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2017 年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共 30 分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根 据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call. B.By sending an email. C.By writing a letter. D.By leaving a message. 10.A.On Monday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday. D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用 “F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner. 17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students. 20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences. D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences 听对话,完成下列 内容.每空格限填一词 21.21.Jessica was the website,so she is late for dinner. 22.“Living green“is to take responsibility for protecting . 23.Jessica tells her bad about some simple ways energy use. 24.The guest speaker says that people can wash clothes in . 25.Dad thinks“living green“can also on the electric bill. Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分,每题 1 分) 26.Which of the following underlined parts in different in pronunciation?( ) A.fly B.lazy C.already D.cloudy 27.Christine is selling her house,but on ______ other hand she doesn't want to move.( ) A.a B.an C.the D./ 28.We won!The honor belongs ______ all the member of our team.( ) A.by B.of C.at D.to 29.Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City ____ the airport.( ) A.at B.under C.on D.with 30.The headmaster introduced ______ to the German visitors before the welcome party.( ) A.we B.us C.our D.ours 31._______ knowledge and experience are important to finish that task.( ) A.Either B.Neither C.None D.Both 32.Did the policeman give much _______ on how to protect personal information? ( ) A.noteB.tip C.advice D.book 33.Alex believes he will soon be able to play chess as ______ as the computer.( ) A.wellB.better C.best D.the best 34.Nowadays people wish to have ______ food than before as their life improves.( ) A.healthy B.healthier C.healthiest D.the healthiest 35.Some exchange students _______ with their host families this time yesterday.( ) A.are chatting B.will chat C.were chatting D.have chatted 36.﹣Do you know ______ a 5﹣day trip to Hong Kong costs? ﹣I guess it's abou t¥4,000.( ) A.how fastB.how long C.how soon D.how much 37.Several journalists _______ the lawyer about the international case an hour ago.( ) A.interview B.interviewed C.will interview D.had interviewed 38.The museum _____ next month to celebrate the Science & Technology Festival.( ) A.is decorated B.will decorate C.is decorating D.will be decorated 39.Vivian refuses ______ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.( ) A.to send B.sending C.sent D.sends 40.The workers are busy _______ windows to the new building these days.( ) A.fix B.fixed C.fixing D.to fix 41.﹣______ I park my car here for a while? ﹣No,you mustn't.Do you see the sign"NO PARKING"?( ) A.Would B.May C.Must D.Should 42.The two companies decided to work together ______ they had common interest.( ) A.because B.unless C.but D.or 43.Professor Tu Youyou never stops doing research on Chinese medicine,______? ( ) A.is she B.does she C.isn't she D.doesn't she 44.﹣Would you like to join me in making cakes tomorrow? ﹣______.( ) A.It doesn't matter. B.Don't worry. C.You're welcome. D.I'd love to. 45.﹣________. ﹣Congratulations!( ) A.Sorry for breaking the glass. B.How are you feeling today? C.I was awarded first prize in the writing contest. D.Why not take the underground to the university? Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once Nowadays more and more people prefer to go fishing or hiking in the woods.Experiencing nature is (46) ,but when you're doing this,always keep yourself safe.It's important to remember several basic rules if you don't want to turn a pleasant outing into a(47) . First,be fully prepared for different weather.Before you set out,always get warm clothes and raincoats ready,just in case! This is especially true in the(48)__________of travelling in the mountain areas.The weather is really (49) in high mountains.Sometimes you can experience two or three seasons in one day. Second,(50) a map,a compass,and a flashlight in your bag.Even experienced travelers get lost.Before you start your trip,study the map to get familiar with the area you are going to.The flashlight is important if you do get lost.Many trips that start out in daylight will (51) become nighttime adventures when people can't find their way. Third,bring a first-aid kit and know how to use it.Small cuts can be more serious when there is no doctor(52) . Finally,tell people where you are going and when you plan to come back.That way,someone will go search for you if troubles(53) .This will increase your chance of being found quickly. Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms 54.A seat belt can help protect passengers in many car .(accident) 55.Last week the students went skating and enjoyed very much.(them) 56.My school is going to have an open day on the of next month.(ten) 57.Failure isn't always bad.It can teach you lessons.(use) 58.For your ,smoking is not allowed during the whole flight.(safe) 59.Our manager greeted the guest with a smile at the entrance.(polite) 60.Scientists often that farmers use natural ways to grow fruits.(suggestion) 61.When they felt after the flood,the charity offered them food and clothes.(help) Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences as required 62.The invention of smart phones changed the world in many ways.(改为一般疑 问句) ________ the invention of smart phones ________ the world in many ways? 63.That amusement park has lots of tourists during the holiday.(就划线部分提问) ________ ________ that amusement park have lots of tourist? 64.The local government organizes the film festival every autumn.(改为被动语态) The film festival________ ________ by the local government every autumn. 65.Shared-bikes are very popular in some big cities.(改为感叹句) ________ ________ shared-bikes are in some big cities! 66."Have you ever been in a hot air balloon?"Melissa asked her mom.(改为宾语 从句) Melissa asked her mom ________ she________ ever been in a hot air balloon. 67.PM 2.5 does harm to people's health and the environment.(保持句意基本不变) PM 2.5 is ________ ________ people's health and the environment. 68.enables,various information,the Internet,to collet,teenagers(连词成句) ___________________________________________________________________. VI. Reading comprehension A. Choose the best answer 69.April is the birthday month of . A.Nobel Book Store B.Fanta Centre C.Retro Mall D.Winkle Mall 70.You can get the biggest discount on . A.adults' story books B.all magazines C.children's picture books D.all textbooks 71. will help you know more about the most popular books this year. A. Claire Tay B. Michael Hawes C. David Koh D. Kate White 72.The underlined word "renowned" means . A. new B. young C. humourous D. famous 73.If you spend 65, you will get a chance to win . A.an e-dictionary B.a 10 gift card C.Nobel membership D.a concert ticket 74.The main purpose of the advertisement is to . A.find excellent writers B.attract more book buyers C.celebrate Children's Day D.introduce new reading courses. B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage The following are the posts in an Internet chat room.In this chat room,parents talk about some of the problems they have with their children. 75.A.seriously B.carefully C.happily D.badly 76.A.necessary B.difficult C.dishonest D.interesting 77.A.films B.details C.examples D.teachers 78.A.trouble B.remember C.answer D.trust 79.A.took B.missed C.created D.found 80.A.strong B.confident C.honest D.active C. Fill in the blanks with proper words A Delicious Meal Tony is Chinese American . His family members gather together and serve a traditional Chinese meal once a week.Last week Tony i_____81_____his friend Amy for it. Tony's family was preparing dinner when Amy arrived.The family was cooking vegetables with hot oil.The k_____82_____was filled with many good smells."You can help me set the table."Tony told his friend.They gave each person a pair of chopsticks,a soup bowl,a soup spoon,and a rice bowl on a plate. "Where are the forks and knives?"Amy asked. "Oh,you won't n _____83_____those."Tony explained."I will show you how to use chopsticks.Don't worry." Tony's mother put different foods which were unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates.She asked the kids to carry the food﹣filled plates out to the table.Amy carried roast duck.It was one of the f _____84_____dishes she recognized. Amy was a little nervous about eating with chopsticks.Tony gave her instructions on how to do it.Amy finally managed to hold the chopsticks.Just when she picked up a piece of chicken in her chopsticks,her fingers s_____85_____ lost control of them, and the chicken flew across the table.It landed in Tony's soup with a splash(飞 溅).E_____86_____ at the table smiled. Tony's father kindly brought out a fork and knife.He handed them to Amy.Amy felt more c_____87_____.She ate the rest of her dinner easily.It was delicious! At the end of the meal,Amy was given a fortune cookie(签语饼干).She broke it open and read the small note inside,"If you practice hard ,you will learn many things."Amy laughed and said,"if you let me take home a pair of chopsticks,my fortune may come true! D. Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题) It was Saturday again.Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays.That was another thing the twins had in common.They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner.In fact,it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes. Unlike their classmates , they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons.Grace had to attend the art lesson and Karen had to attend her ballet lesson."How I wish I could do something different today,"said the twins with one voice.All at once,an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time."How would you like to be me for a day ? "they asked each other . It seemed like a wonderful plan to them.After giving each other a description of their own friends, Grace put on Karen's ballet dress while Karen put Grace's brushes and paints into her bag.Then they left for their classes. When the art lesson started,Karen was lost.Unlike Grace,Karen was poor at drawing.When the art lesson finally ended,Karen didn't dare to hand in her work. Meanwhile,Grace was struggling in the ballet class as well.As she had no idea about the dance steps,she had to follow her classmates blindly.As a result,she kept knocking into them.Their ballet teacher became impatient with her,"Karen,you should remember the basic steps.You can't rely on copying what others are doing." When Karen and Grace got home,they were tired out.They decided that they would never try to be someone else they were not.It seemed that the grass was not always greener on the other side. 88.Did Grace and Karen like Saturdays? 89.When did the twins get up on Saturdays? 90.What was the twins' plan when they decided to do something different? 91.How did Karen feel at the beginning of the art lesson? 92.Why did the ballet teacher become impatient? 93.What does the underlined part "the grass was not always greener on the other side" at the end of the story try to tell us? 七. Writing(作文)(共 20 分) 94.Write at least 60words on the topic "There's always hope"(以"常怀希望"为题, 写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 面临困惑的时候、经历变化的时候、感觉挫败的时候、遭遇逆境的时候…来自内 心的坚持、他人的帮助、社会的关爱和科技的发展等,总能让人常怀希望.请选 取一个方面谈谈你的理解(可结合自身或他人的经历). The following is for reference only (以下表达仅供参考) •get out of difficulty •give …a hand •never lose hope. . 2017 年上海市中考英语试卷 参考答案与试题解析 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共 30 分) A.Listenandchoosetherightpicture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. 1. 略 2. 略 3. 略 4. 略 5. 略 6. 略 . 【考点】14:听录音选图. 【分析】略 【解答】1.D 2.F 3.H 4.E 5.A 6.C B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根 据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】C 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】D 9.A.By making a call. B.By sending an email. C.By writing a letter. D.By leaving a message. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】B 10.A.On Monday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday. D.On Friday. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】D 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】B 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】A 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】A 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. 【考点】15:短对话理解. 【分析】略 【解答】C C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用 “F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner. 17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students. 20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences. 【考点】16:短文理解. 【分析】略 【解答】15.F 16.T 17.F 18.F 19.T 20.T D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences 听对话,完成下列 内容.每空格限填一词 21.21.Jessica was looking at the website,so she is late for dinner. 22.“Living green“is to take responsibility for protecting the earth . 23.Jessica tells her bad about some simple ways to reduce energy use. 24.The guest speaker says that people can wash clothes in cold water . 25.Dad thinks“living green“can also save money on the electric bill. 【考点】16:短文理解. 【分析】略 【解答】21.looking at 22.the earth 23.to reduce 24.cold water 25.save money Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分,每题 1 分) 26.Which of the following underlined parts in different in pronunciation?( ) A.fly B.lazy C.already D.cloudy 【考点】22:语音. 【分析】划线部分发音不同的是哪个? 【解答】答案:A.四个单词的音标分别是 fly[flaɪ],lazy[ˈleɪzi],already[ɔ:lˈredi], cloudy[ˈklaʊdi]可知 B,C,D 划线部分发音都是/ɪ/,A 选项中划线部分发音/aɪ/, 故选 A. 27.Christine is selling her house,but on ______ other hand she doesn't want to move.( ) A.a B.an C.the D./ 【考点】51:定冠词(the). 【分析】克里斯汀正在出售她的房子,但另一方面她不想搬走. 【解答】答案:C.考查定冠词.句意:克里斯汀正在出售她的房子,但另一方 面她不想搬走.根据题干Christine is selling her house,but on ______ other hand she doesn't want to move.可知 on the other hand 另一方面,固定短语.即克里斯汀 正在出售她的房子,但另一方面她不想搬走.故选 C. 28.We won!The honor belongs ______ all the member of our team.( ) A.by B.of C.at D.to 【考点】7B:常用介词的辨析. 【分析】我们赢了!荣誉属于我们队的所有成员. 【解答】答案:D by 表示通过;of 表示…的;at 表示在…;to 表示到,向.短语 belong to 表示属 于,这是一个固定搭配,所以选 D. 29.Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City ____ the airport.( ) A.at B.under C.on D.with 【考点】7B:常用介词的辨析. 【分析】Shirley 仍然在机场等待着她到纽约的航班. 【解答】答案:A A 表示在…,通常表示在小地点,如在家,在车站,在机场;B 表示在…下;C 表示在…上;D 表示和,有.由 the airport 可知在机场,选 A. 30.The headmaster introduced ______ to the German visitors before the welcome party.( ) A.we B.us C.our D.ours 【考点】61:人称代词. 【分析】欢迎会之前,校长把我们介绍给了德国的访问者. 【解答】答案:B.考查人称代词.句意:欢迎会之前,校长把我们介绍给了德 国的访问者.we 我们,主格,在句子中作主语;us 我们,宾格,在句中做宾语; our 我们的,形容词性物主代词,后接名词;ours 我们的,名词性物主代词,只 能单独使用.根据题干 The headmaster introduced ______ to the German visitors before the welcome party.可知 introduce sb to sb,把某人介绍给某人.这里用 us 作宾语,即欢迎会之前,校长把我们介绍给了德国的访问者.故选 B. 31._______ knowledge and experience are important to finish that task.( ) A.Either B.Neither C.None D.Both 【考点】65:不定代词. 【分析】知识和经验对完成那个任务来说同样重要. 【解答】答案:D either 表示两者中的一个;neither 表示两者都不;none 表示三者及以上都不;both 表示两者都.both…and…表示都,此处表示的是知识和经验对完成那个任务来 说同样重要,两者都重要要用 both,选 D. 32.Did the policeman give much _______ on how to protect personal information? ( ) A.noteB.tip C.advice D.book 【考点】48:名词的词义辨析. 【分析】那个警察对如何保护个人信息给出了很多建议吗? 【解答】答案:C.考查名词词义辨析.句意"那个警察对如何保护个人信息给出 了很多建议吗?"note 笔记.tip 小费.advice 建议.book 书.根据题干 Did the policeman give much _______ on how to protect personal information?可知句意应 为那个警察对如何保护个人信息给出了很多建议吗?much 应修饰不可数名词 advice.其他选项都是可数名词,意思也不相符.故选 C. 33.Alex believes he will soon be able to play chess as ______ as the computer.( ) A.wellB.better C.best D.the best 【考点】9D:副词的原级比较. 【分析】亚历克斯相信他很快就能和计算机一样下棋下得好. 【解答】答案:A.考查副词的原级比较.句意"亚历克斯相信他很快就能和计 算机一样下棋下得好.".A 好,副词.B 更好,比较级.C 最好,前面通常加 the.D 最好,最高级.as…as…"与…一样",中间用副词原级,答案是 A. 34.Nowadays people wish to have ______ food than before as their life improves.( ) A.healthy B.healthier C.healthiest D.the healthiest 【考点】81:形容词的比较级和最高级. 【分析】随着人们的生活改善,现在人们希望吃比以前更健康的食物. 【解答】答案:B.考查形容词的比较级和最高级.句意:随着他们的生活改善, 现在人们希望吃比以前更健康的食物.healthy 健康的,形容词;healthier 比较级; healthiest 最高级.根据题干 Nowadays people wish to have ______ food than before as their life improves.可知 than 用于比较级,即随着他们的生活改善,现在人们 希望吃比以前更健康的食物.故选 B. 35.Some exchange students _______ with their host families this time yesterday.( ) A.are chatting B.will chat C.were chatting D.have chatted 【考点】F6:时态辨析. 【分析】昨天这个时候一些交换生正在和他们的寄宿家庭聊天. 【解答】答案:C.考查时态.句意"昨天这个时候一些交换生正在和他们的寄宿 家庭聊天.".A 现在进行时态.B 一般将来时态.C 过去进行时态.D 现在完 成时态.由 this time yesterday 昨天这个时候,可知,表示过去某一时间正在进行 的动作,用过去进行时态.结构是 was/were+动词的现在分词.主语是 students 复数,用 were.chat 的现在分词是 chatting.答案是 C. 36.﹣Do you know ______ a 5﹣day trip to Hong Kong costs? ﹣I guess it's abou t¥4,000.( ) A.how fastB.how long C.how soon D.how much 【考点】LK:数量(how many/how much). 【分析】﹣﹣你知道 5 天的香港之行要多少钱吗? ﹣﹣我猜它大约是 4000 元. 【解答】答案:D.考查数量.句意:﹣﹣你知道 5 天的香港之行要多少钱吗? ﹣﹣我猜它大约是 4000 元.how fast 多快;how long 多长;how soon 多久;how much 多少,对数量或价格的提问.根据题干 I guess it's abou t¥4,000.我猜它 大约是 4000 元.可知应问的是价格,即你知道 5 天的香港之行要多少钱吗?故 选 D. 37.Several journalists _______ the lawyer about the international case an hour ago.( ) A.interview B.interviewed C.will interview D.had interviewed 【考点】F6:时态辨析. 【分析】几位记者一小时前就这件国际案件采访了律师. 【解答】答案:B.考查时态.句意"几位记者一小时前就这件国际案件采访了律 师.".A 动词原形.B 过去时.C 一般将来时态.D 过去完成时态.由 an hour ago 一小时前,可知,应该是一般过去时态,因此谓语动词用过去式 interviewed 采 访.答案是 B. 38.The museum _____ next month to celebrate the Science & Technology Festival.( ) A.is decorated B.will decorate C.is decorating D.will be decorated 【考点】F6:时态辨析. 【分析】博物馆下个月将要被装饰为了庆祝科技节. 【解答】答案:D.考查时态.句意"博物馆下个月将要被装饰为了庆祝科技节.".A 一般现在时态的被动语态.B 一般将来时态.C 现在进行时态.D 一般将来时态 的被动语态.由 next month 下个月,可知应该是一般将来时态.因此 A,C 不正 确.主语 museum 博物馆,是动作 decorate 装饰,的承受者,因此用一般将来时 态的被动语态,结构是 will be+动词的过去分词.B 不正确.答案是 D. 39.Vivian refuses ______ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.( ) A.to send B.sending C.sent D.sends 【考点】E6:不定式短语. 【分析】Vivian 拒绝送她的孩子们去周末培训中心补课. 【解答】答案:A.考查不定式短语.句意:Vivian 拒绝送她的孩子们去周末培 训中心补课. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事.根据题干 Vivian refuses ______ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.可知应说 Vivian 拒绝送她 的孩子们去周末培训中心补课.故选 A. 40.The workers are busy _______ windows to the new building these days.( ) A.fix B.fixed C.fixing D.to fix 【考点】DF:动名词. 【分析】工人们最近忙着给新大楼安装窗户. 【解答】答案:C. 根据 The workers are busy _______ windows to the new building these days.可知工 人们最近忙着给新大楼安装窗户.句子中 be busy doing 表示忙于做某事,后面 跟动词的 ing 形式.故选 C. 41.﹣______ I park my car here for a while? ﹣No,you mustn't.Do you see the sign"NO PARKING"?( ) A.Would B.May C.Must D.Should 【考点】DB:情态动词. 【分析】﹣﹣我可以把车在这个停一会吗? ﹣﹣不,你不能.你看到"禁止停车"这个标志了吗? 【解答】答案:B.考查情态动词.句意:﹣﹣我可以把车在这个停一会吗?﹣ ﹣不,你不能.你看到"禁止停车"这个标志了吗?Would 将;may 可以,表示请 求;must 必须;should 应该.根据题干﹣______ I park my car here for a while? 可知表示一种请求,即我可以把车在这个停一会吗?故选 B. 42.The two companies decided to work together ______ they had common interest.( ) A.because B.unless C.but D.or 【考点】C3:连词辨析. 【分析】两家公司决定一起合作,因为他们有共同的利益. 【解答】答案:A.考查连词辨析.句意:两家公司决定一起合作,因为他们有 共同的利益.because 因为;unless 除非;but 但是;or 或者.根据题干 The two companies decided to work together 和 they had common interest.可知上下两句是 因果关系,所以用 because.故选 A. 43.Professor Tu Youyou never stops doing research on Chinese medicine,______? ( ) A.is she B.does she C.isn't she D.doesn't she 【考点】J4:反意疑问句. 【分析】屠呦呦教授从没有停止做中医药研究,是吗? 【解答】答案:B 考查反意疑问句.句意"屠呦呦教授从没有停止做中医药研究, 是吗?".反意疑问句通常遵循前肯后否,或前否后肯的原则.前句 never 从未, 否定形式,因此疑问部分用肯定形式,由 stops 实义动词的第三人称单数可知, 用助动词 does.Tu Youyou 女子名,用 she 代替.答案是 B. 44.﹣Would you like to join me in making cakes tomorrow? ﹣______.( ) A.It doesn't matter. B.Don't worry. C.You're welcome. D.I'd love to. 【考点】LO:常用日常交际用语. 【分析】﹣﹣明天你愿意和我一起做蛋糕吗? ﹣﹣我愿意. 【解答】答案:D.考查常用日常交际用语.句意:﹣﹣明天你愿意和我一起做 蛋糕吗?﹣﹣我愿意.It doesn't matter.没关系;Don't worry.别担心;You're welcome.别客气;I'd love to.我愿意.根据题干 Would you like to join me in making cakes tomorrow?明天你愿意和我一起做蛋糕吗?可知结合选项,应说我愿意.故 选 D. 45.﹣________. ﹣Congratulations!( ) A.Sorry for breaking the glass. B.How are you feeling today? C.I was awarded first prize in the writing contest. D.Why not take the underground to the university? 【考点】LO:常用日常交际用语. 【分析】﹣﹣我在写作比赛中获得一等奖. ﹣﹣祝贺. 【解答】答案:C.考查常用日常交际用语.句意:﹣﹣我在写作比赛中获得一 等奖.﹣﹣祝贺.Sorry for breaking the glass.很抱歉打破了玻璃.How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?I was awarded first prize in the writing contest.我 在写作比赛中获得一等奖.Why not take the underground to the university?为什么 不乘地铁去大学?根据回答 Congratulations!祝贺.可知应说我在写作比赛中获得 一等奖.故选 C. Ⅲ.Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分) 46.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分) Nowadays more and more people prefer to go fishing or hiking in the woods.Experiencing nature is (46) E ,but when you're doing this,always keep yourself safe.It's important to remember several basic rules if you don't want to turn a pleasant outing into a(47) B . First,be fully prepared for different weather.Before you set out,always get warm clothes and raincoats ready,just in case!This is especially true in the (48) D of travelling in the mountain areas.The weather is really (49) A in high mountains.Sometimes you can experience two or three seasons in one day. Second,(50) D a map,a compass,and a flashlight in your bag.Even experienced travelers get lost.Before you start your trip,study the map to get familiar with the area you are going to.The flashlight is important if you do get lost.Many trips that start out in daylight will(51) E become nighttime adventures when people can't find their way. Third,bring a first﹣aid kit and know how to use it.Small cuts can be more serious when there is no doctor(52) C . Finally,tell people where you are going and when you plan to come back.That way, someone will go search for you if troubles(53) A .This will increase your chance of being found quickly. 【考点】PF:选词填空. 【分析】越来越多的人喜欢去钓鱼和远足,但是要记得一些基本的规则,准备应 对各种天气,带上地图,指南针和手电筒,告诉别人你要去哪什么时候回来等. 【解答】46.E. 形容词考查.结合前文 Nowadays more and more people prefer to go fishing or hiking in the woods 可知这里是褒义的形容词,故用 exciting 令人兴 奋的,故答案是 E. 47.B. 名词考查.a 是冠词,后加名词单数,结合 turn a pleasant outing into a 是将高兴的事情变成灾难,故用名词 disaster,故答案是 B. 48.D.名词考查.the 是冠词,后加名词,跳过空格推知句意是说这种在山区 旅行的情况是真的,故用名词 situation,故答案是 D. 49.A. 形容词考查.结合后文 in high mountains.Sometimes you can experience two or three seasons in one day.越来越多的人喜欢去钓鱼和远足,但是要记得一 些基本的规则,准备应对各种天气,带上地图,指南针和手电筒,告诉别人你要 去哪什么时候回来.可知天气多变,故用形容词 changeable.故答案是 changeable. 50.D. 动词考查.结合 a map,a compass,and a flashlight in your bag 用动词 pack 打包,故答案是 pack. 51.E. 副词考查.结合句子结构这里用副词修饰 become,表示可能用 probably, 故答案是 E. 52.C. 副词考查.结合 Small cuts can be more serious when there is no doctor 可 知是说没有医生在附近,故用 nearby,故答案是 C. 53.A.动词考查.结合句意是说如果麻烦出现的时候,用动词 appear,故答案 是 A. Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中 所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子.每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 54.A seat belt can help protect passengers in many car accidents .(accident) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】安全带在许多车祸中有助于保护乘客. 【解答】答案:accidents. 根据 A seat belt can help protect passengers in many car﹣﹣.(accident)可知安全 带在许多车祸中有助于保护乘客.这里 many 表示许多,后面跟名词复数形式.故 填 accidents. 55.Last week the students went skating and enjoyed themselves very much.(them) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】上周学生们去滑冰,玩得很开心. 【解答】答案:themselves. 根据 Last week the students went skating and enjoyed﹣﹣very much.(them)可知 上周学生们去滑冰,玩得很开心.句子中 enjoy oneself 表示玩的高兴的意思,这 里和 the students 保持一致,应该用 themselves,故填 themselves. 56.My school is going to have an open day on the tenth of next month.(ten) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】我们学校下个月的 10 号将会有一个开放日. 【解答】答案:tenth. 根据 My school is going to have an open day on the﹣﹣of next month.(ten)可知 我们学校下个月的 10 号将会有一个开放日.这里表示日期,应该用序数词形式, 故填 tenth. 57.Failure isn't always bad.It can teach you useful lessons.(use) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】失败并不总是坏事,它能教给你有用的教训. 【解答】答案:useful. 根据 Failure isn't always bad.It can teach you﹣﹣lessons.可知失败并不总是坏事, 它能教给你有用的教训.lessons 是个名词复数形式,前面应该用形容词,useful, 形容词,有用的.故填 useful. 58.For your safety ,smoking is not allowed during the whole flight.(safe) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】为了您的安全,在整个飞行过程中不允许吸烟. 【解答】答案:safety. 根据 For your﹣﹣,smoking is not allowed during the whole flight.(safe)可知为 了您的安全,在整个飞行过程中不允许吸烟.这里 your 是个形容词性物主代词, 后面应该跟名词形式,safety,名词,安全.故填 safety. 59.Our manager greeted the guest politely with a smile at the entrance.(polite) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】我们的经理在入口处微笑着礼貌地向客人致意. 【解答】答案:politely. 根据 Our manager greeted the guest﹣﹣with a smile at the entrance.(polite)可知 我们的经理在入口处微笑着礼貌地向客人致意.这里修饰动词应该用副词形式, politely,副词,有礼貌地,故填 politely. 60.Scientists often suggest that farmers use natural ways to grow fruits.(suggestion) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】科学家们经常建议农民用自然的方法种植水果. 【解答】答案:suggest. 根据 Scientists often﹣﹣that farmers use natural ways to grow fruits.(suggestion) 可知科学家们经常建议农民用自然的方法种植水果.句子缺少谓语,所以这里应 该用一个动词形式,often 表示经常,通常用于一般现在时之中,suggest,动词, 建议.故填 suggest. 61.When they felt helpless after the flood,the charity offered them food and clothes.(help) 【考点】3A:单词填空. 【分析】当洪水过后他们感到无助时,慈善组织给他们提供了食物和衣服. 【解答】答案:helpless. 根据 When they felt﹣﹣after the flood,the charity offered them food and clothes.(help)可知当洪水过后他们感到无助时,慈善组织给他们提供了食物和 衣服.这里 feel 是个系动词,后面跟形容词形式,再根据 after the flood,可知洪 水过后应该是感到无助,所以用 helpless,形容词,无助的.故填 helpless. Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子.62-67 小题每空格限填一词)(共 14 分) 62.The invention of smart phones changed the world in many ways.(改为一般疑 问句) Did the invention of smart phones change the world in many ways? 【考点】IF:句型转换. 【分析】﹣﹣智能手机的发明在许多方面改变了世界. ﹣﹣智能手机的发明在很多方面改变了世界吗? 【解答】答案:Did;change.考查一般疑问句.由 changed 过去式,可知,原 句是一般过去时态,含有实义动词,变一般疑问句在句首用助动词 did,实义动 词变原形 change.答案是 Did;change. 63.That amusement park has lots of tourists during the holiday.(就划线部分提问) When does that amusement park have lots of tourist? 【考点】IF:句型转换. 【分析】﹣﹣那个游乐园在假期期间有很多游客. ﹣﹣那个游乐园什么时候有很多游客? 【解答】答案:When does.考查划线部分提问.根据 during the holiday 在假期 期间,可知,对时间提问用疑问词 when 什么时候,后跟一般疑问句,含有实义 动词 has,主语是 amusement park 游乐园,单数,变一般疑问句用助动词 does.答 案是 When does. 64.The local government organizes the film festival every autumn.(改为被动语态) The film festival is organized by the local government every autumn. 【考点】IF:句型转换. 【分析】﹣﹣当地政府每年秋天组织电影节. ﹣﹣电影节每年秋天由当地政府组织. 【解答】答案:is organized.考查被动语态.由 organizes 组织,第三人称单数, 可知是一般现在时态的被动语态,结构是 is/am/are+动词的过去分词.主语是 The film festival 电影节,单数,因此用 be 动词单数 is.organize 的过去分词是 organized.答案是 is organized. 65.Shared﹣bikes are very popular in some big cities.(改为感叹句) How popular shared﹣bikes are in some big cities! 【考点】IF:句型转换. 【分析】﹣﹣共享自行车在一些大城市很受欢迎. ﹣﹣在一些大城市共享自行车是多么受欢迎啊! 【解答】答案:How popular.考查感叹句.句意"﹣﹣共享自行车在一些大城市 很受欢迎.﹣﹣在一些大城市共享自行车是多么受欢迎啊!".感叹句可以用 how+ 形容词+主语+谓语+其它,或 What a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语+其它,来表示, 这里用 how,形容词用 popular 受欢迎的.答案是 How popular. 66."Have you ever been in a hot air ballon?"Melissa asked her mom.(改为宾语从 句) Melissa asked her mom if she had ever been in a hot air ballon. 【考点】IF:句型转换. 【分析】﹣﹣"你曾经坐过热气球吗?"梅利莎问她妈妈. ﹣﹣梅利莎问她妈妈,是否她曾经坐过热气球. 【解答】答案:if;had.考查宾语从句.直接引语为一般疑问句时,变宾语从句 用 if 引导,意思是"是否".直接引语是现在完成时态,宾语从句中的从句用过去 完成时态,因此用助动词 had.答案是 if;had. 67.PM 2.5 does harm to people's health and the environment.(保持句意基本不变) PM 2.5 is harmful to people's health and the environment. 【考点】IF:句型转换. 【分析】﹣﹣PM 2.5 对人们的健康和环境有害. ﹣﹣PM 2.5 有害于人们的健康和环境. 【解答】答案:harmful to.考查同义句."PM 2.5 对人们的健康和环境有害.", 可以表达为"PM 2.5 有害于人们的健康和环境.",用 be harmful to sb 对某人有害, 表示,答案是 harmful to. 68.enables,various information,the Internet,to collet,teenagers(连词成句) The Internet enables teenagers to collect various information . 【考点】K9:连词成句. 【分析】因特网使青少年能够收集各种信息. 【解答】答案:The Internet enables teenagers to collect various information.考查 连词成句.句意"因特网使青少年能够收集各种信息.".这是一个陈述句,主语 是"The Internet"因特网,表示特征.enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事.谓语 是 enables.sb 用 teenagers 青少年代替.collect various information 收集各种信 息.答案是 The Internet enables teenagers to collect various information. VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分)A. Choosethebestanswer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案) 69. 69.April is the birthday month of A . A.Nobel Book Store B.Fanta Centre C.Retro Mall D.Winkle Mall 70.You can get the biggest discount on C . A.adults'story books B.all magazines C.children's picture books D.all textbooks 71. C will help you know more about the most popular books this year. A.Claire Tay B.Michael Hawes C.David Koh D.Kate White 72.The underlined word"renowned"means D . A.new B.young C.humourous D.famous 73.If you spend 65,you will get a chance to win B . A.an e﹣dictionary B.a 10 gift card C.Nobel membership D.a concert ticket 74.The main purpose of the advertisement is to B . A.find excellent writers B.attract more book buyers C.celebrate Children's Day D.introduce new reading courses. 【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读. 【分析】本文是一篇书店的广告,四月是其开业三十周年,有大折扣以及一些活 动.文中给出了优惠政策和活动的内容. 【解答】69.A.细节题. 根据广告的大标题可知四月是 Nobel Book Store 开业 三十年,故选 A. 70.C.细节题.根据第一个表格的四个数据可知孩子们的图画书优惠最大 30%, 故选 C. 71.C.细节题. 根据第二个表格的第三项 the most popular books this year 可知 是 David Koh 可以帮助你了解更多今年最受欢迎的书,故选 C. 72.D.细节题. 根据第二个表格的最后一项是 Ask and Answer 可知是访谈, 再看后面一列可知 Kate White 是 winner of many international awards 是国际奖项 的获得者,可知是和名人面对面访谈,故 renowned 表示著名的 famous,故选 D. 73.B.细节题. 根据 Spend over 50andgetachancetowina10 gift card.可知花 65 可以获得十美元的礼物卡,故选 B. 74.B.细节题. 本文是书店做的一系列的优惠活动,是为了吸引更多的购物 者,故选 B. B. Choosethebestanswerandcompletethepassage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文) 75.The following are the posts in an Internet chat room.In this chat room,parents talk about some of the problems they have with their children. Ask 4 advice Marisa Is it ever OK to lie to a child?My 10﹣year﹣old son plays soccer.He's not very good,but he loves it.Yesterday he played very (75) D .When he finished the game,he asked,"Did I play well?"I said,"Yes!You're a great soccer player!"Did I do the right thing? Bay212 Yes,you did the right thing.White lies are a(n)(76) A part of life.Sometimes you have to tell lies that do no harm.Your purpose was to make him feel good.Now he's ready to play soccer again. Bernie I don't think there is ever a good reason to lie to our children.Children learn honesty from the (77) C they see.As parents,we should be honest in order to teach honesty to our children.Every lie requires five more lies.If you keep hiding truth from them,they will not (78) D you.They will not respect you.Honesty is the first step to a good parent﹣child relationship. Missy You lied to make your son feel better,but you (79) B a good chance to teach him a life lesson.People should work hard for what they want.Maybe next time you can say,"No,you didn't play well today.Great soccer players practise a lot.Let's go and practise."The truth will take him (80) A and a good soccer player. Parviz Parents should be honest to their children,but they don't have to tell the whole truth.Next time when your son asks,"Did I play well?"you can say,"What do you think?"Then your son can tell you what he thinks.That way,everything you say is true,and you avoid truth that hurts. 75.A.seriously B.carefully C.happily D.badly 76.A.necessary B.difficult C.dishonest D.interesting 77.A.films B.details C.examples D.teachers 78.A.trouble B.remember C.answer D.trust 79.A.took B.missed C.created D.found 80.A.strong B.confident C.honest D.active 【考点】N1:记叙文. 【分析】本文以聊天室的形式对是否应该对孩子说谎展开了讨论.Marisa 的儿子 足球踢得不好,但为了鼓励他,Marisa 对他说他踢得好,她不知道自己做的对不 对,对此 Bay212 觉得她做得对,生活需要善意的谎言,但 Bernie 觉得她不对, 对孩子应该要诚实,Missy 的看法和 Bernie 差不多,Parviz 也觉得父母对孩子要 诚实,但也不必说出所有的真相 【解答】75.D 考查副词.A 表示严格地;B 表示仔细地;C 表示开心地;D 表 示不好地.由 When he finished the game,he asked,"Did I play well?"I said, "Yes!You're a great soccer player!"以及 Marisa 的疑问 Did I do the right thing 和 Is it ever OK to lie to a child 可知他踢得不好,选 D. 76.A 考查形容词.A 表示必要的;B 表示难的;C 表示不诚实的;D 表示有趣 的.由 Sometimes you have to tell lies that do no harm 可知此处表示善意的谎言是 生活的一部分,选 A. 77.C 考查名词.A 表示电影;B 表示细节;C 表示例子;D 表示老师.由 I don't think there is ever a good reason to lie to our children 可知此处表示孩子们在他们看 见的实例中来学会诚实,选 C. 78.D 考查动词.A 表示麻烦;B 表示记得;C 表示回答;D 表示信任.由 If you keep hiding truth from them 可知此处表示他们就不会信任你了,选 D. 79.B 考查动词.A 表示带走;B 表示错过;C 表示创造;D 表示发现.结合语 境可知此处表示但是你错过了给他上关于生活的一课的好机会,选 B. 80.A 考查形容词.A 表示强的;B 表示自信的;C 表示诚实的;D 表示积极的.由 Let's go and practise 可推测此处表示真相会使他变强大,并成为优秀的足球运动 员,选 A. C.Fillintheblankswithproperwords(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通 顺.每空格限填一词,首字母已给) 81. A Delicious Meal Tony is Chinese American.His family members gather together and serve a traditional Chinese meal once a week.Last week Tony i(81) nvited his friend Amy for it. Tony's family was preparing dinner when Amy arrived.The family was cooking vegetables with hot oil.The k(82) itchen was filled with many good smells."You can help me set the table."Tony told his friend.They gave each person a pair of chopsticks,a soup bowl,a soup spoon,and a rice bowl on a plate. "Where are the forks and knives?"Amy asked. "Oh,you won't n (83) eed those."Tony explained."I will show you how to use chopsticks.Don't worry." Tony's mother put different foods which were unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates.She asked the kids to carry the food﹣filled plates out to the table.Amy carried roast duck.It was one of the f (84) avorite/favourite dishes she recognized. Amy was a little nervous about eating with chopsticks.Tony gave her instructions on how to do it.Amy finally managed to hold the chopsticks.Just when she picked up a piece of chicken in her chopsticks,her fingers s(85) uddenly lost control of them,and the chicken flew across the table.It landed in Tony's soup with a splash(飞 溅).E(86) veryone at the table smiled. Tony's father kindly brought out a fork and knife.He handed them to Amy.Amy felt more c(87) omfortable .She ate the rest of her dinner easily.It was delicious! At the end of the meal,Amy was given a fortune cookie(签语饼干).She broke it open and read the small note inside,"If you practice hard,you will learn many things."Amy laughed and said,"if you let me take home a pair of chopsticks,my fortune may come true! 【考点】PG:首字母阅读填空. 【分析】短文大意:主要讲述美籍华人小朋友托尼,他的家人每周做一次传统的 中式饭菜给自己.上个周末托尼邀请他的好朋友艾丽到家里来吃中式饭菜.当艾 丽到家的时候他们正准备晚饭,家人用热油炒蔬菜,整个厨房都充满了美味.当 艾丽帮托尼摆餐桌的时候,他们给每个人摆一双筷子,一碗汤,一个汤勺和放在 碟子里的一碗饭.托尼的妈妈做了艾丽喜欢吃的烤鸭.艾丽问托尼刀和叉在哪里, 托尼说艾丽不需要,托尼解释说,他将会示范给她看怎么使用,让艾米不要担 心.吃饭的时候,艾米有点紧张吃饭使用筷子,托尼给他讲解说明如何使用筷 子.艾米最后终于能握住筷子了,只是当她用筷子夹鸡肉的时候,她的突然手失 去了控制,鸡肉掉落在托尼的汤里,桌上的每个人都笑了.托尼的爸爸很友善的 拿出一副刀和叉给艾米.艾米感觉更舒服了,她很容易的吃完了余下的饭菜.晚 饭快吃完的时候,有人送给艾米一袋签语饼干.她打开并且发现一张小便条在里 面,写着"如果你努力练习,你将会学到很多东西"艾米笑着说,"如果让我带一 双筷子回家,我的幸运就就会实现." 【解答】81.invited;考查动词辨析,根据语境,上个周末托尼"邀请"他的好朋 友艾丽到家里来吃中式饭菜,邀请,以 i 开头 invite,且是上周的事情填过去式 故为 ivited. 82.kitchen;考查名词辨析,根据前后句意思,家人用热油炒蔬菜,整个"厨房" 都充满了美味,以 k 开头,故填 kitchen. 83.need; 考查动词辨析,根据后句意思,托尼解释说,他将会示范给她看怎 么使用,让艾米不要担心.所以是托尼说艾丽不"需要"以 n 开头故填 need. 84.favourite/favorite; 考查形容词辨析,根据语境,艾米端着烤鸭她意识到是 她最喜欢吃的菜之一,最喜欢的,以 f 开头,故填 favourite/favorite 85.suddenly; 考查副词辨析,根据语境,她的"突然"手失去了控制,鸡肉掉落 在托尼的汤里.突然,且以 s 开头,修饰动词,故填 suddenly. 86.Everyone; 考查不定代词辨析,根据语境桌子上"每个人"都笑了.每个人, 且以 e 开头,故天 Everyone. 87.comfortable;考查形容词辨析,根据语境,托尼的爸爸很友善的拿出一副刀 和叉给艾米.艾米感觉更"舒服"了.舒服的,以 c 开头,故填 comfortable D. Answerthequestions(根据以下内容回答问题) 88.It was Saturday again.Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays.That was another thing the twins had in common.They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner.In fact,it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes. Unlike their classmates,they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons.Grace had to attend the art lesson and Karen had to attend her ballet lesson."How I wish I could do something different today,"said the twins with one voice.All at once,an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time."How would you like to be me for a day?"they asked each other.It seemed like a wonderful plan to them.After giving each other a description of their own friends,Grace put on Karen's ballet dress while Karen put Grace's brushes and paints into her bag.Then they left for their classes. When the art lesson started,Karen was lost.Unlike Grace,Karen was poor at drawing.When the art lesson finally ended,Karen didn't dare to hand in her work. Meanwhile,Grace was struggling in the ballet class as well.As she had no idea about the dance steps,she had to follow her classmates blindly.As a result,she kept knocking into them.Their ballet teacher became impatient with her,"Karen,you should remember the basic steps.You can't rely on copying what others are doing." When Karen and Grace got home,they were tired out.They decided that they would never try to be someone else they were not.It seemed that the grass was not always greener on the other side. 88.Did Grace and Karen like Saturdays? No,they didn't. 89.When did the twins get up on Saturdays? They got up at seven on Saturdays. 90.What was the twins'plan when they decided to do something different? Their plan was to pretend to be the other one. 91.How did Karen feel at the beginning of the art lesson? She felt lost. 92.Why did the ballet teacher become impatient? Because Karen couldn't remember the basic steps. 93.What does the underlined part"the grass was not always greener on the other side"at the end of the story try to tell us? People always think what the other people own are better than theirs.But it isn't true. . 【考点】P7:阅读表达. 【分析】短文讲了星期六时,双胞胎 Grace 和 Karen 为了寻求不同的感受,交 换了身份,分别去上对方的课,结果出了很多纰漏. 【解答】答案:88.No,they didn't.细节理解题.根据第一段句子 It was Saturday again.Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays. 又是星期六,格瑞丝和凯伦不喜欢星 期六,可知他们不喜欢星期六.故答案为 No,they didn't. 89.They got up at seven on Saturdays.细节理解题.根据第二段第一行句子 they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons.他们每个星 期六起床很早,七点准备功课.可知是七点起床.故答案为 They got up at seven on Saturdays. 90.Their plan was to pretend to be the other one.细节理解题.根据第二段第三行 句子 they asked each other.It seemed like a wonderful plan to them.After giving each other a description of their own friends,Grace put on Karen's ballet dress while Karen put Grace's brushes and paints into her bag.Then they left for their classes.他 们互相问了一句,对他们来说,这是一个很好的计划,在互相介绍他们自己的朋 友后,格瑞丝穿上凯伦的芭蕾舞服,凯伦把格雷斯的画笔和颜料放进她的包里, 然后他们就去上课了.可知他们的计划是假装另一个.故答案为 Their plan was to pretend to be the other one. 91.She felt lost.细节理解题.根据第三段句子 When the art lesson started,Karen was lost.艺术课程开始的时候,凯伦很迷惑.可知凯伦感到迷惑.故答案为 She felt lost. 92.Because Karen couldn't remember the basic steps.细节理解题.根据倒数第二 段最后一句 Their ballet teacher became impatient with her,"Karen,you should remember the basic steps.You can't rely on copying what others are doing."他们的 芭蕾舞老师就对她不耐烦,"凯伦,你应该记住的基本步骤.你不能靠模仿别人 在做什么."可知因为凯伦不记得基本的步骤.故答案为 Because Karen couldn't remember the basic steps. 93.People always think what the other people own are better than theirs.But it isn't true.细节理解题.根据最后一段句子 They decided that they would never try to be someone else they were not.It seemed that the grass was not always greener on the other side.可知为了告诉我们人们总是认为别人拥有的东西比他们的好,但事实 并非如此.故答案为 People always think what the other people own are better than theirs.But it isn't true. 七. Writing(作文)(共 20 分) 94.Write at least 60words on the topic"There's always hope"(以"常怀希望"为题, 写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 面临困惑的时候、经历变化的时候、感觉挫败的时候、遭遇逆境的时候…来自内 心的坚持、他人的帮助、社会的关爱和科技的发展等,总能让人常怀希望.请选 取一个方面谈谈你的理解(可结合自身或他人的经历). The following is for reference only (以下表达仅供参考) •get out of difficulty •give …a hand •never lose hope. There's always hope . 【考点】S2:提纲作文. 【分析】高分句型: 句型一: I've got so many things from my class life.我从我的班级生活中得到了很多东西. get sth from 从…得到… 句型二: I want to try my best to help my friends and make some wonderful memories.我想尽 力帮助我的朋友并制造一些美好的回忆. try one's best to do 尽某人最大的努力做某事 make some wonderful memories 制造一些美好的回忆 【解答】There's always hope My class life is full of happiness.During the four years'school life,I've got so many things from my class life.【高分句型一】Friendship is the most important and precious thing that I get.(友谊是最重要和最宝贵的东西) I never feel lonely because of my lovely friends.Once I failed,my friends supported me and gave me courage to move on.They helped me get out of difficulty.(失败时有朋友的支持和 鼓励)When I was ill,my friends helped me and looked after me well.They give me a hand.(生病时有朋友的帮助和照顾)When I succeeded,my friends congratulated me and shared my happiness.(成功时有朋友的祝贺)Friendship is one of the greatest things that I got from my class life.As the old saying goes,"A friend in need is a friend indeed."I am so lucky that I get friendship from my class life.In the last three months,I want to try my best to help my friends and make some wonderful memories.【高分句型二】I expect to maintain the friendship between my classmates and me.Remember to never lose hope in life.(我的希望)

