八年级上英语课件课时1 Section A (1a-2d)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件课时1 Section A (1a-2d)_人教新课标

人教版八年级上 课时1 Section A(1a-2d) 基础巩固练 提示:点击 进入习题 答案呈现 1 hard--working 2 Which 3 quietly 4 won 6 7 8 9 10 loudly competition better funnier   clearly 5 fantastic / great 11 12 13 15 D B A C14 B 基础巩固练 答案呈现 17 18 19 20 to study well with short hair something new gets up earlier 16 had fun / enjoyed themselves visiting 能力提升练 22 23 24 25 D A B E 21 G 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. Tom works hard at school. He is as ______________ (工作努力的)as his sister Alice. 2. W one do you want to use, the pen or the pencil? 3. Kate sat there q and said nothing. hard--working hich uietly 4. All the players did their best, and they ________(赢) the basketball game. 5. The world thinks China is very ______________ (了不起 的)because of Chang’e -4. won fantastic / great 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. Be quiet! Don’t speak ____________(loud) in the reading room. loudly 7. Last week our school had an English ______________ (compete). competition 8. Jim is __________ (good) at tennis than baseball. better 9. I think the story is ________ (funny) than the others. funnier 10. Sally isn’t wearing glasses, so she can’t see the pictures _________ (clear). clearly 三、单项选择。 11. [2018· 武汉]—Do you know where the last two pictures went? — A millionaire (百万富翁) bought ______of them. He thought they were worth . A. either B. each C. none D. both 【点拨】句意:——你知道最后两幅画去哪儿了吗?——一个百万 富翁买了这两幅画。他认为它们很值得。both意为“两者都”, 符合句意。either意为“两者中的任一个”;each意为“每个”; none意为“一个也没有”,均与句意不符。故选D。 √ 12. [2018·黔东南] He has few friends in his new school, ______? A. hasn’t he B. does he C. is he D. doesn’t he √ 13. —What do you think of Tina? —Oh, she is ______ . She always takes an active part in all kinds of school activities. A. outgoing B. heavy C. quiet D. tall√ 14. [中考·新疆] He is a little ______ than you, but he is as _______as you. A. thin; stronger B. thinner; stronger C. thinner; strong D. thin; strong√ 15. [2018·安徽]Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, _______he is only four years old. A. if B. though C. for D. since 【点拨】句意为:小杰克已经自学去做许多事情,尽管 他只有4岁。though意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句, 符合题意。故选B。 √ 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 上周末他们高兴地参观了科学博物馆。 Last weekend they _________ ______________ ____________ ____________the science museum. had fun / enjoyed themselves visiting 17. 对于我们来说,最重要的事情是好好学习。 For us, the most important thing is ______ ________ ________. to study well 18. 那个留着短头发的女孩是我的一位加拿大的新朋友。 The girl ________ ________ ___________is my new friend from Canada. with short hair 19. 我们从格林夫人的这节课中学到了新的东西。 We learned ____________ _______ from Mrs Green’s lesson. something new 20. 妈妈每天比我们起得早。 Mom _________ ________ __________than us every day. gets up earlier 五、补全对话,有两项 多余。 A: Hi, Joe. _______ 21 B: Hi, Linda. I’m writing an ad ( 广告) to find a roommate ( 室友). A. My roommate is as friendly as me. B. He played music loudly every night. C. Where are you from? D. Having a good roommate is important. E. So he was also much lazier. F. He washed his clothes twice a week. G. What are you doing? G A:________ 22 B: I agree with you. How is your roommate? A. My roommate is as friendly as me. B. He played music loudly every night. C. Where are you from? D. Having a good roommate is important. E. So he was also much lazier. F. He washed his clothes twice a week. G. What are you doing? D A: _____23 And she’s tidier than me. B: Wow, that’s great. I had a bad roommate a few years ago. He was noisier than anyone else I knew. A. My roommate is as friendly as me. B. He played music loudly every night. C. Where are you from? D. Having a good roommate is important. E. So he was also much lazier. F. He washed his clothes twice a week. G. What are you doing? A A: Why? B: _____24 And he hardly ever did the dishes. A. My roommate is as friendly as me. B. He played music loudly every night. C. Where are you from? D. Having a good roommate is important. E. So he was also much lazier. F. He washed his clothes twice a week. G. What are you doing? B A: ______25 B: Yes. I asked him to move out after two months. A: Hope you’ll find a good roommate soon. B: Thank you. A. My roommate is as friendly as me. B. He played music loudly every night. C. Where are you from? D. Having a good roommate is important. E. So he was also much lazier. F. He washed his clothes twice a week. G. What are you doing? E

