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Unit 6 Do you like bananas? tennis racket Soccer ball tennis ball basketball volleyball ping-pong bat Revision (some sports things) √ √ √ √ √ √ ? Review Do you have a/an…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I have….. I don’t have….. Do you have….? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 第一、第二人称 第三人称单数 She has….. She doesn’t have….. Does she have….? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 第三人称复数 They have….. They don’t have….. Do they have….? Yes, they do./ No, they don’t. Do Tom and his father have baseballs? Yes, they do./ No, they don’t. 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 a banana banana s a hamburger hamburger s a tomato five tomato es french fr ies = potato chip s 薯条 an orange two orange s a strawberry(草莓) many strawberr ies a pear four pear s a carrot carrot s ice cream 冰淇淋 salad (沙拉) broccoli broccoli 花椰菜 hamburger s tomato es broccoli French fr ies orange ice cream salad banana s strawberr ies pear s d g a h e f c b i j tomato es broccoli carrot s vegetables Fruits and vegetables are healthy( 健康的) food (食物) banana s apple s strawberr ies orange s pear s fruits French fries ice cream salad hamburger s e Let’s know other ( 其他的) food ( 食物 ) egg s chicken I like banana s . I don’t like pear s . I like hamburger s . I don’t like orange s . I like tomato es . I like French fr ies . I don’t like strawberr ies . 你能从下列句子中发现什么呢? I like broccoli. I like ice cream. I don’t like salad. 从上列句子中你又能发现什么? 可数名词 不可数名词 + s / es 可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) 定义:是 可以 计数的名词。 可数名词前 可以 用 a , an 限定,表示一个….。 可数名词前 可以 用 one, two , three… 限定。 可数名词 有 复数形式。 可数名词复数的形成: 情况 构成方法 词例 一般情况 加 -s s, sh, ch, x 等结尾的词 加 -es 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的词 变 y 为 i ,再加 -es map—map s bag---bag s boy—boy s photo-photo s watch--watch es bus----bus es family—famil ies strawberry- strawberr ies 不规则变化 tomato-tomato es 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) 定义:是指 不能 计数的名词。 不可数名词前 不可以 用 a , an 限定。 不可数名词前 不可以 用 one, two , three… 限定。 不可数名词 没有 复数形式。 chicken ice cream salad Countable and uncountable nouns 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数名词 定义:在某些情况下 能 计数,在某些情况下 不能 计数的名词。 e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉 (2)an ice cream 一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份) (3)a salad 一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉(指成份) 可数名词 hamburger tomato French fr ies orange ice cream salad banana s strawberr ies pear s 不可数名词 broccoli 既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词 salad ice cream chicken Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 2 tomato es broccoli carrot s vegetables Fruits and vegetables are healthy( 健康的) foods (食物) banana s apple s strawberr ies orange s pear s fruits French fr ies ice cream salad hamburger s Let’s know other ( 其他的) food ( 食物 ) egg s chicken 可数名词 : 1. 是可以计数的名词; 2. 可数名词前可以用 a, an, the, one 或物主代词 ; 3. 可数名词有复数形式 , 前面可以接数量。 不可数名词 : 1. 是不能计数的名词; 2. 不可数名词前不可以用 a, an ,但可用 the, some ; 3. 不可数名词前不可以接数量, 4. 不可数名词没有复数形式 可数名词 hamburger tomato French fr ies orange banana egg strawberry pear 不可数名词 broccoli 既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词 salad ice cream chicken s es s s strawberr ies s 本章单词归类 s 单词拼写 1.Those are _______( 香蕉)。 2.It is __________( 花椰菜)。 3. I have two___________( 冰淇淋)。 4. I like _________( 冰淇淋)。 5. I like ___________.( 薯条) bananas broccoli ice creams ice cream French fr ies hamburger s tomato es broccoli French fr ies orange ice cream salad banana s strawberr ies pear s d g a h e f c b i j Who has good eyes? hamburgers Who has good eyes? tomatoes Who has good eyes? apples Who has good eyes? oranges Who has good eyes? French fries Who has good eyes? strawberries Who has good eyes? eggs Who has good eyes? pears What are these? They’re tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. What are these? They’re oranges. Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. It’s broccoli. What’s this? Do you like broccoli ? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 1b Listening A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don ’ t. A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 2 3 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. I like bananas. No, I don ’ t. I don ’ t like bananas. Listen and circle hamburgers pears broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas 2a 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks broccoli broccoli ice cream ice cream broccoli broccoli ice cream an ice cream Do you like__________? __________. strawberries Yes, I do Does she like strawberries ? Yes, she does Do you like salad? No, I don’t. Do you like salad? No, I don’t. Does he like salad? No, he doesn’t. Work in pairs A:Does she/he like…? B: Yes, she/ he does. She/He like s …. No, she /he doesn’t. She/He doesn’t like… Name eggs tomatoes bananas salad apples carrots Mary Bob Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 3 fruits an orange a strawberry a pear a banana Do you like oranges ? vegetable vegetable s a potato br o cc o li a carrot a tomato Do you like tomato es/.. ? Food in KFC fast food a hamburger salad chicken French fries ice cream Do you like hamburger s ? chicken ice cream salad Countable and uncountable nouns 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数名词 定义:在某些情况下 能 计数,在某些情况下 不能 计数的名词。 e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉 (2)an ice cream 一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份) (3)a salad 一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉(指成份) Memory Game: Look at the pictures for 2 minutes, then say the food words.( 看图两分钟,说出食物名称) Bob Bill 3.Draw  or  in the chart         Look at page 33 and 82. 4 Food Survey Do you like…? Food likes it doesn't like it tomatoes Liu Li Zhao Jun hamburgers bananas French fries broccoli salad ice cream Grammar Focus 1 Do _____ like salad ? you Yes , I do . No , I don’t . Do _____ like salad ? they Yes , they do . No , they don’t . Grammar Focus 2 Does _____ like salad ? he Yes , he does . No , he doesn’t . Does _____ like salad ? she Yes , she does . No , she doesn’t . Grammar Focus 3 I like __________ . I don’t like _________ . They like _______ . They don’t like _________ . tomato es salad strawberr ies broccoli Grammar Focus 4 He He doesn’t She She doesn’t hamburger s. ice cream . French fries. bananas. like s like like s like Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 4 hamburger s tomato es strawberr ies broccoli orange s salad carrot s vegetable s fruit s French fr ies ice cream banana s egg s chicken apple s 可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) 定义:是 可以 计数的名词。 可数名词前 可以 用 a , an 限定,表示一个….。 可数名词前 可以 用 one, two , three… 限定。 可数名词 有 复数形式。 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) 定义:是指 不能 计数的名词。 不可数名词前 不可以 用 a , an 限定。 不可数名词前 不可以 用 one, two , three… 限定。 不可数名词 没有 复数形式。 可数名词复数的形成: 情况 构成方法 词例 一般情况 加 -s s, sh, ch, x 等结尾的词 加 -es 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的词 变 y 为 i ,再加 -es map—map s bag---bag s boy—boy s photo-photo s watch--watch es bus----bus es family—famil ies strawberry- strawberr ies 不规则变化 tomato-tomato es chicken ice cream salad Countable and uncountable nouns 既可数又不可数 fruit 1.I have_____egg and_____broccoli. A. a, a; B. an, a; C. an, /   2.I like ______ oranges. I don't like _______ orange.    A .these, those               B. those, this   C. that, these D. /, an 3------ what’s this? -------It’s______. A.banana. B.french fries. C.ice cream. D. egg 4.-----they have some______ and_______. A.tomatos, broccoli B. tomatoes, broccoli C.tomatoes, broccolis Do you like apple s ? 肯定: Yes, I do . 否定: No, I don’t . 一、一般疑问句及其回答形式 1 、第一、二人称 Do you like broccoli ? Yes, I do . No, I don’t . Do you and your brother like hamburger s ? Yes, we do . No, we don’t . Do they like eggs ? Yes, they do. No, they don't. 2 、第三人称复数 Do es she/he like French fr ies ? 肯定: Yes, she/he does . 否定: No, she/he doesn't. 3 、第三人称单数 Does your sister like orange s ? Yes, she does . No, she doesn't. 造句: Tom 的爸爸喜欢香蕉吗? Does Tom’s father like bananas? 否定: I/we don’t like chicken. 肯定: I/we like chicken . 二、陈述句形式:肯定句和否定句 1 、第一人称 肯定: My mother and I like bananas . 否定: My mother and I don’t like bananas. You like vegetables . You don’t like vegetables . No ! 2 、第二人称 They like strawberries. They don’t like strawberries. 3 、第三人称 ( 1 )复数 She/he likes pear s. She/he doesn't like pear s. ( 2 ) 、第三人称单数 Tom ’ friend likes ice cream. Tom ’ friend doesn't like ice cream. Exercises ---Does Tom like broccoli? ---_____, ____ _______. But Rose does. 2.My mother ______salad. But I don’t like.(like) 3.Do you like ___________? (strawberry) 4.She _______ like ice cream. 5.They like hamburgers. (一般疑问句) No he doesn’t likes strawberries doesn’t Do they like hamburgers ? 改写句子 : 1. His brother has lunch at home. 否定句 His brother lunch at home. doesn’t have Does like What do 4. She likes bananas . 划线提问 What does she like? 2 .He likes ice cream very much. 一般疑问 he ice cream very much? 3. I have a pen and a pencil . 划线提问 you have ? 4. Kay likes her new hat . 一般疑问 Kay her new hat? 5. Do they like salad for dinner? 肯否定回答 Yes, No, 6 他喜欢蔬菜吗?是的,他喜欢。 he vegetables ? Yes, Does like they do. they don’t. Does like he does. 7. She has two eggs for breakfast .( 一般疑问 ) she two eggs for breakfast? Does have are hamburgers What do don’t like 8. This is a hamburger .( 复数 ) These . 9.We have chicken and eggs for dinner. ( 划线提问 ) you have for dinner? 10. I like salad .( 否定 ) I salad. 3 4 7 9 6 8 10 2 5 1 Write the number in the box 1a fruits apples, vegetables broccoli, Groupwork: How many other words can you add to the lists? (四人一组写出其它单词,可用词典,看哪组写得最多) Listen and circle the words you hear. 2a broccoli 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5. ice cream 6. hamburger 7. banana 8. orange 9. carrots 10 chicken 2b Listen again and fill in the chart. breakfast lunch dinner 7:00 a.m 12:10 p.m 6:30 p.m What do you have/like for …..? lunch dinner/supper breakfast 早餐 中饭 晚饭 For breakfast, I like/have ….. For lunch, I like/have … For dinner, I like/have … Job: runner Name: Sandra Clark She eat s lots of healthy food. running star Runner eats well! Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For break- fast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. For lunch, she likes ham- burgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream. Read the article below. Underline the fruits and circle the vegetables. 3a What does Sandra like for breakfast? How about her lunch? What does she like for dinner? How about her dissert? For breakfast she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch she likes hamburgers, salad, and oranges. For dinner she likes chicken, tomatoes and French fries. For dessert, she likes ice cream. For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges, and bananas. For lunch, he likes _______________________________. And for dinner, he likes _______________________________ __________________. Write about what Tom likes to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 3b oranges, hamburgers and carrots broccoli, salad, chicken and ice cream 3c Write about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 1. 必做作业。介绍自己的饮食喜好。 I’m a ___________. For breakfast, I like ________________________________. For lunch, I like _____________________ ________________________________. And for dinner, I like _________________ ________________________________. 2. 选做作业。 介绍爸爸或者妈妈的饮食喜好。 饮食喜好:第三人称单数 My father eat s lots of healthy food. For breakfast, he like s egg s , banana s and apple s . For lunch, he like s hamburger s , salad and orange s . And for dinner, he has chicken, tomato es , French fr ies . For dessert, he eat s ice cream. 范例: 11.18 翻译练习。 1. 我喜欢香蕉。 2. 我不喜欢香蕉。 3.Lily 喜欢冰淇淋。 4.Peter 不喜欢冰淇淋。 5.Tom 和他的爸爸喜欢薯条。 6. Tom 和他的爸爸不喜欢薯条。 7. 你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢。 8. 他喜欢梨吗?是的,他喜欢。 9. 她喜欢鸡蛋吗?不,她不喜欢。 10. 他们喜欢鸡肉吗?是的,他们喜欢。 11.20 作业 1. 完成第六单元 SectionB 3a 3b 练习,明天上课检查。 2. 课本 P37-40 除了听力练习以外的习题完成。 11.22 作业 1. 写一段话介绍自己的饮食喜好。 2. (选做)介绍爸爸或者妈妈的饮食喜好。 3. 作业本第六单元完成。

