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非谓语动词——动词-ing形式 ‎ 恒口高中 潘振斌2012、1‎ 第一讲:v.-ing的形式:动词的-ing形式是一种非谓语动词。-ing形式仍保留有动词的特征,可以带有其所需要的宾语或状语而构成-ing短语。它既具有动词时态和语态的特征,又具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,它可以在句中作主语、表语、定语、宾语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补足语等。‎ ‎ -ing有一般式和完成式。及物动词的-ing还有主动语态和被动语态,而不及物动词的-ing则没有被动语态。现在以及物动词write为例,将其-ing各种形式列表如下:‎ 动词-ing形式的时态、语态 ‎ ‎ 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 writing being written 完成式 having written having been written 否定式 not writing ‎ ‎ ‎1.v.-ing形式的一般式 V.-ing形式的一般式的构成,表示动作发生在谓语动词动作的同时、之前或之后。 可用来泛指动作,没有时间的区分。   Seeking after knowledge is human nature. 求知是人的本性。    can widen one’s outlook. 出国旅游会扩大人们的视野。    is bad for your teeth.  吃太多的巧克力对你的牙齿有害。   My favourite sport is . 我最喜欢的运动是打乒乓球 可表示行为与主要动作同时发生,表示伴随。   Doing the washing up,Connie was planning her holiday. 康妮在洗碗的时刻盘算着怎样度假。 The students came into the classroom . 学生们又说又笑地走进了教室。   As she saw me,she came over .  她看到我时,笑容可掬地走过来。  可表示行为在主要动作之前或之后。   Antonio remembered sending his mother an email three times last month.   安东尼记得上个月给他母亲发了三次电子邮件.(在前)   Mr. Lee went out behind him.   李先生出去后将门随手关上。(在后) 2.v.-ing形式的完成式 v.-ing形式的完成式由“having + v.-ed 形式”构成,表示动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前,而时态的表达主要靠谓语动词来加以确定。‎ ‎  I could not recall having heard anyone say that before。 我不记得以前听过谁说这样的话。 Having finished his homework,he went to bed. ‎ 做完了作业,他去睡觉了。(先“做作业”,后“去睡觉”)   He doesn’t remember that. 他忘记了曾经答应过我那件事。   She regretted . 她很后悔没看这部电影。   I remember you speak on that subject. 我记得曾经听见你谈过这个问题。   That weekend, for a while,I went to the library to borrow some new novels.   那个周末,我看了一会儿电视,便去了图书馆借了几本新小说。    ,he has made up his mind to work harder from now on. ‎ 他认识到考试失败的原因后,下决心从现在开始要更加努力地学习。   The decision ,the next problem was how to make a good plan.   决定已作出,下一个问题是如何制订一个好计划了。 3.v.-ing形式的被动式 -ing形式的一般时的被动式由“being + v.-ed形式”构成,表示主语是v.-ing形式的动作的承受者。     The large building being built(=which is being built) will be our school library.   正在建造的那座大楼是我们学校的图书馆。 Being asked to answer the question,she felt a little nervous.   叫她回答问题时,她感到有些紧张。   What’s the subject ?  会上讨论了什么话题? The highway will lead to Tanggu port. 正在修建的高速公路将直通塘沽码头。   I still remember Hangzhou when I was a child. 我还记得小时候曾被带到杭州去过。   He did it without being asked.  他没有被要求就干了这件事。   This problem is far from being settled.  这问题远远没有解决。   The squirrel was lucky.It missed being caught.  小松鼠很幸运,它没被抓住。   He hated .  他不喜欢被人笑话。   He narrowly missed . 他差点受了重伤。   You’ll find the topic everywhere.  你会发现到处都在讨论这个话题。 v.-ing形式的完成时被动式由“having been + v.-ed形式”构成,表示动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。   Having been given such a good chance,how could you not cherish it at all?   别人给你这么好的机会,你怎么能一点儿不珍惜?    ,he went to Japan to attend the conference.   受到邀请,他去日本出席了这次会议。   The decision ,the next problem was how to make a good plan.   决定已作出,下一个问题是如何制订一个好计划了。 4.v.-ing形式的否定式 v.-ing形式的否定形式由not加v.-ing形式构成。‎ ‎ The boy made his father angry by not taking his medicine. 那男孩没吃药,使他父亲生气了。  I regret not being able to help you. 没能帮助你我很遗憾。 an answer,he decided to write again. 由于没接到回信,他决定再写一封信。   ,we couldn’t get in touch with him.  由于不知道他的地址和电话号码,我们无法和他取得联系。  I’m sorry for your party in time.我很抱歉,没能按时参加你的聚会。  I felt sorry for . 我为没有把工作做好而感到很难过。  I’m sorry for before. 很抱歉,没有早给你打电话。  She hated herself for not having worked hard. 她悔恨自己没有用功。  Trying without success is better than not trying at all. 实验没有成功也比不实验好。‎ 练习 用ing形式的正确形式翻译下列句子 ‎1.在这个城市生活了3年,她对这里已很熟悉。2. 错过了这么振奋人心的演讲,我真的很遗憾。‎ ‎3. 他建议下个星期天带我女儿去动物园。4. 正在讨论的问题很重要。‎ ‎5. 在被带去看了实验室之后,我们又被带去参观校图书馆。6. 他没来使在场的每个人都很失望。‎ ‎7. 因为没有努力学习功课,他考试不及格。8. 我很抱歉没能按时赴会。(be present at)‎ ‎9. 不知道他的地址,我只好在家里等着。10. 这问题远远没有解决。(far from)‎ ‎11.我不能容忍玛丽那样子和她母亲说话。(用ing复合结构)‎ ‎12.我确信他能按时到。(用ing复合结构)13.我从来没有听说过女性能当飞行员。(用ing复合结构)‎ 第二讲:v.-ing形式的基本用法 功能一:v.-ing形式作主语:动词-ing形式可直接置于句首作主语。‎ Seeing is believing.= To see is to believe. 百闻不如一见/.眼见为实。‎ 有时为了保持句子平衡,通常用先行词it作形式主语,而把真正的主语放在句末。 ‎ It's a waste of time arguing about it. 争论这事是浪费时间。‎ 注意:下面句型中it是形式主语,v.-ing形式短语是真正主语。 1.It’s no use /useless / no good / no value doing sth. ‎ It’s no use talking about the matter. 谈论这件事是没有用的。 I don’t think (否定前移了)  我想写信给他不太好. crying over spilt milk.  事已至此,难过也无益。(牛奶倒翻了哭也没用)(谚语)‎ ‎2.It‘s worth doing sth.‎ It‘s worth making an effort. 努力一下是值得的。‎ ‎3.There is no doing sth.‎ There is no saying when it will stop raining. 无法断定这场雨什么时候会停。‎ ‎ joking about such matters. 这种事开不得玩笑。‎ No smoking.禁止吸烟。No parking.禁止停车。‎ ‎4.It’s a waste of time(energy/money) doing sth.‎ ‎ 注:1.不定式做主语 to do形式也可以做主语或表语。一般情况下,这两种形式做主语或表语,差别不是很大。但是如果刻意强调某个具体的动作,就用to do 形式, 而要表示一般性或泛指的动作则用doing形式。‎ ‎   2. -ing的复合结构:在-ing前加物主代词或名词所有格即构成-ing的复合结构。其中的物主代词或名词所有格为-ing的逻辑主语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,如:Your smoking and drinking too much will do harm to your health. 但在口语中,这种结构如作宾语用,其中的物主代词常用人称代词的宾格,名词的所有格常用名词的普通格代替,如:She insisted on Peter’s (or Peter)going there first. He was awakened by someone’s knocking at the door.   他被某人的敲门声吵醒了。‎ 例 Tom’s marrying Jenny made his father angry. 汤姆和珍妮结婚使他的父亲很生气。 It`s no use your pretending that you didn’t know the rules.你假装不知道这些规定是没用的。 Her going there won’t do any harm. 她去那里并不碍事。‎ 练习 用ing形式作主语翻译下列句子。‎ ‎1. 学习有关语言的知识比使用语言容易。‎ ‎2. 被邀请参加晚会是这家人的荣耀。‎ ‎3. 制定计划很容易,实行它却很难。‎ ‎4. 给他打电话没用,他不愿意来。‎ ‎5. 坐飞机横越大西洋只需要几个钟头。‎ ‎6.在这个城市的市中心停车很难。‎ ‎7.你正确不一定意味着我错误。(be right/wrong)‎ ‎8.TOM考试失败使我们每个人都很惊讶。‎ ‎9.奥运会在北京举行表明中国在国际事务中起着越来越重要的作用。‎ ‎10.他认为把时间花在电脑游戏上是对生命的浪费。‎ ‎ 功能二:v.-ing形式作宾语 v.-ing形式可以作动词的宾语,也可以作介词的宾语。‎ 作动词宾语的情况: ⑴高中阶段能接v.-ing形式作宾语的常见动词: ‎ mind(介意), suggest(建议), enjoy(欣赏,喜欢), admit(承认), appreciate(感激,欣赏), avoid(避免), delay(推迟), dislike(不喜欢,厌恶), escape(逃脱), finish(完成), forgive(宽恕),forbid(禁止) imagine(想象),fancy (想象),keep(保持), miss(错过), practise(训练), resist(抵抗,抵制), risk(冒险), deny(拒绝,否认), consider(考虑),stand(忍受),stop(停止),permit(允许),include,cannot help,advise(建议),excuse(原谅)等。‎ 记忆口诀:火烧连营 fired camps 或:避免错过 (少) 延期, 建议完成 (多) 练习. ‎ 喜欢想象 禁不住 , 承认否定 (与) 嫉妒 逃脱冒险 (莫) 原谅 , 忍受保持 (不) 在意。‎ Fancy meeting you here!  想不到在这儿见到你了!‎ I suggest doing it in a different way.  我建议用另一种方法做这件事。‎ ‎(2)既能带v.-ing形式又能带不定式作宾语的动词。 这类动词虽然既能用-ing形式作宾语,也能用不定式作宾语,但用法并不相同,主要有以下几种情况:‎ ‎1. 有些动词,如attempt, continue,等,后面接动词的-ing形式或不定式区别不是很大。‎ ‎ 提示:应尽量避免接连出现两个动词-ing形式。‎ ‎ I am starting to learn Russian. 我开始学俄语。‎ ‎ 避免说:I am starting learning Russian. 我开始学俄语。‎ ‎2.动词like, hate, prefer, intend, , love, prefer等后面,如表示一般性动作,多用-ing分词;如指特定的具体的某次动作,多用不定式。 ‎ I like swimming, but I don’t like to swim with you. 我喜欢游泳,但我不喜欢和你一起游泳。 ‎ I prefer walking to school every day. 我情愿每天步行去学校。 ‎ I prefer to stay at home today. 今天我情愿呆在家里。‎ ‎3.forget, remember, regret等词后面接不定式表示不定式动作后于谓语动作,而后接-ing分词作宾语表示分词动作先于谓语动作。如: ‎ Do you remember seeing me before? 你记得以前见过我吗? ‎ Remember to lock the door when you leave. 离开时要记得锁门.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.动词mean, stop, try, go on等动词后面接分词和接不定式作宾语,意思也有所不同。如: ‎ I try not to think about that. 我尽量不去想那件事。 ‎ Would you please try doing that again? 请你再试一次好吗? ‎ He stopped talking when the bell rang. 铃响的时候,他停止了讲话。 ‎ While working, he stopped to talk with Tom at times. 工作的时候,他不时地停下来和汤姆谈话。 ‎ 注意:有时人们把stop后的动词不定式理解为目的状语。 ‎ ‎5.动词allow,permit, advise,fobid等可直接跟-ing分词作宾语,不可以接动词不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾语补语。如: ‎ Please allow me to say a few words. 请允许我说几句话。 ‎ We don’t allow smoking here. 我们这儿不允许吸烟。 ‎ ‎6. need, require, want作“需要”解时,后面接-ing形式的主动形式或不定式的被动形式,意义上并无差别,但用-ing形式比较普通。 ‎ ‎ Your composition needs correcting / to be corrected. 你的作文需要修改。‎ ‎ His coat wants cleaning / to be cleaned. 他的大衣需要洗了。‎ The old woman requires looking after carefully / to be looked after carefully. 这个老大娘需要细心地照料。‎ ‎(3)-ing分词作宾语也可用在复合宾语中作真正的宾语,而用it作形式宾语。如: ‎ I don’t think it possible living in such a cold place. 我认为住在这么寒冷的地方是不可能的。 ‎ Do you consider it any good trying again? 你觉得再试一次会有好处吗 作介词宾语的情况 ‎ 动词的-ing形式作介词宾语大都和一些固定搭配有关。常见的几种搭配形式有:‎ ‎① 动词 + 介词 + -ing形式 aim at dream of care about ‎ ‎② 动词 + 名词 + 介词 + -ing形式 prevent sb from doing sth forgive sb for doing sth ‎③ 名词 + 介词 + -ing形式 have no difficulty in take pride in ‎ ‎④ 形容词 + 介词 + -ing形式 be tired of be proud of be angry about be satisfied with ‎ ‎⑤ what/how about + -ing形式 ‎ ‎⑥介词to + 动词-ing形式 get used to look forward to turn to object to be equal to devote to 练习 用动词ing形式做宾语翻译下列句子 一.动词后的宾语1.他喜欢听轻音乐。2. 这位年轻人在考虑调换工作。 4.请你填一下这张表好吗? 5.我父亲去年戒烟了。 6.妈妈建议乘飞机去北京。 7.学生们开始写作文。 8.她不能容忍别人嘲笑她。 9.那些男孩喜欢踢足球。 10.他的信需要马上回复。 3.很遗憾在上海时我没看到你。‎ ‎11.我记得把信寄了。   12.我必须记住要去寄信。    ‎ ‎13.我忘记了曾经把那本书还给图书馆了。    14.我忘记了要把那本书归还给图书馆。 15.他们(停止原来做的事)开始谈话。    16. 他们停止了谈话。    ‎ ‎17.他设法把那项工作做得更好。 28.我们正在考虑他去那里的事。 18.他试着用另外的方法做那项工作。 19.你打算把那件事告诉我吗? 20.那将意味着再等些时候。 21我不能帮助完成那项工作。 22.听到那个消息,我情不自禁地笑了。23他接着开始指出论文中的错误。 24.他继续指出论文中的错误。 25.她发现和他争辩没有用。 26.你觉得再试一试会有好处吗? 27.我抽烟你介意吗? 二.介词后的宾语 ‎ ‎1.最后他成功地执行了他的任务。(succeed in) 2.发现房子里空无一人,我感到惊讶。Be surprised at 3.赢了这场比赛后,她在世界女子花样滑冰界名列第一。(after)4.对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。(for)‎ ‎5.什么也无法阻止他们相爱。(fromm) 6.我们毫不费力地找到了他的家。(in) 7.人人都想改变世界,却没有人想改变自己。(think of) 8.汤姆因未被邀请参加晚会而生气。(for)‎ ‎9. 我很高兴能有这个机会访问贵国。(of) 10.所有人在期待着寒假的到来。‎ ‎11.他们要通过这场数学考试有很大的困难。 12.我非常生气都想哭了。(feel like)‎ ‎13.他很喜欢把他的注意力集中在对他人评头论足。(focus on)‎ ‎14.最近我们在忙于准备运动会。(be occupied in )‎ ‎15.什么也不能让我放弃和他结婚。(give up)‎ 功能三:作表语:‎ ‎1. 表示主语的内容 ,可以转换到句首作主语(这种ing形式也叫动名词)。如:‎ Their job is building houses.  他们的工作是盖房子。‎ Her job is washing and cooking. 她的工作是洗衣和做饭。‎ My is . 我的爱好是集邮 The real question is .   真正的问题是了解人民的需要。‎ 注:不定式也可作表语,表示主语的内容。二者无明显区别。一般说来,在表示比较抽象的一般行为时,多用v.-ing形式;在表示具体的某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式(这一点,与v.-ing形式或不定式作主语在意义上的差别相同)。   Their job is building houses.   他们的工作是盖房子。   Our task now is to build a house.   我们现在的任务是盖一幢房子。‎ ‎2.v.-ing作表语还可以表示主语所具有的特征和性质(这种ing形式也叫现在分词)。常用来作表语的现在分词有astonishing, amusing, confusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, inspiring, moving, tiring, interesting, surprising等情感性动词的ing形式。‎ 如:This story is very interesting.   这故事很有趣。‎ The problem is quite puzzling.   这个问题很令人困惑。‎ 注:过去分词也可作表语,但表示主语所处的的状态,常为情感性动词的过去分词形式如excited,surprised,puzzled,tired,bored,disappointed,moved等,或是结构:be +V-ed +prep(介词)。‎ He was excited at the exciting news. 他对这个激动人心的消息感到很兴奋。‎ I was by the problem. 这个迷惑人的问题把我弄糊涂了。‎ 练习 用动词的正确形式做表语翻译下列句子 ‎1. 如果要学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。 2. 旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。‎ ‎3.这本书很有意思所以这个孩子对它很感兴趣。‎ ‎4.他的表情很失望,这表明考试结果是令人失望的。‎ ‎5.她的工作是尽量使报告厅保持干净。‎ ‎6.他们这个月的目标是提前完成任务。‎ ‎7.她今天穿着一件白色的连衣裙。(dress)‎ ‎8.兴奋的观众们对于这次刺激的比赛感到激动不已。‎ ‎ ‎ 功能四:v.-ing作定语:作定语的两种不同含义: ‎ ‎①v.–ing(动名词)作定语可用来说明被修饰的名词的用途和性能。如:‎ reading material   阅读材料      walking stick   手杖       fishing pole   鱼杆 flying suit   飞行服     writing table   写字台       listening practice   听力训练 ‎②v.-ing(现在分词)作定语还可以表示所修饰的人或物的正在进行的动作或具有的性质(仅限于情感性动词ing形式),在意思上接近一个定语从句,可以表示正在进行的动作,也可表示经常性动作或当时的状态。如:‎ developing countries = countries that are developing   发展中国家 a growing city = a city that is growing   发展着的城市 an ordinary-looking house = a house that looks ordinary   看起来很普通的房子 a touching story = a story that is touching   一个动人的故事 working people= people who are working   劳动人民 注:1.单个的-ing形式作定语,放在所修饰的名词前面;-ing短语作定语则放在所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句。‎ They lived in a house (=which )‎ 他们住在一所朝南的房子里。‎ ‎-ing作定语时,被-ing所修饰的名词就是该v.-ing的逻辑主语。另外,v.-ing作定语用时,其动作和句子谓语动词所表示的动作是同时进行的,如果不是同时进行的,就不能用v.-ing 作定语,要使用定语从句,如:The girl who wrote a letter there yesterday can speak English very well.‎ 作前置修饰语用的v.-ing形式有时还可在其前加上副词、形容词或名词,或用连字符连接,或合成一个词,朗读时主重音放在名词上。   a hard-working Chinese people    勤劳的中华民族   far-reaching significance      深远的意义   high-sounding words         夸大的词语   an ocean-going destroyer      远洋驱逐舰   an easy-going man          好说话的人   the theatre-going public      经常看戏的观众   earth-shaking changes        翻天覆地的变化   epoch-making event         划时代的事件 注:2.区别不定式,现在分词,过去分词做定语。一般来说,不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后(将要发生);现在分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生(正在发生);过去分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前(已经发生且被动)。例如: Do you want to see the doctor to be sent for from Beijing? 你要见那位将从北京请来的医生吗? Do you want to see the doctor working on the case report in the office? 你要见那位正在办公室里写病历的医生吗? Do you want to see the doctor sent to the earthquake-striken area 2 months ago?‎ 你要见那位两月前被派去地震灾区的医生吗?‎ The girl writing a letter there can speak English very well./I have three letters to write.‎ 练习 用动词的正确形式做定语翻译下列句子 1. 教我们数学的那个老师是一个年轻的女士。 2.坐在我们后面的人全是老师。‎ ‎3.来自美国的那位教授是一个叫琼斯的漂亮女士。‎ ‎4.在天上飞翔的不是一只飞鸟而是一个飞行器。(强调句型)‎ ‎5.下个周竣工的那座桥长‎3千米。‎ ‎6.正在修建的那栋楼是做什么用的?‎ ‎7.每年秋季有大量的鸟儿来到昆明过冬。(there be)‎ ‎8.在那节卧铺车厢有一群正在睡觉的孩子。(there be)‎ ‎9.他满意的微笑表明他对我们的工作很满意。‎ ‎10.候车室外有许多出租车等着接载顾客。(there be)‎ 功能五:v.-ing作宾语补足语:动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。‎ 例句:We can see steam rising from the wet clothes. ‎ 注:当v.-ing在复合宾语中作宾语补足语用时,句中宾语就是这个v.-ing的逻辑主语,可以带有这种复合宾语的动词有make, let, have, get,keep, leave, /look at, see, watch, catch(撞见),notice (注意到 ‎),/ hear, listen to, /find,/feel 等。记忆口诀:六让五看两听一发现一感觉。‎ 常用重要句型结构:with的复合结构 (with + 宾语 + V-ing)‎ I the girl in the classroom. 我听到那个女孩在教室唱歌。‎ I a long queue outside the bank it to open.我注意到银行外一列长队在等它开门。‎ The baby his dad with great interest. 婴儿好奇地注视它爸爸在刮脸。‎ We the fire all day. 我们让火燃了一整天。‎ With ,weather is getting colder and colder.随着冬季的临近,天气越来越冷。‎ 注:不定式做宾补,表示动作的全过程。现在分词作宾补,表示正在进行的动作。过去分词作宾补,表示动作是完成的且被动的。例如 I hear her singing in the room.我听见她正在屋里唱歌。 ‎ I hear her sing in the room.我听见她在屋里唱过歌。‎ Do you hear someone knocking at the door? (Someone is knocking at the door.)有人在敲门你听见了吗?‎ Do you hear someone knock at the door?  (Someone knocked at the door just now.)  你听见有人敲门了吗?‎ We heard the telephone ring. /We heard the telephone ringing. /We heard a song sung again and again.‎ 练习 用动词的正确形式做宾补翻译下列句子 ‎1.当我们回来时,我们发现一个陌生人站在屋前。‎ ‎2.我不允许你在房间里跑来跑去。(have)‎ ‎3.他感到有人在他身后站着。‎ ‎4.他们发现这部电影很无聊。(bore)‎ ‎5.在公车上,小明看到有人在偷钱。‎ ‎6.随着时间的流逝,我感觉学习英语越来越有趣了。‎ ‎7. 我下车的时候注意到一个男人匆匆忙忙地从银行里跑出来。‎ ‎8. 让我们等了好长时间。(用被动态)‎ ‎9. 人们再也没有听到吉丽唱这首歌了。(用被动态)‎ ‎10.随着高考的临近,所有学生都在让他们自己忙着为其做好准备。(occupy)‎ ‎11.他站在街对面,看着妻子穿过街道,然后消失在人群中。‎ ‎12. 我打算明天让人修好我的MP5.(have)‎ ‎13. 因为有许多工作要做,他感到很烦恼。(with的复合结构)‎ ‎14. 她匆匆离开家,让大门开着。(leave)‎ ‎15. 教室里,学生们在聆听着一首美妙的歌曲。‎ 功能六:v.-ing作状语:句中的主语是它的逻辑主语,相当于一个状语从句。‎ ‎①时间状语:Seeing Tom, I couldn’t help thinking of his brother. 分词在句中作时间状语时,其前也可加when或while,如:When crossing street, you must be careful. -ing短语作时间状语常要置于句首。‎ ‎②原因状语:Being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday. -ing短语作原因状语常置于句首。‎ ‎③方式或伴随状语:Mary stood at the school gate , waiting for Betty. ‎ ‎-ing分词作伴随状语,可以放在句子的前面、后面或中间,表示主语的另一个、较次要的动作。如:They stood there for half an hour watching the stars in the sky.    他们在那儿站了半小时,观察着天上的星星。‎ Following the old man, the young people started walking slowly.‎ 年轻人跟在老人的后面开始慢慢地走起来。 ‎ ‎④v.–ing短语作结果状语,表示一种自然的结果。其逻辑主语可以是句子主语,也可以是整个主句。如:‎ His father died, leaving him a lot of money.   他父亲死了,留给他许多钱。‎ She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces.‎ ‎       她非常生气,把玩具扔在地上,把它摔成了碎片。‎ ‎⑤v.-ing间或也可作条件状语和让步状语,相当于一个状语从句。如:‎ A person standing at the foot of a high mountain will find himself very small.‎ ‎       一个人如站在大山的脚下会发现自己很渺小。‎ Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage.   尽管知道了一切情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。‎ ‎⑥“with/without+名词普通格或代词宾格+-ing分词”结构在句中作状语,表示伴随情况或时间、原因等。如:‎ His hair became grey with the years passing.   随着时间的推移,他的头发变花白了。‎ Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window.       没人注意,他从窗户溜了出去。‎ 注1.:现在分词作状语,要注意其逻辑主语必须是句子主语,即其逻辑主语与主句的主语保持一致。‎ 区别下列各组句子,选择正确的表达。‎ ‎1. a. Hearing the news, tears ran down her face. ‎ ‎ b. Hearing the news, she cried out sadly.‎ ‎2. a. Entering the classroom, I found nobody in it.‎ ‎ b. Entering the classroom, nobody was found in it.‎ ‎3. a. Looking out through the window, the garden was beautiful.‎ ‎ b. Looking out through the window, we saw a beautiful garden.‎ ‎4. a. Reading the evening newspaper, a dog started barking.‎ ‎ b. I was reading the evening newspaper when a dog started barking.‎ ‎5. a. Being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week.‎ ‎ b. It being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week.‎ 注2.:现在分词做状语,有一般式,完成式,也有否定式。要注意区别一般式与完成式。‎ ‎-ing形式的完成式为 having (been)+ V-ed。表示分词动作明显先于主句谓语动作完成,相当于after引导的状语从句。如 Having made full, we are ready for the examination. ‎ 我们已经作好了充分准备,现在可以应考了。(= After we have made full preparation...)‎ we are working hard ,making preparations for the coming exam. ‎ 我们正努力学习,为即将到来的考试做着准备。‎ ‎-ing形式的否定式为在其前面加not。如:‎ ‎ He sat there, not knowing what to say.‎ 注3:要会区别不定式,过去分词与现在分词做状语的用法。‎ 不定式主要做目的状语,或结果状语(置于only后,表示出乎意料的结果)。‎ 过去分词做状语,主要表示分词动作与主句主语之间是被动关系,或用来表达主语所处的状态(适用于情感性动词 或 be + V-ed + 介词结构)。如 To catch the first bus ,he got up earlier than usual.(表示目的)‎ He hurried to the booking office,only to be told the tickets had been sold out.(表示出入意料的结果)‎ He was pleased to be told that he was admitted to a key university.(放在情绪形容词后表示引起这种情感的原因)‎ 练习 用动词的正确形式做状语翻译下列句子 当听到这个不幸的消息时,他们情不自禁地哭了起来。‎ 收到他的信后,我决定给他回信。 ‎ 因为太生气了,他不能入睡。 ‎ 因为他已经去过长城许多次,上周他就没去。‎ 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功。‎ 他们又唱又笑地走进教室。‎ 他坐在那里抽着烟。(表示伴随情况或方式) 她伫立海滩上,凝视着大海。(表示伴随情况) 看见一个苹果从树上落下来,牛顿突然得到一个启示。(表示时间) 从悬崖上往下看你会觉得头晕。(表示条件)‎ ‎ 由于没接到回信,他决定再写一封信。(表示原因) 1492年,哥伦布率领一个小型舰队横跨大西洋.寻找通往亚洲的海上路线。(表示目的) 水能吸收并释放很多的热量而温度变化不大,因此创造了稳定的环境。(表示结果) 第三讲:–ing分词与不定式的区别 ‎1. –ing分词作主语和表语时与不定式的区别: ‎ ‎    -ing分词和动词不定式作主语和表语的主要区别在于:在表示比较抽象的一般的多次性行为时多用-ing分词;在表示具体的或一次性的动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。如:‎ Smoking is forbidden here.  (泛指吸烟)这里禁止吸烟。‎ It’s not good for you to smoke so much.   (指你吸烟)吸这么多烟对你的身体不好。‎ My job is teaching.  我的工作是教书。‎ My job is to teach you English this term.  我这一学期的工作是教你们英语。‎ ‎2. v.–ing分词和不定式作宾语的区别:‎ ‎⑴高中阶段能接v.-ing形式作宾语的常见动词: ‎ mind(介意), suggest(建议), enjoy(欣赏,), admit(承认), appreciate(感激,欣赏), avoid(避免), delay(推迟), dislike(不喜欢,厌恶), escape(逃脱), finish(完成), forgive(宽恕), imagine(想象), keep(保持), miss(错过), practise(训练), resist(抵抗,抵制), risk(冒险), deny(拒绝,否认), consider(考虑)等。‎ ‎⑵有些动词既能接不定式,又能接v.-ing,含义有所不同。如:‎ ‎3. 不定式和-ing分词作宾语补语的区别: ‎ ‎  -ing形式与动词不定式在作宾语补足语时的区别。(1)不定式作宾补时,其动作一般发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后,如:I have told them to come again tomorrow.(2)在see, watch, hear, feel等之后,如果用-ing形式作宾补,表示其动作正在进行中,而用不带to的不定式作宾补时,不定式所表示的动作是一个动作的过程,‎ 如:I hear her singing in the room.我听见她正在屋里唱歌。 ‎ I hear her sing in the room.我听见她在屋里唱过歌。‎ Do you hear someone knocking at the door? (Someone is knocking at the door.)有人在敲门你听见了吗?‎ Do you hear someone knock at the door?  (Someone knocked at the door just now.)  ‎ 你听见有人敲门了吗?‎ ‎4. -ing形式与动词不定式在句中作定语的区别:‎ ‎-ing形式作定语用时,其动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动词同时发生,而动词不定式作定语时,其动作一般发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之后。如:The girl writing a letter there can speak English very well./I have three letters to write.‎ ‎5.-ing形式与动词不定式在句中作状语的区别:‎ ‎-ing形式在句作状语表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况,而动词不定式一般式在句中作状语时,一般是作目的、结果或主语产生某种情感态度的原因状语,如:Not receiving his letter, I wrote to him again./ I looked into the window to see what was going on inside.‎ 即时训练 ‎1. The officers narrowly escaped ___________  in the hot battle.‎ A. have killed                 B. to kill                C. to be killed                D. being killed ‎ ‎2.   ___________ the letter, he went out to post it.‎ A. Writing                     B. Being writing                   C. Having written               D. Written ‎ ‎3. Don't you remember   ___________   ?‎ A. seeing the man before    B. to see the man before C. saw the man before   D. to have seen the man before ‎4. People couldn't  help    ___________   the foolish emperor in the procession.‎ A. laugh at                  B. to laugh at         C. laughing at                  D. laughing on ‎ ‎5. We’re looking forward      ___________   the photo exhibition.‎ A. to visiting            B. to visit           C. to having visited           D. visiting ‎ ‎6. The girl   ___________  under that tree is my sister.‎ A. sitting                   B. sits                C. is sitting                   D. sat ‎ ‎7. This sentence needs    __________  .‎ A. a improvement               B. improve             C. improving                  D. improved ‎ ‎8.  __________  anything about the accident, he went to work as usual..‎ A. Not known            B. Known not        C. Knowing not                 D. Not knowing ‎ ‎9. The next morning she found the man      ___________  in bed, dead.‎ A. lying                      B. lie                     C. lay                         D. laying ‎ ‎10. There was terrible noise    ___________the sudden burst of light.‎ A. followed                    B. following           C. to be followed                D. being followed ‎ ‎11. The secretary worked late into the night,   ___________ a long speech for the president.‎ A. to prepare           B. preparing           C. prepared                  D. was preparing ‎ ‎12.  “Can't you read?” Mary said   ___________        to the notice.‎ A. angrily pointing                       B. and point angrily    C. angrily pointed              D. and angrily pointing ‎13. How about two of us     ___________  a walk down the garden?‎ A. to take                      B. take                  C. taking                    D. to be taking ‎14. ---I must apologize for  ___________     ahead of time.    ---That’s all right.‎ A. letting you not know        B. not letting you know C. letting you know not        D. letting not you know ‎ ‎15. ---You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.  ---Well, now I regret  ___________    that.‎ A. to do            B. to be doing        C. to have done          D. having done ‎ ‎16. Would you   ___________me your identification card, sir?‎ A. mind to show            B. mind showing    C. trouble to show         D. trouble showing ‎ ‎17. He suggested     ___________ on Saturday.‎ A. to have a meeting                    B. having a meeting    C. a meeting to have             D. that having a meeting ‎ ‎18. It is no good  ___________ to come now. He is busy.‎ A. if you ask him             B. to ask him    C. asking him         D. that you ask him ‎19. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used ___________  late for his lecture.‎ A. to have students          B. for students to be C. for students’ being        D. to students’ being ‎ ‎20. He dressed himself quickly and  ___________     his schoolbag, went to school.‎ A. carried                    B. to carry             C. carrying                  D. carries ‎21. ___________for several weeks, the city needed food.‎ A. As having flooded             B. being flooded      C. Having been flooded         D. To flood ‎22.   ___________ ill worried my parents greatly.‎ A. I fell                 B. Me falling         C. My falling             D. I falling ‎23. She is writing a letter to a friend of hers, _________  him to attend the meeting.‎ A. having invited                         B. inviting              C. to invite                                  D. invited ‎24. Our town has dozens of factories,  _________   several saw mills.‎ A. included          B. are including      C. are included           D. including ‎ ‎25. _________  the classroom, the students went to the playground to watch the football match.‎ A. To clean          B. Having cleaned       C. Cleaned                 D. Cleaning 成果测评 ‎1.Peter received a letter just now ________ his grandma would come to see him soon. ‎ ‎  A.said    B says    C.saying    D. to say 2. —Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.     —Sorry.With so much work ________ my mind,I almost break down.   A.filled    B filling    C.to fill    D being filled 3. —Do you think that housing price will keep ________ in the years to come?  —Sorry,I have no idea.   A. lifting up    B.going up    C.bringing up    D.growing up 4.As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not ________, and asked myself what I     was going to do.   A.moved    B moving    C.to move    D.being moved 5. We often provide our children with toys,footballs or basketballs,________ that all     children like these things.   A.thinking    B.think    C.to think    D.thought 6.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ________ the desert.   A.covering    B.covered    C.cover    D.to cover 7.If you think that treating a woman well means always ________ her permission for     things,think again.   A.gets    B.got    C.to get    D.getting 8.After he became conscious,he remembered ________ and ________ on the head with a rod. A.to attack;hit   B.to be attacked;to be hit C.attacking;be hit D.having been attacked;hit 9.Don’t sit there ________ nothing.Come and help me with this table.   A.do    B.to do    C.doing    D. and doing 10.My cousin came to see me from the country,________ me a full basket of fresh fruits.   A.brought    B.bringing    C.to bring    D.had brought 11.Whenever he was asked why he was late for class,he would answer carelessly,always     ________ the same thing.   A.saying    B.said    C.to say    D.having said 12.—There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man     —My goodness! I can’t imagine ________ that old.   A.to be    B.to have been    C.being    D.having been 13.It is difficult to imagine his ________ the decision without any consideration.   A.accept    B.accepting    C.to accept    D.accepted 14.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ________ Chinese in the school,     most were from Germany.  A.study;of whom  B.study;of them C.studying;of them D.studying;of whom ‎15.When ________ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.  A.compared  B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared 限时训练1—5       D  C  A  C  D             6---10   A  C  D  A  B       11---15    B  A  C  B  D ‎ ‎16---20   B  B  C  D  C          21---25  C  C  B  D  B 成果测评1‎-5 C B B B A 6‎-10 A D D C B 11‎-15 A C B D C

