (Meridian Line) sites of London comments Day 2 Greenwich with: ships, longitude line, clock (GMT) famous and interesting The last day she visited Karl Marx's statue in Highgate Cemetery. It seemed strange that the man who had developed ____________ should have lived and died in London. Not only that, but he had worked in the famous reading room of the Library of the British Museum. Sadly the library had moved from its _________ place into another building and the old reading room was gone. But she was _________ by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. When she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show, she felt very proud of her country. Para. 4 The last day she visited Karl Marx's statue in Highgate Cemetery. It seemed strange that the man who had developed ____________ should have lived and died in London. Not only that, but he had worked in the famous reading room of the Library of the British Museum. Sadly the library had moved from its _________ place into another building and the old reading room was gone. But she was _________ by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. When she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show, she felt very proud of her country. communism original thrilled Para. 4 Karl Marx’s Statue in Highgate Cemetery The British Museum The British Library, where Marx once worked, is part of the Museum. Many wonderful treasures from different cultures are displayed in the museum. sites of London comments Day 3 Karl Marx’s statue strange that … British Museum thrilled The next day Pingyu was leaving London for Windsor Castle. "Perhaps I will see the Queen?" she wondered as she fell asleep. Para. 5 The Windsor Castle It is the biggest castle in England. Fill in the blanks. Worried about the time__________, Zhang Pingyu had _____________of the sites she wanted to see in London. Her first ________ was going to the Tower. It had ____________standing for one thousand years. On special __________,the soldiers still wore the four-hundred-year-old_______ of the time of Queen Elizabeth I. There followed St. Paul’s Cathedral, which contains statues __________of dead poets and writers. As she came out of the abbey, she heard the Big Ben ____________ the hour. available made a list delight remained occasions uniform in memory ringing out The second day the girl visited Greenwich. ________ interested her most was the longitude line. She had a photo _______ there. The last day she visited Karl Marks’s statue. It_________ strange that the man who had developed Communism ________________________ in London. Entering the Library of the British Museum, she was _______ by so many wonderful treasures ________ in the museum. When she saw many visitors _________ looking at the old Chinese pots and other objects _________, she felt _______of her country. The next day Pingyu was ________ London _____ Windsor Castle. What taken seemed should have lived and died thrilled displayed enjoying on show proud leaving for Language points 1. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. 由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想要在伦敦参观的景点列了一张单子。 Worried about the time available 为过去分词短语 , 放句首作 __________, 说明主语的状态; she wanted to see in London 是省略了引导词的 _____ 从句,修饰先行词 _________ 。 原因状语 定语 the sites 1. _____and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. A. To be tired B. Tired C. Tiring D. Being tired 2. _____with so much trouble, she succeeded in climbing to the top of the mountain. A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face available /ə’veiləbl/ adj. 可利用的;可得到的 注意:此词常常作后置定语或表语。 运用:翻译下面的句子。 ⑴ There is only a little money available for the trip. 这趟旅行只有一点点钱可以花。 (2) Tickets are available from the box office. 售票处可以买到票。 (3) He is not available for the job. 他不适合做这个工作。 2. 这个坚实的用石头砌的方形塔已经屹立在那一千年了。 This solid stone, square tower had remained standing for one thousand years. remain 1) 系动词,表示“保持,仍然处于(某种状态)”,通常接名词、形容词、现在分词或过去分词作表语。 他成了工程师,而他弟弟还是工人。 He became an engineer but his brother remained a worker. 尽管外面噪音很大,他们仍然在听老师讲课。 They remained listening to the teacher in spite of so much noise outside. 他一生都很穷。 He remains poor all his life. 形势仍未改变。 The situation remained unchanged. 2) 实义动词,表示“一遗留,剩下”。 大火之后,房子所剩无几。 After the big fire, few houses remained. 拓展: remain 不能用于被动语态和进行时态。 remain to be done 有待于 remaining adj. 剩下的 the remaining time=the time left 这位女士说她将用剩下的 20 美元给女儿买一件礼物。 The lady said she would buy her daughter a gift with the remaining 20 dollors. 3. 刚建成的时候,它看起来真是金碧辉煌! It looked splendid when first built! when first built = when ________first built 句型:连词 (when , unless , ...)+ 过去分词短语作状语。 ⑴ 一旦被听过,这首歌将会被永远记住。 __________________ , the song will be remembered forever. ⑵ 除非被邀请去发言,在会上你应该保持沉默。 _________________________ , you should remain silent at the conference. it was Once listened to Unless invited to speak 1) Generally speaking, _____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken 2) Unless ____ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited 3) She's not listening to the teacher at all when ________(have) the lesson. 4)When ________ (announce) at the meeting, the news made them extremely happy. having announced 4. 它穿过格林尼治,萍玉跨着这条线拍了一张照片。 It passes through Greenwich, so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line. had a photo taken 是 have sth. done 的结构。 standing on either side of the line 是现在分词短语作 ______ ,表示伴随状态。 _______, I stretched my hand out for it. I saw the book I wanted on the shell    B. The book I wanted was on the shell C. Seeing the book lying on the desk     D. Lying on the desk 状语 5. 这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. It seems / is strange that...“…… 有点奇怪”, that 从句常用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“ should +动词原形”, should 意为“竟然”,表示对过去发生的事情感到惊讶。 他竟然做出那样的事来,这似乎不可思议。 ______________________________________ a thing like that. 拓展:在 “ It is natural/important/ necessary/ a pity/a shame + that 从句”结构中,从句中的谓语动词也用“ should +动词原形”结构; should 在这些句型中表示惊讶、气愤、惋惜等情感。 It seemed strange that he should have done ① It’s a pity that he should fail to grasp the chance when it arose. 机会出现时,他竟然没有抓住,真是遗憾。 ② It is strange that he ___ so much about me. A. knows B. knew C. has known D. know 当堂检测: 1. 令我高兴的是,我将代表学校演讲。 To my delight, I’ll make a speech on behalf of our school. 2. 你是否正确以后可见分晓。 It remains to be seen whether you are right. 3. 他竟然这样对你说话,实在令人吃惊。 It is quite surprising that he should speak to you like that. 4. 一旦被加热,冰可以变成水。 Once heated, ice can turn into water. 5. 担心孩子,母亲迅速跑回了家。 Worried about her child, the mother ran home quickly. 由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想要在 伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。她最先想参观 的地方是伦敦塔,它是很久以前由入侵的诺曼 人在公元 1066 年修建的。真是太棒了!这个坚 实的用石头砌的方形塔已经在那屹立一千年了。 尽管在塔的四周扩建了一些建筑,但它仍然是 皇宫和监狱联合体的一个组成部分。让张萍玉 很惊讶的是,她发现女王的珠宝由皇家特别卫 士守护着,而这些卫士在一些特殊的日子仍然 穿着 400 年前伊丽莎白一世女王时代的制服。 接着参观的是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元 1666 年伦敦大火以后建造的,刚建成的时候,它看 起来真是金碧辉煌。威斯敏斯特大教堂也是很 有意思的地方,里面珍藏着一些已故诗人和作 家的雕像,例如莎士比亚的雕像。正当萍玉走 出大教堂的时候,她听到了著名的大本钟整点 敲响的钟声。她参观了女王伦敦住所白金汉宫 的外景,以此结束了一天的观光。啊,她要同 朋友们讲的实在太多了! 第二天,萍玉姑娘参观了格林尼治天文台, 看到了古老的轮船和那座著名的为时间定时的 时钟。她最感兴趣的是那条通过天文台的经线。 这是一条假想的线,它把世界分成东西两半球, 从而有利于航海。这条线穿过格林尼治,萍玉就 跨着这条线拍了一张照片。 最后一天,她参观了伦敦海洛特公墓里的卡 尔马克思的雕像。这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展 了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦 去世。不仅如此,他还在大英博物馆著名的图书 阅览室工作过。遗憾的是,这个图书馆已经从原 来的地方搬到另一座大楼里去了,而原来的阅览 室也没有了。但是她感到最为震惊的却是博物馆 里展出的那么多来自不同文化的奇妙宝物。当萍 玉看到那么多参观者用欣赏的目光注视着古老漂 亮的中国陶瓷和其他展品时,心里充满了对祖国 的自豪感。 再过一天,萍玉就要离开伦敦去温莎城堡了。 她边睡觉边想:“也许我能见到女王呢?” 自主预习: Find the phrases from the passage. 1. 担心 be worried about 2. 列出清单 make a list of 3. 仍然屹立 remain standing 4. 仍是皇宫和监狱联合体的一部分 remain part of a royal palace and prison combined 5. 让她十分惊讶的是 to her great surprise 6. 在特殊的时刻 / 场合 on special occasions 7. 为了纪念 in memory of 8. 整点敲响 ring out the hour 9. 令她最感兴趣的 what interested her most 10. 一条假想的线 an imaginary line 11. 把世界分成东西两半球 divide the eastern and western halves of the world 12. 照相 have a photo taken 13. 博物馆里展出的奇妙宝物 wonderful treasures displayed in the museum 14. 在展出 on show 15. 感到自豪 feel proud of 16. 离开 …… 去 leave for 17. 睡着了 fall asleep

