八年级上英语课件《How often do you exercise》 (2)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《How often do you exercise》 (2)_人教新课标

Unit 2 How often do you exercise? What do you usually do on weekends? What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. do my homework does she does her She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. watch TV does he He watches What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. read books read books: 读书 = do some reading does she reads She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. go shopping go shopping: 购物 = do some shopping = shop does she goes She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. skateboard skateboard: v. 踩滑板;做滑板运动 = go skateboarding: 踩滑板;做滑板运动 does he skateboards He What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. surf the Internet surf: v. 冲浪 Internet: 因特网 surf the Internet: 上网 does she surfs She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. exercise exercise: v. 做运动 does she exercises She 更多新版课件请加 Q2606367404 1a. Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend activities. 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ help with housework read exercise watch TV go shopping 1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below. always(100%) ______________ usually ______________ often ______________ sometimes ______________ hardly ever ______________ never(0%) ______________ exercise, read help with homework watch TV go shopping watch TV go shopping always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 从不, 从未 很少, 几乎不 有时 经常, 常常 通常, 一般 总是 0% 1c Talk about the people in the picture above. What do they do on weekends? A: What does he do on weekends? B: He usually watches TV. A: Does he go shopping? B: No, he never goes shopping. 2a Listen and Number the activities you hear. Activities a. go to the movies b. 1 watch TV c. shop d. exercise e. red2 3 4 5 How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month twice a month 2c How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations. Activities How often watch TV every day use the internet read English books go to the movies exercise 对频率提问 How often …? 回答 次数+范围 once/ twice/ three times a week a week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. How often____________do you do your homework? I do my homework …every day. how often: 多久一次 对频率提问 a week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. How often_____________do you go to the movies? I go to the movies …once a week. once: adv. 一次 once a week: 一周一次 a week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. How often do you go skateboarding? I go skateboarding …twice a week. twice: adv. 两次 twice a week: 一周两次 A week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. How often do you exercise? I exercise…three times a week. time: n. 次数(可数) three times a week: 一周三次 a month September How often_____________ do you surf the Internet? I surf the Internet… four times a month. 2d Role-play the conversation. Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? Claire: Hmm…next week is quite full for me, Jack. Jack: Really? How come? Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. Jack: what kind of dance are you learning? Claire: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons? Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Jack: Well, how about Tuesday? Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Jack: Sure! 1. Exercise exercise v. 锻炼; exercise n. [U]运动; [C]练习 如: Let’s do our exercises. 让我们做练习吧。 Walking is a good exercise. 散步是很好的运动。 Language points 2. three times a week time 次数 time and time again 千万次的 three or four times a week 一周三四次 表示一周/月/年多少次, 可以用 ... times a week / month / year, 注意有两个词有单独的表示法, “一次”用“once”, “两次”用“twice”。 sometimes与几个形似的词的区别 a. sometime是副词, “在某个时候”, “某时” Will you come again sometime next week? She was there sometime last year. b. some time是名词词组, 意为“一段时间”, 做时间状语用。 I will stay here for some time. He worked on the trouble for some time. c. some times是名词词组, 意为“几次, 几倍”。 I met him some times in the street last month. The factory is some times larger than that one. 3.How come ? 为什么呢? 这是英语中的一个口语,相当于汉语的 “为什么”、“怎么会”等,既可以独立使用, 也可在后接句子,来询问事情的缘由或状况。 例如: How come the sky is blue today? 今天天怎么会这么蓝? A: I didn’t even eat lunch today. 我今天甚至没吃午饭。 B: Really? How come? 是吗?怎么会呢? 练习:补全单词 1. --What do you usually do on w_________? --I often watch TV. 2. --How often does she shop? --O_____ or t_____ a week. 3. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he e_________ every day. 4. Animal World is my favorite TV p___________. eekends nce wice xercises rogrammes 5. The weather here is so cold, I can h______ stand it. 6. These two pictures have no __________(区别). 7. ________ (虽然) Mr. White is very old, he goes to work every day. 8. Do you have a ________(健康) lifestyle? differences healthy Although ardly Homework Keep a weekend diary showing what you do on weekend. You can write down what they do from the time you get up until you go to bed.

