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‎2019高考英语新课件二轮练习精品单元卷03(详细解析)‎ ‎  Unit 4-Unit 5 (Book4)‎ ‎(试卷总分100分 考试时间100分钟)‎ 特别关注 本单元重点句型及结构:avoid doing, be wrong about, at ease, involve sb./sth.in doing, come to life, in advance, may have done用来表示对过去的推测,nor...引导倒装句,with复合结构等。本单元出现的语法是主谓一致、动词ing的用法和构词法。其中动词ing用法为重点语法。‎ 查的重点是:作宾语、主语和宾语补主语;3.主语后跟连词和介词短语的主谓一致。‎ 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节:单项填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。‎ ‎1.What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ______better. ‎ ‎ A. need have done B. must have done ‎ C. can have done D. might have done ‎1【解析】选D。考查情态动词用法。句意为:多遗憾啊!鉴于他的能力和经验, 他可能会做得更好些的。表示对过去事情的推测用“情态动词+have done”, can和might都可以表示“可能性”, 但can常指逻辑上具备的可能性或偶尔的可能性, 而might指客观可能性; must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测, 意为“一定”; 根据题意可知, 答案应为D。‎ ‎2.—I’m sorry. I _______at you the other day. ‎ ‎ —Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. ‎ ‎ A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted ‎ C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted ‎2.【解析】选B。考查情态动词。句意:“对不起, 几天前, 我本不该向你大喊大叫的。”“忘了吧, 不要往心里去, 我自己也有点失控。”B项表示对过去情况的推测, 意为“本不该做某事可实际上却做了”, 符合题意。‎ ‎3.I just avoided _________ over the cat when I went across the street the day before yesterday. ‎ ‎ A. to run B. run C. running D. being run ‎ A. ‎【解释】选C。考查avoid的用法,avoid后只能跟doing。‎ B. ‎ His mind was never _________ from the first day he got married.‎ ‎ A. at ease B. at present C. in advance D. in time ‎ ‎4.【解释】选A。只有答案at ease符合本句的意思,其它都表示时间。 5.. —Have you found anything interesting? ‎ ‎ —None of the information ________particularly useful to me. ‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. have D. Has ‎5.【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。依据后文的particularly useful可以排除C、D两项。而information又是不可数名词, 所以谓语动词应用单数。‎ ‎6. —Do the students learn any foreign language in your school? ‎ ‎ —Yes, more than one _______taught in this school.‎ ‎ A. language is B. language are ‎ C. language be D. languages are ‎6【解析】选A。考查主谓一致。句意为; ——你们学校的学生学习外语吗? ——是的。我们学校不止教一种语言 ‎7. He told me that he had mailed part of the samples and that the rest ________in a few days. ‎ ‎ A. was following B. have followed ‎ C. has followed D. were following ‎7.【解析】选D。考查时态和主谓一致。句意为; 他告诉我部分样品已经寄出, 剩下的(样品)几天后寄出。从时态角度考虑, 本句讲的是过去的事情, 故用过去时, 排除B、C两项; 然后考虑主谓一致原则, the rest相当于the rest of the samples, 表复数, 故谓语动词需用复数形式, 故答案为D。‎ ‎8 An experienced doctor usually judges a patient’s illness according to the various________. ‎ ‎ A. signs B. symptoms ‎ C. signals D. Appearances ‎8.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。sign标记, 迹象, 记号; symptom症状; signal信号; appearance外观, 外表。显然只有B项符合题意, 即医生根据病人的症状判断病情。‎ ‎9 With his wise thoughts about _______nature and the world, Confucius is a great thinker in ‎ ‎ ________history of China. ‎ ‎ A. 不填; the B. the; the C. 不填; 不填 D. the; 不填 ‎9.【解析】选A。考查冠词的用法。nature表示“自然”时, 为不可数名词, 前面不用冠词。第二空处的history后面有修饰成分, 特指“中国历史”, 所以要使用定冠词。‎ ‎10. A lack of ________of cultural differences to local customs can create problems. ‎ ‎ A. existence B. revolution ‎ C. awareness D. evidence 14. ‎【解析】选C。句意为; 缺乏地方习俗之间存在文化差异的意识可能会引发问题。awareness意识; existence存在; revolution革命; evidence证据。‎ 15. Because of the Russian gas limit to Europe, attempts _________to use botanical fuel as a ‎ ‎ source of power. ‎ A. have made B. having made C. are being made D. will be making ‎11.【解析】选C。考查时态和语态。句意为:由于俄罗斯限制向欧洲出口天然气, 他们正在努力用植物燃料来作为一种新的能源。此处的make和attempts之间是动宾关系, 故用被动语态。‎ ‎12. —Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch. ‎ ‎—Yeah, well, I __________all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my ‎ eyes open.‎ A. stayed up B. have stayed up C. have been staying up D. will stay up 16. ‎【解析】选A。考查动词的时态。从语意“我熬了整整一夜准备历史考试, 现在眼睛都睁不开了。”可知, stay up的动作发生在过去, 时态应该用一般过去时, 故应该选A项。‎ ‎13. We do not know how astronauts can _______ when they spend months in space without the protection of the atmosphere. ‎ ‎ A. get off B. get up ‎ C. get along D. get in 17. ‎【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 没有大气层的保护, 我们不知道宇航员在太空的这几个月是如何活下来的。get off离开; get up起床; get along相处, 活下来; get in到达, 收割。根据句意可知选C。‎ ‎14. You needn’t add any explanation here because the meaning of that word will be ________ very clearly in the next paragraph. ‎ ‎ A. picked out B. brought out ‎ C. brought up D. looked up 18. ‎【解析】选B。考查动词短语。根据句意可知, 不用添加解释的原因是在下文中这个词的含义会被讲得很清楚。bring out阐明, 符合题意。pick out挑出来; bring up提出, 抚养; look up 抬头看。‎ ‎15. —Mr. Black, this is our language lab. Would you like to go in and have a look? ‎ ‎ —OK. __________ ! ‎ ‎ A. Help yourself B. This way ‎ C. Follow me D. After you ‎15.【解析】选D。考查交际用语。After you! 请你先走。‎ ‎16. Many people agree that never in history _________ a more splendid opening ceremony than that of the Beijing Olympics. ‎ ‎ A. there were B. has there been ‎ C. there has been D. were there ‎16.【解析】选B。考查倒装结构。在从句中, 否定副词never置于句首, 所以要用部分倒装。从句中的主语为opening ceremony, 因此排除D, 应选B项。‎ ‎17.All the dishes in this menu, ________otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. ‎ ‎ A. as B. if C. though D. Unless ‎17.【解析】选D。考查状语从句。句意为:菜单上所有饭菜, 除非另外说明, 将供2~3人就餐。根据句意可知应选D。unless otherwise stated是unless they are otherwise stated的省略形式。as由于; if如果; though尽管, 均不符合语境。‎ ‎18. At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see ________it got any better. ‎ A. when B. how C. why D. if ‎18.【解析】选D。考查宾语从句。句意为:起初他讨厌这份新工作, 但他决定给自己几个月看看情况是否会有所改善。根据句意应用if。when表时间; how表方式; why表原因; 均不符合语境。‎ ‎19. Wishing to get a million in the lottery(彩票), ________many among us now do, is simply ‎ ‎ foolish. ‎ ‎ A. which B. what C. that D. As ‎19.【解析】选D。考查定语从句。what和that均不能引导非限制性定语从句, 排除B和C项。as意为“正如……”, 而which无此义。‎ ‎20. In our next English class the cases will be offered to you ________these phrases can be used together. ‎ A. that B. which C. who D. where ‎20.【解析】选D。先行词cases意为“情况”, 因此定语从句应用关系副词where。当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词表示“情况、方面、处境”时用关系副词where。 ‎ 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;第小题1分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案。‎ ‎ Is the world really going mad? __21.___day I was sittng in a restaurant.__ 22__ a quick drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly ___23__ me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long .__24___ the whole room was .__25___ with smoke. I asked with an apology for __26___ to open a window to stop myself ___27__!‎ ‎ Nowadays air pollution is something that hardly question any more. However, I still can’t walk down the street in any of the big cities without ___28__ that people are __29__ the air pollution. It is time for the government departments of the world to introduce emission(废气排放) controls on all cars and __30___ the public transport system(公共交通体系) to encourage people to ___31__ their cars at home. A friend of mine takes flying lesson each morning and it really makes him ___32__ when he climbs above the smog layer(烟雾) and looks down ___33__ it and thinks: “I’m breathing that!” This kind of __34___ results from the bad management of resources. Waste things can __35___ should, be treated properly. House building, road __36___, and industrial development are all earthmoving(or earth-reducing) operations and can change the balances of __37___ created over millions of years. I would like to __38___serious studies done on all these main works before they are built. Also, there should be __39___ national parks set up to keep the most beautiful parts of our countries in their natural __40___.‎ ‎21.A.The other B. Another C. Every D. Each ‎22.A.asking for B. drinking C. having D. buying ‎ ‎23.A.seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed ‎ ‎24.A.ago B. after C. before D. now ‎25.A.full B. filled C. crowed D. parked ‎26.A.promise B. help C. suggestion D. permission ‎27.A.standing B. sitting C. talking D. dying ‎28.A.thinking B. persuading C. deciding D. learning ‎29.A.suffering B. dying C. walking D. standing ‎30.A.increase B. reduce C. improve D. raise ‎31.A.wash B. repair C. drive D. leave ‎32.A. sick B. tired C. foolish D. excited ‎33.A.on B. at C. from D. for ‎34.A.discussion B. question C. pollution D. operation ‎35.A.but B. yet C. still D. and ‎36.A.work B. construction C. building D. setting ‎37.A.life B. mind C. human being D. plants ‎38.A.see B. start C. enjoy D. pay ‎39.A.few B. any C. more D. no ‎40.A.situation B. states C. soils D. places 答案简析:‎ ‎21、【解析】选A。the other day意为“几天前”,可以用作状语。 ‎ ‎22、【解析】选C。四个选项中只有have可以同时后接a drink和a talk这样两个宾语。‎ ‎23、【解析】选B。it 为形式主语,that从句为真主语从句,全句意为“餐馆里几乎每个人都在抽烟,此事突然引起了我的注意”。A、C不能接人,应予排除,show表示人为地展示给他人看,在此不合语境。‎ ‎24、【解析】选C。it is not long before …是一个句型,表示没过多久就……,由此可以看出烟雾之大。 ‎ ‎25、【解析】选B。根据意义和搭配不难选定。 ‎ ‎26、【解析】选D。ask for permission意为“请求允许”,其他三个选项不合逻辑。‎ ‎27、【解析】选D。这里有点夸张的味道,从句末的感叹号上也能体会出作者当时的心情。 ‎ ‎28、【解析】选A。这里的双重否定表示“一上街就自然地…”。B、C、D三项明显不合逻辑。 ‎ ‎29、【解析】选A。从词语搭配角度考虑。 ‎ ‎30、【解析】选C。只有真正地“改善了公共交通系统,才能使市民弃用私车”。 ‎ ‎31、【解析】选D。目的就是要鼓励人们把车“停放”在家中。‎ ‎32、【解析】选A。由于高空中的烟雾,作者朋友在上飞行课时自然会感到身体,尤其是眼睛不舒服,由作者朋友的心理活动I’m breathing that也可作出这种推断。‎ ‎33、【解析】选B。在高处向下看物体应用look down at sth。‎ ‎34、【解析】选C。空中的烟雾应该视作一种“污染”。 ‎ ‎35、【解析】选B。此处为递进关系,表示“能且应该”,故用and。 ‎ ‎36、【解析】选D。道路应用“建设(construction)”。building表示房屋的“建筑”,应排除。 ‎ ‎37、【解析】选A。另三个选项不能概全。 ‎ ‎38、【解析】选A。这里表达的是作者的一种愿望。‎ ‎39、【解析】选C。作者意思是指要通过建公园来保护环境。根据意义不难排除另三个选项。 ‎ ‎40、【解析】选B。保持自然状态以用states为好。‎ ‎ 第二部分:阅读能力提高(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项。‎ A When one looks back upon the fifteen hundred years that are the life span of the English language, he should be able to notice a number of significant truths. The history of our language has always been a history of constant change—at times a slow, almost imperceptible change, at other times a violent collision between two languages. Our language has always been a living growing organism, it has never been static. Another significant truth that emerges from such a study is that language at all times has been the possession not of one class or group but of many. At one extreme it has been the property of the common, ignorant folk, who have used it in the daily business of their living, much as they have used their animals or the kitchen pots and pans. At the other extreme it has been the treasure of those who have respected it as an instrument and a sign of civilization, and who have struggled by writing it down to give it some permanence, order, dignity, and if possible, a little beauty. ‎ As we consider our changing language, we should note here two developments that are of special and immediate importance to us. One is that since the time of the Anglo-Saxons there has been an almost complete reversal of the different devices for showing the relationship of words ‎ in a sentence. Anglo-Saxon (old English) was a language of many inflections. Modern English has few inflections. We must now depend largely on word order and function words to convey the meanings that the older language did by means of changes in the forms of words. Function words, you should understand, are words such as prepositions, conjunctions, and a few others that are used primarily to show relationships among other words. A few inflections, however, have survived. And when some word inflections come into conflict with word order, there may be trouble for the users of the language, as we shall see later when we turn our attention to such maters as WHO or WHOM and ME or I. The second fact we must consider is that as language itself changes, our attitudes toward language forms change also. The eighteenth century, for example, produced from various sources a tendency to fix the language into patterns not always set in and grew, until at the present time there is a strong tendency to restudy and re-evaluate language practices in terms of the ways in which people speak and write. ‎ ‎41.In contrast to the earlier linguists, at present, more and more attention is paid to_________.‎ A. the standardization of the language ‎ B. language practices in terms of current speech rather than standards or proper patterns ‎ C. the improvement of the language than its history ‎ D. the rules of the language usage ‎ ‎42.From the study we know that language is ________.‎ A. a possession of upper class. ‎ B. a possession of lower class. ‎ C. a possession of the whole society. ‎ D. the only property of those who treasure it much. ‎ ‎43.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? ‎ A. It is generally believed that the year 1500 can be set as the beginning of the Modern English.‎ B. Some other languages had great influence on the English language in its development. ‎ C. The English language has been and still in a state of relatively constant change. ‎ D. Many classes or groups have contributed to the development of the English language. ‎ ‎44.The author of these paragraphs is probably a(an) _________. ‎ A. writer specially interested in English ‎ B. person who pays much attention to people of lower classs ‎ C. teacher who teaches the English language ‎ D. expert in studying languages ‎ ‎45.Which of the following can be best used as the title of the passage? ‎ A. The history of the English language. ‎ B. Our changing attitude towards the English language. ‎ C. Our changing language. ‎ D. Some characteristics of modern English. ‎ ‎【答案与简析】‎ ‎41.B 细节理解题。这篇文章讲的主要是现代语言研究与早期研究的不同。根据文章末尾“The eighteenth century, for example, produced from … in which people speak and write.”可知, 现代语言学家倾向于根据人们说和写的方式评价语言实践,而不是像早期的语言学家根据一定的模式评价语言。选项B符合文章的意思。【教学启示】‎ 根据题干回原文中定位,阅读文章时注意首末段及各段开头的句子,这往往都是考点所在。‎ ‎42.C 细节理解题。从第一段中间“Another significant truth…..”直到结尾部分,阐明语言是所有社会阶层的共同财富,只是使用时有所不同。‎ ‎43.A 细节理解题。根据文章的内容,选项A“普遍认为1500年是现代英语的起点”在文章中没有提到。‎ ‎44.D 推理判断题。此题考查考生的推测能力和词汇量,文章讲述的是英国语言演进的具体细节,最适当的答案应该是D。作者很可能是一位语言学家,而不仅仅是教授英语的教师,所以排除C项。‎ ‎45.C 主旨大意题。本文从各个方面谈及英语作为一种语言的发展变化,但并不是讲述英语的历史。所以选项A不对,选项C作为文章的题目最为贴切。选项B只是文章阐述的一个方面,不够全面。文章是在谈到英语的不断变化的时候谈到了现代英语的一些特点,所以选项D也失之于片面。‎ B Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child --- or even an animal, such as a pigeon --- can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.‎ ‎ Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a nice face looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a nice person, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.‎ ‎ There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing his personality.‎ ‎ Bookworms, conservatives(保守派), military(军人或军事的)types --- people are described with such terms. People have always tried to type each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s or the hero’s role. In fact, the words “person” and “personality” come from the Latin persona, meaning mask. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the good guys from the bad guys because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.‎ ‎46.The passage tells the readers ______.‎ A. how to describe people’s faces B. how to describe people’s personality C. how to differ good persons from bad ones D. how to describe people both inward and outward ‎47. What is the possible role of the writer?‎ ‎ A. Psychologist B. Behaviorist C. Writer D. Sociologist ‎48. Which of the following is incorrect?‎ A. Different people may have different personalities.‎ B. People differ from each in appearance.‎ C. People can describe all the features of others.‎ D. People can learn to recognize faces.‎ ‎49. It is easier to describe a person’s personality in words than his face because ______.‎ A. a person’s face is more complex than his personality B. a person’s personality is easily distinguished C. people’s personalities are very alike D. many words are available when people try to describe one’s personality ‎50. People classify a person into certain type according to ______.‎ A. his way of acting and thinking ‎ B. his way of speaking and behaving C. his learning and behavior D. his physical appearance and his personality ‎【答案与解析】‎ ‎46.D 主旨大意题。根据文章的整体内容可以看出,文章是在讲述如何描述人的内在和外在的特征。‎ ‎47.A 推断题。根据文章所谈到的内容,可以推断出作者是一位心理学家,另外,文章第三段还提到了“Gordon, an American psychologist”.‎ ‎48. C 判断题。文章第一段第三句提到“Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another.”故 C项说法不对。‎ ‎49.D 细节推断题。根据文章第三段第二提到“Gordon, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior.”‎ ‎50. D 推断题。根据文章内容,作者从人的外在特征和内在性格特征来描述不同的人,文章最后一段第一句也说明这一点,因此可以推断出人们是根据外在特征和内在特征来把人分类的。‎ C Georgia was waking up to a new president Monday but it was also getting as its first lady a greeneyed linguist from Holland who has already managed to cast a spell over the little Caucasus nation. Sandra Roelofs is seen by some as the secret weapon which enables her husband Saakashvili to win in this presidential election.‎ ‎ She runs an investment consultancy(投资咨询公司), speaks six languages and some believe she is the real brains behind her husband’s rise to power.‎ ‎ Roelofs, who is a year younger than her husband, met him in 1993 when he was studying an international law programme in Strasbourg, France. She planed to go from there to Somalis as an aid worker but Saakashvili persuaded her to go with him instead to New York, where he had got a scholarship. They married soon after and when Saakashvili returned to his native Georgia to begin a career in politics, she went with him.‎ ‎ She has enchanted(使人心醉) many of her adopted countrymen. The mention of her name sends women swooning(神魂颠倒), and melts the tough expressions of strong Georgian men.“You can really tell that she cares about people,” says a resident of the capital, Tbilisi.“She runs a hunitarian organization. She is smart and pretty and kind and did you hear the way she speaks Georgian? Perfectly!”‎ ‎ The new first lady’s looks and intelligence play a large part in her appeal. But Georgians are ‎ especially taken by her simple manner. She has said that she plans to keep living in the family’s modest flat, even though they have the right to move into a luxurious government residence. “She doesn’t care about fancy houses and cars.” said Malika, a 29yearold civil servant in Tbilisi.‎ ‎51. The underlined part “cast a spell over” means_________.‎ A. cast a shadow over B. attract ‎ C. love D. respect ‎52. Which of the following can be best used to describe Sandra Roelofs?‎ A. Proud. B. Hardworking. C. Charming. D. Humble.‎ ‎53.What moves Georgians most is that Sandra Roelofs is very ________.‎ A. pretty B. modest C. intelligent D. plain ‎【答案与解析】‎ ‎51.B 词语猜测题。从全文来看,我们知道她已经设法赢得了格鲁吉亚国人的信任和支持,故B项与之存在因果关系,符合题意。‎ ‎52.C 主旨大意题。根据...the secret weapon which enables her husband Saakashvili to win in this presidential election及文中第四段前两句等处我们可以看出Roelofs是个很有魅力的女人。‎ ‎53.D 细节理解题。根据But Georgians are especially taken by her simple manner可知,令格鲁吉亚国人格外感动的是她的朴实态度。‎ D ‎ People and the sources of air pollution are found in the same places. This means that cities with large populations have the biggest problem of dirty air. Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major source of air pollution is the gas fumes from cars. Statistics show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities. Another major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much more electricity is used in the city than in the country.‎ ‎ On the average, we throw away more trash and garbage than the year before. The burning of garbage contributes to air pollution. Many major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around cities. The fumes from iron, steel, chemical, and petroleum production add particles to the air.‎ ‎ The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death. The levels of pollution found in heavy for traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear vision. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrode. In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the live of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death.‎ ‎54.The key point of the passage is that _________.‎ ‎ A. the cause of air pollution is people ‎ B. the causes and the effects of air pollution are both found in cities ‎ C. the effects of air pollution range from headaches to death ‎ D. air pollution is caused by dirty air ‎55.What is the purpose of this passage?‎ ‎ A. to persuade people to stop polluting the air ‎ B. to tell the causes of air pollution ‎ C. to tell why cities are bad places to live ‎ D. to describe why cities are bad places to live ‎56. Why is air pollution more grave in the city than in the country?‎ ‎ A. Because there larger populations in cities.‎ ‎ B. Because the air in the city is dirty.‎ ‎ C. Because there are more cars in the city.‎ D. Because there are much more gas fumes from cars and burning of coal and oil for energy ‎ in the city than in the country.‎ ‎【答案与简析】‎ ‎54. B 主旨题。纵观全文,文章的前半部分讲的是导致污染的原因,而后半部分讲的是污染的结果。而A只强调起因,C只强调结果,D与本文没有什么关系。所以B为正确答案。‎ ‎55.A。推理题。文章没有直接说写这篇文章的目的。但我们从受污染的结果可以推断出写这篇文章的目的就是要我们减少污染。所以A为正确答案。‎ ‎56. D 细节题。第一段后半部分说明,空气污染的主要原因是汽车的废气和用来发电的煤和油的燃烧。而汽车和电在城市里比在郊区用得多。故D正确。‎ E A new weapon is on the way in the fight against smoking in Europe. Soon when smokers buy cigarettes, they might see a shocking photo of a blackened lung or a cancer patient staring back at them from the packet.‎ ‎ Some boys may think of smoking as cool and sexy. Their friends won’t agree when they see their packets of cigarettes lying on the table.‎ The European Union announced on October 22, that it had chosen 42 photos that showed the damage cigarettes could do to the body. It called on member nations to put these pictures on packets to discourage young smokers. ‎ To catch the attention of teenagers, the special packets warn of long-term medical dangers, like cancer. Short-term effects, like bad skin, are also on the list.‎ ‎“The true fact of smoking is disease, death and horror. That is the message we should send to the young,” said David Byrne, an EU health official. “Hopefully these pictures will shock students out of their love for cigarettes.”‎ The EU head office hoped the pictures would work better than current written warnings on packs of cigarettes. The warning included “smoking kills” and “smoking can lead to a slow and painful death.”‎ So far, Ireland and Belgium have shown interest in the photos. Canada has used similar pictures and warnings on cigarette packs since 2000. The country has recently seen a fall in the number of smokers.‎ According to studies, smoking is the single biggest cause of avoidable death in EU. Every year more than 650,000 smokers die, more than one person a minute. ‎ ‎57.What would be the best title for the text? A. New Ways to Stop Smoking. B. Pictures to Shock Smokers.‎ ‎ C. New Packers of Cigarettes. D. Dangers of Smoking.‎ ‎58.Which of the following is NOT the true face of smoking? ‎ ‎ A. Disease. B. Death. C. Horror. D. Happinese.‎ ‎59.We can learn from the test that _______.‎ ‎ A. The EU countries have put the new warning method into practice ‎ B. only a small number of the EU countries have used the new warning method ‎ C. the new warning method has worked in some EU countries ‎ D. countries in the EU still use the old warning method ‎60.Which country is most successful in stopping smoking?‎ ‎ A. Ireland. B. Belgium. C. Canada. D. EU ‎【答案与简析】‎ ‎57.B 主旨大意题。本文属新闻报道类,第一段交代了文章的中心,欧盟号召成员国采取一些宣传吸烟有害健康的照片,以此来警示吸烟者。‎ ‎58.D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一句“The true fact of smoking is disease, death and horror.可知应选D。‎ ‎59.D 推理判断题。分析文章的信息,我们可以得出结论,文章介绍的一种新措施仅仅还是一个设想,还没有付诸实施,因此断定欧盟国家仍旧沿用旧的警示方式。‎ ‎60.C 细节理解题。文章倒数第二段说明加拿大因为采取了类似的警示措施,吸烟人数有所下降。Canada has used similar pictures and warnings on cigarette packs since 2000. The country has recently seen a fall in the number of smokers.‎ 第三部分:写作(满分20分)‎ 请根据以下中文提示,用英语向来访的贵宾介绍你校新建的网络学校(net-school)。‎ ‎1.使教和学更方便,更有趣,能在课堂上获取更多的信息,学到更多知识。‎ ‎2.向师生开放,可向世界各地发送电子邮件,获取信息,等等。‎ ‎3.只要家中有电脑,任何人都可以学习本校课程。‎ ‎4.有助于改善学校的管理,满足现代化教育的需要。‎ ‎5.作为重点学校(key school),对于其他的新建中学起示范和帮助作用。‎ 注意:1.短文须包含上面提示,可以适当增减内容使文章连贯。‎ ‎2.词数:120左右。‎ Ladies and gentlemen,‎ ‎ Welcome to our school. Now I would like to introduce our net-school ‎ Our net-school is very helpful in many ways. First, it makes both teaching and learning easier and more interesting. Students can get more knowledge in class. Whoever has a computer can have the lesson we give at home. Second, we can make good use of the Internet, sending e-mails,‎ searching for any information we need, etc. Third, the net also helps improve our school management and meet the needs of modern education. Fourth, as a key school in our city, it sets a good example to the newly-built schools and may be of some help to them.‎ ‎ That’s all. Thank you.‎

