- 2021-05-06 发布 |
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高考英语词汇 默写
Unit1 a------achieve a(n) abandon ability able abnormal aboard abolish abortion about above abroad abrupt absence absent absent-minded absolute absolutely absorb abostract absurd abundant abuse academic academy accelerate accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accident accidentally accommodation accompany account accountant accumulate accuracy accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve Unit2 achievement-------affair achievement acid acknowledge acquaintance acquire acquisition acre across act action active activity actor actress actual actually acute ad AD adapt adaptation add addict addicted addiction addition address adequate adjust adjustment administration admirable admire admission admit adolescence adolescent adopt adore adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice advise advocate aeroplane affair Unit3 affect------analyse affect affection afford affordably afraid Africa African after afternoon afterward(s) again against age aged agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural agriculture ah ahead aid AIDS aim air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alarm album alcohol alcoholic algebra alien alike alive all allergic alley allocate allow allowance almost alone along alongside aloud alphabet already also although altitude altogether aluminum always A.M./a.m. amateur amaze amazed amazing ambassador ambassadress ambiguous ambition ambulance America among amount ample amuse amusement analyse/analyze Unit4 analysis------appreciation analysis ancestor anchor ancient and anecdote angel anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce annoy annoyed annual anonymous another answer ant Antarctic Antarctica antique anxiety anxious any anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite applaud applause apple applicant application apply appoint appointment appreciate appreciation Unit5 approach------athlete approach appropriate approval approve approximately apron arbitrary arch architect architecture Arctic area argue argument arise arithmetic arm armchair army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artificial artist as ash ashamed Asia Asian aside ask asleep aspect assemble assess assessment assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure astonish astronaut astronomer astronomy at athlete Unit6 athletic------basin athletic Atlantic atmosphere atom attach attack attempt attempted attend attention attitude attract attraction attractive attribute audience audio aunt authentic author authority automatic automobile autonomous autonomy autumn available avenue average avoid await awake award aware away awesome awful awkward baby bachelor back background backpack backward backwards bacon bacterium bad badly badminton bag baggage bake bakery balance balcony ball ballet balloon bamboo ban banana band bandage bang bank bankrupt banquet bar barbecue barber barbershop bare barely bargain bark barrier base baseball basement basic basically basin Unit7 basis------bottle basis basket basketball bat bath bathe bathroom bathtub battery battle bay BC/B.C. be beach bean bean curd bear beard beast beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedding bedroom bee beef beer before befriend beg beggar begin beginner beginning behalf behave behavio(u)r behind being belief believe bell belly belong belongings below belt bench bend beneath beneficial benefit bent beside besides best best-seller bet betray better between beyond Bible bicycle bid big bike bill billboard bin bind bingo biochemistry biography biology bird birth birthday birthplace biscuit bishop bit bite bitter black blackboard blame blank blanket bleed blend bless blind block blog blond blonde blood bloom blouse blow blue blues board boast boat body boil bold bomb bond bone bonus book bookcase booklet bookseller bookshelf bookshop boom boost boot booth border bore bored boring born borrow boss botanical botany both bother bottle Unit 8 bottom--------capsule bottom bounce bound boundary bow bowl bowing box boxing boy boycott brain brake branch brand brand-new brave bravery bread break breakfast breakthrough breast breath breathe breathless breed breeze brewery brick bride bridegroom bridge brief bright brilliant bring broad broadcast brochure broken bronze broom brother brown brunch brush bucket Buddhism budget buffet bug build building bulb bull bullet bump bunch bungalow burden bureaucratic burglar burn burst bury bus bush business businessman businesswoman busy but butcher butter butterfly button buy buzz by cab cabbage cafe cafeteria cage cake calculate calendar calf call calm calorie camel camera camp campaign campus can(1) can(2) canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy canteen cap capable capacity capital capsule Unit9 captain------chicken captain caption capture car carbon card care career careful careless carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartoon carve case cash cassette cast castle casual cat catalog catastrophe catch category cater Catholic cause caution cautious cave CD ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell cement cent centigrade centimetre/centimeter central centre/center century ceremony certain certificate chain chair chairman chairwoman chalk challenge challenging champion chance change changeable channel chant chaos chapter character characteristic charge charity charm chart chase chat cheap cheat check check-in checkout cheek cheer cheerful cheers cheese chef chemical chemist chemistry cheque chess chest chew chick chicken Unit10 chief------communicate chief child childhood chimney china chocolate choice choir choke choose chop chopstick chorus Christian Christmas church cigar cigarette cinema circle circuit circulate circumstance circus citizen city civil civilian civilization/civilisation claim clap clarify class classic classical classification classify classmate classroom clause claw clay clean clean-up cleaner clear clerk clever click client climate climb clinic clip clock clone close closed closely cloth clothes clothing cloud cloudy club clue clumsy coach coal coast coat cocoa code coffee coin coincidence coke cold collapse collar colleague collect collection collective college collide collision colo(u)r colo(u)rful colo(u)ring column comb combat combine come comedy comfort comfortable coming command comment commerce commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate Unit11 communication------connection communication communism communist community compact companion company comparable comparative compare compass compassion compensate compete competence competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete complex complicate complicated compliment component compose composition comprehension compromise compulsory compute computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concerning concert conclude conclusion concrete condemn condition conduct conductor conference confidence confident confidential confirm conflict confuse confused confusing confusion congratulate congratulation connect connection Unit12 conscience------corrupt conscience conscious consciousness consensus consequence conservation conservative consider considerable considerate consideration consist consistent constant constitution construct construction consult consultant consume consumer contact contain container contemporary content contest context continent continue continuous contract contradict contradictory contrary contrast contribute contribution control controversial convenience convenient conventional conversation convey convince convinced cook cooker cookery cookie cooking cool cooperate cope copy copyright corn corner corporation correct correction correspond correspondence corridor corrupt Unit13 cost------declare cost cosy cottage cotton cough could council count counter country countryside county couple courage course court courtyard cousin cover cow cowboy crack craft crash crayon crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal criminal crisis crisp criterion critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crossing crossroads crowd crowded cruel cry cube cubic cuisine cultivate cultural culture cup cupboard cure curiosity curious currency current curriculum curse curtain cushion custom customer customs cut cute cybercrime cycle cyclist dad daily dam damage damn damp dance danger dare dark darkness darling dash data database date daughter dawn day daylight daytime dead deadline deadly deaf deal dear death debate debt decade decide decision declare Unit14 decline------detective decline decorate decoration decrease deed deep deeply deer defeat defence defend define definite definition degree delay delete deliberate deliberately delicate delight delighted delightful deliver delivery demand demanding demonstrate dentist deny depart department departure depend dependent deposit depress depression depth describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk despair desperate despite dessert destination destroy destruction detail detect detective Unit 15 determine------distinction determine determined develop development device devote devoted devotion diagram dial dialect dialogue/dialog diamond diary dictation dictionary die diet differ difference different difficult difficulty dig digest digital dignity dilemma diligence diligent dim dimension dine dinner dinosaur dioxide dip diploma diplomacy direct direction directly director directory dirt dirty disability disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointed disappointment disaster discharge discipline discount discourage discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease disgusting dish disk dislike dismiss disorder display dissolve distance distant distinction Unit 16 distinguish------emperor distinguish distribute district disturb disturbing dive diverse divide division divorce dizzy do doctor document dog doll dollar domestic donate donation donkey door doorway dormitory dot double doubt down download downstairs downtown dozen Dr draft drag drama dramatic draw drawback drawer drawing dream dress drill drink drive driver drop drown drug drum dry duck due dull dumb dump dumpling during duration during dusk dust dustbin dusty duty DVD dye dying dynamic dynasty each eager eagle ear earn earnest earth earthquake ease easily east Easter eastern easy easy-going eat echo ecology economic economical economy ecosystem edge edit edition editor educate education educator effect effective efficiency efficient effort egg eggplant either elder elderly elect electric electrical electronic elegant element elephant elevator else elsewhere e-mail embarrass embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment embassy emergency emotion emotional emperor Unit17 employ-----expectation employ employee employer employment empty enable enclose encourage encouragement end endanger endangered ending endless enemy energetic energy engage enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enlarge enormous enough enquiry/inquiry enrich ensure enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthusiastic entire entirely entitle entrance entry envelope environment envy equal equality equally equator equip equipment era eraser error erupt escape especially essay essential establish establishment estimate ethnic Europe European evaluate eve even evening event eventual eventually ever every everybody everyday everything everywhere evidence evident evil evolution exact examination examine example excellent except exchange excite excitement exciting excuse executive exercise exhausting exhibit exhibition exist existence exit expand expect expectation Unit18 expense-----firework expense expensive experience experienced experiment expert expert explain explanation explicit explode explore explosion export expose express expression extend extension extent extra extraordinary extreme eye eyebrow eyesight face facial facility fact factor factory fade fail failure faint fair fairly fairy faith fake fall false fame familiar family famine famous fan fancy fantastic fantasy far fare farewell farm farmer farming farther farthest fascinate fascinating fashion fashionable fast fasten fat fate father fault favo(u)r favo(u)rite fax fear feast feather feature federal federation fee feed feedback feel feeling fellow female fence ferry fertile festival fetch fever few fibre/fiber fiction field fierce fight figure file fill film final finance financial find finding fine finger fingernail finish firefighter firework Unit19 firm-----gain firm first fish fisherman fishing fit fix fixed flag flame flash flashlight flat flavo(u)r flee flesh flexible flight float flood floor flour flow flower flu fluency fluent fly focus fog foggy fold folk follow following fond food fool foolish foolishly foot football footstep for forbid force forecast forehead foreign foreigner foresee forest forever forget forgetful forgive fork form formal format formation former formula forth fortnight fortunate fortunately fortune forward fossil foster found foundation fountain fox fragile fragrant frame framework franc free freedom freely freeway freeze freezing frequent frequently fresh friction fridge friend friendly friendship frighten frightened frightening frog from front frontier frost fruit fry fuel fulfill full fully fun function fund fundamental funeral funny fur furnished furniture further furthermore furthest future gain Unit 20 gallery-----guest gallery gallon game gang gap garage garbage garden garlic garment gas gate gather gay gene general generally generation generous genetic genius gentle gentleman geography geometry gesture get get-together ghost giant gift gifted giraffe girl give given glacier glad glance glare glass global globe glorious glory glove glow glue go goal goat god gold golden golf good goodbye goodness goods goose gossip govern government grace graceful grade gradual gradually graduate graduation grain gram grammar grand grandchild granddaughter grandma grandpa grandparent grandson granny grant grape graph grasp grass grassland grateful grave gravity great greatly greedy green greengrocer greenhouse greet greeting grey/gray grief grill grocer grocery ground group grow growth guarantee guard guess guest Unit 21 guidance------imagine guidance guide guilty guitar gun guy gym gymnastics ha habit habitat hair haircut half halfway hall ham hamburger hammer hand handbag handful handkerchief handle handshake handsome handwriting handy hang happen happening happiness happy harbo(u)r hard hardly hardship hardware hardworking harm harmful harmony harvest hat hatch hate hatred have he head headline headmaster headmistress headquarters headteacher heal health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello helmet help helpful helpless hen her herb here heritage hero heroine hers herself hesitate hesitation hi hibernate hibernation hide hide-and-seek high highlight highly high-rise highway hill hillside hilly him himself hint hire his historic historical history hit hobby hold hole holiday holy home homeland homeless hometown homework honest honestly honey hono(u)r hono(u)rable hook hope hopeful hopefully hopeless horizon horn horrible horror horse hospitable hospital hospitality host hostess hot hotdog hotel hour house household housewife housework housing how however howl hug huge human human being humanity humo(u)r humorous hunger hungry hut hunter hurrah hurricane hurry hurt husband hut hydrogen ice ice-cream idea ideal identification identify identity idiom if ignorance ignorant ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine Unit22 immediately------institute immediately immigrant immigrate immigration impact imply import importance important impossible impress impression impressive improve in inch incident include including income increase increasingly incredible indeed independence independent indicate individual indoor indoors industrial industry infect infer inflation influence inform information informed initial inject injure injury ink inn inner innocent insect insert inside insist inspect inspire install instance instant instead institute Unit23 institution------knowledge institution instruct instruction instrument insult insurance insure intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intention interact interest interested interesting interfere internal international Internet interpret interpreter interrupt interval interview into introduce invade invasion invent invention invest investigate invisible invitation invite involve iron irrigation island issue item its itself jacket jam jar jaw jazz jealous jeans jeep jet jewel jewle(le)ry job jog join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judg(e)ment juice jump junction jungle junior just justice justify kangaroo keen keep kettle key keyboard kick kid kill kilo kilogram(me) kilometre kind kindergarten kindness king kingdom kiss kitchen kite knee knife knock know knowledge查看更多