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小学英语五年级下册Unit ‎5 ‎look at monkeys 第一课时说课稿 湖口县三里小学 杨凤英 一 、说教学内容 本节课的教学内容是人民教育出版社出版的PEP Primary English Book VI Unit 5 Look at monkeys 的第一课时,主要学习walk, fly, jump, run and swim五个动词的ing形式和句型Look at the tiger! It’s running .‎ 二、 说学生 ‎(一)了解学生对于动物这一话题会说些什么?不会说些什么?‎ ‎ 课前调查后了解到:学生最喜欢说的是动物的外表特征和性情特征。这些也是他们在三年级和四年级所学的内容。大部分同学能够就动物的外形和性情说一至两句话。 对于本节课所涉及到的动词原形也比较熟悉。学生不懂的是用进行时描述动物正在进行的动作及将新知和旧知整合成一段描述动物的话语。比如这样描述大象:Look at the elephant. It’s gray. It’s tall and strong. It has big ears, small eyes and a long nose. It’s walking.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(二、)了解学生对于动物这一话题喜欢说些什么?最后活动阶段学生们又想如何去展示? ‎ 问到最后阶段想如何展示时,学生们对模仿并描述动物比较感兴趣。‎ 三、 说教学目标 ‎(一)教学目标 ‎ 根据课程标准,学生情况和教学内容,本节课的教学目标为:‎ ‎1、基础语言知识、技能目标:能够听、说,认读句子:Look at the tiger !It’s jumping! 能够四会五个动词的ing形式: Flying, jumping . walking , running , swimming .‎ ‎2、拓展语言知识、技能目标:运用现在进行时描述动物正在进行的动作,并结合三、四、五年级所学有关动物的内容从动物的外表,性情特征从三个方面描述动物。‎ ‎3、情感态度目标: 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣;乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。‎ ‎ 4学习策略目标: 发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神。 ‎ ‎(二)教学重、难点:‎ 重点:掌握五个动词的ing形式,并用现在进 行时进行简单表达。句型: The bird is flying/…‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 难点:running 和 swimming 的拼写和整合所学的知识用一 段话来描述动物 .‎ 四 、说教学过程 ‎(一)说课前准备:‎ 教师:词汇卡;纸折飞鸟和跳蛙;课件;‎ 学生:课前布置学生搜集学过的与动物话题相关的词、句。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(二)说教学流程:‎ 任务阶段 教学活动 设计意图 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ pre-task ‎ ‎ ‎1、         Let’s chant:‎ Hunt like a mouse. (student’s book 1 P44)听做两遍。‎ 既激发兴趣,又复习了跟本文有关的动词和表动物的单词,激活旧知,为新课做好准备。 ‎ ‎2﹑Listen and do:‎ Teacher hangs five pictures (elephant, squirrel, bird, fish, and tiger) in the front of the classroom and asks the students to do actions. ‎ Walk to the elephant; Jump to the squirrel; Fly to the bird; Swim to the fish; Run to the tiger; 每个动作请两至三位同学表演,以确保每个同学真正熟悉这五个动词。‎ 进一步激活旧知,丰富课 堂语言,同时让潜能生在听听做做的过程中准确复习这五个动词和动物名,为本节课的新知做好铺垫。并板书这五个动词原形:walk,jump,fly,swim,run;‎ While-task ‎1、)Lead-in and presentation 出示P58Let’slearn部分的图片,说明:一年一度的动物运动会就要开始了。动物们都在刻苦地训练着,争取能取得好名次,让我们来看看它们都正在干什么?从而自然呈现本课五个动词的现在分词形式和本课新句型,并带读。通过图片教学单词:walking, swimming, running;通过纸折飞鹤和跳蛙教学单词:jumping, flying。板书句型和单词。‎ 通过图片自然引出本课新知。针对小学生特点,用不同方式呈现并教学新单词,且接近学生生活,易于让小学生接受。由于这节课的新知识点跟动词有关,在充分复习后,大部分同学都可以接受。在操练新知时,应重点检查潜能生的朗读,尽量保证在教授新知时不落下一个学生。‎ ‎2)play a game 老师依次拿出五张图片,说look at the tiger. It’s -----让学生集体说出完整句子 ‎ 让学生有集体机械操练新单词和新句型的学习过程,教师说半句,学生集体说完整的句子降低了学习难度。‎ ‎3)let’s say ‎ 课件一屏出示五个动物做不同动作的图片,教师让学生先在小组里准备,每个人用完整的句子描述图片。课件随机出现其中的四副图,学生四人小组起立每人描述一副图。‎ 反复操练本课基本句型和动词的现在分词,让学生准确掌握,以达到熟能生巧的目的并让潜能生有大量开口和向同桌和其他同学学习的机会。‎ ‎4)Focus on “ the spelling of swimming and running”‎ 根据板书,将五个动词原形 和其对应的分词形式进行比较,通过比较得出:swimming, running这两个动词的特殊构成及现在进行时的构成。:‎ 通过让学生比较,记忆深刻,并突破本课难点。考虑到潜能生的特点,也可以用中文讲解一下,这样更易于让他们接受。‎ ‎5)Listen and guess教师出示野生动物园图,说明:运动会顺利结束后,为了庆祝,动物们又召开了一个森林音乐会。我最喜爱的动物也参加了。是谁呢。老师描述兔子、老虎、大象的特征和它们正在干什么以谜语的形式让学生猜。‎ 以游戏形式,帮助学生在听的过程中激活以前学过的有关表动物身体器官的名词, ‎ 描述动物外部特征的形容词,描述动物性情特征的形容词和所学过的句子。 ‎ ‎6)Look and read 分类出示与本课有关的以前所学的有关动物名称,外表,性情相关的单词和句型,朗读。‎ 帮助学生记忆所学旧知,为接下来的整合所学描述动物做语言知识上的准备。‎ Post-task ‎1) To be a little interpreter 让一至两位优等生仿照猜谜的游戏描述一至两种动物后,让学生选择自己最喜爱的动物,模仿电视节目解说员准备一段解说词,就动物的外形特征、习性、行为等进行简单讲解。以小组形式进行讨论后再请一些学生描述。‎ 通过优等生的描述,可以及时反馈学生最多能掌握多少,也给优秀生一个表现的机会。小组讨论,给潜能生一个准备和向同学或老师请教的机会。‎ ‎2 homework:‎ 选择自己最喜爱的动物画一幅画或从画报中剪下其图片,旁边用英语对其作出说明。‎ 课外延伸,实际运用语 言,培养自主学习能力。‎ 五、 说板书 Unit 5 Look At The Monkeys.‎ ‎ flying ‎ jumping The is walking .‎ ‎ running ‎ swimming 板书简单明了,突出重点。恰当运用不同的颜色,便于学生区别单词的现在分词形式,从而轻松突破难点。‎ ‎ Class:                  Name:                   (     )1. Good morning!                     ! A.Morning !        B.Hello !      C.Hi ‎ ! (     )2. Nice to see you again !                      . A.How are you ?        B.Nice to see you , too .   C.How do you do ? (     )3.Good night,mom !                  A.Night !       B.Good night !     C.Good evening . (     )4.How do you do ?                       A.How are you ?     B.Fine,thanks .     C.How do you do ? (     )5.How many story books do you have ?                    A.I have 10.      B.I can see 10.      C.Thirty yuan. (     )6.Do you have new teachers?                  A.Yes,we do .     B.Yes,we don’t.     C.Yes,we have . (     )7.Who’s your art teacher ?                        A.Mr Zhu.       B.Miss Zhu.        C.He’s tall. (     )8.What’s he like?                   A.He’s tall and strong .  B.Yes,he is.  C.Mr Zhu. (     )9.Is your English teacher young?                A.No,she isn’t.     B.Yes,she is .    C.No,she is. (     )10.                ?    Her name is Chen Jie. A.What’s your name ?  B.What’s she name ?  C.What’s her name ? (     )11.                ? I like Chinese,math and English. A.What classes do you like?   B.What do you like?  C.What are you like ? (     )12.                ? We have English and P.E.  A.What do you have on Mondays ?       B.What do you have ?  C.What do you have on ‎ Monday? (     )13.                ? It’s Monday. A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ?  C.What day is today ? (     )14.                ? I watch TV and do my homework. A.What do you do ?   B.What do you do in Mondays?  C.What do you do on Sundays ? (     )15.May I have a look ?                   A.Sure.Here you are .   B.Look !     C.Here you are . (     )16.Our math teacher is                 Canada. A.from    B.in     C.at  (     )17.I              three new teachers. A.has     B.am   C.have (     )18.What’s        Chinese teacher like ? A.you     B.your    C.you’re (     )19.My P.E.teacher is          thin. A.too      B.so    C.very (     )20.There are            days in a week. A.six     B.seven    C.eight (     )21.There are            month(月)in a year(年). A.ten     B.eleven      C.twelve (     )22.I often watch TV               Saturday . A.on       B.in       C.at (     )23.I like P.E.          I don’t lime music. A.but     B.and     C.so (     )24.This is            apple.   It is          red ‎ apple. A.a , a       B.an,an          C.an, a (     )25.What               do you like ? A.classes        B.class       C.class’s 六年级英语测试题 Class:                  Name:                   (     )1. How are you ?                    A.Fine,thanks.      B.Yes,it is.        C.How are you ? (     )2. Nice to meet you !                    A.Fine,thank you.    B.OK.      C.Nice to meet you ,too ! (     )3. How do you go to school ?                   A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike.  C.What about you ? (     )4. How do you go to the USA ?                       A.I usually go to school by bus. B.I go to England by ship.  C.I go by plane. (     )5.                      ?   My home is near the post office. A. Where is your home ? B.OK.   C.See you then! (     )6. See you at 2 o’clock.                  A.See you then !    B.The fifth floor.   C.It’s easy. (     )7.                   ?   You can go by the No.15 bus. A.It’s not far.    B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?   C.Sure. (     )8. Where is the hospital?                   A.Next to the cinema.   B.Thank you .     C.You’re welcome. (     )9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near ‎ here ?                   A.Yes,there is .    B.No,it’s not far.    C.It’s near the post office. (     )10.?                   ?   It’s near the post office. A.Yes,there is .    B.No,it’s not far.    C. Where is the library? (     )11.                   ?  It’s next to the hospital. A. Where is the cinema ,please ?   B.Is it far ?      C.Go straight. (     )12. How can I get to the hospital ?                  A.It’s next to the hospital.  B.You can go by the No.201 bus. C.Thank you.‎ ‎(     )13.Thank you .              A.Thank you .     B.OK.      C.You’re welcome. (     )14. How can I get to the museum?                A.Go straight.Then turn left.  B.Thank you .  C.It’s east of the cinema . (     )15. Where is the post office ?                     A.Go straight.Then turn left.  B.Thank you .  C.It’s east of the cinema . (     )16. What are you going to do this evening ?                 A.I’m going to the cinema .  B.I go to school on foot.  C.Yes,it is. (     )17. Is it far ?                      A.No,it is .         B.Yes , it is .          C.Yes,it isn’t. (     )18.         do you go to school ? A.What          B.Where           C.How (     )19. I go to school          ‎ ‎ bike. A.on        B. by         C.get (     )20. Can I go       foot ? A.by          B.at           C.on (     )21.How can I         to the post office ? A.near         B. get          C.for (     )22.          me. A. Excuse         B. How         C.next (     )23.           birthday to you ! A. After         B.Happy       C.First (     )24. The hospital is            the left. A. at        B.in          C.on (     )25.         is the bookstore ? A.Where        B.How           C.When ‎ 四年级英语测试题 Class:                  Name:                   (     )1.Good afternoon !               A.Hello!          B.Hi !          C.Afternoon ! (     )2.Nice to see you again !               A.How are you ?   B.Hello !       C.Nice to see you , too. (     )3.Good night,moom !              A.Good evening !        B.Good night !     C.Night ! (     )4.How are you ?             A.Fine,thank you .    B.I am 10.    C.Nine . (     )5.How do you do ?                  A.Fine ,Thank you .   B.How are you ?     C.How do you do ? (     )6.How old are you ?                A.How are you ?       B.I am 11.         C.I have 11. (     )7.                    ? I have 23. A.How many books do you have ?  B.How many books can you see? C.How many book do you have ? (     )8.                 ?  I can see 6. A.How many lights do you have ?  B.How many lights can you see ? C.How many light can you see ‎ ? (     )9.May I have a look ?                  A.Sure.Here you are .      B.Look!     C.Sure.Here are you . (     )10.                ? 50 yuan. A.How much is this schoolbag ? B.How many is this schoolbag ? C.How much are this schoolbag ? (     )11.Where’s my seat ?                     A.It’s near the door.    B.It’s on the door.    C.It’s under the door. (     )12.Let’s clean the desks and chairs.              A.All right !         B.Hello !           C.It’s nice . (     )13.What’s this ?                A.There is a board .    B.It’s a bee.    C.It’s bee. (     )14.            ? My name is Mike. A.Here are you ?          B.What’s your name ?    C.How do you do ? (     )15.Who’s the inventor of paper ?              A.Chinese people.       B.Oh! Great !          C.Hello! (     )16.I             a student. You              a teacher. A.am  ,am             B.are, are            C.am, are (     )17.This           a boy.His name               Zhang Peng. A.is, is        B.am   , is        C.is ,  are (     )18.Let          clean the fish bowl. A.I           B. me     C.my (     )19.This is       apple.It is          red apple . A.an ,an       B.a,   a           C.an,  a (     )20.We         a new classroom. A.are          B.have            C.has (     )21.There          a bee in our classroom. A. is        B.are       C.am (     )22.         have a new schoolbag.        schoolbag is heavy. A.I , my           B.I ,My          C.My , I (     )23.Put your English book              your head. A.at      B.in       C.on (     )24.There           many books in the desk. A.am          B.is                C.are (     )25.How many       do you have ?   A.pencil    B.pencils     C.pencils. 三年级英语测试题 Class:                  Name:                   (     )1.当向别人打招呼时,应该说:  A.Hello.           B.Good morning . (     )2.How are you ? 的正确答语是:  A.name     B.I’m fine,thank you . (     )3.当想知道别人的名字时,应该说:  A.What’s your name ?      B.See you. (     )4.字母K的小写是:  A.k         B. ‎ ‎(     )5.Nice to meet you 的意思是:  A.见到你很高兴。  B.你好吗? (     )6.向别人告别时,应该说:  A.Good bye!      B.Hi. (     )7.Jenny is a             A.boy             B.girl (     )8.Li Ming is a            A.boy           B.girl (     )9.Jenny lives in             A.Canada.           B.China. (     )10.字母P的大写是:  A.P            B.q (     )11.当向别人说谢谢时,应该说:  A.Nice to meet you .  B.See you later. (     )12.早上好的正确答语是:  A.Good morning .     B.See you later.’ (     )13.What’s this ? It’s a               A.desk        B.book (     )14.This is a              A.teacher      B.Danny (     )15.This is a boy.What’s             name ?  A.his       B.her

