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新课标高考英语复习:阅读理解试题 ‎【专题考案】 (一)‎ The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are drawing near. Are you eager to enjoy watching the matches or start serving as a volunteer? First, you need to know about audience manners.‎ The behavior of courtside audiences is considered to be an important part of sporting culture. In 2004, after world champion Stephen Hendry lost to Ding Junhui in the China Open Snooker Championships, he complained of the noise from Chinese spectators. Perhaps you and your classmates could be written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you leave, remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other trash (垃圾).‎ During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don’t criticize the performance of players and coaches. Be careful with your words, since some may cause anger among other people in the audience.‎ Applause is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players. But you should do it properly. When players first appear, clap your hands together to welcome them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, applaud warmly. If someone fails, your applause will help encourage them.‎ Applause is not welcome, however, while a game is in progress and players need to keep their concentration. Various sports have various rules for the audience.‎ Enjoying artistic gymnastics requires silence. But lots of cheering can really help basketball and football players. Snooker and table tennis courtside behavior includes a ban on flash photography. Mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.‎ To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event.‎ ‎1.What does the underlined work “spectators” mean in the second paragraph?‎ A.Players B.Audiences C.Coaches D.Organizers ‎2.When can’t you leave the spot of a game?‎ A.When the game is going on B.When the game is just over C.Before the game begins D.When the game is long over ‎3.What should you do during an exciting football game?‎ 新课标高考英语复习:阅读理解试题 ‎【专题考案】 (一)‎ The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are drawing near. Are you eager to enjoy watching the matches or start serving as a volunteer? First, you need to know about audience manners.‎ The behavior of courtside audiences is considered to be an important part of sporting culture. In 2004, after world champion Stephen Hendry lost to Ding Junhui in the China Open Snooker Championships, he complained of the noise from Chinese spectators. Perhaps you and your classmates could be written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you leave, remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other trash (垃圾).‎ During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don’t criticize the performance of players and coaches. Be careful with your words, since some may cause anger among other people in the audience.‎ Applause is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players. But you should do it properly. When players first appear, clap your hands together to welcome them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, applaud warmly. If someone fails, your applause will help encourage them.‎ Applause is not welcome, however, while a game is in progress and players need to keep their concentration. Various sports have various rules for the audience.‎ Enjoying artistic gymnastics requires silence. But lots of cheering can really help basketball and football players. Snooker and table tennis courtside behavior includes a ban on flash photography. Mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.‎ To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event.‎ ‎1.What does the underlined work “spectators” mean in the second paragraph?‎ A.Players B.Audiences C.Coaches D.Organizers ‎2.When can’t you leave the spot of a game?‎ A.When the game is going on B.When the game is just over C.Before the game begins D.When the game is long over ‎3.What should you do during an exciting football game?‎ A.Control yourself B.Keep quiet ‎ C.Praise the players D.Cheer the players ‎4.When can’t you clap your hands?‎ A.When players first appear ‎ B.When an excellent performance is over C.When someone fails ‎ D.When a player is finishing a very difficult performance ‎5.What is the best title of this text ? ‎ A.How to be a good audience of Beijing Olympic Games B.How to support players at Beijing Olympic Games C.How to control yourself at Beijing Olympic Games D.How to be a volunteer at Beijing Olympic Games ‎ (二)‎ ‎ London--A morning train rides away, across the channel. English kids discuss the Liverpool's football team in a Paris pub.‎ Some Parisians have started to travel to work in London.‎ In the 19th century, Charles Dickens compared the two cities, London and Paris, in A Tale of Two Cities. These days, it might be A tale of One‎ ‎City.‎ As there are few jobs at home over recent years, perhaps 250,000 Frenchmen moved across the channel. With an undersea tunnel, they could travel between cities in three hours. The European Union freed them from immigration and customs.‎ Paris, rich in beauty, is more stylish. But London feels more full of life, and more fun until the pubs shut down.‎ ‎“For me, the difference is that London is real, alive,” said Trevor Wheeler, a financial expert.‎ Chantal Jaouen, a professional designer, agrees. “I am French, but I’ll stay in London,” she said.‎ There is, of course, the other view. Julie Lenoux is a student who moved to London two years ago. “I think people laugh more in Paris,” she said.‎ ‎“Both cities have changed beyond recognition,” said Larry Collins, an author and sometimes a Londoner. ‎ Like most people who know both cities well, he finds the two now fit together comfortably. ‎ ‎“I first fell in love with Paris in the 1950s. Things are so much more ordered, and life is better.”‎ But certainly not cheaper.‎ In some parts of London, rents can be twice those on Avenue Foch in Paris.‎ Deciding between London and Paris requires a lifestyle choice.‎ Like Daphne Benoit, a French journalism student with perfect English, many young people are happy to be close enough so they don’t have to choose.‎ ‎“I love Paris, my little neighborhood, the way I can walk around a centre, but life is too organized,” she said. “In London, you can be whoever you want. No one cares.”‎ ‎1.It can be inferred that ___________.‎ A.Paris and London are the two biggest cities in the world B.In the 19th century, Dickens told his stories in the two cities C.London and Paris used to be separated D.Liverpool is a big city in ‎France ‎2.According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?‎ A.People feel it difficult to find a job in Paris.‎ B.People can't travel to London without a passport.‎ C.Living in France is more expensive than in London. ‎ D.People can find any job in London.‎ ‎3.According to this passage we know that _________.‎ A.Parisians enjoy English food more than their own B.Londoners seldom travel to Paris on holidays C.both cities have their advantages D.young people prefer to live in ‎London ‎4.Which city is better to live in according to the passage?‎ A.Paris. B.London. C.Both cities. D.It just depends.‎ ‎5.What’s the meaning of the last two sentences?‎ A.People can do everything in London. ‎ B.People will feel lonely in London.‎ C.People in London enjoy living in different ways.‎ D.People in London enjoy a lawless life.‎ ‎ (三)‎ This hotel in the trees is famous in the world. Peop1e who know very little about Kenya, know of Treetops. When King George VI died, Princess Elizabeth was staying on the Treetops, and when she came down from there, “She succeeded him as the queen of the country”. This hotel in the middle of the forest shows the pleasure of Africa. When you visit it, you will be sent into the heart of the forest by hotel buses, and then a guide, with a gun to protect you against big game, will go with you to the Treetops. Before and after dinner, for the whole night if you wish, you can sit on the corridor(走廊), watching animals come to the water pool. The earliest hotel Treetops was built round a large tree on the opposite side of the water, but that was destroyed by fire and the new hotel Treetops, which is built round several trees, is much bigger.‎ ‎ The dining room at Treetops is small, and the waiters cannot walk round to serve guests, a clever “railway service” has been invented. Guests take their food as it passes slowly in front of them, along a line in the center of the table. ‎ ‎ There are many animals around the Treetops. When you visit them, you can see:‎ ‎ ---Animals and their babies are waiting to greet the guests.‎ ‎ ---Animals, enjoying the Treetops pool in the daylight.‎ ‎ ---A long bodied, long ring tailed very active cat-like animal is a special one coming out at night. He hunts and eats anything he can overpower and is very destructive. He lives in the trees at Treetops .He comes for his food every evening. Do not get too near to him, as his teeth and claws(爪)can do you harm. These animals can be trained and become lovely pets.‎ ‎ ---Some other animals who have a thick coating of fur to keep them warm in the cold forest nights.‎ ‎---Many buffaloes(水牛)coming to the Treetops for water and salt during the day or night.‎ ‎1.“She succeeded in becoming the queen of the country.” In this sentence, “succeeded” means_______. ‎ A.did what she was trying to do B.gained her purpose ‎ C.got a position on the death of the King D.completed an easy task ‎ ‎2.According to the passage, “railway service” actually refers to __________. ‎ A.the service provided at the railway station ‎ B.the supply of food on the train C.the service provided along the railway ‎ D.the supply of food along a moving line ‎3.Which of the following statements about “the cat-like animal”, described in the passage, is NOT true? ‎ A.It comes for food only at night. B.It lives in the trees at Treetops.‎ C.Its teeth and claws can do people harm. D.It can catch any other animal in the forest.‎ ‎4.According to the passage. Treetops is famous in the world because ________. ‎ A.it shows the pleasure of America ‎ B.Princess Elizabeth got to the crown when coming down from there ‎ C.it is built round several trees D.there are many animals that can be trained and become lovely pets ‎5.We can learn from the passage, that the guests____.‎ A.should not play games on the Treetops ‎ B.could not sit on the corridor at night C.could enjoy their dinner in the dining room ‎ D.should keep off the cat-like animals ‎ (四)‎ Some people don't believe that driving more slowly can save lives. But the truth is that driving more slowly can help a person to avoid serious accidents.‎ The following chart shows the distance that it takes to stop a car at a given speed. The distance is measured in feet. The shaded area shows the driver's thinking distance. That's the distance it takes for the driver to react to a danger that he sees. The white area shows the car's braking distance. That's the distance it takes for the car to stop once the brakes are used. The number at the top of each bar shows the total number of feet that it takes to stop the car.‎ ‎1.According to the chart, what is the total number of feet needed to stop a car that is traveling at 50‎ ‎ miles per hour?‎ A.55. B.73. C.128. D.183.‎ ‎2.What is the braking distance for a car that is traveling at 60 miles per hour?‎ A.66 feet. B.119 feet. C.185 feet. D.251 feet.‎ ‎3.Which of the following statements about braking and speed is true?‎ A.The braking distance is what it takes for the driver to react to a danger that he sees.‎ B.The speed of a car has a direct effect on the distance needed to stop the car.‎ C.The braking distance increases only when a driver drives faster than 50 miles per hour D.Driving slowly can help a person to avoid all accidents.‎ ‎ (五)‎ Catherine Destivelle is a rock star. She loves rock, but she can't sing or play the guitar! She is a rock climber and a big star in France and Italy. She is the most famous woman climber in the world because she often climbs without ropes. She climbs in many countries but most often in the French Alps near Chamonix, where she lives. She started climbing near her home in Paris when she ,vas five. Then, at fourteen, she joined the French Alpine Club to learn more, but immediately she climbed better and more quickly than the older members of the club.She won her first competition in Italy in 1995.‎ Three years ago she found a new route up the Dru Mountain near Chamonix. The climb took eleven days and for four days the snow was so heavy that she could not move. Last year other climbers tried to follow the new Destivelle Route, but they failed. They are going to try again this year.‎ People always ask her about her climbing. She says, "I climb because I'm in love with mountains. I like touching the rock and reading the face of the rock. I like it a lot. I felt at home on the side of a mountain. I prepare well before I go, so I'm never worried."‎ Catherine chooses new mountains from books--like buying from a shopping catalogue(目录)! "I see a nice mountain and I go to climb it!" Her next mountain is in Pakistan. She is going there next month. "It's much bigger than the Dru, so it's going to take longer to climb. An American climber, Jeff Lowe, is coming with me to help."‎ ‎1.Catherine Destivelle is called 'a star’ because ________.‎ A.she won a competition in 1995 ‎ B.she loves rocks C.she's a famous woman climber ‎ D.she found a new route up to the ‎Dru‎ ‎Mountain ‎2.She had great trouble finding a new route up the Dru Mountain because _______.‎ A.she lost her way ‎ B.the climb took 11 days C.she needed help from an American climber ‎ D.there was heavy snow ‎3.On the side of a mountain she feels _______.‎ A.worried B.easy and happy ‎ C.like staying at home D.well ‎4.We can infer from the passage people often ask her" ______”.‎ A.Why do you like climbing? ‎ B.Are you in love with an American climber?‎ C.Do you enjoy reading books on mountains? ‎ D.What do you do before you go climbing? ‎ ‎ (六)‎ Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in our life, and whether we can do anything about them.‎ ‎ Are we under-employed, or overburdened with too many responsibilities? Do we have a right balance of work and leisure in our lives? Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers in a good state?‎ ‎ All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and to bring our frustration(沮丧) into the open. People who have a row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings.‎ ‎ If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light, let us consider what we can do about them. It is possible to change jobs. We can make more leisure and fill in more fun, if we will accept a different living standard. We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude. It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are ‎ not worth an hour’s anger. The teaching in the Bible “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath (愤怒)” is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religious.‎ ‎1.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?‎ A.Stress is the direct cause of cancer.‎ B.The cause of stress is worthy of serious study.‎ C.Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.‎ D.People who can’t accept a different living standard are less likely to suffer from stress.‎ ‎2.Judging from the text, the word “ row” in the third paragraph most probably means______‎ A.a noisy quarrel B.a boat journey C.a good relationship D.a cured disease ‎3.Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to reduce our stress?‎ A.Changing our jobs.‎ B.Changing our attitude about little things that make us unpleased.‎ C.Speaking out about our frustrations. ‎ D.Reading the Bible 4.“ Let not the sun go down upon your wrath” probably means_______.‎ A.Don’t let your anger last long.‎ B.Don’t get angry even though the sun is going down.‎ C.Something important that disturb us is worth an hour’s anger.‎ D.Watch the sunset while you are angry.‎ ‎ (七)‎ The food we eat seems to have great effects on our health. Although science has made great steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to diet as well. Different cultures are subject to certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates(硝酸盐) and nitrites, commonly used to keep color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels(标签) of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct.‎ ‎ Farmers often give penicillin to cows and chick and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price on the market. Although the FDA has tried repeatedly to control these, the practices continue.‎ ‎1.How has science done a bad service to mankind?‎ A.Diseases caused by food have been done away with.‎ B.It has caused a lack of information about the value of food.‎ C.Some harmful materials have been added to our food.‎ D.Scientists have made food more expensive to eat.‎ ‎2.What are nitrates used for?‎ A.They help process packaged food. ‎ B.They keep the color in meats.‎ C.They cure diseases of cows and chickens. ‎ D.They cause the animals to become fatter.‎ ‎3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?‎ A.You can find out harmful additives on the packaging labels of food.‎ B.Drugs given to animals are not all for medical reasons.‎ C.Researchers knew about the harm of food additives about 60 years ago.‎ D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.‎ ‎4.According to the passage, the FDA might be _________.‎ A.an organization which controls the safety of food ‎ B.a producer which makes additives C.a factory which processes food ‎ D.a hospital which cures cancer ‎ (八)‎ ‎ At 9:00 Dick Spivak’s bank telephoned and said his payment was late.“The check is in the post.” Dick replied quickly.At 11:45 Dick left for a 12:00 meeting across town.Arriving late, he explained that traffic had been bad.That evening, Dick’s girlfriend wore a new dress.He hated it. “It looks just great on you.’’ he said.‎ ‎ Three lies in one day! Yet Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man, each time, he told himself that ‎ sometimes that truths caused too many problems.Most of us tell much the same white lies, harmless untruths that help to save trouble.How often do we tell white lies? It depends in part on our age, education, and even where we live.According to one US study, women are more truthful than men, and honesty increases as we get older..‎ ‎ While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life.They say that people today are less honest than they were ten years ago.Although it is believed that things are getting worse, lying seems to be an age-old human problem.The French philosopher Vauvenarges, writing in the eighteenth century, touched on the truth when he wrote, “All men are born truthful and die liars.”‎ ‎1.When the writer says “Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man ,” he means ‎ A.it is common that people tell white lies ‎ B.Dick could do nothing about bad traffic ‎ C.it is common that people delay their payment ‎ D.Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems ‎ ‎2.According to the text, most Americans ‎ A.hate white lies B.believe white lies ‎ C.value honesty D.consider others dishonest ‎3.Vauvenarges’s remark suggests that ‎ A.lying is an age-old human problem ‎ B.dishonesty increase as people get older C.people were dishonest in the 18th century ‎ D.it is social conditions that make people tell lies ‎ (九)‎ Have you ever received a gift that was so clearly not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had been handed to you by mistake? Worse, have you ever given a present and watched your friend took as though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite “Why, thank you,” but you knew you had missed the mark.Why do presents sometimes to wrong? And what do your choices (good and bad) reflect about your personal qualities?‎ Choosing the right gift is an art, I believe.It calls for empathy-the ability to put yourself into someone else’s head and heart.We’re all able to do this; in fact, we’re born with a kind of natural ‎ empathy.After the earliest period of childhood, however, it needs to be reinforced (加强) by our parents, teachers, friends.When it isn’t, we’re not able to understand other people’s feelings as sharply.This can show in the gifts we select, and so can many other emotional qualities.‎ Think back to the presents you’ve given over the past year, the time and effort you put into your selection, how much you spent, your thoughts while you were shopping, and your feelings when the receiver opened the package.Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world.Of course, you may express yourself differently with different friends, relatives, and other people you know.‎ We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of communication.Ignoring the tradition won’t make it go away.If you really dislike such a tradition, tell your friends ahead of time.‎ ‎1.The underlined expression “you had missed the mark” means “you had failed to______”.‎ A.make her feel better B.keep you friendship C.receive a present in return D.get the expected effect ‎2.Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?‎ A.Natural empathy needs to be reinforced.‎ B.Emotional changes influence one’s choice of gifts.‎ C.Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with.‎ D.choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.‎ ‎3.In the third paragraph, the author tells us that_____.‎ A.attention should be paid to the receivers’ responses B.one learns from what he did in the past C.the choice of gifts reflects one’s emotional qualities D.one should spend more time choosing gifts ‎4.The best possible title for this passage is “_______”.‎ A.Ways of Choosing Gifts B.An Important Tradition C.Exchanging Presents D.Message in a Gift ‎ (十)‎ How many people have I met who have told me about the book they have been planning to write but have never yet found the time? Far too many.‎ This is life, all right, but we do treat it like a rehearsal (排演) and, unhappily, we do miss so many of its best moments.‎ We take jobs to stay alive and provide homes for our families always making ourselves believe that this style of life is merely a temporary state of affairs along the road to what we really want to do.Then, at 60 or 65, we are suddenly presented with a clock and several grandchildren and we look back and realize that all those years waiting for Real Life to come along were in fact real life.‎ In America they have a saying much laughed at by the English: “Have a nice day” they speak slowly and seriously in their shops, hotels and sandwich bars.I think it is a wonderful phrase, reminding us, in effect, to enjoy the moment: to value this very day.‎ How often do we say to ourselves, “I’ll take up horse-riding (or golf, or sailing) as soon as I get a higher position,” only to do none of those things when I do get the higher position.‎ When I first became a reporter I knew a man who gave up a very well paid respectable job at the Daily Telegraph to go and edit a small weekly newspaper.At the time I was astonished by what appeared to me to be his completely abnormal mental state.How could anyone turn his back on Fleet Street in central London for a small local area? I wanted to know.‎ Now I am a little older and possibly wiser, I see the sense in it.In Fleet Street the man was under continual pressure.He lived in an unattractive London suburb and he spent much of his life sitting on Southern Region trains.‎ ‎1.The first paragraph of the passage tells us that ______.‎ A.we always try to find some time to write a book B.we always make plans but seldom fulfil them C.we always enjoy many of life’s best moments D.we always do what we really want to do ‎2.The underlined phrase “turn his back on” (paragraph 6) most probably means _____.‎ A.leave for B.return to C.give up D.rely on ‎3.The man (paragraph 6) left his first job partly because he was ______.‎ A.in an abnormal mental state B.under too much pressure C.not well paid D.not respected ‎4.What is probably the best title for the passage?‎ A.Provide Homes For Our Family B.Take Up Horse-riding C.Value This Very Day D.Stay Alive ‎ (十一)‎ The young boy saw me, or rather, he saw the car and quickly ran up to me, eager to sell his hunches (串) of bananas and bags of peanuts.Though he appeared to be about twelve, he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life.“Banana 300 naira.Peanuts 200 naira.” He said in a low voice.I bargained him down to 200 total for the fruit and nuts.When he agreed, I handed him a 500 naira bill.He didn’t have change, so I told him not to worry.He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.‎ When, two weeks later, I saw the boy again, I was more aware of my position in a society where it’s not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun.My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us.‎ I pulled over and rolled down my window.He had a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts ready.I waved them away.“What’s up?” I asked him.“I … I don’t have money to buy books for school.” I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh 500 naira bills.“Will this help?” I asked.He looked around nervously before taking the money.One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about 5,000 naira or less each year.“Thank you, sir,” he said.“Thank you very much!”‎ When driving home, I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks.What if he’s a swindler (骗子)? And then I wondered why I did it.Did I do it to make myself feel better? Was I using him? Later, I realized that I didn’t know his name or the least bit about him, nor did I think to ask.‎ Over the next six months, I was busy working in a news agency in northern Nigeria.Sometime after I returned, I went out for a drive.When I was about to pull over, the boy suddenly appeared by my window with a big smile ready on his face.‎ ‎“Oh, gosh! Long time.”‎ ‎“Are you in school now?” I asked.‎ He nodded.‎ ‎“That’s good,” I said.A silence fell as we looked at each other, and then I realized what he ‎ wanted.“Here,” I held out a 500 naira bill.“Take this.” He shook his head and stepped back as if hurt.“What’s wrong?” I asked.“It’s a gift.”‎ He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back.His face shone with sweat.He dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in the front seat before he said, “I’ve been waiting to give these to you.”‎ ‎1.What was the author’s first impression of the boy?‎ A.He seemed to be poor and greedy. B.He seemed to have suffered a lot.‎ C.He seemed younger than his age D.He seemed good at bargaining.‎ ‎2.The second time the author met the boy, the boy _____.‎ A.told him his purpose of selling fruit and nuts ‎ B.wanted to express his thanks C.asked him for money for his schoolbooks ‎ D.tried to take advantage of him ‎3.Why did the author give his money to the boy?‎ A.Because he had enough money to do that.‎ B.Because he had learnt to help others since childhood.‎ C.Because he held a higher position in the society.‎ D.Because he had been asked by the news agency to do so.‎ ‎4.Which of the following best describes the boy?‎ A.Brave and polite. B.Kind and smart.‎ C.Honest and thankful. D.Shy and nervous.‎ ‎ (十二)‎ Instead of hitting the beach, fourteen high school students traded swimming suits for lab coats last summer and turned their attention to scientific experiments.‎ The High School Research Program offers high school students guidance with researchers in Texas A&M’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.Jennifer Funkhouser, academic adviser for the Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management, directs this four-week summer program designed to increase understanding of research and its career potential.‎ Several considerations go into selecting students, including grades, school involvement and interest in science and agriculture.And many students come from poorer school districts,‎ ‎ Funkhouser says.“This is their chance to learn techniques and do experiments they never would have a chance to do in high school.”‎ Warner Ervin of Houston is interested in animal science and learned how to tell male from female mosquitoes.His adviser, Craig Coates, studies the genes of mosquitoes that allow them to fight against malaria and yellow fever.Coates thought this experience would be fun and helpful to the high school students.‎ The agricultural research at A&M differs from stereotypes.It’s “molecular (分子) science on the cutting edge,” Funkhouser says.The program broadened students’ knowledge.Victor Garcia of Rio Grande‎ ‎City hopes to become a biology teacher and says he learned a lot about chemistry from the program.‎ At the end of the program, the students presented papers on their research.They’re also paid $ 600 for their work—another way this program differs from others, which often charge a fee.‎ Fourteen students got paid to learn that science is fun, that agriculture is a lot more than milking and plowing and that research can open many doors.‎ ‎1.The research program is chiefly designed for ______.‎ A.high school advisers from ‎Houston B.college students majoring in agriculture C.high school students from different places D.researchers at the College‎ of ‎Agriculture and Life Science ‎2.It can be inferred from the text that the students in poorer areas ____.‎ A.had little chance to go to college B.could often take part in the program C.found the program useful to their future D.showed much interest in their high school experiments ‎3.When the program was over, the students ______.‎ A.entered that college B.wrote research reports C.paid for their research D.found way to make money ‎4.The underlined expression “on the cutting edge” in paragraph 5 means “on the most _____ position.”‎ A.important B.favourable C.astonishing D.advanced ‎5.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.A Program for Agricultural Science Students B.A Program for Animal Science Students C.A Program for Medical Science Lovers D.A Program for Future Science Lovers 参考答案 ‎(一) BADDA (二) CACDC (三) CDDBD (四)  DCB (五) CDBA ‎ (六) BADA (七) CBAA (八) ACD (九) DDCD (十) BCBC ‎(十一) BABC (十二) CCBDD ‎ ‎

