人教版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 9

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人教版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 9

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Period 1 Section A(1a - 2d) 人教版 七年级 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 , 并背记相应英语 词汇 1. Red is my ________( 最喜欢的 ) color. 2. I don't like ________( 数学 ) ________( 因为 ) it's difficult. 3. They don't have ________( 科学 ) on ___________ ( 星期五 ). favorite math because science Friday 4. ________( 为什么 ) are you late? 5. ___________( 周六 ) is the seventh day of a week. Why Saturday 二、根据汉语完成并背记英语 句子 6. 你最喜欢的科目是什么 ? ________ your favorite subject ? What's 7. —— 你为什么喜欢体育 ? —— 因为它很有趣。 —________ do you like P. E.? —________ it's fun . Why Because 8. 我喜欢星期五因为我有历史课。 I like ________ because I ________ ________. Friday have history 9. 我们的体育老师总是和我们一起做游戏。 Our P. E . teacher always ________ ________ ________ us.   plays games with 10. —— 你喜欢体育吗 ? —— 那是当然。 —Do you like P. E.? —That's ________ ________. for sure 1. 我最喜欢的电影是 《 流浪地球 》 。 My ________ ________ is The Wandering Earth . favorite film 2. My brother's favorite subject is Chinese . ( 改为同义句 ) My brother ________ Chinese ________. likes best 3. She says her favorite ________ is English . 【 中考 • 成都 】 A. color B . sport C . subject C 【 点拨 】 关键词法。句中关键词为 English ,对学生来说,这是一门学科: subject 。 4. How many music ________ do you have every week? A. class B . subjects C. lessons D . lesson C 5. —________ do you like Wolf Warrior Ⅱ ? —Because it's exciting . 【 中考 • 绥化 】 A. Why B . What C . How A 【 点拨 】 句意为“ —— 你为什么喜欢 《 战狼 2》 ? —— 因为它令人激动”。根据句意可知选 A 。 6. I like science because it's fun . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ you like science ? Why do 7. He doesn't like math ________ it's boring. A. but B . so C . because D . or C 8. ________ they are very busy this afternoon, ________ they can't play soccer with me. A. Because; so B . Because; / C. So; / D . So; because B 9. —Hello! How are you? —________ 【 中考 • 黔西南 】 A. Who are you? B. I am fine, thank you . And you? C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you . B 【 点拨 】 别人对你友好地问候,答语中应该包含感谢语,只有 B 符合。 10. 为你的生日举办个聚会怎么样 ? ____________ ________ having a party for your birthday? How/What about 11. 加油 ! 我相信你能把它做好。 Come on! I ________ ________ you can do it well . am sure 12. —Let's go camping after exams. —________. We need to relax. A. Not really B . Lucky you C. You're welcome D . That's for sure D 【 点拨 】 句意为“我们考试后去露营吧。 —— 当然,我们需要放松”。 Not really 表示轻微的否定,意为“不” ; Lucky you 你真幸运 ; You're welcome 不用客气 ; That's for sure 当然,那是肯定的。根据“我们需要放松。”可知是赞同对方的提议,故选 D 。 一、单项 选择 1. We usually( 通常 ) have math ________ Monday. A. in B . on C . at D . / B 【 点拨 】 星期前用介词 on 。 2. Ken doesn't like English because it's ________. A. interesting B . boring C. fun D . relaxing B 【 点拨 】 语境法。根据语境“不喜欢英语”可知是“枯燥无味”。故选 B 。 3. —What's your favorite, Jim? —My favorite is ________. I often listen to it on the mobile phone. A. sport B . dance C . science D . music D 4. —________ do you like ping- pong? —Because it is relaxing. A. How B . When C . Why D . Where C 5. —Mr . Lee's history class is interesting. —________. We all like him. A. I don't know B . That's for sure C. That's OK D . Thank you B 二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 6. —What's your f sport? —Baseball . avorite 7. —Why do you like the salad? — B it's very nice . ecause 8. S comes after Friday. aturday 9. We often use ( 使用 ) maps in our ____________ ( 地理 ) class. geography 10. Do your parents like Chinese ________( 历史 )? history 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 11. 你什么时候上英语课 ? ________ ________ you have English ? When do 12 . 他最喜欢的颜色是什么 ? ___________ his __________ color ? What's favorite 13. 琳达最喜欢的一天是星期五。 __________ favorite day is ________. Linda's Friday 14. 我认为数学非常难。 I ________ math is very __________. think difficult 15. 他总是和我们一起做游戏。 He always ________ ________ ________ us. plays games with 四、 补全对话 从 方框中选择恰当的句子完成 对话 Dale: Hi, Bill . ________ 16 Bill: Because I have P. E . and English on Wednesday . A. Are they your favorite subjects? B. But why do you like English? C. Why do you like Wednesday?      D. What's your favorite day? E. That's for sure. C Dale: ________17 Bill: Yes, they are. Dale: Who's your P. E. teacher? Bill: Mr.Li. He teaches very well. Dale: That's great! ________18 Bill: I think English is interesting. ________19 A. Are they your favorite subjects? B. But why do you like English? C. Why do you like Wednesday?      D. What's your favorite day? E. That's for sure. A B D Dale: Saturday. Bill: Why? Dale: Because I don't go to school on Saturday. Bill: ________20 I like Saturday, too. A. Are they your favorite subjects? B. But why do you like English? C. Why do you like Wednesday?      D. What's your favorite day? E. That's for sure. E Period 2 Section A (Grammar Focus - 3c) 人教版 七年级 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 , 并背记相应英语词汇 1. I like dogs __________( 因为 ) they are so cute. 2. I don't know _________( 为什么 ) he doesn't come to school. 3. Are you busy next __________( 星期一 )? because    why Monday 4. —That's Sarah's cousin. —Are you ________( 确信的 )? 5. This is one of my __________( 最喜欢的 ) things. sure favorite 二、根据汉语完成并背记英语句子 6. 他最喜爱的科目是语文。 His ________ subject ________ Chinese. favorite is 7. 海伦喜欢语文是因为它有趣。 Helen ________ Chinese ________ it's interesting. likes because 8. 谁是你的音乐老师 ? ________ ________ your music teacher? Who is 9. 你的地理课是什么时候 ? ________ ________ your geography class? When is 10. 我们的音乐课在星期二。 Our music class ________ ________Tuesday. is on 1. —________ did you sleep so early? —Because I was tired. A. How B. Why C. When D. Where B 【 点拨 】 上下文联系法。根据答语句意为“因为我累了。”可知问句是问原因。特殊疑问词 why 对原因提问,故选 B 。 2. —________ is your sister's favorite color? —Green. A. Where B. When C. Who D. What D 【 点拨 】 问句句意为“你妹妹最喜爱的颜色是什么?”故选 what 。 3. —________ do you like monkeys? —Because they are interesting. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where C 【 点拨 】 根据答语中 Because 可知,问句要用 why 来提问。 4. —________ is your favorite actor? —Zhang Jiayi. A. What B. Whose C. Who D. Who's C 【 点拨 】 由答语可知问句句意为“谁是你最喜欢的演员?”故应用 who 。 5. Let's go home together when class is over. ( 改为同义句 ) Let's go home together ________ ________. after class 6. 我们在七年级二班。 We are in ________ ________, Grade Seven. Class Two   7. —Tony, don't eat ________ class? —Sorry, I won't do it again.【2018• 昆明 】 A. in B. on C. to D. by A   【 点拨 】 句意为“ —— 托尼,课堂上不要吃东西。 —— 对不起,我不会再那样做了”。 in class 意为“在课堂上”,故选 A 。 8. I asked ________ to do ________ schoolwork. A. him; his B. her; she C. her; his D. him; her A 【 点拨 】 语法判定法。句意为“我让他做他的课外作业”。两个空分别填人称代词宾格、物主代词,但这两个词必须指的是同一个人,满足这个条件的只有 A 。 9. My father is a worker. ________ is very kind. A. He B. She C. His D. It A 【 点拨 】 my father 是男性,又因为此处要作句子的主语,因此用主格 he 。 一、单项 选择 1. She says her favorite ________ is English. A. color B . sport C. subject D . food C   【 点拨 】 语境法。根据 English 可知是“科目”。 2. —________ is the boy in the school library? —He's my brother. A. Where B. How C. Who D. When C   【 点拨 】 语境法。由答语 “He's my brother.” 可知询问的是人,用疑问词 who 。 3. Tina likes Chinese ________ she thinks it's fun. A. or    B. so     C. but    D. because D 【 点拨 】 语境法和词语辨析法。 or 或者 ; so 因此 ; but 但是 ; because 因为。“她认为它是有趣的”是“ Tina 喜欢汉语”的原因,故选 D 。 4. He is new here. I don't know ________ name. A. his B. him C. he D. her A 5. —When do you have music, Jenny? —________ Tuesday afternoon. A. At B. In C. On D. Of C 【 点拨 】 在具体某一天下午用介词 on 。 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 6. I like basketball b it's fun. 7. The second day of a week is M . 8. — W does Jenny look happy? —I don't know. ecause   onday   hy 9. —Are vegetables healthy food? —Yes. That's for s . 10. We don't go to school on S or Sunday. ure aturday 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 11. —— 弗兰克 , 你最喜欢的学科是什么 ? —— 体育。 —________ ________ your favorite subject, Frank? —P.E. What is 12. 我经常在星期二打篮球。 I often play basketball ________ ________. on Tuesday 13. 露西喜欢语文是因为它有趣。 Lucy ________ Chinese ________ it's interesting. likes because 14. —— 迈克 , 谁是你们的科学老师 ? —— 布莱克先生。 —________ ________ your science teacher, Mike? —Mr.Black. Who is 15. 你们的历史课在什么时候 ? ________ ________ your history class? When is 四、语法专练 ( 一 ) 按照要求完成句子 16. My favorite subject is English . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ your favorite subject? What is 17. He likes science because it's relaxing . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ ________ like science? Why does he 18. We have P. E. on Thursday . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ you have P. E.? When do 19. My grandparents are fine . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ your grandparents? How are 20. Mrs. Miller is our English teacher.( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ your English teacher? Who is ( 二 ) 用 because, so, but 或 and 填空 21. My sister likes music, ________ she doesn't like P. E. 22. I don't like history ________ it's boring. but because 23. English is interesting, ________ I like it very much. 24. He always helps me ________ I always help him. 25. Math is difficult, ________ I like it very much. so and but 五、短文填空 Today is M 26. It is the ________ 27 ( two ) day of a week . Lucy gets up early ________ 28 she doesn't want to be late ________ 29 school . She has b 30 quickly and goes to school . onday second because for reakfast Her favorite subject is ________31 (China). She thinks it is _____________ 32 (interest). Miss Liu is her English _________33 ( teach). She is kind to the students . She teaches ________34 (good). Every one of them likes ________ 35(she). Chinese interesting teacher well her Period 3 Section B(1a - 2c) 人教版 七年级 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 一 、根据汉语提示完成句子 , 并背记相应英语词汇 1. The dictionary is very ________( 有用的 ). 2. The party ________( 结束 ) at eight in the evening. 3. We have an English ________( 课 ) on __________ ( 星期四 ). useful finishes lesson Thursday 4. He often plays soccer for an ________( 小时 ) after class. 5. I like music. It's ________( 令人轻松的 ). hour relaxing 二、根据汉语完成并背记英语句子 6. 老师说它非常有用 , 但我认为它很难。 The teacher ________ it ________ ________, but ________ ________ it is difficult. says is useful I think 7. 午饭是从十二点钟到一点钟 , 然后我们上语文课。 Lunch is ________ 12: 00 ________ 1: 00, and after that we ________ ________. from to have Chinese 8. 那对你来说合适吗 ? ________ ________ ________ ________ you? Is that OK with 9. 我们的语文老师王老师是个很有意思的人。 Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, ________ ________ ________. is great fun 10. 随后我要上两个小时的美术课。 After that I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ two hours. have an art lesson for 1. 我们一直忙于准备今天的考试。 【 中考 • 宜宾 】 We are ________ preparing for________ exam all the time. busy today's 2. Many children use the Internet to get useful information and to relax in their ________ ________. ( 空闲时间 )【 中考 • 云南 】 free time 3. I have too much homework to do. I'm so ________. A. free B. busy C. easy D. difficult B 4. 微信在人们的生活中是很有用的。很多人使用它。 WeChat ________ ________ in people's life.Many people ________ it. is useful use 5. 在学校我们用电脑上课。 In school, we ________ computers ________ ________ classes.   use to have 6. We go to school ________ Monday to Friday every week. A. at B. for C. on D. from D 【 点拨 】 句意为“每周从周一到周五我们上学”。根据固定搭配 from…to… 从 …… 到 …… 可知选 D 。 7. 我们从 12 点到 1 点吃午餐。 We have lunch ________ twelve o'clock ________ one o'clock. from to 8. We have English from 9: 00 ________ 9: 45. A. for B. at C. on D. to D 9. Dave is a good boy and he always finishes ________his homework on time.【 中考 • 重庆 B】 A. do B. did C. does D. doing D 【 点拨 】 finish doing sth. 完成做某事。 10. 我必须在 3 点钟完成工作。 I must ________ ________ ________ at three o'clock. finish doing work 11. Can you ________(finish) your homework this afternoon? finish 12. We play basketball ________ an hour every day. A. for B. on C. in D. at A 13. We have breakfast ________ seven o'clock. A. for B. in C. on D. at D 14. The man is driving ( 开车 ) at 40 kilometres ( 公里 ) ________ hour. 【 中考 • 武威 】 A. a B. an C. the D. / B 【 点拨 】 句意为“这个人正以每小时 40 公里的速度开车行驶”。泛指一小时用不定冠词,且 hour 以元音音素开头,因此用 an 。故选 B 。 15. 到北京要花费我们两个小时。 It takes us ________ ________ to get to Beijing.   two hours 一、单项 选择 1. Everyone should learn English . It's very ________. A. useful B . useless C . helpless D . boring A   【 点拨 】 词语辨析法。句意为 “ 每个人都应该学英语,它是很 __________” 。 useful 有用的 ; useless 没用的 ; helpless 无用的 ; boring 无聊的。根据 Everyone should learn English. 可知,英语是有用的,故选 A 。 2. —John, can you play tennis with me? —Sorry, Mike. I'm ________ now. What about this afternoon? A. long B. short C. busy D. fun C   3. He goes to the library ________ 7: 00 ________ the morning. A. in; in B. at; on C. at; in D. on; in C   4. I don't like playing soccer because it is ________. A. difficult B. interesting C. fun D. relaxing A 5. —Can you come to my birthday party tonight? —Yes, I'd love to. But I have to finish ________ my English homework first. 【2018• 湘西 】 A. doing B. to do C. does A 【 点拨 】 固定搭配法。句意为“ —— 今晚你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? —— 是的,我乐意去。但我首先要完成我的英语作业”。 finish doing sth. 完成做某事,故选 A 。 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 6. My brother's favorite day is W . 7. Our school lunch is f 11: 40 to 1: 20. 8. —Hi, Bill. You look c with the pair of glasses. —Thank you. ednesday rom ool   9. They have a P. E. l on Thursday. 10. We play ping-pong for an h after school. esson our 三、用方框中所给单词的适当形式 填空 11. ________ Green wants to buy two pairs of shoes for her daughters . finish, Mrs., Sunday, useful, for Mrs. 12. His classes ________ at 4: 30 p. m. Then he goes to play basketball. finish finish, Mrs., Sunday, useful, for 13. These books are very ________ to you. useful finish, Mrs., Sunday, useful, for 14. They work ________ a long time. They are tired( 劳累的 ). for finish, Mrs., Sunday, useful, for 15. The students don't go to school on ________. Sunday finish, Mrs., Sunday, useful, for 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 16. 我们从 1960 年到 1973 年住在苏格兰。 We lived in Scotland ________ 1960 ________ 1973. from to 17. 他们的数学老师是个很有意思的人。 Their math teacher is ________ ________. great fun 18. 我弟弟认为数学难但很有趣。 My brother thinks math is ________ ________ ____________. difficult but interesting 19. 辛迪 , 谢谢你的照片。 Cindy, ________ ________ ________ your photos. thank you for 20. —— 我喜欢红色 , 你呢 ? —— 蓝色。 —I like red. ___________ ________ you? —Blue. How/What about 五、完形 填空 Nancy is reading an email from her friend Jack. She is very ________21 to get the email . 21. A . happy B . hungry C . beautiful D . sad A 【 点拨 】 句意为“她很高兴收到这封电子邮件”。故选 A 。 Jack writes about his school ________22 weekends. Jack likes his school very much . 22. A . for B . to C . at D . in C Nancy likes her school, ________23. Jack's school is very big and he likes his classroom. 23. A . also B . again C. too D. very C The ________24 and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures ________25 the wall. They clean the classroom every day. 24. A. desks B. schoolbags C. pencils D. pens 25. A.in B. on C. near D. at A B 【 点拨 】 24. 根据句子中的 and chairs 可知,这里要填 desks ,桌椅都是新的。故选 A 。 The teachers are nice and the ________26 are friendly. He loves ________27 because he can learn a lot about the world. 26. A . subjects B . books C . workers D. classmates 27. A . drawing B . swimming C . dancing D . reading D D 【 点拨 】 27. 句意为“他喜欢读书,因为他可以更多地了解世界”。 reading 阅读,故选 D 。 He also loves ________28. He is good at playing football. He often plays it with his ________29 after school. 28. A. sports B. trees C. animals D. hobbies 29. A. teachers B. parents C. friends D. brothers A C He is in the school ________30 team. He says he has a good time at school. 30. A. basketball B. football C. music D. volleyball B 【 点拨 】 根据上文中 He is good at playing football. 可知他是在学校足球队。故选 B 。 Jack doesn't ________31 to school on Saturdays or Sundays. 31. A . like B . play C . go D . have C 【 点拨 】 句意为“杰克星期六和星期天不上学”。 go to school 去学校,故选 C 。 He gets up ________32 at six on Saturday. He goes jogging in the park for half ________33. 32. A. early B. late C. before D. after 33. A. a year B. a month C. an hour D. a day A C 【 点拨 】 32. 结合句子中的 at six 在 6 点钟,可知,这里要填 early ,故选 A 。 【 点拨 】 33. 句意为“他在公园里慢跑半个小时”。根据词组 half an hour 半个小时,可知选 C 。 Then he eats his ________34. After that, he helps his mother with housework. At eight, he begins to do his homework. 34. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner A 【 点拨 】 根据上文可知,这里谈的是早上的情况,所以要填 breakfast 。故选 A 。 He has lunch in a fast food restaurant. In the ________35, he goes shopping with his mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet in the evening. He enjoys his weekend very much. 35. A. day B. hour C. afternoon D. morning C 【 点拨 】 根据上文中 He has lunch in a fast food restaurant. 可知,这里要填 afternoon ,在下午,他和妈妈一起去购物。故选 C 。 Period 4 Section B(3a - Self Check) 人教版 七年级 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 星期 1. 星期一 ________    2. 星期二 __________ 3. 星期三 ___________ 4. 星期四 __________ 5. 星期五 ________ 6. 星期六 __________ 7. 星期日 ________ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 学科 8. 科学 ________ 9. 体育 ________ 10. 音乐 ________ 11. 数学 ________ 12. 语文 ________ 13. 地理 _____________ 词形变化 14. China ( n .)→________( adj .) 中国的 15. free ( adj .)→________( 反义词 ) 忙碌的 science P.E. music math Chinese geography Chinese busy 16. use ( v .)→________( adj .) 有用的 17. hour ( n .)→________( 同音词 ) 我们的 18. class( n .)→________( 同义词 ) 课 19. Mr.( n .) 先生 →________( n .) 太太 ; 夫人 20. warm( adj .) 暖和的 →________( adj .) 凉爽的 useful our lesson Mrs. cool 根据短文内容和所给的汉语或首字母提示 , 在空白处写出单词的适当形式 , 每空限填一 词 It's __________1 ( 星期二 ) today . At 8: 00 I have math . I don't like math b 2 it's boring . At 9: 00 I have ________3( 科学 ). It's ____________4 ( 困难的 ) but fun . At 10: 00 I have ________ 5( 历史 ). Tuesday   ecause science difficult history At 11: 00 I have P. E.I like P. E., because it's ________________6 ( 有趣的 )! After lunch, I have ________7( 音乐 ). That's my f 8 subject, because it's ________9 ( 令人放松的 ). I love our t 10. I love our school. interesting /fun music avorite relaxing eachers 一、话题分析 本单元写作话题是介绍自己最喜欢的事物。 二、写作方法 “四环节”法介绍自己最喜欢的事物 1. 开篇点题 2. 分析原因 3. 指出意义 4. 提出打算 三、素材积累 1. 介绍自己最喜欢的事物类作文常用的词汇 : subject, favorite, English/science/…, because, free, interesting, fun, useful, from…to… 2. 介绍自己最喜欢的事物类作文常用的句型 : My favorite…is… Because it is…/I like it because… It is useful for…/It's important to… I hope to… 四、写作任务 请 以 “My favorite subject” 为题写一篇短文 , 介绍一下你最喜欢的科目 —— 英语 , 并说明原因 : 1. 学英语有趣。 2. 英语老师赵老师很风趣。 3. 来自世界各地的人都说英语 , 学好英语我们可以更好地交流。 五、写作模板 六、满分作文 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My favorite subject I have many subjects at school. And my favorite subject is English. I like it because I think it's interesting. Our English teacher is Mr. Zhao. He is great fun. We all like him. He teaches us more than English. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He also teaches us how to behave and how to make friends. He says English is very useful. People from all over the world speak English. If we learn English well, we can understand each other better. I like English very much, and I want to do my best to learn it well. 单元整合与拔高 人教版 七年级 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 一、语法整合真题 练 1. I always get up early on weekdays, ________ I'm afraid( 害怕 ) I will be late for school.【 中考 • 黄石 】 A. because B . so C . though D . then A 【 点拨 】 句意为“星期一至星期五我总是起得很早,因为我害怕上学迟到”。根据句意,可知前后是因果关系,故选 A 。 2. —________ do people like swimming? —Because it is good for their health. 【 中考 • 黔西南 】 A. When B. Where C. What D. Why D 【 点拨 】 句意为“ —— 为什么人们喜欢游泳? —— 因为游泳有益于他们的健康”。 because 回答 why 引导的疑问句。故选 D 。 3. —________ did you stop playing? —Because I was tired ( 疲劳的 ). 【 中考 • 北京 】 A. How B. Why C. When D. Where B 【 点拨 】 根据答语句意“因为我累了。”可知问句是问原因。特殊疑问词 why 对原因提问,故选 B 。 4. —________ do you like pandas? —Because they are very cute. 【 中考 • 渝北 】 A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where C 【 点拨 】 根据答语中的 because 可知,问句要用 why 来提问。故选 C 。 5. —Do you know ________ the school library closes, Susan? —Ten o'clock at night. 【2018• 贵阳 】 A. when B. why C. who A 【 点拨 】 语境法。句意为“ —— 苏珊,你知道学校图书馆什么时候关门吗? —— 晚上十点”。由 Ten o'clock at night. 可知问的是时间,故选 A 。 6. They didn't arrive on time because they got up late . ( 对画线部分提问 )【 中考 • 重庆 A】 ________ ________ they arrive on time? Why didn't 【 点拨 】 对原因状语从句提问用疑问副词 why ,而该句是一个过去时的否定句,故答案为 Why didn't 。 二、高频考点真题练 7. M is the day after Sunday and before Tuesday.【2019• 济宁 】 onday 8. I like Friday because the next day is S . 【2019• 随州 】 aturday 9. There are sixty minutes in an h . 【2019• 桂林 】 our 10. The Book of Poetry , the earliest collection of poems, is of great value in Chinese ________( 历史 ). 【2019• 南京 】 history 11. —I believe we will get good grades in the exam. —________We have prepared( 准备 ) so well. 【2018• 本溪 】 A. That's for sure. B. It takes time. C. Are you kidding? D. It doesn't matter. A 【 点拨 】 句意为“ —— 我相信我们会在这次考试中取得好成绩。 ——________ 我们已经准备好了”。 That's for sure. 那是肯定的 ; It takes time. 这需要时间 ; Are you kidding ?你在开玩笑吧? It doesn't matter. 没关系。根据语境可知,准备得这么充分,取得好成绩“那是肯定的”。故选 A 。 以下是本单元涉及的重点词汇 , 请你发挥想象 , 用它们编写一篇不少于 30 词的小短文 , 体裁不限。 finish, Tuesday, because, from…to… _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are seven days in a week. I like Tuesday best, because we have P. E. on Tuesday. We can play sports from 2: 00 p. m.to 3: 00 p. m.in the P. E. class. When we finish the P. E. class, we have art. It is my favorite subject. It is very interesting.

