2020-2021年初一英语上册同步练 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section B

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2020-2021年初一英语上册同步练 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section B

2020-2021 年初一英语上册同步练 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section B 一.英汉互译 1.你们的学生证______ 2. 请求;恳求(给予)______ 3. email me ______ 4. in Classroom 7E ______ 5. call me at 4658267______ 【答案】 1.your school ID cards 2. ask…for… 3. 给我发邮件 4. 在 7E 教室 5. 打电话 4658267 找我 二.词汇 (一)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.I ______ my father for a notebook. 2.Please______ me at 4649950. 3.______ books are on the desk. Are they yours? 4.Thank you for your ______, Tom. 5.I ______ my watch and I must ______ it. 【答案】1.ask 2.call 3.Some 4.help 5.lost; find (二)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.—What color are these ______ (box)? —They're yellow. 2.—How ______ you ______ (spell) it? —K E Y. 3.These ______ (notebook) are Jack's. help, ask, find, some, call, lose 4.I lost my keys. Can you ______ (help) me find them? 5.The ring is nice. Is it ______ (your)? 【答案】1.boxes 2.do; spell 3.notebooks 4.help 5.yours 三.单项选择 1.Please call Alan______ 4955392. A .in B .of C .at D .for 【答案】C 【解析】 “call sb. at+电话号码”意为“拨打……找某人”。 2.—Is this Kate's bicycle? —No, ______ is under the tree. She put it there this morning. A .his B .hers C .mine D .yours 【答案】B 【解析】考查代词。句意:“这是凯特的自行车吗?”“不,她的在树下。早上她把它放在那里了。”这里指代 凯特的自行车。故选 B。 3.—Is this your son's sweater? —No, ______ is on the chair behind the desk. A .hers B .yours C .his D .he 【答案】C 【解析】考查代词。句意:“这是你儿子的毛衣吗?”“不是,他的毛衣在书桌后的椅子上。”hers 意为“她的”; yours 意为“你的;你们的”;his 意为“他的”;he 意为“他”。由上文“your son's sweater”可知,此处应用名词 性物主代词 his 代替。故选 C。 4.Some keys ______ in Classroom 3F. Please ask the teacher ______ them. A.is; to B.are; for C.is; at D.are; on 【答案】B 【解析】some keys 作为主语是复数,叙述的又是真实情况,所以第一空填 are,ask sb for sth 是固定搭配, 所以第二空填 for 5.—Is this ______ computer? —Yes, it's ______. My mother bought it for me. A.you; me B.your; my C.yours; mine D.your; mine 【答案】D 【解析】考查物主代词的用法。句意:“这是你的电脑吗?”“是的,它是我的,我妈妈给我买的。”前者修饰 其后的名词 computer,应用形容词性物主代词,表示“你的”应用 your;后者没有名词,表示“我的电脑”应用 名词性物主代词 mine。故选 D。 6.John often asks his teacher______help. A. to B. with C. for D. on 【答案】C 【解析】句意:约翰经常向他的老师求助。ask...for...意为“请求;恳求(给予)”。 7.My parents always ask me _______ more vegetables and fruit. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eats 【答案】C, 【解析】ask sb. to do sth.表示“要求某人做某事”。 8.Look!The set of keys_____ on the teacher’s desk. A. are B. were C. is D. was 【答案】C 【解析】考查主谓一致。句意:看,那串钥匙在老师的办公桌上。由“Look!”可知,强调的是现在的情况, 句子的主语为“the set of keys”,谓语动词用 is。故选 C。 9. Please e-mail me______ if you have any questions. A. on B. at C. to 【答案】B 【解析】考查介词的用法。“email sb. at +电子邮箱地址”意为“给某人发电子邮件至……”。 10. As middle school students, we______ study hard and try to be creative. A. may B. must C. could 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查情态动词 must 的用法。句意:作为中学生,我们必须努力学习,并尽量富有创造力。故 所缺的词是 must。 四、完型填空 Hello, boys and girls ! I 1 David. My 2 name is Hand. This is my pen . It is black . That is 3 English book. It’s 4 . 5 that? Oh, 6 a watch. It 7 my watch. I 8 is at school. Is this 9 watch? Please 10 me at 398-5926. 1.A.is B.are C.am D.be 2.A.first B.last C.the D.a 3.A.an B.a C.the D./ 4.A.blue color B.a blue C.blue D.color blue 5.A.Is B.What’s C.How’s D.It is 6.A.this is B.that is C.I’m D.it’s 7.A.is B.isn’t C.are D.aren’t 8.A.lost B.looked C.found D.met 9.A.your B.you C.my D.yours 10.A.meet B.thank C.call D.excuse 【答案】 avid 介绍了他的姓氏以及自己的物品:钢笔、英语书。还说自己在学校里拾到了一块手表,有丢失者 请给他打电话,拨打号码 398-5926. 1.C 句意:我是戴维。am 只用于第一人称单数;is 用于第三人称单数,指示代词的单数;are 用于第二人 称单复数或第一、三人称复数,指示代词的复数。本句主语为 I,be 动词用 am。故答案为 C。 2.B 句意:我的姓氏是汉德。根据上文“我是 David”可知,David 是“我”的名,因此 Hand 是我的姓。last name 表示“姓”。故选 B。 3.A 句意:那是一本英语书。A. an 一(本,个,只……),表示泛指,用在以元音音素开头的单词前; 选项 B. a 一(本,个,只……),表示泛指,用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;选项 C. the 表示特指,常用 在上文提到过下文再次提到时的名词前;选项 D/代表什么都不填。本题中 English book 为泛指且 English 是 以元音音素开头的单词。所以用 an。故选 A。 4.C 句意:它是蓝色的。表示某物是什么颜色时,直接用表示颜色的词,前后不加任何修饰词,故选 C。 5.B 句意:那是什么?根据答语“Oh , ___6___ a watch.”可知,问句是询问是什么,询问“是什么”要用 what 提问。故选 B。 6.D 句意:它是一块手表。本题考查疑问词。“What's that/this?”回答时常用“It's a/an + 可数名词单数”。故 选 D。 7.B 句意:它不是我的手表。根据后面的意思可知本句是“它不是我的表”。主语 It 是第三人称单数,用 isn’t, 故答案选 B。 8.C 句意:我在学校发现了它。A. lost 丢失;B. looked 看,是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语;C. found 发现;D. met 遇见。根据上一题解析可知应该是“我”在学校发现了表。故选 C。 9.A 句意:这是你的手表吗?A. your 你的,形容词性物主代词;B. you 你;C. my 我的;D. yours 你的, 名词性物主代词。根据前两题解析可知这本书不是“我的”,所以问的是“这个表是你的吗”。故选 A。 10.C 句意:请拨打 398-5926 给我打电话。A. meet 遇见;B. thank 感谢;C. call 打电话;D. excuse 打扰。 根据后面的电话号码可知应该是“打”电话。故选 C。 三、阅读理解 A Look ! I’m Tom . This is a pencil box . It’s orange. It’s my pencil box . What’s in the pencil box ? A ruler is in the pencil box . It is my ruler . The ruler is blue and red . That is a pencil . It is black and white . It is not my pencil . Look ! That girl is Lucy . It is her pencil . That boy is Tim . I found his green pen in the Lost and Found . I call Tim at 789-0003 . It is his telephone number . 1.What color is the pencil box ?______ A.It’s orange . B.It’s blue and red . C.It’s green . D.It’s black . 2.I am Tom . That is my ______ . A.pencil B.pencil box C.pen D.telephone number 3.______ has a pencil . A.Tom B.Lucy C.Tim D.Gina 4.______ found the pen in the Lost and Found . A.Tom B.Lucy C.Tim D.Gina 5.Is Tom’s telephone number 789-0003 ?______ A.Yes . B.No . C.OK . D.Sorry . 【答案】 这篇短文中 Tom 给我们介绍了他的铅笔盒,他的铅笔盒里有三样东西,蓝色和红色相间的尺子、黑白 相间的铅笔和绿色的钢笔。但是铅笔和钢笔不是 Tom 的。 1.A 细节理解题。根据文中句子 This is a pencil box . It’s orange.可知,铅笔盒是橙色的,答案为 A。 2.B 细节理解题。根据文中句子 I’m Tom . This is a pencil box. It’s orange. It’s my pencil box.可知,铅笔盒是 汤姆的,故答案选 B。 3.B 细节理解题。根据文中句子 Look ! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil.可知,Lucy 有一支铅笔,故答案为 B。 4.A 细节理解题。根据文中句子 I found his green pen in the Lost and Found. 我在失物招领处找到了他的绿 色钢笔。“我”就是短文开头介绍的汤姆,故答案为 A。 5.B 细节理解题。根据文中句子 I call Tim at 789-0003 . It is his telephone number.可知,789-0003 是 Tim 的 电话号码,回答是否定的,故答案为 B。 B Hello! I’m Ren Lijuan. R-E-N, Ren. L-I-J-U-A-N, Lijuan. I’m ten and I’m a student. I’m in Class 6, Grade 4. Lei Hao is my classmate(同班同学). He is nine. He likes baseball. Miss Niu is my English teacher. She is a good teacher and we all like her. 6.Can you spell the name Ren Lijuan?______ A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I can’t. C.No, she can’t. D.Yes, I can. 7.How old is Ren Lijuan?______ A.She is four. B.She is six. C.She is ten. D.She is nine. 8.What class is she in?______ A.She is in Class 4. B.She is in Class 6. C.She is in Grade 6. D.She is in Grade 4. 9.Is Miss Niu her English teacher?______ A.She is her teacher. B.Yes, he is. C.Yes, she is. D.No, she isn’t. 10.Does Lei Hao like baseball?______ A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesn’t. C.I don’t know. D.No, he does. 【答案】 这篇短文中作者任丽娟首先介绍了自己的一些个人情况,然后介绍了自己的同学雷浩和英语老师牛老师。 6.D 细节理解题。以 can 开头的一般疑问句,应用 can 或 can’t 回答,先排除 A 项。B 项本身前后矛盾;C 项人称 she 不合题意,根据短文中 I’m Ren Lijuan. R-E-N, Ren. L-I-J-U-A-N, Lijuan 可知应选 D。 7.C 细节理解题。根据短文中“I’m Ren Lijuan….I’m ten. . . ”可知,作者任丽娟今年 10 岁了,故选 C。 8.B 细节理解题。根据短文中“I’m in Class 6. . . ”可知“任丽娟在六班”。故选 B。 9.C 细节理解题。由文中“Miss Niu is my English teacher. ”可知本题应作肯定回答,且由 Miss 可知答语中 的主格人称代词应用 she。故选 C。 10.A 细节理解题。根据短文中“He likes baseball. ”可知答案是肯定的,故选 A。 C Look at the boy. His English name is Mike Smith. His Chinese(中文的) name is Li Hai. He is from England(英国). He is twelve years old(岁). My name is Hao Gang. Jack is my English name. I'm from Shanghai. I'm thirteen. Mike and I are good friends. We are in Grade 7. I am in Class 3 and he is in Class 5. These are our schoolbags. You can see two pencils, an eraser, a ruler and four books in Mike's schoolbag. In my bag, there are three pens, two erasers, a ruler and five books. 11.How old(多大) is Li Hai?______ A.He is ten. B.He is eleven. C.He is twelve. D.He is thirteen. 12.What class is Li Hai in?______ A.Class 2. B.Class 3. C.Class 4. D.Class 5. 13.Where(哪里) is Hao Gang from?______ A.Beijing. B.Hangzhou. C.Tianjin. D.Shanghai. 14.We can see ______ erasers and ______ pens in their schoolbags. A.two; two B.two; three C.three; three D.three; two 15.Which is RIGHT?______ A.Mike and Jack are in the same(同一的) grade. B.Mike and Jack are in the same class. C.Mike and Jack are of the same age. D.Mike and Jack are from the same country. 【答案】 文章介绍了作者和他的朋友 Mike Smith.的一些事情。 11.C 根据 His Chinese(中文的) name is Li Hai. He is from England(英国). He is twelve years old(岁).可知是 12 岁;故选 C 12.D 根据 Mike and I are good friends. We are in Grade 7. I am in Class 3 and he is in Class 5.可知在 5 班;故选 D 13.D 根据 My name is Hao Gang. Jack is my English name. I'm from Shanghai. 可知来自上海;故选 D 14.C 根据 ou can see two pencils, an eraser, a ruler and four books in Mike's schoolbag. In my bag, there are three pens, two erasers, a ruler and five books.可知是 3 块橡皮,3 支钢笔;故选 C 15.A 根据 Mike and I are good friends. We are in Grade 7.可知 A 对;根据 I am in Class 3 and he is in Class 5. 可知 B 不对;根据 He is twelve years old(岁). I'm thirteen.可知 C 不对;根据 He is from England(英国).. I'm from Shanghai.可知 D 不对;故选 A

