【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013 高考英语总复习 课时作业 40

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【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013 高考英语总复习 课时作业 40

只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013 高考英语总复习 课时作业 40 Unit5 选修 8 一、单项填空 1.—Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management? —If you make ______ most of the equipment,there will be ______ rise in production. A./;/ B./;a C.the;a D.the;/ 解析:考查冠词的用法。第一个空考查固定搭配:make the most of“充分利用”;第 二个空 rise 作“晋升,提高”时常用作可数名词。 答案:C 2.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I ______ the trouble to carry my umbrella. A.should have taken B.needn’t have had C.needn’t have taken D.mustn’t have taken 解析:考查情态动词表示推测。needn’t have done 表示“本没必要干某事而干了”, 并且 take the trouble to do sth.是固定搭配“不辞劳苦地干某事”。 答案:C 3.—Do you mind if I smoke here? —______.I’ve got a cough these days. A.I’m afraid I do B.Of course not C.No trouble at all D.Yes,just go ahead 解析:考查交际用语。I’m afraid I do 表示委婉地拒绝对方,符合语境“我这几天 有点咳嗽”。No trouble at all 意为“不客气”;B、C 两项都表示“赞同吸烟”不符合语 境。 答案:A 4.At the school opening ceremony,our headmaster required us students to raise our competitive ______ in modern society. A.awareness B.ambition C.spirit D.intention 解析:考查名词辨析。awareness 表示“意识”。句意:校长在开学典礼上要求我们学 生提高在当今社会的竞争意识。 答案:A 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 5.After ______ was about ten minutes,the teacher gave the students the correct answer to the question. A.that B.it C.which D.what 解析:句意:大约十分钟后,老师给出了那个问题的正确答案。此处的 after 只能看作 介词,后面跟的是宾语从句,又因为宾语从句中缺少主语,因此用 what。 答案:D 6.______ a tough job market,fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own businesses instead. A.Facing with B.Faced with C.Faced up with D.Facing to 解析:考查非谓语动词。分词的逻辑主语是 fresh graduates,与 face with 之间为被 动关系,因此用过去分词作状语。 答案:B 7.I’m going to continue my work,______ what they say about me,until one day I find the real cause of the disease. A.instead of B.in favor of C.regardless of D.in terms of 8.______ may reflect the cultural difference from one aspect. A.Fashion differs from country to country B.What fashion differs from country to country C.Which fashion differs from country to country D.That fashion differs from country to country 解析:考查 that 引导的主语从句。句意:不同国家时尚的不同可以从一个方面反映出 文化的差异。此题易错选 A 项。 答案:D 9.To the surprise of everyone,no official______ has been given for the medicine to be produced next month. A.admission B.administration 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 C.permission D.decision 解析:考查名词辨析。give sb.permission (to do sth.) “许可某人(做某事)”。句 意:令大家惊讶的是,这种下个月即将投产的药竟然到现在还没有得到官方的许可。 答案:C 10.The Beatles,______ many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liverpool. A.for B.though C.as D.since 解析:as 引导非限制性定语从句表示“正如”。句意:Beatles 乐队,正如你们能记住 的那样,来自利物浦。 答案:C 11.—Did you criticize him for the mistake he made in his work? —Yes,but ______ it.I regret having done that. A.I’d rather not do B.I’d better not do C.I’d better have not done D.I’d rather not have done 解析:would rather 后接完成式,表示对已发生的事情感到自责,具有虚拟的语气, 其否定式,须在 rather 后加 not。 答案:D 12.Some warned that step the US government has taken to cope with the current crisis is ______ much risk. A.one of B.the one of C.the one D.that one 解析:考查代词。one 表示泛指“一个”。句意:有人警告说美国政府为应对当前危机 所采取的这一步是充满危险的一步。 答案:A 13.______,being seriously carried out all over the country,is the rule that every driver must obey. A.Not allowed to drive after drinking B.Not being allowed to drive after drinking C.Allowed to drive after drinking D.Not being allowed driving after drinking 解析:句意:酒后不许驾车是每个司机都必须遵循的规定,全国都在严格执行。由句意 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 可知用 ing 的被动形式的否定式作主语。 答案:B 14.—Has your friend finished his book he referred to yet? —I have no idea;he ______it last month. A.was writing B.had been writing C.has written D.wrote 解析:考查时态。此处用过去进行时表示“上一个月一直在写”。答语句意:我不知道, 他上个月还在写。 答案:A 15.Thanks to the government’s policy of making people rich,______ the peasants are poor in China. A.went away are the days when B.away went the days which C.gone are the days when D.went are the days that 解析:正常语序是 The days are gone.,when 引导定语从句修饰 the days。倒装的目 的是为了平衡主从句。 答案:C 二、阅读理解 A Having a great teacher can be lifechanging.Mr Goodney,my 9th grade Advanced English teacher , pushed me in ways I hadn’t been pushed in the classroom previously.He didn’t grade me compared to my classmates;he graded us on a personal grading scale. Mr Goodney encouraged me but I just couldn’t seem to please Mr Goodney,no matter how hard I worked.I continued to see the dreaded B’s,sometimes even a C,so frequently that I said goodbye to my hopes of being a middle student.I was a really diligent nerd(令人厌烦的人). Yet at the end of the semester when report cards came out,I had an“A”next to my English class,and I realized that the letter he had written on my report card was just a way to make me work harder than I ever had.He made me push myself to think deeper,write better,and analyze more thoroughly.He didn’t hate me as I initially thought,and I looked back embarrassed about all those times I showed frustration and dissatisfaction with a returned grade. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 He would write a positive comment on one of my papers that would invigorate_me to work even harder even if I made a little bit progress.These sporadic(零星的)good words would motivate me to do whatever it took to earn those praising comments on my next paper and push me to try and top my last assignment.After we all improved he expected perfection and those high standards made all of us better writers, creators,good students,and useful people. Mr Goodney inspired me to become an English teacher although I felt like I fell below his standards in a classroom.Now I have become a high school teacher.Thinking of him from time to time makes me try to come up with fresh and creative teaching ways just as he did. From my experience I believe a good teacher is very important.Mr Goodney inspires me to this day,and I wish I could travel back to the 9th grade for just one day in the old classroom,so I can fully appreciate him,which I didn’t do at that time. 作者永远不会忘记他在九年级时的英语老师。在这位老师的鼓励和帮助下,作者终于成 为有用之才。 1.According to the passage,Mr Goodney graded the author ______. A.in order to encourage him B.according to his real marks C.compared to his classmates D.as most teachers usually do 2.What do we know about the author from the passage? A.He only did well in English and often got praises. B.He didn’t study his lessons hard enough. C.He got good marks on one of his report cards. D.He had confidence in becoming a top student. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段 Yet at the end of the semester when report cards came out,I had an“A”next to my English class...可知,答案为 C 项。 答案:C 3 . The underlined words“invigorate me”in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by“______”. A.take pity on me B.encourage me 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 C.play tricks on me D.offer me help 解析:词义猜测题。根据句中...write a positive comment...和...work even harder... 可推断,invigorate 意为“鼓励”,故答案为 B 项。 答案:B 4.What does the author believe according to his own experience? A.He would have been more successful if he had worked harder. B.Nothing is difficult to a student if he meets a good teacher. C.His English teacher had set too high standards to him. D.A good teacher had a lifelong influence on him. 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段 Thinking of him from time to time...just as he did. 和末段 Mr Goodney inspires me to this day 可推断答案为 D 项。 答案:D B The following are four books that will help you change your mind and change your life. 1)You Can Heal Your Life,Louise Hay:A groundbreaking book when it was released in 1982.It is still the book that I turn to when I have physical unrest that requires deeper understanding.Louise Hay is the pioneer in looking at the connection between the physical unrest that we have in our body and the emotional connection.At the time that she wrote the book many people scoffed_at this idea,but it is now widely accepted and millions of people refer to it on a daily basis. 2)The Four Agreements,Don Miguel Ruiz:Maintaining a sense of reliability and faith is developed through understanding according to The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz written in 1997.We are faced with rules and regulations;don’t do this, don’t do that,watch what you are doing,be kind,loyal,faithful etc..The four agreements represent a simple system of maintaining your own inner authority while practicing being a true person with other people. 3)Slowing Down to the Speed of Life,Richard Carlson and Joseph Bailey:This is a new one in my“bedside collection”and one that has made the biggest impact on me lately.Written in 1997,it is even more relevant today than it was when it was written.The idea of“slowing down”to get there faster was extremely hard for me to understand.As a human species we seem to enjoy moving fast and expecting quick results,especially from ourselves.I should be successful now,I should be slim now, get me to my destination now—in contrast to “in the fullness of time”when I am 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 ready. 4)The Game of Life and How to Play It,Florence ScovelShinn:A classic book that was first published in 1925 and remains one of my favorite books of all time.ScovelShinn understood the power of our words to express either our deepest desires or our most horrible nightmares. So where does this leave you?The way I see it is if you want to“Heal Your Life”then you had b etter learn how to play“The Game of Life”by learning how to“Slow Down to the Speed of Life”and keep the“Four Agreements”.The solution may not be easy to do but it is simple.In fact,most solutions are pretty simple, and it is us humans that want to complicate it. 本文是一篇书评,作者推荐了四本能改变人的思想和生活的书。 5 . The underlined part“scoffed at”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by“______”. A.made fun of B.put forward C.agreed with D.referred to 解析:词义猜测题。根据句中...but it is now widely accepted...可推断,当她首 次提出这样的观点时,遭到很多人的嘲笑,后来被广泛接受,故答案为 A 项。 答案:A 6.According to the author,people who are lacking in personal freedom should read ______. A.You Can Heal Your Life B.The Four Agreements C.The Game of Life and How to Play It D.Slowing Down to the Speed of Life 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段 We are faced with...practicing being a true person with other people.可推断,答案为 B 项。 答案:B 7.In which part of a magazine would you probably find this passage? A.Arts & Entertainment. B.Reference & Education. C.Book Reviews. D.Self Improvement. 解析:推理判断题。本文是一篇书评,作者推荐了四本能改变人的思想和生活的书,故 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 答案为 C 项。 答案:C 8.In the author’s opinion,the four books ______. A.represent four life attitudes B.represent four stages of life C.offer four ways to change our life and mind D.tell us four interesting stories

