八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (11)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (11)_人教新课标

Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-1c --Do you like watching TV? --Yes,…/No,… What kinds of TV shows do you know? 电视节目 你知道哪些电视节目的种类? What’s this TV show(电视节目)? sgame show 电视游戏节目 a sports shows 体育节目 a talk shows 访谈节目 a sitcoms 情景喜剧 =situation comedy a soap operas 肥皂剧,连续剧 /səup/ a news 新闻节目 Look and match! A: talk show B: sports show C: game show D: sitcom E: soap opera F: news 1.______ 3.______ 2._____ 4.______ 5._____ 6.______ C B A D F E talent shows --What do you think of talent shows? --I love them. --What do you think of game shows? --I love them, too. --What do you think of sports shows? --I like them. --How do you like sports shows? mind: v. 介意 --What do you think of sitcoms? --I don't mind them. --What do you think of soap operas? --I don't like them. --What do you think of talk shows? --I can't stand them. stand :v.忍受;站立 A: What do you think of…? B:I…them. love like don’t mind don’t like can’t stand talk shows soap operas sports shows sitcoms game shows talent shows 1a 1. talk show ___ 2. soap opera ___ 3. sports show___ 4. sitcom ___ 5. game show ___ 6. talent show ____ 7. news _____ e d b c a b a c d e g f 3 1 4 2 can’t stand doesn’t mind What do you want to watch? What do you think of talk shows? 1c They’re OK. I don’t mind them. Then let’s watch a talk show. WORK IN THREE! A: What do you think of …? B: I don’t mind them/ it. A: What does he think of…? C: He doesn’t mind… … 喜羊羊与灰太狼 猫和老鼠 中国功夫 太极 爸爸去哪儿 中国好声音 天气预报 动物世界 鲁豫有约 Do you know them? Do you like them? Happy Sheep and Big Big Wolf Tom and Jerry Chinese Kungfu Taiji Dad, where are we going? Voice of China Weather Report Animal World A Date with Luyu You act. We guess! Can you be a superstar? Come here! Game Time! Homework : Interview your family about the TV shows. Then give us a report next class. THANK YOU!

