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江苏省泗洪中学2016届高三英语一轮复习语言清单 主备人:韩成明 投放时间: 班级________ 姓名________‎ 课题: Module3 Unit 3 Back to the past 课型:复习课 课时数:2‎ 课前预习热身 Ⅰ.查找下列单词或短语在课本中的位置,理解并熟记。‎ splendid(p41) entry(p42) beneath(p42) erupt(p42) turn out(p43) ‎ true-to-life(p43) A saying goes that(p45) extraordinary(p46) sweat(p48)‎ in good condition(p51) listen for(p52) all through time(p58) play key roles in(p59)‎ Ⅱ.重要短语 ‎1. go on a cultural tour 进行文化之旅 2. win a place 赢得一席之地 ‎3. be known as 被称作…;以…著称 4. attend a lecture 听演讲 ‎5. take over 占据;接任(职位) 6. pour out of 从…涌出 ‎7. be buried alive 被活埋 8. cause much damage 造成很大损失 ‎9. be decorated with 用…装饰 10. break down 损坏;(健康)垮掉,崩溃 ‎11. be put under government protection 使…处于政府保护之下 12. no doubt无疑,确定 ‎13. a stopping point on the Silk Road 丝绸之路上的停靠站 14. rise up against 起义反抗 ‎15. stand in one's path 挡住某人的道 16. come down with患(病) 17. ahead of 在…的前面 18. be thought of as 被认为是 19. aside from 除了…之外 20. have enough of 受够了…… 21. take sb. to court 把某人告到法庭 22. put sb. to death 把某人处死 Ⅲ.句式赏析 ‎1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip. 2. Many people were buried alive , and so was the city. 3. It is believed to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD200 to AD400.‎ ‎4. The desert was a green land with huge trees, but they were cut down and that resulted in the city being buried by sand--- What a pity.‎ ‎5. Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went.‎ 语言点清单 ‎1. found vt.创建 a story founded on/upon fact 以事实为根据的故事 foundation n.‎ ‎2. take的相关短语 take over夺取;接管 take on雇用;呈现;承担 take apart拆卸, 拆开take charge of负责 take after  (在外貌等方面)与(父、母等)相像 take back  收回(说错的话);使回忆起 take in  接受,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺骗 take for 把...误认为 take down  拆,拆卸;记下,写下 take off  脱下;起飞;匆匆离开;事业腾飞 ‎3. erupt vi.(火山等)爆发 explode, burst, bomb, blast, blow up有“爆炸”之意 A volcano, about 200km west of Tokyo, erupted at about noon on September 27.‎ Deadly car bombs exploded in northern Syria but there has been no immediate responsibility claim for it.‎ ‎4. pour vt.倒出(液体);倾诉 flow, run, stream, pour这些动词均有“流动,涌出”之意 It never rains but it pours.不雨则已, 一雨倾盆;祸不单行。 pour down倾泻 pour in/into(使)川流不息地涌入 pour out大量涌出, (从壶、罐等)倒出(饮料),倾诉 ‎5. flee (fled fled) fleeing flee for one's life逃命 flee (from) ...(从……)逃跑 flee to/into ... 逃到…… flee to safety 逃到安全的地方 备 注 ‎(教师复备栏及学生笔记)‎ ‎6. true-to-life逼真的 real-life实在的 life-size adj.(艺术作品)与真人/实物一样大的 know-how诀窍,专门知识 air-to-air 空对空 air-to-ground 空对地 back-to-back 背靠背 ‎7. ruin n.(pl.)废墟,遗迹;[U]毁坏,毁灭,崩溃 vt.破坏;毁灭;使破产 come/go to ruin 毁灭,灭亡;落空 fall into ruin灭亡,荒废 in ruins 成为废墟 bring ...to ruin使毁灭,使落空 ruin one's hope(s)使某人的希望破灭 ‎8. remain vi.& link-v.留下;仍然是 的用法归纳如下:‎ ‎1) remain+形容词/名词/分词/介词短语 2)remain to be done 有待于被做 ‎3)remaining adj. 剩余的 the money left/the remaining money剩下的钱。‎ ‎4)remains遗迹 ruins废墟 pains操劳 ashes灰烬 sufferings苦难 fires火灾 floods洪灾 He remains single/unmarried/living singly/a bachelor. 他仍然单身。‎ ‎9.complain vi. 抱怨 complaint n. 抱怨;投诉 make a complaint against/about对……投诉 complain (to sb.) about/of sth./that ...向某人抱怨… complain of sth. 诉说(病痛等) ... ‎ ‎10.expression 表达 expansion扩大 expectation期望 exploration探索 explosion爆炸 explanation解释 ‎11. powerful强有力的 energetic有精力的 capable有能力的 attractive有吸引力的 ‎12.declare vt.宣布,宣称 declaration n. 宣言,宣告 declare sb./sth.(to be) ... 宣布某人/某物…… declare oneself显露身份;抒发己见 declare for/against ... 公开表示支持/反对…… declare war on/against 对……宣战 The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire. 政府准备宣布永久性停火。‎ ‎13.in memory of 纪念 in honour of为了向…表示敬意 in praise of赞扬 in charge of负责 in defence of 保卫 in need of 需要 in terms of 就……来说 in support of 支持 in view of 鉴于 in spite of 尽管 in search of 寻找 in possession of 拥有 in favour of 赞成 in/on behalf of 代表 in consequence of 由于 ‎14. aware adj.知道的,意识到的 unaware adj.无意识的,不知道的 be aware/conscious of知道/感觉到 be aware that ... 知道……;意识到 make sb. aware of 使某人意识到 so/as far as I am aware 就我所知 awareness n. 认识,意识 raise one’s awareness of 提高某人…的意识 ‎15.judge n.法官;裁判员 v. 审判,评判;断定 judge ...from/by ...根据……来判断…… judge sb./sth.to be ... 判断某人/事……‎ judging by/from ...根据……来判断…… so/as far as I can judge 依我判断 Judging from his clothes, I judge that he is a judge.从他的服装判断,我断定他是个法官。‎ ‎16. poison n.毒药 poisonous adj.有毒的 ‎ One man's meat is another man's poison.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。‎ ‎17.basic ,base ,basis的区别 basic adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的;最简单的,最初级的;basic salary/pay:基本工薪/底薪 base n. 底座,基础;总部(公司的);(军事的)基地vt. 以...为基地 based on sth.根据某事 basis: n. 基础,根据,基本原理(basic的名词形式)on the basis of ..在什么的基础上 ‎18. preserve、conserve 、reserve 这三个动词都含“保存”、“保留”的意思。‎ preserve主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存,使不受破坏,能长久保存下去。‎ The ancient Egyptians knew of means to preserve dead bodies from decay.     ‎ conserve 指对有价值的东西珍惜、合理使用,常用于保护资源和野生动物或节约使用资源 Effective measures must be taken to conserve these endangered species of wild animals.  ‎ reserve指事先预留下来以备后用。也可用于“预订”房间、票、座位等。‎ Don’t take the seats in the first three rows, which are reserved for guests.‎

